How to paint your eyes during the day with eyeliner. How beautiful to make up green eyes? Deep set eyes

Nature has endowed each of us with different facial features. Some are satisfied with them, some are dissatisfied. But to help women, a very effective and fairly simple tool has been developed - makeup. Skillfully using cosmetics, any woman will be able to correct the flaws that seem to her, give desired shape or focus on a particular detail. However, the makeup of each area of ​​the face requires a thoughtful approach. For example, using different techniques applying shadows, you can visually change the shape of the eyes - make them bigger, lift the eyelid, create a beautiful cut, etc.

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How to properly apply eye shadow, video tutorials and practical advice, various variations and ways of eye makeup - we will try to reveal all this in our review. So let's get started.

Correct application of shadows: basic rules and necessary components

To create a quality Eye make up There are three important rules to keep in mind:

  1. When creating a make-up, you should decide on the accent zone. There are only two of them - eyes and lips. If your choice of lips - the eyes are given less emphasis, if vice versa - then the eye makeup is as pronounced as possible, and the lips are performed using the nude technique.
  2. When choosing shadows, one should proceed from natural shade skin. So, for example, on pale face purple tones create a painful effect, and tanned skin dark- brown shades can age.
  3. Eye makeup should contain at least two shades, ideally three. The upper eyelid always stands out the most light tone. Experiments with dark option only experienced stylists at thematic shows can afford.

Photo from the site: diam. en

Before touching on the question of how to properly apply shadow on the eyelids, you should decide on necessary components eye makeup. Again, you will need three important components:

Base for shadows. It is also called a base, a primer. Many neglect her best case using the usual basis under makeup. Meanwhile, the quality of eye makeup depends on the base. The base under the shadows, in contrast to the basis for makeup, has a denser texture. Silicone, which is part of its composition, fills all the smallest folds and wrinkles on the skin, thus preventing the shadows from rolling and shedding. So make sure you get a good base.

The second thing you need is brushes. For eye makeup, you will need a set of at least three types of brushes:

  • flat with a long pile for applying shadows;
  • large fluffy for shading;
  • thin with elastic bristles for eyeliner.

Many will wonder, but what about the applicators that are put into boxes with shadows? They are also suitable, but only in last resort. Shadows with them are applied too densely and it is difficult to shade them with an applicator.

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Third, the shadows themselves. Lots of shadow options:

  • crumbly
  • Compact
  • baked
  • Cream
  • Stickers
  • Pencils

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You will need at least three eyeshadow colors:

  • Base - the leading shade of makeup
  • Light coloured. It should be slightly lighter than the base, creating a white effect in contrast.
  • Marker (highlighting or accenting pigment). It is necessary that it be darker than the base version.

An important point - the colors of the shadows used should be in harmony with each other.

Using a base under the shadows is an undeniable point. Brushes, on the other hand, are mainly used for loose and compact and baked shadows. Many people have a question - how to apply cream shadows? Brushes won't work here. Most the best way- application of pigment on the eyelids with fingertips. An applicator may be used. Shadow sticks and shadow pencils are drawn directly on the eyelid. If the consistency of the shadows is quite dense, you can initially transfer the pigment to the fingertips, and then apply color to the eyelids with them.

How to apply eye shadow step by step (photo)

So, to create high-quality eye makeup, you need a base, shadows and brushes. But about how to apply shadows beautifully, you should talk separately. There are several variations of eye makeup. Consider the basic techniques of how to apply shadows on the eyes and photos for them for greater clarity.

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Before choosing a particular version of MakeUp eyes, you should take into account all the nuances of the structure of the face, the shape and shape of the eyes. Incorrectly selected eye makeup can enhance existing imperfections or distort facial features.

Classic eye makeup

This option is considered universal. It fits absolutely any shape and shape of the eyes. And the use of different combinations of shadows will allow you to create different makeup, from daytime to evening.

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The technique of applying shadows on the eyes in this embodiment involves the following scheme:

  1. The main color should be applied to the entire moving part of the upper eyelid.
  2. The area under the eyebrow and the inner corner are stained with a lighter pigment.
  3. A marker is applied to the crease of the eyelid, approximately from its middle (releasing pigment, darker than the main one by 1-2 tones). The marker is applied along the contour of the ciliary edge, also starting from the middle of the century. Gradually, it rises and thickens as it approaches outer border eyes.
  4. If you need to create a more accentuated makeup, then it is possible to use the 4th more saturated color, which should draw the line of eyelash growth. For evening version it is permissible to emphasize the lower eyelid.
  5. All areas of the pigment connection are carefully shaded.

