Which razor is better machine or electric. Electric shaver or machine? Advantages and disadvantages

Despite another round of fashion that emphasizes wearing a beard, most men prefer to shave cleanly, and the majority of women fully agree with this opinion. Of course, a neatly trimmed beard is very suitable for some men, but mostly a clean-shaven male chin is practiced.

Despite the desire of a man to walk without signs of facial hair, the body still does as it pleases. And therefore, almost every morning (for some, after one or two), you have to perform the ritual of freeing your face from hair.

The eternal question - which razor is better, divides men into 2 irreconcilable camps. On one side of the barricade are people praising the razor and not even allowing the thought of using something else.

Their opponents are fans of modern technology and supporters of progress, which gave humanity the joy of using electric shavers.

During disputes, each of the parties uses invincible arguments in favor of the chosen method of shaving, and it will sometimes be difficult for an ignorant person to make a choice.

In fact, both of these methods have certain advantages, and the fact about the individual characteristics of the skin cannot be omitted. Often there are cases when shaving with a machine causes severe irritation of the skin of a person’s face, while using an electric razor does not cause such an effect.

It is necessary to approach the choice taking into account the characteristics of the body - this will ensure maximum shaving efficiency and the absence of negative consequences.

Safe and not very razor

How did people shave before, when mankind had not yet invented razors? In those ancient times, there were also no sockets for connecting an electric razor, and for a prophecy about the use of electricity, they were easily burned at the stake. Almost from the very beginning of time, men for shaving used sharply sharpened improvised objects, in particular, knives.

But progress does not stand still, and over time, special devices appeared, which are the simplest possible design - a handle and a sharply honed blade.

As a result, straight razors appeared, so named not because they were expected to attack, but due to the high risk of getting quite serious cuts, which are the result of careless handling. They have been successfully used for a very long time, often used inappropriately.

The first safety razors were born relatively recently - less than half a century separates them from their electric counterparts.

The design of safety razors is not much different from their predecessor - all the same sharp blade and handle.

The person who patented the safety razor is King Kemp Gillette - this name is strongly associated with safety razors. The appearance of safety razors did not displace more dangerous models from use - they are still actively used, mainly by professional hairdressers. The fact is that the replacement blades of dangerous machines are relatively inexpensive, and hygiene rules strictly require the individual use of shaving accessories. Naturally, it is quite expensive for a barbershop to use disposable razors even at the lowest prices - it is much more profitable and more convenient to simply change them.

Safety razors offer the following benefits:

  • silent operation;
  • with a new and still sufficiently sharp blade, the razor shaves much cleaner than any electric razor;
  • the cost of the machine is significantly lower than the cost of an electric razor (shaving with a knife is generally free);
  • lack of care for the razor and its inability to break down (there is simply nothing).

However, there are much more negative points:

  • despite the word "safety" in the name of the razor, getting a deep enough cut is not difficult;
  • shaving takes quite a long time;
  • water is necessary, otherwise there is a risk of huge skin irritation;
  • only a clean shave is possible and that's all, without any model and design performances;
  • a safety razor incurs additional costs. This is the purchase of a variety of shaving gels and foams, skin care products, the purchase of new blades, it is also necessary to purchase medical plasters (knowledgeable people use small scraps of newspapers).

But there is one undoubted plus in the use of machine tools, which crosses out all the possible disadvantages: absolute autonomy. With machines you can go to the mountains, and to the forest, and fishing. Safe machines do not require an electrical connection, although some varieties of models already run on batteries. However, the battery charge is enough for several months of operation, besides, their absence simply reduces the comfort of shaving, but allows you to use the machine.

Electric shavers

Presented to the public in the 50s of the last century.

Braun was the first manufacturer of electric shavers. The principle of operation of electric shavers is similar to the principle of operation of a conventional lawn mower - except that the lawn is smaller and irritation cannot crawl out onto the field. Several blades rotating in a circle with the help of an electric motor cut off hairs, and a protective mesh on the razor protects the skin from damage. More than half a century of development of electrical appliances has made it possible to significantly improve the characteristics of electric shavers - they have become uncommonly quieter and shave much better. In addition, many models contain a fairly large number of various functions, thanks to which it has become possible to make model beard haircuts and trim it yourself.

Pros of electric shavers:

  • high shaving speed;
  • the use of additional accessories or care products, including water, is not required;
  • the design eliminates the possibility of cuts;
  • the ability to trim the beard and mustache, many different functions.

