Various questions on the theme of the new year. Funny questions for the new year

It is no secret that every country celebrates the New Year according to its own special rules. Why not test your guests for knowledge of world traditions and, at the same time, not have fun? To run this competition you will need:

  • geographical map of the world or globe;
  • flags on needles with numbers;
  • kegs with numbers, you can use kegs from the game "Lotto";
  • a cap.

On a map or globe, mark the countries with which New Year's questions will be connected with flags. On the flags write the numbers that would correspond to the numbers on the kegs. Each player in turn takes a keg with a country number from the hat and answers a question related to the chosen state.

Advice. If there are no kegs at hand, you can use simple pieces of paper.

Sample questions:

  1. Residents go on New Year's Eve to 2 different churches: in one - to pray, and in the other? (in Buddhist - they pray, in Shinto - they drink sake).
  2. Residents of what major Russian cities sit down at the New Year's table first and last? (Vladivostok and Kaliningrad).
  3. Which country gave the world the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (Germany).
  4. What can not be put on the table in Hungary so as not to let happiness out of the house? (poultry dishes: chicken, morning, goose).
  5. We have Santa Claus, in who in a country called Cambodia? (Baba Heat).

I believe - I do not believe

In this quiz, not only the knowledge of the players is important, but also the acting talent of the presenter. After all, he will have to convince the participants that fiction is reality and vice versa.

For the competition, you need to prepare a number of statements. Some of them will be true. The rest are absolute fiction. But it must be very difficult to tell them apart.

Examples of tasks for the quiz "I believe - I do not believe":

  1. In Denmark, on New Year's Eve, is it customary to jump into rivers and portray the Little Mermaid from Andersen's fairy tale? (No).
  2. Do you believe that if the Swedes break a lot of pottery on their doorstep, they will open the door and feed you goodies? (Yes).
  3. Do you believe that the people of Sudan most of all want to meet a crocodile on New Year's Eve? (Yes).
  4. Do Spaniards come to Italy on New Year's Eve and collect furniture that the Italians threw away? (No).
  5. Do you believe that in Ireland the hosts put glasses with live fish on the New Year's table? (Yes).

Literary quiz

New Year and Christmas are magical holidays that leave no one indifferent. Including writers. This competition is dedicated to literature and workers of the pen. Especially the quiz will appeal to the company of philologists and lovers of reading.

To make the quiz more interesting, each question should be accompanied by illustrations. Depending on the question, you can take a portrait of the writer, a book, or something related to them. Sample questions:

  1. Why did little Sasha Pushkin, who became a famous poet, never put up a Christmas tree either on New Year's or Christmas? (At that time there was no such tradition in Russia).
  2. The famous fairy tale by Vladimir Odoevsky is called: a) Kholod Sergeevich; b) Metel Petrovna; c) Moroz Ivanovich or d) Kolotun Nikolaevich? (Moroz Ivanovich).
  3. The famous storyteller Gianni Rodari came up with: a) the World of Santa Clauses; b) Country of Snow Maidens; c) Planet of Christmas Trees; d) City of Christmas balls? (Planet of Christmas trees).

Advice. For the one who gets the most correct answers or just the most active, you can prepare the best gift - a book.


This is a simple quiz, for which it is enough to prepare a paper daisy, funny questions will be written on the back of it. The player draws a petal and answers the question. Sample questions:

  1. Male weapons against Christmas trees? (Axe)
  2. Christmas tree singer? (Blizzard)
  3. Small blizzard? (driving snow)
  4. Winter sculpture with a carrot? (Snowman)
  5. Outfit for fish on the festive table? (Fur coat)

But the most interesting begins if the player does not give the correct answer. Then the presenter has the right to give the participant a task: crow under the table, drink a glass of champagne in one gulp, sing a song, etc.

Adults Only

For this quiz you will need:

  • a bottle of alcohol, it is better to take something exotic: rum, tequila, in extreme cases - liquor;
  • a bottle of mineral water;
  • 2 small glasses.

You don't need to ask questions ahead of time. They are already in stock with the participants themselves. The rules of the game are very simple. 2 players, chosen by lot, sit opposite each other. Between them are placed 2 piles: alcohol is poured into one, water into the other. One of the players, by choice, tells the second an incident that happened to him in the past year. But, it could also be a fictional case. If the second player guesses whether it was or not, he drinks water, and the one who guessed will have to drink alcohol. If the guesser is mistaken, then he will have to drink alcohol. The narrator will be saved and drink mineral water.

