What facial procedures can be done for pregnant women? Cosmetic procedures during pregnancy and lactation

IN female body During the period of bearing a child, changes occur of both a physiological nature and, possibly, pathological disorders of varying degrees of severity, as well as changes in the nature of reactions to ordinary external stimuli. In this regard, often even habitual cosmetic procedures may pose a certain risk during pregnancy to the health of not only the woman, but also the unborn child.

Even if they are constantly used for the same patient by experienced cosmetologists for many years, when pregnancy occurs, the reaction of the skin and the whole body to the usual cosmetic procedures may be unexpected or completely opposite. At the same time, the majority of women, even in the face of changes in figure and general condition continue to use various cosmetics, techniques and techniques to be well-groomed and maintain their charm.

What cosmetic procedures are allowed for pregnant women?

During gestation, the development of itching and dryness of the skin or, conversely, excess oiliness, increased skin sensitivity, the appearance of acne, swelling, marks of scratching, spots of “pregnancy” (spots of hyperpigmentation, or chloasma), changes in hair shade and loss of shine are possible. and elasticity, etc. All these negative changes often upset the woman and negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

They can be reduced or eliminated using certain cosmetic products and ways. In addition, very often all the techniques used independently or, especially in the salon, help eliminate negative emotions, significantly improve mood and create a favorable psychological background.

However, unfortunately, not all cosmetic procedures can be used. It is advisable to coordinate their choice with a gynecologist, with whom the woman is constantly monitored, and an experienced cosmetologist. In the literature, there are no specific recommendations for each manipulation, but conditionally (in terms of application to pregnant women) they distinguish:

  1. Methods and drugs with absolute contraindications.
  2. Methods with relative contraindications.
  3. Procedures that have no contraindications.

Absolutely contraindicated:


Visits to the solarium, which not only contributes to the appearance of hyperpigmentation spots, but also affects the function of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. vascular systems, and also during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of cancer.

Massage and thermal effects

Intensive general or large area of ​​the body manual massage, cold (cryotherapy) or thermal procedures, which include visiting a bath or sauna, hot or thermal (mud, with chocolate, seaweed) general wraps, since they can lead to increased activity of the myometrium with subsequent miscarriage or premature birth accompanied by severe bleeding.

Hardware methods

Active physiotherapeutic and cosmetological hardware methods based on ultrasound, electromagnetic, photo and laser types radiation, hardware types of massage, especially LPG.

The use of aromatic oils is also prohibited, since their effect is often unpredictable.

Procedures with relative contraindications and requiring a doctor’s permission:

  • low-intensity massage of the face, head, back, neck and limbs. You can use special massage brushes for pregnant women, intended for swimming. Massage helps normalize function nervous system, reducing swelling of the face and limbs, muscle and psycho-emotional tension, eliminating the feeling of fatigue;
  • mechanical peeling, but very careful;
  • and vitamin cocktails;
  • depilation using wax;
  • nail extensions. Used in this case chemicals, especially methacrylate, have pungent odor and are classified as toxic substances. Therefore, you should be careful when applying nail extensions;
  • tattooing and whitening procedures based on retinol;
  • perm, hair dyeing, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy and especially with dyes containing ammonia.

During pregnancy, relaxing and spa treatments are allowed and even recommended (but subject to normal temperature environment used), as well as techniques characterized by a “soft” effect and contributing to the improvement of physical and psycho-emotional state. Preferably holding a lung manual massage legs in the absence of varicose veins. This massage helps to improve the outflow of fluid and remove toxic metabolic products along with it, not only from tissues lower limbs, but also from the whole organism.

To improve the condition of the skin, on which various rashes, brownish-brownish spots appear, and swelling appears, it is recommended to use various types masks with a “soft” effect. Currently, specialists from many beauty salons offer women during pregnancy a wide variety of individual and complex procedures, designed for skin care and general relaxation and recommended by gynecologists, dermatologists and physiotherapists.

It is allowed to apply manicures and pedicures, but in a ventilated room, apply masks and make hair wraps, dye hair with tinted shampoo, tonic or dye without chemically harmful or pungent odor(ammonia) components, for example, henna or basma. Hair can be lightened with “soft” dyes containing a gentle oxidizing agent in a small concentration.

