How are the weddings of the Crimean Tatars. Crimean Tatar wedding: the slow death of traditions

wedding ceremony Crimean Tatars has long been considered not only the beginning of a new life for newlyweds, but also a place for meetings and communication of young people. Islamic traditions forbade a girl to be alone with a young man, it was considered indecent and acquaintance on the street. Avdet offers a selection interesting facts wedding ceremony of the Crimean Tatars, which today, unfortunately, has retained only the main features of this ancient ceremony.

1. The handkerchief served as a kind of confession of feelings when a young man gave it to a girl he liked. If a young man evoked reciprocal feelings in a girl, she would return the embroidered handkerchief to him.

2. Matchmakers "kudalar" were men in the amount of three people. Distinctive features their costumes were a headdress - a high astrakhan "kalpak"; red satin belt "Kushak"; an embroidered scarf, folded diagonally and bandaging the forearm of the right hand.

3. The decision to marry a daughter was made first by the parents.

4. Parents learned about their consent to marry a young man through their daughter's friend. She acted as an intermediary between her daughter and her parents.

5. The price of kalym (“bashlyk parasy”) depended on the wealth of the groom’s parents and was divided into two parts: “nakyt” - the amount of money for which the father of the bride bought a dowry. The second amount of kalym - "niki" was stipulated in the contract in case of divorce or death of the wife. She remained in the hands of her husband. Kalym was not a payment for the bride. This was a reimbursement for her dowry.

Note. AT marriage contracts the village of Derekoy could be met following list gifts for the bride: 50 units of fine gold "nusfis"; 50 - large gold "dukat"; two dresses "anter"; silver belt "yipishli kushak"; velvet short fur coat "kurk"; white bedspread, which was wrapped around the bride on the days of the wedding "feredzhe-marama"; 300-500 fathoms of earth.

In the Bakhchisaray region, the list of gifts consisted of the following items: 20–40 Turkish gold coins, which married women worn with festive outfits on the chest in the form of a necklace - "gerdanlyk", or sewn on a cap - "fes"; five pairs of gold earrings - "compartment"; silver belt - "kumush-kushak"; three female holiday dresses- “atlas-anter”, “kadife-anter”, “sham-alaja-anter”; squirrel coat - "tonchuk"; three or four silk, woolen shawls - “sew”, “chamber”; curtain - "fart"; bride's headdress - "duak"; a set of copper utensils; mattresses "minder", blankets "yorgan".

6. After reached agreement both sides gave each other a word: “Sez bir, Alla bir” (One word, one God), congratulated each other on the upcoming wedding.

7. Matchmakers handed over from the groom's parents the gold they brought and a silk head scarf for the chosen one. The parents of the bride, as a sign of consent, handed over to the matchmakers a “wedding” silk scarf embroidered by their daughter for the groom. For this scarf, there was a strictly established arrangement of the pattern - the same motif was embroidered in each corner. The handkerchief was folded four times during the transfer. The quadrangle symbolizes equality, truth, justice, wisdom, carry. This first act was called "syos kesgi" - the announcement of young people officially by the bride and groom "nishanly".

8. Two weeks after the ceremony “sez kesim”, betrothal (“agyr nishan”) was performed.

11. The bride had to prepare "bohcha" - a set of gifts for the groom, which consisted of nine items ("dokuzlama").

Note. In the Bakhchisarai region, this set included: 1) a pouch "kisa" for tobacco; 2) case for watches "saat-khane"; "saat-kaap"; 3) "yemen yavluk" - this scarf was wrapped around the groom's hands after dyeing fingers with henna before the wedding; 4) “nuclei yavluk” - a scarf in which a vessel with henna was wrapped to stain the groom's fingers; 5) two embroidered kolmek shirts; 6) garter for men's stockings"chorap bau"; 7) belt-cord for men's trousers "uchkur"; 8) wedding belt "yipishli kushak"; 9) “Yodegi yavluk” - a commemorative scarf.

12. For parents and relatives, embroidered towels “yuz without”, shirts “kolmek”, pouches “kise”, scarves “marama”, silk scarves “yavluk”, velvet fabrics were intended as a gift.

