How to tidy up your hair after a long dyeing. How to put your hair in order - folk recipes

There is exactly a month left before the New Year, and many women begin to panic: hair is dull, cellulite on the hips, circles and swelling under the eyes, the skin of the hands is cracked. Today we will tell you how in just one month you can solve all these problems.

We restore hair. Tired of cold, wind and constant dyeing, hair in winter needs special care. Be sure to buy moisturizing masks, balms and shampoos. Argan and jojoba oils help to restore curls well. Do not save on expensive serums in ampoules - a month of treatment will give an unsurpassed result! Try not to dye your hair or expose it to hot styling for four weeks before the New Year - this way the recovery will “go” faster. It is important to pamper your hair with homemade masks a couple of times a week, which are very convenient to apply with a wide-toothed comb. So the product is evenly distributed on the hair. You should only use products that are meant for your hair type.
Mask for oily hair. Grate two raw potatoes, squeeze the juice from the gruel, and add the gruel itself to a glass of kefir. Distribute the resulting mask on damp, dirty hair. Wrap your head in cellophane, and then a scarf or towel, rinse after thirty minutes. Then wash your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and use conditioner. Potatoes will not only help transform the hair, but also reduce the amount of sebum secreted.
Mask for dry hair. Mix one egg and five large spoons of sour cream thoroughly, apply to dirty wet hair and soak for thirty minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and use a moisturizing conditioner.

Neck and décolleté care. These areas suffer from frost more than the face. And so I want to appear at the celebration in a dress with a deep neckline! However, in order to feel like a queen in such an outfit, you have to work hard. It is the décolleté area that needs timely care. There are practically no sebaceous glands in this part of the body, because of which the skin quickly loses moisture, and a network of wrinkles forms on it. A few weeks before the celebration, make special compresses at least once every three days. Buy lavender oil, take and add four drops to a glass of hot water, stir well. Soak a small, soft towel in the solution, place it on your chest for five minutes. Such a compress immediately opens the pores and prepares the skin for the application of serum or nourishing cream.

Facial skin care. It is not necessary to visit a beauty salon every week in order to look decent for the holiday. Products necessary to restore elasticity, moisture and firmness of the skin can always be found at hand. There are two effective masks for restoring the beauty of the skin. They can be alternated - use each mask every three days.
Carrot-oil mask for moisturizing. Mix the egg yolk with two large spoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice and two small spoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture on the face and neck, leave for twenty minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water.
Mask for elasticity and tone. Mash the pulp of one tangerine, mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice and two large spoons of sour yogurt. Apply the mask on your face and wash it off with cool water after 15 minutes.

Get rid of cellulite. This problem haunts women of different builds and different ages at any time of the year. Cosmetologists recommend not to start cellulite, and at least twice a year to carry out therapeutic and preventive procedures. In a month, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite! This will help you effective coffee peeling, which should be done twice a week. It will restore elasticity to the skin! Mix three large spoons of honey with three large spoons of coffee grounds. Massage the problem areas with the resulting scrub, especially the arms, thighs, stomach and buttocks. Rinse off coffee peeling under strong pressure of a contrast shower, starting with warm water. The procedure should take at least fifteen minutes. Massage every evening with olive oil for all problem areas.

Let's get our hands in order. Well-groomed hands and a beautiful manicure are the visiting card of a woman of any age. If you do not take care of the skin of your hands, it will quickly grow old. Thirty minutes before going outside, apply a special protective cream daily, and use a moisturizer before bed. Twice a week, do not forget about the nourishing and moisturizing mask. Mix two small spoons of vegetable oil with one yolk, two teaspoons of honey and five drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture and put on cosmetic gloves. After an hour, wash off the mask with warm water.

Beautiful, thick, shiny hair has not gone out of fashion for many hundreds of years and probably never will - like everything in our appearance, which speaks of grooming, good heredity and excellent health. Such wealth by nature is not given to everyone, but any woman would like to have a reason to boast of luxurious hair. And this is quite possible to achieve! You just need to properly care for your hair, do not forget to take care of them. And it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive care products - sometimes you can get by with "grandmother's recipes" using affordable and, most importantly, completely natural ingredients.

