Christmas carols for children are understandable. How to carol with children nowadays

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

The owner and the hostess
Get off the stove
Light the candles!
Open the chests
Get your heels out!
For your amusement,
We're screwed!

Kolyada, merry carol!
Get everyone here!
We will shower you with happiness,
You will treat us for that!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

We are hitting your gates!
We have come to give you happiness,
Let's carol here!
Come to us quickly
Bring treats!
We are waiting for cookies, we are waiting for sweets,
We wish you happiness for a hundred years!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

Who will give us some pie?
Some fresh cottage cheese
He will have happiness
And the bad weather will dissipate!
We're going caroling
Let's wish you well!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even a ruble
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

We are ditties for carols
Let's sing cheerfully,
Treat us sweeter,
Otherwise we’ll be offended and leave!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread
A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches
And striped animals!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Who lives in this house
God give him joy!
Whole bins of happiness,
Let them enjoy winter!
We want just a little,
Pies only for the road!

The Holy Spirit descended from heaven
And said Christ was born
We came to glorify Christ
Congratulations on your holiday

Well, good hostess,
Hurry up and give us some candy!
We bring happiness and joy to the house,
We're still waiting for the pies!
There will be day and there will be food,
Kolyada will not forget you!

Open the gates
A carol is coming to the house!
Kolyada is coming into the house
Brings happiness with you!
We are waiting for sweets from you,
Hello pies!
There will be peace in that house
Who are we singing songs to?


Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles – “No!”, but for happiness – “Yes!”
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas:
We wish you peace in your home,
And health and goodness,
And heartfelt warmth!
Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles - “No!”, but for happiness “Yes!!!”
(N. Samonii)

A carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail!
Who won't give me the pie?
That's why a chicken leg
Pestle and shovel
The cow is hunchbacked.

Good evening to good people!
Let happy holiday will.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.
On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,
You can’t even pray to God.
Won't you serve me some flatbread?
Let's break the windows.
Won't you serve me the pie?
Let's lead the cow by the horns.

Carols go on holy evenings,
The carol comes to Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing,
Sons and daughters have come to you,
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

A star is shining in the sky,
At the hour of Holy Christmas...
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses,
I knocked on doors and windows,
She walked and laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
Carolers in a crowd...
Everyone rejoices and laughs,
They sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born,
On the eve of Christmas..."

We ask for your health,
And we carry candles for happiness!
Let it be in your yard.
There will be a mountain of gold!
Well, you will treat us,
Don't drive away the carol!
Otherwise a year will pass
It won't bring anything!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Who won't give me the pie?
We take the cow by the horns,
Who won't give donuts,
We hit him in the face,
Who won't give a penny?
He's got his neck on the side.

Conducted and celebrated since ancient times, he was given great importance. Absolutely all the people sang, danced, feasted, rejoiced and had fun.

A little bit of history

The famous holiday is named in honor of the great god Kolyada; for the Slavic people it was one of the main ones. Historical records say that he gave humanity a calendar, and they learned to use dates. This god helped many ordinary people, farmers, warriors, protecting everyone from death. In many images you can see Kolyada with a sword, but he was not in a militant mood: the blade of his weapon was aiming down towards the ground. He tried to convey to many that there is no need to constantly fight, everything can be resolved according to the laws established from above. After all, there are other important things to do in life.

The emergence of a great holiday

Another name is the holiday of Kolyada: the day of change or Menari. There is a story that in ancient times people fell into the kingdom of death. After staying there for some time, they were released. In order to prevent them from being imprisoned back, they began to pay off with various sweets and all kinds of items. Their relatives greeted them with fun, songs and festivities. Since then, people began to annually celebrate this important day, which later received the name Kolyada.

The meaning of the celebration of Kolyada for the Slavic people

The holiday of Kolyada was considered the main event in winter time among the village people. It was held from December to January, starting from the 22nd until the 7th, until the day of the Nativity of Christ. The great people of the Slavs celebrated it for more than one day. All residents began preparations much earlier than the grandiose event. The housewives put the house in order, cleaned and took out all the garbage, washed all the objects, tried to put everything beautiful and elegant in appearance. Young boys and girls sewed interesting and mysterious outfits and made masks. The day before the start, it was necessary to go to the bathhouse and wash off all the dirt in order to be bright and clean on the holy holiday. They took out and put on the most beautiful clothes and remembered the departed people. Kolyada was one of the main holidays among the Slavs; no one dared to miss it for any reason.

