Why does a woman look away. Gestures of female and male sympathy

Already in the fifth grade, I could accurately determine which classmate I liked and which I was parallel to. A to last year Institute, I realized that without words I can understand whether the girl I met is set up for acquaintance and romance.


Once a colleague called me a heartthrob, a Don Juan and a womanizer. "And it's all about me?" I was genuinely surprised. “At parties,” she said, “you easily meet the most beautiful girls, and not one in my memory has given you a turn from the gate.” Her words flattered me, although they did not correspond to reality. I am not a heartthrob. And I get acquainted not with the most beautiful girls, but with those who want to get acquainted. That's why I almost never get rejected.

You may have noticed that obvious beauties are much more likely to be alone than "just pretty girls." Because real beauties are impregnable. Or they want to appear as such - and therefore they carefully monitor their gestures and facial expressions. And the rest give vent to instincts. Their body is constantly giving sexual cues. Of course, hidden. You yourself may not be aware that you are sending them. But the man sees them - and goes to you. And to the beauty, who has "everything under control", - does not go. Therefore, it is believed that beauty and sex appeal are two big differences. And "don't be born beautiful" - also because. Men prefer happy people.

The oldest of female sex signals is a straight posture. As soon as a noteworthy representative of the stronger sex enters the girl's field of vision, she instantly straightens her back. From this, the stomach is drawn in, and the chest, on the contrary, protrudes, which in itself is very erotic.

The next gesture from the category of primitive is throwing back the hair behind the back. You seem to offer your neck for a kiss. And if your hair is short and there is nothing to throw back, you will play with a chain or beads around your neck, fiddle with earrings in your ears ... Playing with jewelry and stroking yourself, you give yourself pleasant tactile sensations. You want a man to do the same. And the man's instinct works: you have to come up to ask for the phone.

In fact, women are much more sensitive than men to pick up "subconscious signals." And if you are not averse to meeting a young man, then you have already noticed that he himself is showing interest in you.


Now let's talk about conscious gestures. And do not try to convince me that, while talking to me, without any hidden intention, you unbuttoned the top button on your blouse, that your shoe inadvertently jumped off your heel and began to sway at your fingertips. I will never believe it! From your manipulation of clothes, I can only draw one conclusion: you want to undress in my presence. Any psychologist will tell you that face to face with a man who is unpleasant, a woman tries to fasten all the buttons tightly, pull the collar of her jacket up to her ears, and certainly will not play with shoes.

Conscious provocations do not always give the expected effect. This is especially true for openness in clothing. successful men are already tired of the seductive behavioral cliches of girls, and a slight mysterious closeness can be a good contrast. An overly revealing outfit (or gesture) can be as off-putting as one that is too closed.


I rest my elbow on the table. You do the same. I interlock my fingers and rest my chin on them. You repeat. I smoke a cigarette. And you reach for the pack. Well... Your signal is taken - you like me. I mean, it doesn't mean that I'm gloatingly thinking, "Yeah, gotcha!" Nothing like this. Mirroring is most often perceived by a man on a subconscious level, and gives him a feeling of comfort. "We do the same" stands for "we are suitable for each other."

Mirroring is the first step of attuning to a man. But then you should subjugate the interlocutor - so that he subconsciously wants to mirror you. If you succeed, then you have succeeded.


In psychology, there is such a thing as a “comfort zone”. It denotes our personal space, into which we do not want to allow outsiders. For the average European and American, the radius of the zone is 60 cm. Anyone will feel uncomfortable when someone alien and unpleasant tries to “cross the border”. The natural reaction is to back away, retreat, keep your distance... Unless, of course, the "invader" does not seem sexually attractive to you. Any man knows: if a woman invaded his personal space, in other words, moved closer to him, she likes him. She wants him. Her step towards him is a very eloquent sexual signal.

To break through his personal space, by the way, it is not necessary to move with your whole body. You can stretch out your hand to brush the mote off his shoulder. And do not write off everything as “it happened by accident”. No girl will voluntarily touch a strange man. Well, a mote started up on his jacket, even if he looks like it himself.

And sometimes girls invade a man’s comfort zone, pouring a cocktail on him, dropping ice cream and other food. It's risky, but the effect can be strong - the girl who ruined your suit is remembered for a long time.