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The classic technique of applying shadows is inherently basic. The rest of the eye makeup variations are built according to the same scheme, but with some deviations and making their own adjustments.

Eye makeup in the "Bird" technique

"Bird" or as it is also called "Wings" helps to correct the eye: raise the outer corner and visually increase the size. The shadow pattern is somewhat reminiscent of a bird's wing, hence the name.

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How to paint eye shadow in this version? The application technique is a bit similar to the classical one: the moving part of the eyelid is stained with the main pigment; the light area is located in the brow and in the outer parts of the eyes; dark pigment is located in part of the eyelid. Only in this case, an increased emphasis is placed on the crease of the eyelid, and the line along the ciliated edge is drawn more strongly. The outer corner is somewhat pulled up.

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Makeup is suitable both as an evening option and as a daytime one, only in the latter case, the shades of the pigment are taken lighter.

Eye makeup "Loop"

Another name for the technique is "Wave". An ideal option for a narrow cut of the eyes, and will also interest those who are concerned about the question of how to apply shadow on an impending eyelid. The arcuate accent helps define the eyelid. In this embodiment, the zone of the outer corner is additionally highlighted, forming the so-called loop or wave. The outer edge rises slightly and becomes more rounded. Otherwise, everything is the same as in the classic version.

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"Smokey eyes"

The most popular shading technique. Consider how to beautifully apply eye shadow in this case.

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For this option, eyeliner with dark shadows near the ciliary edge, both upper and lower, is very important. You need a very thick, which is carefully shaded. Make-up is done as in a horizontal layout (light shadows are applied to inner part eyes, and then the tone becomes darker), and in the vertical (dark pigment is superimposed near the eyelashes, rising to the eyebrow, they brighten).

The effect of haze will depend on how the shadows are shaded on the eyes. The more thorough the shading, the more effective the makeup. And do not forget about mascara, there should be a lot of it.

Photo from the site: underwear.moscowgl

This technique allows you to create both a luxurious evening make-up and a nude version, if you choose a pigment close to natural shades skin.


Nude eye makeup, despite its naturalness, requires more makeup and more time. Paradox, but natural beauty"requires more "decorations".

How to apply shadows on the eyes using the highlight technique

Pretty rare technique. In this version, the outer and inner zones of the eyes are painted over with accent shadows. The main part of the century is filled base shade. The upper eyelid is the lightest pigment. Further, with the help of a highlighter or light pigments, a small highlight is placed on the moving eyelid above the pupil.

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This technique is ideal for women with deep-set eyes, because it visually makes the eye more voluminous. Also, this technique will help correct wide-set eyes, as internal darkening will help hide long distance between the eyes.

Rules for applying shadows in the "Cat's eye" technique

The name is not accidental. If you apply the shadows correctly, you get the effect cat eyes. This option makes the eyes very expressive, visually rounds them and at the same time stretches them, makes them a little slanted.

Photo from the site:

How to paint eyes with shadows in this technique? Everything is very simple. Shadows are placed in the same order as in the classic version. Only accent shadows highlight the inner and outer corners of the eyes. In this case, the inner corner is pulled down, and the outer corner is pulled up. Underwater is required.

This option, due to its brightness, is more suitable for evening make-up. Considering that the eyes are maximally emphasized, the lips should not be highlighted so as not to overload the makeup.

Double Arrow Technique

In this embodiment, two lines are drawn with really accent shadows - one along natural crease century, the other repeats the line of the upper eyelashes. Then both lines join at the outer corners of the eyes. This technique helps to highlight the eyes and lift the overhanging eyelid.

Photo from the site:

The presented version is rather evening, but if you use neutral shades of shadows, then it is also suitable for day makeup.

Video lesson: how to apply eye shadow

To consolidate the information and greater clarity, it is worth considering the video material on how to apply shadows correctly. In this video you will learn how to apply eye shadow correctly with step by step instruction each stage. Also, the main techniques of eye makeup will be revealed in detail - accentuation, shading, placement of highlights. You will learn how to choose the right required option depending on the features of the structure of your face.