The celebration of Kolyada is associated with the Great Solstice Day, when all the people emerge from the winter darkness and the day becomes longer than the night. In this way, people show their joy that spring will soon come and the sowing season will begin. They all thank God for everything he gives them: sun, water, large harvests, healthy livestock. No one forgot about the holiday of Kolyada, everyone was looking forward to it.


The celebration of the Kolyada holiday begins with the covering large table. Straw is laid first. This serves as a symbol for favorable development cows, to get good and delicious milk so that the animals are not eaten by predators. Afterwards, a festive tablecloth is laid and various dishes are served.

First of all, you need to taste kutya (porridge), leave some grains in the plate. After finishing the meal, you need to throw them right up to the ceiling. This was a fortune telling for high yields and fast growth domestic animals (cows, sheep, chickens and others). The remains of the porridge were collected and fed to the chickens in the yard, so that on that day they would be completely satisfied and lay a lot of eggs. The straw was taken to the barn with the animals, thereby protecting them from all sorts of diseases, so that the livestock would bear offspring. This is how the first Kolyada ended.


The second day began with paying off debts and expressing all grievances. After which it was necessary to immediately make peace and forgive each other for everything. On this day, the young people put on animal costumes and walked around the village singing loud and ringing songs, wishing everyone good health, large harvest, less illness and grief. In turn, people in whose yards wishes were heard were supposed to give sweets to the singers. When all the bags were full of goodies, the youth went to some house. There they continued to celebrate, have fun and eat goodies. The Kolyada celebration lasted a whole week, everyone had fun before the hard work began.

Folk festival traditions

Since ancient times, the holiday of Kolyada among the Slavs has been magic. At this time, all the most mysterious, mysterious and inexplicable things happen. People have many beliefs about how to attract happiness, good luck, health, family well-being. U unmarried girls Another entertainment was fortune telling. They found out whether a young husband would appear this year, what kind of character he would have, appearance(hair color, body type). Sometimes even guys guessed, but this is a rarer occurrence, although everyone is interested in knowing their future.

The Kolyada holiday mostly takes place on the street. All the villagers come out of their houses, light fires and dance around it, singing loud and sonorous songs. Almost the whole day passes in fun, both young and old ride on sleighs, children run around with bags, collecting sweet treats and shouting various poems about the holiday Kolyada. These days no one is sad, because people believe: if they rejoice at the great god Kolyada, he will take care of their harvest, livestock, and there will be food on the table all year long tasty food and drinks.

An ancient holiday in modern life

Today, the great holiday is becoming a thing of the past, all traditions are forgotten, in the modern metropolis many do not even know that there is such a thing. winter period time when people carol. Only in villages do residents try not to forget the holiday of Kolyada and have fun as before.

To ensure that the great celebration does not disappear after some time, Kolyada is popularized in many places today. The holiday script helps you get acquainted with all the intricacies of village life. It is carried out in kindergartens, schools, higher education educational institutions. They take ancient traditions as a basis and add something new that they are already accustomed to. This is how people get acquainted with the traditions of the great Slavic people. Now the description of the Kolyada holiday has changed; in ancient times the customs were slightly different.

How to celebrate Kolyada?

Celebrating Kolyada, the holiday script in Russian can be found in large quantities and they are all a little different. But the essence remains the same - this is caroling among neighbors.

To carry out it is necessary to recruit several participants, who must receive in advance a piece of paper with the name Kolyada, a holiday script, where there is detailed description. Having learned all the words of poems and songs, they begin the fun itself. You can learn a few dance moves, which will be a huge plus.

  1. All participants put on costumes (prepared in advance) and go to the guests. It should sound loud and clear in front of the house funny song so that everyone understands that people came to carol.
  2. Then the action takes place in the hut (house). The caroling participants begin to praise the owners, wish them well, great success, health. All this is in song form.
  3. Next, a negative character appears who tries to do mischief and ruin the celebration. To make it disappear, you need to play a game in which good defeats evil. The holiday is filled with fun, joy and laughter again.
  4. After all the games, the hosts present the carolers with sweets and thank them for their congratulations. In response, songs sound again and everyone disperses.
  5. Sometimes the action ends with tea with guests.