But there are also many disadvantages:

  • creates a lot of noise during operation (even modern models do not eliminate this problem);

  • without electricity, it is useless (battery models will not work for a long time, and by the end of a two-week trip, a man will resemble a lost geologist);
  • high risk of breakdowns (an electric razor is a technically complex device consisting of a large number of parts);
  • the cost is incomparably higher than the cost of a safety razor.

Where does irritation come from?

The appearance of irritation depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the use of cosmetics during shaving. Often, irritation can occur regardless of the type of razor used.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that after switching from an electric razor to even the best razor or vice versa, in most cases, irritation occurs on the skin, the cause of which is the elementary addiction of the skin to the old way of shaving.

As the new method is used, the irritation will decrease and soon disappear altogether.

When choosing shaving accessories as a gift, you should first find out what type of razors a person uses - usually a man who has been using one type of shaving for several years does not change his preferences.

Therefore, a gift to a person using an electric razor in the form of a machine will, to put it mildly, not quite suitable.

How to choose the right machine

Machines are divided into 2 types - reusable and disposable.

Reusable razors are much more expensive and usually come in fairly original designs. Their main difference is the use of interchangeable cassettes. In addition, the shaving head of reusable machines is often movable, which ensures a high quality shave. When the sharpness of the razor blades is reduced, the old cassette is simply replaced with a new one, according to the principle of straight razors.

The most common reusable razors are Gillette. This company offers a huge selection of products with multiple blades, an additional lubricating or antiseptic strip, vibrating mode (battery operated), etc. However, the cost of replacement cartridges for these razors often exceeds the cost of the machine itself.

Disposable razors. This name does not mean that they should be thrown away after a single use. Usually, the sharpness of the blades of a disposable razor is enough for 1-2 weeks (depending on the frequency of shaving).

Their difference is that no interchangeable cassettes are produced for them, and the design itself is integral and does not present such an opportunity. After use, razors are simply thrown away with household waste.

Disposable razors tend to come in pretty nondescript standard designs, as there's no point in designing a custom look for an item that ends up in the trash in a few days. In addition, the price of disposable machines is kept at a fairly low level.

They usually go on sale in packs of 3-5 pieces and are best suited for use on vacation, business trips or hikes. It is not a pity to break or lose such a machine, and the quality of shaving is sometimes not much inferior to reusable models, unless, of course, a good product is chosen.

The most common disposable razors on the market are produced by Bic, which also produces lighters and ballpoint pens.

Offers for a profitable purchase of high-quality and functional electric shavers today are given by almost all stores. Naturally, a rather logical question arises of choosing the most suitable model, with the optimal ratio of quality and cost.

All currently produced electric shavers are divided into 2 groups: rotary and mesh. Each of these varieties has certain characteristics and is used in slightly different conditions.

Rotary electric shavers perform shaving with the help of several (usually 2-3 heads), in a circle of which knives are located. This ensures that the blades adhere more closely to the skin, resulting in an incomparably closer shave. However, the use of this type of razor comes with a high risk of irritation, and they are only effective on short hairs. Rotary shavers are recommended for daily shaving.

Mesh razors do an excellent job with long hairs, and their use is optimal once every 2-3 days. In these razors, the skin of the face is protected from the blades by a thin metal mesh, which contributes to much less irritation when shaving.

When purchasing an electric shaver as an alternative, for use on business trips or on vacation, it is best to opt for models with a built-in battery.

No one can predict with accuracy whether there will be free access to the outlet in the near future, and thanks to the built-in batteries, several shaves will be provided.

The modern electric razor for men has a lot of different features, from a floating head that provides a better shave, to a trimmer that allows you to trim your beard and hairstyle.

The main parameter that you should pay attention to when buying is the number of engine revolutions per minute. This is an important indicator, on the value of which the shaving speed depends.

On the modern market there is a wide variety of electric shavers, differing in design, manufacturer and the presence of additional functions.

Naturally, all this directly affects the cost of the device, and the choice must be approached with all responsibility - after all, you will have to use the razor for quite a long time.

In the life of every man there comes a moment when every morning it is necessary to think about removing the stubble on the face. And accordingly, there are doubts: what device to choose for shaving?

Types of devices for removing facial hair

The main shaving devices are an electric razor (read about it on the website) and a conventional machine. Each of these devices has both its advantages and certain "minuses", as well as its adherents and opponents.

Shaving machine - main features and disadvantages

More than 100 years ago, a well-known American scientist invented the first shaving machine, which was a blade placed in a special holder. Today, machines are produced with a different number of blades, they are disposable or reusable.

The main advantages of razors are the following characteristics:

  • Easy, fast and close shave.
  • The ability to remove bristles without using the electrical network.
  • With the help of a machine, the hair is cut much cleaner, so you need to shave less often.
  • Razors are affordable, making them more affordable hair removal devices.

