Perspective-thematic planning in the preparatory group “The Sorceress of Voditsa. Thematic week “Water Sorceress”

Oksana Petrova
Summer calendar planning healing period V middle group. Thematic week"Water is the source of life"

Thematic week« Water is the source of life»

Monday Morning exercises

Development positive emotions "Kapitoshka"

Target: develop children’s ability to determine mood from illustrations.

Conversation - show "Enchantress water»

Target: expand children’s knowledge about water, its characteristics, as well as the importance of water for humans. Learn a saying “Close the tap tight so the ocean doesn’t leak out.”.


Observation of a tree - linden.

Target: expand children’s knowledge about the linden tree, about the widespread use of linden on the farm.

Labor activity. Fill the sand with water.

Target: bring up positive attitude to work.

Di "Trees are different"

Target: to clarify children’s knowledge about the trees growing on the kindergarten site.

P/n "Crucian carp and pike"



D/i traffic rules "Traffic lights"

Target: expand knowledge about the rules traffic, consolidate knowledge of traffic lights.

Work in the book corner. Exhibition books: S. Marshak "Water pipes"; A. Yakim "Clouds"; B. Zakhoder “What happened to the river.”

Evening walk Watching bees.

Target: develop observation skills.

P/n "Stream" Target

Playing with sand. “I bake, I bake, I’ll treat Kapitoshka”

Target: development of thinking, imagination and motor skills.

Interaction with parents. Booklet “Why should we save water?”

Morning exercises

Looking at illustrations on the topic « Water on Earth» (oceans, seas, rivers, streams)

Target: to train children in coherent storytelling based on pictures.

Di “What happens in nature?”

Target: consolidating the use of verbs in speech.

Let's learn a saying: “Turn the tap tightly - be careful with the water”


Individual work on music. will educate Musical and didactic game "There are puddles on the path"

Target: use musical works as facilities enriching children's ideas about water and its properties.

Individual work on REMP "Our day"

Target: consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of the day, teach how to use words correctly "morning", "day", "evening", "night".

Independent artistic activity"The sea is calling, the wave is singing"

Target: strengthen children’s skills in sponge painting techniques, cotton swab, convey the image of the sea.


Lizard watching.

Target: develop the ability to examine a lizard; fix the structure of the lizard, how does it defend itself, where does it live, what benefits does it bring?

Round dance game "Entertainer"

Target: practice the ability to maintain a circle while moving.

Labor activity. Collect beautiful pebbles for the game.

Target: develop children’s ability to work together, achieve task completion through joint efforts.

Di "Butterflies, Frogs and Herons"

Target: develop knowledge, practice imitative movements.

P/n "Jumpers".

Target: practice jumping on two legs while moving forward.


Conversation: « Water in natural phenomena"

Target: expand knowledge about the diverse state of water in the environment environment.

D/i TRIZ “How many things man has done”

Target: exercise the ability to classify man-made objects by function.

Watching educational films "Kapitoshka", “Kapitoshka come back”.

Construction games. "Bridge over the river"

Target: develop the ability to make buildings from various parts of a large construction set, game modules.

An evening walk

Experimentation« Water has no shape»


Di "Who lives where?"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the place of residence of various animals.

P/n "Don't get your feet wet"

Target: consolidate the ability to overcome obstacles, listen to the teacher’s commands.

Games with water. "Colorful Boats"

Target: development of attention, coordination of movements.

Interaction with parents. Involve parents in the design of the exhibition “Have you heard about water, they say it’s everywhere...”


Morning exercises

Di "Fish, Bird, Beast"

Target: activate the dictionary, switch attention from one subject to another.

Let's learn a saying: “Just don’t pour water, know how to value water”

Target: develop children’s knowledge that water needs to be conserved.

Individual work. Conversation "Who lives in the water?"

Target: expanding knowledge about life living beings in different ecological systems.

Individual origami work "Ships at Sea"

Target: develop the ability to create an image by folding paper, improve the ability to compose beautiful composition. T. S. Komarova p. 39.


Surveillance of special transport

The goal is to expand knowledge about special transport; enrich


Labor activity. Plant care work (watering)

Target: expand knowledge about plants; practice the ability to water with a hose, cultivate a love of work.

P/n Competition "Squirters"

Target: develop an eye, accuracy - whose spray bottle will spray further.

Afternoon: Wellness

Joint entertainment with parents. "Kapitoshka's Birthday"

Target: to develop the ability to establish positive relationships with parents, teachers, peers, to activate the role of parents in raising children.

Board and printed games. - "Find the office"

Target: develop imagination and logical thinking.

Independent artistic activity modeling "Kapa and Toshka"

Target: to improve children’s ability to independently determine what techniques they will use to sculpt and bring their plans to completion.