In addition, to improve the hair structure, beauty salons offer oil wraps, serums and hair masks containing amino acids and based on natural oils and plant extracts.

Facial cosmetic procedures allowed during pregnancy are:

  • drainage light massage face together with the neck, helping to reduce the severity of swelling and increase skin tone;
  • gentle, very soft and superficial chemical and enzyme peels (, s, enzyme). However, most safe peelings- This is cleaning using brewed ground coffee, table salt or sea salt.

Due to the increased sensitivity of facial skin to inflammatory processes, the most suitable for it are moisturizing masks, creams and tonics based on natural ingredients, the packaging of which is marked “For sensitive skin" You can also safely use lotions and creams intended for children. These products do not contain active additives, alcohols or various chemically and biologically hazardous ingredients. In addition, they are characterized by a low degree of allergenicity.

To avoid harm to your health and the condition of the unborn child, when choosing cosmetic preparations and procedures, it is necessary to consult more than once not only with a cosmetologist, but also, first of all, with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

There are many misconceptions about cosmetic procedures for pregnant women. Therefore, many pregnant women prefer to refuse, for example, hair coloring, believing that it will negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Elle decided to find out which procedures are really allowed for pregnant women, and which ones should be forgotten for 9 months.

Hair care

It is probably with hair coloring that the most a large number of superstitions Our grandmothers were sure that pregnant women were absolutely forbidden to cut their hair, and there was no question of dyeing their hair!

It’s not that the perception of familiar rituals has changed today—first of all, technology has changed. It is still categorically not recommended to dye your hair yourself at home, or resort to salon dyeing based on ammonia. By and large, even regular tinting not very useful for expectant mothers, but there are no strict contraindications on this topic. However, for almost 30 years now the entire civilized world has been choosing the most gentle and safe coloring, which definitely will not harm pregnant women - ammonia-free. In principle, it is suitable for everyone who is not ready to lose their hair, burn out their natural pigment and experience discomfort from the smell of ammonia, and it is simply indicated for pregnant women - with all the limitless color possibilities, it is officially recognized as absolutely safe. By the way, this is not just a popular opinion - ammonia-free coloring CHI from FAROUK Systems is marked with special world certificates, which not only guarantee a comfortable coloring procedure without specific smell, but also officially allow pregnant women to use CHI dye.

A few words about what the famous CHI dye without ammonia is. It appeared as a result of the development of American accounting records, which were working on yet another know-how for NASA astronauts. The dye became widely used in everyday life a few years later - in the mid-90s. Just as at the beginning of the twentieth century the main invention of the era was ammonia, which made it possible to turn even dark-haired women into platinum blondes, at the end of the century the main beauty sensation was the CHI method, which made it possible to achieve desired color without damaging the hair or burning out the natural pigment. As is known, although ammonia gave limitless possibilities for experiments with color, but had a destructive effect on the hair. CHI not only dyes without harm, but even treats hair due to the fact that it contains natural silk, which fills the voids in the structure of each hair and seems to “cement” them from the inside. As for color, it is obtained by adding to your natural shade the correct pigment - that is, you no longer need to “kill” the native shade of your hair with ammonia and dye it the color you want. We simply add necessary component, which will transform your own hair color into the one you dreamed of.

Of course, given that CHI technology is not simple, coloring should only be done in specialized studios. There is one in Moscow - this is the flagship space of the 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya brand, which is called “CHI Color Studio”. No beauty salon will give such a quality guarantee, so it’s better not to take risks and choose verified addresses.

As for getting a haircut while waiting for a child, there are also nuances here. Many women note that during pregnancy, hair begins to grow faster and becomes thicker. But after childbirth, the situation changes dramatically - increased hair loss is often observed. To avoid this, you should trim the ends of your hair every three months. And also do it regularly nourishing masks without affecting the roots - only along the length of the hair.

Body care

Stretch marks cause a lot of distress for expectant mothers. It’s worth making sure that they are less noticeable and disappear completely after childbirth. From about 12 weeks of pregnancy, you should use special oils or creams that contain natural ingredients: Every night before going to bed, apply them to your stomach, buttocks, chest and hands light massage movements. This way the skin will get additional hydration and will stretch without breaking the fibers. You can find products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks from Clarins, Weleda or L "Occitane.

