Notes on nodes in the preparatory group of children with visual impairments. Summary of educational activities for children of senior preschool age with visual impairment, strabismus and amblyopia “An unusual journey

Name: Abstract educational activities for older children preschool age with visual impairment, strabismus and amblyopia “An Unusual Journey”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, Preparatory group

Job title: musical director first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten" combined type No. 54"
Location: Glazov city, Udmurtia

Artistic and aesthetic development

Topic: Unusual journey

Program: Approximate general education program preschool education“From birth to school,” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

Group characteristics: Group with visual impairment, amblyopia and strabismus, children preparatory age. The main composition of the group is girls, two boys. Emotional responsiveness does not manifest itself clearly in children; children distinguish between the nature of music (calm, cheerful), the means of musical expression (tempo, simple rhythm, dynamics), and the two- and three-part form of a musical work. Singing activity is differentiated: melodiousness, good quality collective singing. Not all children have expressive musically rhythmic movements; there are children with profound visual impairment, almost blind. Children move in accordance with the nature of the music, convey tempo, dynamics, perform changes in space (in a circle, line, in pairs, column), perform dance movements (circling in pairs, galloping), but not all children cope with these movements, there are girls with cerebral palsy. These children perform various hand movements with and without objects. Children of this group perform figurative movements of characters in musical and play productions. Children exhibit such types of creativity as musical play and dance.

Preliminary work: Conversations about stars, planets, space and astronauts, children’s exercise in orienting space (in a circle, scattered, in one line) using the “Graphics - Movement” technique, learning a song about friendship, biological massage active points faces "Flying ship"

Equipment: Presentation equipment; electronic presentation; music center, disks, flash card, stars on satin ribbon.

Goals of direct educational activities: creating emotionally positive attitude for upcoming activities.



Introduce the musical work “Thunder and Rain” by T. Chudova

Develop the ability to listen to music carefully, note characteristic, unusual sounds and correlate the music with the corresponding illustration.


Continue to teach children to sing without tension, to take the breath correctly, to sing easily and melodiously.

Improve sound pronunciation and articulation.

Musical and rhythmic activity:

Strengthen the child's motor system.

Form accuracy, rhythm of movements, ability to navigate in space.

Develop reaction speed and endurance in the game “Freeze”


Activate potential opportunities children.

Develop visual attention, memory, ability to use the tracking function of the eye.

Correct psycho-emotional disorders using music

Methods and techniques:

Practical (teacher demonstrating performance techniques in singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing the musical instruments, didactic and outdoor game, game situation, exercises, technique “Graphics - movement”).

Visual (visual-visual method) (examination, viewing). the task of choosing from two (three) paintings one that matches the mood of a piece of music - a problematic situation

Verbal (literary word, conversation, explanation).
Expected result:
1. Results in educational areas in accordance with the objectives;
2. Development of integrative qualities: curiosity, creative activity, independence, communication.

Progress of the lesson:

To the music of “Cosmos” by A. Rybnikov, children enter the hall and walk in a circle one after another.

Introductory part

Greetings: " Good morning"Oh, N. Arsenevskaya

Children: Cosmonautics Day.

MR: And today, I invite you to go to space trip. Do you agree?

But before the flight we must definitely practice. Let's look at our magic screen.

Slide “Black sky with the words HELP!”

Educator: Natalia Vasilievna, guys, what is written on the screen?


MR: But who is asking for help? (children think)

Guys, I found the sound icon on the screen, should we turn it on? There must be some clue.

Let's listen to the song of the stars.

Educator: Who guessed? Who is asking for help?

Children: Asterisks

Defectologist: Where are they?

MR: Guys, you need to take a closer look music hall. Walk carefully, gently.

A song about the stars plays. (They look around the music room and find a large envelope by the window)

Educator: Let's open it and see what's in the envelope, who's asking us for help.

(the teacher with the children opens the envelope, finds stars for each child on a satin ribbon, the teacher and defectologist distribute the stars to the children, put them on)

Defectologist: Guys, now we know who needs help?

Children: To the stars.

Defectologist: But how do we get them back to heaven?

Children offer their own options.

Main part

MR: Let's create a space squad. Do you agree? But, before the flight you need to practice. Here our space squad comes out in a row, walking in place. ( march in place)

MR: The music stopped, our space squad also stopped, we looked at the screen.

Slide “Circles in a circle”

Defectologist: What is shown?

