How to kiss at 14. How to kiss for the first time

Many people remember the first kiss experience reluctantly, with bitter disappointment. Some sincerely admit that they never experienced such feelings again, but most people would like to change it. Change a partner, or the environment, or your awkward movements with zero level of training, or everything at all. The first kiss is for that and the first that it cannot be replayed, so if you have not missed the moment yet, then you should think carefully about how to kiss for the first time, so that later you will remember this moment as one of the sweetest.

The importance of the first kiss

Experiencing exciting new feelings affects every teenager, and natural desire kiss pushes to impulsive and thoughtless actions. We spend more time thinking about how to learn to kiss for the first time, how to keep up with our peers and how to quickly gain experience. So it turns out that we give our first kiss to the wrong person, not under those circumstances and not where we would like. And what's so special - it's just a kiss? Yet the next kisses will not be the first and will not be able to bring us so much adrenaline into the blood and so many dizzying sensations.

You can plan the first kiss, but most likely not for yourself. You can expect a kiss from a guy and be ready, but whether his actions will be invested in your calculations is impossible to predict. Always be ready for spontaneity. The guy in this matter is easier. After all, he is always the initiator and without much difficulty he will be able to independently choose the moment for his first kiss, if he does not fall for an impatient girl.
Basic conditions for unforgettable first kiss:

  • Kissing for the first time is necessary only with the desired person. If your heart skips a beat when you look at it, and thoughts prevent you from falling asleep, then this option is the most successful. Reciprocal sympathy is the determining factor in a great kiss. There will still be unrequited feelings in life - let the first kiss be mutual.
  • Do not kiss if there is no desire, in an inappropriate environment, just out of interest and experience. A kiss is not a duty and not a payment for merit, a kiss is a manifestation of feelings. A peck on the cheek or even on the lips of a gentleman who bothered to see him home will be quite enough.
  • Kissing on a drunken head is also a mistake. Alcohol dulls all the senses and, even if you have feigned courage, you will lose the main gamut of sensations from a kiss. With fog in your head, your emotions will deceive you, and there will be nothing to remember about such a kiss.
  • Do not reach out to kiss first, even if you really want to, then you will reproach yourself for it. It is important for a girl to realize that the guy kissed her first. It was this thought that had been hatched in the head of a potential princess since childhood: the prince kisses. So it is laid down at the genetic level and modern gender equality has nothing to do with it.

It should be comfortable for a girl to think that inexperience in kissing can become her plus. The shyness, shyness and tender reaction of a girlfriend to a kiss will appeal to most guys. If your first kiss is planned with a person who has not kissed before either, then you and he have nothing to compare with. Then, having overcome some awkwardness and confusion from unsuccessful movements, you will quickly find mutual language and get trained. At the first attempt to kiss with an experienced partner, you should not worry even more. He kisses as best he can, and you just play along. It remains to learn how to play along.

How to kiss for the first time: kissing technique

What is the kissing technique and how can it be right or wrong? Such a question is quite legitimate, especially for people in love, for whom every breath of a partner is a reference. The manifestation of feelings through a kiss does not tolerate falsehood, and falsehood carries this “incorrectness”. Without sincere sympathy for a person, only mechanical actions with lips and tongue still do not become a good kiss. The kissing technique will help in the future to diversify and double the pleasure of caresses, but it will not save an insensitive first kiss.
Kissing body movements:

  1. Approaching a partner, looking into his eyes, putting your hands on his shoulders and smiling softly is a call for a kiss.
  2. Tilt your head better in advance so that the partner immediately understands which way to deviate to him. So your noses will not collide and interfere with each other.
  3. The contact of the lips will be better if the mouth is slightly opened, and the tongue is completely relaxed.
  4. The guy kisses the girl more often for upper lip, and she is his for the bottom. The response to such touches is the desire to use the language.
  5. The tongue should not be tense, but not completely sluggish, and its touch should be elastic, but gentle. When caressing your tongue, you should avoid repeating the same movements. Change the direction of touch.
  6. Your hands during a kiss can stroke your partner's hair or hug him by the shoulders. A gentle touch of the palm of his cheek will also bring additional pleasant sensations.
  7. The end of the kiss should be touching and end with a calm mutual caress of the lips. If you are embarrassed to immediately look at your partner, then just hug him tightly.

