Puppet show for the New Year script. New Year's puppet shows

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average educational school No. 2"

Volgorechensk, Kostroma region

Interactive script for a puppet show for the New Year

The script was:

Nizova Svetlana Alexandrovna

First category teacher


Target: - creating an atmosphere of a New Year's holiday for each guest of the event.

Tasks: - creating conditions for disclosure creativity each participant

Upbringing communication skills, a sense of cohesion, a sense of community and team.

Attributes: computer, projector, phonograms, costume for Masha, screen decorated as fairy forest, dolls.


Masha is a girl

Mishutka - doll

Bunny doll

Snowman - doll

Santa Claus - doll

Progress of the performance

A puppet Santa Claus appears to the music.

D/M – Hello kids, girls and boys!

Glad to meet you again, treat you, greet you!

I go from afar and bring gifts to everyone:

A book for Misha, a doll for Lyuda, and a pencil case for Yegorushka,

So that he listens to adults and doesn’t chat idlely!

Oh, where are the gifts? It got really hot!

Where did I put them? Where did you leave it, did you miss it?... (goes off to look for them)

The Fox and the Wolf appear. They are carrying a bag of gifts.

Fox - Well, we stole these gifts.

And what are we going to do with them? After all, neither you nor I eat sweets!

Wolf - We'll come up with something…

Fox “I know, we’ll hide them in the forest so that no one will find them.” And then, when D/M is unable to treat the children with anything, we will take out these gifts and treat them ourselves. And the children will love us for this and wait for us to visit like D/M, I understand!

Wolf – I told you that we’ll come up with something... (they leave)

The girl Masha (human) comes out to the screen and decorates the Christmas tree. And the Mishutka and Bunny dolls help her and give her toys.

Masha - New Year is coming soon! D/M will come and bring gifts! Let's decorate the Christmas tree quickly. Bunny, give me that toy over there. Mishutka, bring me another one. Misha! What are you thinking?

Mishutka “I think that on New Year’s Day the good D/M will bring gifts to all the children, but no one will give him anything.”

Masha - But you’re right! Let's think together about what to give him!?

Bunny - Let's give him something sweet!

Mishutka - Well?... I figured it out, I figured it out!

Bunny - And I came up with... Let's give him carrots - it's the most delicious thing in the world!

Mishutka - No, the most delicious thing is honey! Let's give him honey! (arguing...)

Masha – Don't argue. Okay, give him carrots and honey! Run for gifts and let's hide them under the tree! And I will also go and bring my gift for D/M.

Having taken the gifts, Bunny and Mishutka meet on the road.

Bunny - Agree, Mishutka, that carrots are the most sweet gift. Try it!(starts to eat)

Mishutka – It's you, Bunny, try which one delicious gift honey! (starts to eat, argue and eat)

Bunny - Well, let me try honey, and you try carrots. Let's see which tastes better.

Mishutka - Oh, there’s nothing left of the carrots!

Bunny “And there’s not a drop of honey in the pot!” How could we!? What should I give to D/M now?

Masha comes out to the screen

Masha - Well, my gift is ready! Where are your treats?

And we ate them... We don’t know how...

Masha - What to do? Maybe the guys will help, tell us what we can give to D/M? (children - spectators try to suggest)

Masha - Song, dance... Have you learned them? (Masha and the dolls listen to the children’s songs, watch the dance if they are ready).

Santa Claus appears.

D/M - Guys, I’m coming to you for help! Someone made a joke on me and stole my gifts.

Help, find gifts! And then the people will greet the New Year joyfully.

M. and Z. “We’ll go look for gifts for you, and you stay and entertain the guys.” (leave)

Bunny - Look, Mishutka, like fox and wolf tracks.

Mishutka “It was as if they were dragging something big!” Or maybe these were just gifts from the guys? Need to check…

Bunny - Look, Mishutka, here comes the Snowman.

Mishutka – He will help us find the hooligans.

Snowman - Hello, who are you?

M. and Z. - ...

Snowman - And I thought that one of you was the Sun! Thank goodness for the frost, otherwise I’m very afraid of it. Imagine, all the forest people are waiting for him, and I’m afraid... I’m afraid that I’ll melt...

Bunny - No, Snowman, we won’t let you melt.

Mishutka – We'll take you to D/M. It's always fun and frosty. But we just need to find the fox and the wolf...

Snowman - And these are those whom I also mistook for the Sun. So they went there, let’s go, I’ll accompany you! (they leave and catch up with the Fox and the Wolf)

Bunny - Look, Mishutka, here they are, digging something under a bush.

Mishutka – And now they’re burying them... Now I’ll scare them away. U-gu-gu-gu! (hiding)

Fox - Look how the wind howls, it’s almost shaking!

Wolf - Nothing, something will happen.

Fox - Well, it’s time for us to look for D/M and expect gifts from him...

Wolf - Nothing, we'll wait for something.

Bunny and Mishutka come out of hiding.

M. and Z.- Yeah, we gotcha... So we've exposed you. You stole gifts and wanted to get new ones!

Fox - What are you saying, it’s not me, it’s all him - the gray tail. He is itching for everything, he needs everything!

Wolf - I told you, we waited, now at least howl!

Fox - forgive him, please, he won't do this again!

Mishutka – Okay, but you yourself will take the gifts to D/M now.

Fox - Of course of course. Gray will bring the gifts right away. (leave...)

Masha - And here are our friends, not empty ones, but with gifts! D/M don’t yawn, give gifts to the guys!

Snowman - And take me Frost. Identify your assistants. I will, I will help, protect you and your gifts!

D/M - Of course, of course, I need faithful friends! Where did you find my gifts? Well, thank you, friends, I will not remain in your debt! Of course, I will reward everyone and say the following words:

A dense forest, a blizzard field,

January is already upon us!

So let's say it together:

Hello, hello New Year!

Children repeat the words and gifts are given to them.




Magic holiday Our beloved New Year is coming!

