Stretch marks after childbirth. Is it possible to remove stretch marks after childbirth at home? Wearing a prenatal bandage

Stretch marks after pregnancy on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and breasts are a concept familiar to many young mothers. They do not pose a health hazard, but noticeably reduce self-esteem and the ability to wear open clothes. And they will not disappear on their own, so the relevant question is how to remove stretch marks after pregnancy, what are they? available methods getting rid of this cosmetic defect.

Striae have different kind. They can be barely noticeable and look like whitish stripes, or stand out brightly with bluish-burgundy scars. Stretch marks on the abdomen after pregnancy and other parts of the body look bright in the first months after their appearance. Later they turn pale on their own.

How stretch marks appear

Striae “settle” not only on the abdomen, buttocks and upper thighs, but also on the chest, calves and arms. The reasons for their occurrence are different, but the main ones include pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding, hormonal imbalances, a sharp increase in height adolescence, sudden and significant increase in body weight. In such situations, stretch marks are more of an aesthetic defect, and they can be dealt with quite well. modern technologies cosmetology and plastic surgery.

But stretch marks can also indicate serious problems in the body that arise as a result of disruption of the glands called endocrine glands. For example, pathologies in the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, and pituitary gland can outwardly manifest themselves as stretch marks on the skin. In such a situation, treatment of the underlying disease is a task of paramount importance, and an endocrinologist will help solve it. But stretch marks after childbirth are most often a harmless phenomenon and not a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Fighting methods

If stretch marks appear, the fight against them should begin immediately. The fact is that only fresh stretch marks that are no more than six months old can be completely removed. They have a bright red color. For long-term skin defects, a cosmetic effect is also possible, but you will have to try hard to achieve it.

The results will be noticeable in both cases only after a whole course of various cosmetic and plastic active procedures, which may include mesotherapy, dermabrasion, and laser peeling. A cosmetologist will determine what exactly suits a person in each specific case.

Usually the first course takes about 10 weeks, and the effect can already be preliminarily assessed after the first 4-5 sessions. This will allow you to make adjustments to the doctor’s prescriptions. It is impossible to predict in advance how the skin will behave, but the fight against the hated stripes can and should be carried out.

Prevention of stretch marks

In order not to think about the question - how to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy, you should carry out some preventive measures, which even at home give an excellent effect.

Cosmetology specialists advise “oiling” the body by special means. From simple means, which are inexpensive and available to everyone - olive, vegetable or almond oil. If you regularly apply it to the body, especially after such a banal “thermal procedure” as taking a bath, the chances that skin defects will occur are much less. The main thing in this matter is regularity and thoroughness. You need to not just smear the problem areas, but also massage them until the skin becomes slightly reddened, so that the oil is absorbed into the epidermis.

Pregnancy is happy and at the same time difficult time, When future mom looking forward to the baby. Together with the woman, her body also prepares for the upcoming birth: the organs are rebuilt so that the child develops correctly and grows healthy. At the same time, every expectant mother wants to look beautiful, but, unfortunately, women often become disappointed in their appearance during pregnancy. The reason for this is the unfortunate stretch marks that arise due to increased stress on the abdomen.

Stretch marks (or stretch marks, as they are called in medicine) appear on the hips, abdomen, and even on the chest, red or purple flowers different brightness. Moreover, they accompany the woman both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Stretch marks after pregnancy most often appear due to a hereditary predisposition, with multiple pregnancy, gestosis, polyhydramnios, skin diseases, etc. Should I worry too much about the “stripes” that have arisen? How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy? What remedies will help prevent their occurrence? We will answer all these questions in this article.

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks may be different sizes: from 1 to 10 centimeters in length and from one to six millimeters in width. It is customary to distinguish several types of striae:

  • “young”, red-violet in color, up to six months old;
  • “old”, whitish, more than 6 months;
  • retracted, convex or flat;
  • radial and parallel stripes;
  • single and multiple;

Stretch marks appear especially often in athletes taking drugs to quickly gain weight. Striae can also occur in children who are rapidly gaining weight. Then ugly stripes, more often bright red, occur on their hips, buttocks and waist.

