Wedding traditions and rituals around the world. Wedding traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

The old Scottish custom is surprising. So, in some regions of this country for several centuries there has been a tradition to smear the bride with mud before the wedding. And the more disgusting this dirt looks, the more joy this procedure brings to its participants. Therefore, all improvised means are used here, including food. But that's not all. In the company of the groom's friends, the bride must also go to the bars. It is believed that after this, all other life troubles will seem to her a childish prank, and she will be absolutely ready for family life.

Proposing and Showing Love at World Weddings

A very unusual wedding tradition exists in Germany. After the solemn marriage ceremony, the young must go to a special log. Sawing it together in the presence of all those invited to the celebration, they demonstrate how they will live as a couple and solve all difficulties and problems together.

Curious and mysterious is the Jewish wedding with its secret rituals and ceremonial.

There is one special way to propose in Bulgaria. To do this, the groom must approach his future bride at a distance of several meters and throw an apple at her. You need to get into the object of your passion the first time, otherwise the offer may not be accepted.

Wedding traditions and customs in different countries of the world may at first glance be funny and ridiculous, but at the same time carry a deep philosophical meaning.

Weddings and customs of the peoples of the world

On the islands of Bali, there is a long tradition of filing young teeth before marriage. And not one or two, but six at once, fangs along with incisors. This ritual is done in order to:

  • Mark the transition to adulthood
  • To expel evil spirits from the bodies of the newlyweds, which can ruin their lives.

Weddings of small peoples of the world are interesting and extremely unusual, for example, a wedding with gypsies or in Mauritania. For the latter, for a successful marriage, the bride-to-be begins to feed densely and satisfyingly from the age of five. The fact is that in these parts it is lush women who are considered beautiful. The larger, more stout she is, the greater the dowry for her parents can get.

Wedding rites of the peoples of the world are original and interesting for their symbolism.

Where did the tradition of screaming bitterly at a wedding come from?

Under the exclamations of "Bitter!" at the wedding, the newlyweds kiss and delight the guests with their manifestation of love.

Versions of the origin of the custom

There are several options for the origin of the tradition.

This is a very symbolic tradition of a modern wedding, which has become a real hallmark of Russian culture and which no other wedding rituals of the peoples of the world can boast of.

Wedding customs in different countries

This holiday is celebrated on a large scale in Libya. It lasts eight days, and the most interesting happens on the sixth day. The groom gives his beloved a basket with special contents - guffa. It contains perfumes, expensive fabrics and other valuable things. The bride, on the other hand, should not only carefully examine the contents of the gouffa, but also immediately taste its contents. Especially for this, she calls one of her relatives, who takes out incense from the basket and rubs it on the bride's heel. The Lebanese believe that in this way the wife will be able to keep her husband under the heel for a long time.

Wedding traditions in some nations of the world can be very cruel. So, marriage for a groom in Nigeria is a whole test of strength, and in the truest sense of the word. In order to get the hand of his beloved, he must pass through the crowd of her relatives, who at that time will beat him with sticks. If the candidate stands the test with dignity, he thereby demonstrates his stamina and is gladly accepted as a new member of the family.

Wedding traditions of different peoples, regardless of the continent and religion, are covered with legends and legends. The portal site is sure that they have their own special meaning, requiring respect and reverence.

    The world customs of the main celebration of lovers are unique, because the rites are at the same time similar to each other, even among the most different nationalities, and at the same time have individual characteristics. The wedding traditions of the peoples of the world reflect the culture of the nation, its identity, the heritage of the ancestors, and the way of life. Having studied the customs of different peoples, you can learn a lot of interesting things or even arrange your own celebration in the national style, for example, with Mexican or Indian rituals.

    Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

    Russia, of course, has its own wedding rituals that date back to ancient times. And every action performed on this special day is performed in a certain sequence and has a special meaning. So, at Russian weddings it is necessary:

    • Distribute sweets to children in the yard after the ransom of the bride and her exit with the groom into the yard.
    • Block the path of the wedding column.
    • Arrange a bride price.
    • Release white doves into the sky.