The Christmas tree has come to visit us all so elegant and bright!

Let's guys look at the toys -

They hang everywhere right up to the top of your head!

And under the shiny Christmas tree the snow lies like real snow!

I’ll go up to the Christmas tree and find the bell.


Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong! It has a magical ringing sound.

Ring the bell and invite guests to us!



Hello my friends! I'm glad to see you all!

I came to you from winter's tale, I'm all made of snow and silver.

My friends are blizzard and frost, I love them, good to everyone!

I know a lot of songs, I love the cheerful laughter of children,

And on the New Year's holiday the ringing

I congratulate everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

HOST: Hello, Snow Maiden, we are glad,

Why did you come to visit us,

Children on New Year's holiday

Brought laughter and joy!

Look at our TREE - a prickly needle!

Our TREE is fluffy, slender, and green.

Is it just that it doesn’t light up with lights?

Snow Maiden, help us, light the lights on the TREE!

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, of course I’ll help, I’ll light the lights on the TREE!

Santa Claus gave me a magic handkerchief.

And this is what he told me in confidence:

Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave your handkerchief,

And whatever you want, you can bring it to life!

I will stand under the tree with you, the tree will burst into flames.

I wave my handkerchief: One! Two! Three!

Our Christmas tree is on fire! (does not burn).

Guys help me: One! Two! Three! Our Christmas tree is on fire!

Our Christmas tree good we clap our hands (clap)

A As soon as the heels stamp, the lights go out instantly! (goes out) Clap, clap, say: our TREE, burn! (light up)

The Christmas tree is glowing, sparkles, let's kids have fun!

We will slowly walk around the decorated Christmas tree.

Oh yes, a guest! Oh, yes, a Christmas tree! How good it is!

We'll go around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the Christmas tree!




Winter goes around the entire planet and the FAIRY TALE wanders around the world with it,

On New Year's Eve she comes to the house, and we are waiting for her at the TREE!

She is on her way now and will soon knock on the door.

I will wave my handkerchief again and invite the children to a FAIRY TALE!


HOST:In a forest clearing covered with snow,

A fluffy green Christmas tree has grown.

Look, here she is, standing here in the forest alone.



I want to tell you, it’s boring for the Christmas tree to stand.
All her friends are in Christmas tree toys,

And our TREE is sad, it is not decorated...

Someone's little legs are running quickly along the path.

Well, he himself is prickly from head to toe.

You guessed who it is, well, of course, HEDGEHOG!


Hello, YOLKA, look: I’m prickly, just like you.
And my needles are indistinguishable from a Christmas tree!

The holiday is coming soon - New Year, children will dance in a round dance!

But they didn’t decorate the Christmas tree, apparently they forgot about it!

How can that be, what a shame!
We need to come up with something!

(YOLKA): I saved this little mushroom for you.

Let it hang on the Christmas tree and make everyone happy!

(Hangs a fungus on the TREE)

Let's decorate the TREE and celebrate the New Year!

I'll invite my friends, it will be more fun together!


Beautiful Christmas tree, don’t be sad, don’t,

Dress up in new outfits for the holiday!


There is snow on the paths, soft, white, like fluff!

We will take the snowball in our hands and work a little:

One hand, two hands, we'll make a Snowman!

Roll two large balls, with a small lump on top -

The result is a Snowman, Sne-go-vi-chok!



So the Snowman came out, he is neither small nor big!

We sculpted him cleverly, with a carrot instead of a nose.

And the hat is not simple - it’s all covered in snowflakes, icy.

Just why is he silent, not saying anything?


Our snowman is silent because he is fast asleep.

I'll wave my magic handkerchief,

I'll wake up the snowman! (waves)

Snowman! Wake up quickly and smile at the guys!



Our snowman woke up and stretched very sweetly.

Their beady eyes are shining and they are looking at the guys.

SNOWMAN: I don't want to sleep anymore

I will dance with you!!!


The music is playing loudly and everyone is invited to dance!



Wow! How many children, and girls, and boys!

And how smart you are, all rosy and ok!

Why did they dress up like that and why did they come here?


Everyone is singing and having fun, doing a noisy round dance,

After all, today is our holiday!

SNOWMAN: What kind of holiday?


SNOWMAN: What is New Year?

HOST: It's the other way around:

The Christmas trees grow in the room, the squirrels don’t gnaw the cones,

Hares next to a wolf on a prickly tree.

In the New Year - cheerful laughter - so much joy for everyone.

And on the elegant Christmas tree there are multi-colored garlands.


And our TREE is sad, not dressed up!

Although I am small in stature, I am also remote.
I’ll rise up on my tiptoes and reach the top of my head.
And I’ll hang a snowflake there, a snow-white fluff.

You, snowflake, spin around, spin around,

Show yourself to all the kids, show yourself!


(hangs a snowflake on the Christmas tree.)

HOST: YOLKA is happy to receive a gift!

Oh, someone is rushing towards us, guys!

Look who's coming with us to celebrate the New Year!

Which of all the animals has the fluffiest and longest tail?



I am the beautiful Fox, sister to the gray wolf.
Everyone will see my fluffy red tail right away,

Well, the cunning fox nose never failed.

And I made my way here to your tree without difficulty.

I am a fox, I am a fox, I am beautiful to the whole world,
Red nose, red tail.
I came to you across the bridge,
I carry balls in my paws, for beauty for our TREE!


Thank you too, Foxy, our red-haired sister!

They sparkle and shine so much, the Christmas tree will be decorated!

I will hang them on our Christmas tree on needles.

The Christmas tree will be beautiful, the Christmas tree will be happy.

(hangs balls on the tree)


I’m also waiting for the bunnies to dance in a round dance on New Year’s Day.

Why don’t bunnies come and bring gifts?

I’ll go around the TREE, maybe I’ll find them there? (RUNS AWAY)



I am a small bunny, a little bigger than a felt boot,
I'm not afraid no one even the wolf himself!