At the root of this problem lies hormonal disbalance: thyroid-stimulating and adrenocorticotropic hormones or sex hormones, thyroid gland, the adrenal glands take precedence over other hormones. The synthesis of elastin and collagen by fibroblasts decreases, but at the same time the synthesis of elastase and collagenase remains. That is, elastin proteins and fibroclasts, which are responsible for the strength of your skin, begin to predominate. Enzymes that destroy collagen are synthesized.

Thus, the main factors for the appearance of stretch marks are connective tissue dysplasia and impaired carbohydrate metabolism in the body (diabetes). Women who were obese before pregnancy and those who do not play sports are at risk. The abdominal muscles must support the growing fetus, and if this does not happen, the uterus “falls” onto the skin.

Basically, stretch marks during and after pregnancy appear on the abdomen and chest in the form of parallel and radial stripes. Very rarely they are located on the arms, legs, shoulders, and back. Stretch marks on the abdomen after pregnancy occur for an obvious reason - this is facilitated by a significant increase in the abdomen, along with which the volume of adipose tissue increases.

The size of stretch marks and their number in each woman depends on physiological characteristics: for some they never appear, while for others they become noticeable as early as 4 months. The skin quickly stretches and scars appear, and after childbirth they are in no hurry to disappear. You can see stretch marks after pregnancy in the photo below.

Of course, getting rid of already whitened stretch marks is much more difficult. This is due to the fact that blood circulation is inactive and with factors such as environment, nutrition age, lifestyle. Difficult environmental situation and bad habits significantly worsen the condition of the skin, all this is accompanied by aging and loss of elasticity.

It is also important to know if a woman has narrow pelvis, then on latest dates the stomach protrudes forward, stretching the skin very much. Therefore, if during pregnancy you do not notice stretch marks, you do not need to relax, they may appear later. As a preventive measure, if you are breastfeeding, do not allow your baby to overfill with milk.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Cosmetologists believe that prevention in most cases prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Although it is impossible to change genetics, it is possible, even necessary, to help maintain elasticity and its hydration.

As a preventative measure, you can wear special underwear and bandages that relieve some of the stress on the skin. It is also necessary to use cosmetics after consulting a doctor. You should use it for another six months from the moment of birth, unless you have contraindications. Even if stretch marks make themselves felt, then thanks to the fact that you used gel or, it will be much easier to get rid of them. And don't forget to give Special attention breasts!

Also drink enough fluids, eat right, go to cosmetic procedures. Sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss can negate all preventive measures. So that you don’t see stretch marks after pregnancy in the photo, you need to constantly keep your body in good shape and monitor all changes. If you do not follow this advice, then literally in one day dots appear and after a couple of days they turn into full-fledged stretch marks.

IN folk medicine used to get rid of stretch marks olive oil and a mixture of lavender oil, jojoba and wheat germ oils in a ratio of 1 to 10 to 10.

If you have creams and gels or are planning to purchase them, then pay attention to their composition. Vitamins A, E, C and chamomile, chestnut extracts, oil tea tree will also help in the fight against stretch marks.

Compliance proper nutrition is also important. It is not recommended to consume fatty and salty varieties of cheese, meat, and poultry. Smoked products, canned food, and carbonated water are prohibited.

How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy

The most important thing is to remain calm and not get nervous, as stress is harmful to you and especially to the baby. If you haven’t used the cream before it appeared, now is the time to start doing so. It is applied 2 times a day after scrub. Antioxidants are also very important. In our case, this is ascorutin, which contains vitamin C and rutin. But before taking it, you again need to consult a doctor, since self-medication in pregnant and lactating women positive results does not lead. Excess vitamins sometimes lead to serious illnesses.

According to traditional methods Massage with a sesal mitten helps against stretch marks, and it is also the easiest way. Thanks to its special surface, it exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin, blood circulation increases and the recovery process is much more active and efficient. The massage is carried out on dry skin, starting from the feet, gradually moving upward and focusing increased attention To problem areas on the skin. As soon as slight redness appears on the skin, stop the massage. Then take a warm shower and additionally lubricate the skin with oil with vitamin A (you should consult your doctor about the use of vitamin A, since an incorrectly calculated dose can adversely affect the baby).

A popular remedy for stretch marks in Lately became a mummy. Dissolve 2 tablets in water and add any natural fat cream. It is recommended to supplement it with peeling. They are no less popular protein masks. Beat the egg white until foamy and apply to the skin. As soon as the skin begins to tighten, the mask is washed off.