Among the shortcomings of such devices, the following points can be distinguished:

  • Shaving with a razor is characterized by close contact with the skin, which can lead to redness and irritation of the face and neck.
  • The hair removal procedure is possible only with the use of special cosmetics.

Electric shaver - a convenient device for shaving hair

Currently, the popularity of electric shavers is growing every day. With their help, shaving turns into a convenient and pleasant process:

  • Electric shavers can be used both indoors with electricity, and in or outdoors.
  • The dry method of removing bristles allows you to do without foams and shaving gels. - Take care of the skin.
  • The presence of a battery allows you to use the electric shaver in rooms and places where there is no electrical network.
  • The process of shaving with hair removal devices is the most convenient and safe process.

Among the shortcomings of electric shavers, the following points can be distinguished:

  • Compared to a razor, a special device has a higher cost, but you can also find it.
  • With an electric shaver, hair removal can be accompanied by irritation and redness of the skin.

A machine tool or an electric razor is a rhetorical question. Each man should choose a shaving device based on individual preferences.

The nuances of shaving in the video below:

It's no secret that Philips, Panasonic and Braun are fighting for the electric shavers segment today. Today, the difference between rotary and grid models is so narrow that it is difficult to notice. What yesterday was still an axiom, today no longer looks so obvious. And the fact is that wet shaving is added. That's what changed the outcome of the reconnaissance. It was believed that mesh electric shavers did not clean the stubble so cleanly, but rotary shavers irritated the skin. Today, the first will not be true, and the second is now debatable. What is the best electric shaver? It is difficult even for Vanga to predict what readers expect, but we will try to unearth interesting facts.

The question of which is better, a machine or an electric razor, is asked only by amateurs. Quality at the current level of technological development remains with devices that were invented many years ago and have nothing to do with electricity. The inconvenience is that the preparation process is too long, and it is completely difficult to use in the car, library or living room. In the old days, they sold special shaving brushes and cups for diluting foam. The composition was applied in an even layer, after which the shaving process began. With today's rhythm of life, it is simply unrealistic to spend a quarter of an hour in order to get rid of stubble.

A modern foil or rotary electric shaver is used in the shower. Even without gel, while the head or body is soaking. As a result, not a single extra second is spent on the shaving process itself. And that's exactly what consumers want today. That's why you can't compare machines and electric shavers in principle. We believe that one day the day will come when a new hair removal technology will come to the world, but this will not happen today and not tomorrow. Therefore, Homo Sapiens will choose for a long time which electric razor is the best.

Hundreds of reports have been made about the choice of electric shavers, but statistics show that 75% of men still use the machine. It is much faster, more convenient and most importantly better quality. As a result, we save time, and every average representative of the stronger sex spends 5 months in front of a mirror during his life. Agree that this is not so little. That is why the question of which electric shaver to choose so excites the hearts of men. Before reading this review, 99% of them had no idea how they spend their lives putting themselves in order, but they already felt it subconsciously.

It doesn’t take much time to understand that there are two global classes of electric shavers, but a keen curiosity gnaws at understanding how it works. See for yourself, and perhaps this will affect the outcome of the decision on which electric shaver to choose.

All electric shavers contain an engine inside, let's start with iron. This is a 12 V ultra-low voltage DC collector motor. This is done in order to transfer the devices to the third class of electrical safety, absolutely harmless to health. Only in this case, electric shavers are legally allowed to be used in bathrooms and showers. To be more precise, the limit is limited to forty volts. And this permission is given regardless of the purpose (wet shaving). And for the latter case and use in the shower, you need to equip the device with a moisture-proof housing. Malysheva in a television program clearly demonstrates the immersion of a rotary electric razor under water.

The distance between the edge of the oscillating blade and the edge of the fixed knife is not uniform. Is it bad or not for electric shavers? We believe that Moser would not have released bad products, but these are hair clippers. And the question is important, because inside the electric shaver there are blades that exactly resemble this trimmer. Therefore, the removal is not the same here, which affects the cleanliness and smoothness of the shave.

V \u003d 2 x 3.14 x 0.025 x 230 \u003d 36.1 m / s.

*Note. The authors of the video made a mistake when translating from a foreign language, indicating the speed of 2300 rpm. The real figure is 10 times smaller. After editing, it was decided to correct the numbers, but leave the comparison with a fighter as a reserve for the future for the development of industrial models of electric shavers.

