Why does urine smell like mice. Unpleasant and pungent smell of urine - is it dangerous?

Normally, when urinating, a person does not feel a strong aroma of urine. Usually it is weakly expressed. However, if there are health problems, the urine can acquire a strong odor. It is important to notice problems in time, take into account the accompanying symptoms and consult a specialist.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

What is considered normal?

Urine from a healthy woman has a slight smell of ammonia. It is greatly enhanced at the time of contact of urine with oxygen. That is why urine smells much stronger after standing for a while even in closed containers. However, if a pungent odor occurs directly during the process of urination, this may indicate pathological changes. It is necessary to find out the causes of what happened and start treatment if the unpleasant odor arose as a result of pathological changes.

Physiological causes

Urine has a complex chemical composition. It directly depends on the nutrition of a woman. Particular attention should be paid to the fluids used. Doctors divide all the physiological causes of this phenomenon into 3 groups. The occurrence of a sharp unpleasant odor of urine can lead to:

  1. The use of a large number of marinades, salty, smoked, spicy. Products with a specific smell have a similar effect. In particular, the list includes onions and garlic. They lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor not only from the mouth, but also during urination.
  2. Taking medicines or vitamins. Medications can give urine a bright hue. Often it turns yellow or acquires a greenish color. This phenomenon is imperceptible when it comes to B vitamins. If there is no other deviation, and the woman’s tests are normal, the specific color and smell will disappear immediately after the medication is stopped.
  3. Dehydration. If a person consumes an insufficient amount of water for normal life, the density of urine increases. In this case, a change in color and smell occurs. Most often, a deviation from the norm is observed in the morning. Dehydration can occur as a result of excessive night sweats, after a long stay in the heat or alcohol abuse. The color also undergoes pathological changes. Urine becomes dark and cloudy. It should be borne in mind that dehydration is included in the list of physiological factors only if it is not associated with serious illness. If dehydration is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as other alarming symptoms, this may indicate the development of the disease.
  4. Prolonged fasting can also affect the smell of urine. It also changes in pregnant women. This happens as a result of a hormonal imbalance. During the course of menstruation, a specific change in smell is observed. The first portion of urine excreted in the morning smells the most.

Pathological causes

If a woman notices an unpleasant smell of urine in herself, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. She is able to report a pathology that could provoke a problem. Most often, an unpleasant odor is the result of the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the liver. Pathology leads to an increase in the level of bilirubin in urine. This in turn causes a change in smell.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to the fact that the organs of the genitourinary system are in close proximity to each other. Faced with an unpleasant odor, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. A woman may be diagnosed with chlamydia. After 2 weeks from the onset of infection, it leads to a change in the smell of urine. Another reason for this phenomenon is mycoplasmosis. It can cause inflammation of the reproductive system and kidneys.
  3. . The smell of urine of patients with this disease resembles acetone or sour apples. Symptoms cannot be ignored. The resulting complications can lead to diabetic coma.
  4. In the rectum, suppurative or gangrenous processes occur.
  5. There is a serious metabolic disorder. Specialists include in this group of diseases a pathology in which the urine smells like maple syrup, in which there is a smell of mold, and trimethylaminuria, which leads to the smell of rotten fish.
  6. Pathology of the urinary system. It is noteworthy that the change in the smell of urine begins to occur long before the first symptom appears. Urine may acquire a sharp odor with urethritis or. The first pathology is an inflammatory lesion of the urethra. In the second, inflammation is localized in the bladder. The symptom also occurs when. In this case, the tubular system of the kidneys is damaged. Less commonly, a strong smell of urine is accompanied by a disease in which the renal pelvis is affected.

The list is not exhaustive. Trichomoniasis has similar symptoms. And during it there is inflammation of the cervix and vagina.

Odor and discharge from the vagina

Due to the fact that the urethra and vagina are very close, women are not able to determine what exactly smells - urine or discharge. If leucorrhea with the smell of ammonia appears, this may indicate insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, the development of incontinence or. In this case, the underwear continues to smell like urine even some time after the woman has taken a shower.

To get rid of the problem, you need to eliminate its root cause. The smell will then go away on its own. However, there are situations in which this is not possible. So, during pregnancy, temporary incontinence often occurs. In this case, experts recommend using special urological pads to eliminate external inconvenience.