You can celebrate from December 22 to January 7, choosing any day. IN modern world The celebration of Kolyada takes place in one day. The fun begins during the day, everyone sings and dances, recites poems and ditties, holds feasts, setting a generous and rich table, and treats the neighbors. Something interesting begins at night. Young people go home and sing carols. In turn, the owner of the house must treat the guests to something. If he refuses and drives away the caroling people, they may become upset and ruin something, take a chicken from the yard or a vessel. This is considered a punishment for such an owner who does not respect ancient traditions.

Where are the sources of information?

If you want to know a lot of details, information about the Kolyada holiday is stored in the experience of grandmothers. They clearly remember all the fun. Older people will tell in detail what songs were sung in their times, what they were treated to and what games they played.

It is always useful to read a little about this interesting and fun holiday of Kolyada. And hold it annually, thereby telling children about ancient history in a humorous and cheerful manner. Another advantage is the physical development of children. They will participate in fast-paced outdoor games. In addition to everything, you can play on fresh air. Children and adults can have a lot of fun at the Kolyada festival.

After the Holy Supper on January 6, children and adults change into bright suits, go from house to house and sing Christmas carols. Masked carolers are invited into the house, treated to food, and thanked for their performances with sweets and money. In order not to make a mistake on Christmas night 2018, think about the performance in advance. We have selected the funniest long and short Christmas carols for adults and children that are easy to learn.

14:40 4.01.2019

Do you want to please your friends with cheerful and funny carols? These are interesting and funny carols wishes for children and adults are easy to learn and quickly remembered!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I can smell the vodka with my nose!
Pour us a hundred grams
It will be good for us and you!

How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
The owner and the hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!
Kolyada, Kolyada!

Merry Christmas -
We wish you sober thoughts,
So that the Earth does not shake,
And my soul enjoyed it!!!

A carol was born
On the eve of Christmas,
Behind the mountain behind the steep,
Beyond the fast river,
Behind the mountain behind the steep,
Behind the river behind the fast one
The forests are dense,
In those forests the fires are burning,
The fires are burning blazing,
People stand around the lights
People stand caroling:
‘Oh carol, carol,
You happen, carol,
Before Christmas'.

Carols, carols, carols,
Let me have a hangover,
Lard, meat, kovbasi
That's twenty for a panty!!!

Carols, carols, carols -
Pancakes are good with honey!
But without honey it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, auntie!

Give me the dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Christmas Eve
Damn and flatbread
Owner Alyoshka
Give me a nickel, auntie
I won't leave home like this!!
A little boy
Sat down on a glass
And the glass is fragile
Give me a rub, mistress!!!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good with honey scorching,
But it’s not the same without honey,
Give me some pie, please.
Yak won't give me a pie,
I'll take the bull by the horns,
I'll take you to the market,
I’ll buy my own pie.

Merry Christmas
We came here with goodness
Give us some,
Pie for the path,
So that happiness comes to you,
May you be lucky in everything,
May the Lord give you health,
We sing carols out of sadness!

The moon shone in the sky, showed us the way
Upper and lower - closest to the house.
Go out onto the porch, owner, pour some wine into a glass.
We won’t drink wine, we’ll smear it on our lips,
We'll smear it on your lips and tell you about your house.
Your house has four corners,
In each corner there are three young men:
Goodness, Comfort, Peace live.
A girl walks from corner to corner -
The braid spreads across the floor -
The girl's name is Love,
Your roof rests on it!
If you reward us generously, -
You will keep happiness in your home!
Let's leave the yard with gifts -
The bins will be full!
Even a piece of candy, even a nickel -
We won't just leave!!!

Kolyada, Kolyada...
And the woman has a beard.
And my grandfather grew a tail.
Runs to the girls, the scoundrel.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
It doesn't matter to us.
Even the one who is blind and mute -
He will drink seven shots.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
We dance all the years.
And also on all fours
We boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
We never get sick.
Wives start an argument -
We fly naked into the yard.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
That without money is nonsense!
All bottles are donated
And they walk again and drink.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
It's okay that it's cold.
I'll go to my mistress myself,
I swim with her in the pond.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
Have fun, people, always!
After all, it’s not fitting for us to be sad,
Enjoying life's ball.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
There is a candle and food on the table.
The cute Christmas tree is shining.
And God blesses everyone.