Only the most stupid representatives of the stronger sex do not understand why the girl looks away, not wanting to meet him with a man. “She doesn’t like me so much that it’s disgusting for her to even look at me,” decides some fool from men. A normal macho understands: if a girl looks away, then she is shy. And if she is shy of him, then she likes him.

There is a classic algorithm of eye movements, which was used by our grandmothers: in the corner - on the nose - on the object. Sometimes this technique helps a girl to pretend to be interested, even if she really isn't...


You meet me on the street, in the office, at a party ... Here I am - in all its glory and in full height. You glance over at me. I do not notice in him any interest in his person. The signal is caught: you are head over heels in love with another ... at least I will console myself with this.

A woman in love (read - happy) is a magnet for men. Her gait is graceful, her gestures are smooth, her eyebrows are not reduced to the bridge of her nose in a spasm of bitchiness. She is confident in her attractiveness, so she flirts easily and with pleasure. Science explains the attractiveness of a woman in love with the action of phenylethylamine, a substance that speeds up the process of impulse transmission. In lovers, this substance is produced in excess of the norm. And makes them restless. It is difficult for a lover to sit still, he constantly moves, smiles, strokes himself ... And for a woman, this turns out to be especially erotic. She, without knowing it, now and then sends sexual signals to others.

Men and women, sometimes wishing, and often not noticing, show their sympathy for opposite sex. In the process of courtship, men and women use many different seductive gestures. Some of them openly show intentions. Other gestures, on the contrary, are secret, hidden from prying eyes. But most gestures are made unconsciously, purely reflexively. This is the basis of reading the intentions of your partner.

When reading gestures of sympathy, remember that:

* each gesture should be interpreted not separately, but in combination with other gestures;

* if the words of your partner contradict his gestures, then you need to trust the gestures, not the words.

What kind of signals and gestures can we recognize?

Women use the same preening gestures as men, including touching hair, adjusting clothing, one or both hands on hips, legs and body turned toward the man, prolonged intimate gaze, and increased eye contact. They can also use the hover gesture thumbs for a belt, which is purely masculine, but women use it more subtly; only one thumb stowed in a belt, in a purse or in a pocket slot. Excitation also causes dilated pupils and a flush on the cheeks. Consider other gestures characteristic of women.

Signals and gestures of female sympathy.

1. Shaking hair.

A sharp movement of the head is made to throw the hair from the face or from the shoulders to the back. Even women with short haircut can use this gesture.

2. Demonstration of the wrist

Woman interested in potential sexual partner, will periodically show him a smooth delicate skin your wrists. The wrist area has always been considered one of the most erogenous zones. When a woman speaks to a man, she tries to keep her palms in his field of vision.

3. Spread legs

The legs are somewhat wider apart than usual when there is no man in sight. It does not depend on whether the woman is sitting or standing. The woman in the sex-defensive position sits with tightly clenched, cross-legged legs at all times.

4. Rocking your hips

The hips in the gait sway more than usual to emphasize sexuality.

5. Sneak peek

Slightly lowering her eyelids, the woman looks at the man until he notices her gaze, and then quickly looks away. This gives a mesmerizing sensation of being watched and a teasing hint that you are being spyed on. This feeling can "ignite" almost any normal man.

6. Slightly open mouth, wet lips

The lips are moistened with saliva or with the help of cosmetics. Both make a woman sexually alluring and attractive.

7. Lipstick

The use of lipstick is a technique used for thousands of years to mimic the reddened labia of a sexually aroused woman.

8. Stroking a cylindrical object

Such stroking of a cigarette, the stem of a wine glass, a finger, or any long cylindrical object, is an unconscious clue to what the lady may have in mind.

9. Sideways glance from behind a raised shoulder

The rounded raised shoulder is an imitation of one's own chest.

10. Women's manner of crossing the legs

Men often sit with their legs wide apart, defiantly showing off their genital area, while women cross their legs to protect their delicate genital area. Women use three postures to express their flirtatious, enticing behavior. The first is a bent knee. In this case, the woman sits with one leg tucked under the other and pointing the point of her knee at the person she is interested in. This is a very free pose, excluding all formalities and making it possible to coquettishly expose the knees. Playing with the slipper off also speaks of a loose posture, and the phallic dipping in and out of the shoe is so sexy that it can drive many men crazy. Dr. Scheflen found that one leg is pressed tightly against the other to create a feeling of heightened muscle tone, which, as already mentioned, is the state of a person ready for sexual contact. Women also use other lures, such as slowly crossing the legs in front of the man's eyes and slowly returning them to their normal posture; gently stroking the hips with a hand, talking about the expectation of a touch male hands. Often the woman speaks in a low, low voice.