Many sexually transmitted infections do not have any symptoms. It is possible to detect them only after the woman turns to a specialist due to the occurrence of an unpleasant smell of urine and vaginal discharge.

Associated symptoms

If a woman is faced with a sharp unpleasant odor of urine, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. It is necessary to immediately visit a specialist if, in addition to an unpleasant odor, there is:

  • the appearance of blood clots, pus or white flakes in the urine;
  • a woman constantly feels that her bladder is full;
  • symptoms of dehydration are observed;
  • urine has changed color or become cloudy;
  • the number of urination has become more frequent, but the total volume of excreted fluid is insignificant;
  • the nature of the vaginal discharge has changed and a pungent odor has appeared.

Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​​​the location of the organs of the genitourinary system should also alert. In particular, you should pay attention to the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, groin and lower abdomen.

Who to contact?

In 90% of cases, changes in the smell and color of urine signal the onset of the development of pathology. For this reason, it is important to contact a specialist in time. First of all, you need to visit a therapist. He will perform a general examination. This includes a blood and urine test. Additionally, a general survey will be conducted. Based on the patient's words, the specialist will draw up a general picture of the woman's condition and make an assumption about the possible causes of this phenomenon. Then the therapist will give a referral for examination to other specialists. It can refer to:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist.

A woman is necessarily sent to a gynecologist. Action must be taken in order to exclude problems with the genitourinary system. These are the most common causes of bad breath. If the patient is a girl, whose age is 3-4 years and older, the examination is also carried out. The action must be carried out in order to exclude mechanical trauma to the genital organs, the presence of malformations of their development, as well as genitourinary infections. Doctors say that the unpleasant smell of urine in girls can occur due to improper selection of underwear, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Statistics show that some parents neglect the need to teach their child elementary norms. This causes inflammatory diseases. Many of them are accompanied by a strong smell of urine.

Diagnostic methods

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must accurately determine the causes of the pungent smell of urine. For this, diagnostic studies are prescribed. The doctor may prescribe

  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • glucose analysis;
  • referral for gynecological and urological examinations;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and urinary system;
  • smear from the urethra and cervix.

If the information obtained as a result of the study is not enough, the doctor may resort to the help of additional diagnostic methods. In particular, the gynecologist will send diagnostics for PCR. It is necessary to exclude sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, bakposev of discharge from the urethra and vagina can be performed.

The urologist prescribes urine culture, MRI or CT. The latest studies are performed if the specialist has a suspicion of the tumor nature of the disease.

A scatologist or surgeon is referred for an endoscopic bowel examination or colonoscopy. The oncologist directs for a biopsy when a neoplasm is detected on ultrasound or MRI, regardless of the alleged genesis.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy directly depends on the diagnosis. If bacterial infections of the reproductive organs or urinary system are detected, antibiotics are prescribed. They can be broad-spectrum drugs or narrowly targeted. The last drugs are prescribed strictly according to the results of bacterial culture of the discharge. The following antibiotics are often used:

  • Acipol or.

    A neoplasm in the kidneys or bladder, as well as paraproctitis, require serious treatment. Surgery may be performed. If a carcinoma is detected, in addition to the operation, chemotherapy and radio irradiation are carried out.

    If no diseases have been identified, the fight against bad breath may consist in revising the usual way of life. It is necessary to observe proper nutrition and carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and sweet foods. At the same time, the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits should increase. Seasonings and spices should be discarded. Under the ban fall flavor enhancers, which include flavorings and dyes. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.

We are not talking about an unpleasant smell emanating from the corner of the house (or entrance), where someone once went "for a little". No. In this regard, everything is in order. Being in the fresh air (before that, having directly left the human body), urine begins to change in its properties, after which it emits an unpleasant one.


It is a completely different matter when the liquid coming out of you has a bad smell, directly, in the process itself. This article deals with just this case. In order to identify the deviation ( why it smells strong), we first consider the process of normal urination in a healthy person.

How does this happen?

The process of urination affects the work of the kidneys, bladder, urethra. When the fluid turns out to be superfluous for the body (after passing through the renal channels), it is sent to the exit.

Just before leaving the human body, urine is held in the bladder for a while. By its structure, it is a bag consisting of muscle tissue, and capable of containing about 500 milliliters of liquid. Approaching the rate of filling, it requires devastation. Further, the course goes through a special passage (urethra), and it turns out.