Conversation “Where does it come from to our house? water»

Target: bring up careful attitude to water resources

An evening walk


Di « Water is friend - water is enemy»

Target: encourage children to put forward hypotheses; develop the ability to express your thoughts clearly for others.

P/n "Crucian carp and pike"

Target: expand the content of the game, develop imagination, creativity, plasticity of movements.

Playing with sand. I/u “Imagine and draw”

Target: develop Creative skills and the ability to draw a planned design in the sand.

Interaction with parents. Consultation for parents: « Water in our lives»

Morning exercises

Finger game "Fish"

Target: improve the coordination of hand movements with the text.

D/i "Who will name the object first?"

Target: improve skills in the environment to find objects of round, triangular, square shape.

Situational conversation « We need water, to…"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the need for water in human life

Individual work on music. Play Listening audio recordings: "Sounds of the Sea", "Sounds of Water".

Individual work on artistic activities "Rain, rain".

Target: improve children’s knowledge about the importance of water in human life,


Observations of the altitude of the Sun.

Target: consolidate knowledge about influence solar energy on plant life, animals and humans. Labor assignment. Collect broken branches from the area.

Target: to form a desire to help adults.

Conversation on life safety “Hurry up and close the tap - be careful with the water.”

P/i "Firemen"

Target: develop the ability to start movements at a signal, practice climbing.


Fairy tale dramatization "Bubble, Lapot and Straw".

Target: continue to introduce children to oral folk art; introduce a new type of dramatization of a familiar fairy tale.

Individual work (physical education- health-improving) “Who will do it best?”

Target: training the skill of proper breathing.

Plot-wise role-playing game. "Brave Sailors"

Target: enrich the game with new attributes, develop children’s social skills.

An evening walk

Stump observation.

Target: contribute to the formation of ideas about what a STUMP is.

Di "What season"

Target: to develop the ability to independently find signs of summer, establish cause and effect relationships

P/n "Don't get your feet wet"

Target: consolidate the ability to overcome obstacles, listen to the teacher’s commands

Fun game "Blowing Soap Bubbles"

Interaction with parents. Consultation for parents « Water in nature»

Morning exercises

Morning joyful meetings. "I give you a smile"

Target: to form friendly attitude to each other.

D/s for development auditory attention. "Shop"

Target: to train children in the ability to identify the first sound of a word.

Individual sculpting work. « gold fish» plasticineography.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about fish; to form children's knowledge about the characteristic structure fish: body shape, fins, gills, etc.

Individual work on movement development. Development of movements.

Target: practice jumping in place with turns to the right, left, around yourself.

Sports festival "Neptune's Day"


Cloud watching

Target: expand ideas about the sky and its influence on life of our planet; develop the perception of the beauty and diversity of the celestial sphere.

Labor activity. Sweeping paths.

Target: cultivate a desire to work. (sanitary cleaning of areas).

Experimentation« Water has no shape»

Target: develop logical thinking, cognitive interest.

Di "Our good deeds".

Target: develop in children a kind attitude towards the entire world around them, the ability of children to analyze their actions and the actions of their friends.

Folk games. "Hunters and Ducks"

Target: to cultivate organization, attention, and the ability to control one’s movements.

Exercise children in throwing a ball at a moving target.

Afternoon: Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths.

Role-playing game. "Ambulance"

Goals: to develop the ability to display knowledge about the environment in the game life, show the social significance of medicine.

Ecological quiz “Save water!”

Target: create joyful, fun mood; consolidate the acquired knowledge about water, its importance in life people and everything alive: cultivate a careful attitude towards water.

Conversation "Where do drops of water live in kindergarten".

Target: encourage children to put forward hypotheses, develop the ability to express their thoughts clearly for others; looking at water droplets through a magnifying glass.

Independent artistic activity. "Balloons"

Target: consolidate the ability to draw objects in a round shape, select colors.

An evening walk

Di “What happens in nature?”

Target: consolidation of the use of verbs in speech, agreement of words in a sentence.

P/n "Stream"

Target: cultivate a friendly attitude towards the participants in the game.

We draw with crayons on the asphalt. "Bubble…"

Target: develop children’s skills to draw round objects, show imagination and creativity.

Interaction with parents. Consultation for parents " Cleanliness is the key

Topic of the week:
"Sorceress Water"

From 04/25/16 to 04/29/16

Program content:

Expanding ideas about the properties of water (water can be in different states: solid, liquid, gaseous; other substances can dissolve in water; water can be colored in different colors; water is transparent, has no shape, has different temperatures and etc.).

Development of the ability to establish the simplest connections between living and inanimate nature(it’s raining – there are puddles on the ground, plants and animals need water, etc.).







Cognitive development (extended circle)

Conversation “The Sorceress – Water.”