Only folk or only cosmetical tools They don't always help everyone. If one thing doesn't work, try another. And in some cases, you can try several remedies, but consult your doctor before doing so. He can suggest you a set of procedures that will help you overcome stretch marks and make them invisible. But do not forget that white stretch marks are very difficult to remove.

Author of the publication: Ivan Kudryavtsev
  • Causes of stretch marks
  • Tips from cosmetologists to combat stretch marks

Causes of stretch marks

We really hope that this article is read not only by women who already have children, but also by expectant mothers, since preventing stretch marks (aka stretch marks) is easier than getting rid of them.

Our skin is quite elastic and can withstand strong stretching. © iStock

Not everyone develops stretch marks during pregnancy. In general, our skin is elastic enough to recover even after severe stretching.

According to statistics, the risk of getting characteristic stripes on the body is higher in women under 30 years of age. But at older ages they rarely occur.

The structure of the skin during pregnancy is not the most in the best possible way influenced by rising progesterone levels. On the one hand, this hormone relaxes smooth muscle, preventing the uterus from becoming toned and protecting against miscarriage. On the other hand, along with the muscles, the connective tissue of the dermis weakens. The skin does not have time to keep up with the rapidly growing parameters of the body - so at the site of a sprain due to microtraumas subcutaneous tissue, rupture of collagen and elastin fibers causes stretch marks to appear.

Do you have stretch marks after giving birth?

Stretch marks most often appear on the chest, thighs and abdomen. Below we present the factors influencing their appearance.

    Hormonal imbalance.

    Sudden weight gain.

    Muscle weakness. With insufficient physical activity, they become lethargic and react poorly to changes occurring in the body.

    Lack of protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins B and C in a pregnant woman’s diet, which are necessary for the synthesis of elastin, the protein responsible for skin elasticity.

Let's be honest: it is possible, but only with the help of serious (and expensive) cosmetic procedures, e.g. radio wave lifting. So it is better to do everything possible to prevent stretch marks from appearing during pregnancy.

It is important to start taking care of your skin from the first days of pregnancy. © iStock

To do this, all expectant mothers are recommended to use a cream with a thick, oily consistency twice a day. When choosing a product, carefully read its composition. The list should contain the following components:

  1. 2


  2. 3

    vitamin E;

  3. 4


  4. 5

    hyaluronic acid.

The basic rule for all pregnant women is to take care of their body from the first weeks of expecting a baby.

How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy

If stretch marks do form, continue to use body creams to soften their appearance, and keep in mind that traumatic cosmetic procedures Contraindicated during pregnancy.

The sooner you start fighting stretch marks after childbirth, the more effective the result will be, but with one caveat: if you are a nursing mother, before making an appointment with a cosmetologist, you must obtain a doctor’s approval.

Salon treatments

So, what methods are used today in clinics and beauty salons to combat stretch marks?

    Laser therapy

    Using a laser beam, the cosmetologist polishes the top layer of skin, evening out its structure and color. The process is quite painful, so it is often carried out under local anesthesia. For achievement visible effect One procedure is not enough, you will need a course.


    Injections vitamin preparations injected near or directly into the area of ​​stretch marks. The cocktail contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as peptides that stimulate the work of fibroblasts, which are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The course consists of 3–5 procedures, one every 10–14 days. Stretch marks fade and become less pronounced.

    Microcurrent therapy

    This procedure is carried out by exposing the skin to currents. As a result, microcirculation increases, skin cells receive a signal to restore. After several procedures, stretch marks become less noticeable.

Cosmetical tools

Not all young mothers have time to visit a cosmetologist, but this is not a reason to give up. Cosmetics can also reduce the severity of stretch marks. The following ingredients contribute to this in creams and gels:

  • vitamin C;

    hyaluronic acid;

Physical activity will help your skin tone faster. © iStock

Correcting stretch marks requires patience, time and non-stop skin care. As practice shows, they can become unnoticeable if you follow certain rules.

  1. 1

    Drink at least 1.5–2 liters of clean still water daily.

  2. 2

    Provide yourself with regular physical activity, be it a walk briskly, running or working out in the gym.

  3. 3

    Watch your diet and control your weight.

  4. 4

    Use moisturizing and nourishing products for body care.

