Rules of conduct for kindergarten students. Necessary rules of conduct in kindergarten for children Rules of conduct for a dow group

The rules of behavior in kindergarten for children need to be known to all parents and educators who must convey to preschoolers safe types of interaction in a group. There are several classifications that make up a certain minimum.

Every parent wants their child to be safe in a preschool. However, this will not be possible if the children do not understand how to behave correctly in a group. It is for this reason that a list of special rules has been drawn up.

The first and most important rules are to determine the maximum number of children in the different play areas. Crowds must not be allowed to gather. For example, no more than 4 people are allowed in the puppet area, the same rule applies to other play areas.

For a child, there are the following rules of conduct:

  • It is forbidden to throw toys, balls, cubes and other objects at each other. You can not push and avoid conflict situations if possible. If this still happened, then the educator plays a decisive role in this case. He is obliged to calm the children and exhaust the conflict.
  • It is forbidden to bring various dangerous objects with you to the kindergarten, which can prick or lead to cuts. It is advisable not to take your toys from home. Candy, cookies and medicines are also banned.
  • Board games provide only a certain area. Do not take small parts and other items from the game box. Before leaving, all parts must be folded into place.
  • Play by the rules. Do not interfere with other participants. You should not climb under the table and stand on the chairs with your feet.
  • Scissors may only be used after permission from the teacher.
  • It is forbidden to independently approach the tape recorder and turn it on.
  • You can not go into the washing room without permission.

Rules of conduct in the toilet area and bedroom

The behavior of the child in the toilet and washing area must comply with the following rules:

  • Only 6 people are allowed to enter the toilet or go to the sinks.
  • Hands should be washed with soap and then dried with a towel. The toilet bowl must be flushed after each use and apply toilet paper, after which it is imperative to wash your hands.
  • You can not violate the rules of behavior in the toilet: splash water from the tap, throw foreign objects into the toilet, climb onto the radiators.
  • It is necessary to rinse your mouth after eating, using special water prepared by the teacher in a glass. In this case, it is not recommended to use tap water and even more so to swallow it.

Rules of conduct in the bedroom:

  • Before going to bed, it is advisable to brush your teeth or rinse them with water from a special container. Be sure to visit the toilet. You can not play in bed with any foreign objects.
  • Clothes should be neatly placed on chairs, which should be in the right place. Avoid throwing pillows and other bedding.
  • You can't run to the bedroom. You should move calmly, not overtaking the person in front. Do not trip, push or pull clothing.
  • When opening and closing the door, be careful not to stick your fingers.
  • If an injury occurs by accident, it is necessary to inform the teacher about it.
  • When going to bed, it is recommended to remove glasses if the child wears them constantly.

Additional rules for the behavior of the child

The rules of a child's behavior in kindergarten are also supplemented by the following list, which is relevant when visiting a speech therapist. First of all, you need to rinse your throat and mouth and wash your hands. The door to the office should be opened and closed only by the educator or speech therapist. Entering the room and leaving it, it is forbidden to push and put steps.

You are not allowed to bring toys into the office. Classes in front of a mirror are carried out only under the supervision of a speech therapist. If any tool is accidentally dropped, then it must be washed. You can't use it dirty.

It is forbidden to arrange and take chairs and other objects without the permission of a speech therapist. You can not climb on the table and get tools and things from the closet.

Wash your hands and go to the toilet before going to the clinic. It is necessary to go only accompanied by a teacher. In the nurse's office, you can not take anything without asking and put it in your mouth. Be calm and don't raise your voice. During the vaccination, you need to stand still and not twitch. It is not recommended to scream, because in this way other children will be frightened. Parents should explain to the child that the vaccination is done for the good, and the procedure itself is not fraught with anything terrible.

Tasks: To expand and consolidate children's knowledge of safe behavior in kindergarten;

To form in children the ability to apply the learned rules of behavior;

To form in children the need to behave in accordance with safety rules;

Encourage children to share their knowledge with peers and the teacher.