    According to custom, a Russian girl is supposed to cut bread, thereby symbolizing the entry into the rights of a mistress in the house. At the end of the wedding, the groom's mother removes the veil from the head of the future relative, showing that she has taken her son's wife, her daughter-in-law, into the house. An equally popular Russian custom is "bread and salt", during which young people are greeted at home with a loaf and a salt shaker. The newlyweds bite off a piece of it: whoever has it more is the main one in the house.

    The Slavs also have one more ritual - to throw the bride's bouquet to her friends. Whichever girl catches him will be the next to marry. It is interesting that men also have this custom, but it is less known and popular. In this case, the groom throws a garter from the bride's legs to his friends. Accordingly, which of the guys grabs her, he will marry first. This custom was written in the manuscripts of the 15th century. At that time, it was believed that any item of clothing of the spouses, taken off by them and given to someone, brings the favor of a man or woman.

    One of the fun Russian wedding traditions that has survived to this day is the rite of redemption of the young. During it, the bridegroom's friends redeem the bride, but the task of the opposite side is to do everything possible so that the future husband also participates in the event and completes it. Not only money is used as a ransom, but also alcohol, food, jewelry and even flowers. Everyone who wants to participate in such a ceremony, because the more people, the more fun such a vivid action will take place.

    Traditions at weddings of some peoples of the world also have at their disposal a rite of redemption. For example, Muslims pay money for their daughter-in-law. But, of course, the difference between these traditions is obvious: the ransom of the bride from the Slavs is more of a comic performance than a real bargain for a girl. The bridesmaids are trying to come up with more intricate tasks for the groom so that he cannot see his beloved for as long as possible. The whole redemption process is accompanied by jokes, jokes, fun and laughter. In general, almost all Russian wedding customs are rather comic and funny than serious.

    Customs at weddings of other peoples of the world are sometimes amazing in their diversity. For example, Australian couples begin to prepare for the celebration a whole year before it starts. Australians are Catholics by religion, and they do not accept civil marriage. Usually young people get married in a church, and then a solemn feast begins. In the season before the wedding, the couple visits the priest for conversations, as well as the preparation and organization of the wedding ceremony. Very practical people live in Australia, and future spouses always make a list of those presents that they need. This list is distributed among the guests, and the newlyweds get exactly what they really wanted for the wedding.

    Like many other Catholic nations, Australians have a tradition of making noise on the way to the temple. The custom is rooted in the deep past, when the locals believed that noise could drive away evil spirits. Currently, to create noise for the newlyweds, a garland of empty beer cans is tied to the car.

    The custom of breaking a wedding glass also belongs to the widespread wedding traditions of the peoples of the world. When the newlyweds leave the temple, they are served a tank of wine: you need to drink the contents, and break the container. According to a sign, if two wine glasses are broken at once, happiness and an excellent family life await the young. If only one of them crashed, the marriage will be unsuccessful. The custom is explained by the fact that the sound of broken glass should scare away evil spirits.

    European wedding traditions


    There are some interesting customs in this country. First, the young wife takes off her shoes, takes her shoes and puts them in the center of the banquet hall where the wedding is taking place, thereby inviting the young guys to dance. If there is such a volunteer, then he is obliged to put coins in her shoes. The winner is the one who shares the most coins.

    Another Hungarian wedding ceremony is associated with water procedures. On the second day after the celebration, the newlywed goes with those invited to the source of water. There, the girl washes people in turn, and then she wipes them with a towel.


    Contrary to the traditions of other nations, it is customary here that the bride herself chooses and gives the groom a ring and a silk shirt. The guy also presents a piece of jewelry in response to his beloved, after which he always puts on a fur hat with a belt. In Slovak megacities, weddings are already celebrated according to modern rules, but in rural areas, holidays are still held in compliance with all ancient rituals.


    It is generally accepted that the colder the climate in the country, the more restrained in the feelings of its inhabitants. Norwegian wedding traditions once again confirm this fact. There are much fewer lovely ladies here than male representatives, and therefore they try to find a bride almost from childhood. In Norway, women have equal rights with men, so both first-born boys and older girls become heirs in families. In this northern country, dowries are not prepared, and the wedding is organized by a couple in love with their own savings. One of the most sophisticated Norwegian traditions that has survived to this day is moving to the place of celebration on brightly decorated boats.