Products for the prevention of stretch marks

To minimize the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, you should include body creams in your beauty routine from the first days. Apply them after a bath or shower to damp skin with lungs massage movements.

Body milk La Vie Est Belle, Lancôme

The product contains almond oil and moisturizing components that effectively care for the skin, moisturize it and provide comfort.

The formula contains what is necessary for high-quality moisturizing and softening of the skin. nourishing oils shea butter and jojoba. The product with a delicate texture is easy to apply and absorbs well, without leaving a sticky feeling. Does not contain silicones and parabens.

Products for correcting stretch marks after childbirth

Cream-gel against stretch marks Biovergetures, Biotherm

Helps prevent stretch marks and also fights existing ones. The formula with silicon, soybean and shea butters intensively moisturizes and strengthens the skin. For more effective result use the product starting from 3–4 months of pregnancy and another 3 months after birth.

Milk that improves skin elasticity Lipikar Lait, La Roche-Posay

Thanks to shea butter, niacinamide and glycerin, it softens and restores the skin, making it elastic.

Firming body milk “Ultra-elasticity”, Garnier

Milk with a light, non-greasy texture tones the skin, fruit acids The composition stimulates cell renewal, caffeine helps remove excess fluid from tissues. The skin becomes elastic and toned.

This unpleasant phenomenon, like stretch marks, is familiar to almost all women who have given birth. Usually, unsightly stripes appear on the stomach and chest. At first they are red-violet in color and look very scary, but gradually become lighter and turn into pearly white atrophic lines. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to somehow get rid of this defect in appearance or prevent its occurrence?

Reasons for appearance

Stretch marks, or stretch marks as doctors call them, are internal scars. During pregnancy, the skin stretches, and if its elasticity is insufficient, the deep layers are torn, but the upper one remains intact. Gradually, the damage heals and scars, forming internal scars that look like light pearlescent stripes on the outside. Precisely because they are located inside the skin, it is very difficult to fight stretch marks.

Another factor in the formation of stretch marks is the influence of a hormone that is released during pregnancy and is called progesterone. It takes part in preparation for childbirth and makes all tissues softer and more elastic, but at the same time it increases the sensitivity of the skin, which can lead to ruptures.

Stretch marks most often appear on the abdomen

The process of stretch mark formation is also influenced by the hormones cortisol and estrogen. They are of great importance for the formation of collagen and elastin fibers. But during pregnancy, their number in the body drops sharply. This leads to a decrease in skin elasticity.

If you doubt whether you are at risk of stretch marks, pay attention to heredity. Most often, this problem occurs in all women in the family.

The formation of stretch marks is also influenced by a woman’s lifestyle and her state of health. Inactivity and overeating lead to rapid weight gain, which increases the likelihood of micro-tears in the skin.

How can it be prevented?

Unfortunately, there are very few ways to prevent stretch marks. If your skin is prone to stretch marks, you will have to try to reduce them.

To minimize the likelihood of stretch marks, you must:

  • carefully monitor your weight and avoid sudden changes;
  • Take daily care of the skin in the risk zone - on the abdomen, chest, buttocks and thighs.

The fact that weight gain during pregnancy is absolutely normal occurrence, everyone knows. Of course, you can’t starve, as this harms the unborn baby. But you must try to eat right so that your weight increases evenly and within reasonable limits. This will avoid stretch marks on the hips and buttocks, since their size will change very slightly.

But the stomach and breasts will increase in any case, but if this happens gradually, the chance of getting stretch marks will decrease.

Most often, stretch marks are localized on the abdomen

To reduce the likelihood of stretch marks forming, you need to frequently consume foods rich in collagen.

Girls who love honey can use it for a light massage. You just need to apply a little sweet medicine to washed and dried skin and massage lightly. After a few minutes, the remaining honey must be washed off, and any oil or suitable cream should be applied to the “risk zones”.

Treatment of stretch marks after childbirth If it was not possible to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the skin, you will have to get rid of them after childbirth. One hundred percent effective method

There is no treatment for stretch marks today, but if you use the most popular methods in combination, then over time the stripes on the skin will become less noticeable or even completely merge with the surrounding tissues.

