Doll World Tree (world tree). Dollhouse - which one to buy or how to do it yourself? small tree puppeteer

Photo by Zinaida Zimina.

world tree.

The world tree connects the three tiers of the world.

The roots are in the lower world. The trunk is in the middle, and the branches with fruits, flowers and birds are spread out at the top, in the mountain tier.

There is an apple tree on the bridge, it has a color in all white light (sun)
Bloom in the evening, wither in the morning. (stars)

The lower world is the abode of the serpent, the ruler of the underworld and water.

The upper world is the sky. There is a kingdom of light, sun, heavenly waters. Often at the top of the tree is a bird. This is the sun at the very top of the sky.

The middle world is the earth. It is inhabited by people and animals. The middle of the world tree is the meeting place of man with the Universe, with nature around us. Man inside, in the center of the world. But a person is just a part of a larger whole!

See the photo and diagram at the end of the article

The celebration of a Russian village wedding was accompanied by numerous rituals. By the middle of the 20th century, most of them had lost their original meaning, and some moved into modern wedding traditions. For example, now it is impossible to imagine a wedding feast without a magnificent cake, but earlier a special wedding cake was baked for the wedding.

A round wedding cake was baked at the bride's house on the morning of the wedding day. Usually all the girls and young women of the village participated in its preparation. They also brought food for the future pie.

When the cake was ready, the bridesmaids decorated it with figurines of birds and animals baked from dough. The design of the main wedding treat often included baked human figures, symbolizing the bridegroom's friends and bridesmaids. In the center of the cake stood a stuck-in birch slingshot, decorated with dolls representing the bride and groom. Like other magical wedding paraphernalia, the wedding cake had a deep symbolic meaning.

In the ancient beliefs of the Slavs, the world was likened to a tree, the roots of which symbolized the underworld. The trunk is the world of living people, and the crown is heaven. In legends and tales, it was called the World Tree. The birth of a new family was likened to the birth of the World Tree of Life, the mighty branches of which the young couple were to become.

The wedding cake was solemnly transported to the groom's house, where it became a decoration of the festive table. Pieces of the pie were distributed to the relatives of the bride and groom, which saw the unity of the related families, and the middle of the pie with the "World Tree" was placed by the young.

The World Tree doll is made without stitching with a needle, "so that happiness is not sewn up." The friends vigilantly watched each other so that the ritual figures would not turn away from each other. After the wedding, the World Tree occupied a place of honor in the hut next to other dolls kept in the family.

The basis of the doll is made from dried birch horn without flaws in the little finger thick and about 15 cm long, birchbark is not removed. The horn is carefully broken out without using a knife. First, they make the Bride doll on the left knot of the horn, and on the second knot, the Bridegroom doll.

Manufacturing scheme

First, they make a Bride doll on the left knot of the horn. Approximately 2 cm. the edges of the knot are tightly wrapped with scraps of thread or tow so that a dense ball with a diameter of about 2 cm is obtained.

In the center of a diagonally folded flap of white thin fabric measuring 10x10cm. the ball is laid out so that the straightened diagonal coincides with the plane of the horn or is slightly turned inward towards the fork. Under the thickening, tightly covered with a flap, a red thread is tightly wound 2-3 times and secured with a knot.

The ends of the fabric are folded diagonally inward to the middle and fixed, stepping back 0.5 cm. from the edges of the hem with two or three turns of red thread.

The main attribute of the festive attire of a married woman - poneva - is decorated on a doll from a red flap of fabric measuring 10x15 cm. Comparing the proportions of the doll, they fasten it with a thread of the same color around the waist.
The apron (from a patch of light fabric) differs in color from the poneva fabric. It is fastened with a belt.

A closed headdress is first imitated with a red braid tightly tied around the top of a thickening covered with white fabric.

Then from a thin colorful fabric measuring 10x10cm. a scarf is folded diagonally, which is thrown over the braid and tied in a knot under the doll's chin.

On the second knot, the horns make out the Bridegroom's doll. To do this, a thickening is wound with threads or a tow and covered with a flap of white thin fabric. The ends of the fabric are neatly laid along the knot, measuring the proportions and correlating them with the Bride doll.

The lower part over the white fabric is tightly wrapped several times with a short edge of a piece of dark monophonic fabric measuring 5x10 cm. The flap is fixed at the bottom with a dark thread with two or three turns.