Get rid of swelling, as well as pain in the back and legs later pregnancy will be helped by a properly selected massage, which can be done by both a loved one and a professional master. However, before such a procedure, you should definitely visit a doctor and discuss its use. If you get the doctor's approval, contact, for example, the SkyClub fitness club, where pregnant women are offered special massages with Comfort Zone beauty products, which prevent the appearance of stretch marks, help increase skin elasticity and give it a velvety feel.

An excellent remedy to prevent the occurrence of problems with blood vessels, as well as the appearance or worsening of the hated cellulite, is cold and hot shower. Just make sure that the water pressure is not too strong! And you shouldn’t direct the shower on your stomach: use it only on your legs and buttocks.

Procedures that are allowed for pregnant women are wraps. Take note of the harmonizing wrap procedure with sea ​​water“Tallasso Oligo”, which is offered by the “OblakaStudio” salon. During this pleasant relaxation procedure, mineral metabolism is restored and the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, and excess fluid is removed from the body, which leads to a reduction in swelling, strengthening and tightening of the skin. Thanks to several sessions of this wrap, you will look great, and after childbirth you will quickly and easily regain your previous shape.

Beauty salon "OblakaStudio"

It is known that water treatments in principle, have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body during pregnancy, so purchasing a pool subscription can be considered not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. "You can also visit special classes water aerobics, designed specifically for pregnant women, advises Elena Cherenkova, coordinator of children's programs at the SkyClub fitness club. - This will help maintain good shape throughout all 9 months. However, remember that you should always consult your doctor before making an appointment.”

But it’s better to postpone hardware procedures for the body until later. The fact is that they stimulate blood circulation, which can negatively affect the body, which is already under considerable stress. The list of prohibited procedures also includes a bathhouse and a sauna: a sharp temperature change has Negative influence on the tone of the uterus. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, skin type expectant mother can change dramatically: dry skin becomes oily, oily - vice versa. And here you simply cannot do without consulting a cosmetologist!

Facial care

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the skin type of the expectant mother can change dramatically: dry skin becomes oily, oily skin - vice versa. And here you simply cannot do without consulting a cosmetologist!

In addition, in the third trimester, doctors usually recommend that pregnant women limit the amount of fluid they consume in order to avoid increased blood pressure and swelling. In this regard, the skin of the face becomes too dry, and it is the cosmetologist who can recommend you the most effective, but at the same time delicate lotions, creams and gels that have good moisturizing properties.

Replenish moisture reserves in the skin using injections, for example, hyaluronic acid, under no circumstances is it possible. You should also forget about Botox injections: this violates the integrity skin and increases the risk of penetration pathogenic microbes into the body. According to experts from the European Center aesthetic medicine EAC on Yakimanka, even such a harmless procedure as a stone facial massage should be abandoned, because it provides powerful drainage, which is equally harmful to both the pregnant woman and the unborn child. The dermatocosmetologist of this center, Ksenia Kirillova, also warns that pregnant women should never have acid peeling. But cosmetic procedures using the Skinlight device (for example, diamond dermabrasion, which cleanses and refreshes the skin of the face, or delicate vacuum massage) are quite acceptable. With its help, you can also undergo a session of phototherapy, which stimulates metabolic processes in cells, or do cryomassage - not only of the face, but also of the legs, which is especially effective for swelling.

All facial care procedures should be aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Therefore, pamper her with masks or give her a light massage using aromatic natural oils that you are definitely not allergic to. This kind of spa treatments will have an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and the whole body as a whole.


As we said just above, ladies in this position should refuse hardware procedures. This primarily applies to photography and laser hair removal which may cause discomfort because pain threshold decreases greatly during pregnancy. Now the best help in getting rid of unwanted hair it will be for you regular razor. However, if you successfully used an epilator for many years before pregnancy and did not experience any discomfort During this procedure, you can continue in the same spirit. Only the bikini area is still better treated with a razor.


“You shouldn’t neglect manicure and pedicure during pregnancy; these procedures are absolutely safe for the health of the expectant mother and her baby,” say specialists at the Orchid Nails manicure and pedicure studio on Mytnaya. - First of all, find a master with whom you will be as comfortable as possible: he must act very carefully. You should not avoid regular nail polish: it is completely harmless, especially if you carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area. However, before use, be sure to study the composition of the varnish: if it contains formaldehyde or toluene, then it is better to refuse such a beauty product.”

