What medicines to take during pregnancy. In what situations do you need medicines for pregnant women? What medicines can be taken by pregnant women with a cold

The time of increased responsibility, the time of reassessment of values, the time of changing addictions and the usual way of life - this is the period of pregnancy. For any woman, the onset of pregnancy is a new stage in life, because from the very conception, almost everything changes, from hormonal levels to eating habits. You learn to live differently, to be responsible for two lives at once, get used to the future role of parents.

Women during this period of time will have to face many trials related to both the psychological side of the issue and the physiological one. Adjusting your habitual lifestyle to a new family member is also not an easy task. After all, if before pregnancy you could afford to be treated with the usual medicines, eat your usual food, and be physically active, then after the onset of pregnancy you have to get used to the new rules.

If diet and physical activity can be adjusted, what about drugs? After all, we hear every day in advertising that pills can be taken by everyone except pregnant mothers.

What are the dangers of pills in early pregnancy

Due to weakened immunity and body transformations, it can be extremely difficult for a pregnant woman to protect herself from infections and the awakening of long-standing chronic diseases. The pregnancy itself does not always go smoothly - sometimes women need urgent medical treatment to maintain it and prevent the threat of miscarriage. As a rule, such issues can be resolved only after a visit to your doctor. This is the only person who can weigh the possible negative effects on your unborn baby from the treatment used, and determine what needs to be applied and what can wait.

The danger of taking drugs in the early stages lies in the principle of their action. The active ingredients of most forms of medicines (in particular tablets) enter the bloodstream and can enter the fetus through the blood through the placenta.

During this period (in the first trimester of pregnancy), the child just happens to form all the internal organs, the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal systems. At the stage of its formation, the baby's body is especially vulnerable, so the appearance of pathologies, birth defects is possible.

It remains the duty of the doctor to tell the expectant mother about the possible risks and side effects, weigh the pros and cons, and determine what will be more dangerous for the child and his mother - the course of treatment or the further course of the disease.

However, the statistics are more optimistic: only three percent of children whose mothers took drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy have pathologies caused by this very intake. But, of course, no one wants to take risks, and if it is possible to avoid medical treatment, avoid it.

In no case do not resort to self-medication, even if caring relatives and friends are sure that the drug is 100% harmless, it is better to discuss its use with your doctor. If you are prescribed any medication already at the reception, do not be too lazy to carefully study the instructions before taking it.

Pay attention to the pharmacological properties of the drug, indications for use, possible side effects and contraindications. If something bothers you, do not hesitate to tell the doctor who prescribes the drug. After all, your health depends on it, not his.

Remember that if you used any drugs before pregnancy and tolerated them well, everything can change during pregnancy. Don't experiment.

Go through your first-aid kit, throw away all medicines that have long expired, re-read the instructions for those medicines that are left and determine for yourself what can really help you. Just forget about the rest. At least until your baby is born.

During pregnancy, you need to carefully take care of your health, because during this period the use of drugs is undesirable due to the large number of side effects. But, if you still caught a cold and a runny nose, do you have a headache, your blood pressure rises or falls, or do you have any chronic diseases - allergies, diabetes or others?

What medicines can be taken while expecting a baby

In case of colds, if you suffer from a sore throat, you cough, runny nose, headache, you can take the following medicines: Oscillococcinum, Afflubin to relieve symptoms of a cold, Aquamaris spray, Pinosol nasal drops , Derinat (also help), Sinupred tablets for a runny nose and nasal congestion.

In the treatment of cough, you will be helped by marshmallow syrup, Hexospray, Doctor MOM lozenges and medicine, Bioparox inhaler, Stopangin mouthwash spray is approved for use in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Paracetamol can be used to relieve headaches. For the prevention of viral and colds, "Oxolinic" ointment is harmless to expectant mothers. For heartburn and bloating, drink Gaviscon, Rennie without sugar, Espumizan will perfectly cope with the problem of discomfort in the intestines. It can also help relieve headaches and other tonic pains in the abdomen No-shpa, it is more harmless than Nurofen or Ketanov, but also be careful with taking it, and Magnesium B6, which also helps with muscle pain .

If constipation occurs, use Dufolac or glycerin suppositories. The work of the intestines will be adjusted by the drug "Linex", poisoning and intoxication will be removed by "Limontar" with the content of succinic and citric acids, which, without delay, are excreted from the body along with toxins. Edema will go away if you drink a decoction of orthosiphon leaves. Eliminate stress and nervousness at the beginning of pregnancy, take no more than 4 tablets per day.

Also, in pregnant women, due to their condition, in the last stages of pregnancy, thrush may appear in 90% of cases. Clotrimazole ointment will help to cope with it, it will instantly relieve itching.