Methods and techniques: practical; visual; verbal (conversations, artistic word); surprise moment.

Materials and equipment: doll Masha; danger signs; pencil (for experience); medals-awards; encyclopedia "Rules of conduct for educated children".



Plan-summary of the lesson for the middle group.

Subject: “These rules are important, we must follow them”

(Rules for safe behavior in kindergarten)


1) Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in kindergarten.

2) To form in children the ability to apply the learned rules of safe behavior.

3) To form in children the need to behave in accordance with safety rules.

4) Teach children to share their knowledge with peers and the teacher.

Methods and techniques:


2) Visual;

3) Verbal: conversations, artistic word;

4) Surprise moment.

Materials and equipment:

1) Doll Masha;

2) Danger signs;

3) Pencil (for experience);

4) Medals-awards;

5) Encyclopedia: "Rules of conduct for educated children"

Lesson progress:

- Hello guys. Today we will not just have an occupation: we will find dangerous places in the group and think about how you can avoid trouble. We will also try to remember the rules of behavior in kindergarten.

(the child recites a poem about kindergarten)

Somebody's knocking on the door.

Guys, I think someone came to us. Let's get a look.

(Masha doll appears at the door)

Hello Masha.

- (Masha) Hello. Please accept me into your group. I also want to play and learn with the guys.

Guys, let's take Masha to our group?

(children's answers)

Come in Masha, sit on a chair with the guys.

(Masha runs and hits the corner of the table, starts crying)

Guys, it seems to me that Masha has already found one dangerous place in our group. What do you think?

(children's answers)

Well done guys, of course, this is a table. Guys, why did the table suddenly become dangerous? Does he bite? Scratched?

(children's answers)

Guys, the table will not be dangerous for us if we do not run in a group. It is so? Guys, let's all think together that it can become dangerous for us if we run in a group. Let's find these places.

(Children one by one approach the teacher, take danger signs and mark dangerous places with them)

Well, Masha, now you understand why you hit?

- (Masha) I understand, I will no longer run in a group.

Well done, and now you can sit down with the guys.

(Masha goes to the chair and stands on it with her feet)

What are you doing Masha? You can fall again!

(doll falls off chair)

Guys, let's take pity on Masha and explain to her what she did wrong again.

(children's answers)

Well done boys. Here we told you one more rule of behavior in kindergarten: you can’t climb high objects (chairs, tables, cabinets, window sills)

Guys, which of you can name other rules of conduct in kindergarten?

(Children recite verses about the rules of conduct)

-(Masha) Thank you guys, you taught me how much, but if you want, I'll show you something. (Experience: a door and a pencil). Look, guys, what can happen if you put your finger in a closing door.

(The hero approaches the door, holds a pencil in the opening and abruptly closes the door. The pencil breaks)

Guys, what happened to the pencil?

(children's answers)

Yes, guys, the pencil broke, but someone's finger could have been in place of the pencil. Do you think it hurts a lot?

(children's answers)

Here's another rule for us: you can't play around with doors and put your fingers in the door slot.

Guys, are you tired? Let's play with you. (The game "Do it like me" is being played) Well done, guys! And now sit down on the chairs, we will play the game "What's good, what's bad."

Guys, today you are all great. We all remembered a lot of safety rules together. They explained to Masha how to behave in kindergarten so as not to get into trouble. Masha, do you remember everything?

-(Masha) Yes, guys, I remember all the rules and I will definitely follow them. I also know how to walk up the stairs correctly. Do you know?

(Children's answers: do not run, do not push, hold on to the railing)

Well done boys. Have you memorized all the rules?

(children's answers)

Guys, why do we need all these rules?

(children's answers)

Guys, I think that today you all deserve medals. Now I will reward you all for knowing the rules of safe behavior in baby soda well and helping Masha teach these rules.

(Children are awarded medals)

Now take Masha by the hand and you can go play.