    Wedding customs in the Netherlands can greatly surprise residents of other states. It is believed here that the more obscene the banquet is, the happier and more cheerful the young will live. Therefore, the celebration is arranged without observing all sorts of norms of behavior.

    At a wedding in the Netherlands, you will not find a luxurious cake. Instead of everyone's favorite delicacy, guests are treated to custom-made confectionery products called “bride sugar”. If one of the invitees gets the same shape of sweets, then it is considered to be a lucky sign.

    African wedding ceremonies


    According to the customs of this people, the future father-in-law with the mother-in-law invites a real matchmaker to the house, who helps to choose a bride for their son who meets all the criteria that the father and mother put forward. The matchmaker personally checks the girls' candidacies for the presence of innocence, and then shows the selected applicants to their parents.

    There is another rather funny custom among the Nigerian people: immediately after the end of the wedding, the young husband is passed through the “corridor of relatives”, and each of them beats him with a stick. So the relatives initiate the young husband into family life.


    Living in an African tribe is a real test for a girl, and wedding customs here are not easy and romantic. So, in the Surma tribe, 6 months before the expected date of the festival, a girl is pierced with a lower lip and a clay disk is placed in it. In order for it to take the correct position, 2 teeth are pulled out in front, since it is customary to think that the size of the disk symbolizes the degree of wealth of the young bride, and is also designed to protect her from evil spirits that enter the body through the mouth.


    It should be mentioned that the Egyptians were the first to come up with the idea of ​​building relations between the representatives of the weaker and stronger sex within the framework of the law. The marriage contract originated in Egypt, and it was spelled out point by point what the husband should do and what the wife should do. Of course, Egyptian wedding customs are directly related to the religion of this country. According to Muslim canons, a man can have up to 4 wives, however, if only he is able to provide for each of them. Therefore, in modern Egypt, few people can afford such a number of spouses.

    The wedding customs of this people are also interesting with colorful entertainment: this is a belly dance, as well as with swords and skirts. The rest of the countries also adopted the ritual of exchanging rings from Egypt. According to ancient beliefs, the ring is a symbol of eternal feelings, love. It is necessary to put it on the left hand, on the middle finger, since in this place there is a cardiac vein. Thus, the ring forever unites the hearts of the couple.


    The wedding customs of the Bahutu tribe surprise Europeans even more, since here the newlyweds are required to show not love, but hatred for each other. At the end of the wedding, the bride, covering her face with a veil, goes to her new home, and from that moment a real fight begins.

    The quarrel lasts until the morning, and during it the newlyweds do not talk to each other. After the fight ends, the wife moves in with her husband. Having performed such a difficult rite, they will no longer swear until death. Thus, this strange tradition prepares the newlyweds for the tests of strength in family life. Perhaps that is why families from Africa are more united than those of other nations.

    Customs of the peoples of Asia


    The wedding ceremony in this country does not imply the presence of a classic white dress for the bride. On the day of the holiday, the newlywed can try on almost ten clothes. Moreover, outfits can be completely different colors and styles, it all depends on what kind of ceremony is taking place at the moment. The only prohibition regarding the choice of clothing is an anthracite-colored dress. In Thailand, it belongs to widows, so it is considered bad luck to highlight any details of the wedding image with this color. Most often, brides use orange, red, yellow tones for their formal dresses.


    The most favorite color in China is scarlet. Therefore, at a wedding, any details can be emphasized in red: the bride's dress, and envelopes for money, and flowers, the petals of which are showered on the newlyweds. And the popular tradition of drinking drinks for a wedding by spouses from wine glasses, whose legs are girded with a red ribbon, also appeared in the world from the Middle Kingdom. Organization of a Chinese wedding banquet, as a rule, is expensive, but young people quickly justify it with gifts from the guests. After all, in China it is customary to give only money. Moreover, they are usually given by those relatives who cannot attend the holiday.


    Traditions at Indian weddings are perhaps some of the most impressive in terms of beauty in the whole world. This is a kind of quintessence of all the customs, culture and religious rites of the Indian people. Despite the fact that newlyweds very often meet for the first time right at the ceremony, divorces are not accepted here.