From a patch of colored bright fabric measuring 10x10cm. cut out a cross with a base of 5cm. and a 3 cm crossbar. To cut out a kosovorotka shirt, the flap is torn (cut) in the middle along the wide base: 1.5-2 cm along the front side of the fabric. along and from the left edge of the incision perpendicular to 1 cm.

Through the slot, the flap is pulled over the Groom's doll so that the plane coincides with the plane of the horn or is also slightly shifted inward towards the fork. Secure the flap with a colored belt.

Bend the remaining fabric, secure with a red thread.

Wrap the groom's head first with a light, then a dark cloth. Fasten with thread. Bend then the front side to the back of the head, Finally secure with a thread.

Not so long ago, on the pages of "Cross" we talked about why our Slavic ancestors created amulet dolls. Here we will show each coaster doll in more detail, tell you why and how to make it with your own hands.

joy bird

joy bird- ritual doll, which was used to attract Spring. In order for Spring to come, at the beginning of March, married women, who were the main characters in the rite, and young girls put on bright outfits and went beyond the edge of the village to call for spring. They wore hats in the form of birds, decorated with fur edges and feathers, that is, the women themselves appeared in the form of birds, because they believed that Spring flies on the wings of a bird.

There was even such a sign - if a bird sits on a woman's head, arm or shoulder, then she will be lucky and happy all year.

This doll makes a woman feel her destiny and attractiveness. It is made on birch wood.

Tatiana Bereznaya shows a master class on making a doll-motanka "Bird-Joy":

Doll-Veduchka or Leading to life

Veduchka has always been made by a woman who wanted to be a good mother, who always wanted to understand what her child wants and to educate him correctly. This doll has a special structure: the hands of mother and child are a single whole. Such a twist symbolizes unity, close connection, love and closeness of mother and child.

Mom needs to make a Veduchka doll for her child herself, with her own hands, so that the amulet has more strength and protects him more reliably. And to make such a doll is within the power of any mother who has at least initial sewing skills.

Folk Motanka Doll VEDUCKA can be made according to a master class from the channel 4preschool:

Overcome Grass

Charm doll Overcome Grass has a special sign of the Sun - a solar symbol.

It is believed that all solar signs are very strong protectors. Therefore, our ancestors respectfully treated this amulet! It is also called the Double Sign of Fire, which is a very important and most important Slavic talisman, because it protects a person from all sorts of illnesses and misfortunes. The Slavs dedicated the amulet Odolen-Grass to God Svarog and Radunitsy.

The action of the amulet increases at the time when the child laughs or some good deeds are done. It was believed that the Odolen-Grass doll was able to ward off “evil charm” from a person, in connection with this, in Rus' there has always been a special attitude towards him!

To enhance the effect of the "Odolen-Grass" amulet, they say:

“Amulet Odolen-Grass, help defeat evil people so that they don’t think badly of me, so that they don’t wish evil, they don’t do evil! Slavic amulet Odolen-Grass, help to avert all sidelong glances, bad words, as well as bad deeds!

Herbal Egg

Herbal Egg- healing doll-amulet, which helps to clean the air in the house and prevent diseases. Usually it was placed in that part of the house where the air stagnated, or hung over the cradle. It was necessary to crush the bag of herbs before going to bed to fill the room with aroma, and then the air would become healing and everyone would sleep better.

Actually the body of the Herbal Puppy is the pouch filled with medicinal herbs. The use of the capsule depends on the herbs that the pouch is filled with.

For example, if you want a doll to have a calming effect, fill it with fresh sawdust, bark, pine needles and buckwheat or motherwort, lemon balm and pharmacy chamomile.

You can watch a small master class on creating a Do-It-Yourself Herbal Pot in the video from the "Academy of Development":

Types of herbs and their action

MINT- contributes to the improvement of mental activity. There is a legend that mint is named after the goddess Menta, who personifies intelligence, memory and common sense. It was believed that students during the period of passing exams or those who study philosophy - a difficult science, should wear mint wreaths. Mint contains substances that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, namely phytoncides.

LAVENDER- has high antibacterial properties, and in addition, lavender has a pleasant aroma. It will help you get rid of a severe headache, high blood pressure or relieve pain from intracranial pressure.

MELISSA- has a mild hypnotic effect, is used for violations of the heart rhythm (relieves cardiac arrhythmia), and also relieves nervous trembling, which some people experience at night. Melissa also lowers blood pressure, slows down breathing.

St. John's wort- used for insomnia and neurasthenia.