Short-term project: "Rules of Conduct"

Target: creating a “book of rules of conduct” with children and following the rules given in it.
Educational: developing the ability to follow independently created rules.
Developing: development of intellectual and cognitive abilities, based on age and individual characteristics.
Educational: cultivate mutual respect, polite treatment, the ability to yield and compromise.
Project relevance:
Based on the analysis of the behavior of the pupils of the group, it became clear that children do not perceive the rules that are “imposed” on them by teachers; children very often enter into conflict situations, while boys do not focus on who they are in conflict with - they very often offend girls.
The group consists of ordinary children and children with disabilities, therefore it is very important to educate children in tolerant behavior and a desire to help their peers.
The formation of friendships and abilities for compassion, mutual respect and mutual assistance in childhood largely depends on the pedagogical work carried out in the preschool institution, and also affects the further development of the child.
Project participants:
Teachers: group educators, junior educator.

Pupils of the middle group.
Parents and other family members of pupils.
Project duration: one month.
Expected result: creation of own rules of conduct, self-control and mutual control over compliance with the rules, appropriation of moral and social norms of behavior.
Mastering knowledge of the results of undesirable behavior in various situations.
The manifestation of kindness, care, respect for peers and adults.
The emergence of the ability to analyze their own actions and the actions of the children of the group.

Preparatory stage:
Analysis of activities, behavioral reactions, relationships and culture of behavior of the pupils of the group.
Setting goals and objectives of the project and building an algorithm of actions.
Main stage:
Cognitive activity: Conversation with children about the rules of conduct and creating a collage "rules of conduct in kindergarten"
Children's staging of violations of the rules, staging of problem situations and their solutions.
Creating a rule book based on children's diagrams / drawings.
Discussion of the received book.
Emphasizing children on the implementation of the rules adopted in the rule book.
Speech development: Reading literature: "The Big Book of Rules of Conduct for educated children" G. P. Shalaeva.
Reading and memorizing poems about the rules of conduct.
Analysis together with the children of their behavior during the day.
Working with parents: Choosing a rule for children and creating a scheme / picture for this rule together with parents.
The choice of the topic of the project being implemented is based on the age characteristics of the children of the middle group, and their ability to perceive information in the proposed volume and form of its provision, which will reduce the number of conflict situations and provide new algorithms for their solution. This project is aimed at improving the psychological climate in the group, as well as at facilitating the work of the group's teachers.

Keep order and order will keep you. (Latin saying)

A modern preschooler is a child who keeps up with the times. All the laws of its development are always carried out in the specific conditions of education and are closely connected with the attitudes and ideas of the parents. Recently, the world around us, and hence the attitudes of parents, have changed dramatically in many ways.
Educators and parents are increasingly noting with concern that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with their peers. Some are due to their personal characteristics, while others are inability to follow certain norms of behavior in a peer group.
Opportunities for solving these problems are provided by the organization of joint activities of children, during which they learn to interact with both peers and adults.

Formation of conscious behavior of preschoolers in a team; creating a friendly atmosphere.

1. To form the skills of cultural behavior when communicating with peers in various types of children's activities.
2. To form the skills of cultural behavior with adults.
3. Enrich the relationship between children and parents with the experience of communication in joint activities.
4. Creation of the album "Rules of conduct in the New Year" (together with parents).
5. Creation of an album our rules in the group (caregivers).
6. Rules of our group (teachers together with children).


The project is short-term (designed for one week).
The project will include:
Educators and children
Children and their parents.

1. Establishing a friendly relationship between children.
2. Reduction of children's conflict.
3. Enrichment of the skill of cultural behavior.
4. Creating a favorable atmosphere in the group.
5. Formation of conscious behavior.
6. Familiarization of children and parents with the rules of conduct at the holiday (New Year).