    The main wedding decor in India is flowers, which are considered almost the main budget item. But the festive space is literally immersed in bright fragrant colors. The wedding table in India consists exclusively of vegetarian dishes, neither meat nor eggs are allowed.


    The wedding ceremony on the island is currently considered the most popular event among couples in love. First of all, it's amazingly beautiful here. Secondly, it is believed that a marriage registered on this island will be long and happy. And thirdly, the wedding event is quite exotic: the place is fumigated with incense, hundreds of flowers are sacrificed to the gods, and the newlyweds themselves are dressed in luxurious outfits decorated with gold embroidery.

    Arriving at the place of the ceremony here is supposed to be on a gilded carriage. And the wealthiest couples ride on elephants, the decoration of which is stunning in its beauty. During the event in the holy house, the newlyweds are sprinkled with flower petals, special prayers are read to help the newly-made spouses find a happy family life. Dancing, tropical plants, music, local cuisine treats - all this is a great start to a new union of hearts.

    North and South America

    For America, unlike other countries, a wedding is a kind of business, and the preparatory work for it is left in the hands of holiday agencies. The decoration of the celebration has the same classical stages as the rest of the peoples of the world:

    • A man offers his hand and heart to his beloved.
    • The date of the engagement is announced, at which the groom gives the ring.
    • A celebration is being held.

    There are no taboos in an American wedding, but, as a rule, the outfits of the newlyweds have a rather traditional look. However, according to custom, the girl should wear an old piece of clothing and a blue item. The old thing is a symbol of connection with parents, and the blue one is a sign of fidelity in marriage. Another interesting point is that the number of bridesmaids is not limited!


    The peoples of Latin America descended from the Aztec and Maya Indians. Therefore, wedding customs here have their own nuances. Sponsors usually take care of organizing the event. Moreover, they do not have to be the mother and father of the young, sometimes godparents or distant relatives act in their role.

    It is worth noting that during the wedding near the young, the priest circles a symbolic circle with special rosaries, which serve as a symbol of the unity of two souls.

    The Mexicans inherited even more ancient customs from the Indians. Two weddings are celebrated here: one is official, the second is an informal ceremony designed to help the couple unite. To do this, the girl is washed, after which they, together with the groom, approach the oldest tree to perform the ancient rite. Thus, they notify nature and the world around them of their unity forever.

    As you have noticed, all the rituals and rituals associated with the wedding are aimed at:

    • To equip the newlyweds with a long and happy life.
    • Drive away evil spirits from the bride and groom.
    • Make sure that the newly-made husband and wife do not quarrel.
    • Have fun, dance and have a wonderful holiday.
    • To clearly demonstrate to everyone that the bride is a worthy hostess.
    • Get to know each other better.
    • Recoup financial costs.

    Of course, each nation holds a wedding in accordance with its own customs, but no one forbids bringing a little exotic from another country into the ceremony of their own holiday.

    A wedding is a rather fascinating and interesting ritual. Since ancient times, there are different customs and traditions that are associated with the wedding. From a very early age, all girls dream of being a wonderful bride, and boys dream of creating a strong, reliable family and being a good owner.

    Every country has different traditions and rituals. Sometimes they can be very unusual, strange, interesting and shocking. In all countries of the world, a wedding has the same meaning, but it is carried out in different ways. Of course, it is not possible to see all the countries of the world, but everyone is interested in at least approximately knowing about unusual traditions at a wedding.

    Every nation has its own customs and traditions


    There is a rather strange custom in this country. If a couple in love is about to get married, then the future spouses should spend a night of love and affection in their parents' hut. All the relatives of the newlyweds gather in the hut that night, as well as livestock. It is necessary to spend this night in complete silence so that neither Olin's relative wakes up. If the hero-lover nevertheless woke up one of those present, then he has to run away from his relatives, who are very angry.

    If he manages to catch up, then the future husband has to endure beatings from relatives. The groom before such a night lubricates his body with palm oil, it helps to endure beatings much easier.


    Among the inhabitants of the Sahara, it is believed that the beauty of a woman is indicated by her fullness. The fuller a woman is, the healthier and more beautiful she is. Therefore, parents begin to fatten girls at the age of twelve. The completeness of the girl guarantees her a successful marriage. If a girl is thin, then this means that she does not have a wealthy family, so few people want to connect their lives with her.