A man in love simply cannot dislike a kiss. If you are alone and both want it, then the thought of how to learn to kiss for the first time should leave your heads. And some awareness will just help to avoid unexpected awkward moments and improve the first impressions.

How to learn to kiss without a partner

You can learn kissing techniques without a partner. Some skills can give you confidence when kissing, and most importantly - remove trembling in your legs. Excitement is as natural as embarrassment to admit to a partner that you have never kissed before, so let's learn how to disguise ourselves.

  • Method one. Copying partner's movements.

Your inexperience may remain completely unnoticed if you do not take the initiative, but simply mirror all the movements of your partner. He doesn't need to know that you're learning that way. Let him think that you are trying to adapt to his style of kissing - he will be flattered.

  • Method two. Confident lip movements.

Training on tomatoes and peaches is not a kissing joke at all. Indeed, training kisses on them contribute to the development of the correct force for pressing the lips. Comfortable for a person are pressures that cause dents on the surface of a ripe tomato or peach, and the resulting slight vacuum does not lead to rupture of the peel.

  • Method three. An illustrative example.

The availability of information these days is simply incredible. But the most graphic kisses can be found in classic love movies or their description in women's novels. Get inspired by well-designed scenes and try to direct your own first kiss.

Training is a plus, but important experiences are only possible with a partner.
If you have decided on a partner and romantic setting is planned in the near future, it is worth considering a few more important points. It's a shame if the first kiss is overshadowed by some petty stupidity.

  • An intimate kiss with the tongue will be much more pleasant if both partners take care of their own hygiene. Availability chewing gum will not be redundant.
  • A large number of smells also interfere with the kiss. sharp spirits, the aroma of cosmetics on the face and especially lipstick, the smell of cigarettes can give a certain bitterness to the kiss.
  • Lipstick or gloss should not be too oily, sweet or flavored. The naturalness of the kiss will be broken by small sparkles on the lips.
  • Do not hold your breath while kissing and do not tighten the kiss itself. The first kiss should not be exciting or aggressive: it should be saturated with caution and tenderness.

It can be stated unequivocally that during the first kiss, the technique is not so important: the main thing is the feeling. Kisses become memorable and impressive only with loved ones, and the presence of some mistakes will simply become intimate secret couples. It is much more important to remember the sharpness of sensations of the first kiss. Art is also the ability to repeat such a kiss after many years, being experienced, and with already the only person, with his soul mate. Some succeed.

How to kiss if a girl has to do it for the first time? The first kiss is of great importance for the development of relations with the guy you like. If you kiss ineptly, then your partner may begin to doubt whether it is worth continuing to communicate with you in the same vein. If your first kiss wins the guy over, then the probability further development great relationship will increase several times. After all, you want to kiss a person who knows how to do it again and again. Let's take a look first helpful tips, and the video tutorials posted in the article will clearly help you take the first step in this direction.

So, important rules for girls who kiss for the first time:


Kissing is best eyes closed. Until the moment when your lips touch, do not take your eyes off your partner. Keep in mind that the distance between your faces should be minimal. Take your time to close your eyes, but kiss with open eyes not worth it either.


Breathing plays an important role, watch it. If you thought short easy kiss, then, if you doubt the freshness of your breath, you can simply hold it. But if you feel like long kiss(they are the most pleasant), then you do not need to hold your breath. When you stop breathing, you just need to break away from your partner’s lips to take at least a breath of air, and this will undoubtedly smear the whole impression of your kiss. It is best to breathe evenly and calmly, as always. Do not sharply increase the rate of breathing, this will act as a distraction and will not allow you to focus on the kiss and your feelings.


Do not forget about your hands, caress your partner with them. You can touch him with a kiss, touching the face, head, neck, shoulders is quite acceptable. Act with love and tenderness, but do not overdo it. The first kiss doesn't have to be as exciting as the kisses leading up to a more intimate relationship.

Timely stop:

In order for the first kiss to be right, you need to feel when to stop. It shouldn't be long, but it shouldn't be short either. Feel the reaction of your boyfriend's body, she will tell you perfect moment to stop. As soon as you notice that the partner deviates from you or begins to close his lips, then you need to stop. When in doubt, pause. It's better to kiss again than to make the kiss protracted.
If you see that the guy is immediately ready to kiss you again, you can be sure that everything is going as it should.