I was in a hurry to see you for the New Year holiday today

I was so afraid that I would meet a FOX in the forest!


We brought a carrot as a gift to the Christmas tree.

Juicy, crispy, real carrots!

Let it hang on the Christmas tree and please the needles!


Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Here's a carrot from the garden!


It was so hard for the two of us to bring it here!


Thank you, BUNNY, my nice guys!

(hang carrots on the tree)


We, the fluffy bunnies, are hurrying to you now,
To decorate the Christmas tree and dance for you.


All I have to do is call, the children will come out to dance!

You guys go out and dance with the bunnies!!!



Your dance is so good, I clap your hands!


Little Fox walks again, throwing a snowball with her tail.



It smells like a hare, just like that , So are there bunnies among you?

But where did they, friends, bunnies hide from me?

I love animals very much, and especially rabbits.

I love them so much...I’ll catch them all now!


Don’t hurt the bunnies, don’t scare them, don’t threaten them,

And for all their sorrows, ask them for forgiveness!


I ask you not to be angry, let's have fun!


Take the rattles apart and start dancing together.


FOX: Your dance managed to make peace between us!

And where there is friendship, there is a game, you want to play! (YES!)



I'll see who's coming with us to celebrate the New Year?!

Who sleeps in a den in winter, club-footed and big?!


HOST: This is MISHA coming, what is he bringing to the TREE?

BEAR: All the bears sleep in winter, but I can’t sleep -
New Year is to blame for this, how not to have fun!
I’ll be dancing here, stepping on everyone’s paws!

I brought pine cones in a basket for the Christmas tree,

I took them out from my winter supplies today.

Happy New Year to all the guys and all the animals!

And accept Mishka’s gift as soon as possible!

(gives the Snow Maiden a basket of pine cones)


Thank you, Mishka, for the basket of pine cones!

I will give the biggest cone to our TREE.

(hangs a pine cone on the TREE)

BEAR: I'm tired of sleeping in the den, I want to walk my legs,

Teddy bear wants to dance, Teddy bear wants to play!


And you guys, go out and dance with Mishutka!



Our Christmas tree is beautiful! She really likes the toys.

This is how the TREE was dressed up, all lit up,

And the toys sparkled on its large branches!


Become the forest people in the New Year's round dance!

This is the kind of Christmas tree we have grown!

Near our Christmas tree we will start dancing.



Santa Claus is still not coming, but New Year is coming soon.

It’s time for him to come, he was delayed on the way.

Where is Santa Claus now?

Has he forgotten about us?

Together, let’s call in unison: “Santa Claus, come to our house!

Santa Claus, come to us and look at the TREE!"



Hello my friends! I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday.

I got lost on the way, I could barely find you!


Hello, Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you,

But we didn’t expect you to be so small!

FATHER FROST: Snow Maiden, wave your handkerchief,

Help me become big! (waves)


FATHER FROST: Hello adults, hello children!

I am Santa Claus the best in the world!

Don't hide your nose from me, I'm good today

Santa Claus is having fun on New Year's holiday.

And it’s not for nothing that the kids call me Grandfather.

I brought you gifts: books and toys.

My beard is gray, and my eyelashes are in the snow,

If I came here, let's have fun.



Oh, and I felt hot, I’m not used to living in the warmth.

If only I could open the window and bring in a little snow.

Help me, friends. Oh, now I'm melting!


There is no time to waste. We need to help Grandfather out!

Snowflakes - fluffs, fly to me quickly,

Around green Christmas tree circle with me!



How cool it became in the hall, you danced beautifully!

I'll blow on you, snowstorms will begin,

Come on, snowflakes, they've all flown! (children run away)


Santa Claus would come up with a game to amuse the kids.

FATHER FROST:(jokingly)

Aren't you afraid of Frost? Beware, beware!


Good Grandfather Frost, you guys are not frosty.

FATHER FROST: 1,2,3,4,5! Come out and play quickly!

We'll warm up a little and clap our hands.


GAME "AND IT'S FROST ON THE STREET": (children 3-5 years old)


And it's freezing outside, so let's all get to work nose!

There's no need for us to beat our heads, let's all get to work ears,

We twisted it, turned it over, and our ears warmed up.

By the knees knocked , head shook,

Over the shoulders clapped and a little drowned.

So we warmed up!


Good Grandfather Frost, what did you bring for the guys?

FATHER FROST: The slides are steep, the sleds are dashing,

Skis and skates, fluffy snowballs!

Dress warmly, go out quickly

Jump and gallop and play in the snow!

Let me look into the bag, what is there? SNOWBALL!


FATHER FROST: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the kids

(sits on a chair, “falls asleep”)


Santa Claus sits, sits, pretending to be asleep.

We'll come quietly Let's call Santa Claus : (suitable)

"Good Grandfather Frost, raise your red nose!"

Santa Claus doesn't hear us - he sleeps without opening his eyes.

We will touch it, stamp our feet.

Santa Claus, wake up quickly, catch up with the kids!


Well, it’s time for me to get ready and hit the road.

It's a pity to part with you...!

SNOW MAIDEN: Santa Claus, where are the gifts?

FATHER FROST:(surprised):

Didn’t I give them as a gift? How did I forget about them?

Where's my bag? (searches)... Can't see it!


What to do? What a shame! We can't live without gifts!

FATHER FROST: Let's look for them, friends!

Get into the sled together, hold on to the ropes,

In the frost, in the snow, they will bring you to the bag.


SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, wait a minute! Look what I found!

I shoveled the snow under the tree, and I found the bag there!


Yes, the bag is truly mine! The knot on it is not easy!

(trying to untie the knot on the bag)

Oh-oh-oh! Woo-hoo! I can’t untie it!

Come on, let’s blow harder (everyone blows on the knot).

Knot, untie quickly! (unties the knot)


We did our best, we got all the gifts!

Hurry to your places, I will distribute gifts to everyone"



It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday!

I wish you a lot of joy and fun, kids.