    Poor girls are put in special huts, where they sit alone and are fed high-calorie food. They are given fatty couscous, millet balls cooked in butter and milk, milk.

    Mothers usually take care of their daughters. If a mother is not able to fatten her daughter on her own because of poverty, then she exchanges daughters with a friend or relative for a while. If the girl resists eating, then the father intervenes in the process.


    In this country, the equality of wife and husband is welcomed. The newlyweds spend their first wedding night in a rather unusual way - they are locked in a basement covered with pine needles. Previously, young people are given traditional gifts - shoes and a hat. In the basement, they compete to see who gets these trophies.

    If the wife gets a hat, it means that in marriage she will be loved and happy. If she still gets a shoe, then this will mean that for the rest of her life her husband will be under her heel.


    On the day of their wedding, the newlyweds go to the chuppah. They will make this trip while passing the synagogue, while they are accompanied by their parents. Khuppa - canopy, which symbolizes the tent in which the newlyweds lived in ancient times. Under the chuppah, the young people take a ritual small sip of wine, after which the rabbi will bless the bride and groom.

    After the blessing, the groom presents a ring as a gift to his bride. The ring must be gold, without stones and dyes. The simpler the ring, the better, because if the ring is too expensive, the guests present may think that the bride chose the groom only because of his wealth. After that, the official part of the Jewish wedding ceremony ends.

    Jews never hold a wedding on holy holidays and on the Sabbath. Two witnesses must be present at the marriage.


    In this country, the wedding ceremony begins with the morning singing of the monks. After that, the bride, groom and their relatives treat the monks. The head monk sprinkles the newlyweds and all the guests present with holy water, while the rest of the monks continue to sing. After that, everyone goes to the temple. In Thailand, there is such an interesting tradition - the bride's friends and her relatives on the way to the house of the future wife distribute gifts to people they meet on the way. This procession is called Khan Mark.

    In Thailand, it is generally accepted that the most favorable month for a wedding is August. Therefore, the largest number of marriages falls on this month. It is believed that a couple married in August will have a strong, happy and reliable family.

    In the villages of Thailand, people generally marry at the age of nineteen to twenty years, and in the cities at the age of twenty-nine to thirty-five.


    In Greece, there is such a custom that the newlyweds' bed, on which they will spend their wedding night, children must first run. This is done so that the couple has healthy offspring. Also, at a Greek wedding, an eye should be depicted on the clothes of relatives and friends of the newlyweds. It is believed that such an eye is able to protect the newly-made family from misfortune and failure.


    In Kenya, it is customary to paint the bride's nails and hands with special ritual patterns on the wedding day. In this case, paints of red and black colors are used. Such a pattern is kept on the body and on the nails of a woman throughout the year; it symbolizes the fact that women are now a new status.

    A very interesting tradition in Kenya is that the husband must wear women's clothes throughout the year. It is believed that in this way he will at least a little be able to feel the burdens that have fallen on the female lot.


    In this country, a couple in love who decides to get married turns to a fortune teller who helps set a date for the wedding. In ancient times, Korean fortune-tellers determined not only the wedding day, but also the most prosperous hour for the wedding. It is customary to invite a large number of people to a Korean wedding.

    It is believed that the more people - the happier the couple will be. After the wedding, the young people present each guest with a glass of wine and bow. The guests, as a sign of respect for the young, present them with money as a gift. There is also a very old tradition - the mother-in-law and the father-in-law throw a zhuzhub into the bride's skirt, which is a symbol of male offspring. Thus, the bride expresses the wish to have healthy sons.

    The ransom, the bets on the sex of the unborn child, the purchase of the first piece of the wedding cake. Do you think only in Russia there are ridiculous wedding traditions? No, in fact there are plenty of them in all countries of the world! And if some of them are just funny and meaningless, then sometimes the bride and groom have to risk their health so as not to violate the ritual. We decided to recall only some unusual wedding traditions from different countries, many of which are observed to this day.


