Secrets from Madonna. Always use sun protection

Hormones are active biological substances that, when released into the blood, have a regulatory effect on metabolism and physiological functions. What makes you laugh or cry, whether you are growing up, getting fat or, conversely, remaining miniature, whether you get sick often, whether you are planning a child, whether you feel hungry or full - all these functions are regulated by hormones. But what about beauty? It's no secret that our lives are determined by endocrine system, which is responsible for our health in general. Why can we see people with weight problems on the streets or watch news on the Internet about dwarfs or giants? As long as the problem with hormones does not affect you, you live calmly and are only surprised. But it’s quite easy to become a victim of your body.

My inner world is my beauty

Hormones are good when they are in moderation in the body, and not more or less, which causes an imbalance and affects appearance. Women, compared to men, especially feel the impact of the hormonal system. Of course, many hormones are responsible for everything together, but some of them are especially responsible for one factor or another. For example, hormones thyroid gland T3, T4, estradiol, which are responsible for metabolic processes in the body, which means their deficiency causes dryness and sagging skin, which leads to aging.

Skin, nails, and hair must be constantly renewed, otherwise the aging process will accelerate. Hair, for example, can turn gray and become brittle. These hormones also affect the feeling of satiety and mood. So if you find yourself on the wrong foot for a few days, a hormonal imbalance could be the cause. What about attractiveness to the opposite sex? Perfume with pheromones, bright lipstick- this is good, but it is the hormone estradiol that is responsible for the atmosphere of the evening. The elasticity of the skin, its tone and moisture also depend on its condition.

Wrinkles are my enemy, or How to escape from old age

Melatonin hormone - sleep, youth, adaptation to seasonal gifts. Its work is especially noticeable at night from 12:00 to 4:00, but you can appreciate it only in the morning, after a good night's sleep. Any irritants to sleep, even an innocent light, can cause lack of sleep, so it’s worth thinking about the environment in which you prepare for bed. So the lack of melatonin greatly affects your appearance. If you complain of swelling or puffy face, then their cause may be a lack of thyroxine and pituitary hormones. A decrease in fluid in the body leads to swelling, the face loses its smoothness, and bags appear under the eyes.

Teen again?

If you are suffering from acne, its cause may be increased level testosterone. Male hormones V female body must be developed, and this is normal. Increased hairiness, acne, thickening of the skin and increased production of subcutaneous sebum are all signs of excess testosterone. So if you want to look like real woman, then you should consult a doctor.

Dr. Marina Zubareva actively uses knowledge about hormones to improve appearance women. For example, subcutaneous injections of the patient's own platelet-rich plasma help reduce wrinkles around the eyes. So being beautiful means not only doing fitness and using expensive cosmetics, but also taking care of your hormonal levels.

Text: Ekaterina Voronina

At any age - whether at 30 or 90 - we want to look younger. And although the source eternal youth still not found (and what are scientists doing?!), it’s up to us to keep it fresh natural beauty and prolong youth.

1. Don't forget about hydration. You've probably heard about the importance of moisturizing, but repetition is the mother of learning, so don't forget to use moisturizer regularly. This helps retain moisture in the skin, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and improves blood flow to the skin.

Even if you have oily skin, be sure to use a moisturizer on water based(oil-free) to maintain youthful skin. Do you think that at 20, 30 and even 40 years old it is too early to use moisturizers? Then at 50 you will be disappointed. If you think that your moisturizer is too oily and rich in consistency, then you simply haven’t found the right product for your skin type yet. The right moisturizer leaves on the skin pleasant feeling softness. Fortunately, you can find products on sale for any skin type, so when... next time visit a cosmetics store, try a few test samples, or ask a consultant for help.

2. Avoid sun exposure. Have you noticed that most stars manage to look tanned and fresh at the same time? Their secret is not to bask in the sun for hours on end - in any case, they simply do not have time for this pleasure - but to take advantage of a “sunless tan”. Regular sunbathing - on the beach, by the pool, or in a solarium - can not only lead to skin cancer, but also premature aging.

