Lesson summary topic spring preparatory group. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "spring is coming to us with quick steps"

Children's mastery of basic logical techniques on the topic "Spring"

Working with children with general speech underdevelopment, I generalized methodological developments on the problem “Development of logical thinking in preschool children with general underdevelopment speeches." The developments were presented with systematized lexical and illustrative material on all lexical topics, which was intended for work with children by both speech therapists and educators. I conducted this lesson with children (7 years old) who attended my “Entertaining Logic” club. Russian folk tale“How Spring Overcame Winter” was remade; the presented games were developed and decorated with picture material myself.
Target: children’s mastery of basic logical techniques: inference, systematization, limitation.
- enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Spring”;
- consolidate productive and motor activity;
- develop the ability to reveal causal connections between the phenomena of surrounding reality; isolate objects from a variety of different objects according to characteristic common feature, quality, property; develop skills of consistent actions.


Teacher:“Guys, I know that you all love listening to fairy tales. And today I will tell you a new fairy tale. Sit back and listen carefully.
Fairy tale “How Spring overcame Winter”
Once upon a time, Mashenka lived in a village. One day early spring morning She sat by the window and thought about spring.
Masha is waiting for a warm, kind Spring, but she is neither seen nor heard. It's winter
He’s not going to leave, Frost is forging everything. Everyone is tired of it, cold and icy. What to do here? Trouble!
Masha decided to go look for Spring. I got ready and went. She came to the field and called the Sun:
Sunny, Sunny, Golden Bucket,
Look out from behind the mountain, illuminate everything in the area!
The sun peeked out from behind the mountain, Masha asked:
- Have you seen, Sun, the red spring?
The sun says:
- I saw it and I’ll tell you where to look for Spring, just complete my task first, then I’ll tell you.
- Children, Mashenka can’t cope alone. Let's help her?
I will begin the phrase, and you will finish it with the words that are necessary in meaning.
D/i “Finish the phrase” - inference.

- Well done guys, they helped Mashenka. Now listen to what happened next.
The sun says:
- And now, Mashenka, go further, when you see a green forest in front of you, look for Spring there. Yes, call her to your lands.
- Masha went to look for Spring. How long did it take Mashenka to walk? Suddenly a green forest appeared before her.
Masha walked and walked through the forest, completely lost. She had just sat down on a tree stump to rest when she saw:
The dead wood began to stir. From his winter sleep, Father Bear woke up.
And he appeared in front of Mashenka.
- Hello, girl, why did you come to me in the forest?
- I, Father Bear, am looking for Red Spring. I want to invite her to our region.
- Okay, Mashenka, I will help you, but you will also serve me faithfully:
- Place the chips in empty cells so that they are not identical to each other.
D/i “Fill in the empty cells” - systematization.

Well done boys! And our fairy tale continues. The bear thanked Mashenka and gave her a magic ball.
“Wherever he goes,” says the bear, go there too.
How long did it take for Mashenka to walk, she was completely tired, she just wanted to rest...
As she sees, the beautiful swan is flying: she releases silk grass across the meadows, spreads pearl dew, and merges small streams into fast rivers.
That swan was Spring.
Here Masha began to call Vesna:
- Oh, Spring-Spring, good mother! You go to our lands, drive away the fierce Winter.
- Let us, together with Masha, call upon the Red Spring.
Speech with the Vesnyanka movement
- Vesna Mashin heard a voice and said:
Fulfill my request, then I will come to your region and drive away the fierce winter.
- Cover the “extra” picture with a chip.
Close what never happens in spring.
D/i “The fourth odd one” is a limitation.