As you can see, it is not difficult to become beautiful. It is enough to stock up on a small palette of shadows, a set of brushes and correctly place accents. We hope that the presented recommendations on how to properly apply shadow on the eyelids and videos will help you in creating your perfect MakeUp.

Girls start painting their eyes as soon as they reach adolescence. At this point, a skill is formed that remains for life, and often it is formed incorrectly. Shadows are applied in the same way, without regard to texture, color and composition: as a result, mature girls and women wear the same make-up, which does not always correspond to desires. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you information on how to properly apply shadows on the eyes. Step by step, the photo will take you to wonderful world home make-up.

What are the shadows

The beauty industry has long moved forward, offering women big choice eye cosmetics. Shadows are produced in unimaginable palettes, the consistency is varied. Possible allergic consequences and other nuances of eye makeup are taken into account. Let's get acquainted with the main types of shadows presented in the mass market.

  • liquid shadows
    The boom in the use of liquid shadows in oblong tubes fell on the zero years of the XXI century. Cheap liquids were sold everywhere, and beckoned from the shelves with amazing brilliance. These shadows have nothing to do with the liquid shadows produced by modern manufacturers. Now this type of cosmetic product is used in professional makeup, and is considered the most persistent view application. It instantly freezes on the skin, so it is difficult for an unprepared girl to control the intensity of color and intended transitions. At the same time, liquid shadows perfectly moisturize the eyelids, preventing them from premature aging. The reason for this amazing effect was the content essential oils within the shadows.
  • Dry shadows
    A standard product used in the beauty world since time immemorial. Due to the fact that the shadows are applied in powder form, their shelf life reaches several years. Shadows are crumbly and compact. Compact shadows are economical, one palette of shadows is enough for 2-3 years daily use. A wide range of colors allows you to create absolutely any eye makeup, regardless of its status.
  • Creamy shadows
    The average option between the first listed products. It has a wide range of colors and is presented mainly in the mass non-food segment. Without the use of a primer, roll off during wear. The application of such shadows does not require special devices: Blending can be done with your finger.

What to consider when buying shadows

At the time of buying decorative cosmetics, you need to take into account its composition: namely it determines further interaction with the skin of the eyelids. The substances contained in the shadows are hypoallergenic, however, the reaction individual organisms unpredictable. As with all products used on the face, Before using the product for the first time, an allergy test must be carried out.

Shelf life- the second point that you should pay attention to when buying shadows in the mass market segment. An expired product, in addition to losing its quality properties, can cause serious damage to eye health. Check the expiration date not only on the product packaging, but also by applying a tester to the back of your hand. A normal product should leave a smooth, uniform line, free of impurities.

How to choose shadows

Before buying certain colors, you need to familiarize yourself with suitable palette. This can be done on the Internet, including taking the information in our article.

You can visualize eye makeup on your photo using our service.

Green and grey-green eyes

Excellent depth effect grey colour on the eyelids of green eyes. In combination with a dark eyeliner, the effect shakes. Classic options colors : brown, gold, pink, olive color. Suitable purple, lilac and coral.

Blue and grey-blue eyes

Such unusual color eye all shades of pink are contraindicated- the eyes will look tired, visual puffiness will be created. Beige, gold, yellow, Brown color. The eyeliner can be brown or black.

Brown eyes

draws to itself dark colors so consider brown, black, purple, dark green. Try pastel shades in mother-of-pearl design: visually, such shadows will enlarge the eyes. Complete the composition with dark eyeliner.

Nuances to consider before applying shadows

We have come to the most important point, which teaches you how to apply shadows correctly. Practice a few times sparing no cosmetic material: A well-developed skill will eliminate further problems with applying makeup. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you get started:

  • Prepare your eyebrows for makeup: comb them and dye them in the desired color. Neat eyebrows are the main focus on the face.
  • Apply primer to your eyelids, before you are going to lay the decorative base. It will allow the shadows to last all day, prevent rolling. Among other things, the primer moisturizes the skin of the eyelids during the entire time of wearing.
  • Powder primer with regular powder to create the visual volume of the eyelashes. Powder will allow the primer to perform its function longer.
  • Prepare applicators for work. Wash them in soapy water after each make-up.

The process of working with shadows step by step

The process of applying shadows is divided into several stages.. How well each step is done will show the result: a neat and bewitching eye makeup will give you diligent student and will show that all the points have been completed correctly. Let's start doing makeup, stopping at each point separately.