Summer is coming to an end, and after the hot season, our hair often becomes weak, lifeless, brittle and dull. The shine and elasticity of the hair is lost, the ends are split. And in this difficult situation, unsurpassed traditional medicine will come to the rescue.

For example, such as ordinary clay. It has been used for centuries to heal and improve the appearance of hair, and each type of hair has its own - white clay is used for oily hair, pink clay for dry hair, and if there is dandruff, it is better to take green clay. The simplest thing is to mix the clay with some herbal tea in such a proportion that a consistency is obtained that is convenient for applying to the hair. The clay mask should be kept for 25-30 minutes, then washed off with shampoo and be sure to use conditioner, otherwise the hair will look heavy and dry.

And you can also mix one teaspoon of clay, honey, butter and lemon juice and add egg yolk - this composition will help to completely restore damaged hair.

Egg-based masks have a very beneficial effect on the hair, which, among other things, contribute to the rapid growth of hair. You can simply apply raw yolks to your hair (how much depends on the volume of your hair), massage your scalp with light movements, rubbing the mask, then wrap your head with a film, and on top with a towel. Keep for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Hair will become shiny and thick if you prepare the following remedy for them: mix egg yolk with cognac and unrefined vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2:2. Apply in the same way as the previous mask, wash off after 30 minutes with shampoo.

Another mask: 1 yolk, 1 banana, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, ½ cup of beer, mix everything and beat. Apply for 30 minutes, rinse without shampoo. From this mask, the hair grows faster and becomes thicker.

Gelatin-based masks are also good. Natural gelatin contains proteins that nourish and strengthen hair, giving it elasticity and strength. It is enough just to soak the gelatin until it swells (how to do this, you can read on any factory packaging), and then add it to your regular shampoo. Apply the mixture to the hair, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

It is impossible not to say a few words about mustard-based masks - it has long been noticed that such compounds improve local blood circulation, due to which the hair follicles “come to life”, the hair receives additional nutrition, and their growth is accelerated.

1 teaspoon of dry mustard, diluted with water to the density of sour cream, mix with 1 egg yolk and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (any) and sugar. Apply to damp hair, wrap the head with a film and a towel. Keep for 15 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.

There are many more wonderful folk ways to make your hair beautiful and healthy, it’s simply impossible to list all of them. It remains to add a few words about the correct use of hair masks. Remember - only a freshly prepared composition will benefit, you cannot store such masks. The mask should be applied (almost always) on wet and well-combed hair, otherwise after the procedure they will become completely tangled, knots and tangles will form, which is extremely harmful. And the last - with minimal exceptions, the order of application is always the same - uniform distribution of the composition through the hair (you can do it with your hands or use a special wide brush), wrapping with a film to prevent smearing and drying, wrapping with a towel for warmth and better penetration of the active ingredients in the structure of the skin and hair.

We wish you good luck and let your hair shine with health and beauty!

Who hasn’t experienced this: we wake up in the morning and see in the mirror dull, disheveled hair, flaky lips, a pimple on our nose, bags under our eyes…. And often we do not have enough time to properly put ourselves in order. What to do? You." - you ask In our article we will share with you some simple and useful tips on how to "Bring Beauty" in just 5 minutes!

1. how to fix unruly hair?

Are you familiar with the following situation? We wash our hair in the evening, before going to bed, and we hope to wake up beautiful, but what do we see in the morning in the mirror: the hair is bristling and standing up, just like in the fashion of the 80s. in our time, however, such an extravagant hairstyle is hardly in fashion and certainly will not please colleagues at work. What to do when there is no time left to wash and style your hair again? Only if you have 10 minutes left, we know how to help you! First of all, stop panicking and follow these tips:

You will need half a glass of water: just wet your hair a little, strand by strand. After that, measure out half a teaspoon of almond oil, rub it between your palms and apply to your hair with light movements, while styling unruly hair in your hair. How you style your hair depends on the texture of your hair: if it's naturally frizzy and unmanageable, then apply oil to each curl to straighten and "outline" it. In the event that you have straight hair, then start styling from the roots and "Walk" through each strand. You'll see: just a little patience - and the problem with the mess on the head is solved!