    In accordance with one of the old Scottish traditions, the bride is literally poured with mud on the eve of the wedding. The girl is given a shower of spoiled food, garbage and waste, and then tied to a tree for several hours. It is believed that if the future wives endure these hardships with dignity, then it will not be difficult for her to cope with family life.

    The place of honor among admirers of funny wedding traditions from different countries is occupied by the Chinese! A wedding is, of course, a joyful event, but in one of the provinces of China, girls begin to prepare for family life a month before the ceremony with the help of sobs. An hour a day, the girl should cry, while gradually all the female members of her family join her - first her mother, then her grandmother, then her sisters, and so on.

    In another Chinese province, a groom tries to shoot his future wife. He shoots three arrows without arrowheads at her from a bow. Then the spouse breaks these arrows in commemoration of the fact that a happy life awaits them without betrayal and betrayal.


    In India, it was not uncommon to see weddings with trees in the past. The reasons for this may be different. According to tradition, the youngest son cannot marry until his elder brother has done so. Therefore, if the younger son met his fate earlier, then the elder takes a tree as his wife, which is then cut down. Thus, the man becomes a widower. As for girls, there is a belief in India that those born during the period when Mars and Saturn are in the 7th house bring an early death to their first husband. So the tree again becomes an innocent victim - as soon as it becomes a husband, it is cut down, and the belief is fulfilled, and the curse is removed from the girl.

    In some parts of India, the groom must take off his shoes before going to the altar. This is where the fun begins! The bride's relatives must contrive and steal the shoes, and the groom's relatives must protect them with all their might. If it is not possible to save the shoes, the newly-made husband must pay a ransom for her.


    And now let's go in search of interesting wedding traditions from different countries to Africa! In the Masai tribe, fathers bless the marriage of their daughters by spitting in her face. Then the girl leaves the house without looking back, otherwise, according to legend, she will turn into stone.

    Kenyan grooms also have a hard time - they have to wear women's clothes for a whole month after the wedding in order to understand how hard a woman's lot is.


    Having exchanged vows of allegiance, the German newlyweds go to a specially prepared log. They pick up a saw and cut it together in front of all the guests. It is believed that this ritual prepares them for a life together, during which they will have to work hard together.


    In Poland, guests are offered to dance with the bride... for money. The girlfriend collects the contributions, then all the funds are transferred to the newlyweds to pay for the honeymoon.


    In Spain, the groom before the wedding gives the bride 13 gold coins as a sign that he is ready to bear responsibility for her, including material responsibility. The bride returns these coins to prove that she is ready to support her husband. Why exactly 13 coins? This number symbolizes Jesus and his 12 apostles.


    Sometimes the wedding traditions of different countries of the world are simply baffling! In Denmark, for example, there is a wedding tradition to cut a hole in the right sock of the groom right during the celebration. What woman would now covet him, with a torn sock?!

    Another interesting wedding tradition is that every time the bride leaves the premises where the wedding party takes place, all the girls can kiss the groom. The same applies to the bride - while the groom is absent, any man can approach her and demand a kiss.


    In Bulgaria, there is an unusual way to make a marriage proposal. The young man simply has to throw an apple at his beloved.


    In Nigeria, a girl begins to prepare for family life a year before her wedding - she spends 12 months in a separate house, trying to avoid any physical activity. Meanwhile, her relatives bring her nutritious high-calorie food so that she gains as much weight as possible by the ceremony. It is believed that thin girls in marriage will not be happy.

    The wedding day is almost always a memorable event, of which there are few in life. So people are trying to come up with something unusual for him, in order to further distinguish him from a series of gray everyday life. Today, ordinary feasts are no longer in fashion, but photo shoots against the backdrop of local monuments.

    But folk traditions are still of interest. But in some countries there are such wedding ceremonies that would discourage ordinary people from marriage altogether. We will tell below about the most strange, and sometimes shocking, customs, rituals and traditions associated with marriage.