11. Playing with decorations. A girl can touch an earring on her ear or a chain around her neck, as well as other jewelry, such as a bracelet on her hand. If at the same time the girl looks at you, then she sympathizes with you. Do not miss your chance!

12. Hair pulling.

Although for many girls, sorting hair is just a habit. Distinguishing liking from habit is quite simple. If a girl, at the moment of communication with you, begins to sort out her hair (changes in the basic behavior model), then she likes you.

13. Preening.

If a woman begins to preen in front of you or simply leaves at the time of communication to make a marafet, this means that she wants to please you.

14. Makes eyes.

The girl looks away and down. If she was not interested in communicating with you, her gaze would remain at ease, or she would look away or up. Checking whether you are making eyes or not is easy enough, just keep your eyes on the girls. If she looks at you again and looks down, then she likes you. By the way, this technique is called "Shy Geisha" It concerns you. One of the most reliable signs sympathy touch. A girl can remove a speck of dust from your sleeve, or just accidentally touch your hand, one way or another you have every chance to get closer.

15. Tilt your head forward

The most seductive pose for a woman, according to Dr. Darren Burke from Newcastle University, is the pose in which the lady's face is tilted forward. It is this "submissive" position of the head that is most attractive and feminine.

Gestures and Signals male sympathy

To begin with, they try to attract the attention of the woman they like.

1. A man preens

Quite unconsciously, automatically, a man begins to "beautify" at the sight of a woman he likes, whose attention he wants to attract to himself. He straightens up, pulls in his stomach, straightens his shoulders, he suddenly has a light athletic gait, his eyes light up. In one moment he becomes much younger. In addition, as if in addition to these automatic reactions, he strokes his hair, straightens his tie, pulls his jacket in order to look more attractive.

2. Gesture of placing the thumbs behind the belt

The most aggressive sexual manifestation of a man in relation to a woman will be a defiant gesture - laying his thumbs behind the belt to accentuate the genital area. He can also turn his body towards her and put his toe in her direction.

3. Look long

He looks with an intimate gaze and holds his gaze for a fraction of a second longer than it should be. If he is truly interested, the pupils of his eyes will dilate.

4. Correct tilt of the head.

Men proudly hold their chin up, slightly tilting their heads back.

5. Close fit and shield

He comes very close, as if fencing you off from the whole world.

6. Copy

The man is copying you. He, however, like you, repeat the intonations and gestures of his counterpart.

And a little more about the manifestation of love ...

Studies have shown that when you meet someone for the first time, the first impression of you depends on:

from body language and appearance - by 55%;

from the manner of speaking - by 38%;

From what exactly you say - by 7%.

You can "win" love:

1. With the help of psychological techniques.

To do this, you need to send several positive hidden signals with your body: an open pose - you should not cross your arms to close from the interlocutor, as well as a mirror image of the interlocutor's posture.

2. Having experienced fear together

Any extreme situation lived together - very even unites.

Between attraction, arousal, and anxiety, there is quite a close connection. Psychologists conducted an experiment with a "tottering bridge", during which it was found that men who met a woman on a swinging high bridge considered her more romantic and sexy than men who saw her on a solid, low bridge.

At the same time, remember that if in an extreme situation a likeable person seems even more attractive, then an unsympathetic person repels even more.

3. Make your partner laugh.

Laughter promotes love. Experiences experienced together and causing laughter bring them closer.

4. Right music.

5. Eye contact.

To win love, look into each other's eyes

Psychologists conducted an experiment during which they demonstrated clearly how powerful this weapon is. strangers paired up and told them to look into each other's eyes. The romantic feeling of intimacy that arose between them was stronger than when they looked, for example, at each other's hands. At the moment of meeting eyes with someone, a part of our brain that is associated with receiving a reward is excited.