Attention! This competition can only be held in the company of adults in good health.

The more various quizzes and contests prepared by the hosts, the more fun the holiday will be. You can also ask each guest to come up with their own competition, then there will definitely be enough entertainment for the whole night.

New Year's game for the whole family: video

Hello kids, the best in the world!
Any of us, of course, is waiting for a fun holiday ... (in chorus): New Year!

Where does the New Year come from?


New Year flies from the sky?

Or coming from the forest?

Or from a snowdrift

Is the New Year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake

On some star

Or hiding behind a feather

Frost has a beard.

He went to sleep in the fridge

Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...

Or an old alarm clock

Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle

The clock strikes twelve...

And no one knows where

The New Year is coming to us!

The theme of our class hour: "Who knows everything about the new year?".

    The first country we will go to is the country of the Rising

sun - Japan, which is one of the first to celebrate the New Year. By the New Year, the Japanese make postcards with their own hands and send them to friends and relatives. This is an important ritual. New Year in Japan is celebrated for a whole week, it is called golden week. On New Year's Eve, Japanese children draw. It is believed that a wish will come true if you put a drawing depicting what you dream about under your pillow. Japanese children in the New Year are looking forward to Segatsu-san (Japanese Santa Claus). Kadomatsu (decoration of pine, cut bamboo, straw and plum tree) is installed in the houses. Also, Japanese children love to do origami and cut out different figures with scissors.
Contest: Who can cut the most beautiful snowflake. (Participate 5-6 people). To the cheerful New Year's music, children cut out snowflakes within 2-3 minutes. The one with the most beautiful snowflake wins. Carved snowflakes can decorate curtains on windows or classroom walls.

    We continue our journey. Our next stop is

Brazil. In Brazil, they dress up a coffee tree. New Year in Rio de Janeiro is usually celebrated with a cannon shot. Hearing him, people start hugging. Many believe that if at this moment you have time to hug and kiss a person dear to you, then the coming year will be happy. According to tradition, employees throw old stationery right out of the windows of institutions. This means that the old working year has come to an end. Arrange a carnival, fireworks, light a lot of candles. Throw fruit and candies into the sea.

And we, on the contrary, will catch sweets from the sea.
Contest: Who can wind the rope faster? (Participate 4-5 people). Strings are tied to Chupa-Chups sweets. To the music of the song "Chunga-Changa", the contestants begin to wind the ropes around the candy stick. Who is faster? The winner receives a prize (big lollipop).

    New Year in Bulgaria meet, as elsewhere - cheerfully and with hope for

happy and joyful coming year. The whole family, relatives and friends gather at a large table. Guests exchange gifts and wish each other good luck and prosperity in the new year.

In Bulgaria, there is also an unusual New Year's tradition - on the first day of the new year, children walk with "survaknits" (twigs decorated with red threads, coins and bells) and read blessing rhymes. In Bulgaria, on New Year's Eve, coins, a rosebud and a hot pepper pod are baked into pies. If you come across a pie with a coin - to wealth, and with a rose - fortunately. It is important to be able to guess the lucky pie.
Contest : Let's play Guess. Can you count? (2 people participate). How many sushi are in this jar? Participants of the competition express their assumptions. Drying is then counted. The winner is the one who more accurately guessed the number of dryers in the jar (the winner gets the kalach).

    new year for Germans is not a family holiday. New Year's Eve

Germans prefer to celebrate on the street, in bars or restaurants. In the cities on this day, festive processions and masquerades are sure to take place. On New Year's Eve, fireworks are lit, which, according to ancient beliefs, drive away evil spirits. German kids are waiting for Santa Nikolaus on this day. A kind wizard arrives on a small donkey and leaves gifts and sweets for the children on the windowsill. The symbol of the New Year in Germany is the chimney sweep. It is believed that those who touch the chimney sweep and get smeared with coal will be happy. What else can you do with charcoal? Of course, draw!
Contest : "Drawing with a blindfold." Participants (3-4 people) are blindfolded. Guess what you will draw:
I don’t shiver in the cold, I keep my nose like a carrot. Only now, without the winter cold, I pour tears bitterly into puddles. But I'm not complaining, I'm used to it. What's my name? ... (Snowman).
To cheerful music, blindfolded contestants draw a snowman.
For the best drawing - a prize (crayons).