The urine of a healthy person is odorless. Its color is light yellow or transparent white. If there is any deviation from this standard, then it's time to seriously think about your own.

Bad smell

So, urine emits a bad smell, its color is dark. Is it worth sounding the alarm? The answer is not immediately. First you need to remember what you have consumed in the last day. Since an unpleasant odor can also appear due to the food eaten. There are a number of such that can give the fluid within you these characteristics. For example, if you have consumed garlic or horseradish. It is common for these products to impart an unpleasant odor to the urine.

Many seafood are also capable of causing an unpleasant odor. Especially when it comes to eating mussels. Asparagus has the same properties.

Many scientists argue why this can happen. Some argue that asparagus thus has a harmful effect on the body. Others prove otherwise - this product acts as a cleanser for. And the unpleasant smell is simply exuded by toxins that come out with the water. In any case, if you are not going to deny yourself the use of this product, but you are embarrassed by the pungent smell in the toilet, then it is enough to add sea salt when cooking asparagus.

In addition, one should not forget that the use of a separate group of medicines and herbal decoctions contributes to the appearance of evil. This is especially true for antibiotics. Their use causes both an unpleasant odor and a dark color of urine. There is no need to worry in this case. After completing the course of taking this group of drugs, the smell and color of the liquid is normalized.


So, we have listed all sorts of factors that affect the color and smell of urine. Having tried on each of them last night, or this morning/afternoon, we came to the conclusion that none of them fit. So, the cause must be sought in the state of health. Do not forget that several organs are involved in the process of urination. It follows that one of them does not function properly. And this can pose a serious danger to him.

There are some reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine, which we will consider below.


This is a disease that affects the bladder. It has an infectious origin. But it may not be associated with the presence of infections. The smell of urine in this disease is sharp and ammonia. If we are talking about non-infectious, then the smell resembles a chemical one, and this ailment was obtained by taking certain medications. In addition, with cystitis, pain appears, both in the bladder itself and during urination.

Venereal diseases

There is a whole group of sexually transmitted diseases, but they have one common symptom (almost all). Urine smells like fish. If this is noticed, then you need to urgently go to the application.


This disease can affect both the color and smell of urine. At the same time, red bodies (blood) are seen in its composition. Urination accompanies severe pain.

Kidney inflammation

This is also an unpleasant process that changes the composition of urine, changing its color. We can talk about finding an infection in the renal tract. In addition, the disease proceeds with severe pain in. All this requires an urgent appointment with a doctor. The main thing to remember is that the sooner treatment begins, the faster the work of the kidneys will be normalized. In addition, it will cut off the occurrence of any complications.


No wonder in India this ailment was called the "sweet urine disease". If you go “little by little” in nature, having diabetes, then it is not uncommon that after some time there will be a whole colony of ants in this place. All this indicates the presence of a large amount of sugar in the urine. In the early stages, the liquid has a pleasant sweet smell. Some claim that it resembles an apple flavor. As the disease progresses, urine begins to smell more and more like a chemical. In serious stages, it can be compared to the smell of acetone.


Nowadays, there are many methods that can get rid of excess weight. But try to avoid those that are associated with fasting. Because during this process the body does not receive the trace elements it needs, which causes a malfunction in some organs. So, for example, the kidneys can be prone to acidosis - an unpleasant disease. Urine during fasting begins to emit a disgusting ammonia smell.

Liver failure

With this ailment, the urine becomes dark in color. And its smell is reminiscent of beer. The same can be seen in the state of a hangover.


There are many diseases that are inherited. Most of them are associated with the metabolism of amino acids. For example, leucinosis. With this disease, urine becomes similar in smell to maple syrup. By the way, in the common people, leucinosis is called the maple syrup disease.

In the case of phenylketunoria, the urine resembles the smell of mold. This disease affects the nervous system. Like leucinosis, it is caused by amino acid metabolism.


If a person consumes too little water, then he exposes his body to a fluid imbalance. Urine acquires an ammonia smell. To avoid this, it is enough to drink about two liters of water each.

The child has

Do not forget that this deviation can also be found in a child. For no reason at all, the baby begins to smell strongly of urine. What does this mean?

In most cases, the causes of the disgusting smell of urine in babies are the same as in adults. However, there are exceptions. For example, if there is a lack of vitamin D in the child's body. In this case, his palms often begin to sweat, he gains weight. He doesn't eat well though. And one of the main indicators is the unpleasant smell of urine.