Remember that guys are not like girls. They rarely think about relationships and practically do not fantasize about this topic. Therefore, you should not be too delicate in the matter of a kiss, because, perhaps, it is your initiative that will be able to give the first spark to the relationship. And don’t be complex, if you feel that you don’t have enough experience in kissing, everything will definitely work out!

For the first kiss, you need to choose the right moment. It is best if there is no one else in the room except you. Undoubtedly, any guy will be flattered if a girl kisses him in front of his friends. But in this situation, the desired mood will not arise.

best moment for a kiss - a romantic setting.
Guys, with rare exceptions, are small fans of romance, but they also tune in to it next to their girlfriend. That's what it is - best time for a kiss. Usually a woman in the manifestation of feelings gets passive role. Most often, the first step is taken by a man, and a woman supports the fire of feelings. But this does not mean that she cannot provoke the man she loves. To create a situation for him to kiss her himself, according to the strength of each. How to kiss a guy for the first time? To do this, grab his attention. Try to be as close to him as possible, you can sit on his knees, look at him with a loving look.

If you see that a young man is experiencing the same emotions as you, and there is a sensual attraction between you, then you probably won’t have to wait long for the first step from the guy. At the same time, the situation is not ruled out that the guy will be shy and will not dare to kiss you.

Get closer to your young man and look into his eyes. If he responds in kind and there is some kind of attraction between you, or a pleasant romantic tension, then most likely the guy himself will make the first move and kiss you.

However, he may hesitate or not dare to kiss you first. In this case, there are two options:

Slowly move closer to his lips, looking straight into his eyes, when you finally touch his lips, slowly move away. It should not even be a kiss, but a slight sliding on the lips. Then act on the reaction of the guy.

You can directly ask him if he wants to kiss you. Do not be afraid that it will sound rude, on the contrary, there is some romance in it. You can add that you want a kiss, provided that he wants it no less. If a guy is really passionate about you, then after such an offer he will definitely not resist and kiss you. Now you know how to kiss a guy the right way.

French Kiss

The French kiss is famous for its depth of perception and special intimacy. Because of this, he is considered an exceptional adult, completely different from the light touch of the lips, characteristic of initial stage relations.

If we briefly consider the French kiss technique, then it consists in the fact that the partners touch the lips and cheeks (from the inside) with their tongues to each other. At the same time, there is a strong stimulation of the entire oral cavity in general, since this zone is equipped with a large number of nerve endings and is very sensitive. Often, the effect of a tongue kiss is described as an electric shock, as it stuns quite strongly. It is customary to give such a kiss with very deep, serious and trusting relationship.

To know and be able to kiss correctly in French means to be confident in communicating with the opposite sex, and in addition, to have many admirers or admirers. After all, in fact, there are very few people who know how to kiss passionately correctly.

There is one little nuance, usually people give out their desire for a kiss, involuntarily looking at the lips of a partner. Catching this look, you can understand that the most right time for a kiss. If this is the first kiss, then a convenient moment may arise during the farewell to the guy, at the end of the date. Ideally, if you yourself feel when the guy is ready for a passionate kiss.

If the relationship is already developing “in full swing” or has been established, then just “reach out” to the guy, and he will answer you in the same way. Then with your lips gently touch the lips of a loved one, it will be nice if you hug or lightly hold his head or chin with your hands. At first, touch gently, not too assertively, and only then increase the pressure and, with your mouth slightly open, lightly touch your partner's tongue with an outstretched tongue. Further, caress with rotational movements of the tongue will be quite appropriate, you can run it over your lips.

Knowing how to kiss with your tongue correctly means not only masterfully starting and continuing a kiss, it is equally important to know how to finish it beautifully. To do this, go from caressing tongue movements to a kiss with only lips, in the end, you can interrupt the kiss for a split second and lightly touch the guy's lips, as if putting an end to it.

Often there is such a situation when a girl is thrown by a guy, arguing that she does not know how to kiss. The unhappy girl goes in search of a solution: how to learn how to kiss correctly in order to next time her partner left her because of this. Happiness happens not only in such situations, sometimes a girl is simply unsure of her technique. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to train without hitting your face in the dirt. What then can be done? There are ways by which you can learn how to kiss without a guy.