And finally, a few words about "Prevention": in order to avoid such a problem in the morning, try to wash your hair every other day. Make sure the water is not too hot, as high temperature water is known to damage hair. We also advise you to use hair conditioners with an extract of almond, coconut or argan oil after washing your hair. Try to dry your hair naturally, but if you're pressed for time and have to use a hair dryer, don't turn on the heat setting to avoid damaging your hair.

2. What should I do if a pimple pops up on my face?

A classic plot for every woman's morning nightmare. You look in the mirror and see that on your nose, forehead or cheek there is an unpleasant and rather noticeable pimple that attracts attention inappropriately. Of course, we all do not like to realize that our skin is imperfect and that there is nothing to be done, because it is soon to go to work and there is no time to apply a cream or other medicine. What can be advised in this case, if after a few minutes we have to run out of the house? Don't worry, there is a very simple remedy. First of all, wash your face thoroughly with neutral soap to cleanse the skin of bacteria. Then add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area of ​​​​the skin, that is, over the pimple.

Leave this mixture for 3 minutes, but no longer, because otherwise vinegar and lemon can have the opposite effect and dry out the skin. Wash your face well again and dry with a clean towel. Now you can apply your usual makeup. In the event that a red pimple has jumped on your face, it makes sense to use a tinted pencil with a green tint, because this color will help hide the redness. After that, we apply a regular tone on top (at the same time, remember that the foundation should be moisturizing. You see - it's not at all difficult!

3. how to get rid of bags under the eyes in 5 minutes?

Bags under the eyes are a common thing, and each of us has experienced such a nuisance at least once. Insomnia, fatigue, overwork - and here they are, these unpleasant swelling under the eyes. But it spoils the appearance so much, and you look broken and tired. What to do? To moisturize the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation in this "Problem" area of ​​the face, first place two small teaspoons in the freezer. Leave them there for a few minutes, during which you can go about your usual morning routine: getting dressed, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, having breakfast, or packing your bag before going out. After 4-5 minutes, take the spoons out of the freezer and apply them to the bags under the eyes several times at intervals of 20 seconds. You'll see: cold spoons will soothe the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation. Getting rid of bags under the eyes is really easier than you think!

4. What should I do if I urgently need hair conditioner?

Many women are familiar with this problem. Do you have dry, brittle hair that clearly lacks life and shine? In the mornings, they look dull and dull, and you don’t have time for a thorough styling, because it’s soon to leave the house? So, all you need is water, coconut oil, and an empty spray bottle.

To prepare our conditioner, all you need is half a glass of water and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Some recipes suggest adding a little aloe vera, but this mixture is usually more difficult to mix. It's better if the water is a little warm, not cold, because otherwise the coconut oil will never mix properly. We add water, coconut oil (aloe Vera if desired) to the bottle, shake well and mix ... the conditioner is ready! You can apply it to your hair with a spray nozzle. You will see: such a natural conditioner will soften the hair, give it silkiness, shine and vitality, as well as a pleasant aroma of coconut oil.

However, remember: the conditioner, the recipe of which we described, is suitable for girls with dry and brittle hair, but if you are the owner of oily hair, then it is undesirable to use products based on natural oils: in this case, their effect can be directly opposite.

5. dry and chapped lips: what to do?

How unpleasant it is: dry, chapped lips! But this happens very often, especially in autumn and winter, in frosty or windy weather, as well as with a lack of vitamins. Every woman wants to have beautiful, soft and sensual lips, and not painfully weathered and covered with a thin crust. It sounds incredible, but just 5 minutes will be enough to get your lips in order. Are you curious to know how? Now we will share this female secret with you.

First, apply a thick layer of moisturizing lip cream to your lips. After that, apply a generous amount of sugar on top of the cream: you may not know that it has an amazing exfoliating property. Apply the sugar to your lips with a cotton pad, massaging gently in circular motions to activate blood circulation. Continue massaging for 3 minutes.