13. A set of gifts was wrapped in a large satin scarf with fringe embroidered in the corners with a metal thread - “yavluk” (among the southern coast - “shu”). Paper with the inscription "Kuran kaatym" was sewn onto a satin scarf. This meant that for the repose of the soul of one of the close relatives of the groom, the bride read the entire Koran.

14. Twenty-five men and two young men used to come to the bride's house as matchmakers, carrying trays with gifts from the groom.

15. The main part of the gifts were jewelry for the bride: head, neck, chest, jewelry for hands, belts, legs. This set included gold “coupe” earrings, two gold “bilezik” bracelets that adorned the wrists of both hands, a silver belt “yipishli kushak”, Golden ring"yuzyuk"; headdresses - "fereje marama", "fes"; two elegant dresses- “sham-alaja anter”, “kadife anter”; shoes - "terlik", "papich"; various kinds of fabrics. As a gift to the mother - a fabric, a “marama” headdress, to the father - a “yuz-without” towel, a “colmek” shirt. Grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters, relatives - fabrics, pouches "kise", towels "yuz-without", scarves "yavluk", scarves "marama", etc. Gifts were given to the bride's relatives, in return, young people received embroidered shirts " colmec.

16. The dowry of the bride consisted of a large number copper utensils, kilims, mattresses, pillows, wool blankets, bed linen, towels. FROM early childhood girls were engaged in embroidery on head scarves “bash yavluk”, scarves “marama”, “sherbenti”, napkins “yag-bez”, which were part of the dowry.

Note. According to Karalezli's description, in the village of Derekoy, the girl's mother had to see the house in which her daughter was to live before the wedding. The bride's parents received an invitation from the groom. That evening, the mother-in-law gave the future son-in-law a pouch "kise" or a cigarette case "saat-khane". The next visit was from the groom's parents. During the meeting, the head of the future mother-in-law was covered with a “toprak basty marama” shawl. Future mother-in-law gave the bride an “anter” dress, in which the bride went out to get acquainted with the groom’s relatives the next day after the wedding feast. During the visits, the day was also agreed wedding celebration. A week before the wedding, several men from the groom's side brought kalym (all the things agreed during the bargain) to the bride's house. As a gift from the bride, they were given “kolmek” shirts, “yuz without” towels, and “kise” pouches.

17. From the day of her engagement, the girl went with a shawl "what-ber".
18. For sewing a wedding dress, they invited the dressmaker “terji kadyn” (to sew Wedding Dress meant to carve out new skin, i.e. the beginning of a new life).

19. The celebration of the “that” wedding itself was accompanied by various ceremonies and took place in parallel in the houses of the bride and groom. The wedding feast continued until Thursday. Guests came to the feast at a convenient time for themselves (morning, afternoon, evening).

20. By Islamic traditions, men and women during the feast were in different rooms. Those wishing to see the dowry of the bride were given a separate room.

21. Musical accompaniment, refreshments, songs and dances continued throughout the days. On Thursday, the bride was transported to the groom's house - this is the most important moment in wedding ceremony bride's house.

22. The preparations ended when the parents entered the room and the father girded his daughter with a silver belt as a sign of blessing, a prayer was read. After dinner, matchmakers and the groom's witness "shaat" came to transport the bride to the groom's house. The groom and his parents did not participate in this process. Girlfriends with the bride were seated in the room. A mullah and two witnesses “shaat” (male relatives from the side of the bride and groom) entered, nikah began.

23. The ceremony of girdling the daughter's waist by the father is a symbol of the beginning of a new life. The ceremony of covering the head of the son by the father with the kalpak astrakhan hat is a sign of blessing for a new family life.

24. wedding dresses bride and groom - a symbol of marital fidelity. Covering the bride's head with a "fereje marama" veil is a ban on a girl who is someone's property. The rite of uncovering the bride, removing her “feredzhe marama” by the groom is a sign of humility.

25. The final scene, when the bride and groom took off each other's shoes for the first time wedding night is a sign of devotion to each other.

According to the research materials of Leyla ABLYAMITOVA

A wedding for everyone without exception is a serious and responsible step. Modern marriage ceremony certainly accompanied by expensive cars, gourmet restaurants and magnificent outfits. Also today there is a modern Crimean Tatar wedding. However, many traditions of the Crimean Tatars are still an integral part of the wedding ceremony.