Shaver motor device

The rotation speed of the electric shaver motor is directly determined by the amplitude of the supply voltage. Therefore, when the charge level decreases, slowdown effects are possible. This signals the imminent need to install the electric shaver for charging. But due to the same quality, some products will provide the user with the availability of speed control, which is done, for example, in women's epilators. In fact, the technologies are similar, and do not be surprised at such a comparison with electric shavers. And, according to rumors, pampered men are already using lubricants with might and main. It remains to recommend, in the absence of contraindications, to carry out laser hair removal, which almost once and for all eradicates excess growth.

With an increase in consumption, the power allocated to the windings increases, due to which the engine can easily burn out. But you can safely reduce the supply voltage, this will reduce the speed.

The device of grid electric shavers

  1. There is a gap in the very center, in a typical scenario, there is a large distance to the skin.
  2. Peaks will occur along the edges with the engine speed (in the absence of a gearbox). A closer shave here.

We believe that speed fully guarantees the quality of shaving. It is clear that a slowly moving blade will chew on the bristles. And this is unpleasant.

A lot of attention in advertising is given to questions about automatic cleaning. It seems to the authors that this is an unnecessary option, unless the user is a businessman whose time is scheduled in seconds. Instead, it is better to do the cleaning yourself. To do this, immerse the head in a glass and press the button, simple wisdom. Follow the manual procedure. It is not recommended to be zealous with brushes, because this increases the frequency of the need to change the head, and this can not be called a positive thing.

When choosing, evaluate the local market for the availability of accessories. And it was funny to read how one person saved money on buying a meat grinder, so that after a breakdown, after a breakdown, how spare parts for other brands are sold relatively cheaply in stores. As a result, I had to do the work to restore the equipment with my own hands, which cannot be called a good deal (if time is precious). We do not recommend asking businessmen with expensive models either: if the service center is far away, then it will not be enough to send a person there, it will also be necessary to wait for the time measured by the Parks for the given electric razor, which not everyone will like. And sometimes it's months. That's when you regret that you didn't think when deciding which electric shaver to choose.

The new world of competition often gives rise to unscrupulous manufacturers, but also pushes brands onto a growth path. Because you can’t hide an awl in a bag, it will come out, as they say in the army.

To those companies that have already been listed, we will add Remington electric shavers, and go!

Abroad called sold model ES-LV81-K. This electric shaver is not for everyone. With a docking station where the head is cleaned every time, the model cannot be cheap. You will sometimes have to spend money on the maintenance of the accessory. What can this monster do in the body of an electric razor with 5 (!) floating blades. Firstly, in a global view, such a system appeared first at Panasonic. The mentioned technical solution in the electric shaver leads to the fact that the technique copes with the task faster. And it does it in record time! After that, the electric shaver hurries to the docking station, where automatic cleaning takes place.

This does not mean that the head after each shave does not need to be washed under running water. It's just that where myriads of bacteria multiply, ES-LV81-K's flora dies. Of course, you will sometimes have to change the disinfectant. Up to 45 minutes this device works without recharging, and no irritation! Anyone who has ever known the way knows that after several uses, the skin is already uncomfortable under the onslaught of the tool. The feeling of discomfort is created by colonies of bacteria. That's what a docking station is for. The canister destroys the protozoa.

On the liquid crystal display of the device, the charge level is displayed in the form of a battery and the value is immediately given as a percentage. It will take 1 hour to fill the indicator. When turned on, we can distinguish a piercing and sharp sound, this should not be frightened. 14,000 rpm motors are incapable of running quietly. It is assumed that the foil shaver is used in the bathroom, where the water is already noisy, there it will not sound so striking against the background sound pressure level of running streams.

The ES-LV81-K Foil Electric Shaver is specially designed to be used in the shower. However, do not leave the device in water for a long time. Rinse the foil shaver under cold running water only. Water should not be salty or hot. Pull out the plug when cleaning to avoid electric shock. The case itself is periodically wiped with a soft cloth moistened with water or a mild soap solution. Do not let the ES-LV81-K Foil Shaver operate with only one blade. In this case, the device will fail with an increased probability.

Braun foil shaver

  1. Central trimmer.
  2. Side blades.

The blade system adapts to the density of the growth and controls the speed of the motor to 10,000 rpm and below. This is called Sonic Smart Technology. In addition, three modes are available in the 790cc foil shaver:

Options are regulated by special buttons. In everyday mode, the electric shaver works according to internal algorithms, the result is forced or, on the contrary, slowed down (the movement of the blades) by pressing 1 of the elongated keys located on the sides of the handle. The head floats in four directions, following the contours of the face. Probably the best electric shaver for sensitive skin.