Now you can wash off the sugar and cream from the lips with warm (even slightly hot) water, without stopping the circular massage movements. Such a simple procedure will not take you much time and will help get rid of dead cells and scales: you will see how soft and smooth your lips will become and what an even, pleasant tone they will acquire! Now you can safely leave the house, because the problem is solved. However, do not forget to repeat the procedure in the evening (before going to bed) to consolidate the result.

Beautiful, well-groomed hair gives self-confidence and increases your self-esteem. It is especially important to take care of the beauty of hair on the eve of holidays and significant dates. Agree, even birthday greetings from colleagues and friends are much more pleasant to accept, realizing that your hair looks great. I'm not talking about the New Year. Here's my new collection of hair styling tips just in time.

Banana - honey mask

Take a banana, a few tablespoons of honey and olive oil (yogurt can be substituted). Mash the banana well, but rather chop it in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and apply to wet hair. Immediately wrap with cling film, and insulate for half an hour.

The most important thing is not to let the banana dry out, otherwise it will be difficult to wash it out of your hair. This recipe is suitable for any hair - they get a bright shine and well-groomed appearance.

For oily hair

Take a spoonful of aloe juice, grapefruit, honey, and an egg yolk (or 2 quail eggs). Rub the resulting mass into dry hair and insulate for an hour.

For very oily hair

If you have simply already had problems with hair due to their fat content, and the holidays are on your nose, then this mixture should help you: aloe + lemon juice. The optimal proportion is 5 to 1.

Apply every other day to the hair, rubbing into the roots. In order not to dry out too much, after rinsing, apply a balm to your hair. Usually, after a few applications, the hair becomes shiny - brilliant, and looks neat for much longer. Do it more often the better. Aloe juice can also be purchased at the pharmacy.

For dry hair

Mix an egg yolk, a spoonful of wheat germ oil and a couple of spoons of plain yogurt. For an hour under a film and a towel, and better on dry hair.

Decoction for shine and healing of hair

Take calamus, 5 tablespoons per 1 liter, but you can make the decoction thicker. Boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain and rinse your hair after washing. In some cases, this decoction stops the fallout.

Nourishing wrap for shiny hair

Peel a couple of large apples (preferably Antonovka) and grate them. Separately, boil the apple peel over low heat, adding two cups of water. Add kefir to the grated apple.

See for yourself which consistency is more convenient for you, and choose the proportions from this. Apply the resulting mass to dry hair for 1 hour, as always, with warming. After shampooing, rinse with apple decoction.

Quickly put your hair in order will allow any oil wrap , it is even better to alternate them. Arm yourself with castor, olive, sesame and wheat germ oils. The first and the last are sold in a pharmacy, the rest - in grocery stores. Apply hot oil to dry hair two or three times a week, preferably before washing, and rinse thoroughly after an hour with shampoo.

Someone asked me how best to heat the oil. I don’t know how it’s convenient for anyone, but for me - in a simple ladle.

Revitalizing mask with glycerin

Mix the yolk with a spoonful of glycerin, two tablespoons of peach oil and a few drops of rosemary oil. Apply to damp hair for an hour. Such a mask not only restores well, but strengthens.

From cosmetics that you can buy for hair restoration before the holidays I recommend :

Cream emulsion "Rialam" - ask distributors from the "Spring of Health". In my opinion, representatives of this company can be found in any city, so look in the local newspapers.

It costs around 240 rubles, but if you subscribe, it's much cheaper. I warn you that, despite the low price, the product is not economical, I only had enough for two times, but my hair was awesome.

Caring mask - intensive with linseed oil (INTENSIVE CARE MASK from C: EHKO) .

Products C:EHKO I like everything without exception, but in this case I advise you to try this particular mask. It costs approximately 1300 rubles for as much as 1000 ml. Sold in Prof. stores.

L`Oreal Professionnel Absolut Repair mask for weak and brittle hair

Look in professional hair cosmetics stores. It costs about 1700 but the package is 500 ml., Enough for a long time.

Choose according to your wealth, but all three are good.

Beauty and health to you!

Personal beauty course from Agidelia. All the details .