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The wedding action of the Crimean Tatar people consists of several main periods: the pre-wedding stage, the wedding itself and the after-wedding activities.

Traditional pre-wedding period.

This concept refers to the presence of such solemn events as:

Acquaintance and choice of the bride.

Previously, young people could meet at weddings and other holidays. There, the young men looked closely at the girls, choosing a bride for themselves. The choice of a young man was based not only on personal sympathy, but also took into account the reputation of the girl and her family, as well as diligence, kindness, intelligence and other features of the chosen one. After the young man tells one of his relatives the name of the girl he likes, inquiries are made about the family and the character of the bride. If young people liked each other, then events flow into matchmaking.

Soz kesim - matchmaking.

To do this, from the side of the groom, kudalar - matchmakers go to visit the chosen one. As a rule, matchmakers are respected people. These may be relatives of a young man who are sent to the girl's house to learn more about her and exchange gifts with the bride's relatives.

If a girl likes a young man, then she gives him an embroidered white handkerchief. Kudalar, in turn, after her consent, give the girl Jewelry, perfumes and others cosmetics and lots of sweets. All this must be beautifully packaged and decorated with ribbons and bows. The groom's relatives are also not allowed to leave without presents for the young man. They have to deliver young man several shirts, handkerchiefs, which are embroidered by the bride's hands, and several trays of sweets and pastries, which are also beautifully wrapped in festive packaging. After that, the matchmakers leave, having previously discussed the date of the betrothal.

Agyr nishan - betrothal.

According to tradition, agyr nishan should take place 2-3 weeks after the matchmaking. It also takes place at the bride's house. Kudalar, whose number is now about 15 people, bring the girl bohcha - a bundle that is full of gifts, both for the chosen one and for all her relatives. And they receive gifts in return. All the details and the date of the upcoming wedding are discussed between the parties.

Farewell evening, which is held in the bride's house.

The girl shows the guests, among whom are the relatives of the young man, her dowry, which is prepared from birth. The richer the bride's family, the larger and more varied her dowry.

Henna gedjesi - an evening of henna staining of the bride's hands.

The bride's family set the table and performed the ritual of staining the hands of the betrothed with henna. It is believed that the more the bride's hands are painted, the richer she will be. living together young. The hands of the girls present were painted with the remnants of paint, wishing them early marriage. All this is accompanied by songs and dances.

Trash Gedgesy.

And in the groom's house on the eve of the wedding ancient rite, according to which a specially invited barber solemnly shaves off a young man's beard. Shaving the beard is considered a symbol of farewell to single life and acquiring the status married man. After the procedure, parents must bless their son for the wedding.

Toy - wedding ceremony.

Nikah - Muslim marriage ceremony

After all the preparatory actions, nikah is carried out - the Muslim marriage ceremony. Usually nikah is held in the bride's house, where the mullah - the religious representative of Muslims - in the presence of close relatives and witnesses asks the bride and groom if they agree to marriage.

It is important that the mullah asks this question to the bride three times. The first two times the girl must be silent, and the third time she must agree. After the ritual, the young go out to the guests.

In ancient times, weddings were held in courtyards or right on the street. A tent was created, tables and chairs were assembled from boards, covered with carpets and tablecloths. The tables were bursting with all sorts of national dishes. traditional wedding our great-grandparents lasted seven days. The current Crimean Tatar weddings have been reduced to two days.

The first day is celebrated on the side of the bride, and the second - on the side of her future husband. Interestingly, the groom's parents should not be present on the bride's side, just as the girl's parents cannot be at a wedding held in the young man's house.

The Crimean Tatar wedding takes place without competitions and games. Scenarios for celebrating two wedding days are similar to each other. The current wedding events are held in restaurants or in tents. Young people choose for themselves on which day the marriage registration will take place.

Nikah remains obligatory - the bonding of the union before the Almighty. This rite can be performed at home or in the mosque.

Opening ceremony of the wedding

Both on the first and on the second day of the celebration, the young people appear in the room where the guests have already gathered and the tables are set. Relatives always dance in front of the couple, accompanying them to the music to the table. Toy saibi - toastmaster - opens the wedding with a solemn speech.