Skin preparation

Eye makeup is performed after the face is fully prepared for application. decorative elements. Surely, you already know how to make a high-quality makeup base, so let's briefly repeat the subparagraphs:

  1. wash your face and moisturize the skin with cosmetic cream.
  2. Apply concealer, masking skin imperfections and circles under the eyes. Blend it in the right direction.
  3. Mark the borders of the cheekbones with blush. The base is ready for the subsequent design of the composition.

Choose the shade of the shadows based on the makeup status: daytime, walking, romantic. Use multiple colors for beautiful makeup. Try to main shade applied to upper eyelid, was pastel. Highlight the corners eyes for clarity. Don't use pearlescent shadows if your eyelids hang over your eyes.

  1. On the main area of ​​eyelid staining apply base color shadows. Blend with applicator or brush.
  2. Create a darker color transition, starting from the middle of the eyelid and going to the tip of the eye. Make movements from eyelashes to eyebrows.

Let's move on to the brow area:

  1. Apply white or beige eyeshadow along the lower contour of the eyebrows. This will visually lift them up, creating the effect of enlarged eyes. It is achieved by reflecting light from light particles of shadows.
  2. Fix your eyebrows in case you hit them while applying shadows.

Create an outline on the eyes

Eye contouring- the main part of the eye makeup. Perfectly executed lines will make the eyes symmetrical and beautiful. Quality work on the implementation of the contour will allow the makeup to look professionally executed. Consider some of the nuances before you start the registration procedure.

  • Decide on the shape of the eyes before you draw the arrows. It is the form that determines the location and appearance of the decorative element.
  • For the symmetry of the arrows, put pre-points on both sides of the face- they will serve as a guide for the end of the arrow.
  • Use long-lasting eyeliner for shooters: it stays on the eyes up to 12 hours without correction.
  • The contour can be drawn with shadows whose color matches the color of the iris. Use a pencil or a wet brush with dry shadows to stroke.

The lower eyelid must be painted over otherwise the makeup will look incomplete. Here are a few advice, which will allow you to shape the eyelid in accordance with accepted standards of beauty:

  • eye enlargement effect achieved by lining the inner eyelid with light shadows or a pencil.
  • Basic rule: you need to create a contrast of the lower eyelid with a dark contour or shadows, the color of which matches the base coat of the upper eyelid.
  • Use a combination of dark eyeliner and mother-of-pearl for ceremonial events. In daytime makeup, such a tandem looks out of place.

We complete

The final stage apply mascara to the eyelashes. Curl dry eyelashes curling tool, then apply the first coat of mascara. Wait for the substance to dry repeat the manipulation. Paint over the inner and outer cilia - exactly they give the look a special charm.

After completing all the steps, check if the makeup is ready and if there are any shortcomings. If you find the latter - correct. Wipe off excess makeup, refresh shading. The perfect eye makeup is ready!

Of course, we cannot fail to highlight individual nuances that were not included in the main article on applying shadows. Listen to the recommendations so that your eyes always remain beautiful, and your eyes are captivating:

  • If the fit of your eyes deep you should give up matte shadows. Perfectly hide this lack of shadow with a pearlescent effect.
  • If you are a creamy eyeshadow lover, discard the idea of ​​powdering primer before applying them. mingled cosmetics look messy. The use of powder for other types of shadows is necessary. This will allow will fix eh them, the sock of such a makeup will last for several hours.
  • Do not use dry eye shadow while wearing lenses. Dust particles of the product that have fallen under the lens cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, leading to pain and cuts.
  • Close-set eyes decorate with several shades of shadows: in interior areas use white and silver colors for the eyes, color in the outer ones.
  • If you draw arrows in front of your eyes all the time, you should pay attention to Permanent makeup. Arrows are created by injecting paint under the skin of the eyelids: the procedure is not dangerous and retains its aesthetic properties for several years.


To clearly understand what the eyeshadow palette, eyeliner and mascara are capable of, we have made a selection of photos for you from various make-up. A charming, delightful, magical look - you can create all this with your own hands in a few minutes if you listen to the information above.

Master Class

To make it easier for you, we present compilation of three videos, in which beauty bloggers teach how to correctly and beautifully apply shadows on the eyes step by step. We hope this will help you in learning first-class eye makeup.

Now that you know how to apply eyeshadow correctly step by step and the photo has revealed all the secrets of makeup to you, it's time to check out other articles on our website to complete the image of a gorgeous and stylish girl.