    We made a short journey around the planet and, finally,

ended up in Russia.
Did you know that in ancient times, the New Year in Rus' was most often celebrated in the spring, when all nature woke up. This holiday was celebrated in ancient Rus' - on March 1, and a truly Russian tree - a birch - was decorated for the New Year. Later there was a custom in Rus' to celebrate the New Year on September 1. And only during the reign of Peter 1 in Rus' a tradition appeared to celebrate the New Year - January 1.

Peter 1 ordered to put a Christmas tree in the houses, decorate it with gingerbread, apples, multi-colored ribbons and beads. However, after the death of Peter I, they stopped decorating New Year trees. The tradition of putting up Christmas trees was revived under Catherine the Great. In 1954, the main Christmas tree of the country, the Kremlin, was lit for the first time, which sparkles and sparkles every New Year. In the old days, the Christmas tree was decorated with various sweets: nuts in shiny wrappers, sweets and even vegetables. And shiny balls appeared relatively recently - about a hundred years ago. In Rus', not Santa Claus gave gifts, but on the contrary, they were given to him so that he would become kinder. But over time, he noticeably kinder and began to bring gifts himself. In pre-revolutionary Russia, gifts were put in Christmas socks, in the Soviet era, it was customary to put New Year's presents under the Christmas tree. Another New Year's tradition that must be mentioned is New Year's address of the head of state to the people. This New Year's tradition has been in Russia for more than 70 years. On this day in Russia, merry games and round dances were arranged in cities and villages.
"Snowball game": The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the participant.

In conclusion, we sum up our games and sing the song “New Year” together

(the song New Year's Disco Crash sounds)

I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun sonorous, like ice,
Bright smiles - like amber,
Health - like frost in January!

Thank you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

This version of the New Year's quiz will appeal to adults who love excitement or just want to test their knowledge and intuition. Questions should only be answered with “yes” or “no”. This game will appeal to middle and high school students. After all, they will be able to compete with each other and determine who is better acquainted with the New Year traditions of other peoples and states.

Advice. For each correct answer, the kids can be given sweets, and then exchange chocolate and sweets for small souvenirs (key chains, magnets, wall calendars with the symbols of the coming year).

If the bluff game is played among adults, then the loser can be forced to fulfill the desire of the leader. And an even simpler option is to pour a "penalty". At the same time, you can follow the traditions of other countries. For example, add crushed black peppercorns and chopped garlic to a glass with an alcoholic drink. After all, not only coffee can be drunk in the Turkish manner, but also alcohol, a favorite in our latitudes.

Here are examples of questions for such a game:

  1. Do Italians open all the doors and windows in the house before midnight to spend the old year? (Yes).
  2. Do Londoners bathe in the fountain in Trafalgar Square on a festive night? (Yes).
  3. Do Belgian villagers treat their pets to treats in honor of the New Year? (Yes, this is an ancient custom).
  4. Is there a tradition in Amsterdam to go ice skating on the eve of the celebration? (Yes).
  5. Do Danes buy cheap dishes on New Year's Eve to smash them to the chiming clock? (No).
  6. Do the people of Sudan swim down the river on New Year's Eve in the hope of meeting a crocodile, for this meeting portends happiness and good luck in the next year? (No, there is no such tradition).
  7. Do Africans race on all fours with an egg in their mouth? (Yes, while it is important not only to be the fastest, but also not to damage the eggshell. As a rule, chicken eggs are used for the "marathon").
  8. Do the people of Japan wait for the 108th temple bell and then go to sleep? (Yes).
  9. Is it true that in Cambodia New Year's treats are placed near the window? (Yes).
  10. Do Spaniards really eat 12 grapes at midnight? (Yes, at the same time, you still need to make 12 wishes - for each grape).

Game for the New Year - culinary know-it-all

Do not forget that when choosing the direction of the quiz and compiling questions, you must be guided by the hobbies of the guests. For example, if the holiday is celebrated among housewives, you can hold a culinary quiz. Students of the culinary college will also like this game. And it can also be done on time.

In which country can you find these popular foods and drinks on the New Year's table:

  1. Milk tea (Mongolia, India).
  2. Salad "Olivier" with crayfish tails (France).
  3. Mamaliga (Moldova).
  4. Combination of garlic with honey (Hungary).
  5. Rice, sugar and millet cake (China).
  6. Foie gras pate (France).
  7. Biltong - strips of dried meat seasoned with spices (South Africa).
  8. Donut (Netherlands).
  9. Long chicken noodles (Vietnam, on their festive table, it is the personification of health and longevity).
  10. In which country are baked apples with nuts served on the festive table? (Germany).
  11. Lentils (Italy, they have a symbol of longevity).
  12. Pudding and stuffed turkey (England).