Philips rotary electric shaver

Of the ergonomic features, we note the indicator of the need to clean and replace the shaving heads. You don’t have to guess on the deck: whether to buy new accessories for the rotary razor. Of course, both dry and wet shaving are supported. A full charge lasts one hour, but a one-time use option is available. To do this, connect the adapter stand to the rotary electric shaver and wait 5 minutes. For an additional thousand rubles from the company, buy a cleaning docking station if necessary.

Remington rotary electric shaver

Rotary electric shaver is designed for both dry and wet shaving. Not much different from the just described Philips model, but it is devoid of special technologies, or the latter are hidden. Our task is not to trade in industrial espionage, but to bring information to the consumer. A serious portal that publishes research on the choice of electric shavers for sale put this one in first place, although the model is even hard to find on the official website of the developer and is out of stock at dealers.

Cheap electric shavers

Cheap electric shavers, as a rule, do everything except for what the technique is intended for ...

It would be a mistake to think that within 1000 rubles it is impossible to choose an electric razor close to the top ones in terms of functionality. How to choose: Decide which shaver to buy as follows:

  1. See if the product is suitable for dry and wet shaving. If you take Mikma 115, then it says that it is permissible to smear the cheeks only with lotion, it is clear that after the procedure. This fact alone will already reduce the number of people who want to buy a Russian electric razor. But the Moscow plant adapted the device for those who are on the road. In this case, lotion will be the only option. If this is the case, then the electric shaver is intended for use by travelers, and we immediately look at the next item.
  2. The travel electric shaver is supplied with a cover from the kit. Of course, you can sew one yourself with your own hands, but if the device has a targeting purpose, then it is logical for developers to include the necessary accessories by default. People with easily irritated skin, and today, thanks to the consumption of flavor enhancers in food, the majority, will not be pleased with the constant redness. The category is forced to use such an electric razor on the road, and if there is no cover and accessories for quick cleaning, then there is no point in taking the product. In this regard, the MiG 2119 product correctly declared itself, where the product card already indicates the presence of a cover.
  3. The charge time of the MiG razor is amazingly short. In three hours, energy is gained to work as much as 45 minutes. These characteristics are much more indicative than that of Mikma 115, where charging lasts up to 12 hours, and the electric shaver will function for 30 minutes. But! As you know, nothing just happens. I have seen the Scarlett blender, where the instructions seem to have forgotten to indicate the cyclical operation, which is fraught with engine failure if handled carelessly. The type of protection, by the way, was also hidden, if at all. But in the instructions of Mikma 115 it is written in detail how to exercise, and smoothly proceed to point 4.

  4. The durability and capacity of the battery play an important role in operation. If you take the instruction of Mikma 115, then the process of charging and operation is described in detail. It is indicated that once a month preventive measures are taken to extend the life of the product. The electric shaver is discharged in cycles of 10 - 10 work-rest to complete exhaustion. After that, charging is carried out for at least 8 hours. At the same time, it is indicated that parallel operation in the mode of gaining strength negatively affects the life and volume of the battery. There are even light bulbs to indicate the two states. Red indicates that the device is connected to a 220 V network, and green indicates battery operation. Both should not burn normally. This will result in reduced battery life. At the same time, this mode of operation is allowed, but the user himself understands that this harms the battery. However, on the train, before a responsible meeting, few people will think about such trifles. And considering that the new double-decker cars of the Moscow-Peter train are equipped with two sockets for each compartment, with a permissible power of devices up to 100 W each, we declare that Mikma is, as it were, intended for use in these conditions. We won’t say whether the length of the cord is enough to reach the mirror, and therefore we rest against criterion number 5 with our foreheads.
  5. But will the power consumption fit into the framework of the power grid of a car, car, other source ... Let's count. Mikma's charging time is 24 times longer than use, while the consumption is 4W. This means that during operation the device will need 4 x 24 = 96 watts. This just fits into the limit of the Moscow-Peter train with double-decker cars. Therefore, Mikma is suitable for travelers: you can charge on the go, and if there is not enough time, you can shave right there from the outlet. Deal with the MiG parameters yourself, and we are entering the sixth criterion for choosing electric shavers.