3.Moisturize your skin from the inside. It would seem that it could be simpler - drink more water and preserve your youth. Unfortunately, we often forget about this. The body needs water to perform basic functions. Maintenance water balance necessary not only for healthy and fresh skin, but also for overall health. Skin cells should not need moisture, which helps smooth out wrinkles from the inside and reduce puffiness of the skin around the eyes.

4. Don't leave home without makeup. Teenage girls and young women can walk around carefree without makeup and look gorgeous. Unfortunately, we can't stay eighteen forever, and sometimes we need a little help to look like a million bucks. In this case, cosmetics come in handy. A few strokes of concealer, a little bronzing powder, lipstick and mascara - and you're ready to go! In the morning rush, we often don’t have enough time for full makeup, but express makeup can be done in just three minutes. Conceal with a concealer dark circles under eyes and minor skin defects. Blend thoroughly. Using a large fluffy brush, apply bronzing powder to your cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Finally, apply lipstick (if you have time, outline your lips with a pencil first).

5. Do not overuse makeup, otherwise you risk looking older. Experimenting with decorative cosmetics, it's very easy to get carried away, especially if you want to hide the traces of a sleepless night. Natural and thoughtful makeup will help you look younger, as it will highlight your strengths and hide flaws. But too bright or excessive makeup will draw attention to fine wrinkles and not always ideal features faces.

6. Regularly use a caring cream for the skin around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is the main telltale sign of our true age, so it is very important to take care of it, even if wrinkles have not yet appeared.

7. Take advantage cosmetic product with a shimmering effect. Many cosmetic brands produce products with a shimmering effect - foundation, powder, corrector, which give the skin a slight glow. Most of these products contain shimmering particles that help hide minor defects and fine wrinkles.

8. Do fashionable haircut and watch your hair color. Even if you have had a lift, you will not look younger if your hair is not in order, damaged or not colored. Noticing the first gray strands, immediately make an appointment with a colorist to refresh your haircut and hair color. By the way, highlighted strands framing the face also help visually shed several years.

9. Don't forget to take care of the skin of your neck and décolleté. It’s not for nothing that your grandmother applied cream every day not only to her face, but also to her neck. Aging of the skin on the neck and décolleté area is especially noticeable, and cannot be eliminated by any cosmetic surgery. Therefore, before it’s too late, start using a special cream with a moisturizing and firming effect.

10. Keep your teeth white. A white-toothed smile is a symbol of health, beauty and youth. With age, tooth enamel becomes yellowish tint, especially if you are a lover of cigarettes, coffee and cola. Visit your dentist regularly to keep your teeth white, or use an at-home teeth whitening product.

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Does a woman need special nutrition or is it not so important? The answer is unequivocal - Yes, and only - Yes! After all, on the fragile women's shoulders There are a lot of different and difficult things going on. A woman bears a child, a woman gives birth, risking her life, raises children, is a “strong and flexible neck” for her husband, and even sometimes runs her own business, while remaining a woman. And, of course, in all these cases she must be beautiful and not just beautiful, but very beautiful, since she is a Woman...

Although, of course, you can’t fool nature, and the mechanisms of aging female body inevitably turn on after 30 years. Therefore, a real woman is always on the alert in terms of what can and should be eaten, and what is undesirable, what is better to drink, and what should be avoided. After all, she knows for sure that by observing the daily routine and proper nutrition, you can really improve the condition of your skin, complexion, health of hair and nails, and not gain overweight. So the question is: “- How to maintain youth?” is on her agenda every day.

And today we will talk about five products that help preserve the beauty and youth of lovely women. These products should be kept in the refrigerator regularly, just like having a bottle of good perfume and lipstick in our bags. We read and, if necessary, adjust our diet.

5 Essential Products for Women


Liver is unusually rich in iron and the fair sex needs to eat it. Although many people do not like liver because of its special taste and smell. But still, it is simply not reasonable to underestimate and categorically refuse it. It is believed that today this is the best supplier of natural iron, such needed by a woman in connection with her physiological characteristics(monthly blood loss). And the blood needs to be regularly nourished, preferably naturally, in order to maintain hemoglobin and other important indicators fine. And experts strongly recommend that women eat liver regularly, at least 2-3 times a week.