Artistic aesthetic development (app)

“Living Clouds” by I.A. Lykov page 120

Cognitive development (FEMP)

No. 4 I.A. Pomoraeva page 51

Speech development

Compiling a story based on the painting “Melt Water” by O.S. Ushakov

Artistic aesthetic development (sculpting)

“Our Aquarium” by I.A. Lykov page 132

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan

Physical development


According to the plan, physical instructor

Topic: “Water Sorceress” Experimenting with water “Sinking or not sinking”, “Painting water”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Conversation “What do you know about water?” Goal: to clarify knowledge about water and its properties.

Reading and repeating the nursery rhyme “Water, water” Purpose: to develop memory, speech, intelligence

Looking at illustrations about water. Goal: to encourage children to recognize, distinguish and name objects and natural phenomena.

D/i “And then what?” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of children in different time days. Ruslan, Sasha, Alina

Experience. The water is clear. Goal: to clarify the properties of water, to establish the cause investigative connections: water is transparent, which means living organisms can live in it; without water, all living things die.

Create conditions for

Looking at illustrations and pictures various sources water and reservoirs on Earth, use of water in everyday life

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children. Individual conversations and consultations upon parental requests

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (extended circle)

Conversation “The Sorceress - Water”. Goal: Develop cognitive activity in the process of becoming familiar with the environment. Form children's understanding of the importance of water in the life of humans, animals, plants (water is the source of life); develop an understanding of the properties of water; continue to introduce the techniques of basic experimentation; cultivate a caring attitude towards water and nature.

Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education recommend creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest and introducing children to ways of obtaining information. These problems can be solved by opening laboratories and experimenting. We propose to pay attention to studying the properties of water in early February. To do this, the teacher introduces new equipment for games and cognitive activity, organizes experiments, talks about the importance of water in nature, etc. The result of the week is the design didactic manual"What is water for?" Detailed description excursions, observations, artistic and labor activity You will find in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Water Sorceress”.

Social and communicative development

The teacher organizes an excursion to the medical office, thereby encouraging children to transfer the acquired knowledge to role-playing game. The teacher also plans exercises on social and communicative development, conversations on safety.

Cognitive development

For cognitive development The teacher selects noisy images, offers to compare objects, find them relative to themselves. The teacher involves children in experimenting with water and helps them draw conclusions.

Speech development

Speech development continues. In addition to conversations, the teacher plans games “Catch and throw, name colors”, “Say differently”, reading in the 2nd half of the day.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, it is planned to design fish from paper, decorate teamwork“Aquarium” and making fish using a tin lid.

Physical development

At the end of the week, together with the instructor and musical director The “Droplet’s Adventure” holiday takes place, during which the acquired knowledge is consolidated. Ditto for physical development The teacher introduces the children to the folk game “Voevoda”, learns physical exercises and finger games about water and fish.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting “Greetings with cheeks.” Goal: create positive attitude all day.Grand opening of the Kapelka laboratory. Goal: to attract children's attention to experimental activities.Conversation with children about the meaning of water. Goal: learn to make basic conclusions.Adding fish stencils. Goal: to continue teaching children to work with templates and stencils.Physical exercise “Clean water is flowing.” Goal: learn words.
Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items. Goal: to create a desire to take care of yourself.Exercise “Noisy images”. Goal: to develop perception, interhemispheric connections.Exercise “Say it differently.” Goal: enrich children's vocabulary.Modeling according to plan. Goal: to consolidate sculpting techniques and develop motor skills.P.i. "Owl." Purpose: to introduce new game. P.i. “Find and remain silent.” Goal: to develop self-control and self-control.
2 p.d.Exercise “Let’s show Nyusha how we can wash our hands.” Goal: Reinforce the hand washing sequence.Cognitive and research activity “Cold, warm, hot.” Goal: determine the temperature of the water, introduce a water thermometer.Reading L. Deryagin “Letting the Boats Go.” Goal: to teach to listen carefully to the work and answer the teacher’s questions.Constructive model activity from paper “Fishes”. Goal: to strengthen the ability to fold a triangle from a square.Conversation “Microbes are afraid of water.” Goal: to form ideas about healthy life.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Introducing the album “Russian hut, its decoration”. Goal: to expand ideas about the meaning of a hut and the materials for its construction.Exercise “Where is the object.” Goal: continue to learn how to navigate in a group relative to yourself and other objects.Conversation “Who lives in water?” Goal: to develop cognitive interest and imagination.Drawing "Waves on the sea." Goal: show children how to draw waves.Cut-out pictures “Sports equipment”. Goal: remember what games you can play with what.
Watching snowfall. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.Di. “Catch and throw, name the colors.” Purpose: to train children in selecting nouns for adjectives.Examination of the drawing “Pisces”. Goal: to expand children's understanding of the body parts of fish.P.i. "The Shepherd and the Flock." Goal: remember the game. Folk game“I am the governor today.” Goal: to introduce children to the folk game.
