Registration of the secondary group reception. Interior teaching experience applique decoration of a reception room in a kindergarten with your own hands

Marina Baranova

As they say, the theater begins with a hanger, and the group begins with a dressing room. And it is necessary that she decor not only was it pleasing to the eye, but also gave parents the necessary and relevant information for raising their children.

Business card

The image of the sun symbolizes joy, children's laughter and warmth of hearts. Rainbow symbolizes creative development children, rich art world and versatility of abilities, education aesthetic qualities and artistic taste. Droplets are our children, each of them is individual.

The concept of the stand speaks about the educational environment and group conditions; the world around children inspires imagination and cultivates wonderful qualities - to see the world in bright colors.

As in any kindergarten reception we have"Parent's Corner" Parents can find out here age characteristics children in our group, daily routine, class schedule, topic of classes for the current week, about proper education children. Consultations on issues of pedagogy and psychology are constantly changing and expanding.

Educational and methodological literature is also displayed for parents, which they can take home for a while to study with their children at home.

Repeat the poem that the child began to learn in kindergarten , you can take its printout in the plastic pocket-stand and write off the necessary information (a glass with handles and leaves is also on the stand). With the help of information displayed in the parents' corner, parents can see the progress of their children, learn more about what classes are held with them and other events in garden and group.

The topics covered in the health corner can be very diverse. The key should be the concept of relevance. All articles are united by one goal - to tell parents about measures to strengthen the health and immunity of the child.

Our design reception This is another form of working with parents that is constantly changing. The more openness at work kindergarten, information from us educators, the more goodwill on the part of parents, and the higher their activity and interest!

Our reception creates a positive emotional atmosphere for children and parents. This is a kind of connecting link in the chain -

"Preschool educational institution - teacher - child - parent - family".

Publications on the topic:

New Year's holiday is magic. The teachers of our group tried to create a real magical experience for the kids. winter's tale. We formed a group.

I bring to your attention an idea for decorating a reception room. Every morning we meet our students and their parents in our cozy room.

Decorating a reception room in a kindergarten. In our kindergarten there was a competition "Best parent corner". According to the following criteria: - updateability;.

Hello, Dear colleagues. Kindergarten is special childcare facility, it is a second home for his employees and children. And always your home.

Once upon a time, my area for walking with my children was in a deplorable state. This didn't suit me. I turned to my family.

The territory of the kindergarten is a kind of business card. Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so does a kindergarten begin with its territory.

“What a huge, incomparable role the environment in which they live plays in the upbringing of children. The one who manages to create one.

Elena Ristovaya

Where does kindergarten begin for every child and every parent? Of course with reception. That's why reception decoration should match. Our group is called "Sun". And every ray of our sunshine is our children.

In our reception a lot of useful and, most importantly, interesting information. Here are moving folders, advice from a psychologist, and recommendations from doctors. And also in our reception There is a magic box called "Masha the Confused Man". It contains a variety of things that are lost by children. And of course there is a corner for crafts and artwork.

The information on the stands changes periodically depending on the time of year, various events and public holidays. Also in our reception There is a safety corner where the rules of safe behavior are spelled out in an easily accessible form, using colorful illustrations that are understandable to both children and adults.

Publications on the topic:

“Designing a reception room in a kindergarten group” (second part) In our group we also tried to add our own “highlights”, such as a corner.

Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, so a kindergarten begins with group room. We called our group "Daisies". Therefore, the reception area is decorated.

Setting up a group in kindergarten is part of pedagogical process, on which a successful psychophysiological state depends.

Decoration of the reception group - "Creative workshops". Also, in our reception group we have a corner for parents called “Creative.

Tomorrow will come a great and important holiday - May 9 - VICTORY DAY. In our preschool institution last week Preparations were in full swing.

Our kindergarten "Kolosok" recently held a competition to design a reception group in uniform style. Our group is called "Mischievous Cossacks".

The locker room was decorated by Yulia Akulova, teacher 1 junior group early age. Our group is called "Bees" so our locker room.

What is the mood of the child and his parent in the morning? And it begins when he enters the reception area and goes to his locker.

Allow me to visualize the information work with parents using the example of decorating a kindergarten reception area. Our reception speech therapy group“Kedrovichok” is not just a place for changing clothes and storing clothes, but also a small center pedagogical education parents. After all, the first place where children and their parents go in kindergarten is the reception room, and how it looks largely depends on the child’s mood and the parents’ general impression of the group and the teachers working in it.

Business card our reception area has a stand “FOR YOU, PARENTS”. It is made on the principle of information stands with plexiglass pockets.

Information materials in this stand are updated regularly. We select information for this stand that is useful and interesting, based on the annual plan of the kindergarten, the age of the children and the wishes of the parents. Parents will learn about the daily routine, class schedule, protecting the life and health of children, psychological characteristics and the tasks of raising children of this age. The medical section is constantly changing and is updated with such consultations as “Be Healthy”, “Beware of Flu”, “Indicators successful learning child”, “Flat feet”, as well as information about the anthropometric data of children over time.