THYME- has always been considered an excellent antiseptic. Thyme is also anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, bronchodilator, antispasmodic, etc. It is also used as a mild sleeping pill. Thyme is used for bronchitis and excruciating cough.

ORANGE- has a sedative effect. And also with angina kills the microbial flora.

Krupenichka Doll and Rich Man

Slavic amulet dolls Krupenichka And rich man bring abundance to the family. The Krupenichka chrysalis is also called Grain, Grain or Pea. Krupenichka looks simple, but it has a great symbolic meaning, so it has the status of "the main doll in the house."

Among the ancient Slavs, the main type of food was porridge, which, as they believed, gave "powerful vitality", so the process of growing grain was given great importance. So, when sowing grain, the first grains were taken from the bag of this chrysalis, since they had the meaning of “the saved forces of the Nurse of the Earth”.

The Slavs believed that since the earth gives (gives birth) a crop, then the image that this crop gives is female. So Krupenichka is more important, and the Rich Man is at her aid.

Initially, linen or sacking was used in the manufacture of Krupenichka, and buckwheat grain was poured inside. And it was very much appreciated, because it was rare and the attitude towards it was special. Then, by the end of the 19th century, they began to fill Krupenichka with millet, wheat and peas. Hence the names Zernovushka and Pea appeared.

After the new harvest ripened, the chrysalis was again filled with fresh grain, dressed up and placed in the Red Corner or in the kitchen, but always in a prominent place. Krupenichek was always given into the hands of guests or given to children to play, because they believed that the more people hold it, the more energy the grain inside the chrysalis will be saturated and then the next year will be prosperous for the family, they will be lucky and will not suffer hunger. Also, charmed coins could be invested in dolls.

Channel DelkiRu shows how to make a rag doll Krupenichka (Zernovushka) based on Slavic folk dolls:

Yuliana Bryl makes a charm Man-Rich Man:

Russian Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga always associated with evil and deceit, an evil witch who lives in the deep forest. But it's not! Baba Yaga is a good helper and sensible adviser. She will always tell you where to find living water or the Firebird, how to protect yourself from enemies or find loyal friends.

Baba Yaga can be a very good talisman and keeper of the hearth. It is hung on windows or doors as a talisman at home. As they say, she “lets her own people in, but sweeps out strangers,” so they do it with a broom or a broom.

In Rus', the rowan tree was treated with great reverence, just like the Mother! They never broke a mountain ash just like that, because they knew what strong protective qualities it had.

Therefore, the existence in Rus' of such a doll-amulet as Pock. She symbolizes motherhood, female wisdom, home, is a talisman of family happiness, keeping true love from misfortune.

Name days were celebrated at the Ryabinka doll 4 times a year, and it was made only when the fruits ripened - in the fall, on the fourth name day. A person, not knowing the true strength of the mountain ash, a flexible and small tree, sees in its branch the symbol of the Perun Mace (the mountain ash is the berry of the thunder god Perun.).

The amulet doll will have magical properties if it is made on a crosspiece of rowan twigs.

She will be able to relieve depression or damage from the evil eye, protect from the energy of the dead world. To do this, you need to hang a mountain ash in front of or near the front door - it, like a warrior, will protect and will not let negativity into the house.

Channel DelkiRu shares a master class on creating a rag doll of Ryabinka:

benefactor fills the house with joy, brings prosperity and prosperity to it, blocks the penetration of evil forces. If you want to give this amulet, then give with the wishes of well-being.

The chrysalis must be made in one day; the process cannot be transferred to the next.

And inside the doll you need to put a coin with the number 5, because it is 5 that is the number of well-being in numerology.

A five-ruble coin put inside the doll (author - Anastasia Bobrovnikova)

The chrysalis can be put in a conspicuous place, or you can hide it. To determine where to put the doll, you need to trust her choice.

Pick up a doll and stand in the middle of the room, relax and listen to yourself. Wherever your thought takes you, go there.

Even from a distant or hidden place, the Well-Being One will always be on guard, will protect the owners of the house and take care of them, because she is sitting on a Happiness-bag.

Master class on creating a doll of the Beneficent:

Plantain- This is a ritual doll. She was given on the road so that the traveler would be accompanied by good luck. Most often it was made by a mother for her son or a wife for her husband.

Only the one who made it and the one to whom it was made can pick up Plantain.