After that, cooks in aprons are invited to perform a dance, holding ladles in their hands. After them dance ayakchilar - people who serve guests during the celebration. And only then will the opening of the wedding, which is the responsibility of the next of kin of the newlyweds. If the wedding takes place on the side of the bride, the opening falls on the shoulders of her relatives, and if on the side of the groom, then the relatives of the young men go to the site.

The guests go out to the dancing relatives in pairs, ordering the musicians any composition, and hand them the money. Each hand should contain a banknote of any denomination. Previously, all the money collected in this way was given to the musicians in gratitude for the abundance of performed melodies. Now the musicians call a fixed price for their services, and the money “earned” by relatives is given to a young family.

wedding celebration

Toastmasters periodically announce general dances, when everyone can enter the site, except for the bride and groom.

Closer to midnight, guests will be able to dance with the young. Their parents are the first to come out to the newlyweds, handing over money and congratulating, then relatives, and only then the remaining guests can join them. Usually, there is a long line of people who want to dance with the newlyweds. Sometimes the duration of such dances can be several hours.

End of the first wedding day

Finally solemn event All guests sing the Crimean Tatar folk dance"Koran" ("Round dance"). Newly minted married couple becomes the center, forming around him a round dance of dancing guests. After that, the young ones are removed, also accompanied by folk compositions.

It is accepted that after the first day the bride stays overnight in parental home, and after the second it remains forever in new family. The wedding activities do not end there, there is still a series of post-wedding events ahead.

Post-wedding period.

Kelin kavesi - coffee from the bride. The next morning, the bride should treat her new relatives to morning coffee. Everyone comes to see the young woman. During this morning ritual, the girl, as a sign of respect for her husband's relatives, kisses their hands.

Two days after the wedding itself, the bridesmaids come to visit the young woman, presenting her with gifts from her mother.

Then, after some time, Chagyrtuv is held. First, the girl's parents come to the groom's house, and then they wait for the young man with the boy's parents to visit.

It is noteworthy that for forty days after the wedding, the girl should not leave the house of her husband. Although now rarely adhere to this rule.

An ancient Crimean Tatar wedding consists of many ceremonies and rituals that add solemnity to this event. Traditions keep the centuries-old experience of the people, which was passed down from generation to generation, and carry a deep meaning.

Today, the Crimean Tatar wedding ceremony differs in many ways from vintage wedding, but still, many customs during wedding events have survived to this day. Sez kesim, agyr nishan, nikyakh, kelin kavesi and chagyrtuv remained obligatory, but holding henna gedjesi and thrash gedjesi is already quite a rare occurrence at weddings of the Crimean Tatars.

All solemn events are accompanied by noisy fun and dancing to the national Crimean Tatar music. Each melody carries a certain semantic load. In general, the current wedding of the Crimean Tatars has remained as bright and colorful as in ancient times.

The Crimean Tatar people have one very bright and special rite, which is associated with marriage. For each of us, marriage is one of the most important points in life, and the Crimean Tatars give it a completely special meaning. Even in our time in the Crimea, wedding ceremonies are carried out in compliance with all the main stages and elements.

To wedding ceremony they prepare for quite a long time, first of all, they collect dowry - nishan, jiez, bogchasy, for decorating housing - donatma. Everything is also prepared to treat the guests at the wedding, where relatives and friends come, this is about 250 people, and sometimes even more.

Once upon a time, dowries in Crimean Tatar families began to be collected when the daughter was just starting to grow up. They even have folk proverb, which in Russian sounds like: “The girl is still in her arms, and the dowry is already in the chests.” The dowry should contain a dokuz, that's what they call wedding gift groom, which is made up of 9 items ( outerwear, towels, handkerchiefs, pouch, etc.). The girls, who were already married, embroidered this set. They were taught this at home, thus passing on all the secrets of the Crimean Tatar embroidery.

Before deciding to marry, young people should consult their parents and ask for their permission. When making a decision, the parents of the young get to know each other to make sure the family is decent. If they are relatives up to the 7th generation on the father's side or up to the 5th generation on the mother's side, then they cannot marry.