Just like in any kindergarten reception area, we have a children’s creativity corner, we call it “OUR CREATIVITY”.

It consists of small stands (according to the number of children in the group). Each stand is marked with a photograph of a child. This stand displays children's drawing, appliqué work, etc.

Since our group is called “Kedrovichki”, to the right of the corner “OUR CREATIVITY” we have placed the symbol of our group - an image of Kedrovichki and the anthem of our group.

In order to somehow diversify the visual information work with parents, last year we decided to introduce two new stands. The content of these stands is the topic of self-education for our group’s educators. This is the “I LOVE YOU, IRKUTSK” stand and the “CHILD’S RIGHTS” stand.

In the first stand we wanted to reflect everything interesting that happened once and is currently happening in our beloved city of Irkutsk. Parents and their children became very interested and are happy to look at and then visit their favorite places in our dear city.

The second stand is a stand on children's rights. To the right of the CHILD'S RIGHTS stand there is a menu board. We also have our own name – “OH, SO TASTY!” We write the menu large and legibly, indicating the allowance for each dish for a child of our age.

We also very actively use materials offered by the publishing house “Childhood Press” – a series of folding folders. The topics of this series of books are varied. "Child safety", " Safe street", "Obedient things", "Funny traffic light", etc.

At the entrance to the reception, right on the door, we have an “ANNOUNCEMENTS” stand. Here, educators reflect current information for parents for the week. For example,

Dear parents!

We will have an excursion to the zoo gallery.

c/o group group.

Speech therapist's CORNER is traditional form work with parents and is a mandatory and integral part of any reception speech therapy group.

This stand contains a schedule of group and individual lessons speech therapist Schedule of individual consultations with clarification of the parents’ full name and consultation time. Also in the corner the speech therapist places a sound screen for the group as a whole. The purpose of such a screen is to track the dynamics of production and automation of impaired sounds in children. Show dynamics to parents. To attract the attention of parents and show the little owners of the group, the speech therapist decided to place photographs of the events held in the corner. For example, “Going to the library”, “Knowledge Day”, “ Open event“Our region is the Baikal region.”

We hope that in our foster parents comfortable and convenient. We try to make our design interesting and serve as another thread to bring parents, teachers and children closer together!

teacher speech therapist

Alexandrova Nina Vladimirovna,

Truneva Tatyana Yurievna,

teachers MBDOU kindergarten

combined type"Fairy tale",

Irkutsk, Russia.

The design of the reception area in a kindergarten should correspond to the general spirit of the preschool institution. Here you definitely need to maintain style children's world, complete the decoration from the perspective of a child’s worldview, but at the same time it is worth remembering that we live in a century active development interior design and should move away from the stereotypes of the Soviet kindergarten with bright drawings on the walls.

I will suggest you to complete the decoration of the kindergarten reception area with the help of textile materials in the form of a rigid bandeau. In other words, sew a panel according to the principle of curtains.

Decorating a kindergarten reception area

The photos in the article will help you decide on the possible options.

To do this you will need:

  • rich fantasy;
  • all materials that are necessary for making curtains;
  • naturally, a qualified seamstress with a set necessary tools(as a rule, each garden has a staff unit called a “castella”);
  • various types of sewing accessories for decoration.

Decorating a kindergarten reception area in a textile version can be done in any direction.


Panel with a large brown structural material on the background blue sky. The sun with rays and green grass with flowers are sewn separately for the summer. Clouds and crystal beads on a fishing line, bare trunk with fragments yellow leaves- for autumn. In winter, you can decorate the trunk with cotton wool, sew pillows in the form of snow to resemble a tree, or add a large textile snowman with a wide smile. And in the spring let the tree bloom bright colors, which can be taken from an artificial bouquet.

Underwater kingdom

An amazing world at the bottom of the ocean - shells, jellyfish, crabs and fish, everything different colors and textures, a lot of flowing and freely hanging elements, everything that will attract the attention of kids to small details and will reflect the world of children's fantasies.

Decorating a reception room in a kindergarten in the form of scenes from cartoons

“Well, just wait!”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Lion King” are favorite characters from children's fairy tales.

Registration of a kindergarten (reception group)

When parents come to pick up their kids in a group, it is very important to reflect the whole world and the general spiritual state of this team. The decoration of the reception room should evoke a feeling of security and peace if you want parents to trust you with their children. Here, too, you can sew a funny panel, on which, by the way, teachers will be able to attach various announcements, photographs, and drawings of children using pins.

Let the reception room be decorated as much as possible bright colors. Various tones of green and yellow flowers, since these are the colors of life, sun, greenery, harmony. They provide energy and calm the nervous system.

In the morning, when a child enters the reception area, he will receive a charge of emotional uplift, and at the same time he will not be irritated, as in the case of decoration in red or bright blue colors.

Group bedroom decoration

If you wish in textiles, then sew a panel with the image of a soft plush animal with closed eyes. Do soft lambrequin made of airy chiffon, creating comfort and harmony, conducive to sleep. Let the character not be too bright, and the materials be fluffy, as if hinting to the children about soft pillow and a warm blanket.