The image of Plantain consists of a clean (white) face, like all coastline dolls, so that evil spirits cannot move through the face, as well as a bag of grain, so that the traveler always has the opportunity to find food on the road. In the bag they could put the earth taken from the native threshold, or the ashes from the stove at home. It was believed that then a person could always find his way home.

The plantain pupa is made small, about 5-7 cm in height, so that it is convenient to put it in your pocket, backpack or bag, and maybe even in a small clutch or reticule.

amulet successful embodies a person who is successful in any work - in the home or in the monetary sphere, can perform any work efficiently and on time. This nodular doll (motanka) is made to help in any undertaking, in promoting career growth, prosperity, luck in personal life. This is a stately, beautifully dressed, neat doll, which confidently rests on its feet. A cloth bag hangs on her shoulder - she serves as a symbol of the deeds that she can do.

In order for the work performed to bring a stable income, put a coin or banknote in the bag of the Successful!

Every time the case is successful or you receive a cash reward, be sure to thank the Successful Woman, share some money with her or give her a piece of jewelry made of ribbons or beads.

Charm doll Thread of Fate will help get rid of sadness, melancholy and despondency. It will also bring prosperity, prosperity and good luck, help in any endeavors, in work and in the implementation of the plan.

If you think about how you live, what components are the basis of your life, decide to look from the inside or from the side at your behavior, your manners and comprehend all this, then the Thread of Fate doll will help. It will help you cut off everything superfluous, unnecessary and leave only the sincere and pure.

See what else it might look like:

Kolyada- solar symbol. This portly woman, who is dressed in everything smart and new, she maintains good relations in the family. The Slavs believed that when Kolyada comes to the house, happiness, harmony and peace come with her.

Kolyada is an ancient Slavic holiday of the Winter Solstice, also called the holiday of the Birth of the Sun. It began 3 days after the winter solstice and lasted until the end of winter Christmas time.

On the eve of the holiday, a ritual doll Kolyada was made as a symbol of well-being, the fulfillment of the desired, happiness, and, moreover, a talisman against evil forces. It was believed that "God Kolyada comes into the world with light and goodness, having defeated evil and darkness." The fate of Kolyada could be different - it was either left for one year as a talisman, or burned on the last day of Christmas.

They made carols only from new fabric and on a birch log. Birch is a tree symbolizing light, femininity and purity, protecting from the evil eye and treating melancholy. Kolyada has 2 bags in his hands - the first with grain, the other with salt. These are symbols of goodness, prosperity and fertility.

Shestiruchka considered the patroness of women's crafts. She is an indispensable assistant for those who are engaged in needlework. Shestiruchka will save your hands from fatigue, help you properly distribute work so that you have enough time and energy for all things. Sometimes Shestiruchka is also called Filippovka. She has a bundle with grains and coins hanging on her belt so that everything she does with her own hands brings profit.

Kupalo helps to find true and bright love, restores vitality, removes sadness and longing, treats depression and strengthens the bonds of marriage.

The ancient holiday - the day of Kupala - is full of mysticism, will take.
And the ignorant, it used to be, will find the answer for himself.
On a clean holiday - Kupala Day, let trouble burn with fire,
And water, like a veil, will hide grief forever.

Bell considered a doll of good news. She comes from Valdai. From her came the Valdai Bells.

From ancient times, the ringing of a bell protected from various terrible and deadly diseases. And also bells were always hung on an arc on festive triplets. Bells have a domed shape and resemble the sun from above.

The doll has 3 skirts. They indicate that any person has 3 kingdoms - copper, silver and gold.

Happiness also consists of 3 parts - the body is good, which means the soul is calm, and if the soul is calm, then the spirit is calm, which means the person is happy.

The bell is a cheerful, mischievous doll, with its enthusiasm brings joy to the house. She is a charm of good mood. Give a bell to the one to whom you wish joy, good mood and only good news.

tenhandle- a great helper in household chores. Women or girls made a ten-handle to add strength in housekeeping. The chrysalis was often given as a wedding gift to brides, and if the woman was already married, then she was given for the Filippovka holiday, which was celebrated on November 27th. At the same time, they wished the hostesses to be in time everywhere and in everything without unnecessary expenditure of effort, figuratively speaking, having 10 hands.

The Ten-handed doll was made for the holiday of the Intercession, by October 14th. They made it from bast bast, red threads, multi-colored ribbons and flax in strands. At the bottom, on the hem of the sundress, 9 bows of red threads were necessarily tied. A ten-handle could be made from straw or bast, and then they called it a splinter.