Nothing decorates a girl like high-quality makeup. Often we admire the work of makeup artists who know how to a short time apply spectacular, bright and interesting makeup, attracting the languid glances of men and the envious sighs of women. Unfortunately, sometimes not only time is not enough for the salon, but also money. So what to do? In the article we will tell you how to beautifully make up your eyes at home, we will give step by step instructions.

Experts know that good makeup can be done in a short amount of time. To do this, it is enough to learn a number of rules. The most difficult of them relate to eye makeup. Let's look at some easy options.

Such makeup, due to its tenderness and elegance, suitable for women any age and with any face shape. Makeup is called invisible because correct application It helps to remove unpleasant circles under the eyes and skin imperfections. To begin, gently apply with a sponge foundation, but to be three shades lighter than your skin. Put 2 foundation points on the lower eyelids, and smear them with soft movements with a sponge or fingers.

If skin imperfections are still visible, then repeat the procedure, and lightly powder on top. Do not know how to beautifully make up your eyes with mascara so that it looks as natural as possible? Touch up only the tips, not the entire length. Shadows should be kept to a minimum. Make just a couple of strokes brown in the corners. That's all. Thanks to the minimal use of cosmetics, you will look not made up, but rested. It is used by such actresses as Emma Watson and Keira Knightley.

First, you need to know that makeup is best applied in daylight by placing a mirror on the windowsill. Artificial lighting or lack of it can show a distorted image, and then your skin will appear patchy and problematic.

When applying daytime makeup, you should refrain from using a contour pencil and eyeliner. If you still cannot do without arrows, make them thin, almost invisible, and blend the line with a special soft brush. Replace the pencil with dark shadows, applying them along the eyelid line.

When choosing shadows, you should pay attention to light, matte tones, which perfectly reflect the daylight, giving the make-up a special gloss. For work, use mother-of-pearl, pink, beige or pastel shadows. In sunny weather, dilute everyday life with juicy green, blue or purple flowers. During the day, do not use a lot of mascara, as in the light it looks lumpy and ugly. It is enough to draw a brush once, and then, not starting from the roots. so expressive and bright makeup used by style icons Reese Witherspoon and Angelina Jolie.

For evening make-up, you need bronze, black, gray, dark brown or golden shadows that will emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes. First, apply a little with the applicator on the moving eyelid, then gently blend. Line the lower eyelid with a pencil or liquid eyeliner.

How beautiful to make up the eyes with a pencil? Just remember that the line should not be too thick or too thin. If you have big beautiful eyes, you can also bring the lower eyelid.

Definitely a black pencil necessary thing, but this is only if you are a brunette or a brown-haired woman. For girls with blonde hair fit a pencil in light brown tones, as a regular one may look too bright and defiant on the face. And of course, apply high-quality black mascara to the eyelashes, carefully running the brush along the entire length. If you want to further emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, apply golden shadows to the corners. She always wears this type of makeup. Hollywood beauty Penelope Cruz.

Smokey eyes

One of the most popular makeup options for solemn event or coming out. Despite all the hype, making it is very simple. You just need to get a little hands on and fill your hand. It all starts with a brown or black soft pencil. Bring them the upper and lower eyelids. In this case, the line should be thick and right next to the lashes. With a stiff, angled brush, blend the resulting eyeliner.

Now pick up three types of shadows. It is advisable to use a ready-made special palette, the tones of which are in harmony with each other. Start with light shadows. Apply them on the movable eyelid and to the very line of the eyebrows. Blend them so that there is no contrast between the skin areas with and without shadows.

Next step: apply the second-colored shadow on the mobile eyelid, and apply a little of the most in the corners. dark shadows, and blend them out. For a solemn event, it is worth using shadows with a shine of saturated shades. But for the day, use beige, light gray and light brown tones that look perfect in natural light. This makeup is preferred by Cameron Diaz.

Well, now you know a few unique options for all occasions, as well as figured out all the subtleties. Every woman should know about them. After all, you will not visit a makeup artist every day!

Always buy shadows, mascara and eyeliner not on chemical, but on natural basis. You should not save and use expired cosmetics, citing the fact that "she still looks normal." Believe recovery original appearance skin, especially around the eyes, will cost you much more than you save on cosmetics.

Remember that bright and saturated colors and eyeliners can be afforded by women under 40 years old. After 40, pay attention to pastels, soft shades that emphasize your femininity. Besides, " military coloring"immediately reveals all the wrinkles and micro-wrinkles that need to be hidden, not shown.