How to learn to kiss perfectly

Is there a way to learn to kiss perfectly, honing the technique to perfection, or do you need to act according to the circumstances and according to your intuition? Of course, if you think about the technique during the kiss, it can be disgusting. Just because during such an action you need to think not about technology, but about the person with whom you are. After all the main objective such interactions between people - the desire to please your partner.

The most famous technique is French Kiss, with it, a technique is used when the mouths of two people are ajar and you can penetrate the partner with your tongue. And then it's a matter of technology - you can explore the genus with your tongue, you can stroke it. It should be remembered that if the partner does not open his mouth, then he is not in the mood for this technique. You can ask the reason for this mood, maybe the partner wants to try a different kind of kiss.

In order to diversify life, you can try the spider kiss technique. To do this, you have to remember the movie Spider-Man, when a girl and a guy kissed upside down. To do this, you need to position yourself in such a way as to be 180 degrees relative to each other. This will help the guy feel like Spider-Man even for a short time.

For passionate nature no on human body points that could not bring pleasure. You can kiss on the neck, eyes, ears. You can caress the earlobe. It is never possible to guess what exactly your partner will like. In order for both to enjoy, you need to try and ask. And also look at the partner’s reaction, if he likes it, the person will stretch forward, if he really likes it, he will ask you not to stop.

How to learn to kiss a guy

For every young girl, naturally, the question arose about the first interaction with the opposite sex. There is nothing shameful in such curiosity - any girl wants to be the best for her lover. How to learn to kiss for the first time? Better than any benefits and training, the mere presence of a lover will help.

For a girl, there is nothing shameful in not being tempted in such moments, because society promotes the purity and innocence of a young lady, so she can honestly confess to a guy her ineptitude. A self-confident and adequate young man will definitely be delighted with the opportunity to teach a girl how to kiss correctly and will not miss the opportunity to teach a girl how to kiss exactly the way he likes.

How to learn to kiss a girl

The first kiss always causes excitement and fear, however, every adult goes through this, so most often the fears turn out to be groundless. Most young people learn to kiss on tomatoes, for example. This is the perfect trainer - soft and elastic. There is a lot of material on how to learn to kiss a guy and very little on how to learn to kiss a girl.

At the first kiss, it is important to remember that the girl herself may be just as nervous, so it is best to follow your intuition and surrender to feelings. After all, if a girl is nearby and is in favorable conditions for a kiss, she already wants it. And all errors are correctable, if you want to correct them.

Usually lovers feel each other. Someone wants tenderness, someone wants passion. IN right moment you need to hug the girl by the waist, take her face in your palms and touch her lips to her lips. Next, the most important thing will definitely be to navigate the situation. You can try biting your lip or using your tongue to caress. The main thing is to understand that the partner likes it. Many love passionate kisses, when the hands slide all over the body, you can run them through the hair or lower them to the waist.

How to learn to kiss with and without tongue

Most popular and loved classic kiss. How to learn to kiss with tongue? To do this, you need to touch your partner's lips with your lips, then start kissing them without stopping. After that, open your mouth slightly and penetrate your partner's mouth with your tongue. It is important here not to penetrate too deeply, otherwise the kiss may turn out to be too vulgar. As a rule, such a kissing technique when the tongue is completely in the partner's mouth is used during sex. It is important not to overdo it, you can explore the partner's lips, tongue and front teeth with your tongue. However, don't go too deep.

During the process, it is important to focus on the state of the partner, perhaps for some such kisses are in the order of things, but for some it may confuse. Moreover, some girls do not like tongue kisses, considering them too vulgar, while others simply do not like the feeling of someone else's tongue in their own mouth. In order for a kiss with the tongue to definitely spoil the situation and produce bad impression, you need to put it completely into the partner’s mouth at the first kiss. In this case backlash guaranteed. It is important not to get too carried away with kisses, because at the first meetings, communication is much more important than physical contact.

kissing technique

For a change, you can always try various techniques kisses. For example, stinging. During such a kiss, the partner, while sucking his lips, pushes a small part of his tongue into his mouth.

You can rotate your tongue, then you get a kiss mill. A kiss is called royal when the tongue explores only the teeth, the partner does not go deeper. During a spray kiss, you can lick your lover's lips, but be careful - this kind of kiss is very exciting. During an exquisite kiss, you can touch your lover's sky with your tongue, interesting sensations are guaranteed for both.