When women made a doll, they really hoped for her help, so they put their soul, their intentions, secrets and energy into it. Consequently, the process acquired special significance.

Until the doll is completely ready, do not let go of it, do not break away from the manufacturing process, and it is not even recommended to have conversations with anyone at this time! And when the Ten Hand is ready, read a prayer over it and leave it under the icon for the night.

This doll helped not only at home, but also in the field. She was even taken to church to cleanse all the negativity accumulated in her. At home, Ten Hands was planted where the hostess was most often. She was never given into the hands of strangers and children were never allowed to play with her.


Swaddles These are protective dolls for the little ones. They were always placed in the cradle of a baby, so that the doll protected from diseases and the evil eye. And they also helped women during childbirth.

The swaddle, like all dolls-amulets, has no face. The Slavs believed that if the doll has its own face, then it can only take care of itself, and when the doll is faceless, it protects everyone living in the house, the house itself or the specific person for whom the doll was made.

The diaper is a doll wrapped in a diaper with a handkerchief and with a swaddling belt. Since ancient times, all children were swaddled with a swaddling cloth, this had both practical and protective significance.

Women made Swaddles in the last weeks of pregnancy, with positive thoughts about their future child, and immediately put her in the cradle so that the chrysalis lived in and warmed her.

The size of the swaddle is such that it can easily fit in the child's hand. To create a chrysalis, they used a piece of already worn clothes from a fabric made at home and keeping the warmth of an adult, and such fabric could also provide birth protection. In the manufacture, neither scissors nor needles were used, so as not to injure the doll.

There is a belief that before the baptism, the newborn must be protected from evil spirits, and the Swaddle must take on all the bad things that can harm the baby.

Putting the Pelenashka in the cradle, you need to say:
"Drowsy is insomnia, don't play with my baby, play with this doll."

And when relatives and friends came to look at the child, the doll was placed in the folds of a handkerchief.

Leaving, the guests said to Pelenashka: “Oh, how good the doll is!”

After the child was baptized, the Pelenashka was removed from the cradle and kept together with the baptismal garment.

Pupae Lovebirds

Lovebirds- a ritual wedding doll-amulet, which has a great symbolic meaning. It is named so because the chrysalis is made as a whole. Both parts, man and woman, are inseparable, they have one common hand, as a symbol of family union and a common destiny. A doll is usually given as a wedding present to newlyweds or already married couples, so that the family is stronger.

A special feature of the Lovebirds is the common arm based on a long wooden torch. It was made by bridesmaids as a symbol of masculine and feminine principles.

Lovebirds are a talisman of a strong family and a symbol of life together, they, as they say, go "hand in hand." In the same way, a wife and husband should always be one in every situation, in trouble and in joy.

To this day, there is a tradition to give Lovebirds for a wedding. They make Lovebirds with their own hands and give from the bottom of their hearts to the nascent family with wishes to always be inseparable.

According to an ancient Russian tradition, Lovebirds were hung under the arc of a harness of horses carrying the newlyweds to the groom's house from the church after the wedding. Our ancestors tirelessly believed that the fate of any person can be influenced by making him a similar figure, both in a negative and in a positive sense. Therefore, the "wedding train" certainly received special attention. Outside the walls of their home, the newlyweds were considered especially vulnerable to all sorts of negative manifestations, such as envious glances or the tricks of evil sorcerers. The wedding train was steered in such complicated ways, lined up with barriers to deceive all those evil spirits and cover their tracks.

The wood for the manufacture of the torch was carefully selected, not every tree is suitable for such a job. For example, they never took branches of alder or linden, because, as the Slavs believed, they were related to evil spirits. First, the female part is done, then the male part. Then they are attached to this torch, thereby securing their own position on the family tree. Be sure the dolls should have something in common in clothes - the same pattern on the belts or color.

Lovebirds were not just kept in the Red Corner after the wedding, but also with the advent of children, Martinchik pupae were added to them. Martinchiki were tied from bundles of white thread. Lovebirds were moved apart in different directions and children were planted on a torch between them. There were as many as there were children in the family.

Doll Spiridon-solstice

Spiridon-solstice- a ritual doll, which was made to achieve the desired changes in life. It was believed that Spiridon-Solstice, turning the wheel that he holds in his hands, turns life in the desired direction.

Spiridon-Solstice is associated with the ancient Slavic god Svarog. It was believed that he created people and crafts, and is also the patron saint of family ties.