School quiz "Simple" with examples of questions and answers

It can be spent at the sweet table. Each player is given 5 cones (“points”). If the student answered correctly, then he gets another bump. If not, the “move” goes to the student sitting to the right of the loser. If the second answers correctly, then he gets the bump of the previous one. If not, both players lose one "point".

Questions can be quite simple:

  1. How many rays does a snowflake have? (Six).
  2. What time of the year should firewood be harvested? (in winter).
  3. Which pole is the coldest? (On the South).
  4. Do trees grow in winter? (No).

You can also conduct a comic quiz that will help determine the most resourceful student in the class. Here are some examples of questions you can ask:

  1. What is the name of the traditional ritual dance around the Christmas tree? (Round dance).
  2. Homeland of the Christmas tree (Forest).
  3. Who sings songs for the Christmas tree? (Blizzard).
  4. What desire makes a beautiful Christmas tree related to the fair sex? (The desire to shine and dress up).

"Famous hens and cockerels"

If avid moviegoers have gathered at the table, you can play an interesting game. You need to describe several film stars and film actors who were born in. It is important not to name names or too well-known, popular films.

For example, the options might be:

  • Jessica Alba;
  • Katharine Hepburn;
  • Goldie Hawn;
  • Christopher Lambert;
  • David and Peter Paul;
  • Mikhail Porechenkov;
  • Yuri Stoyanov.

If your friends are more interested in literature or history, you can do a “guessing game” with historical figures, poets or writers.

Holiday options may vary. You can just sit at the table and overeat with your loved ones, or you can make a whole holiday program. After all, New Year's Eve can drag on, so it will not be superfluous to think over contests and quizzes in advance so that guests do not get bored.

Family competitions for the new year: video

The holiday is tangerines,
sandwiches, oranges,
Tons of chicken, cutlets
And of course...
the vinaigrette

I wish you good luck,
Solve problems easily
Reach out to the stars
Let's drink to this...

They often give them for the New Year,
Lit - only in the evening.
It's New Year's Eve...

The house is dressed in tinsel,
Vanity and joy in it,
New Year is coming
What is the child waiting for?

Any object of desire
And obligatory then
When they say Happy New Year.
He always lies under the tree.

Without him for the New Year
Sledges will not take off in the sky.
And then it won't blow
Santa Claus is nowhere gifts.

Everyone knows this couple
Comes to us from the forest
Gives gifts to everyone
The New Year is not the same without them.
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

Without her and the New Year,
Well, not exactly the same
For her, a special outfit,
With silver and gilding.

Gifts are placed under it
And she shines bright
All green is
And sparkles with toys.
Christmas tree

Santa Claus was born there
And, sometimes, he lives there.
There are many miracles left
Accurately, on New Year's Eve.
Everyone knows it's in Finland,
And it's called...

Beautiful, elegant.
She can't be warm -
Melts quickly.
There is no better one in the whole world.
On New Year's Eve comes with Grandfather to the children.
Snow Maiden

Snacks crowd around the table,
But that is not breakfast, not lunch!
There are many delicious salads here.
Gourmets on request - the answer.
And everyone wants fruit on the table:
There are tangerines, grapes.
But the New Year will surprise you
Great big...
a pineapple

Pull on the rope
And there will be a mini-explosion
And the guests and the Christmas tree
Covered with confetti.

Be careful,
Dangerous toy -
This New Year's loud...

They beat, but nobody hurts,
Everyone, on the other hand, is happy
Guessed at will
And raised their glasses
Waiting for their last blow
And then they shout "Hurrah!"

Granddaughter has a grandfather
Granddaughter is not simple:
Kind of like a girl
Only - ice?
Snow Maiden

Fairy in a white dress
circled outside the window,
And, waving your hand gently,
All covered with silver.
There will be different fun
The kids will be happy
Because it has come

To make the holiday fun
We need to look up
Will be there, in the sky, bright
And beautiful...

We cut different cubes:
Both egg and sausage
And some potatoes
Don't forget the peas.

All in one big bowl
Let's sleep with you now
Mix everything with mayonnaise
What will happen to us?
Salad "Olivier"

Exactly at midnight we will be together
We accept congratulations
Well, the most important thing is...
President's address

Run faster in the snow
And they are going down the mountain.
Together with the Reindeer
Gifts will be delivered quietly.