In any case, before taking any medications, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Unfortunately, almost every pregnant woman faces. After 9 months of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to avoid cold weather or dampness, as well as contact with an infected person, especially if there are already small children at home.

Due to hormonal changes and reduced immunity, the body of the expectant mother does not cope well with viruses. You should not take SARS lightly, any infection can harm the baby, so treatment should only take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Cold during pregnancy: causes and signs

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy:

  • . Paracetamol and preparations based on it are allowed during pregnancy. Paracetamol is part of various powders for both symptoms and. However, it is not recommended to get involved in them during pregnancy, it is enough to take Paracetamol itself if the temperature is above 38 degrees. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a temperature, some cases require hospitalization. Paracetamol is taken no more than 4 times a day. If the temperature persists, contact your doctor immediately. Do not take aspirin and preparations containing it, as it can provoke.
  • Rest and drink plenty of water. These seemingly outdated recommendations remain very effective for colds and fevers. A woman should rest and drink more, especially warm drinks. It is worth remembering that during pregnancy it is impossible to exceed the allowable fluid rate due to the large load on the kidneys. If you drink a lot of water and warm tea, milk, limit the amount of other liquids you drink such as juices, yogurt, soups, etc. If swelling occurs, see a doctor.
  • Don't overheat. In extreme heat, chills sometimes occur, the pregnant woman seeks to cover herself with a warm blanket and begins to dress warmer. This can provoke an even greater rise . You need to drink more warm liquids, sweat profusely, but do not overheat.
  • Rubbing. Wiping with vinegar during pregnancy can be done, but after consulting a doctor. In no case should you take hot baths or soar your legs, this can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Runny nose during pregnancy

Useful video - Cold during pregnancy: treatment and prevention.

Rubella is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Its symptoms can resemble the common cold, but with the addition of a red rash that can easily be attributed to an allergy. Only an experienced doctor can identify the symptoms of rubella. This infection can affect the fetus and cause developmental delay.

A cold in the second and third trimester is less dangerous than in the first, but in the absence of treatment and observation of complications, it is not always possible to avoid complications. For example, a viral infection can cause polyhydramnios, complications in the form of diseases of the genital organs, chronic diseases, and the addition of a bacterial infection.It is impossible to predict what a common cold will lead to during pregnancy, but you can significantly reduce the risk if you consult a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations.

It can be difficult to treat during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when almost all drugs are banned, so it is best to take care of your health in advance.

Prevention measures:

  1. If the pregnancy is planned, then you need to start strengthening the immune system even before conception. Doctors recommend to be examined before pregnancy, drink vitamins, folic acid, harden, refrain from bad habits. All this contributes to the fact that during pregnancy a woman is much easier to tolerate such unpleasant phenomena as toxicosis, and is also less susceptible to viral diseases.
  2. Proper nutrition during pregnancy means a lot not only for immunity, but also for the normal development of the child, as well as for the functioning of the digestive tract. If you eat enough fresh fruits, vegetables, eat fish, lean meat and avoid chemical additives, you can avoid a number of problems: fetal hypoxia, constipation and hemorrhoids, heartburn, colds, and even severe toxicosis.
  3. The mother-to-be should dress appropriately for the weather. In the cold season, do not be shy to dress warmer. In the wardrobe of the expectant mother, there may be gaiters and fleece tights, warm hats and scarves. This will help to avoid viral diseases and hospitalization.
  4. Do not forget about safety. The expectant mother must take care of herself, so it is necessary to reduce all contact with infected people. However, it is not always possible to determine from the first time that a person is infected, so avoid kissing with girlfriends, do not try cosmetics in stores, especially lipstick, wash your hands after public transport, try to use public toilets as little as possible.

Despite the fact that the body deliberately lowers immunity to maintain pregnancy, it can be strengthened within reason. You can drink serious drugs to strengthen the immune system, as well as multivitamin complexes, only with the permission of a doctor.

Pregnancy is certainly not a disease. However, this condition often requires the use of certain drugs. In addition, the usual means of dealing with the disease may now be undesirable for you. Therefore, the usual composition of your home first aid kit should be replenished with the following components.