The wheel in his hands depicts the Sun and has eight spokes. Thanks to the sun, which gives light and heat, all living things exist and function. The Sun also gives everyone responsibility and punctuality, because it gives light to everyone equally and it always rises on time, and where there is responsibility, there will always be prosperity.

For a man, Spiridon is a good assistant in business, business and household. It is also given to motorists as a talisman. Spiridon-Solstice helps to hold the steering wheel tighter.

Spiridon helps a woman to seize the helm of life with her own hands, choose her life path, be “at the right time in the right place”, and also achieve success in creativity and business.

Wooden dolls - grandmother and grandfather.

Wooden dolls and little men today are produced by different manufacturers - mine (which are in the photo in this article) - most likely from MDI (World of Wooden Toys), at least some of them. Bought a long time ago, at different times and in different places, so perhaps there are not only MDI dolls, but also other manufacturers too.

The dolls are wonderful, children love them very much, and not only babies, but also older children. It is good to play with such dolls with a doll house, they can be put on horses, etc.

Wooden dolls - mother (in a checkered dress) and three daughters.

The dolls are made simply - wire legs and handles, wooden at the end, they can stand on their own. Clothes are not removed, you can not change clothes. True, I saw similar dolls for sale, created specifically for playing dress-up games - in the set there are a couple of dolls and many details of clothes for them.

Hair is yarn.

Dolls can be put on chairs (legs bend), handles can be raised, etc.

In general, excellent toys, in the spirit of Waldorf pedagogy, which is especially good - you can finally assemble a full-fledged FAMILY, because there are dolls not only for mom and dad, but also for grandparents, kids, kids, etc.

The growth of the dolls is not large, but not miniature either, about 12-15 cm, just right for 1:12 scale dollhouses, everything from the House of Dreams suits them perfectly.

I have a whole company of such dolls - parents, grandparents, plus three girls, and three boys. The baby is just not enough. :-)

Such dolls are also produced by PlanToys (PlanToys) - you can assemble a family, Toys Pure (here are just sets with clothes), Bilanik. and Bino, Germany. Bino also has great ones!! animals. You can build a farm for little men.

Where to buy wooden dolls:

There is Bino in Myshop, there are different animals, and sets for kids, and wooden railways ... there are a lot of pages in the catalog, scroll through, and here is the section Wooden toys (of different manufacturers), you can also search there. There are interesting toys "hut-baby".

December 2011 - such a wonderful family of wooden dolls of 6 people appeared. This is not Bino, but MDI toys (World of Wooden Toys).

I also have it on my website, there are more details and there are links specifically to doll families where they are sold. There is also a house for dolls - immediately with furniture!

PlanToys - there are also little men - see the review article.

Today, there are a large number of ready-made toy houses on the children's goods market, and the variety of types, sizes and materials used to make them can amaze both adults and children. At the same time, you can choose both large doll houses and small ones.

Big doll houses

The most popular doll houses (play houses) are houses made made of wood or plastic. As a rule, they are installed in the garden, in the country house or in the yard of your own house. Thus, the child can spend more time outdoors playing with his toys and dolls.

As far as design is concerned, such houses for dolls are made in the form of a castle or a fortress. Also in the market of children's toys you can find two-story models of houses with a variety of horizontal bars and slides. They have a strong base and are very durable. The roof will cover the child not only from the rain, but also from the scorching sun. The dimensions of such structures are quite large, which in turn allows them to accommodate not only all the toys, but also a large number of friends! However, before buying, you should consider that such playhouses should be bought for children from one year and older.

If you want to give a gift to your daughter, you can buy for her house for dolls. This is the so-called compact version, which provides for indoor play. They can be installed in any room - nursery, living room or playroom. Usually they are made in the form of a palace for a princess, a gingerbread house or a beautiful mansion. In such dollhouses, the child will put all his toys and put things in order in it on his own. These houses do not have sharp corners, thus being absolutely safe.

Buy a similar wooden house you can in the Imaginarium toy network - Amanda's wooden dollhouse, the issue price is 16900 rubles.

Little dollhouses

They are also made in various materials. The most common models are made from wood. They are perfect for playing with dolls. As a rule, it is better to buy wooden dollhouses with toys in order to eliminate the need to subsequently look for dolls that fit the size of the house. A variety of accessories (household appliances, furniture, dishes) can also be purchased additionally.