Give preference to European (hardware) manicure: significant disadvantage edged is the likelihood of introducing an infection into the body, and this is absolutely of no use to you. Pay attention to your position and ask the technician to perform the procedure only with disposable instruments. If you decide to get a spa manicure, before starting the procedure, test the products included in it (apply a drop of this or that oil, mask on your wrist) to eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions.

It is better to avoid nail extensions or shellac altogether: the fact is that due to hormonal changes in the body, the compositions may not adhere well to the nails.

Among the list of procedures that are allowed for pregnant women is pedicure. Due to growing weight, the load on the feet increases, which leads to the appearance of calluses, corns and ingrown toenails on the feet. However, when going to the salon, keep the following information in mind. First, know that hot foot baths are taboo for pregnant women, because the flow of blood into the extremities can cause miscarriage, as well as development varicose veins. Secondly, remember: aroma oils may cause nausea, dizziness or agitation in expectant mothers. Thirdly, try not to overuse the procedures: an express pedicure can be done once every 6-8 days, and in full - no more than once a month (the same applies to manicures, by the way).

Today, dear ladies, we will talk about which procedures are possible for pregnant women and which are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

Procedures prohibited during pregnancy

Let's first exclude all those procedures that are prohibited during pregnancy or are extremely contraindicated, as they can be dangerous to the baby's health.

So, everything is prohibited:

  • injection procedures,
  • hardware techniques,
  • procedures with deep effects,
  • procedures that violate the integrity of the skin,
  • It’s also worth putting off products with very active ingredients until better times.

What procedures can pregnant women do?


Let's start with the hair. There are many rumors that you can’t do anything with your hair during pregnancy – neither cut it nor dye it. Don't believe rumors.

To prevent dyeing from harming your baby, you just shouldn’t dye your hair too often.

If you used to wear makeup every month, now it’s better not to do it more often than once every four months. Work with your hairdresser to select a delicate, ammonia-free dye.


Nanoplasty is also allowed for hair. It is done using a product consisting of organic keratin (formaldehyde-free hair straightening with keratin). This procedure should also not be done too often.

Gentle hair care treatments are allowed - masks, wraps, etc. Of course, hair can be cut. Don’t believe the prejudices that you don’t need to get your hair cut during pregnancy.

Hair and eyelash extensions

If we talk about hair and eyelash extensions, it is not prohibited, but it is impractical. Hair extensions mean extra weight on your head and extra time in styling.

Therefore, it is better to refuse hair extensions. As for eyelashes, everything is very individual.

Of course, eyelash extensions are very convenient and save time. But for many pregnant women, the adhesive base used for eyelash extensions either does not stick or provokes allergic reactions.

Facial treatments

Let's move on to facial procedures and talk about what procedures pregnant women can undergo. Every girl wants to have clean skin, without clogged pores and acne. Cleaning can be done during pregnancy, but it must be atraumatic and non-ultrasonic cleaning.


Soft caring masks are allowed. Possible both home and salon care. The main thing is not to apply cheap chemical masks with an unknown composition to your face. Give preference to pharmacy brands.

Scrubbing and peeling

It is better not to use scrubs (this is harsh mechanical impact), but acidic and enzyme peels- it's a good choice.

Remember that not all acids can be used; BHA acids (beta-hydroxy acids - salicylic acid) cannot be used.

Use products with AHA acids; mandelic and lactic acid work especially well. Peels are only allowed on the surface.

Professional (home) facial care is allowed. Pay careful attention to the composition, make sure that there is no: salicylic acid, formaldehyde, fragrances, retinol and its derivatives, camphor, phytoestrogens, whitening components.

Body care

Let's move on to body care. If you are accustomed to beauty treatments for the body, then pregnancy is not a reason to refuse them.



You cannot do hardware hair removal, but you can use an epilator cream. Better yet, get wax or sugar hair removal done in a salon.


You can safely do a light massage for pregnant women.

Don't be afraid to take various baths, the main thing is that the water is not hot. Essential oils It's better not to use it.