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream
We'll eat it ourselves
And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good luck with honey.
But it’s not the same without honey,
Give me a nickel, man.
And then you’ll pay a nickel,
Give me a golden scar!
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother.
Carry me a pie,
Place it near the bag.
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone in the granny.
Knee-high casing,
Give uncle a pie.
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
And I’m the only guy,
Let's tear the skin,
Carry me a donut.

There are many things associated with the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. ancient traditions, one of which - the performance of Carols - is especially popular with children.

Christmas Carols are songs of greatness, a kind of Christmas hymns. Their main goal is the wish for health, wealth, as well as the praise of the Infant Christ and his Most Pure Mother, the Virgin Mary.

Currently this beautiful good tradition goes into oblivion. In Russian villages you can still find noisy young people cheerfully singing greetings to the owners of the house, but in the cities, this entertainment is mainly for children who go from house to house, collecting sweets for wishes for well-being in the coming year.

But we are sure that interest in Carols will be revived, so we have prepared the best Christmas Carols for the smallest children, younger and middle-aged children school age, both for teenagers and young adults.

Carols for the little ones

* * *
Kolyada, Kolyada,
I brought you a holiday!
Congratulations to you!
Treats for us!

* * *
Carol, carol,
Fun outfit,
I've come to your house!
The mountain brought happiness!
In the corners, along the walls
Both boys and girls!
Good hostess,
Come on, give me a treat!

* * *
A star fell from the sky,
Lighted up the street!
Kolyada is knocking on your house!
The holiday of goodness will happen!
Open it quickly!
Treat all guests!

* * *
We brought you news!
We were in a hurry and walked very quickly!
Have you prepared any treats for us?

* * *
The bird sings a song of glory!
This day does not allow anyone to be sad!
Christmas has come to visit you!
Brought happiness and wealth to your home!

* * *
Tit bird,
He's biting every grain!
A song of joy
He's singing to us!
Coming towards us!
And the master and mistress
He brings us gifts!

* * *
Footprints are visible in the snow!
The carol is coming!
Angel from a distant star
He brings us news!
Holy holiday Christmas!
Joy, happiness without end!
Do not regret the treat, For the sake of common forgiveness!
It's here again!

* * *
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gates!
Today God's Son will be born!
Great holiday is coming!
People treat us with sweets!

* * *
The goat walked, spilled milk,
A carol came and entered the gate.
I need to milk the goat
Give us a gift!
Give me what is in the house,
May prosperity and happiness coincide!

* * *
Good hostess!
She brought us to your house!
Gave me happiness and joy!
In exchange for candy!
Thank you for this!

* * *
Health and prosperity!
Love and respect!
Caring, understanding!
Thank you for your attention,
Here's to the goodies in this house!
Let's take Kolyada and go to another!

* * *
Good hostess!
Dear owner!
We have come to visit you
With my friend - Kolyada!
We wish you peace, happiness and goodness!
So that luck finds you right away!
Everything bad is locked up!
And all the sweets are in the bag!

For children and teenagers of any age

* * *
The great holiday has arrived!
Illuminated everything in the area!
Everything seems new!
People, people, congratulations!
And you treat your guests!
May you have a happy year!
No worries and no hassle!
We are waiting for sweets from you!
May you live in joy!

* * *
Hello, good people!
Good people, Orthodox!
Meet us, we are kind guests,
We are the messengers of a glorious festival!
We wish this house
Happiness, health, love,
Live a long and comfortable life,
Never get into debt!
May your wealth increase!
Let happy life it will work out!
Today is a holy day!
Treat us to food!

* * *
On this day, holy and pure,
Christmas is coming to us!
Kolyada is destroying him
For apartments and houses!
A mystery descended from the sky,
And the road was illuminated
My heart beat in joy,
No one was left out!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate, mistress!
Give us some money!
A crumb of bread!
More pies!
And sweeter sweets!
To bring joy to this house,
Came more often!

* * *
An angel flew from heaven
He sang good news to people.
Gave everyone a celebration
Holy Night Christmas!
The shepherds went into the cave
Mother and Christ were found there.
And the baby is not simple -
Our Savior is the God of man!
God will forgive all of us sinners,
He will reward you with faith in miracles!
You will meet us soon
We will continue our story.
You will seat us at the table,
Give me a treat!
Give me some pies
Yes, some coins for the trip.
Let's sit with you for a while,
Don't judge us harshly.
We will bring peace to your home!
And we will save you from losses!
Heaven will help us
People can do miracles!