Also, do not forget that the child may be prone to colds. In this case, the smell of his urine also deviates from the norm. As soon as the disease passes, the liquid acquires a normal smell.

If we are talking about babies, then the factor “What the mother eats, that is, the child” is very important here. If suddenly mommy decided to change her diet and switched to other products, then you should not sound the alarm if the child's urine smells unpleasant. This is a temporary phenomenon, and as soon as the body gets used to the new feeding composition, the smell will disappear.

When watching the video, you can learn about urine.

In any case, whether it is an adult or a child, it will not be superfluous to go to see a doctor with such a deviation. So in the future it can develop into a whole disease. Why delay if you can extinguish the disease in its infancy.

The urine of a healthy woman should normally not contain various impurities. It should be transparent, sterile, bright straw-yellow in color, with a slightly acidic reaction. Chemicals that are soluble in water are part of the urine, which is normally excreted from the body through the urinary system.

With the help of biochemical processes in the body, ammonia is formed, proteins decompose to amino acids, which is why urine has a characteristic smell. The sharp and strong smell of urine indicates pathological changes in the body of a woman or some food. Do not panic if there is no pain or other warning symptoms when emptying the bladder.

Urinalysis is an important indicator of the health of the human body. It is a serious mistake not to attach importance to the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine.

What could it be?

If a woman's urine has a strong unpleasant odor, this is a sign of various disorders in the body.

The smell of fish

The fishy smell of urine, which cannot be eliminated after a hygienic bath, is an indicator of a malfunction in the liver.

The reasons for this stench are:

  • Hereditary disorder of phenylalanine metabolism.
  • Depletion of the immune system.
  • Leukocytosis in urine tests.
  • Infectious process in the genitourinary system.
  • pathogenic disorders.
  • Fungal infection (thrush)
  • Promiscuous sexual relations.
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina
  • Women's diseases (gynecological).

Acetone smell

Disruptions in the endocrine system are the main cause of the appearance of acetone in the urine. In diabetes mellitus occurs supersaturation of blood glucose due to insufficient absorption of this substance by cells. There is a lack of energy. An overloaded liver begins to produce ketone bodies, which contain fermented glucose (acetone).

Ultimately, acetone is excreted from the body with urine, which is the cause of the unpleasant odor. The appearance of ketonuria during pregnancy is a serious indication for contacting a medical institution.

smell of ammonia

The kidneys naturally get rid of toxic substances, including ammonia. There is a development of pathological processes in the body, such as infections of the genitourinary system. At the same time, urine has a specific ammonia smell, and changes in its composition also occur.

Excessive uncontrolled consumption of vitamins, preparations based on iron and calcium is accompanied by disturbances in the normal biological reactions of the body, which cause a sharp smell of ammonia in the urine. Urine can exude a strong fetid odor also due to its stagnation in the bladder for a long time.

Insufficient fluid intake adversely affects the female body, causing it to become dehydrated, so the urine darkens and, accordingly, the amount of ammonia content in it increases.

Excessive consumption of protein products leads to excessive formation of ammonia in the body with liver diseases, so microbes enter the urine. Urine in this case takes on the smell of rotten eggs.

After sexual intercourse, urine may become cloudy and smell unpleasant, but strict adherence to hygiene rules will relieve this problem.

A number of pathologies that provoke the appearance of the smell of ammonia in the urine:

  1. Violations of the immune function.
  2. Pathology of the liver.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis)
  4. Consumption.

Causes of an unusual smell of urine

  • Hop disease can cause hop aroma.
  • A beer or putrid smell occurs when there is a violation of the absorption of amino acids and monosaccharides, as well as in inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • Diabetics have a sweetish or sour smell of urine.
  • Violation of the functioning of enzymes gives the urine an unusual smell of sweaty feet.
  • In the presence of pus in the urine, a fetid unbearable odor occurs.
  • A pungent odor appears with helminthic invasions.
  • The smell of intestinal contents may be in the presence of intestinal stick.

Why is it dangerous?

In any case, if the urine smells bad, this is an alarming sign of the appearance in the body pathological process. If treated unwisely, the infection will spread rapidly, which can lead to irreversible consequences and difficult long-term treatment.