Children: Circles, peas

Defectologist: How will we move?

Children: Let's go one after another in a circle.

The music turns off and the squad stops.

Slide “Circles - scattered"


Children: Scattered

Defectologist: How will we move?

Children: Scattered.

Slide “Circles - 2 ranks” for visual diagnoses, the teacher and speech pathologist help

Guys, how are the circles located now?

Children: two rows

defectologist: We need to line up in 1 line.

Defectologist: We are getting ready to fly, building a new starship. Listen to how many nuts need to be tightened

(MR claps his hands 3 times, children repeat vzh-vzh-vzh, and then with movements)

Tighten the nuts - (fingers of the left hand are straight, gathered together, right hand in a fist, she draws circles on the palm of her left hand. Calm inhalation - short, sharp exhalation) - vzh-vzh-vzh - make rotational movements with the fist of one hand on the palm of the other.

(MR spanks the knees 3 times, children repeat, then pronounce with sound, then with movement)

We weld large sheets of metal onto the rocket skin - (fingers of both hands are straight, gathered together, one palm slides over the other, calm inhalation - long sharp exhalation) - sch-sch-sch- sliding movements of palms against each other. Repeat 4-5 times.

MR: So we built our starship. Is the crew ready for flight?

Let's start counting down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - start! Take your seats
"Cosmic Melody" sounds. Children one after another (fly) sit on chairs with the sound “U”

MR: Our stars will also fly with us, as they can fly, now let’s check. We hold the star on the ribbon in front of us, inhale through the nose, calmly exhale onto the star, and we will fly happily, exhale briefly 3 times. Our spaceship is flying.

The music "Thunder and Rain" is turned on. The children are listening.

Educator: What's happening? What's happened?

MR: I can't understand yet. Guys, what do you think? Let's listen again.

Children's answers. Two illustrations are offered.

Slide “Two illustrations of rain and thunder, rain

MR: Which picture suits our work? What helped you figure it out?

Well done! And so that the thunder does not interfere with our flight further, we will try to erase it with a laser eraser. First, we erase the zipper, close our eyes and erase the entire cloud from top to bottom, from left to right. Lower your head down and quickly - quickly blink your eyes, look at each other - smile!

With this movement we renew blood circulation in the moving muscles of the eye.

Massage of biologically active points of the face “The ship is flying.”

We take off our glasses.

Flies to space distanceplace your palms to your forehead with an edge and rub it

Steel ship around the earth - Using your fingertips, massage the temples in a circular motion.

And even though its windows are small - Using your index fingers, massage the outside of your eyes.

Everything is visible in them, like on the palm of your hand - We massage the wings of the nose with our fists.

Steppe expanse, sea surf - stroke the corners of your lips with your fingertips towards your ears,

Or maybe you and me too – rub your palms and apply to your cheeks.

Slide "Flying Saucer"

MR: Guys, something is flying right at us.

Children: Flying saucer.

MR: Let's say hello to them and show them that we are noble, smart and cheerful guys. Let’s sing like aliens on the syllable “Ze” - noble, arms forming a circle above our heads.

We sing on the syllable “Zi” - we put our smart index fingers to our temples.

We sing on the syllable “Zya” - cheerful, “lanterns”

MR: Well done. Everyone sang exactly, the flying saucer flew past us. Hooray!

Let's sing a song to make it more fun. Guess which one from the introduction.

MR plays the introduction of the song “Toys”; the children perform the song with movements.

MR: Our flight continues. How are you feeling? Everything is fine?

MR: Well done! We are in outer space, we need to get out of the spaceship, put on a helmet, close our eyes, hold the helmet in front of us, and slowly put it on our head.

Cosmic music sounds.

MR: Guys, it's time for the most difficult task. We need to try to return the stars to the sky. Take your star in your hands, come up with a dance to the music, then freeze the frame, you freeze in the figure, we will take a photo of you.

After the third figure, the stars should return to the sky if each of you does everything beautifully.

Slide "Stars in the sky"

Educator: Guys, we are doing great, the stars will shine in the sky again at night.

MR: But it's time for us to return. We are tired, let's lie down in our spaceship, relax, rest.

Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes, and lie quietly.

Cosmic music sounds.

Final part

MR: Get up carefully, we have returned to earth. Well done, friendly guys. Did you enjoy the trip? What was the most difficult challenge for you? Would you fly again? Thanks for the help.