1. Multivitamins

A pregnant woman needs more vitamins, and even a balanced diet during this period cannot fully satisfy the body's need for vitamins and microelements. It is best to take multivitamin preparations designed specifically for pregnant women. The doctor will help you choose such a drug. However, if you experience various complications during pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe the following drugs in addition to your multivitamins:

  1. folic acid- vitamin B9, which is recommended to be taken before the 12th week of pregnancy, because with its deficiency, anemia, blood clotting disorders, and fetal malnutrition can develop. A sufficient amount of folic acid will ensure the correct formation of the neural tube of the fetus, from which the baby's nervous system will then form;
  2. vitamin E performs an important protective function in the body, fighting free radicals - metabolic products that destroy cells; in addition, it helps to relax the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, thereby preventing its interruption;
  3. during pregnancy, the need for gland, because this trace element is part of hemoglobin, which ensures the delivery of oxygen to the body not only of the mother, but also of the fetus. Satisfying this need is quite difficult by simply adjusting the diet;
  4. calcium ensures proper growth and formation of fetal bone tissue. If calcium is supplied in insufficient quantities with food, then it is "taken" from the mother's bones, which leads to a violation of their structure - osteoporosis, deterioration of the teeth. Therefore, pregnant women in some cases are recommended to take calcium supplements. Often these preparations also contain vitamin D, which helps to improve the absorption of incoming calcium.

The necessary dosage and duration of taking these drugs will be selected by your doctor, because they are individual for each woman and depend on the severity of pregnancy complications.

2. No-shpa

This antispasmodic drug, which is used during pregnancy with an increase in the tone of the uterus. The action of the drug is based on the relaxation of the muscular muscles of the uterus. Clinical studies have shown that no-shpa does not adversely affect the fetus. Doctors recommend having this drug with you and using it with signs of increased uterine tone (painful sensations in the abdomen, when the uterus becomes hard and dense, does not relax for a long time). It is recommended to take no more than 6 no-shpy tablets per day. Before you start taking no-shpa, you need to consult a doctor, since this drug should not be taken with symptoms of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

3. Candles with papaverine

They have an action similar to no-shpe, and are used to enhance its action, since both of these drugs interact, increasing the duration of each other's therapeutic effect. Candles with papaverine - rectal, i.e. are inserted into the rectum, the frequency of their use is determined by the doctor.

4. Laxatives

During pregnancy, stool problems often occur, which interferes with normal digestion and metabolism. If a corrective diet does not help, mild laxatives can be used, such as Guttalax. This drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and does not affect the fetus.

5. Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Often occurring during pregnancy, constipation can provoke the development of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the anus and rectum in the form of painful knots and bumps that begin to bleed when the bowel is emptied. Can be used after 12 weeks of pregnancy rectal suppositories and cream Hepatrombin, suppositories with novocaine. Against the background of taking these drugs, the hemorrhoids will become smaller, the pain will pass. In addition, hepatrombin will also have a preventive effect: against the background of its use, the risk of recurrence of the disease is sharply reduced.

6. Means that increase immunity

Can be used for colds immune boosting agents. These include, for example, a drug containing interferon, which helps fight bacterial and viral infections, Viferon. It should be noted that a dosage of 150 thousand IU is suitable for pregnant women.

7. Oxolinic ointment

For the prevention of SARS and influenza **, especially during epidemics, you can use a tool such as Oxolinic ointment. It is placed in a small amount in the nose, lubricating its mucous membrane. The action of oxolinic ointment is based on the fact that it prevents the introduction of the virus. It is recommended to use oxolinic ointment before a planned visit to crowded places, as well as in the autumn-winter period. Balm can be used in the same way vitaon.

8. Calm

In the first half of pregnancy, given the peculiarities of changes in the excitability of the nervous system, such as increased tearfulness, irritability, and in the second half of pregnancy, given frequent insomnia, you may find it useful sedative. As such, we can recommend Valerian and motherwort(they can be used in the form of tablets, extracts, decoctions of dried herbs). You can use the drug Novopassit, which is based on herbs and does not contain alcohol.

9. Remedies for heartburn

Often occurs in the second half of pregnancy heartburn, because the growing uterus “supports” the diaphragm and stomach, as a result of which the outflow of bile is disturbed: it is thrown into the stomach, esophagus. This problem can be eliminated by taking pills. Rennie or Almagel.

10.Headache Remedies

The question often arises: is it possible for a pregnant woman to take medication for headache? It should be remembered: to endure a headache is much more harmful than drinking painkillers (of course, if the head hurts not regularly, but occasionally). If you are worried about frequent, excruciating headaches, then they may indicate the development of a disease, and you should consult a doctor.

If such a reason is excluded, one can accept anesthetic. The most studied in terms of the effect on a pregnant woman and fetus paracetamol and preparations based on it (for example, Panadol). In small doses or with a short period of treatment, it does not adversely affect the fetus.

11. Antihistamines

During pregnancy, due to a change in the immune status, there is a high probability of manifestation of certain allergic reactions, even if you have not had to deal with this disease before. In this case, such well-known drugs as Suprastin, Claritin.