I half day

1. OO Pozn. development/ OO Speech Development/ OO Social-com. development/ Labor education. Working in a corner of nature: replanting indoor plants. O goal: Show children how to plant plants shoots, explain the purpose of individual actions, teach how to perform feasible labor operations. Activate in speech the names of plants and concepts associated with their structure. To form ideas about the role of work in people’s lives. Involve Nikita S., Kirill L., Christina V. 2. OO Pozn. development/OO Speech development. D/i “When does this happen?”, on the topic “Days”. Goal: To strengthen the ability of children Kostya K., Matvey K., Vika B., Artem B. to navigate time, correctly name the parts of the day, and correlate their daily routine with the time of day. Activate in speech and clarify relevant concepts, learn to use verbs in the present, future and past tense. 3. OO Speech development/ OO Pozn. development/security. Reading the story by S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.” O purpose: Discuss with children, possible reasons the occurrence of a fire, teach to understand and explain the actions of the heroes of the work, observe the rules of personal safety, norms of behavior that are safe for yourself and the people around you. Exercise caution and caution in potentially dangerous situations. Attract willing children. 4. Development play activity. Preliminary work for the s/r game “Rescuers”, examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Spill. Spring”, reading the story by B. Zhitkov “On an Ice Floe”, conversation “Safety near water bodies”. Goal: To introduce children to such phenomena as ice drift and river floods, to teach them to see beauty natural phenomena and them destructive force. Discuss why the hero of the story ended up in dangerous situation, develop the ability to avoid similar situations. To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior near bodies of water. Attract willing children. 5. OO Pozn. development/OO Hud. – est. development/ Music. Listening to excerpts from A. Vivaldi’s musical cycle “The Seasons”, “Spring”. O Goal: Continue to introduce children to works classical music, with the sound of a chamber orchestra. Improve the ability to distinguish the sound of music by timbre. instruments: violin, cello, flute, bassoon, oboe. To expand the ideas of the children of Vasilisa B., Vova K., Serezha L., Nastya O. about the visual properties of music, to enrich their musical impressions. Summon the children positive emotions When listening to beautiful music, learn to enjoy it. Morning walk No. 9

Ind. work: Maxim M., Vanya P., Yulya K., Olya R.

II half day

1. OO Physical development.

Awakening gymnastics.

2.OO Speech development.

Individual work according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

3. OO Speech development/ OO Posn.development. Reading the story by V. Bianchi “Spring Cunning”. Goal: Continue to introduce children to the changes that occur in nature in the spring, discuss why animals change color in the spring, how this protects them from enemies. Learn to answer questions based on the text, focusing on their structure and content, and maintain interest in reading. Attract willing children, activate Vova K., Alyosha K., Nastya O.

4. OO Pozn. development. Computer presentation “Spring in the Forest”. Goal: Continue to introduce children to the inhabitants of the forest, to bring them to an understanding of the relationships between various phenomena nature. Learn to recognize familiar animals, name them correctly, and see the changes that happen to them in the spring. Attract willing children.

5. NGO Sots.-com. development/Labor education. Work assignments: group cleaning. O goal: To form in children conscious attitude to order, learn to maintain it yourself. Strengthen labor skills related to wet cleaning. Encourage the initiative and independence of the children of Dima D., Yana V., Ilya S., and create a work culture.

An evening walk. 1. OO Pozn. development./Speech development. Observation: Smile of spring. Narration of the poem by Yu. Moritz “Spring”.

Goal: To draw children's attention to new signs of spring - thawed patches, puddles, drops, icicles. Offer to listen to a poem, answer the question of who and why is happy about the arrival of spring. Involve all children. 2. OO Phys. development. P/i "Corners". About the goal: Teach children to follow the rules of the game, practice free running, and perform basic movements. Cultivate goodwill, form friendly relationships with peers. Attract willing children. 3. OO Phys. development. Sport exercises “There’s a bull coming...” About the goal:

Teach children to walk and run on an inclined board, maintain balance, belay each other, and follow safety rules. Develop a sense of balance, self-confidence, courage. Attract willing children. Abstract educational activities V preparatory group

“We’re saving spring!”

Target: To contribute to the generalization of ideas about spring as a season, about the life of animals, birds, educational activities weather conditions spring time

; to form a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of spring nature. :

Educational objectives

Expand and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic; consolidate the skills of word formation and inflection, consolidate the ability to compose words from syllables. Work on a sentence: compose sentences from words, according to a diagram, consolidate the ability to answer questions in a complete sentence. R

developmental tasks: Development of coherent speech, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills

. Automation of correct pronunciation of words, development of coordination of speech with movement, development of memory, attention, thinking. :

Educational tasks Developing cooperation skills in the game; activity, initiative, independence, creativity

, imagination.

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Guys, today on the way to Lesovichok met me, he told me that there was trouble in the spring, a strong gusty wind delayed it in the forest, he doesn’t want it to come to the village spring warmth. Vesna asked Lesovich to turn to you for help. Do you think we can help Vesna out? Let's try. And for the wind to let Spring go, we need to complete all the tasks that Lesovichok gave us. Are you ready to help?


Yes, we're ready!