Then matchmakers go to the girl's house - kudalar, in order to make an engagement - sez kesim. It is then that the wedding day is planned, an expensive gift is presented for the girl - nishan, and her parents in return give the groom a gift. After that, the groom can already meet with a girl in status, once there was also a rite of penjerege barmak, when the groom approached the bride's window and gave her a gift as a sign of a new status.

A few weeks before the wedding (2-3) agyr nishan takes place, namely the conclusion of the final agreement between the parties, which is then sealed with a prayer. Three representatives travel from the groom to the bride's parents with gifts for her and her family. And the bride's parents prepare gifts for the other side.

The next step is nikah, which is the Muslim marriage ceremony. Nowadays, it is performed during agyr nishan, and once on the second day of the wedding. For this, there must be a bride and groom and witnesses, as well as relatives. The local mullah, in front of witnesses, asks the bride and groom if they agree to become spouses, but they ask the bride three times, as shy brides usually answer the third time. After the consent, the mullah announces the conclusion of the nikah. And the day of the wedding comes, which is called nikah-toya.

A traditional Crimean Tatar wedding is a rarity these days. Few people have the luxury of hosting week-long celebrations. And it's not even about money, but about free time and the fact that it is not easy to follow numerous ancient rituals. Yet some customs are still maintained today.

Playing a wedding by mutual consent of the bride and groom is a centuries-old tradition of the Crimean Tatars. In the old days, during the first visit of the matchmakers to the bride's house, she stood behind the screen and listened to the proposal of the messengers. If the bridegroom was to the liking of the girl, she gave secret sign parents, and they agreed to the engagement. Modern lovers for the most part do without matchmakers and screens.

The duration of the festival was reduced from a week to two days. But even now this time is divided into two parts. The first feast is held in the bride's house without the groom, the second - in full force in the groom's house. In the interval between these events, marriage registration takes place.

(Total 29 photos)

Until the beginning of the 20th century, official ceremony The groom was not present at the wedding. The mullah came to the house of the bride, who was in the room behind the curtain. In the presence of witnesses from the side of the groom, the mullah asked the girl three times if she wanted to become the life partner of such and such a person. Having received consent, the mullah documented this fact.

Now the bride and groom, accompanied by friends, visit the mosque, where the mullah talks with the newlyweds and conducts the marriage ceremony. Then the company goes to the registry office, for a walk around the city and a photo session.

Almost disappeared from wedding practice interesting custom when the bride dyed her fingertips and hair with henna. Modern suitors, in turn, almost never perform ritual shaving, although it was widely practiced a hundred years ago. Before the arrival of the bride, the guests gathered at the groom's house, and the hairdresser solemnly shaved his beard, and the process was lengthy, as it was interrupted by dancing.

A modern Crimean Tatar wedding gathers many guests. If less than two or three hundred people came to the wedding, she will be called modest, even poor. For parents to play rich wedding to his children - a matter of honor, as well as to help them with the construction of a house and the organization of the economy. They do not spare money for this, because a large “harvest” is usually collected at a wedding.

The custom has been preserved to present the newlyweds with money during the dance. At modern weddings, you can see a line of guests holding bills between their fingers and waiting for the opportunity to enter the dance floor. They give so much money that the bride and groom need an assistant to accept and carry the bills aside.

1. The bride listens to the instructions of the mula.

2. They start celebrating at home.

3. The groom is going, and relatives and friends from his side can still drink coffee.

4. The groom's parents (as well as the bride's) stay at home. They will join the young only in the evening at the banquet.

5. In cities, weddings often take place in the same way as in other cities of Russia. The groom came to the bride and now must redeem her.

6. Neighbors also came out to look at the ransom. But no one blocks the road and does not require vodka.

7. After the ransom, they get into cars and go to the registry office.

8. They sign there, a hired photographer captures this important moment in detail.

9. Only after the registry office can you go to the mosque.

10. Girls are not allowed to enter the mosque with open legs, shoulders and bare head. Therefore, at the entrance they are given special capes.

11. The ceremony lasts about 20 minutes. After the bride, groom and their witnesses must certify the marriage.

12. Bridesmaids carefully observe the process.

13. After hugging and congratulating her. Now the union is sealed in heaven.

14. Friends, respectively, congratulate the groom.

15. At the exit, you can finally take off your capes to reveal your beautiful dresses to your eyes.

16. After that, in the cities they usually go for a walk to take a few more photos. And in the villages they go to the groom's house.