In addition to the unpleasant odor, there are pain during the emptying of the bladder, blood in the urine, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

In the presence of at least one of the symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in order to prevent a pathological process that is detrimental to the body.


To identify the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine, the doctor must prescribe laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as carry out various manipulations for diagnostic purposes.

The complex of diagnostic measures is as follows:

  • Analysis of the daily volume of urine (Zimnitsky test)
  • Clarification of the anamnesis of a woman's life, a hereditary factor.
  • Visual inspection.
  • Careful medical history taking.
  • OAM, UAC, BAC.
  • Urine culture.
  • Urinalysis according to Nicheporenko.
  • X-ray of the organs of the peritoneal cavity.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Tomography.

After the results of diagnostic measures, the specialist will select the most effective treatment.

What to do, what and how to treat

Due to the variety of reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine, treatment is carried out after a comprehensive examination of the woman.

The pathology of urination is treated with diuretic drugs that accelerate the process of urine formation, and the infection is also removed with it.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus and impaired kidney function is long and complex, usually carried out in a hospital.

Antibiotics and antifungal agents reduce inflammation, destroy pathogenic microflora.

Particular attention needs to be paid food. The absorption of sweets, muffins, spices, seasonings, artificial additives and fatty foods should be minimized. It is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables in large quantities.

Personal hygiene is of the utmost importance. Ideally, washing should be done after each bowel movement, since the distance between the entrance gate of the vagina and the anus is too small. Such water procedures will help to avoid the introduction of infection into the urethra.

It is important to drink more water, compotes, fruit drinks (at least 2.5 liters per day), this will not only reduce the concentration of urine and eliminate unpleasant odors, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

There are a lot of factors that provoke the appearance of an uncharacteristic smell of urine in a female, some of them lead to the development of a serious pathology. Only a doctor can identify the cause and choose the right treatment. Independent attempts at healing will not be successful, and will even harm the body.

The urine of a healthy person is completely transparent, has a straw-yellow color, does not contain any impurities. The smell of fresh urine is absent, but after a while there is a sharp ammonia smell as a result of oxidative processes that occur in the air.

If urine has an unpleasant odor immediately after urination, in most cases this indicates a particular disease and is a mandatory reason for seeking medical help.

Sometimes a sharp unpleasant odor is observed when taking some medications or eating certain foods. But in this case, you can trace the relationship, and the unpleasant smell will not be permanent.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

In fact, there are a lot of reasons for the unnatural smell of urine in women. Consider the most common.

Inflammatory diseases of the excretory organs

This is the most common reason why urine smells bad.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the hollow system of the kidneys of an infectious nature. Most often, this disease is caused by bacteria of the Escherichia coli group. Women are especially prone to such an infection due to the anatomical structure of the organs of the excretory system. Especially often pyelonephritis develops during pregnancy.

Cystitis - inflammation, can occur independently, or can be combined with pyelonephritis. Cystitis can be acute and chronic. In the fairer sex, cystitis is observed very often and tends to be chronic with multiple exacerbations.

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra. This nosological form is more typical for men, but is also observed in women. As a rule, urethritis occurs when infected with sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc.).

The main symptoms of infection of the excretory organs:

  • cloudy urine and bad smell(most often sharp ammoniac);
  • pain in the lumbar region radiating to the lower abdomen;
  • in small portions;
  • pain and pain when urinating;
  • change in the normal color of urine;
  • pathological impurities (clots of pus, mucus, blood, whitish flakes, etc.).

Sexual infections

Due to the anatomical proximity of the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems, venereal infections often show signs of damage to the latter.

The cause of inflammation can be indicated by a history of sexual intercourse, with which the woman clearly associates bad smell of urine in the morning and throughout the day, as well as other pathological symptoms.

Also, a bad smell of urine can be associated with dysbacteriosis in the vagina and the predominance of fungal and putrefactive microflora. For example, with gardnerelosis, urine may have a fishy or garlicky smell.

liver failure

In liver failure, there is dark urine with an unpleasant odor. The color resembles dark beer and is due to the ingestion of bilirubin into the urine, a substance that a diseased liver cannot neutralize.

It is important to understand that this is a very serious condition that can lead to death. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of this symptom, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for accurate diagnosis and treatment.