In order to get a beautiful make-up, it is absolutely not necessary to contact this issue to professional makeup artists, it is quite possible to do it yourself, having at hand the necessary cosmetics and. So that you can cope with this task, let's figure out how to make up beautifully.

What should be considered before applying makeup?

To make your makeup look good, you should consider a few nuances. In particular:

  • What occasion are you doing makeup for? If you are preparing for an event: a banquet, a wedding, a party, make-up should be done in the evening, which allows the use dark shades eye shadow and eyeliner or lipstick. If you go to work or business meeting, you need to get by with a light daytime make-up with light beige or brown shadows, as well as nude lipstick - this option will always be appropriate.

  • What is the condition of your skin. If you have a large number of rashes, redness, do not forget to use special corrective agents and dense textures foundation creams in order to hide such flaws, in this case, bright red lipstick should be abandoned - it will focus on existing inflammation. If there are no problems with the skin, you can decide how you can make up, at your discretion. Allowed use bright colors lipstick or shadows, as well as light textures of foundation.

  • What will you wear. Remember that makeup should be in harmony with your outfit.

You should also take into account the features of the shape of the lips, eyes, chin, choosing one or another makeup scheme. Remember that there are recommendations on how to do makeup for various types face, eye and lip shapes that will help you hide existing flaws and emphasize dignity. Be sure to study them and apply them so that your makeup looks beautiful.

Video: beautiful daytime makeup:

The main stages of creating makeup

It’s easy to figure out how to learn how to paint from scratch. To begin with, you should collect the main cosmetics, among which will be: either a foundation base (girls with oily skin should use both of these products), powder, shadows (it is advisable to choose basic brown shades first), eye and lip pencils, mascara , means for eyebrows, lipstick. You need to gradually perform makeup with them as follows:

1. To begin with, it is worth cleansing the skin and applying a moisturizer to it. A few minutes after that, you can gently apply a tonal foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers, spreading it over the entire face. If you have problem areas of the skin, such as rashes or redness, as well as bruises, you need to apply a corrector to these areas.

3. The next step is eye makeup. You will need to gradually apply the shadows, shading them on the moving eyelid, apply liquid eyeliner and then mascara.

5. The last step is to apply blush on the cheekbones, as well as veil powder. If you have enough oily skin, you should use compact powder which gives a dense coverage.

Important: if you do bright make-up, you need to focus on the eyes or on the lips (but not on the eyes and lips at the same time). Let's take a closer look at how to do it right.

How beautiful to make up lips?

If you are going to romantic date, you should focus on the makeup on the lips. Step by step they will need to be drawn like this:

1. First, apply a special one to your lips. It will ensure long-lasting make-up for the whole evening. Please note: you only need to use a special lip primer, face or eye make-up products will not work for you.

2. Take contour pencil, carefully outline the contour of the lips. If you do not have a pencil that matches the shade of your chosen lipstick, you can take fine brush for lip makeup, put a little lipstick on it and draw the outline of it.

3. Using a brush, gently apply lipstick to lips.

To tell you how to properly paint your eyes with shadows, we have prepared a step-by-step instruction for beginners with photos and videos. Everything you need is in it - from tips on choosing the necessary brushes to the intricacies of dry and wet methods that all lovers of bright and bright colors need to know. spectacular makeup. Get ready to memorize in order to demonstrate a stunning result later.

The basis of the basics: which shadows to choose

You have to choose between two types:


Light mousse consistency. The texture is good, but applying it is problematic. In addition, such a tool quickly rolls up on the delicate skin of the eyelids - from a bright uniform tone there will be one memory.


it universal option for those who like to experiment, combine different colours and even mix them, connecting close shades. If you apply them correctly, they will not crumble from the brush. To do this, shake off the excess before proceeding with the application. More intense makeup will turn out if you use wet way- we'll talk about it later.

Among the latter, they rightfully enjoy special popularity. They are surprisingly persistent, do not roll like cream counterparts, they can be used without fear - they will not cause irritation, since they are hypoallergenic and consist exclusively of natural ingredients.

Let's reveal the secret of their impeccability:

    They have a soft texture - they are practically not felt, weightless.

    They last all day - do not roll, do not crumble on the skin under the eyes and do not leave marks on the upper eyelid.