There are a great many dishes with liver. The liver has one good property— it cooks quickly, and if you add various spices to it, you can end up licking your fingers, as it turns out really tasty food. You can find it on the Internet different variants preparing this product and adding your favorite recipes to your cookbook.

Thus, regular consumption of liver will partially solve the problem how to maintain youth.


If we talk about buckwheat, this is probably the only crop today that has been preserved in original form and which could not be genetically modified. It is rightfully considered environmentally friendly pure product. Plus, it's incredibly delicious!

Buckwheat also contains iron, but, of course, less when compared with liver. It is believed that if you have buckwheat porridge in your daily diet, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of breast cancer, thanks to a huge number lignin is a powerful, natural sorbent. In addition, lignin qualitatively helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood and perfectly removes toxins and harmful substances.

Buckwheat also contains large quantities healthy and essential fiber for the female body. All this together allows you to qualitatively improve your skin color - it begins to glow “from the inside.”


No wonder they say that a good pinch of spices replaces a handful of tablets. And their main advantage, of course, is highest content antioxidants. Thanks to them, all oxidative processes in the body are weakened, which lead to early wrinkles, and to the emergence of severe and dangerous diseases such as oncology, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

It turns out that a pinch of spices contains more antioxidants than a glass of fresh berries. Thus, you need to make it a rule to reduce the amount of salt, for example, in a salad, but add more different spices there. And in preparation healthy food The motto should be: less salt, more spices. Let's get to know some of them.

Cinnamon considered a friend of women. It perfectly relieves pain during the period. In addition, it lowers blood sugar and normalizes cholesterol. Almost all peoples of the world use cinnamon in cosmetology, as it gives excellent results.

Ginger, in addition to its taste, reduces nausea during pregnancy, relieves headaches, and supports the immune system.

Turmeric has many positive qualities in addition to taste and smell. But first of all, it improves the quality of the skin, making it smooth and elastic, thereby stopping aging. It perfectly fights the manifestations of atherosclerosis, which can occur when a woman is in menopause. Helps cleanse the body as a whole.

Rosemary improves our memory, and saffron promotes the production of serotonin – the hormone of joy. This helps to get out of our frequent, “female” depressions more effectively.

It makes sense to review your diet and increase various spices in it. Such as cardamom, sesame, flax, nutmeg, cumin, paprika, basil, coriander, cloves, Bay leaf, horseradish, various peppers, etc. We must always have it on hand. Let it not yet full list, but at least partial to begin with.


Don’t forget to eat liver with buckwheat porridge, regularly drink cranberry juice and crunch on cabbage. Use spices regularly in your food, thereby helping your body improve metabolic processes. This means we will age much more slowly. Plus, we also drink pure water between meals (see). And I really hope that I tried to answer this important question How to keep a woman young and beautiful for as long as possible...

Be beautiful, healthy and loved!

Let's be honest - it's impossible not to do this at all. It is almost impossible to completely protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays: it will receive a “dose” sufficient to cause a burn and the appearance of pigment spot, while you close your eyes for five minutes and enjoy the warm sun rays. Of course, this will only happen if you did not use sunscreen. And if you take the right approach to protecting your skin, why not sunbathe? A light golden tan is not only fashionable, but also healthy looking skin, visually smoothed microrelief, masking small annoying imperfections. Today, dermatologists are confident that the sun can be a friend to the skin, you just need to properly protect it. In urban everyday conditions in spring and summer, it is optimal to use a protective product with an SPF factor of at least 20 (in as a last resort 15), during relaxation on the coast or mountain activities ─ minimum 30 (optimally 50). By the way, experts in the cosmetology industry increasingly recommend using sunscreen all year round, so don't abandon after closing beach season jars marked sun protection in the back drawer.

Shed your skin

Of course, even a scrub will not be able to completely rid your face of flaking dead cells, however, it will do this much more effectively than a regular foam cleanser. Exfoliate weekly and your skin will be able to breathe and function at 150%. Needless to say, this procedure is good not only for the face, but also for the whole body.