Abstract of educational and experimental activities for children of the second junior group compensatory orientation (for children with visual impairments)
Subject: " Amazing world stones"

Educational task. Continue to teach how to use research actions to identify the properties of the object being examined.

Developmental task. Develop curiosity, cognitive motivation, ability to analyze, compare, highlight characteristic features objects of nature.

Educational task. develop children's readiness for joint activities, the ability and desire to complete a task and the desire to do it well.

Corrective task: develop an eye, fine motor skills, color perception, thinking.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive Development"

« Speech development»,

"Social and communicative development."

Preliminary work.

1.Looking at paintings on the topic of stones.

2. Games - experiments with water, sand.

3. Introduction to the “Sense Organs” models.

4. Games “What can he do?”, “ Wonderful pouch", "Good - bad", "Our helpers are the senses."

Materials. A set of pebbles of different shapes, sizes, small pebbles for rattles, kinder capsules, a container with water, models - pictures, napkins, cut-out pictures, plasticine.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Guys, today you and I were invited to visit the laboratory. Let's go by train

(children line up one after another like a train),

go to the group.

The children are met by the owner of the laboratory. (teacher in a white coat)

Educator: - Hello guys! I am the owner of the laboratory!

You and I will experiment and learn something new. You’ll find out what it is when you assemble the cut-out picture.

That's right, the picture shows stones. Stones must be handled with care.

What can't you do with them? Why? (children's answers)

Guys, look at the trays and tell me what they are? (stones)

Where can you meet them? (everywhere) :

And now we will do some experiments. It turns out that stones have a lot different properties. (Children go to the tables)

Guys, look carefully at the pebbles. (Children look at the stones)

Experience No. 1. The biggest and the smallest.

Guys, now show me the largest and smallest stone.

(Children show stones)

It turns out that stones can be large and small, that is, they differ in size.

Let's play the game together " Magic bag"- it contains small and big stones, you need to determine by touch what kind of stone it is.

GAME “Magic Bag”

Experience No. 2. The roughest and smoothest.

Stones can be rough or smooth. Let's choose a smooth stone.

It's nice to touch it with your hands. It is so smooth that it can slip out of your hands; it is called a naked. (Children choose a smooth stone and show it to the teacher)

Now let’s choose a rough, angular pebble. Show it. What is he like? (Children's answers) Water moves stones, hits them against each other, they rub against sand and sharp corners gradually disappear, the stones become smooth and round.

Guys, what kind of stones are there? (Children's answers)

Experience No. 3. The hardest or softest.

Guys, take a pebble in one hand and plasticine in the other. Let's squeeze both palms. Let's see what happened to the stone, and what happened to the plasticine? (Children's answers)

So what kind of stones are they? (Children's answers)

Physical education minute.

Experience No. 4. A light feather and a heavy stone.

Take a feather in your palm, blow on it and watch with your eyes how it falls into the water. Did it drown? Why?

Now take a pebble and blow on it, it flies from your palm, no, why?

Place the pebble in the water, what happened. Did the pebble drown? Why?

(Children's statements)

Experience No. 5. Color.

Guys, take a pebble out of the water. Has the color changed? (Children's answers)

Stones in the water change color and become darker.

Experience No. 6. Sound.

Kulaeva Svetlana Vasilievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 89
Locality: Surgut, Tyumen region
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: GCD summary for cognitive development RiOM for children of the senior group with visual impairments "Our eyes"
Publication date: 02.04.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of GCD on cognitive development (CDiOM) for older children

groups for visual impairments “Our Eyes”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the role of eyes in the life of humans and animals.

Objectives: Cognitive development

Show children what role eyes play in the life of humans and some animals. -

Introduce the structure of the eye.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge about the organs of vision by drawing up recommendations for

vision protection, introduce the techniques of first medical care in case of eye injury.

Give children an idea of ​​glasses and explain their purpose and use.

Speech development

Continue to teach how to draw conclusions and reason.

Social and communicative development

Cultivate a desire to take good care of your vision.

Equipment: scarf; pictures: eagle. owl, ants. eagle owl, bee, mole, human eyes;

a bag with toys and objects.

Guys, guess the riddles

“Two friends live, looking in two circles.

My brother lives behind the mountain, but cannot meet me.

At night, the two windows close on their own, and when the sun rises, they open on their own.

Two brothers live across the street, but don’t see each other”?

Children's answers.

Educator: What do you think: Why do people need eyes?