  6. The MiG 2119 product card carefully states that a charge level scale is available on the case. Like a cell phone. But this does not say whether the energy consumption scale is available. Again, like a cell phone. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether the electric razor will help to understand how long the technique will last before throwing back its hooves in the most prominent place of the face. It would be funny to look like in advertising, with one half of the chin shaved. We believe that the situation is the same. As for Mikma 115, it says that you need to guess whether it is time to charge the device ... by the speed of the knife. How to determine the parameter is silent. We believe that a significant reduction in noise and vibration levels will become apparent. Minus Mikme for such an ill-conceived tactic, and plus to the developers for mentioning such a situation and not leaving the consumer to fight one on one. Summing up this point, we recommend that you think about indicating the charge level in advance. This will allow you to feed the electric shaver in advance, whether we are at home or on the road. Again, the moment in Mikma's instructions is skillfully beaten, where the minimum charge time is also indicated - 8 hours. Otherwise, the battery life of the shaver will be shortened. There is just enough time before Peter ... Imagine: running into a compartment, plugging in a plug, sleeping peacefully on the train, and then cleaning your chin before arriving. It looks appropriate if you supplement the procedure with aftershave lotion.

  7. What else to tell. Our brands are just entering the market, so they don't know how to describe the product. For example, the Panasonic ES 3830 electric shaver boasts a speed of 7800 rpm. This is the parameter that decreases when Mikm works. But in the product card of the Moscow plant, the speed is silent. Misunderstanding or inability to compete with competitors. We will not answer this question, but in the place of the buyer they would call the technical support service - fortunately, in the capital - and clarify the parameters of the device of interest. Knowing the numbers, it is already possible to scientifically decide whether to buy a Mikma electric shaver. We remind you that speed determines the time of the procedure and the quality of the operation performed. At speeds estimated at tens of thousands per minute, the hairs do not bite and pull so much.
  8. Russian brands for a price below 1000 rubles do not have any floating head. From an indirect examination of Mikma's instructions, this becomes apparent. Meanwhile, the Russian MiG and a number of brands of Russian origin, mimicking imports, where the head is floating. In this case, the knives are designed to follow the contours of the face. Whereas the Mikma electric razor is recommended to be held at an angle of 90 degrees to the area to be treated. The floating head will simplify the process, which will become noticeable without a mirror. And also in a moving train, because, as you know, curves are not only roads made of asphalt. Whether a floating head is really necessary, decide for yourself, and we immediately move on to the next item.

  9. The number of passes of an electric razor affects the irritation in direct proportion. The more we try on the site, the more the face suffers. That's why the MiG with two knives looks more attractive than Mikma. Generally speaking, each of them is adapted to cut its own length of hair. However, some Philips models have utility knives with multiple blades and a special mesh design. This is stated in the advertisement so that the buyer is aware of what he is paying money for. From these facts, we conclude that the Mikma knife is not as sharp as that of Philips.
  10. In conclusion, I would like to advise you to take a closer look at the case. It is usually assumed that with the possibility of wet shaving, it becomes possible to perform the procedure directly in the shower, but this fact is not obvious. The head block usually sits on a seal that prevents moisture from seeping into the body. That is why we would ask the manufacturer in advance whether it is possible to use an electric shaver under jets of water without fear that the device will fail, and the conversation with the consultant would be recorded on tape. This will help in case of something to restore their rights.
  11. The trimmer allows you to shape the edges of the beard, whiskey, and shave the neck. This is a very important parameter when choosing an electric shaver.

So, to buy an electric shaver, you need to do the following steps:

We hope that we have helped readers to decide on the choice of an electric shaver.

We think it's easy to guess which electric razor shaves better. The most expensive, of course, otherwise it would not cost so much. But if there is no way to shell out 15,000 rubles, then we have brought a number of devices in order of decreasing cost, which can also be considered a good option.

Every man has a moment when he needs to shave. Some grow beards, most often because they don't shave. But the beard ages and causes a lot of inconvenience, so many men do not wear it for a long time, and still change their style, shave. And then the question arises. How?


Earlier, in the old days, special devices were used. It was a sharply ground object that was ground on felt with a special powder or paste. Later they began to use GOI paste, from the word "State Optical Institute". Such razors were called bladed. It was necessary to shave with such blades very carefully, so they were called straight razors. Or simply among the people "fear".

The first machine was made by an amateur to invent, an American King Camp Gillette. In it, the blade was not sharpened, but changed to a new one. This machine was a handle-holder, in which a replaceable blade was clamped on both sides. A few years later, their production and sale began, which in record time reached great popularity. In 1904, sales reached 12,400 thousand copies. Gillette opened an office in London and sold razors to Europeans.

Over time, machines and replaceable blades improved. Designs were invented where the blade holder snapped off or unscrewed. In other inventions, the head cover of the machine, which clamped the blade, opened automatically when the handle of the holder was unscrewed. In 1975, Marcel Bic, who invented everything disposable, created a disposable razor. Many people still use them today. They have one, or several, up to five, thin blades soldered into a plastic holder. Machine tools are produced that change disposable blade cassettes.