Popular dollhouses are sets made of plastic, as the kit already has all the necessary accessories and furniture. They are made with all sorts of sound and light effects. As a rule, manufacturers use very bright colors for their design. Externally, such structures are made in the form of a palace (castle), a country house or a farm. For a number of models, manufacturers additionally produce various interesting outbuildings, pools, guest houses, gazebos, balconies or terraces, so during the game the child can show imagination and create comfort on his own.

Inexpensive doll house

It’s not a pity to throw money at simple IKEA doll houses, given that they are made from safe materials.

For example, the SPECA house is made from 100% recycled whole cardboard, paper, polypropylene.

Or FLISAT - a house-hinged shelf made of solid pine. It is also convenient to buy furniture for these houses here.

Here is such a soft and rather large LANDET farm-house sold earlier in Ikea, very convenient, because it folds into a chest.

But we would advise to refrain from plastic. Children quickly become bored with bright colors and the impossibility of alteration. The exception is Lego DUPLO - a dollhouse, which is a constructor. It can be easily disassembled and reassembled, choose construction options. Even the smallest children can play in such a house, since there are no small details.

Original ideas for creating a do-it-yourself dollhouse

By the way, doll houses can be made independently You just need to be patient and turn on your imagination. On the Internet you can find a lot of various master classes, as well as drawings for making doll houses with your own hands. This process is very entertaining! Try to connect a child to the process of creating it, then the doll house will fully meet all his interests and wishes. Such work will not only bring joy to your child, but also allow him to develop his creative potential.

We bring to your court some interesting ideas on how to create a dollhouse with your own hands.

Doll house from an old locker

If you still have an old locker, do not rush to throw it away, all you need is to paint it on the outside with paint (choose a paint with high environmental friendliness) and wallpaper the inside. So, you have the frame of the future house ready! Do not forget to divide it into rooms and, of course, decorate the windows. It remains only to fill it with furniture (you can buy ready-made or make it yourself) and seat the dolls in their places.

House from an old bookcase

To make it, you need cardboard and beautiful paper. We place the bookcase near the wall, with the help of electrical tape on the wall we “finish” the pipe and the roof (of course, you can draw this with a marker, but it is easy to remove the electrical tape if necessary).

House made of cardboard boxes

To make it, you will need: cardboard boxes of various sizes, pieces of wallpaper, wrapping paper, pencils or felt-tip pens. We glue the cardboard boxes together, giving them the shape of a house. With the help of wrapping paper and pieces of wallpaper we make the interior, and with pencils (felt-tip pens) we draw windows and various accessories. Of course, such a house will not be very strong, but it will allow your child to show all his creativity and imagination.

Doll house made of MDF (plywood)

In order to make and assemble such a house, man's strength is needed. You will need the following materials: plywood (MDF), PVA glue (for gluing house parts), a jigsaw (manual or electric), ready-made drawings (you can find them in large quantities on the Internet), leftover wallpaper, linoleum, bright rags and, of course, , patience. And to make the finished house mobile, you can attach wheels to its base, this will later allow it to be moved to any room.

Textile doll house

Perhaps this option is the most convenient and safe, while it is no worse than the previous ones. Everything you need to make it is bright textiles, filler and ready-made patterns (they can also be found on the Internet). The main principle of its creation is that individual cardboard parts are sheathed with fabric and then assembled into a single structure. The advantages of such a house is that you can safely wash it and take it with you on the road. Often it is designed in the form of a handbag.

When buying or making a house for dolls with your own hands, you should remember that this is not just a whim, but also very educational and educational toy for your child, which allows you to develop fine motor skills, master communication skills and the domestic environment, has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Dollhouse - photo

So numerous in their company, how diverse and versatile was the life of the ancient Slavs, because each of, or reveal to us only one part of the being of our ancestors. At the moment, we have talked about sixty different folk Slavic dolls on our website, while some researchers claim that there are more than a hundred of them in total. This makes me happy, because I like to stay in a topic I like for a long time, and, besides, there is so much interesting and useful information around these dolls that each of them can bring me new knowledge, which otherwise would hardly reach me. ever got there.

For people at all times there have been, are and will be several concepts or objects, the attitude towards which has always been especially respectful and revered, at least for most people - this is the fatherland, family and faith. Defending their homeland, their loved ones and their gods, people, without hesitation, gave their lives throughout the millennia of human existence with full awareness of the importance of preserving the integrity of their land, the lives of their loved ones and religious traditions for the successful continuation of their kind.