Children's answers.

Invite children to put on cloth glasses and tell them what they feel.

Pass with eyes closed by group.

Reading the poem by N. S. Orlova “About the eyes of children”

Let's figure it out together kids

What are eyes for in the world?

And why do we all have

There is a pair of eyes on the face.

What are eyes for?

So that tears flow from them?

Close your eyes with your palm

Sit just a little.

It immediately became dark.

Where is the crib, where is the window?

Strange, boring and offensive -

You can't see anything around.

Zhenya wants to be a pilot

Fly a fast plane.

All the seas in this world

Petya dreams of swimming across.

Nikolai will be a tank driver.

And Sergei is a parachutist.

Ilya will become a sniper...

But that's what friends are for.

In addition to knowledge and skill

You need vision.

Teacher's story. The teacher attracts the children's attention to the interactive whiteboard screen

(presentation “Structure of the eye”)

Educator: Nature protects the eyes - they are located in special recesses -

eye sockets. This “house” is closed by a special door called “eyelid”. If before

danger appears through the eyes, the eyelids close. Only a small part is visible on the face

eyes. The entire eye is shaped like a ball and is called eyeball. Outside to us

visible: albumen and iris. The iris different people May be

different color. And in the very center there is a special hole - the pupil. By using

Through the pupil we see light and images of objects.


In the sky above the field, it often circles.

Sees prey and immediately sits down.

He will instantly find a mouse in the grass,

He will pick you up in his paws and carry you into the forest.

He even steals chicks from crested birds.

This predator spends the night in the dark forest.

The vision is sharp, the hearing did not fail,

The name of this bird, of course.....

Children: Eagle.

Educator: (presentation of the bird, structure of the eyes of birds) The eagle has the sharpest vision. And the owl

sees even at night. She easily finds food in the dark and catches mice. I suggest you

together with the owl (on the screen the owl shows exercises for the eyes) do

visual gymnastics:

It's dark in the forest. Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

Only the owl-owl, big head,

He sits on a branch, looking in all directions.

Right, left, up and down,

Animals, birds, oh, hold on! looked all around -

Run for the loot!

Educator: It is known that animals see differently than humans. Do you remember the song

"Orange sky, orange sea..."! It turns out that the fairy-tale orange world

exists not only in the song. Lizards see the world in orange light. I'll be there for you

make riddles, and you name the animal and tell me what the difference is, as we see and

In the forest by a stump

Vanity, running around.

Working people

Busy all day (Ants can see the stars even during the day.)

Lives in the forest, hoots like a robber.

People are afraid of him, and he is afraid of people. (The eagle owl only sees in the dark.)

She buzzed like a Golden saw....(bee)

(Bees perceive red the same way as black, and therefore never

pollinate red flowers.)

underground labyrinth knowing

And multiplying reserves,

He carries grain into the hole -

Important, smooth, blind... (mole).

An image of a correctly guessed animal appears on the screen.

Educator: The blind mole’s eyes are completely overgrown with skin. He doesn't need them. Mole

spends almost all his time underground without light. There are also blind people. How do you think,

What replaces their eyes?

Children's answers.

Educator: Try to find out by touch what lies in the “magic sleeve” (Causes

several children take turns.

Children name the animal they have identified).

Educator: A person’s eyes resemble the structure of a camera. A person's pupil

round. And a goat has a transverse rectangular pupil. Like a goat all the time

squints! And the cat’s pupil in the light turns into a narrow slit. People see with their own

with their eyes there is one whole image, that is, a single picture is reflected in their brain. In fish

eyes are usually located on the sides of the head, so they have two different pictures. Also

On the sides of the head are the eyes of a hare and a rabbit. Human vision is also very sharp.

But he doesn’t always take care of it, forgets to take care of his eyes

Educator: Cards are laid out on the table. Choose what you think is useful for

Children choose cards.

Educator: Explain why you chose this card?

Children's answers: Washing your face, eating carrots, sunbathing in the sun is good for your eyes.

glasses, in summer wear a baseball cap with a large visor to cover your eyes from the sun,

when playing hockey, cover your face with a mask, etc.)

Educator: What is harmful to the eyes?

watch TV closely, play computer or video games for a long time, run with

sticks, pencils, etc.

Educator: Do you know what needs to be done so that your eyes don’t get sick and your vision is good?

always good?

Children's answers.

Educator: What should you do if you feel tired in your eyes?