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Everyone remembers the first kiss differently. Someone would like to forget him and this awkwardness, someone wanted to change everything - the environment or a partner, someone enthusiastically admires. But many approach the matter responsibly considering how to kiss for the first time, so that the impressions remain the sweetest. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to learn this or is it only important to have warm feelings for a partner and then everything will work out by itself?

Types of kisses

The mention of a kiss is found for the first time among the Hindus in Sanskrit, which is about 3.5 thousand years old. According to translations, this kind of human intimacy was regarded as the inhalation of the soul of a partner.

Back then people shared different types kisses, today they also have their own names depending on activity and temperament:

  • « bashful"- when a woman gently moves her lower lip in the process, as if chewing it from embarrassment;
  • « Fight of mouths"- consists in biting the lips of a loved one. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can deliver a lot discomfort each other;
  • « Inato"- the most romantic, gentle and smooth with the participation of some lips;
  • « French"- the mouth opens slightly, which allows partners to touch not only their lips, but also their tongues. Sometimes accompanied by biting of the lips and other parts of the body.

But why do we like to do it? Everything is simple - lips and tongue are densely supplied with receptors, signals from which go to the cerebral cortex, and from there to the departments responsible for emotions and arousal. Thus, we begin to enjoy and get excited, preparing for rapprochement - solid physiology, nothing more.

General rules for preparation

Often a kiss occurs spontaneously, and the more beautiful it is, the more unexpected. But even in a short period of time, if you understand that it is going to intimacy, you can prepare.

To feel as airy as possible, lips should be soft and velvety. Often, from excitement, they treacherously dry up and they must be quickly softened with improvised means:

  • If you have 20 minutes at home - retire to the bath, apply honey mixed with sugar on them, rub gently with a toothbrush and you're done. The skin will become smooth and soft;
  • If you are outside in the cool season, it is even easier, just breathe on your lips, slightly opening your mouth.

And do not forget about the breath, it must be fresh. Chew gum, but mint candy is better, because distilling the “gum” in your mouth will make you look vulgar, and the smell of it is quite sharp.

How to learn to kiss for the first time?

The role of a guy and a girl in a kiss is different. A man usually acts as an initiator and guide, but not always. We will consider how to behave with both due to their physiological characteristics.

The girl needs to behave modestly and wait, but if you see that he is shy, act on your own:

  1. hint- put your head on his shoulder, gently hug his neck, twist your hair with your finger, slowly approach his face. However, do not overdo it, if he does not react, then he is not ready, back off;
  2. If you do touch your partner, try to kiss instant and light, in which only the lips are involved. Close your eyes and only for a few seconds linger on his lips;
  3. Relax, do not compress your mouth or open it very wide - no french kissing, only modesty and tenderness.

After - step back, give him time to realize and continue on his own.

How to behave as a man?

A man is decisiveness and support. Even in such a matter as a kiss, his strong-willed nature should be traced. Preparing for a date or not preparing, but realizing that the time has come - think and act something like this:

  1. Behave confidently and then she will give you the opportunity to control what is happening;
  2. You are taking appropriate place don't do this in public. Most girls don't like to flaunt the intimate moments of their lives;
  3. Follow your beloved, she will definitely give a signal of readiness. It could be light flirting or certain body gestures - biting lower lip, light touch;
  4. When everything is taken into account - proceed: slowly draw her to you, bend slightly and touch. Further, the same rules, do not gnaw it and do not lick it - confident gestures, but gentle and light.

The first kiss shouldn't be too much long (no more than 20 seconds) or short (less than 5 seconds). And don't forget to complete it - just silently hug and run your hand through your hair.

How to kiss on the lips?

And a few more tips so as not to spoil the impression. Both girls and boys have the same doubts:

  • How long should a kiss last?
  • Should you close your eyes?
  • Where to put the nose?
  • What if you don't like it?

So decide for yourself

  • For the first time - with a desired person, from the sight of which the heart stops;
  • No alcohol - only on a sober head, otherwise you will probably regret later;
  • Be sure to trust him or her.

And then the above doubts will immediately disappear, you will understand that you are kissing a loved one on the lips. If something goes wrong, he will help, prompt himself and try to do only pleasant things. Then the impressions will remain forever and it doesn’t matter if you succeeded “like in a movie”. What is important is your attitude to your partner and him to you.