Cosmetology procedures Modern cosmetology takes on the solution of almost any problem with appearance and often achieves great success. In the fight against stretch marks salon treatments are one of the most effective methods

Cosmetological treatment of stretch marks

Use of creams

As for the treatment of stretch marks with cream, you need to understand that its effectiveness is not high. Many women prefer cosmetic products over salon treatments because they are cheaper. In reality, the price of a good cream is never low, and in order to get a more or less noticeable result, you will have to use it for a long time.

To select the maximum effective remedy, it is necessary to carefully study its composition. IN good cream Retinol is definitely included, which accelerates skin regeneration. There should also be natural oils and extracts medicinal herbs. Mumiyo is often added to such products. All these components activate blood circulation in the skin cells, which helps it recover faster. The cream should also contain vitamins, amino acids, collagen and elastin.

Using stretch mark cream is very simple - you just need to apply it to clean skin twice a day - morning and evening. Rub it in until completely absorbed.

You can use stretch mark creams immediately after giving birth.

It is very important to analyze the aroma of the product for stretch marks. It should not smell too strong or contain artificial fragrances. The smell of the cream should be neutral or very light, natural. It is good if the chosen product is hypoallergenic, so it will not harm the nursing mother and her baby.

Essential oils

Choosing as a cure for stretch marks essential oils, you need to make sure that they do not cause you allergies. In addition, procedures must be carried out in ventilated areas, since too strong smell may have a negative impact on your well-being.

If you gave birth recently and the stretch marks are still fresh, you can wipe them off almond oil with the addition of a few drops of rosemary or lavender.

This mixture will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also help calm the nerves. A composition of rosehip oil and a few drops of tangerine and neroli is also very effective. This mixture should be rubbed into the affected skin every day.

  • If your stretch marks have long turned into pearlescent stripes, there is no need to be upset - treatment is possible, it will just take more time. A mixture of oils helps very well:
  • wheat germ – 50 ml;
  • lavender – 2 drops;
  • neroli – 2 kali;

tangerine – 2 drops. The resulting composition should be applied to the skin daily after a shower and a light pinch massage should be performed. Leftovers medicinal mixture

remove with a paper towel.

Lavender essential oil is an essential component of a cure for stretch marks. Taking aromatic baths gives no less effect. You just need to take some water and add a little sea ​​salt

and a couple drops of lavender and chamomile oils. You need to lie in such a bath for at least an hour. Very good effect give aromatic wraps. Their advantages are low cost and excellent result , and the only drawback is that it will take a lot of time to carry out. You can take any healing mud as a basis and add 2 drops of lavender oil, and a drop of neroli and lemon to it. The resulting composition should be applied to problem areas and wrapped around them.

cling film

and leave to act for half an hour to an hour. Then you need to take a shower and lubricate your skin with a suitable cream. Herbal medicines Taking advantage of all the benefits

modern cosmetology

and pharmacology, we must not forget about recipes based on medicinal herbs that helped our ancestors fight stretch marks. Compresses with chamomile help improve skin condition. To do this you need to take 3 tbsp. inflorescences and boil them for several minutes in 250 ml of milk. Moisten a piece of cloth in the prepared broth and wrap it around the area of ​​the body with stretch marks. Wrap the compress with cling film on top and insulate it with a towel. After 15 minutes, you can remove everything and apply cream to the skin.

The medicinal plant comfrey is very rich in tannin and allantoin, which help restore and strengthen the skin. To treat, you just need to squeeze the juice from its root and apply it to the stretch marks. After about a month, the result will be noticeable, but therapy can not be stopped.

Heals well fresh stretch marks Horsetail tincture. Thanks to high content silicon, it smoothes the skin and promotes its regeneration. To prepare the medicine you will need 50 g of dry horsetail, the juice of one lemon and a bottle of vodka. Everything needs to be mixed and left for one month, and then add 0.5 liters of water and you can start treating damaged skin. This must be done twice a day for a month. If necessary, treatment can be continued after a week's break.

Video: Stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks are a problem familiar to many women. Their appearance depends on the characteristics of the skin, the course of pregnancy and hereditary factors. Best method their treatment is prevention, which consists of strict control over weight and treating the skin with special products. If stretch marks have already appeared, then modern cosmetics and salon procedures will help get rid of them, as well as folk recipes based on oils and herbs.