    They are distinguished by an amazing variety of shades - they can be matte, satin, mother-of-pearl, with a metallic effect, both pastel and muted, and saturated, bright.

    They do not harm the skin - not a single synthesized component in the composition is a great achievement in itself. This cosmetic is safe and does not cause allergic reactions.

    Preserve the rich colors given by nature itself - at the base - ultra-resistant coloring pigments minerals - ocher, ultramarine, lapis lazuli, etc.

Plus, they're easy to mix and apply. But more on that later - after our advice.

    Is it worth it to equalize the tone

Some people think that before you start your eye makeup, you need to start by evening out the tone and applying the foundation. The answer is: if you use mineral shadows, this is not necessary. The tone is not put on the eyelids - they simply will not fall on it.

    The base is everything

A good primer will help the shadows stay steadfast and flawless throughout the day. We impose it on the skin of the eyelids, give it such a shade that we want to see in the end.

    Rescue beige

Beige is your lifesaver in any situation. Whether you are going to work or going on a date, he will always help you create a simple, but incredibly elegant and light eye makeup. You can choose that range. which is closer to you: for dark-skinned women - with a peach tint, for those whose skin of the eyelids confuses with a bluish tint - with a slight yellowness. And if you look like a porcelain figurine, stop at pinkish-beige - this is a must-have for all pale beauties.

    Even tone under the eyes

This is also important. You can correct the area around the eyes with a concealer (we recommend mineral). Then you don't have to worry about dark circles that can spoil even the freshest face.

    O color, you are the world

The whole universe, to be exact. To choose the right shade, you will have to find out your color type. For winter girls perfect option- colder tones, without warm ones - in brown or chocolate tones. "Spring" can afford peach, coffee, soft green, and "Summer" - gray, lavender, soft golden. “Autumn” is more suitable for the color that will be combined with the shade of hair and skin - old gold, bronze, copper.

    Let's add some pearl

Some avoid it, but we are not one of them - we advise you not to be afraid and make your eyes shimmer. These can be applied to the inner corner of the eye - this way you can easily highlight it. Also their place is under the eyebrow itself. But on a moving eyelid, they turn into a makeup artist's nightmare - it's better not to risk it.

    Working with the form

If the eyelid is hanging, shadows of a calm shade will help in tandem with dark tone, which should be applied to the crease between the upper and mobile eyelids. Are your eyes wide apart? It doesn't matter - make the outer corners darker without crossing the border - from the middle to the outer edge. Closely planted? Also easy to fix - just blend more saturated color towards the temples.

    Magic number 3

How to apply

    Applicator - not always convenient, but with the usual compact shadows it is most often used. Minus - often Bad quality, not suitable for applying the product to larger areas.

    Professional brushes - with not too long pile. It should also not be too thick - this will make staining difficult. This is ideal for those who want to learn how to make perfect makeup eye.

We paint eyes with shadows step by step

    First, cleanse the skin, remembering to moisturize it to achieve an even application in the future.

    The second stage is the application of the base. Then you can use concealer to hide dark circles under the eyes. Some makeup artists advise applying it after eye shadow as it can flake off. Use this tip if you want to get the perfect makeup.

    "Golden mean" place on the mobile age. We shade a more calm tone over it, saving bright colors finally.

    Dark color can be used to stain the fold between the movable and upper eyelid. To do this, it is better to use a special brush - rounded, with a natural smooth pile.

Do not forget:

    Do not leave the borders clear and deliberate - be sure to carefully shade them so that the transition is smooth, not sharp.

    Most saturated shade can be applied not only to the outer corner, but also along the lash line.

    The tone accent always resembles the letter V lying on its side. This is the classic version.

How to apply eyeshadow wet

This technique can come in handy if you want to make the color more saturated and intense. The secret is that before applying the brush is wetted with water. Shading should be carried out immediately after the particles fall on the eyelid.

The bristle of the brush should be damp, but not wet - water can ruin even the highest quality decorative cosmetics.

To help you, photos and videos are given with a story about how to beautifully and correctly make up your eyes with shadows. Now you know how to do flawless makeup and keep it persistent throughout the day. Enough to use mineral cosmetics- it does not irritate the skin and does not clog pores, leaving a feeling of "mask". And the variety of shades allows you to choose exactly the tone that you need - lighter or darker for a spectacular accent. Change and do not forget about the rules of the perfect make-up.