Gubanova S.G. psychologist

Hello dear readers! Women tend to give great importance trifles. Often we find some “hints” even where there are none, we begin to blindly believe in our theories and then become very disappointed when it turns out that we were completely wrong. We begin to blame others first of all, behave stupidly, spoil relations with them, and then unpleasant sensations begin to gnaw at us.

I would really hate for you to fall into this psychological abyss, so today I will try to explain in detail to you what it means if a man looks away at a meeting from the point of view of psychology.

He's lying

Thanks to people like Lie to Me, we have become more and more . From the screen we are told that if a man looks to the left or to the side, this means that he is lying. In fact, any psychologist will tell you that this fact is very far from the truth, like many others that are presented in the film as the ultimate truth.

Many people are remorseless in the conversation, looking straight into the eyes. They are not embarrassed, they do not look down, and no mimic features accompany lies. It would be wrong to label a person as a deceiver, just by examining his gestures, since everyone is unique and has his own characteristics, peculiar only to him.

Even having developed a subtle one for yourself and having lived with someone for many years, you will not be able to know him enough to say with an absolute guarantee. This is especially true of those people who have brought their art of deception to perfection.

If you want to know a little more about lies, I can recommend the book. “Why they deceive us, but we believe” by Petr Yunatskevich. One of the chapters of this book is devoted to the technologies used by "professional" liars, while the rest tell about nature and causes, trade and various sects. All in all, a pretty interesting book.

Love and embarrassment

Another reason why it seems to some that a man can lower his eyes in a conversation with a woman is. And again, I will call this conclusion erroneous, since many young people, on the contrary, cannot look enough at their other half, they revel in every moment spent with her, and try to capture her appearance for a period of short-term separation. They will not look away if they are in love.

Of course, there are shy men who, in principle, are embarrassed when talking to a woman. It is quite possible that they behave this way with any representative of the weaker sex, not only the one they like, but also, for example, if she seems stronger, more courageous,. romantic feelings won't matter here.

Unlike a bold person, a shy person generally tries to avoid trying to make eye contact with a person. This is a feature of character, so it’s not just difficult to draw any conclusions why this is happening, I would say that in 99% they will not be correct. You just might get lucky in a particular situation. Suppose you decide that this means falling in love young man, and as a result it will turn out to be so, but with the same success you can trust fortune-telling on a camomile.

What should you know

Do not try to draw conclusions only from the point of view of a person. Pay attention to all his behavior, but get rid of the stereotypes. For example, if you are firmly convinced that a man likes you and therefore he looks away, then you can try to find all sorts of confirmations for this judgment. I wrote about what this will lead to at the beginning of this post.

Try to get to know a specific person, his features. Pay attention to what exactly he says, how he behaves with other people, try to notice other “indicators” behind him. You can even ask directly about the reasons similar behavior. This will definitely be more useful than independent conclusions based on pseudoscientific analysis.

Well, if you really like a man who embarrassedly looks away when you meet, forget about this fact for a while, and just try to approach him, moving away from the position of the eyes. Well, the book will help you with this. Kara King "12 secret forces women".

That's basically it. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Hoping to find reciprocity of feelings, we attach great importance to the gestures and facial expressions of those people we like. We are trying to understand what lies behind certain movements, since in each of them there may be an answer to the most important question: Love or dislike? Young people are trying to learn. Often guys just can't figure out why a girl doesn't make eye contact. Is this a sign of indifference? Or distrust? Or maybe shyness? This article is about female psychology will help you find answers to these and similar questions.

  • Why a girl does not look into her eyes: features of body language

Everyone knows that information is transmitted from one person to another not only through words, but also with the help of so-called non-verbal signals, that is, through facial expressions, gestures, intonation. According to Allan Pease, bestselling author of Body Language, the largest number We receive information about a person non-verbally. So, in personal communication, the meaning of words is only 10-20% important, and the rest is gestures and facial expressions. Intonation also plays a huge role in communication. AT telephone conversation we get only 20% of the information by listening to the meaning of words, and 80% comes from intonation.

Indeed, if you think about it, the word “yes” can be said with different sounds and the meaning can change to the opposite.

Through body language, we receive data about emotional state person. Moreover, as a rule, we "read" the message unconsciously.