Progress of educational activities:

First, you and I need to remember after what time of year spring comes, before what time?


Spring comes after winter. It happens before summer.

Progress of educational activities:

The first task is this: we need to name the signs of spring, and pictures will help us with this (presentation on the signs of spring). You need to start a sentence with the words - In spring... (Children make up sentences based on pictures. In spring the sky is blue. In spring the sun shines brightly. In spring birds fly from warm countries. In the spring, icicles dripped from the roofs of houses. In the spring, the snow began to melt and streams began to flow. In the spring thawed patches appeared. In spring, the first flowers appear on thawed patches, in spring buds swell on the trees and tender green leaves appear).

Progress of educational activities:

Guys, why do you think the snow, ice melts, and streams flow?


The snow is melting because the sun has become warmer.

Progress of educational activities:

Will Spring come if the sun does not shine and warm? Why?

Progress of educational activities:

And our sun, the wind bewitched, scattered all the rays of the sun, and it became sad.

Progress of educational activities:

Show me how sad the sun is. But it chief assistant near spring. Guys, what needs to be done to make the sun happy?

Progress of educational activities:

Let's come up with beautiful words for the sun.

Didactic game"Choose a word"

What kind of sun is it? (A circle is attached to the board; children say a word and attach a ribbon-ray). Look how beautiful it is radiant sun we succeeded, it smiles at us. Now we have completed the second task.

Progress of educational activities:

Tell me, what changes occur in the life of animals in spring?


- In the spring, bears wake up from hibernation and have offspring. The hare changes white fur coat to gray. The squirrel turns red again.

Progress of educational activities:

All the animals on the table are mixed up, you need to choose only the animals of our forests.

Progress of educational activities:

Look what kind of tree Lesovichek left us. It is not simple, but with a task (syllables hanging on a tree), you need to make words from these syllables. Children make up words from syllables (vet-ka, wind-ter, kidney-ki, lu-zha, drop-li, grass-va, sun).

Progress of educational activities:

Well done, you completed this task, let's remember the poem about the beetle, let our eyes rest and train.

A beetle flew into our group.
He spun and sang;
“Ju-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I’m having a lot of fun spinning!”
So he flew to the right -
Everyone looked to the right.
So he flew to the left -
Everyone looked to the left.
The beetle spins and laughs,
He wants to sit on Ildar’s nose.
You little bug, don't be naughty!
Where we say, sit there.
Beetle, here is the right palm,
Sit on it for a while
Beetle, here is the left palm,
Sit on it for a while.
The beetle flew off my palm
And he sat down on the ceiling.
We stood up on our toes,
But we didn't get the beetle.
Let's clap together;
Clap, clap, clap,
Fly away quickly, bug.

Progress of educational activities:

What other insects do you know?


Ants, butterflies, grasshoppers, spiders, flies, caterpillars.

Progress of educational activities:

Come up with a proposal with insects according to this scheme. (Three scheme options are offered in turn).


1. The butterfly flies. 2. Dragonfly on the palm. 3. Ladybug sits on a flower.

Progress of educational activities:

Who do you think will be happy to see insects?


Birds will be happy with insects, because insects are food for birds.

Progress of educational activities:

And also, in order to help out Spring, we need to remember the birds that are returning from warmer climes, we will name them one by one and at the same time fold these leaves into an “accordion”, only very carefully they will be useful to us in the future.

Children name the birds and make an “accordion”.

Educator b:

Well done, how many birds do you know, and what does our “accordion” look like?

Progress of educational activities:

It also looks like wings.

Progress of educational activities:

Let's make birds and decorate our tree. I think these birds will make spring a joy. (birds singing starts)

Progress of educational activities:

The next task, the most important one, is that we must solve a crossword puzzle.

And thus we will list with you the signs of spring.


1. Housewarming party at the starling's house
He rejoices endlessly.
May we have a mockingbird
Let's make him...(birdhouse)

2. In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Creek)

3. The first to get out of the ground
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Although small. (snowdrop)

4. There’s someone’s house on a branch here,
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there
This is the name of the house...(nest)

5. She knocks softly in the spring,
And the whole village can hear it. (drops)

5. You warm the whole world,

You don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you... (sun).

Progress of educational activities:

So the spell of the evil wind has fallen, spring has freed itself and we will be warm.

Guys, did you like our lesson? (children's answer).

What exactly did you like about the activity?

What time of year were we talking about today?