* * *
Kolyada, Kolyada!
The hostess is in a bustle!
Don't be stingy, be generous for us.
Give us some candy
Save your harvest!
Bring us some pies -
Drive away troubles.
Pour kvass into mugs,
It will be warmer in the heart,
And if you bring a nickel -
Live happily ever after!

* * *
Kolyada, Kolyada,
The cold has arrived
Open the doors to us,
Let's go, wander home!
We collect candy
Yes, we are dressed in suits.
Admire us
Give away your supply!
Well, we wish you
Dolgikh and happy years,
May God protect you
Sending you Angels for a hundred years!

* * *
The carols have begun
Hey people, beware!
Wait for us, we are the whole crowd,
We hurry to you, we have with us,
Congratulations to you!
At this hour we wish:
May you always be healthy
Take care of your honor
There are horseshoes hanging on the doors,
It's like you're in heaven watching them!
Take out what you can,
Even coins, even pie,
Even a cookie, even a horn -
We will be glad to receive gifts!
Come out, it's going to be hot!

* * *
Kolyada, molyada,
It's Christmas Eve
We will go to everyone,
And we want to ask you,
Open your doors
We are good to you, believe me,
Treat yourself to pies
Bread, fruit, money!
For such treats,
Congratulations to you,
Wishes for health,
And let the house glow with love!

* * *
We accept treats
Let's give everyone the mood,
After all, today is Kolyada,
How quickly the years go by.
We sing and dance for you,
No one is afraid of us now.
Merry Christmas
Open the gate to the house!
Serve us some pancakes
A bunch of different pies
Our parents sent us
So we can get something to eat!

* * *
Hey! The owners of the houses
We say again,
Treat us to food
Our business is young.
We collect what you give
Put it in our big bag,
Bread, buns and jam,
Oh, what a pleasure
Give it to us here!
We wish you, gentlemen:
May you be rich
Generous tycoons,
So that life is like butter,
So that the strength does not fade away,
We'll come again in a year,
We'll sing you songs again!

* * *
Kolyada, Kolyada,
We'll visit everyone at home,
Our feet are frozen
Run along the paths for a long time.
We walk together, sing carols,
We are in icy weather,
Open the doors to us,
We walk through the villages.
They caroled a lot,
We're not tired yet
We continue to work
Just so as not to catch a cold,
Moms weren't worried
We were only admired
That they collected the whole bag,
It contains both oil and honey.
We wish everyone for long years,
And prosperity,
So that business flourishes,
You'll be lucky!

* * *
It's such a Christmas time outside,
Carols have arrived,
We're hitting the road
To see all of us.
We are kind people to you,
Serve us some sweetness!
And candies and cookies,
Even delicious jam.
Unlock your doors
Be happy always
And healthy all the years!

* * *
On the eve of Christmas,
The kids have gathered
And let's go caroling
Collect treats.
Knock-knock, open the door,
We'll sing you a song,
Don't stand on the threshold
We are waiting for some sweets from you!
Maybe you can give me some pancakes?
Or a piece of bread,
And look at us,
For an outfit and a scarf.
So that your health doesn’t go wrong,
We will wish it for you,
So that you always have everything,
May Grace come to you!

* * *
The carols have begun
The boys gathered
To knock on every house,
To sing songs!
Open, treat,
How rich are you now?
You run out of the house,
And dance with us!
For heartfelt gifts,
We wish you health
Your every day will be bright,
Let life be golden!

* * *
Kolyada, Kolyada,
Oh, you are our molyad!
Remove from oven
The pies are browned.
Or a handful of money,
What's under the Christmas tree!
Don't be tormented, come out
WITH kind hearted you wear!
You will always be praised
Here are some bright words for you:
To bring joy to everyone around
Suddenly brought happiness!

* * *
There are carols ahead of us,
We are getting ready for a long journey,
These are the orders -
We come to you with all our hearts.
We are young guys
And of course the daring ones,
We want sweets, cookies,
Lots of different treats!
We bring happiness to every home,
All bad weather will bypass you!
We cordially congratulate you,
And we wish you prosperity,
May Christ love you all,
And He blessed you in everything!