Manicure and pedicure

Don't give up on manicures and pedicures (not trimmed). It is better to refuse nail extensions and switch to gel polishes.


Pregnant women are advised to visit the pool. This is not only good for the skin and muscles, but will serve as an excellent relaxation.

Remember that any procedures should be performed only after consultation with your doctor.

During the period of bearing a child, many changes occur in the body, so the reaction even to the usual procedures that you have been doing regularly for many years can be unexpected. In addition, many exposures pose a danger to the child.

Facial care during pregnancy

Salon procedures with medicinal effects are contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, all beauty injections (fillers, mesotherapy, Botox) are on the “black list”. True, their negative effect on the fetus has not yet been clearly proven, but since this issue has not yet been sufficiently studied, it is better not to experiment.

Salon procedures related to skin renewal can also be dangerous: laser resurfacing, deep and medium peels- since during their implementation very often it is necessary to resort to painkillers, and in addition, they cause activation of metabolic processes in the body, which is undesirable during pregnancy. Deep chemical peeling It is also not recommended because the phenol it contains is toxic and can cause a number of complications. Thermal and cryoprocedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as those that involve the use of hardware technologies.

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormonal changes, various metamorphoses occur in the skin. It can become very dry, and sometimes, on the contrary, there is a sharp increase in the production of sebum, which accumulates in the pores and clogs them. This interferes with skin breathing and creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. May appear acne, even if it wasn’t there before.

If in normal conditions the cosmetologist will offer you several options for solving this problem, then during pregnancy the list of available procedures is significantly reduced. Regular facial cleansing helps get rid of minor skin blemishes. Usually pregnant women are allowed vacuum, mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning. These salon procedures are safe, but before performing them, you need to warn the cosmetologist that you are pregnant.

But disincrustation - deep cleaning pores from fatty plugs and impurities - it is contraindicated during pregnancy, since it is carried out using low-strength and low-voltage electric current. For the same reason, pregnant women are not recommended to use Darsonval - this therapeutic effect weak pulsed alternating current of high voltage.

But various nourishing, moisturizing and toning masks are welcome.

Body care during pregnancy

As for body care during pregnancy, almost all salon procedures are contraindicated, as they can have a direct effect on the fetus. Hardware techniques can increase blood pressure and also increase muscle tone, which is unsafe if there is a threat of miscarriage. Any physical procedures should also be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Therefore, leave all wraps (both cold and hot), electrolipolysis, LPG and other hardware techniques until better times.

As for manual massage during pregnancy, a lot depends on how your pregnancy is going. In some cases, doctors allow you to go for a soothing and relaxing massage for pregnant women, which is offered by many salons - it is carried out using a special gentle technique. Some women benefit from mild lymphatic drainage massage during pregnancy, especially severe swelling legs It helps remove excess fluid and toxins from the body. However, if there is even a slight threat of miscarriage, then this procedure can't be done.

It is also not worth visiting a solarium during pregnancy, as the skin becomes more susceptible to radiation, and there is a high probability that increased pigmentation will appear.

Those who want to do this will also have to wait until the baby is born. Permanent makeup, tattoo, remove a mole or papilloma. This should not be done during pregnancy, as these procedures are painful and can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.

But regular manicure You can and even need to get a pedicure, so sign up for these procedures with peace of mind. A light massage of the hands, feet and paraffin therapy are also useful.

Epilation during pregnancy

This question worries many women, especially those who regularly did before pregnancy. waxing or sugaring. It is not safe to carry out these procedures during pregnancy, but, again, everything is individual. If you are already accustomed to these procedures, then it is quite possible that there will be no harm from such hair removal during pregnancy. However, it is still better to consult a doctor first.

Pregnant women often experience increased facial hair growth in the lips, chin, cheeks, shoulders, legs, back and abdomen, caused by hormonal changes. Electrolysis in beauty salon it is better to postpone until the baby is born, since painful sensations can tone the uterus and provoke the threat of miscarriage. The taboo also applies to all non-contact types of hair removal (laser, photo, ultrasound). In general, it is still unknown exactly how these procedures affect the body, so the consequences are very difficult to predict. Depilatory creams are also prohibited: chemical compounds, included in their composition, are absorbed through small blood vessels, which may be unfavorable for the unborn child. In addition, the mother's skin can react in unexpected ways. Most safe option hair removal during pregnancy - hair removal with tweezers, an epilator (if you are used to this method) or with a razor.