How to shave with a machine

First, a shaving gel or foam is applied to the lower part of the face and neck. It is better to use a special brush made of natural wool for this. So the gel or foam is better applied and foamed. The brush evenly applies the product and rubs it into the skin better. The uniformity of the application of the foam will allow you to better ensure that the shave occurs with one pull of the razor. The second pull is necessary only at the junctions. As a result, the blade passes through the body of the face one or two times, at least cutting off the epithelium of the skin.

With such a shave, there is less irritation and microtrauma, leading to skin roughening. But this is the skin of the face! Therefore, it is better to use sharp blades or disposable machines and, when dull, change the blade or machine. In the end, you need to use a gel or aftershave cream, which is best suited. You can try new items, memorizing the effects and using them optimally.

In 1910 an American Willis Shocky The first electric razor was patented. It was a hand-operated flywheel design. With translational movements, the replaceable blades moved, shaving off the stubble. Hair fell under the blades through a fixed knife, which was a mesh with slots. Caught hair was cut off with a movable knife.

In 1926, an American colonel invented an electric razor with one fixed and one moving blade. The movements of the movable knife were driven by a small electric motor. They used a whole cassette of interchangeable blades, like cartridges in a machine gun magazine. This principle prompted the colonel to invent.

The company began to manufacture and improve electric shavers "Philips" using three blades. And in the 70s the company Remington engaged in improvements and mass production of electric shavers. Among them are razors that do not cause skin irritation.

In the Soviet Union, electric shavers began to be produced in the 50s in the city of Kharkov. In Ukraine and now in this city there is their production.

There are many types of electric shavers available these days. With two or three knives. Very easy to use, battery powered, with shaving gel.

There are two main types of electric shavers: rotary And grid. The rotary has round knives and the movable knife rotates, shaving off the bristles. In mesh, movable knives make translational movements, so the mesh is longitudinal. Razors up to four meshes are available, some with recessed sections that can follow the shape of the face.

In fact, few men know how to properly shave with it. And few people specifically buy an electric razor. Usually this is a gift, and when it is, then it is used, and used at random.

Before shaving with an electric razor, the bristles must be washed and moistened, while shaving gel or cream can be used. For it to be absorbed into the skin, it must be on it for at least a minute. Then everything is washed off, wiping with a towel, proceed to shave. At the same time, the skin is still slightly moist, there is no sweat, and the fat is washed off. It is possible to moisturize the skin during shaving with a special shaving lotion with an electric razor.

In the process of shaving, do not press too hard, shaving from excessive pressing worsens. With a light touch, the mesh should spring back a little, trying to catch the middle position of its recession. Usually, with such pressure, the bristles are completely shaved off at the second, third pull.

There are electric shavers designed for wet shaving. But they can also shave dry. Shaving with dry bristles is easier, but it is better to pre-wash and moisturize the skin with bristles.

Comparative differences

Even the most advanced electric razor will not be able to shave as close and smooth as a sharp machine can, with a wet shave. However, with skin irritability, an electric shaver is simply irreplaceable. Anti-irritation gels and creams help only for a short time. With frequent shaving due to irritation, it simply becomes impossible.

Mesh models can shave even with irritation, while it stops and passes. Therefore, for those who have irritation after beating with machines, an electric razor can be recommended.

In recent years, beards in men are not in favor, and since the body does not know about it, it continues to constantly grow facial hair, which you have to fight with a razor.

What to shave? It was on this issue that men were divided into two very large camps: in the first - those who prefer to shave with a machine, in the second - adherents of electric shavers. Moreover, each camp has a lot of arguments in favor of its own method, so it’s impossible to say unequivocally what is better and what is worse. Let's just try to put together all the pros and cons of razors and electric shavers.

Along the razor's edge

The safety razor appeared almost half a century before the electric razor, which is not surprising, given the simplicity of its design - a handle plus a blade. By the way, the first razor was patented by none other than King Kemp Gillette, whose name has become synonymous with a safety razor in our time.

So, the advantages of a razor:

Shaves cleaner than an electric razor (if the blade is new);
- the machine and a set of blades are much cheaper than an electric razor;
- reliable and does not require special care.