17. Girls also dream of becoming a bride.

18. Usually not in villages banquet halls. Therefore, they put up a tent in the courtyard.

19. Invited guests wait their turn to dance and give money to the parents of the bride and groom.

20. Each guest orders a song for himself and hands over the money during the dance.

21. Young people and their witnesses sit in the center of the tent on a dais.

22. Every wedding should have a musician or DJ. They also set the table for them.

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Wedding traditions of the Crimean Tatars: with henna, coffee and the Koran

14:38 01.04.2014

The Crimean Tatar wedding is a bright, spectacular, crowded holiday in compliance with all the original customs of the people. The ceremony is divided into three main periods: pre-wedding, the wedding itself and post-wedding.

The pre-wedding period includes several stages: acquaintance and selection of the bride; matchmaking - sez kesim, betrothal - nishan, or agyrnishan; sacrifice and duva (prayer); farewell evening at the bride's house; ceremony of dyeing the bride with henna.

Acquaintance of young people, as a rule, took place at weddings. A great influence on the choice of the bride and groom had public opinion, the reputation of families. They look not only at wealth, although it also plays a role, but rather at the roots of the family, "at the breed." From time immemorial, marriages close in blood were not allowed among the Crimean Tatar people. The more related, the better. They measured up to the seventh generation, so that God forbid, not to marry their cousins ​​- it was believed that then there would be no strong offspring.

Matchmaking and preparation

One of the important moments of the pre-wedding cycle of rituals is matchmaking - sez kesim, which completes the choice of a marriage partner. The role of matchmakers is trusted by respected people. Note that since the time of the Crimean Khanate, it was legally forbidden to give daughters in marriage by force. Each bride, during the visit of the groom's messengers, stood behind a screen and herself expressed her desire or unwillingness. If she agreed, then after the triple question of the ambassadors of the groom, she gave a sign to her parents with the tip of her dress sticking out from behind the screen, otherwise, she remained silent, then the father found an excuse to refuse the applicant. If the parents and the bride agreed, the latter handed over to the matchmakers a handkerchief embroidered with her own hands. In return, the matchmakers gave her a gift prepared in advance from the groom (a scarf, a dress, a cut on the dress, a golden ring, etc.). Thus, at mutual agreement parties, an engagement was made (sez kesim). And after some time, agyrnishan (heavy enlistment) was concluded.

Matchmakers bring a godcha (knot) with them. Nowadays, these are beautifully decorated baskets, chests, gift boxes, which contain gifts for the bride and for all her relatives, including infants. The bride is usually given gifts made of gold. Native brides, in turn, prepare gifts for the groom's relatives.

After nishan, preparations for the wedding are underway on both sides. The bride with her friends and relatives takes care of the dowry. It depends on the wealth of the family and usually includes pillows, rugs, dishes, bed sheets, blankets, shawls, towels, napkins, tablecloths, handkerchiefs, bedroom set. Shortly before the wedding, both parties must conduct a sacrifice and a duva (prayer service) for the dead, dedicated to upcoming wedding. Those who fulfill this custom receive, as it were, a blessing and support from the dead to create a family.

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On the eve of the wedding, a farewell party is held in the bride's house, at which guests from the groom's side are also present, but not himself.
The day before this event, a henna ritual is performed in the presence of the groom's relatives and matchmakers, who set the table in the bride's house. After a meal at special utensils begin to breed henna. At this time, the girls sing a song dedicated to this ceremony. Then the bride is painted with henna on the tips of her fingers, and in some areas, her toes, as well as her hair. At the bride's farewell party, all interested guests in a specially designated room are shown the dowry.

Wedding on the side of the bride

As a rule, it is held on Wednesday (before the revolution - on Friday). In advance, before the start of the wedding, they appoint a relative to lead the wedding - that aghasa - and waiters (usually men).