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But not that traditional option, which immediately came to mind, but a special one, known today as “facial yoga”. Dozens of developed techniques claim that face yoga can erase all wrinkles from the face. Perhaps (and even most likely) this is not so, but what special exercises What they can do to relax your facial muscles is to make you familiar with your own facial expressions and literally master “face control.” The thing is this: by consistently tensing and then relaxing muscle groups, you relieve the tension accumulated during the day, relax them and give them rest, while simultaneously recharging with energy, vigor and good mood(agree, this is also important factor absence between angry eyebrows vertical folds A daily 15-minute grimace is also called “mental Botox” ─ enough reasons to quickly introduce it into your beauty diet, isn’t it?

Get drunk

To maintain youthful and radiant skin, use everything possible ways hydration. Not only use moisturizer every day, but also drink at least two liters of water (ideally with lemon). Yes, today nutritionists talk a lot about individuality drinking regime─ in particular, that you need to drink exactly as much as you want. But try to increase the amount of moisture you consume and multiply your moisturizing care by two (after waking up, apply moisturizer to your face, and after the product is absorbed, repeat the procedure and only then start applying makeup) ─ and you will see how your skin will thank you.

Buy silk underwear

Speech in in this case is about bed linen. Even if the sleep is calm and serene (for this, ideally room temperature should not be higher than 18-19 C, and the humidity should be at least 40-45%), contact of the face with the coarse fiber of the pillowcase can contribute to your imperfect appearance. The common cotton is a rather rough fabric for the skin, so dermatologists advise choosing the silk way to embrace Morpheus (an option for those who do not like coolness and sliding ─ sleeping on their back).

What are hormones and how do they work for your beauty?

Hormones are active biological substances that, when released into the blood, have a regulatory effect on metabolism and physiological functions. What makes you laugh or cry, whether you are growing up or, conversely, remaining miniature women, whether you get sick often, whether you are planning a child, whether you feel hungry or full - all these functions are regulated by hormones. But what about beauty? It's no secret that our lives are determined by the endocrine system, which is responsible for our health in general. Why can we see people with weight problems on the streets or read news about dwarfs or giants on the Internet? As long as the problem with hormones does not affect you, you live calmly and are only surprised. But it’s quite easy to become a victim of your body.

My inner world- this is my beauty

Hormones are good when they are in moderation in the body, and not more or less, which causes an imbalance and affects appearance. Women, compared to men, especially feel the impact of the hormonal system. Of course, many hormones are responsible for everything together, but some of them are especially responsible for one factor or another. For example, thyroid hormones T3, T4, estradiol, which are responsible for metabolic processes in the body, which means their deficiency causes dryness and sagging skin, which leads to aging.

Skin, nails, and hair must be constantly renewed, otherwise the aging process will accelerate. Hair, for example, can turn gray and become brittle. These hormones also affect the feeling of satiety and mood. So if you find yourself on the wrong foot for a few days, a hormonal imbalance could be the cause. What about attractiveness to the opposite sex? Perfume with pheromones and bright lipstick are good, but it is the hormone estradiol that is responsible for the atmosphere of the evening. The elasticity of the skin, its tone and moisture also depend on its condition.

Wrinkles are my enemy, or How to escape from old age

Melatonin hormone - sleep, youth, adaptation to seasonal gifts. Its work is especially noticeable at night from 12:00 to 4:00, but you can appreciate it only in the morning, after a good night's sleep. Any irritants to sleep, even an innocent light, can cause lack of sleep, so it’s worth thinking about the environment in which you prepare for bed. So the lack of melatonin greatly affects your appearance. If you complain of swelling or a puffy face, then they may be caused by a lack of thyroxine and pituitary hormones. A decrease in fluid in the body leads to swelling, the face loses its smoothness and bags appear under the eyes.

Teen again?

If you suffer from acne, it may be due to elevated testosterone levels. Male hormones must be produced in the female body, and this is normal. Increased hairiness, acne, thickening of the skin and subcutaneous fat are all signs of excess testosterone. So if you want to look like a real woman, then you should consult a doctor.

Dr. Marina Zubareva actively uses knowledge about hormones to improve a woman’s appearance. For example, subcutaneous injections of the patient's own platelet-rich plasma help reduce wrinkles around the eyes. So being beautiful means not only doing fitness and using expensive cosmetics, but also taking care of your hormonal levels.