Although the razor is called "safety", cuts are not uncommon;
- the shaving process takes a lot of time;
- Shaving requires water;
- the inability to leave "fashionable unshaven" or correct the shape of the beard (mustache);
- if we talk about additional costs, then when buying a machine, you also "sign a contract" for the purchase of: new blades, shaving foam or gel, aftershave creams and sometimes a band-aid;

lawn mower

The first electric razor was produced by the German company Braun in the 1950s. According to the principle of operation, even modern electric shavers are not much different from lawn mowers - the blades rotated by the motor move in a circle, cutting off the hairs, while the mesh protects the face from contact with them. Over the years, electric shavers have evolved from flashy and not very clean shaving units into high-tech machines with a bunch of shaving modes and additional features.

pros electric shavers:
- quick shave;
- no water is needed for shaving, which means you can shave while standing in a traffic jam or sitting in front of the TV;
- you can not cut yourself;
- with the help of a modern electric razor, you can simply trim your beard or mustache;

- noisy, so shaving at night or early in the morning can cause indignation in the household;
- you need electricity, and even if you can’t take a razor with a battery on a long trip;
- since this is an electrical appliance, breakdowns are possible;
- rather high cost;

As for facial skin irritation, it depends on many factors (skin type, aftershave creams and lotions used, etc.), and therefore it can occur, regardless of which razor you use. It is also worth considering that when switching from a razor to an electric razor and vice versa, the skin needs to get used to the new way of shaving, which means that the likelihood of irritation during this period will be the greatest.

If you are going to buy a razor as a gift, then find out in advance what exactly a man prefers to shave with a machine or an electric razor, because people who prefer one of the systems for several years usually do not change it with others.

Choosing a machine

All razors can be divided into two types: disposable and reusable. They differ in that in reusable blades they are replaceable, and in disposable ones they are integral with the body of the razor. They differ both in appearance: disposable razors are very plain, which is understandable, why develop a unique design for a thing that ends up in the bin after a couple of weeks of use, and in price (naturally, a reusable razor is more expensive).

Disposable razors are usually sold in a set of 3-5 pieces and are well suited as an addition to a reusable razor, to replace it on trips or business trips, when you don’t want to carry your favorite razor with you because of the fear of breaking or losing.

The most famous manufacturer of disposable razors today is the French company Bic, also known for lighters and ballpoint pens. A pack of 5 disposable Bic machines will cost Br7000-8000.

In the market for reusable razors, Gillette products have been the leader for many years.

If Internet forums are to be believed, most men prefer to shave with the Gillette Mac 3 and Gillette Mac 3 Turbo, which have three blades for a better shave. Their main advantages are the cleanliness of shaving and the convenience of the machine itself. Such razors cost an average of Br19000-25000. You'll have to pay about the same for a package of new blades, especially if they are equipped with such useful things as a lubricating and disinfecting strip or a net that lifts the hairs.

If you want to give a man a hi-tech razor, then pay attention to the new Gillette Fusion Power with five blades, microcombs, and a moisturizing strip with vitamin E and aloe. In addition, this battery-powered razor emits micro-pulses that should give you an even closer shave. There is such a machine Br27000-30000.

Choosing an electric shaver

Today, in household appliances stores and on the pages of online stores, a huge number of electric shavers from various manufacturers are presented, differing in price and number of functions. Which one to choose?

All modern electric shavers are divided into two large groups: mesh and rotary. In the former, the blades do not directly contact the skin, but are separated by a thin steel mesh, while in the latter, shaving is carried out by two or three heads with knives arranged in a circle. Most men who use electric shavers agree that rotary shavers give a cleaner shave, but mesh shavers are less irritating. Also, it is believed that rotary shavers are more suitable for daily shaving (they cope better with short stubble), and mesh shavers for dealing with longer hairs (when shaving every two to three days).

If you are buying an electric shaver in order to replace the machine with it on the road or on a business trip, then it is better to stop at models with a battery. And in this case, the capacity and speed of charging the battery should come to the fore. In addition, if this razor is intended as a gift for a man who is always in a hurry or just forgetful, you can look at models with the ability to charge from a car cigarette lighter. This will allow you to shave, for example, on the way to a business meeting or a date.

If this razor will be used for everyday shaving, then it makes sense to buy a "machine" with the possibility of "wet shaving" (using gel or shaving foam).

For men who prefer smooth skin with neat bristles or wearing a beard, electric shavers equipped with a trimmer are suitable - a device for cutting (trimming) bristles and hair.

In addition, many modern electric shavers are equipped with such useful additions as: battery charge level indicator, overcharge protection, floating head, self-cleaning, etc. Naturally, the presence of such "chips" affects the price.

In addition to all of the above, when buying a razor, it is worth clarifying the number of revolutions per minute that the "engine" is capable of (the higher, the faster the shave) and the time after which it is desirable to replace the blades (usually 1-3 years).

Now about the prices. A simple rotary or mesh electric shaver can be bought for $50-70, and "units" with many functions and the presence of various "super systems" will lighten your wallet by $160-250.