    There is still an unusual wedding tradition in Scottish villages. There, before the wedding, the bride is poured with mud, doing it in the literal sense. Of course, this does not happen on the day of the ceremony itself, but on any of the previous ones, when the future celebration has already been announced. At the same time, simply pouring dirty water on a girl is not enough for the Scots. They're making a special mix! It contains a large number of sticky and unpleasant substances - sauces, eggs, butter, pasta, sour milk. Nasty liquids are welcome! The poor bride is doused from head to toe with this terrible mixture. But even here, the participants in the ritual are in no hurry to let her go home. The girl is taken all over the city, starting all over drinking establishments. After all, everyone should see that the ritual was successfully completed. What is its meaning at all? According to one of the local beliefs, after such a humiliation, all subsequent antics of the husband will seem to the wife no longer significant.

    Curious traditions associated with the wedding, there are in India. In some of its states, it is believed that if a girl was born immediately with a milk tooth in her upper gum, that evil spirits are set against her. Such a mark guarantees death from the paws of a tiger or other accident. But there is a way out - you have to marry a dog! And don't look for logic here. Fortunately, such a marriage does not require the fulfillment of marital duties on both sides. Such a rite allows you to ward off evil spirits, as a result of which, after a few years, the girl can already, like her friends, get married in the usual way. If the girl did not marry a dog, then this still does not guarantee anything. Indeed, under certain conditions, she can marry ... a tree! The fact is that in local astrology there is the concept of Kuja Dosha. These are the moments when Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house. One who was born on such a day is called "mangalik". According to legend, such a woman's husband will certainly die before the due date. This can only be avoided by marrying a tree. However, the bride even has the right to choose - you can become the wife of a banana, or you can become a ficus pipal. After the end of the wedding ceremony, the "husband" is ritually destroyed, and the woman can, with a clear conscience, marry a man. And such customs are far from uncommon - the famous actress Aishwarya Rai had to go through this. Yes, and men in India have their own reasons to marry a tree. Thus, in Madras, the younger brother was forbidden to marry while the older brother was still single. But if the wedding could not be avoided, then the older brother officially married the tree, which was immediately destroyed. Thus, through the simulated death of the "daughter-in-law", the younger brother could play his wedding.

    In Ireland, for a long time, there was an unusual tradition, which is still observed in small villages today. According to the rite, during the wedding dances, the bride was not supposed to take her feet off the ground so that she would not be kidnapped by fairies. After all, these little creatures, according to legend, adore all the most beautiful. Is there anything more beautiful than a bride at a wedding? Also in Ireland, the bride at the wedding was given a ring or bracelet made of human hair. Such a souvenir was supposed to help bind lovers for life.

    Any bride strives to lose weight for the wedding, but there are countries where completely different beauty standards are in fashion. For example, in Mauritania, a thin girl is considered ugly. Is it any wonder that from the age of 5-9, girls begin to intensively prepare for the wedding - feed them? There are special institutions where parents give their daughters. There, cruel guards force the unfortunate to eat by force. In this case, it is supposed to swallow a large amount of food. So, you need to eat 2 kilograms of millet porridge alone a day, and you need to drink about 20 liters of camel milk. This tradition provides for the final fattening right before the wedding. For the previous few months, the bride has been sitting motionless in a special room, eating hearty meals. There is no need to talk about health here. Such a sad tradition has practically disappeared in the country, but was revived after the 2008 military coup. And in Nigeria, Mali and the north of Cameroon, magnificent brides are also held in high esteem.

    It is traditionally believed that weddings are the happiest day for the young, followed immediately by a happy honeymoon. But on the island of Borneo, the Tidong tribe lives, in which the opposite is true. Here the honeymoon is a cruel ordeal. First of all, the newlyweds do not have the right to go to the toilet for three days after the wedding. It is impossible to avoid such a ban - all this time their relatives have been relentlessly watching them, trying to limit the amount of food and drinks. Only if the newlyweds were able to pass this test, they will have a happy cohabitation. But for those who could not stand it or preferred deceit, grief, quarrels and early death of the firstborn await in marriage.

    In the Nicobar Islands, the honeymoon, if it comes, is only for the bride. The groom, on the other hand, voluntarily becomes a slave in the house of his wife for half a year, doing all the hard work. But then it all falls on the shoulders of his wife. It is believed that the husband should evaluate her work from his own experience. But in Finland, the bride, on the contrary, enters the house of her future spouse even before the wedding, though only for a week. After all, you need to get acquainted with the future economy.