Children with a teacher perform visual gymnastics.

1. Close your eyes as hard as you can, then quickly open them. Repeat this 4 – 6 times.

2. Stroke your eyelids with your fingertips for one minute.

3. Make circular movements with your eyes: left - up, right - down. Repeat the exercises

4. Extend your arm forward. Keep your eyes on the tip index finger, slowly

bringing it closer to the nose, and then just as slowly moving it back. Repeat exercise 5 – 6

5. Look out the window. Find the farthest point and hold your gaze on it for one

Educator: If a person has poor eyesight, what object will help him? For which

Why do people use glasses?

Children's answers: For poor vision, from bright sun, for protection from external damage

Educator: And if you are injured, what should you do?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you make a list of first aid rules for

eye injury. You will dictate to me, and I will write it down in the album: - if I hit it

speck, remove it with a handkerchief from the temple to the bridge of the nose; - in case of bruise, apply to

eye cotton wool or a clean handkerchief moistened with cold water.

Educator: We have an album with useful tips. I suggest after class

Decorate the pages of our album with color drawings.

In conclusion, I want to once again remind you of the rules that will help you maintain

Reading the poem by N. S. Orlova “Take care of your eyes.”

Listen! When they want

So that the thing serves us without expiration,

No wonder people say:

“Keep it like the apple of your eye! “

And so that your eyes, my friend,

Memorize two dozen lines

On the final page.

It is very easy to injure the eye.

Don't play with sharp objects!

Not three eyes, don’t clog

Don't read a book while lying down.

You can't look at bright light -

The eyes also deteriorate.

There is a TV in the house,

But please don't interfere

To the screen itself.

And don't look at everything.

And the programs are for the guys.

Don't draw while bending low.

Don't hold your textbook close.

And over the book every time

Don't bend like the wind -

From the table to your eyes

It should be forty centimeters.

I want to warn you.

Everyone needs to protect their eyes!

Notes on drawing: “Autumn Birch”, in senior group for children with visual impairments.

Description and purpose. The summary will undoubtedly be interesting and useful to kindergarten teachers, parents and everyone creative people. In this lesson, children are introduced to the sequence of drawing a birch tree. Children's works can be presented at an exhibition and the interior can be decorated.
Target: introduce children to the birch tree and the opportunity to draw it.
Correctional educational:
Introduce children to the structure of a birch tree.
Clarify with children the stages of painting with paints.
Correctional and developmental:
Develop visual control over hand actions. Teach children to paint with the tip of a brush.
Foster a sense of pride and admiration for nature native land. Develop creative activity and initiative
Integration of educational areas:
"Cognitive Development": looking at birch, searching for answers to questions in the process of disputes and discussions about the benefits and beauty of birch. Strengthen children's knowledge about autumn and trees. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
“Social and communicative development”: children's reasoning about birch. Bring up careful attitude to the trees. Develop creativity and initiative
“Speech development”: enriching children's vocabulary on the topic “Autumn. Trees"
"Artistic and aesthetic development": introduction to the sequence of drawing a birch tree.
« Physical Culture» : maintain and strengthen physical and mental health children using gymnastics for the fingers and eyes.
Preliminary work. Invite parents to visit an art museum with their children and look at a birch tree during a walk.
Materials: watercolor paints, drawing paper, brushes, coasters, napkins, water in jars, music by Chopin “Autumn” and P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.
Children, please tell me what time of year it is? (Autumn). Do you like this time of year? What can you tell us about him? (Children's reasoning).
Yes, you are right, autumn is an amazingly beautiful time of year. The trees begin to change the color of the foliage, from green to yellow, orange and red, also called crimson, and in autumn - golden.
Look out the window, how beautiful it is. Remember what trees you saw during your walk. (Children's answers)

What tree do you think I want to tell you a riddle about?
Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing
In a green blouse
In a white sundress.

What is the name of the birch tree in this riddle? Why is she called a Russian beauty? What is a birch tree called a white sundress? (children's answers)
Children, you are absolutely right. Birch is called white-trunked birch for its bark. White bark is called birch bark. Birch bark is protective layer wood, it protects from water, harmful effects person. But in the white bark there are black lines - vents, like the vents in our windows. Why do you think birch needs them? (children's reasoning) (Chopin's music "Autumn" sounds)
Listen to the poem:
E. Trutneva “Autumn”
Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in sun rays -
This dress is golden
On the shoulders of a birch tree.
Cobwebs are flying by,
With spiders in the middle,
And high from the ground,
Cranes fly by.
Everything flies... It must be -
Our summer is flying by.