Which beautiful time year - spring. Poets write poems about spring, artists paint pictures, composers write beautiful music. Spring will be glad to hear you perform a song in the Bashkir language. (children sing the song “Kunelle yaz kile”).

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", " Physical Culture", "Health", "Music", "Work", "Reading fiction".

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive, productive, motor.

Planned results: Have an idea about characteristic features spring (the days are longer, the sun is warmer, the snow is melting, migratory birds are returning); are able to answer fully, understand the connection between inanimate natural phenomena.

Goal: Formation and systematization of children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring.


1. Deepen your understanding of seasonal changes in nature; continue to teach children to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (why the snow is melting, because the sun has become warmer, etc.).

2. Continue to introduce children to folklore works about spring (riddles, chants); develop logical thinking, colloquial speech: enrich and activate the vocabulary of words; consolidate the ability to design from paper; develop communication skills.

3. To instill in children responsiveness, love and respect for nature.


Children enter the hall

Progress of educational activities: - Guys, look how many guests came to us. Say hello, you can shake hands and say your name. Now come to me and listen carefully. I’ll tell you riddles now, and you guess them.

1. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,

The day comes, when does it happen? (spring)

2. Was white gray

Has the green young one arrived? (winter spring)

Educator : - Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly.

The music “Spring Drops” begins to sound quietly.

Progress of educational activities: - Guys, do you hear the music playing? Listen to the music carefully.

Children listen to the melody of spring drops.

Progress of educational activities: – Children, what time of year do you think this music is about?

Children: About spring.

Progress of educational activities: – Why do you Arina (Tanya, Artyom, etc.) think so?

Children: - Because you can hear drops in music, and drops happen in the spring.

Progress of educational activities: – So, what time of year is this music about?

Children: - About spring.

Progress of educational activities: – That’s right, even music can put us in a spring mood.

There's a croaking sound behind the door

Progress of educational activities: - Oh, guys, it seemed to me, or you too, that you heard something. I'll go have a look.

The teacher behind the door takes Karkusha and brings him into the hall

Progress of educational activities: - Children, look who was croaking at us outside the door, who is it?

Children: - Karkusha.

Progress of educational activities: “They found out, well done, but Karkusha guys are very worried.”

The teacher brings Karkusha to his ear.

She says that she flew into the forest and it’s still frosty and cold there, but it’s been spring in the city for a long time and Karkusha asks you to help her bring spring to the forest, let’s help Karkusha?

Children: - Let's help.

Progress of educational activities: - Guys, in order to help Karkusha, we need to get to the forest. How can you quickly get to the forest?

Children: - By car, by plane, by helicopter.

Progress of educational activities: - Okay, but I propose to build the aircraft ourselves and call it something like spring, what will we call our aircraft?

Children: – Spring raid, etc.

Progress of educational activities: - So we have built our spring flight, take your seats.

Children in groups of 3 stand in hoops

Progress of educational activities: - We take the karkusha with us. We start the engine. Let's fly guys! And in order to invite spring to the forest, you need to know a lot about it. So we arrived in the forest.

Photo of the forest on the screen

Progress of educational activities: - Look guys, what forest did we fly into? In spring or winter?

Children find signs of spring

Children: – In spring, because there are no snowdrifts, no snow on the branches, you can see thawed patches and the sun is shining.

Progress of educational activities: – What other signs of spring do you know?

Children: – Icicles are dripping, the snow has darkened and is melting, etc.

Progress of educational activities: – What great fellows you are, what is the first month of spring?

Children: - March.

Progress of educational activities: – That’s right, and March is popularly called drip, days with ringing drops of sunshine. You really know a lot about spring, but now it’s time to call on spring.

Physical education minute

All the people smile

Spring! Spring! Spring!

She's everywhere she's everywhere

Red! Red! Red!

Through the meadow, forest and clearing,

It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!

The sun is calling to bask,

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

And the stream runs cheerfully,

It's ringing! It's ringing! It's ringing!

The river is wide over the pebbles,

It's murmuring! It's murmuring! It's murmuring!

And the smells are everywhere,

Flowers! Flowers! Flowers!

And everything living immediately hears,

Spring ringing!

Progress of educational activities: - Listen, guys, how merrily the birds chirp. Perhaps spring heard us. And she came into the forest with the cheerful chirping of birds. Guys, name the bird that flies first in the spring?

Children: - Rook.

Educator: - That's right.