So that you grow big, so that you don’t have worries.

And Grandfather Frost and I will return to you in a year!


Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle brighter,

Let your songs and laughter ring out without ceasing.

And may this whole year be joyful,

You are all very nice people!

I congratulate you, children, I wish you happiness, joy,

May you grow and become wiser, have fun, sing songs,

May your laughter always ring out! Happy New Year!

Everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

Elena Churilova
Scenario for the puppet show “New Year’s Transformations”

Presenter: Guys, today we have gathered here to remember the past New Year's celebration , remember how we circled around the decorated Christmas tree, how Father Frost and the Snow Maiden came to you, how much fun we had! After all, the New Year is always a fairy tale. And what is a fairy tale without miracles and adventures and magical transformations.

Winter circles the entire planet

And the fairy tale wanders around the world with her.

On New Year's Eve he comes into the house

And we are waiting for her today.

She's on her way now

And soon he will knock on the door.

It's time for a fairy tale

Open your eyes wider.

A miracle awaits everyone today -

A fairy tale is coming to visit us!

Stepashka, Khryusha and Karkusha are playing snowballs. One snowball hits the audience. They look into the hall, see children, greet them.

Stepashka: Oh, excuse us, please!

Piggy: Just think, we got it! Not sugar, they won't crumble!

Stepashka: Let's better play another game.

Karkusha: What will we play?

Piggy: Let's play hide and seek, I'll drive!

Piggy turns away, counts the counting rhyme, peeks, and quickly finds everyone.

The counting begins:

A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, a nightingale.

Well, I'm going to look

Who didn't hide

I am not guilty!

Karkusha: No, Piggy, it’s not fair, you can’t peek! I'd rather drive.

Flies up into a tree. Stepashka and Khryusha are hiding behind the bushes. Karkusha counts and quickly finds everyone.

Piggy: It’s not fair, Karkushenka! You’re sitting right there, you can see everything.

Karkusha: Yes I see!

Stepashka: And what else do you see?

Karkusha: I see a big bag lying under a bush. Maybe it was Santa Claus who lost it?

Piggy: Yes, this is my bag! I entered the school of wizards and now I can do real miracles. And here I have magical things. Here, for example, is a musical scarf.

(takes it out of the bag and shows)

Whoever puts it on will sing and dance!

Karkusha puts on a scarf and begins to sing and dance.


I funny matryoshka, okay, kar-kar-kar.

I have a polka dot scarf, okay, kar-kar-kar.

I sing for you, dance, okay, kar-kar-kar.

You clap your hands, ok, kar-kar-kar.

Takes off his scarf

Oh, what fun things you have! Can I also choose something for you, Piggy?

Takes a beret out of a bag

What a beautiful beret!

Piggy: Whoever puts it on will start reading poetry!

Stepashka: Put it on quickly, Piggy!

Piggy puts on a beret and reads poetry:

Piggy: The round dance began to spin,

The songs flow loudly,

This means New Year,

This means Christmas tree.

It shines in the lights and burns

Every needle

Music sounds in the hall -

This means Christmas tree!

Stepashka: But we don’t have a Christmas tree.

Karkusha: We don’t need her! You can celebrate the New Year without a Christmas tree.

Piggy: Without a Christmas tree, Santa Claus will not come, and there will be no gifts!

Karkusha: Guard! What a nightmare! How about no gifts?

Piggy: I figured it out! The tree needs to be cut down. Now I’m just running to get a hatchet! (runs away)

Karkusha and Stepashka's name is Khryusha, but he doesn't hear.

Stepashka: Why didn’t we stop him? As always in a hurry: will not listen, will not listen to the end.

Together: Piggy!

Karkusha: Guys, let's call Piggy together (name)

Can't he hear you?

Stepashka: Let's go, Karkusha, let's look for him!

Piggy appears with an axe.

Piggy: Here it is my hatchet! Guys, have you seen Karkusha and Stepashka? Where did you go? There? (looks one way) There? (looks at the other) I'll go look for them! (leaves)

On the other side, Stepashka and Karkusha appear. They are looking for Piggy. They ask the guys and leave. Piggy appears from the other side.

Piggy: I never found Karkusha and Stepashka. I wonder where they might be? That is OK! Then I’ll cut down the Christmas tree myself and make a surprise for them! Which one should you cut down? (chooses) Ah, this one is the most beautiful! (swings an ax)

Karkusha and Stepashka appear

Together: Stop, Piggy!

Piggy, Piggy, wait!

Don't cut down the trees in the park!

Stepashka: You, Piggy, will never listen. We decided to decorate a living Christmas tree for everyone in the park.

Karkusha: We’ll hang up the toys, light the lanterns, and invite guests.

Piggy: Where will we get the toys?

Stepashka: Who will help us?

The music of Winter sounds, it gets colder, the animals are trembling from the cold.

Stepashka: Oh, it’s getting cold!

Winter appears.

Winter: The fluffy snow is spreading, the street is white.

I, Winter Blizzard, have come to visit you.

Winter sings a song.

Winter: A white blizzard is sweeping, it’s winter.

She led with her sleeve - she covered all the roads / 2 times

Animals: Hello, winter-winter,

The long-awaited winter

Give us a Christmas tree and light the lanterns / 2 times.

Winter: I walk everywhere - through the fields, through the forests, I bring order everywhere, I dress the forest in silver.

Piggy: Zimushka, could you give us an elegant Christmas tree?

Winter: Certainly can! After all, I am the sorceress Winter!

Magic snowflake, work hard, decorated Christmas tree, appear!

Magical music sounds from "The Nutcracker", a Christmas tree appears, all covered in lights. Everyone admires the Christmas tree and sings a song about the Christmas tree.

1. Christmas tree. Christmas tree - forest scent,

She really needs a beautiful outfit.

2. How many cheerful lights are on the tree,

We invited guests to the holiday.

Let this Christmas tree at the festive hour

Every needle makes us happy, makes us happy.