For example, we can definitely tell that a person is angry, even if he is silent. Or vice versa, we immediately distinguish good nature, and we know people who downright radiate good mood. How do we know about it? Very simple. We pay attention to gestures and facial expressions. That is why it is so important for lovers to understand what certain signs mean, and many want to learn how to immediately determine why a girl does not look into her eyes, or why she sits with her arms crossed over her chest. So, let's consider what these or those mean non-verbal cues.

  • Non-verbal alphabet

A direct look into the eyes always speaks of the sincerity and open intentions of your interlocutor. Very often, people who want to lie deliberately look directly into the eyes to hide the lie, but they cannot control the movement of the pupils, and therefore an attentive observer will always expose the liar.

But if a girl does not look you in the eyes, this does not mean that she is deceiving you. Everyone knows that the eyes are a reflection of our soul, so a lowered look, rather, suggests that it is hiding something. But what? Here much depends on individual characteristics. Maybe your friend just doesn't want you to notice her interest or sympathy. She cannot understand inside herself how she treats you, and is embarrassed by her confusion.

Or maybe she just doesn’t like the one who spoke to her, and she tries to hide her dislike. It may also be that she is not sure of you, is afraid and is not ready to make contact. In this way, she shows that she needs time to get used to the new situation. But if you've known a girl for a long time, then looking anywhere but at you can have a completely different meaning.

For example, it could be one of the . In addition, if you want to understand why a girl does not make eye contact, think about whether your relationship has cracked in recent times? Maybe you promised something and didn't deliver? Or did you offend her, for example, gave a reason for jealousy? However, one sign is clearly not enough to get a general idea of ​​the situation, so let's look at what else you can pay attention to.

  • Additional non-verbal cues

So, if a girl does not look into her eyes, you need to pay attention to her posture and facial expression. First, "closed" postures, that is, crossed arms or legs, indicate that she is trying to hide her true feelings. If at the same time the girl moves away from you, trying to maintain a certain distance, this indicates that she is afraid or shy and may not trust you.

If, on the contrary, she does not look into your eyes, but willingly laughs at jokes, the intonation of her voice, although quiet, is friendly, then she most likely likes you, but she has not yet decided whether to take active steps.

An attempt to complete the communication can also be indicated by the toe of the shoe, turned towards the door. The fact that a girl is deceiving you may be indicated by restless gestures, hands at her mouth, and some other signs. It is also worth monitoring the change in intonation. As a rule, it is more difficult to control than gestures. For example, you can immediately notice a nervous tone, a voice that is too loud or too quiet, and the like. So, if you pay attention to seemingly insignificant details, you will be able to understand the true feelings that your girlfriend is experiencing.

By learning the basic non-verbal signals, you can not only understand how to communicate with your friend, but also learn, or in any other team. But we must not forget that one or even two signs should not draw final conclusions. Still, our gestures are very individual and depend on education and personal history. In addition to analyzing the girl's body movements, try also to connect your intuition. In most cases, it works flawlessly. If you care, for example, body language will help you understand it better.

But still, if you really want to know the truth, then it is worth building relationships on the basis of sincerity from the very beginning, without using any "spy tricks", even very useful ones. If you have been talking for a long time, and you are worried why the girl does not make eye contact, just try asking her about it. Just do not turn the situation into an interrogation by the investigator. Let her know that you are worried about her condition, show concern.

If you are still practically unfamiliar, such a question can be regarded as a violation of personal boundaries. And here you have to rely on your own powers of observation. Listen to yourself, and you will definitely find the right answer and be able to pick up the key to the heart of any, even the most shy girl.

  • Material prepared by: , consultant psychologist (Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities)
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Is eye contact important for an effective pickup? Yes, and not least because when you approach a girl to get acquainted, your downcast or shifty eyes immediately give her your insecurity. And, in general, she may think that something is wrong with you. It is much better if, when meeting a girl, she looks away first. In this article, I will tell you why eye contact between a man and a woman is so important.

Eye contact when communicating

In fact correct contact eyes makes a girl experience powerful emotions, often similar even to the feeling of falling in love, and therefore pick-up artists all over the world constantly use this technique. Why is this happening? And why is it not easy for all men to maintain long eye contact with unknown girl? Read my article How to hook a girl? . You will learn some tricks that will help you in communicating with girls.