All the migrating birds are blacker,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

All day at a gallop

And the bird's name is rook.

Progress of educational activities: – What other migratory birds do you know?

Children: – Starlings, swallows, etc.

Progress of educational activities: - Guys, I suggest we play. The game is called "The Birds Have Arrived."

Listen to the rules: I name the birds, but if I say something wrong, you clap your hands, be careful.

1. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and crows, swifts and macaroni.

2. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks. Crows, flies and rooks.

3. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, wolves and swifts.

Progress of educational activities: - Well done, you were very attentive.

Look, kids, our Karkusha is bored. I suggest you give Karkusha a gift. Let's sit down at the tables. Let's sit nicely, back straight. We will give Karkushi larks. Let them, together with Karkusha, invite spring.

Children make paper larks.

Progress of educational activities: - Larks - larks, fly with spring on your wings.

Karkusha, look at the larks the children have made for you. Now you won’t be the only one chatting about spring. Children, let's hang the larks on the branches, let them chirp. Guys, Karkusha was very pleased and says thank you. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. The crew takes their places. Start the engine! Let's fly!

Here we are in kindergarten.

Guys, do you think we helped Karkusha call for spring?

Children: - Yes.

Progress of educational activities: - How did you help?

Children: - They guessed riddles, called for spring, made larks.

Progress of educational activities: - Well done! You know a lot about spring. You guys are friendly. Now let's say goodbye to the guests.

Children: - Goodbye.

Tsiryatieva Vera Mikhailovna,

teacher speech therapist

MADOOU TsRR – kindergarten No. 176 of the city of Tyumen

Software tasks:

Educational field: “Speech development”

Goal: Activation of vocabulary in lexical topic"Early spring".

Correctional educational tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about early spring, signs of spring;
  • consolidate children’s ability to answer a question in a complete sentence, coordinating all parts of speech;
  • consolidate the skills of word formation and inflection, agreement of nouns with adjectives, nouns with verbs; match adjectives to nouns, verbs to nouns.

Correction and development tasks:

  • develop coherent speech through staging a story, composing sentences;
  • develop communication skills, develop fluency and expressiveness of speech;
  • improve phonemic awareness; practice in breathing correctly; develop fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, memory, attention, thinking;
  • develop auditory attention when perceiving non-speech sounds.

Correctional and educational tasks:

  • instill in children a sense of love and careful attitude to nature, sustainable interest in the surrounding world. Form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us.
  • cultivate artistic taste.

Educational area: " Artistic and aesthetic development"

  • Replenish your literary baggage with a poem or story.

Educational field: “Cognitive development”

  • Formation complete picture world (expansion and clarification of knowledge about spring, its signs)

Educational field: “Physical development”

  • Prevent psychophysical fatigue of children by realizing the need for physical activity;
  • create optimal conditions for physical activity.

Educational area: " Social and communicative development"

  • Formation of readiness for independent choice and decision; fostering a culture of relationships.

Preliminary work: observing spring changes in nature on a walk, reading poems about spring, fairy tales about spring, looking at illustrations on the topic, learning the exercise “Sunshine, Sunshine”, preparing a dramatization of E. Shim’s story “Stone, Stream, Icicle and the Sun”, excursion to the park.


Pictures depicting signs of spring; envelopes depicting signs of different seasons for each child; subject pictures; puzzles, hats for children: sun, stream, stone, icicle; audio recording of spring sounds; xylophone; house cards: “He”, “She”, “It”, “They”.

GCD move:

We are calm, we are calm

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and leisurely

We will definitely remember everything,

And we'll tell the teachers.

Speech therapist. You will find out what we are going to talk about by solving the puzzle.

Speech therapist. So what are we going to talk about? (about spring). Try to remember the words related to this topic, because you will need to “put” them in our box (piggy bank)

Speech therapist. What is “spring”?

Children. It's that time of year.

Speech therapist. After what time of year does spring come?

Children. After winter.

Speech therapist. And before what time of year does spring occur?

Children. Before summer.

Yes, there is still snow, but spring has already come and brought you riddles. Do you want to guess the mysteries of spring?

Let's divide into 3 groups: You need to solve puzzles: 1st group determines the word by the first sounds of the pictures (April), 2nd group needs to arrange the numbers in order (May), children from the third group need to put the letters in size from large to small (March) .

Speech therapist. Name the words you came up with. What are these words?