Piggy: Oh, how great! I just really, really love all kinds of transformations! And can you turn me into Santa Claus?

Winter: Piggy, why exactly Santa Claus?

Piggy: And that's why!

Piggy's Song:

1. I will be Santa Claus, I will be, I will be.

I will hide all the gifts, I will hide them from you!

2. I will receive all the gifts, I will receive, I will receive,

I’ll give them to myself, I’ll give them oink-oink!

Winter: Consider, Piggy, that you can not turn into Santa Claus, but into someone else.

Piggy: Who else is this?

Winter: I don’t know who you will turn into but one boy wanted turn into goldfish , A turned into a crocodile!

Stepashka: Oh, how scary!

Karkusha: Why is he turned into a crocodile?

Winter: Because he was an evil boy!

Piggy: Well, no, no. Let's start with Stepashka or Karkusha.

Stepashka: Oh, I'm afraid...

Piggy: Why should you be afraid, Stepashechka? You are not an evil hare, not boastful, but smart. Don't be afraid! Who would you like turn into?

Stepashka: To the Snow Maiden...

Winter: Let's try. I'll cover you magic snowflake and I'll tell you magic words (covers):

Ding-dong, ding-dong, silver chime.

Magic snowflake, work hard,

Stepashka to Snegurochka turn into!

Everyone praises the Snow Maiden. Stepashka jumps, claps, laughs. Karkusha gives the Snow Maiden a carrot.

Piggy: Do Snow Maidens eat carrots? They only eat icicles!

Karkusha: And they don’t jump like bunnies. Give me the carrot!

Piggy: Oh, Stepashka, where will you live now?

Karkusha: It’s hot in the house, you’ll melt right away!

Stepashka gets upset.

Winter: Don’t be upset, Stepashka. Necessary turn do you want to be a bunny again?

Karkusha: That's right, Stepasha, you must always be yourself!

Winter covers with a magical snowflake, says words:

Ding-dong, ding-dong, silver chime.

Magic snowflake, work hard,

Snow Maiden in Stepashka turn into!

He removes the snowflake, followed by the hare.

Stepashka: Oh, Karkusha, come on and hit someone you'll turn into.

Karkusha: I want turn into Little Red Riding Hood, but I'm afraid it won't work.

Piggy: Don't worry, Karkusha. Then we'll take you back to the crow let's turn. Yes, guys?

Karkusha: Well, let's!

Winter covers Karkusha with a snowflake and pronounces magical words:

Ding-dong, ding-dong, silver chime.

Magic snowflake, work hard,

Karkusha in Little Red Riding Hood turn into!

The snowflake is removed, followed by the grandmother.

Stepashka: Oh…

Karkusha: Well, I told you...

Winter: Guys, why do you think Karkusha turned not Little Red Riding Hood, but grandmother?

Piggy: Can I say?

Winter: Well, tell me, Piggy.

Piggy: Because you, Karkusha, know everything, just like your grandmother, and you teach everyone.

Winter: Guys, do you agree with Piggy?

Karkusha: Even though I know everything and teach everyone, I don’t want to be a grandmother! I want to be a crow!

Winter covers with a snowflake, pronounces magical words:


Magic snowflake, work hard,

Grandmother in Karkusha turn into!

He removes the snowflake, followed by Karkusha.

Piggy: Well, that's okay. If suddenly I don’t turn out to be Santa Claus, I'll turn into a pig again. You can begin!

Winter covers Piggy with a magical snowflake and pronounces magic words.

Winter: Ding-dong, ding-dong, silver chime.

Magic snowflake, work hard,

Piggy as Santa Claus turn into!

He removes the snowflake, and there is a tailed-nosed miracle. Stepashka and Karkusha got scared and hid. The miracle runs all over the screen, squealing in fear, demanding the opposite transformations.

Winter: Calm down, Piggy. Now we'll take you back let's turn. Just think, guys, why Piggy turned into a miracle?

Piggy: I won't do it again! Honestly! (crying)

Winter: Well, guys, shall we believe Piggy? Shall we feel sorry for him? Let's turn him back into a piglet?

We cover winter with a snowflake, says the words

Winter: Ding-dong, ding-dong, silver chime.

Magic snowflake, work hard,

Miracle Yudo in Piggy turn into!

He removes the snowflake, and Piggy is there. Piggy runs and rejoices. Stepasha and Karkusha hug Piggy.

Stepashka: Piggy, you better always be a good pig….

Karkusha: How bad grandfather Frost!

Together: And it’s always better to be yourself!

Presenter: This is the story that happened in winter.

Piggy: What would happen if there were no winter?

Presenter: That's it!

Children sing a song with the characters "If only it weren't winter"

If only it weren't winter

In cities and villages,

We would never have known

These are fun days.

If the baby wouldn't spin around

Near the snow woman,

If the ski track wouldn't loop,

If only, if only, if only.

Santa Claus would not be in a hurry

To us through the potholes,

The ice on the river is not frozen,

If only, if only, if only.

A huge amount of work was done with the 2nd grade students - they made dolls for the performance. Children glued animal heads from papier-mâché:

Dog Sharik - Sveta

Cat Kotofey - Alina

Bunny Stepashka - Muslima

Fox Alice - Eve

Little Mouse - Desislava

Drakosha Ryzhik - Maxim

Dragon dad - Serpent Gorynych One-Headed - Maxim

Adults sewed clothes for dolls.
I wrote the script myself.

 Puppet show script“Where are you, where are you, New Year?”

Characters: Dragon-Ryzhik, Serpent Gorynych, Cat Kotofey, Fox Alice, Little Mouse, Dog Sharik, Bunny Stepashka.

Decorations: Christmas tree, Teremok.

1 action: music “Like thin ice” - 12 sec.

Bunny appears. Jumping, rejoicing, chewing carrots.