It is always difficult and scary to start, but only the brave and resolute open doors everywhere. Everyone in their life thought about how to kiss for the first time, from which side to approach? Main trust and understanding that both of you want it. The rest will happen by itself, you tell each other how and when to do it.

Video about first kisses: how to do it right?

In this video, Artem Babaev will give some tips on how to kiss properly, especially if this is happening to you for the first time:

Even if right now you have absolutely no one to kiss, you should not close this topic for yourself. It’s like in sports: even if you don’t participate in competitions today, training is still important. They will allow you to be on top at the right time.

Practice on your arm

  1. Make an OK gesture with your left hand. Follow to thumb lay on top of the index nail.
  2. Put your thumb in the resulting letter "O" right hand. Squeeze your "O" so that it tightly wraps around your thumb.
  3. Remove your right thumb. Now your "O" looks like a pair of lips parted in anticipation of a kiss. You can proceed to the main phase of training.
  4. Touch your lips to "O". Start lightly kissing fingers closed in a circle, experimenting with force, pressure and light biting.
  5. Track exactly what your fingers feel. It will feel about the same when you finally move on to real kisses. Do your fingers hurt? Are you kissing not too wet? Control the sensations and, depending on them, change the tactics of kissing.
  6. Experiment with your tongue by running it inside the "O" and caressing your fingers with it.
  7. Practice kissing more softly and more firmly. Such workouts will make you more confident when it comes to kissing a real partner.

And on fruits and vegetables

  1. Take a soft fruit with a delicate skin - a peach, a large apricot, a mango ... Some recommend a tomato - also an option. Choose to your taste - the main thing is that such kisses are pleasant.
  2. Bite off a small piece so that the bite is about the size of someone's mouth. It will be your trainer.
  3. Begin to gently kiss the juicy "lips", experimenting with pressure and rhythm.
  4. Put your lips on first upper part"mouth", then the bottom. Make grabbing movements with your lips to bring them to the level of automatism.
  5. Remember to work your tongue, running it inside the fetus.

How to kiss your partner the right way

First of all, consider: kissing is an extremely intimate and subjective matter. So be sure to track his (her) reaction!

Someone likes deep kisses, someone does not tolerate someone else's tongue in their mouth, someone can be annoyed by excessive moisture. As a rule, people are embarrassed to talk about discomfort. But next time they will try to avoid the "wrong" kisses. Try to make your kisses meet the expectations of a particular person.

Act confidently, but from afar

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Don't ask permission. If this is your first kiss and you're not completely sure of the reaction, start with a kiss on the forehead. Or at the tip of your nose. If the partner does not mind, then pull him to you - and gently kiss on the lips.

Marissa Nelson, popular American sex therapist

Sexologist Claudia Six recommends How to French Kiss: 9 Sex Therapist-Approved Tips start with a significant setting and only after that move on to kissing from afar.

Learn to relax your lips

Initially, the pressure is inappropriate. Let your lips be as relaxed as possible - then the partner will feel a gentle and soft touch. This will cause him anticipation and excitement. Only then can you tighten your mouth: the contrast between the former softness and strength will make the one you kiss understand that he arouses passion in you.

Perhaps in general it is not The best way kissing, but one of the best - to start a passionate stage. Just grab one of your partner's lips (it doesn't matter, upper or lower) with your own and start making gentle sucking movements.

There are legends about the French kiss (the same one, deep, with the tongue). However, this is a rather controversial type. Not everyone likes such a deep penetration. So remember the algorithm:

  1. Without removing your lips from your partner's lips, open your mouth wider. The partner will feel emptiness and freedom of action and, perhaps, will be the first to decide to penetrate deeper with the tongue.
  2. Press your partner's lips with your own, so that they are between yours. Then gently run the tip of your tongue along inside the lower lip of the person you are kissing. Make one smooth and quick movement. If your counterpart likes this type of kiss, he will respond.
  3. Get ready to back off. If, despite the fact that you carefully followed the steps from the previous paragraphs, you did not receive an answer, do not insist. Save the French kiss for another time and focus on the previous techniques.

use your hands

Kissing is complicated physiological process, which is not limited to the mouth area. Gently touching your partner's shoulders, arms, torso with your hands, you will increase his degree. Start touching the hips, and then slowly raise your hands along the back to the neck and shoulders. Then, if you do not meet resistance, you can grab your partner's face with your palms. This will make your kisses even more intimate and passionate.