Children. These are the names of the months.

Speech therapist. Who is in the first month, pick up a card. Which group has next month? Well, the last one spring month what is the name of?

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Spring has legs.

I. Tokmakova.

Speech therapist. Listen to what happened one day at the edge of the forest. The story is called “Stone, stream, icicle and sun” by E. Shim (children tell by role)

Speech therapist. The sun hid and did not appear again. Do you think spring can start without the sun? So what do you think makes spring?

What happens in nature in spring thanks to the sun?


  • The sun is shining and warming,
  • in the sun the snow begins to melt,
  • thawed patches appeared,
  • the nights have become shorter and the days longer,
  • merry streams ran,
  • We exchanged heavy winter clothes for light spring clothes.
  • all nature wakes up from its winter sleep.

Speech therapist. Of course, the most important sign the onset of spring - the sun (picture)

Speech therapist. Game “We know a lot” beautiful words about the sun"(with palms). What are these words called?

Speech therapist. On the tables are envelopes with pictures depicting different seasons; you need to choose pictures that are suitable for spring. Make suggestions based on the pictures.

Which offer did you like best? Outline this proposal.

How many words are there in a sentence? Say the first word, the second. …. Let's remember the rule about supply.

Speech therapist. Show the correct sign at the end of the sentence. Spring has finally arrived! Streams run along the roads. Have the rooks arrived yet?

Physical education minute

Sunshine, sunshine

Shine brighter for us.

Sunshine, sunshine

Spread your rays.

We will collect the rays

Let's take the little gilts

Let's ride, let's play

And we'll give it back to you.

Speech therapist. Listen to the riddle. (The child riddles it)

I'm running like a ladder, jingling over pebbles

From afar you will recognize me by the song.

Speech therapist. And now the cube will tell us the game.

Ball game.

If the cube rolls yellow, then you need to name words - signs, if green - words - actions.

Signs: stream - loud, babbling, fast, cold..., words - actions: stream - running, babbling, ringing...

Speech therapist. Playing with water (depict a stream - blow through a straw into a glass of water)

Speech therapist. Riddles (children make riddles)

  1. It looks like a stream and leads a passerby to the river.
  2. All migratory birds are cleared of worms from the arable land.

Jump back and forth across the arable land, and the bird’s name is... rook.

  1. Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!

The snow is melting, there is water all around,

Can't wear felt boots

In the snow... thawed patches.

Speech therapist. Let's play with these words. What do their sounds have in common?

Children. Sound R

Speech therapist. Who wants to choose a sound scheme and talk about that sound?

Children. This is a consonant, hard, sonorous sound.

Speech therapist. Name the “extra” word, why is it “extra”? (rook)

Speech therapist. Make up a word from syllables (ice drift). What it is? What two words did this word come from?

Children. From the words “ice moves.”

Find the symbol for this word on the cube. Form new words from the two: snow melts - snowmelt, first flowers - primroses. What else Difficult words do you remember? (snowdrop, snowfall)

Speech therapist. We saw spring. Do you want to hear the sounds of spring? Listen.

Speech therapist. What did you hear? (drops). What is "Kapel"?

Name related words to this word (drip, drop, dripping, droplet).

Finger game.

Drip-drip-drip, spring has come (fingers say hello)

Drip-drip-drip, the icicles are melting (fingers say hello)

Streams ran (large and index finger move around the table)

The rooks have flown to us (palms join hands, thumbs intertwined, waving palms)

Speech therapist. We have another surprise left by spring. This is her musical instrument, a xylophone. I'll play a melody. Can you tell me what she reminds you of?

Children. This melody resembles the sound of a drop.

Speech therapist. You can “play” words on the xylophone (tapping out the rhythmic pattern of the words).

I suggest you “perform” the words on the xylophone and place them in the correct house: he, she, it, they. We will play in pairs. One person plays the xylophone, the other places the picture in the correct house. (Children perform a rhythmic pattern based on the pictures of spring signs)

Bottom line

Speech therapist. Our meeting is coming to an end. Think about what you would tell the teachers about our meeting. Share your impressions of what you remember most and liked. Did everything work out for you? Now let’s fill the box with words of what we expect from spring.

The sun gives everyone a smile and the warmth of its rays. And I will give you spring-themed coloring books.


  1. I. Tokmakova “Spring is coming to us...”
  2. E. Shim “Stone, stream, icicle and sun”

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Teaching experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?