Step-by-step demonstration:
Today we will learn to draw autumn birch.
We have White list paper, and the birch has a white trunk. What to do? Take black paint carefully with a brush. Using the tip of the brush, from bottom to top, draw in the middle of the sheet thin line in black. We draw a second similar line next to the first, slightly retreating from it. These lines should meet at the top. Do we have a trunk? (Yes.) And on the trunk we draw black spots.
Physical education break. "Trees"
Stand up and show how the branches of the poplar grow, right up. And how spruce branches grow, right down. Now show me how the branches of a birch tree grow? Correctly, first up, and then smoothly down. Wonderful birch trees appeared in our group.
We continue to draw a birch tree.
We begin to draw branches, first up and then smoothly down.
To the large branches, using the very tip of the brush, we draw smaller branches. We wash the brushes.
Eye exercise “Relaxation”.
Children, close your eyes, put your head in your hands, and relax.
Have you rested? Let's continue drawing. We take green paint onto the brush and begin to “dance” with the brush. Fast lungs We touch the birch branches with our movements.
Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”.
One, two, three, four, five (Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb).
We will collect leaves. (Clench and unclench their fists.)
Birch leaves (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
Rowan leaves
poplar leaves
aspen leaves
We will collect oak leaves
To mom autumn bouquet we'll take it! (“They walk” on the table with medium and
index fingers).

What else can you draw? green? Correctly draw the grass under the tree, brushing the entire bristle of the brush. Drew. We rinse the brush from green color and type on it yellow. Since autumn has just arrived and you see there are very few yellow leaves on the birch tree outside the window.
Eye exercise “Far - close”
Did you see? We draw yellow leaves with light, jerky movements.
Great, look what beautiful birch trees we got! But, is something missing? (sky) Yes, you're right, you can draw blue sky. Let's draw.
Well done boys! You are real artists, what autumn paintings you drew. What wonderful birch trees. Some are young and slender, while others are respectable. You know, the thicker the trunk, the older tree, that is, he is very old.
(The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds).
Bottom line. Bring your works, we will admire them.

You did a great job, we got a whole birch grove. What new did you learn about birch? Who will you teach to draw a birch tree?
What can we do good for trees? Did you like drawing a birch tree?
(Children's answers.)Thank you, you worked very well, were very attentive, careful and that’s why everything worked out for you!

Elena Kondrakova

Abstract of the educational activity in the educational field "Communication" with children of the preparatory group with visual impairments

on the topic: “Me and my friends”

Program content:

Corrective teaching tasks.

1. Summarize children’s knowledge about the concepts of “friend” and “friendship”.

2. Strengthen children’s ability to tactilely examine objects by touch, correlate and find identical ones, and determine the nature of the surface of objects.

3. Strengthen orientation skills.

Corrective developmental tasks.

1. Develop intact analyzers in children

2. Develop visual functions, visual attention.

3. Develop social feelings, friendly relationships.

Corrective educational tasks.

1. Cultivate friendly relationships, empathy, and the desire to help.

2. Creating a positive emotional mood.

3. Cultivating the desire to complete the work started.

Speech tasks.

1. Expansion of vocabulary, activation of speech.


Cognition, socialization, health, communication, artistic expression, music.

Equipment: audio cassette with recordings of Shainsky's songs, tape recorder, toy parrot, river fabric, tactile boards with different surfaces, plates with bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, massage balls, didactic games“Tactile tree”, “Tactile training”, bag, bun toy, rubber balls different surfaces, plate with banana, chocolate, orange, box, hearts.

Start of class ritual

The song “Smile” plays, music. V. Shainsky, words by M. Plyatskovsky.

Children, a parrot came to visit us from the island of friendship. He is interested

do we know what friendship is? What does a true friend mean?

Kesha invites us to play a game.

Game "Yes-yes-yes - no-no-no"

Will we be strong friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Should we value our friendship?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we learn to play?

Shall we help a friend?

Need to piss off a friend?

(no no no)

How about giving a smile?

Should you offend a friend?

Well, what about resolving disputes?

Will we be strong friends?

Children, do you have friends? How should you contact a friend? Children's answers.

Let's show Kesha how friendly we are.