Music: Bells are ringing (15 sec)The Serpent Gorynych whirls across the stage back and forth with a bag on which “Gifts” is written. To the sound of a firecracker, small leaves (confetti, small foil, etc.) scatter in all directions, including a leaf - TELEGRAM.

The bunny is hiding in fear. Then he carefully goes out, finds a piece of paper, and reads the telegram syllable by syllable.

Bunny: Oh! What is this? (reads syllables) Telegram! Zay-chi-ku! … Yes! That's for me! “Cute bunny! I'm already on my way with gifts. Meet me for tea! New Year."

(Thinkingly. Turns the piece of paper in his hands.)

Here's the challenge. Where to meet him, in what fairy tale to look for? Not written.

Action 2:

A bunny walks through the forest. I heard the song and hid behind the tree.

The Cat Kotofey appears, purrs a song - (“Puss in Boots” - 1st verse 27 sec.)

accidentally bumps into Bunny. Out of surprise, both are frightened of each other and run away in different directions.

Cat: Who are you?

Cat: I am Cat Kotofey. What are you doing here?

Bunny: Looking for New Year! I received a telegram. And it says that the New Year asks him to celebrate. He didn’t write where I should look for him.

Cat: Don't worry, Bunny. Let's go together, I'll help you. It's always more fun together.

Music - 1 verse “It’s fun to walk together...” - 19 sec.

They go and hum a song. They go behind the screen.

Action 3: musical fragment “Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox” from 1.54 to 2.13 sec

The Fox is walking and dancing.

The Cat and the Bunny accidentally encounter the Fox. The Bunny hides behind the Cat. The fox walks around the cat, examining it.

Fox: Do you remind me of someone? ( Slaps himself on the head.)

Bah! Cat Basilio, buddy, hello! How are you doing?

Cat: Wait, wait! Sorry, honey! I am not Basilio the Cat, I am Kotofey the Cat and I have been working in another fairy tale for a long time, called “Puss in Boots”. I'm tired of being bad, I just want to be good. And I advise you, correct yourself.

Bunny: (from behind the cat) You are bad, you hurt little ones.

Cat: (approaching the fox) Yes Yes! Why did you kick the Bunny out of the bast hut?

Fox: (backing away, confused) So my icy hut melted...

Cat: (continuing to step on the fox) You even offended the wolf. He still won’t pull his tail out of the hole. Catches a fish... Poor guy!

Fox: (daring and stepping on the cat) Look, you! I found someone to feel sorry for! You better have pity on me! I don’t have any holidays, no fun. And no one gives me gifts. I’d rather eat you both and at least change my menu a little.

Bunny: Oh, I'm afraid.

Cat (blocking the bunny): Well, if you eat us, will it make you feel more joyful? No, Lisa, it won’t work that way. You need to do something, change your life.

Bunny: Do you have any friends?

Fox: (confused) Friends? Nope. There were, but they all floated away. I had a fight with everyone. (crying)
Bunny (The cat is pitiful): I feel sorry for her. Can we take it with us? The New Year will give her a gift, and she will become kinder.

Fox: (rejoices) Yes Yes! Take me with you. I won't offend anyone anymore!

Who and Bunny: OK. Went.

Action 4: music “Man is a dog’s friend” from 08 to 24 sec.

Sharik walks through the forest with a photo gun, points it at a hare, a cat and a fox and says:

Ball: Wait, I caught you! Now I you ( pause) I will take pictures. Just a moment, please make smart faces. Hooray! I will finally have a group portrait.

Cat: Ball! What a meeting! Long time no see.

Hare: Yeah, so you took pictures of me? And then you chased me through the forest all day?

Ball: Stupid, I wanted to give you the photo.

Fox: Ball! Maybe you can take a photo of me separately, I’ve long dreamed of a photo shoot for the forest glossy magazine"The World of Forest Stars". ( posing like a fashion model)

Ball: How interesting! Can I go with you too?

Fox(coquettishly): Well, we'll have to postpone the photo shoot.

5 action.

They approach the tower.

Bunny (Kota) : Kitty! Look, a little tower! Probably, we should look for the New Year here! Let's knock.

Cat: Here, here! Who lives in the little house? Who lives in a low place?
Mouse: It's me - Little Mouse. And who are you?

Bunny: There are many of us here. I am Stepashka Bunny.

Cat: I am the cat Kotofey! (bows towards the audience)

Fox: I am Fox Alice! (bows towards the audience)

Ball: I am the dog Sharik! (bows towards the audience)

Cat: Tell me, Little Mouse. Haven't you seen New Year's? We are going to meet him. And we don’t know where to look for him.

Mouse: And who is it? In my fairy tale, various little animals ask to come to my mansion: a frog frog, a mosquito squeaker, a wolf-gray tail, even a club-footed bear comes. True, repairs are always required after it... And the New Year has never knocked on the teremok.

Bunny: What a pity! Not here either!

Mouse: Don't worry! Come visit, I'll give you tea and pies.

Cat, Fox, Bunny(in unison) : Thank you, mouse, for the invitation. So be it, let's go in and relax.

Ball: You go, and I will protect you.

The animals are hiding in the house.

4 Action.Music “Computer” (1 verse-26 sec)

The dragon Ryzhik comes out. Sings a song and dances.

Ryzhik: I wish I had a big computer with a huge screen.

I would fill my big computer with games.

Computer, computer, computer - it's cool.

I would play on the computer all day long

I would play at night, and in the evening, and in the morning,

But they won't let me.

Tra-ta-ta. Tra-ta-ta.

Ball: Stop! Do not move! Who are you?

Dragon Ryzhik: Hello! I am Drakosha Ryzhik. And who are you?

Ball: I am the dog Sharik. What are you doing here?

Ryzhik: I'm waiting for dad. He is celebrating the New Year. Now he will be brought with gifts. And he will give me a big computer.

The ringing of bells is heard. (music “English New Year” from 1.51 to 2.08 sec)

Ryzhik: And here he is! (rejoices)

To the ringing of bells, Serpent Gorynych appears with a bag of “Gifts”.