Our topic today is the family, or rather, the rag doll amulet of the World Tree, which is its amulet.

What is the relationship between family and tree? - asks Veselina, - And what does the dolls have to do with it?

In general, if you understand, then there is a lot in common between people and trees, - I began to tell, inspired by such a shown interest, - for example, if you schematically draw a line of any kind from ancestors to descendants on paper, including at least 3-4 generation, then we get nothing more than a tree structure.

No, no, no, you already talked about the family tree, my memory doesn’t fail me, ”Veselin interrupted my flight,“ let’s talk closer to the puppets today, otherwise we’ll get into such jungle again that we forget where we started.

Well, nothing to do, back to the essence of today's topic.

Doll World Tree - history and meaning

The World Tree doll (World Tree, Grove) is a paired rag doll containing three images - female, male and the image of the family, as an integral structural element of the family. We have already met with paired dolls - each of them has its own characteristics and purpose.

This doll symbolizes the creation of a new family, as if new branches have grown on the world tree, on which flowers will soon bloom, then fruits and new seeds will appear. All this is the essence - the continuation of life. Previously, family unions were always accompanied by cheerful and crowded holidays - weddings, at which several dozen wedding ceremonies were performed in turn, aimed at the family happiness of the newlyweds, the strength of their union, happiness and health.

As usual, rag dolls were important elements of most of the wedding ceremonies of the ancient Slavs. We are already familiar with some, for example, the Lovebird doll,. The World Tree doll entered the stage already in the midst of the wedding, when a large wedding cake was brought to the table, in the center of which this doll was placed. Having treated themselves to a piece of cake, the guests, as it were, became witnesses to the formation of a new family union, while the middle part with the doll was given to the bride and groom. The cake was eaten, and the World Tree doll was kept in the family along with other dolls throughout its (family's) existence.

The very name of the doll "World Tree" testifies to the symbolic representation of one huge tree as a connecting link of three worlds - Reveal, Navi and Svarga, that is, the underworld of spirits, the world of living people and the world of bright gods. Our ancestors clearly understood that everything around is interconnected, without day there is no night, without good there is no evil, and so on. The place of an individual in this construction is a branch on a tree trunk, two branches nearby can create their own family and continue the growth and power of the world tree. It is this meaning - the creation of a new happy family union that denotes the presence of the World Tree doll at the wedding feast.

Despite the fact that participation in the wedding ritual involves the ritual purpose of the doll, her whole subsequent life consists in protecting family happiness and health as long as this family exists. Therefore, it would be fair to attribute the World Tree doll to the Slavic amulets, which we did.

And now you can move on to the practical part, in which I will tell you how our rag doll World Tree is made.

Doll World Tree - how to make

The basis for this doll is a branch with a fork, like the one that the boys choose for a slingshot. A female doll is made on one branch, a male doll is made on the other. The technology of making the head, torso and arms in both cases depends on the preference of the author. I chose the nodular version, in which a square flap is superimposed on the center of a bunch of linen tow wound around the end of a branch, and fixed with a red thread at the level of the neck. The two lateral ends of the flap turn into arms, the anterior and posterior ones fill the volume of the torso.

Doll World Tree, and together - a family.

Women's clothing can vary significantly, because the choice of the author of the doll is determined by the folk traditions existing in the region of his residence. In my case, this is a sundress, an apron, a belt, a warrior and a scarf. The chest of the doll is formed by a small soft fabric twist, which is placed under the front end of the flap from the head.

Doll World Tree, with one foot the groom, as it were, stands on the fork of the base branch.

The guy is dressed in pants, a shirt with a belt and a hat. Please note that one leg is a stick that holds the doll. The color scheme of clothes can be any, corresponding to your ideas about beauty and durability, since the doll must live for more than one decade. I’m already set on edge for variegation, so the remnants of linen patches in bright but calm colors just came in handy.

That's interesting, but how will they go to work? - chuckling asks Veselina, slowly pushing the doll to the exit, - Separately or together?

Don't worry, maybe they will have a family contract, - I answered, - you, most importantly, make sure that they always look at each other, do not turn away, so they will take care of each other and keep family happiness.

Okay, okay, I'll follow. - came to me already from the gate.

Veselina, out of her habit, immediately began to ask the dolls about something, and a minute later they were all giggling merrily, probably discussing what useful things for the economy could be grown on the world tree and what kind of yield was planned for this year.

That's all for me today, thanks for your attention, I wish everyone happiness, understanding and love, bye.