With a lack of fluid in the body due to various objective reasons (diarrhea, vomiting, taking diuretics, diabetes insipidus, blood loss, insufficient drinking regimen, etc.), urine becomes more concentrated, which causes an ammonia smell even in a fresh portion.

Important to remember! The optimal amount of fluid per day for an adult living in a temperate climate is 1.5-2 liters. If you do not use it for a day, latent dehydration may develop, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine, an increased risk of developing urolithiasis and premature aging of the skin.


Patients with diabetes may complain of the smell of acetone (sour apples) in urine. Along with this, other characteristic signs are observed: thirst, dry mouth, urination in large portions, weight loss or, conversely, obesity.

The appearance of the smell of acetone in diabetes indicates a high degree of hyperglycemia and a high risk of developing severe complications, such as diabetic coma. Therefore, such a symptom should not be left without medical attention.

The smell of acetone in the urine also appears in case of starvation, as well as some diets, which is especially important for female representatives.

Metabolic diseases

There are several hereditary metabolic diseases in which the smell of urine becomes so specific that it allows a diagnosis:

  • phenylketonuria - mouse smell or mold;
  • leucinosis (wedge syrup disease) - the smell of burnt sugar or maple syrup;
  • trimethylaminuria - the smell of fish.

Other reasons

Not always an unpleasant odor is associated with diseases, sometimes it is the result of external factors. For example, it depends on the characteristics of human nutrition. Especially often alcohol, asparagus, spicy and salty foods cause a bad smell. Such a smell is not accompanied by any other pathological signs and disappears on its own after 24-36 hours.

Some medications, such as antibiotics, B vitamins, may also be to blame for the fact that urine smells bad.

Unpleasant smell of urine in women: treatment

To answer the question about how to get rid of urine smell, it is necessary to establish its cause.

  1. First of all, visit a specialist to rule out a serious illness. In the case of the latter, you will be prescribed a special treatment, which will eliminate the unpleasant symptom. If there are no objective reasons and everything is in order with your health, you can try to get rid of the smell yourself.
  2. Medicinal decoctions of cranberries, lingonberries and knotweed, which can be used instead of tea, have proven themselves well.
  3. It is necessary to review your diet and exclude from the menu all foods that may be the culprit of an unpleasant symptom.
  4. It is necessary to adhere to the optimal drinking regimen.
  5. Be sure to maintain personal hygiene.

A change in the smell of urine is a signal from the body about certain disorders in the work of various internal organs. In some cases, you should not pay special attention to it, it passes by itself. But more often this phenomenon indicates serious problems. What does the strong smell of urine in women indicate, the causes of which are sometimes difficult to determine, how to deal with it?

What causes urine smell

As with men, changes can occur in the female body that provoke the appearance of odor. They are associated with the following factors:

  1. Food consumption. Certain foods have a strong aroma that doesn't go away. If a person dined with a dish with onions, garlic, horseradish, then an unpleasant odor will appear not only from the mouth. After the process of digestion of food, urine may smell like smoked or roasted seeds, a spicy aroma appears.
  2. Taking medications. This may be long-term use of antibiotics - in tablet form or injection. Also, taking vitamin complexes, especially group B, provokes a pungent odor. After the use of these drugs is stopped, the problem goes away.
  3. Lack of proper hygiene. Some women do not know how to properly care for the genitals, or do not observe hygiene. Immediately after washing, the bad aroma disappears, but over time it reappears. Particularly carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs is necessary for women in old age. Some older people note that the smell appeared to them immediately after or during menopause.
  4. Dehydration of the body. If the appearance of a problem is observed exclusively in the morning, its cause is an increased concentration, density of urine. Also, the smell can be associated with an untimely visit to the toilet, when a woman endures for a long time, sometimes all night (a common problem in a child).
  5. Alcohol. A pungent smell of urine will definitely appear after drinking large quantities of alcohol.

Whichever of the above factors caused the woman to change the smell of urine, special measures for its treatment are not needed, only actively follow all the rules of hygiene. It is important to eliminate the cause, then the problem should not remain a trace within a day. If this does not happen, there is a reason to contact specialists for examination.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

The nature of the aroma itself will help determine the cause. For those who have never encountered such a problem, it may seem that it is impossible to classify an unpleasant odor. In fact, there are several possible options.