In conclusion, we recall: you can use any medicines only after consulting a doctor and with extreme caution - up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Nadezhda Zaretskaya

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category

According to statistics, 80% pregnant women at least once every nine months medicine, simply by buying it at a pharmacy or using what is at home. The question is: is it possible to do this, and if not, why not?

Known fact: during pregnancy, you need to take as little medication as possible. However, this does not apply to women with chronic illnesses who require ongoing medication support. We are talking, for example, about diabetes. The expectant mother should receive insulin - however, it is better if this happens under the supervision of a doctor: it is known that certain doses of the drug are needed at different stages of pregnancy.

By the way, for this reason, as soon as a woman with a disease that requires constant medication becomes pregnant, she needs to see a doctor: perhaps, while waiting for the child, the doctor will advise taking another drug.

Pregnancy and pills

But what if the expectant mother felt unwell and she decided to make her life easier with the help of a proven remedy? Try to learn the main rule: during pregnancy, before taking a pill, powder or syrup, consult a doctor, because there are no harmless medicines.

By the way, not only about the child you need to think about the expectant mother. Due to the restructuring of the body during pregnancy, the liver and kidneys responsible for the processing and removal of medicines begin to work differently, as a result, drug sensitivity increases, and a woman may develop an allergy.

Medications at the beginning of pregnancy

Medicines are especially dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy. The fact is that in the first 6-8 weeks the organs and systems of the embryo are formed, and some substances can cause malformations. In addition, the child's body is not yet able to protect itself: its "cleansing" systems (liver, kidneys) are not yet ready to cope with this task.

At 16 weeks, the finally formed placenta begins to act as a barrier, and some drugs are unable to penetrate the baby's body. By the way, therefore, it is believed that it is safer to take medications in the second half of pregnancy.

Almost all medicines have contraindications and side effects: as a rule, this is discussed in the annotation. If the medicine is prescribed to a pregnant woman, it turns out that two people take it at once, one of which is a tiny creature that is completely unable to protect itself. It is he who needs to be protected from the undesirable effects of the drug.

Give up the idea of ​​self-treatment, and leave the choice of medicine to specialists: doctors know which drugs can harm the baby and which ones can’t. Remember that at different times the same drug poses a greater or lesser danger to the child. The most "gentle" period is the beginning of pregnancy.

What drugs are especially dangerous for the development of the child?

Some antibiotics during pregnancy.

It is known that tetracycline and its derivatives at the beginning of pregnancy can cause malformations in the child. In the later stages, it affects the growth of the child and the formation of the rudiments of teeth, which is why children often develop severe caries. As for chloramphenicol, it has a bad effect on the hematopoietic organs of the unborn baby, and large doses of streptomycin can cause deafness.

Acetylsalicylic acid. It is known that this drug does not cause malformations in babies. It should not be taken for another reason: like all anti-inflammatory drugs, it affects the work of the heart and kidneys of the child. That is why, if you have a cold or a headache, it is better to use paracetamol.

Analgin. The World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend taking this drug for adults, children, and especially pregnant women. The fact is that it has a very bad effect on the blood of a person, including a very small one.

Reserpine. Usually with its help reduce high pressure. However, it is worth remembering that long-term use of the drug can cause depression in the newborn, lead to excessive drowsiness and even the so-called "reserpine" runny nose. Fortunately, these manifestations disappear within a week after birth.

How to replace drugs for pregnant women

How to get rid of discomfort if doctors do not advise to abuse drugs? Take note of our tips.

Heartburn. It occurs due to the fact that stomach acid remains in the esophagus, and does not pass into the intestines. To avoid heartburn, you need to eat little and often, drink mineral water without gas. If discomfort torments you in the evenings, put large pillows under your back and sleep half-sitting. Do not get carried away with sour and spicy foods, try not to lie down after eating.

Difficulties in bowel function. There are many reasons for their appearance: hormonal changes in the body, lack of dietary fiber and fluid in the body. If you can’t go “in a big way” in any way, rather take action: an overflowing intestine presses on the uterus and can cause a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Be sure to exercise (there is a special set of exercises that help in this situation), drink more (up to 1.5 liters per day), review your diet in favor of foods containing dietary fiber (for example, wholemeal bread, vegetable salads). Before going to bed, eat fruits, do not forget about beets, dried fruits, eat yogurt every day, drink kefir. In extreme cases, glycerin suppositories, the drug Regulax (it contains figs and senna extract), laxative Duphalac (Solvay Pharma) will help.

Attention! Be careful with enemas, they can cause a threatened miscarriage!