In the evening, the groom arrives with family and friends. The groom's parents should not be on the side of the bride. First, they are brought into private room in the house, they are treated to coffee and sweets. They rest until the start of the wedding, which is agreed with the father of the bride. The musicians play the song "Salgyr Boyu" ("Along the Salgir"). When guests appear, the playing of this song stops and a special melody “Khosh keldi avasy” sounds.

The guests are welcomed by the father and mother. Guests congratulate t on the occasion and present them with gifts. Then they are seated in their places. Upon the arrival of most guests, the wedding director invites the bride and groom to come out. They go out accompanied by guests both from the side of the groom and the bridesmaids. The melody “Kelsin, kelsin kiev - kelsin kelin” is performed - they ask the bride and groom to leave. In front of the bride and groom go, dancing, close brides. They sit down at a specially set table. FROM right side the groom's guests sit down, and on the left - the accompanying brides.

Toyaghasy invites the musicians to perform the melody “Aksham Sheriff Taqsiv” (“Listen to everyone”). Then they play the melody "Peshrema", which means the beginning of the celebration. A relative or leader of the wedding, opening it, congratulates parents, young people, guests on the creation of a new young family, wishes them happiness, prosperity, many children.

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After the performance, the melody "Dolu" is played. This is an invitation to fill glasses with drinks. After a while, the dancing begins. The bride's parents are the first to be invited to the dance. They perform the ritual dance "Agyrava and Khaitarma". During the performance of the national dance, the guest performs several movements, hands money to the dancers, and so does everyone who wants to participate in the dance. The money collected in this way from the dancers is handed over to the musicians after the end of the dance.

Toyagasy makes sure that the guests also dance from the side of the groom.

The wedding ends with the dance of the bride and groom, performing "Agyrava and Khaitarma" by them. The guests present them with money as described above.
The money is given to the musicians.

The young people, to the tune of “Sukhbet olsyn bu gedzhe” (“Let the night be blessed”), are sent to the house by the arrived accompanying the bride and groom. Then the groom departs to his home with his guests. The bride stays at home. The guests dance "horan".

On the second day, the bride is prepared to leave for the groom's house.

Wedding on the side of the groom

On the side of the groom, the wedding begins on Saturday (before the revolution - on Thursday). The main event is the departure of the groom's matchmakers for the bride. Usually future husband does not participate in this ritual and delegates one of the relatives.

The groom provides several cars and musicians to deliver the bride and her guests. Matchmakers in the bride's house are met with great honor. The tables are covered with various snacks and hot dishes. After some time, the matchmakers ask if the bride is ready to leave?

At this time, the bride begins to say goodbye to her father, mother, brothers, sisters, asking them for forgiveness and blessings.

The father puts a sash on the girl. The mother instructs the boy to deliver the Koran to the groom's house. Father and mother bless the young. Boys and girls do not let matchmakers from the groom's side into the room where the bride and her things are, demanding a ransom from them. The matchmakers pay off and take the bride with the persons accompanying her to the cars. At the moment of departure, a white thread is tied behind the car where the bride is. When the cars start moving, water splashes behind the cars.

At the entrance to the groom's house, young people block the road, demanding a ransom.

The mother of the groom meets the bride at the gate. A boy is traveling with the bride, who has the Koran in his hands. The mother of the groom must “redeem” the Koran. Although there is an expression "ransom", in fact, the Qur'an is priceless. It's just a reward for a service.

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When leaving the car, the bride is showered with coins, sweets and grains. When the bride has to enter the room, the bride is told: "The bride cannot go through the gate (door)." Then the groom's father should give a gift. The groom meets the bride and escorts her to the allotted room.

Wedding - toy (feast) begins late in the evening. The whole process of organizing and conducting and performing wedding rituals is similar to a wedding on the side of the bride.

Bride's entry into her husband's family

In the morning after the celebration, the relatives of the young people gather. The newly-made wife kisses everyone's hands, and in return, her relatives give her presents and congratulate her. The bride goes into the kitchen, prepares coffee, presents the sitting relatives of the groom. This ritual signifies that she has entered his family.

On the third day after this procedure, sisters or girlfriends come to visit the young woman and hand her a beautifully decorated broom. And after a week or two, the young parents invite their daughter, son-in-law and his closest relatives to visit them. After that, the son-in-law and his parents pay a return visit.

Thus ends the rite of creation of a new family.