Hair care during pregnancy

One of the most common superstitions among pregnant women is this: hair should not be cut or dyed. Everyone decides for themselves when it comes to haircuts, but... scientific justification this statement has no. As for dyeing your hair during pregnancy, it is better to abstain here, since chemical hair dyes usually contain harmful ammonia. And besides, during pregnancy, the structure of your hair may change, and you will not get the result you expected. If you can’t do without paint, it’s better to replace it with tonic, tinted shampoo or choose paint without ammonia. You can also use natural remedies based on henna or basma, they will help make your hair color more vibrant and vibrant. You can lighten your hair using “soft” dyes - they contain a gentle oxidizing agent in a small concentration, they allow you to change the shade of your hair and give it shine.

It’s also not worth getting a perm, because during pregnancy all substances penetrate the body faster, the composition of the mixture for perm It’s not very useful anyway, and during this period, it’s especially not worth the risk.

A common problem that occurs during pregnancy is dryness, brittleness and even hair loss. This is again due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. It is not recommended to carry out hardware stimulation of hair growth, since exposure to microcurrents is unsafe. Should not be used vitamin injections. Postpone this issue until after birth. By the way, it is possible that after hormonal background returns to normal, the problem will disappear by itself. Can be used during pregnancy professional masks and serums based natural ingredients: amino acids, plant extracts and oils. Many salons offer oil wraps - they help improve the hair structure.

Do no harm

When carrying out any salon procedures During pregnancy, the main medical principle is relevant - “do no harm.” Most dangerous periods– 2nd and 3rd weeks, from 8th to 13th, from 18th to 22nd and from 28th to 32nd weeks. During these periods, it is better to exclude any active influence on the body. The rest of the time, if you are not sure about something, seek advice from the doctor you are seeing.

For 11 last days August 3 “ladies in pregnancy” contacted me for waxing and ultrasonic facial cleansing. And 1 request came by email within the framework of . In this regard, I have prepared recommendations and answers to your question “what cosmetic procedures can be done during pregnancy?”

On last week my pregnant client wanted to undergo a “Charcot’s shower” massage course in one salon in Dnepropetrovsk; another, right now, in her 6th month, suddenly decided to urgently fight cellulite, “which began to grow.”

Both were refused. And it is right. Because there are absolutely terrible cases when pregnant girls, knowing that they may be denied a cosmetic procedure, consciously hide on initial stage your position.

They should think about why they refuse? What businessman in his right mind would deprive himself of income? Maybe there's a reason? Maybe I should listen to some advice professional cosmetologists and doctors?

Cosmetologist during pregnancy: when and why?

Of course, they refuse for a reason.

Why, by the way, is it during pregnancy that women suddenly begin to notice problems with their appearance? The fact is that pregnancy and breastfeeding cause hormonal changes, which affect throughout the body, including on the face. This is swelling and pigmentation.

Who might like this? Of course, no one, hence the fierce desire to fight for beauty right here and now. And the desire for refusals only intensifies.

Control yourself! I’ll say right away that hardware methods are contraindicated! ANYONE! There are microcurrents, there is voltage, there is an increase and decrease in temperature. This is not necessary during the birth of a new life. At least from the position of “God protects those who are careful.”

Is it possible to visit a cosmetologist during pregnancy and what cosmetic procedures should be done?

There are options and effective options. First of all, it is the healthiest and safe procedure in cosmetology (in in capable hands, of course).

With the help of facial massage, lymphatic drainage improves, excess fluid is removed, the face is smoothed, swelling recedes - just what pregnant women want.

The second option is various masks, for example - . With their help you can also achieve good effect and even during pregnancy remain with a smooth, fresh face.

Here you need to be careful in terms of smell and allergies. Even if you made these masks before and everything was fine, now an allergy may appear due to toxicosis. Therefore, you need to try carefully, a little at a time, and always be ready to back up in time.

Be healthy and happy. You can visit a cosmetologist during pregnancy, I have outlined the procedures for you. And remember that now you have a more important goal than fighting cellulite. And she should be in the foreground.