A common cause is a fungal infection, often provoked by candida. The characteristic smell of urine as a result of fungal infection is sour. Other symptoms are:

  • constant itching, burning in the area of ​​the labia, vagina;
  • tingling, discomfort during urination;
  • the color of urine becomes saturated, yellow, cloudy;
  • discharge appears, as with thrush.

Sexually transmitted diseases are also a common cause. Their occurrence is associated with the action of a sexually transmitted infection. The smell of discharge becomes fishy with bacterial vaginosis, and can be so strong that it can be felt from a distance. It is also transmitted in the urine. Gynecologists note the most common sexually transmitted diseases that can be found in a girl:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea.

Each of these infections comes with different symptoms. Often, women pay attention to such signs - traces of copious discharge, stains on linen, soreness when urinating when cystitis occurs, decreased sexual desire, painful sexual intercourse, and a constant feeling of discomfort.

Another common cause is E. coli that has affected the urinary tract and genitals. Most often, infection occurs when hygiene rules are not followed. Urine with Escherichia coli acquires an unpleasant odor.

Important! A common mistake when dealing with a wand is douching treatment. It is tightly attached to the walls of the vagina, so it is impossible to remove it by this method.

Other reasons

Less common are the following reasons for the smell of urine in a woman:

  1. Diabetes. With an increase in blood sugar, the level of acetone increases. The more its value exceeds the norm, the stronger the smell will be. In diabetes, urine smells like rotten apples.
  2. Malabsorption. This is an intestinal disease, it can not cope with the absorption of nutrients from food, which leads to their deficiency in the body. At the same time, urine smells like beer. Another such smell can be observed with hypermethioninemia, liver failure.
  3. Leucinosis. The disease is transmitted at the genetic level, which creates problems with its treatment, it is chronic. The aroma of urine is sweetish, similar to the smell of maple syrup. When the disease is in the acute stage, it becomes too cloying, an admixture of rot appears.

In the urine of each person there is a smell of ammonia, only in a healthy body it is weakly expressed. If it increases, this indicates the onset of inflammatory processes: cystitis, urethritis, kidney disease.

Interesting! The smell of ammonia may increase with prolonged suppression of the urge to urinate. In this case, this is a one-time occurrence.

Why does the body smell like urine

Why in some cases the smell appears from different parts of the body? The exact cause can only be determined with the help of medical diagnostics, the detection of serious diseases. This phenomenon interferes with the normal life of a woman at any age, brings discomfort, so you should not delay seeking help.

Common causes of urine odor from a female body are:

  1. Hyperhidrosis of the third, fourth stage. Often, a severe form of this disease is accompanied by pathologies of the endocrine system, kidneys. They can provoke not only increased sweating, but also the presence of the smell of urine in it.
  2. Lack of proper hygiene. For some women, living conditions do not allow them to take a shower every day, others simply neglect the simple rules of regular change of clothes and bed linen. As a result, bacteria settle on the body, because of their vital activity, an unpleasant odor appears.
  3. Violations of the microflora of the vagina. There are many reasons for the appearance of a failure: gynecological diseases, complications after childbirth, diseases of the genitourinary system (often due to age).

The smell of urine emanating from the whole body can appear for the same reasons as from the urinary organs. This is the frequent use of certain foods, alcohol, the use of certain medications.

Interesting! The smell of urine often haunts beer drinkers who drink from 1 liter daily.

Methods of treatment

To determine how to get rid of the smell of urine, a woman needs to go to the hospital. Doctors will help determine the exact cause, they will prescribe a treatment that will eliminate the problem.

Treatment can be carried out at home, choosing the right remedy. It is impossible to pass the examination on your own. Some mistakenly treat kidney disease, cystitis, but it turns out that it was necessary to fight against sexually transmitted infections.

If a woman has a sexually transmitted disease, a gynecologist is involved in the treatment. It is usually also required for her sexual partner. If kidney disease is diagnosed, drug therapy includes taking antibiotics, antiseptics, diuretics.

The main rule, the observance of which is required when any cause is detected, is the hygiene of the genitals. During treatment, when the fight against unpleasant odor is just beginning, it is necessary to wash yourself after each urination, using the means prescribed by the doctor. Often used herbal decoction, added to the bath.

There are many reasons why urine smells bad. Some of them are safe: drinking alcohol, certain foods. If the symptom appeared due to serious sexually transmitted diseases, pathology of the liver, kidneys, complex treatment is required. It is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis of the patient.