Dragon(bass): Hello, son.

Dragon Ryzhik: Hello, dad! (Dragons hug and greet each other with their tails.)

Bunny(scared): This is Zmey Gorynych!

Mouse, Fox, Cat: Hide! Now he will eat everyone!

Everyone hides in the tower again out of fear. Only the dog Sharik remains.

Dragon: Yes! I am the Serpent Gorynych the First, that is, the One-Headed One. But don't be afraid of me, I won't eat you. I take care of my figure and now I eat only vegetables and fruits.

But, my son (pats him on the head). At his age, he needs to eat meat! I remember he ate five knights along with their horses. Then he ate the king with the queen and his daughter, the princess. For this, however, I scolded him.

Ryzhik: The king was already quite old, callous, the queen was too fat, and the princess was too harmful and capricious.

Dragon: Generally speaking, unhealthy food.

Ryzhik: (plaintively) Yes…. Then my stomach hurt for 4 days. I'm full of it. Nope! Now I only eat grass. Here!

Dragon: He's my smart guy ! (pats him on the head) Coming soon New Year- the year of the dragon, and this is the year of the strong, brave and smart. My cheerful Ryzhik will bring happiness, wealth, joy and good luck to your home.

Ball: Guys! Come out, don't be afraid! This good dragons– Symbols of the coming 2012. They brought gifts.

The song “For the New Year” is played.

All the animals run out of the tower.

All: Hooray! Happy New Year!

All the heroes dance and come out from behind the screen to bow. Santa Claus gives them gifts.

Nina Soldatenko
puppet show"New Year's celebration"

Dolls participate: Fox, hedgehog, bear, hare, parsley, Santa Claus.

The screen is decorated New Year's winter story, to the hall to the children spectators

adult Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost: Hello kids, girls and boys, hello

Dear adults! Please accept my dear grandfather Morozovsky

Hello. I walk through the forests, cover the ground, trees with snow, people

I give Christmas trees.

How are you guys preparing to celebrate the New Year?

Children: We sing songs, dance in circles, learn poems.

Father Frost: Well done guys, you'll have a lot of fun in the New Year.

(On puppet Parsley is crying on the screen in the house)

Father Frost: Hush, hush, guys, someone here is crying, come on

Let's hear what happened?

Parsley: Parsley lives in this house,

He celebrates one New Year

Petya doesn't have it cheerful guests,

Petya has no lights on his tree,

Somewhere Frost is walking through the forest,

And Petrushka is offended to the point of tears,

What's without a Christmas tree? the holiday has come-

Apparently, Petya Moroz did not find... (crying)

I’ll lock the door, go to bed, and won’t celebrate the New Year.

Father Frost: Do you know whose house this is? Who lives there (answers)

Oh, oh, how did it happen that Petrushka is alone and

He doesn’t have a Christmas tree, and there are no guests, oh, how sad he is.

What should we do, should we really leave Parsley without a Christmas tree?

Children: Parsley needs a Christmas tree, I need it!

Father Frost: That’s right, guys, I just have a Christmas tree left, I’ll go to this fairy tale, I’ll bring him a Christmas tree to Parsley’s house, but how can I go into his house, his house is small, and I’m so big? I’ll have to do some magic, now I’ll hit my magic staff and become a little Santa Claus, but where is my staff? Where? Oh, I forgot, I forgot, I’m at home with my staff! I'll have to help you guys, tell me something like this: words: One, two, three, turn around, quickly find yourself in a fairy tale, and blow on me strongly, strongly.

Santa Claus spins and disappears behind the screen, and walks on the screen puppet Santa Claus with Christmas tree, He goes and sings a song. He knocks on Parsley's house.

Parsley: I'm not expecting guests. I won't open the door!

Father Frost: Wake up quickly! Unlock it, don't be lazy!

Parsley: (joyfully) who is Santa Claus? Did you bring me a Christmas tree? Where is she? Show me soon!

Father Frost: Here she is, a forest beauty! Like?

Parsley: (jumps) Thank you, grandpa. Now I have a Christmas tree too! Hooray! Hooray! Christmas tree!

Father Frost: So get to work decorating the Christmas tree.

Parsley: Now I’ll instantly, grandpa, I’ll quickly decorate the Christmas tree, but how can I lead a round dance alone?

Father Frost: (jokingly) so you will.

Parsley: Dear grandfather, I can’t do it alone, it’s bad for me alone.

Father Frost: Well, okay, Petrushenka doesn’t have food, so be it, I’ll go through the forest to invite you guests (leaves)

Parsley: What kind of tree do I have! The most beautiful Christmas tree in the world! The most curly Christmas tree in the world! Oh - oh - the most prickly Christmas tree in the world! Oh oh! (crying)

Bunny: (runs up) Parsley, why are you crying? Who offended you?

Parsley: What are you making up, Bunny, I don’t cry, I don’t have time to cry (important) I need to decorate the Christmas tree, guests will come to me. Do you want to help me?

Bunny: Will I be able to?

Parsley: You're stupid, you'll learn! Look, here’s a box of toys, take the ball and hang it, and I’ll put the fish on it.

Bunny: How beautiful! Magically!

Parsley: (singing) Parsley has toys for the Christmas tree.

Gold fish, colored balls.

Bunny: Parsley has toys for the Christmas tree.

Shiny threads, whatever you want.

Parsley: Parsley has toys for the Christmas tree, but there aren’t enough lights and cheerful guests. (The clock strikes)

Bunny: Oh, what is this? I'm afraid!

Parsley: This watch: Two, three...New Year is coming! The New Year has come, but where are my guests?

Fox: (carrying a little fox on a sled) I’m hurrying to Parsley’s Christmas tree, a decorated Christmas tree I'll show you the little fox.

Fox: (joyfully) Grandfather Frost came to us and invited Parsley to the Christmas tree! Mother! Mother! What a good slide, I’ll jump off this slide. Hey Hey! (a bear roars from under a snowdrift)

Bear: Who is this jumping around my den?