The snow melted and froze
Tomorrow there will be many tears.
Who waved his hand and only,
He will certainly fall.
Because it's very slippery.
They promise...

What children's New Year's holiday is complete without a New Year's quiz for children? We bring to your attention a quiz with answers for a children's audience.

Where does Santa Claus put gifts and how many fur coats does he have

  1. What was the name of Santa Claus' great-great-grandfather?
  2. How many fur coats does Santa Claus have?
  3. What colors are Santa Claus's coats?
  4. What is the name of Santa Claus' magic stick?
  5. How many horses does Santa Claus harness to the sleigh?
  6. What does the trio of horses symbolize?
  7. Name the month in which the new year begins.
  8. Who helps Santa Claus do good deeds?
  9. Who do the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus consider their relatives?
  10. How many snowballs does the Snowman's body consist of?
  11. What tree do we call a symbol of winter?
  12. What modern and safe device was used to replace the wax candles that were attached to the branches of the spruce?
  13. How many years ago did shiny balls for decorating Christmas trees appear: one hundred, two hundred, three hundred?
  14. Who is in charge in Northern Europe in winter?
  15. What is the correct name for the place where Christmas trees are usually sold?
  16. What is the name of the winter wizard in Western Europe and America?
  17. What is it about when, decorating a Christmas tree or a room, they say that they need rain?
  18. What is serpentine made of?
  19. Where does Santa Claus usually put his presents?
  20. In which country do children and adults find New Year's gifts on the windowsill?
  21. What time of year has Santa Claus never seen?
  22. What does Santa Claus sprinkle on the head of a child who told him a poem?
  23. Where do many kids put letters for Santa Claus?
  24. What does Santa Claus like to draw on the windows?
  25. How does Santa Claus bring gifts to children?

1. Morozko or Santa Treskun. 2. Three. 3. Red, white, blue. 4. Staff. 5. Three. 6. Winter months. 7. January. 8. Snow Maiden. 9. Snowman and Snowman. 10. Out of three. 11. Spruce. 12. Electric garlands. 13. One hundred. 14. Snow Queen. 15. Christmas tree market. 16. Santa Claus. 17. About decoration. 18. From colored paper. 19. Under the tree. 20. In Germany. 21. Summer. 22. Confetti, 23. Freezer. 24. Patterns. 25. In a bag.

New Year's quiz "For children and their parents"

What is the name of this cheerful helper of Santa Claus?

  1. What color coat does Santa Claus not have: white, blue, green or red?
  2. What object is loudly throwing confetti?
  3. What animals are harnessed to the sleigh by Santa Claus?
  4. What animals are in Santa's sleigh?
  5. Who is molded from clods of snow of different sizes?
  6. What tree "brings" gifts in the New Year?
  7. Who melted jumping over the fire?
  8. What is the Snowman's favorite hat?
  9. What was the name of the boy kidnapped by the Snow Queen?
  10. What is "serpentine"?
  11. What New Year's song tells about the life of the Christmas tree?
  12. In which country do people eat exactly 12 grapes to the sound of the clock?
  13. What New Year's character can't walk without a broom?
  14. Who was the "great-great-grandfather" of Santa Claus?
  15. Ice carrot is...?
  16. What magical item does Santa Claus always wear?
  17. If you add up all the winter months, what do you get?
  18. What tree in ancient Egypt was decorated for the New Year holidays?
  19. Which country is the first to celebrate the arrival of the New Year?
  20. Where is the estate of the Russian Father Frost located?
  21. How does Santa Claus get into the house?
  22. What is the name of the clock that announces the coming of the New Year?
  23. An image of Santa Claus?
  24. What do they give children in Mexico at midnight?
  25. What is Santa Claus called in Finland?

1.Green. 2. Clapperboard. 3. Horses. 4. Deer. 5. Snowman. 6. Christmas tree. 7. Snow Maiden. 8. Bucket. 9. Kai. 10. Paper ribbon in a roll. 11. “I was born in the forest…” 12. In Spain. 13. Snowman. 14. Frosty. 15. Icicle. 16. Staff. 17. Winter. 18. Palm tree. 19. New Zealand. 20. In Veliky Ustyug. 21. Through the chimney. 22. Chimes. 23. St. Nicholas. 24. Gingerbread dolls. 25. Joulupukki.