    If in most countries the wedding night is the final chord of the wedding, then in Uzbekistan it is customary for the groom to be alone with his young wife only on the second day of the celebration. Directly on the night of the wedding with the bride, her closest relatives - mother, grandmother, aunt will spend the night. After the end of the wedding night, the husband cannot leave his wife for 40 days at night. Ideally, it is believed that throughout this period, the newlyweds should not part, but today this honeymoon tradition is practically not observed.

    Tujia peoples who live in China have their own unusual wedding traditions. There, the bride must spend a whole month before the wedding at nightfall... crying! 10 days after the start of the “marathon of tears”, the mother joins the girl, after another 10 days - other relatives, and right on the eve of the wedding - girlfriends. According to the rite, such an abundance of tears before the wedding guarantees the bride a happy and long marriage. That is why the art of crying and singing at the same time special songs in the tribe are taught from early childhood. After all, if a girl could not learn to cry well, then an unsuccessful marriage awaits her.

    To play a wedding in Bali, both the bride and the groom must first file their fangs and incisors. This ritual is very important for the locals, because it symbolizes their entry into adulthood. It is generally accepted on the island that human fangs are related to animal fangs. As a result, uncut teeth can become a source of animal instincts. To curb them, a total of 6 teeth are processed, this number corresponds to 6 expelled vices - envy, greed, anger, stupidity, lust and gluttony. They file a person's teeth, even after his death, just before cremation. After all, if this is not done, then the Gods can take the deceased for an animal. It is believed that after filing a girl's fangs, she leaves her father's custody. If the ceremony takes place before the wedding, then the girl becomes the responsibility of her husband. But with young men, the situation is completely different - the father is not deprived of duties. He must provide materially for his son entering into marriage, paying for the entire wedding celebration.

    In the Chechen Republic, they believe that a wife should be modest and self-possessed. Traditionally for this people, during the festival, the bride is placed in a corner, away from the eyes of the guests. Traditions force her to spend the whole day on her feet, you can’t talk to her husband’s relatives until they turn to her themselves. The restraint of the bride is even tested. Each of the relatives in turn asks the girl to bring a glass of water, and when she does this, they try to talk her. There are several proven ways to do this: you can make fun of the appearance of the bride, praise, or you can discuss the groom. If a girl cannot stand it and responds to a taunt, then this will indicate her incontinence and stupidity. All that she is allowed to say: "Drink to your health!". Another traditional feature of marriage among Chechens is that the newlywed is forbidden to call her husband's relatives by name. Instead, general words should be used, such as "dear", "respected", "honorable".

    In Libya, the wedding is celebrated on a grand scale and lasts about 8 days. On the sixth day, a rather interesting ritual takes place. The groom gives his beloved a basket of gifts, guffu. It usually includes perfumes, incense and fabrics. The bride should not only accept the gift and consider it, but also try out some of them. For this, one of the girl's relatives is invited, for example, a sister, who must get the donated incense and rub it on the bride's heel. According to beliefs, this will enable her to keep her husband under the heel for the rest of her life. Yes, and the wedding festivities in this country are worthy of special mention. If the groom lives in his own house, then the feast takes place in the garden. If the young do not yet have housing, then relatives, right on the street, pitch a huge tent, a hema. At the same time, it can even interfere with the movement of pedestrians and vehicles, but people here treat this with understanding - a wedding is being played.

    In the Baltics, everyone is waiting for the groom to scream in pain during the dance. After all, this is evidence that the bride has observed a long tradition. The girl just steps on her husband's foot with all her strength to make sure that there is no devil with hooves in front of her.

    In England, there is a long beautiful tradition - the bride must wear something new, something old, something borrowed and certainly something sky blue on her wedding day. The old item is usually a brooch or necklace - they symbolize the connection with the ancestors. A new thing means a happy future, a thing borrowed from a happy girlfriend acts as a talisman. The blue color symbolizes modesty and fidelity, and diversifies the color scheme of the outfit.

    In Kenya, the bride's hands and nails are decorated with black and red patterns to ward off evil spirits. There are strange traditions here. So, the young spouse must walk in women's clothes for the entire first month after the wedding. This will give him an understanding of the female position, as well as drive away temptations in the form of young coquettes.