The main thing is together, Children walk in a circle, holding hands

The main thing is to be friendly. Hands are placed on each other's shoulders

With a warm heart inside. Hands on heart

Those who are indifferent to us, they threaten us with their fingers

There is no need in life

Drive away anger and resentment from kindergarten. Hands in a fist, throwing out “resentment”

Children, Kesha the parrot invites us to Friendship Island.

On the island of friendship

Peace and quiet.

Everyone is helped here

And they are friends with you!

"Auditory dictation"

But to get to Friendship Island, we need to build tactile bridges. Listen carefully and post them. The first board has a soft surface, the second is ribbed, the third is uneven.

Well, here we are on the island. Look, someone left us a note. This is Cinderella, she left for the ball, and asks us to help sort out the seeds.

Shall we help Cinderella?

Let's warm up our fingers so they can do a good job.

Finger gymnastics using hedgehog balls (Su-Jok therapy method)

I roll balls with a ball

I drive it back and forth.

Like this, like this.

And now I’ll squeeze it

And I'll rest a little.

Game "Seed sorting".

Children sort seeds by color. So we completed the task, did a good deed. Cinderella left us a small heart as a thank you.

My eyes are tired, I invite you to forest clearing. Let's see where the lights come on.

Visual gymnastics on an electrified simulator.

Children follow the lights as they turn on with their eyes.

"Tactile training"

In the clearing we saw one gnome in a red cap. His brothers ran into the forest and got their pads mixed up. Each gnome has two pads. We need to help the gnomes find a pair for each pillow. Take two pillows with ribbons, carefully examine each one tactilely, find the same one by touch and attach a hairpin of the same color as the ribbon to it.

Children complete the task and say what the pillow is filled with (sand, cereal, beans, etc.)

Helped the gnomes, did a good deed and received a second heart.

Let `s have some rest.


We are with the eyes of a moment, a moment, a moment.

We shoulders chick-chick-chick.

We clap-clap-clap our hands.

We kick, stomp, stomp.

One sat down, two stood up,

It’s like they stood up like Vanka-Vstanka.

Turned around, turned around

And they smiled at each other.

There's a knock on the door. The children received a letter from Doctor Aibolit. He asks to urgently send medicine for sick monkeys. And what kind of medicine it is, we must find out by taste.

Game "Guess the taste"

Children try chocolate, lemon, banana with their eyes closed. And they decide which medicine will suit the monkeys. Of course banana. And they get another heart.

Game “Match the leaves to the branch”

Friendship tree growing in the yard

The wind scattered the leaves for the children.

You will look at every leaf,

Attach it to the desired branch.

Our help is needed again. Shall we help the tree put on its leaves? Children select the necessary leaves for each tree branch, comparing the surface. Leaves with a fleecy surface are attached to a fleecy branch. Leaves with a spiny surface on a thorny branch. Leaves from rough to rough, and from ribbed to ribbed.

What color are the leaves on the top branch on the right? Where are the yellow leaves? What leaves are on the lower branch on the right? What leaves are on the top branch on the left? Well done! We completed this task, and the tree gives us the fourth heart!

Children, how do you understand the proverb “A man without a friend is like a tree without roots.” Children's reasoning.

Dynamic pause with visual gymnastics.

The breeze is friends with the sun, Hands and look up

And dew with grass. Crouch down and look down

The tree is friends with the foliage. Stand up, arms up and spread to the sides

We are friends with you. Hold hands and smile at each other

Game “Help the bun to help out his friends”

The children are quiet, someone is calling us for help again. Yes, this is a bun. His friends can't get out of the bag. Describe the kolobok's friends, what they are like. Children determine by tactile touch. Soft, fluffy thread. Hard, round, smooth. Soft, fluffy, rubbery. Rough, hard, etc.

How many friends does the bun have? Kolobok gives us the fifth heart.

"Sand therapy"

Where is our heart? Attach your hand. Do you hear how it knocks? Why does a person need a heart? You have children kind hearts. Yes, the heart is given to a person to love his family, close people and friends. Let's draw our hearts on the sand and leave them on Friendship Island.

Now it's time to go back to kindergarten. Close your eyes and say the words: “Turn around yourself and kindergarten find yourself!”


Guys, we have returned from Friendship Island. Which good deeds have we done? Now I know for sure that in our group there are friendly guys who can always come to the rescue. Kesha the parrot gave us a “Friendship” box. Let's put hearts there and say what kind of friends should be.