* * *
Kolyada has arrived
She brought a star in the sky.
We go home
Let's sing songs here and there!
The hostess is kind,
Open the gate!
We come in peace
The songs were brought to you.
About health and wealth,
About kindness and peaceful brotherhood.
We will sing to you loudly,
To blow the pipe,
Hit the tambourine hard,
Talk about carols.
Give me a ruble, give me two,
May your head be bright!
Give me a piece of pie,
So that my son doesn't get sick!
Give me a sip of milk,
May your daughter be healthy!
Give some sweets to the bundle,
May hubby love you!
To make it light
Do not spare good things for us!
Don't stand there, don't be bored
Meet Kolyada!

* * *
The birds sing songs,
They chirp happily!
People are really looking forward to the holiday!
They are rushing to meet him!
Christmas comes to the house
May joy settle in him!
Treat us quickly!
It will be more fun together!

* * *
Kolyada, Kolyada,
Christmas Eve
We walk through the yards
We bring happiness to the house
We sing songs to people,
Yes, we are collecting gifts.
Open your oven
Nothing can be saved from us.
Get out the loaf
Cut off the edge for us.
Pour some milk
We haven't left yet.
Get out the lollipops
We have come to you, daredevils!
Salo give us some clothes,
So that there is no loss!
If you give us cutlets -
You will live the whole year without troubles!
If you treat us with cottage cheese,
You will be happy to drink with a cone!
Don't be greedy, get it
Give us a treat!
Make it more fun,
The harvest will be generous!

* * *
You are the hostess with the owner
You will know all our secrets,
If you invite us into your house,
May you treat me from the heart!
Pie or roll,
Or dumplings and borscht.
We'll sing carols for you,
To keep things in order
So that the cattle would multiply,
There was money in the house!
Give us a nickel for the road!
Let's not leave home like that!
Well, or bring us a ruble,
Yes, ask for peace!
Today we bring the news -
And we’ll sing to everyone about the miracle!
Our Savior has already been born
Our redeemer from sins!
Have fun don't get bored
Give us gifts!

* * *
Kolyadushka, Kolyada!
There's a bustle in the yard,
Let us have some cheese and some candy on our doorstep!
Open your suitcase and bring good luck into your home!
Bring a spoon of porridge,
Forgive everyone's sins.
Can you give us some bread?
You will be famous here and there,
If you pour milk,
You won't be lost this year!
Well, give me another nickel -
You will be a master in business!

* * *
Frost outside the window, we arrived on horseback,
Kolyada caught up with us
She brought me to your gate.
You are the owner, welcome us,
Come on, treats!
You will live well,
And don’t worry about troubles.
Bring some salt, cheese,
Ask for a miracle in our house!
Give us a ruble each -
And there will be no decline!
Give me some candy in your pockets -
Forget about the pills -
We bring happiness to everyone and sing Carols!

* * *
The hare ran through the fields,
He met us too!
Invited us to visit you,
And he asked for cabbage.
Give us some cabbage
The table was bursting with snacks!
Pour us some hot tea,
To have many friends.
Give me a nickel in my hands,
Forget about troubles!
Kolyada came to the houses,
Open the gates!
Arrange a reception for us as soon as possible,
And we will move on!

* * *
On Christmas Day the doors open
Guests are on the doorstep.
In heaven the angels are singing,
The roads are covered in snow!
Holiday, holiday is coming to us!
He brings holy news!
Christ the Master is born!
And the celebration is great!
You, mistress, don’t hesitate,
Bring treats!
All the candies mixed together
Treat me to some pies!

* * *
A carol was walking past,
I looked through the gate!
Brought good luck to your home!
Give me some money for change!
Brought the covenants!
Give us candy!
Bede said: Go away!
Give us some pies!
Everyone is happy to see Kolyada here!
Give me the chocolate!
And lemonade too!

* * *
Knock, knock, knock, knock on doors,
Let's not miss a single one!
We have a message for you!
Today is a dear holiday!
Christmas is knocking on your door!
Joy and goodness are rushing to you!
Merry Christmas!
We are waiting for gifts under the window!

* * *
The lights come on!
We did not come to you alone.
With a carol carol,
Dear, kind carol!
Let the house be full!
How kind you are!
We bring you joy
And in return we ask for a treat!

* * *
Kolyada, carol!
I came to you for a sweet treat!
Give me some pies
We wish from the bottom of our hearts,
The walls of the house are strong!
To the hostess - tenacious hands,
So that there is no lack of money,
Money stuck to them!
To the owner - goods,
More! No flaws!
Happiness, joy, good luck!
And love, but with dedication!
Treat me quickly
Kind, affectionate guests!