The wonderful time of motherhood is accompanied by many changes in a woman’s body. And, unfortunately, such changes often manifest themselves as stretch marks on the skin (striae), which remain after childbirth. Naturally, every woman wants to get rid of this cosmetic defect. Therefore, many new mothers have a question: how to remove stretch marks after pregnancy? Let's look at why this phenomenon occurs and how to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy.

Causes of stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks are formed as a result of the tearing of the connective tissue of the skin when it is stretched. Special proteins elastin and collagen are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, a sufficient amount of which prevents the appearance of stretch marks. However, during pregnancy female body produces a large number of the hormone cortisol, which makes collagen very fragile.

When stretch marks form, it is damaged inner layer skin, and dark red stripes appear. After pregnancy, stretch marks gradually lighten and then turn white. They are especially clearly visible against the background tanned skin, since they do not tan.

In most cases, women are bothered by stretch marks on their stomach. Not so often, but there are stretch marks on the chest, which, however, are less noticeable and easier to hide. Also, often the area affected by striae is the outer sides of the thighs.

Of course, it is best to prevent stretch marks from appearing while pregnant. But if they do appear, you shouldn’t give up and get upset. There are many methods for getting rid of stretch marks.

How to remove stretch marks using cosmetic methods

You can try to get rid of stretch marks at home. However, experts note that home methods for getting rid of stretch marks are effective only in the case of “fresh” stretch marks, and not those that appeared several years ago.

Here are some popular recipes for getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy:

  • Apply to the affected area Castor oil, then apply cellophane and a heating pad on top. After this, you need to lie down for 30 minutes, then wash off the mixture. This procedure is done every other day until the skin condition improves.
  • Cooking healing composition, mixing cocoa butter (100 ml), oil vitamin E (1 tbsp), grated beeswax(2 tsp). The mixture is heated until the wax is completely dissolved, then cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Every day apply the cream to the affected area, adding 1 tsp to it. apricot oil and wheat germ oils.
  • Aloe Vera gel is mixed with cod liver oil in equal quantities. The mixture is applied to the area of ​​stretch marks every evening after taking a shower.

Getting rid of stretch marks using peelings and hardware technologies

Effective methods for getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy include chemical peeling and mechanical resurfacing.

View chemical peeling choose depending on the number of stretch marks and their depth. The most commonly used are medium and deep peels using acids such as phenolic, lactic, salicylic, alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

Mechanical grinding, or diamond microdermabrasion, is used when it is necessary to remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, while leveling the relief of scar formations. It uses a combination of grinding and massage.

Hardware technologies for getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy on the abdomen, hips, buttocks and chest include:

  • Laser resurfacing– evaporation of the surface layer of the skin using a laser beam. For deep stretch marks, a CO 2 laser is used.
  • Laser nanoperforation– a special nano-nozzle is used, which allows you to achieve the most gentle effect of the procedure. Almost complete renewal is observed in the treatment area skin.
  • Fractional thermolysis– fragmentary removal is carried out skin cells by using thermal effects. This technology allows you to remove stretch marks of different ages and depths.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy– represents the introduction of therapeutic agents using hardware techniques, for example, ultrasonic phonophoresis and iontophoresis.

Injection methods

Injections of active substances have been used to remove stretch marks for over 50 years. To the most popular injection procedures relate:

  • Ozone therapy– injections are given with a drug that contains 95% atomic oxygen and 5% ozone mixture. This drug stimulates cell renewal processes, thanks to the property of atomic oxygen to actively transport useful substances to them.
  • Special threads are inserted under the skin. They improve its structure in any damaged areas. After the procedure, the effect will gradually increase, and the final result can be assessed after six months.– therapeutic cocktails containing substances that destroy old collagen fibers and stimulate the production of new ones are injected into the skin. Injections are carried out to a depth of about 1-4 mm.
  • Fractional mesotherapy– a technology in which injections are carried out at the same distance, forming foci with aseptic inflammation.
  • Carboxytherapy- subcutaneous injections of carbon dioxide. This method helps reduce the depth of stretch marks and smooth out the relief of the skin, as well as increase its elasticity.
  • Bioreparation– a complex of mixture injections hyaluronic acid with amino acids and vitamins. This method triggers natural skin renewal processes.

Most in a radical way To get rid of stretch marks on the stomach is abdominoplasty. An indication for its implementation is also sagging skin after childbirth. After this surgical intervention a scar remains in the lower abdomen.