The simplest explanation is that the direct and open look men are inherent in a courageous and strong "male", and women feel this on a subconscious level. And therefore, if a guy averts his eyes upon contact with a girl, this already speaks of him not with herself better side.

A real male is confident in himself, he does what he wants, and is not afraid of anything or anyone. And even more so, what does it cost him to withstand the gaze of a stranger. And the one who avoids eye contact hides his eyes, perhaps hiding some of his complexes. In general, there can be many reasons for this, including from the category of psychology, maybe his mother raised him this way or something in his life influenced his self-confidence.

There is another rule in a pickup truck that almost always works. Moreover, both the success of the future seducer and failure depend on him. You can read about it in the article "Rule of 3 seconds".

Can eye contact be trained?

The concept and characteristics of this term among pikapers define this phenomenon as eye-to-eye contact until the girl looks away. However, if for some reason it is difficult for you to do this, then I can reassure you - this skill can be trained. Moreover, you will have to do this if you want to become a successful pick-up artist.

To work out the ability to look eye to eye, it is not even necessary to approach the girl. Very handy if you visit every day. in public places, where many representatives of the opposite sex gather, for example, in a cafe near the university. You just have to look at all the young ladies passing by and try as long as possible each time not to look away.

First contact with a woman

Eye contact with a woman during a conversation should be calm and confident. To make it easier, you need to look into one eye - left or right - the girl will not notice this. But on your part, the impression will be created not of a running, but of a confident look. At the same time, even if you are a little worried, the girl is unlikely to notice this, because she will experience strong emotions herself.

By the way, such skills will be useful to you not only when communicating with the fair sex, but also in other aspects of life, for example, in business when negotiating. If you look a person eye to eye, a more trusting contact is established between you., and therefore it is easier to convince the interlocutor of something.

However, you should not often resort to this technique in informal communication: otherwise, your interlocutor may feel uncomfortable. In any case, you need to manage your gaze. In general, it’s nice to practice in front of a mirror: for some people who are not used to looking calmly eye to eye, such a look turns out to be even aggressive. And this is clearly not the best option to meet a girl. Is it worth it then to rejoice or wonder why the girl immediately looks away.

How to make eye contact correctly?

Often insecure guys complain, for example, “I look away when a girl looks”, what should I do? Or they ask what to do if a girl looks away?

I never look away first if I meet the eyes of a stranger. It shows my self-confidence, not arrogance. But if you first look into her eyes, and therefore you will stare at her chest and legs, then she can boldly tell you: “What hatched?”. And how will you feel at the same time? .. And if you confidently, calmly and with interest look into her eyes, then you intrigue her and make her worry. She thinks something like this: “He is not shy to look at me for so long and frankly, but who is he? Am I that interested in him?

Moreover, when during a conversation you carefully look into the eyes of the interlocutor, you demonstrate by this that you are interested in what he is telling you. And as mentioned above, at the same time, you yourself are better able to convince him of something, because a frank and open look makes him trust you more.

However, not everyone can maintain eye contact correctly. About how important it is not to stare at the girl, I have already said. In addition, you should not start looking at her from afar. Eye contact starts at about ten meters if you are walking towards each other, and ends about a meter from the meeting point - you don’t have to turn your head. However, if she smiles at you, you can answer her in kind and say something friendly to start an acquaintance.
Often this technique also works in public transport. For example, a girl noticed that you were staring at her and caught your eye; in this case, you can not retreat. Otherwise, if you look away first, she will feel that she has won and will not look at you again.

If the acquaintance has already taken place, is it necessary to look into her eyes all the time? This is actually not easy, and therefore usually eye contact lasts eight or nine seconds, and for one or two seconds you can shift your gaze a little to the side, but then again - eye to eye.

Why does a girl look away when you stare at her for a long time? Of course, because you won this mini-battle of looks, and she is embarrassed or pretends to be embarrassed. But almost always, if you come up and talk after that, she is much less ready to send you off.


In the end, let's summarize, and here's what you need to remember:
  • eye contact is important because this is how you demonstrate your confidence;
  • eye contact is a trick of pick-up artists around the world that really often works;
  • if you look away first, you are unlikely to interest the girl;
  • but even if you're shy, there are ways to learn to endure staring female look and be sure to maintain eye contact.
If you want to know more more secrets to seduce girls