Implementation of project stages:
Stages Work content Deadline
- a message to parents about the project
- involvement of parents in the creation of the album "Rules of conduct at the holiday"
- selection of didactic games
- selection of outdoor games
-selection of methodological literature
- project writing
Schedule of project events:
Types of children's activities Location Responsible Term
Drawing: The rules of our group.
From 7 to 14 December 2015
P/I "Bubble"
P/I "Taxi"
P / I "Snowflakes and wind"
Conversations: "I am alone at home", "If you are in danger", "Fire is friend or foe", "Rules of conduct at the New Year's holiday".
D / I "Professions", "D / I" Think and Guess.

Learning a series of verses: dangerous objects.

Annex No. 1 (description of games)

Mobile game "Bubble".
Purpose: To teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, they will teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.
Description: Children, together with the teacher, join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:
Blow up, bubble
Blow up, big one
stay like this
Don't crash.
The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst! " Then they lower their hands and squat down, saying at the same time: "Clap! » You can also invite the children after the words “bubble burst” to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh” at the same time - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again - step back, forming a large circle.

Mobile game "Taxi".
Purpose: To teach children to move together, to measure movements with each other, to change the direction of movements, to be attentive to partners in the game.
Description: Children get inside a large hoop (1 m in diameter, Hold it in their hands down: one is on one side of the rim, the other is on the opposite side, one after another. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along track After a while, change roles.

Mobile game "Snowflakes and wind".
Purpose: To develop coordination of movements.
Description: The teacher invites the children to gather in a circle, hold hands. Says they will be snowflakes. At the signal of the teacher: “The wind blew strong, strong. Fly away, snowflakes! "- the children scatter in different directions in the group, spread their arms to the sides, sway, spin around.
The teacher says: “The wind has died down. Come back, snowflakes, to the circle! » The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Didactic game "Professions".
Material: subject pictures with tools, plot pictures with images of people of different professions.
Purpose: To consolidate the names of professions and the actions that they perform.
To teach to correlate tools of labor with the profession of people;
Raise interest in the work of adults, the desire to help them,
Take on the roles of people of different professions in creative games;
Enrich and replenish the vocabulary of words on the topic;
Develop imagination, thinking, word formation skills.
The game is intended for children of preschool age
Game rules: name the profession in accordance with the tools, remember where you saw such an employee.
Game actions: search for the right items.
Game option:
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that unusual cards have appeared in the group, and gives the children cards with images of labor symbols. Then he proposes to consider them and say what objects are depicted on the cards, summarizing these objects “tools of labor”. The teacher asks the children about the people who use the depicted tools. Children are invited to find a plot picture that depicts a person using these items. The game task is considered completed when all the children correctly correlated all the cards of "labor models" and plot pictures.
At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to talk about the profession they have chosen, about how a person in this profession uses tools.

Didactic game "Think - Guess".
Tasks: to activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify the idea of ​​​​transport and traffic rules; cultivate ingenuity and resourcefulness.
Rules: it is necessary to give the correct individual answer, and not shout it out in unison. The one with the most points for correct answers wins.
Children sit in a semicircle.
Educator: I want to know who is the most resourceful and quick-witted in our group. I will ask you questions, whoever knows the correct answer should raise their hand. You can't answer in chorus. Whoever answers correctly first gets a token. At the end of the game, we will count the chips and find out the winner. Whoever has the most of them wins.
- How many wheels does the car have? (Four.)
How many people can ride on one bike? (One.)
- Who walks on the sidewalk? (A pedestrian.)
- Who drives the car? (Driver.)
What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (Crossroad.)
What is the roadway for? (For traffic.)
On which side of the road is the vehicle moving? (On the right.)
- What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or traffic accident.)
- What is the upper light on the traffic light? (Red.)
- At what age are children allowed to ride a bicycle on the street? (From the age of 14.)
- How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Two.)
- How many signals does a traffic light have? (Three.)
What animal does the crosswalk look like? (On the zebra.)
- How can a pedestrian get into the underpass? (Down the stairs.)
- If there is no sidewalk, where can pedestrians move? (On the side of the road on the left, towards the traffic.)
- Which machines are equipped with special sound and light signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police cars.)
- What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Rod.)
What signal does the car give when turning right? (Blinks the right small light.)
- Where should you play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground.)