Who woke me up?

Fox: Forgive us Misha, we are in a hurry to get to the Christmas tree, come with us.

Bear: For the Christmas tree? Let's go, let's go, Santa Claus invited me too, yes I

I fell asleep again, thanks for waking me up! (They're coming)

Fox: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Parsley! How beautiful is your Christmas tree? And I brought the little fox with me, I want the child to visit holiday. This is my first time on my tree!

Parsley: Hello, little fox! Show, show the little fox the Christmas tree.

Hedgehog: (comes running) Hello! Hello. Parsley! What a lovely tree!

Bear: Hello Petya! Your tree is truly beautiful, it was not in vain that we woke you up.

Parsley: Hello, dear guests! Hello, flattering animals! Today Petya’s Christmas tree will be the most cheerful in the world.

Let's Play. I know very much interesting game, we will stand in a circle under the tree, turn at once into each other, someone will say: skok, skok, skok - Guess whose voice! Whoever guesses correctly will be blindfolded and placed in the middle of the circle. Got it? Do you understand everything?

All: Got it.

Parsley: I'll be the first to guess. (leaves)

Hedgehog: Good game!

Bear: Interesting, interesting!

Parsley: Here I am! (Enters blindfolded.) Begin! (Stand in a circle Parsley in the center.)


Let's turn around at once.

Someone will say...

Hedgehog: Skok, skok, skok.

Parsley: This is Hedgehog. I guessed right away.

Fox: Now I want to guess. Blindfold me. (Leaves.)

Hedgehog: Let's joke about the fox. Tell me, Misha, thinly: skok, skok, skok

Misha: I don’t know how to subtly.

Parsley: Oh, try it.

Misha: OK.

Fox: Here I am!

Together: We will stand in a circle under the Christmas tree,

Let's turn around at once.

Someone will say...

Misha: Skok, skok, skok.

Fox: Well, of course, Petrushka.

All: Ha, ha, ha, I didn’t guess!

Hedgehog: Oh yes fox! (Lisa takes off the bandage.)

Parsley: Come here, Foxy, I didn’t recognize Mishka’s voice, that’s the problem!

Hedgehog: Well, last time, gossip. (Parsley runs up to the little fox and whispers in his ear.)

All: We will stand in a circle under the Christmas tree,

Let's turn around at once.

Someone will say...

Fox: Skok, skok, skok.

Fox: My child, my cute little fox! This is his voice! How loud he is shouted: Skok, skok, skok!

Misha: Finally, I guessed right! And I thought that she would confuse her little fox with me. Ha, ha, ha.

Fox: There's nothing funny. The fox also makes mistakes.

Parsley: You can’t quarrel at the Christmas tree, you just have to have fun! Mishenka, you better show the guys how you do exercises (The bear turns its head with its paws r - r - r)

Parsley: What else can you do?

bear: (jumps hard) Wow – wow – wow.

Parsley: That's why you're so strong. You're doing good exercises.

All: Bravo! Bravo!

Bunny: And I’ll tell you a poem about the Christmas tree. Our Christmas tree is tall, our Christmas tree is big. Taller than mom, taller than dad, it reaches the ceiling.

All: Well done, bunny. Nice poem.

Hedgehog: I can show tricks, do you like magic tricks? Well look (The hedgehog screams) Magic bucket wake up and appear on Parsley’s Christmas tree! (a bucket walks to the music) Look, this bucket is magical, it not only knows how to walk, it also punishes the naughty, curious, don’t look into it, let it stand here, I’ll run for with a magic wand. (runs away)

Parsley quickly runs up to the bucket and looks into the bucket.

Parsley: Let's see, let's see what's inside (bows his head and comes out with Baba Yaga’s nose, everyone laughs.)

Parsley: Oh, oh, what's wrong with my nose? Save! Help!

Hedgehog: I said, Petrushenka the bucket doesn’t like curious people, now we’ll save it (Covers Parsley with a handkerchief.) One two Three. (Opens, everything is fine) Don't poke yours anymore a long nose, where it is not necessary.

Fox: So much for your curiosity! (Throws a snowball at him.)

Hedgehog: It's snowing! You can play snowballs. (Snowball game.)

Parsley: Let's make a snow woman, and Santa Claus is coming!

Father Frost: Oh, how much fun you are having! I'll give you food and gifts

Parsley: What are you good Grandfather Freezing!

Hedgehog: Present! I love gifts! Hooray!

bear: What kind of treat?

Father Frost: Now you’ll see, let’s all go to Petrushka’s house

Parsley: Let's go! Let's go! Santa Claus brought gifts,

He put it under my tree.

Everyone in the house is singing: Our old bearded Santa Claus

On holiday for all the guys

Brought joy! And. etc.

Fox: Leaves the house with the fox nkom: “Goodbye, Petrushechka,

I went for a walk, it’s time for the child to go to bed.

Parsley: Goodbye, little fox.

Fox: Thank you for the gifts, I was very pleased!

Father Frost: Leaves the house and speaks: “Lisonka went away happy,

he's wagging his tail"

Hedgehog: (leaves the house.) Goodbye Petrusha! Thank you! I will never forget this tree.

Parsley: Happy journey, hedgehog!

Hedgehog: (sings.) Highs and lows...etc. (Leaves.)

Father Frost: And the hedgehog satisfied: He even sings.

bear: Goodbye, Petya. Thank you brother, a gift. I will always come to your Christmas tree. You have fun and the treats are delicious.

Parsley: Goodbye, Misha. Give me your paw. (The bear leaves. Parsley enters the house, closes the door, and puts out the fire.)

Father Frost: Everybody left. And Petrushka probably went to bed. Shh...I'll look through the window. (Looks.) He sleeps and does not smile in his sleep. And it's time for you guys to go home. And on next year We will arrange a Christmas tree again, we will invite guests to have fun. Goodbye. (Leaves.)