* * *
A cloud came down from the sky,
With good news!
The bird sang a song,
Sitting on a thin branch!
The Good News is in the air,
Kolyada carries her!
Christmas, Christmas is coming!
Health and joy will bring!
We came with carols!
Treat us to food!
Apples, candies,
We thank you for this!

* * *
In the distance, barely audible,
The bells are ringing.
About the Great Holiday,
They are in a hurry to inform everyone!
The holiday has come to us!
Owners, kind, generous,
Found it at the table!
Peace and happiness to you!
Wealth and love!
Treats, give me,
Pies on the road!
A little candy
So that the children rejoice!

About carols and traditions of their performance

Carols date back to pagan times. There are several versions of their appearance. There is an assumption that in ancient times, even before Christianity, carols were directly related to the cult of the Sun. In those days, people's lives directly depended on the amount of harvest. In fact, carols were originally an appeal to the pagan gods, to the forces of nature. Their main content is the wish for a rich harvest and prosperity in the new year.

After the adoption of Christianity, the ritual of caroling simple people gradually moved to Christmas. The songs themselves have changed. Now, instead of turning to pagan deities and nature, biblical images were glorified. As a rule, the rhythm of the songs was simple, which made them easy to remember. They started caroling from Christmas night until Epiphany. Both adults and children came out to sing songs.

The carolers walked around the village, chose a house and, stopping under the windows, began praising the owners. They acted out entire performances: they put on costumes, masks, and memorized poems and songs in advance. And if something was forgotten, then they added their own to the general laughter. The owners did not skimp on treats, which, to the general noise, were put into large bags prepared in advance. It was customary to generously give gifts to guests. The carolers ate everything together at the end of the day. They believed that the more carolers who looked into the house, the more prosperous life there would be in the new year.

The goat was considered one of the symbols of the holiday. People believed that she could ward off evil spirits from the house and promote well-being. Usually they chose the most active and cheerful guy, who was dressed in a goat costume. And he was already dancing dashingly in front of the owners of the home and other carolers. It was believed that the more interesting and fun this holiday was, the more fertile and fortunate the next year would be.

- one of the most revered holidays in church calendar. According to legend, on the night of January 6-7, Jesus Christ was born - a divine child whose goal was to save humanity. The holiday is accompanied by many rituals and traditions, among which a special place is occupied by carols - biblical songs glorifying Jesus. However, the carol originated long before Christianity, and it was associated with winter solstice-the time of the birth of the god Kolyada and the beginning of the new year. Today, carols are inextricably linked with Christian traditions and involves the use of biblical motifs.

Singing carols is not only a tribute to traditions, but also favorite entertainment kids. Kids have the opportunity not only to glorify Christmas, but also to receive gifts for it!

It all happens as follows: on the evening of January 6, after the first star appears in the sky, marking the birth of Christ, the whole family sits down at the table and eats Lenten dishes. Then adults and children go caroling - they gather in small groups and visit relatives and friends, wishing them well-being and chanting Jesus Christ. Do not let carolers into the house - Bad sign. The owners are waiting for them, having prepared treats and hard cash.

According to traditions, there must be at least three carolers - a star, a bell ringer and a bell bearer. Zvezdar goes first, sings loudly and carries a star, the bell rings the bell loudly to notify everyone about the arrival of the carolers, and the mekhonoshha carries a bag into which the owners of the houses throw gifts - cookies, sweets and money. We offer you a selection of the most popular and melodious carols that will bring the spirit of Christmas to every home.

Texts of carols in Russian

Tyapu-lyapu, quickly give me a carol!
My legs are chilly - I’ll run home.
Whoever gives is the prince,
Whoever doesn’t give in will go to hell!

Hey, beautiful hawthorns!
Hey, naughty girls!
Open the doors wider,
Let the guests in!

Your neighbors are close to you:
Not high, not low,
Not wide, not narrow,
All boyars are purely Russian!

We did not come to you with any hindrance,
And with fun and amusement!

A carol was born
It's Christmas Eve!
Behind the mountain behind the steep,
Beyond the fast river,

The forests are dense,
The fires are burning in those forests!
The fires are burning blazing,
People stand around the lights

People stand and sing carols:
‘Oh carol, carol,
You happen, carol,
It's Christmas Eve!'

Hello, treats
Please accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
I wish you happiness and good health!
Merry Christmas!