A series of poems "Dangerous objects"

1. I found matches boxes
And he poured it out not a table,
Wanted to make fireworks
Everything blazed, and the light faded!
I don't remember anything else!
Only the flame burns me all ...
I hear screams, the sound of water ...
How much trouble from the fire! .

2. For fun, for play
Do not take matches in your hands.
No, joke, my friend, with fire,
To not regret later.
Don't light your own fire
And don't let others.

3. Like a mother, I want to be able to
Turn all the knobs on the stove
And the matches are deftly lit,
And turn the gas on and off.
But my mother strictly told me:
- To the stove so that you don’t stick your hands!
It's dangerous, you know!
While watching me.
And don't touch the gas
Grow up a little first!

4. You, baby, must remember;
Be careful with the socket!
You can't play with her
Put cloves in it.
Stick a carnation inadvertently -
And you get electrocuted
So hit that, I'm sorry
They might not even be saved!

Gorshkova Evgenia Dmitrievna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Sun ", Kaluga region, Tarusa city

Synopsis of the ood "Rules for safe behavior on the streets of the city" with a presentation for the lesson. Middle group.

Synopsis of organized educational activities.

Topic: Rules for safe behavior on the streets of the city.

Software: Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school." edited by N.E. Veraksa,

T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, “Road safety.” posters by I.Yu.Bordachev.

Educational area: Cognition.

Form of pedagogical event: Organized educational activity.

Age of children: Middle preschool age (from 4 to 5)

Expected result: The knowledge gained will help children for the safe self-preservation of their life.

Purpose: To systematize the teaching of safe behavior on the streets of the city and form the experience of a behavioral culture.

Tasks: Educational: To acquaint with traffic signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Elevated pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Public transport stop". Learn how to use them.

Educational: To develop the basics of life safety in children. Develop awareness of the need to follow the rules of the road to maintain your health.

Educational: Cultivate cognitive interest, promote memorization and assimilation of new material. To cultivate the skills of cultural behavior on the street, and especially in close proximity to the road, when crossing the street.

Means of education:

City street layout

Abstract presentation

Mini signs for layout

small cars

- "Crossroads" with a "zebra", made of carpet paths

Floor signs: "Ground pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Elevated pedestrian crossing", "Public transport stop".

Bus stencils.

fairy tale character

Crossroads of streets (from paper wallpaper) with a "zebra" painted on them.

- "Traffic light" folding from cardboard circles.

Artistic word about red, yellow, green light.

Preliminary work:

Excursions through the streets of the city

Reading fiction: "Car" N.N. Nosov, "Uncle Styopa is a policeman." S. Mikhalkov, "Cars on our street." N. Gorchakov.

Examination of illustrations on the topic: "City", "Street", "Children's games near the road", "Crossing the street".

Conversations: "How to behave near the road", "Rules of conduct in public transport" ... ..

Observations: “Cars on our street”, “Passengers boarding the bus”, “Passers-by are crossing the street”.

Board printed game "Domino" (cars).

Role-playing games: "Drivers", "Picnic trip". “Building a road”, “Bus”.

Didactic game: "Who needs what for work."


Joint construction of the layout of the city.

Application: "Houses on our street."

Form of organization of children: Frontal.
Course progress.

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet.

Children, this morning, when I was going to work, I found this bunny on the road. He cried loudly. He had a severe pain in his leg. I bandaged his toe. He got in trouble. He wanted to cross the road and a car ran over his paw.

Why do you think this happened to him? (not crossing the road there).

The bunny asks us, where should he cross the road?

After such a question, I realized that our bunny does not know the rules of the road.