Flu. This viral infection is accompanied by chills, fever, headache. If you experience these symptoms, be sure to call your doctor. What remedies will help you cope with the disease?

  • Antipyretics with paracetamol.
  • Natural "antibiotics": Chew pureed propolis ½ teaspoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Healing drink to strengthen immunity: mix the juice of two squeezed apples, two carrots and one beetroot, add a tablespoon of cranberry juice. Drink ½ cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

As for medications, your doctor will prescribe them for you. Depending on the course of the disease, the doctor may recommend antibacterial agents in combination with antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin) and antifungal (nystatin) drugs. From the flu, Arbidol ("Dalchimpharm") helps well, the main action of which is aimed at the causative agent of the infection.

Hemorrhoids, varicose veins. Since during pregnancy the volume of blood increases, and the elasticity of the walls of the vessels deteriorates, the blood begins to move worse from the legs to the heart, which is why nodules of enlarged veins appear on the legs, labia or rectum.

To cope with hemorrhoids, first of all, you need to improve the work of the intestines, because difficulties make the expectant mother tense up and cause or exacerbate the disease. As for drugs, they must be prescribed with extreme caution: through the vessels of the rectum, they penetrate into the uterus, and from there through the placenta to the baby.

In addition to safe laxatives, warm baths with disinfectants have a good effect: add a solution of furacillin or chamomile to the water and sit in it for a while. Hemorrhoids are helped by special ointments and suppositories that reduce swelling and pain (Anestezol, Nizhpharm; Anuzol, Nizhpharm; Procto-glivenol, Novartis). At the time of exacerbation of the disease, butadione ointment will bring relief. Venoruton (Novartis), Hepatrombin G (Hemofarm), Troxevasin - gel (Balkanpharma), Ginkor fort (Beaufour Ipsen). As for varicose veins in the legs, experts advise expectant mothers to wear special supportive stockings and use an ointment that a doctor will prescribe for you.

Migraine, headaches. If high blood pressure joins the headache, this may be a signal of the onset of preeclampsia. In this situation, you need to quickly call a doctor. If you have a headache and want to relieve discomfort, take paracetamol and get some rest. Expectant mothers, who are familiar with migraines, should forget about the drugs that they took before pregnancy: sometimes they contain a substance dangerous for the baby - dihydroergotamine.

Nausea and vomiting. Both that and another more often worries the expectant mother at the beginning of pregnancy and mostly in the morning. Unpleasant sensations intensify if a woman has low blood pressure and a lack of blood sugar. As for mothers of twins and triplets, nausea can occur due to an increase in hormone levels.

What to do? In the morning on an empty stomach, lying in bed, eat a cookie or an apple, or even better - have breakfast in bed. During the day, eat more often, in small portions, avoid "complex" foods (fats, animal proteins). Drink mineral water without gas, mint decoction (2 tsp mint per 1 cup boiling water), brewed in a thermos. Never take anti-emetic drugs, including those that until recently were considered harmless for pregnant women (for example, tolamide).

Cold. Do not use vasoconstrictor drops and cough syrups, which contain codeine (a substance close to a narcotic). If you have a cold or a headache, take paracetamol. An infusion of herbs coltsfoot, thermopsis or drugs - mukaltin, bromhexine will help with coughing. Runny nose will help cure drops - naphthyzinum, sanorin or pinasol. Try rinsing your nose with saline solution (1 tsp of salt to 1 cup of boiled water) and rinsing your mouth with warm water to which you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Stress. To calm down, drink an infusion of motherwort, valerian, or turn to alternative medicine: yoga, massage. Give up tranquilizers, they can cause malformations of the baby.

Pregnancy: x-rays, vaccinations

x-ray. Refuse the procedure, especially in the first trimester of pregnancywhen the baby's organs and systems are formed. If this study is still necessary, the doctor must take precautions, for example, during an x-ray at the dentist, a lead apron is placed on the woman's stomach.

Vaccinations. Vaccination should be carried out before a planned pregnancy. Be sure to let your doctor know that you are expecting a baby before he or she suggests you get vaccinated.

Pregnancy Safety

  • Never take medications without a doctor's recommendation, even if they helped you a lot before pregnancy.
  • Do not exceed the dose prescribed by your doctor. If you are not getting better, see a specialist.
  • Tell the doctors you see that you are pregnant (or that you want to become pregnant). It is especially important to do this at first, when nothing is yet visible.
  • Try changing your lifestyle to go without medication: don't be nervous so you don't get a headache; eat light food to avoid heartburn.
  • Before taking medicine during pregnancy, consider whether it is possible to do without it.