May the Lord grant you
And we live and be,
And wealth in everything,
And God grant you, gentlemen,
Good health for many years to come!

Carols, carols, carols -
Pancakes are good with honey!
And without honey - it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, auntie!

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes!
It's Christmas Eve!

Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,
You can’t even pray to God.

Won't you serve me some flatbread?
Let's break the windows.
Won't you serve me the pie?
Let's take the cow by the horns!

Merry Christmas
We came here with goodness
Give us some,
Pie for the path,
So that happiness comes to you,
May you be lucky in everything!

Merry Christmas to you, people,
May you have peace and harmony!
So that you don't know grief,
May you remain in abundance!

So that your home is cheerful,
Beauty bloomed all around
So that you give good things,
They thanked you the same way.

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
He has an octopus,
From grain - a carpet for him,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth!

Happy great holiday,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God is born

We are coming to you, master,
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God is born!

With good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God is born!

You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!

What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
Orders to serve soon:
Pies from the oven,
Or a penny of money,
Or a pot of cabbage soup!

God bless you
A yard full of bellies,
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,
Into the guys' hut,
And take care of the kittens!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

May you live well
Everything you want is given
So that thoughts inspire,
And dreams always come true!

Texts of carols in Ukrainian

I sing a carol for you,
I celebrate the holiday of all of you!

Your house is warm, warm...
Then grab your broom!
Joy has already come to your house,
I brought a good sound!

Be healthy,
Earn new pennies.
I for those that I drank,
Give me a penny for the bacon!

In the blue sky
Little girl has become
All over Ukraine
She sounded the whistle.

What's in Bethlehem,
In the secret of the low one,
The child was born -
Jesus is small.

Jesus was born
Handles are folded,
All those who are embarrassed
It's flying happily.

So stop it
Already sumuvati,
Ukrainian boys,
Beautiful girls.

Girls and boys,
Let's all bow down,
In good hope
We pray to God!

Good evening to you, sir!
Bring us a couple of cowbass,
Oh, go around the stove,
Look for some gossip for us.

Vinesi sala, don’t be stingy,
So that your barley is born,
Just press one hundred kip of life,
So that all the sieves are in the sieve!

There were so many cattle,
So the wheat was born,
The house needs everything -
The carolers were treated to a treat!

A series of months are coming.
Dressed in leather jackets,
Like a shepherdess in a den.

It's a joy for children,
Generous for a hotel
At Llaniya Torbintsi!

Oh, God forbid we wait for Christmas,
Let's go to caroling before grandpa!
And our grandfather has plenty of bread:
Two stitches of life, and the third of wheat
On the palette,
And a quarter of buckwheat for buckwheat,
And the fifth day is the same carol.
Good evening!

Little Jesus doesn’t sleep, doesn’t sleep,
With her hands she embraces them all -
And our hut, and our homeland,
I all of Ukraine.
Christ is giving birth!

Oh, carol-carol!
I walked through the master's field,
I took a bag of grains,
Nivi sowed:

Like, God, it’s lively
For many years to come,
Happy homeland
And all of Ukraine!

Kolyad, Kolyad, Kolyad,
It's a shame to bypass you.
Let me come to your doorstep
Come joy to the New River.

May they bloom in kindness,
May we live happily,
I want this young river
You'll be spoiled for old!

Friends are rich in winter;
On a daily basis and on a holy day
Your tables were bent.
May everyone be healthy!

Grandma, I am alone!
Bring me a pie
Put it near the bag.
With arms, with legs,
Let's run after us!

Oh I'll play the pipe
I'm falling asleep to carols!
For the master and mistress,
There should be a lot of welding in the house,
And the wealth is small,
Share kvitla, otherwise the garden!

The plan has gone wrong,
Like the river of life flowed,
The cornfield was thick with ears
And happily settled in the house!

I'll play the pipe for you,
Having sung a carol to you,
And now I’m standing, sleeping -
I'm checking for a hotel!

I fly with the Holy Day,
I wish everyone good health:
Lord at liberty,
Gentlemen, on your way,
For the boys and girls to party,
Little fun for the children...
Praise to Christ God!

Begla heifer and s bereznichka
That's until the grandfather is in the door.
And you, grandpa, give me some pie!
And you, baby, look at the police.
Give me a stick.
Palyanichka fell,
Give me a piece of lard.