Let's all talk together about where and how to cross the street. And you, bunny, sit right here and remember everything that the guys and I will talk about. And then nothing will happen to you.

Let's get to the layout of the street i.e. toy street. Here we have houses, trees, pedestrians, cars that drive along the road. What is the name of the part of the road that cars drive on? (roadway). Look, another road crosses our carriageway.

This intersection of roads is called a crossroads. To cross the road here, you need a special sign that will show that it is possible and safe to cross the road here. This is what this sign looks like (Slide 2 "Pedestrian crossing".).

Why say terrestrial? (if the children cannot answer, I give explanations myself). Look, bunny, and remember you children too, it is vital to know these signs. I have prepared such signs for our street and will put them at our intersection. (I put prepared signs on the layout near the ground crossing). And also here on the road straight stripes of white color should be drawn so that they can be seen by both pedestrians and drivers. What are their names? ("Zebra") That's right, we will now place such a zebra on our road. (I glue pre-prepared "zebra" blanks on adhesive tape)

Let's now see how we crossed the carriageway along the zebra when we went on an excursion, and we will also see the ground crossing sign, which is located near the zebra. (slide 3 Excursion to the school.)

The pedestrian should come to the "Ground crossing" sign, look to the left, then to the right, and only if there are no cars, start crossing the street along the "zebra".

In our city, the road can only be crossed at a ground crossing. And in big cities you can find such a sign (slide 4 "underpass") On this sign, a person goes down the stairs. The transition is made underground i.e. under the road on which the cars go. This transition is safe. Pedestrians are not in danger. Let's see how people use this transition. (slide 5 people rise from the underpass) But it is not always possible to make an underpass, and then people came up with another type of transition - this is an “overhead crossing”. It means above ground. And the sign looks like this. (slide 6 "Sign of the elevated crossing"). Such a transition also does not interfere with traffic and is also safe for pedestrians. (slide 7 people walk along the overpass)

And today I want to show you another sign that is very helpful for people who use the bus to travel. This sign looks like this (slide 8 Public transport stop sign.) Where there is such a sign, the bus stops and passengers get on it and go.

Let's watch a cartoon about how fairy tale characters learn how to cross the street correctly. we watch an excerpt from the cartoon. (slide 10 cartoon)

Here, bunny, today, together with the children, we learned how to safely cross the street, get on the bus in the right place. These signs must always be known and remembered, and used for safe life. If you use the knowledge gained today in our lesson, nothing will ever happen to you that could threaten your health.

And now we will play with you. Come to me, I will make a crossroads in our group. (I spread wallpaper on the floor from which the intersection with the zebra is made). Bunny, we invite you to go with us. (We move to another part of the group)

Let's remember what kind of traffic light means what actions for a pedestrian. Anya Popescu, Ruslana Brykina and Kirill Zelenov will read poems that describe what each of the traffic lights means. (Children read quatrains by heart.)

"If the light turns red,

So it's dangerous to move."

"Yellow light is a warning,

Wait for the signal to move. »

“The green light speaks;

"Come in, the way is open."

Children, now we will play the game "Red, yellow, green. » Our task is to cross the intersection correctly, get to the road signs and find among them the “Public transport stop” sign. In this game, I will be a "traffic light". I will give you a signal - what color I will raise the circle, you will perform such actions in accordance with the rules of the traffic light.

I am playing the game and reinforcing the knowledge of the traffic light children obtained earlier in the second junior group. Children find a sign. I appreciate the answers.

As a result of the lesson, I specify which sign here corresponds to “Public transport stop” (among the signs from the “Safety” corner we find the given sign). I ask a few children to reinforce. I draw attention to the bunny that played with us.

You, bunny, come to us again, we will teach you and we ourselves will learn other signs that will help us all be safe on the roads.

I suggest that children who wish to go to their tables and paint over the silhouettes of buses that look like those in which children come to kindergarten. In the evening, give your drawings to moms and tell them about our interesting lesson.
