Chocolate tan. How to get a beautiful tan without burns

A beautiful even chocolate tan is the dream of many girls and women. There are some simple, and at the same time enough effective ways obtaining a rich and beautiful chocolate shade.

To get a chocolate tan:

3. When sunbathing, follow the golden rules for a beautiful tan

We clean the skin

First of all, in order to get perfect even shade skin , it must be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, before the planned rest, thoroughly “scrub” the skin of your body. For this purpose, you can use folk recipes, For example, coffee grounds, sea salt or honey, and scrubs that are sold in cosmetics stores.

It should be remembered that the tan is more beautiful and more intense on well-moisturized skin. So be sure to moisturize twice a day.

The more melanin, the stronger the tan

Sunburn appears on the body due to melanin, which is contained in the deep layer of the skin. You can activate the production of melanin with the help of special cosmetics, oils, vitamins and some products.

Tanning activators and enhancers

These modern cosmetics are specially designed to get a more intense, beautiful shade skin. They accelerate the production of melanin, which helps the skin to acquire swarthy shade.

The following tools have won the greatest popularity today:

Oil spray for tanning (from the manufacturers Garnier, L'oreal, Michel). For a little tanned skin you can choose oil with a low level of SPF protection (from 6). For very light skin, you should choose cosmetics with an SPF of at least 20.

L'oreal Icy Protection Milk SPF 15

L'oreal Lait Golden Protection Milk SPF 20

Natural oils that promote tanning:

It has long been known that natural oils help to tan very quickly, and the tan will turn out to be uniform and deep, it will remain on the skin for a long time. The oil covers the skin with a shiny film that attracts ultraviolet rays. In addition, the oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, preventing it from drying out in the sun.

Apricot (softens, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins)

Jojoba (nourishes, moisturizes)

Cocoa butter (moisturizes, smoothes)

Coconut (nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, protects against burns)

Argan (light, well absorbed)

Shea (for dry, sensitive skin)

Important: natural oils have low level SPF protection, which increases your chances of sunburn. They can be used when the skin is already slightly tanned. For fair skin or in the early days of a holiday, you should use specially formulated cosmetic tanning oils with a high SPF factor.

Chocolate tan: activating the pigments

Also, it is worth noting that the skin tans more intensely due to the production of melanin pigment. Accordingly, the larger it is, the better tan. You can activate its production in the following ways:

1. Eat foods that contain beta-carotene - carrots, apricots, melon, pumpkin. The skin will darken much faster in the sun.

2. Lubricate skin before sun exposure tanning oil , which contains special components that activate the production of melanin. Irreplaceable helpers chocolate tan- olive, Coconut oil, cacao butter.

3. You can use oil with a tingle effect (with the effect of an ant tan). It improves blood circulation and enhances the production of melanin.

Chocolate tan by the sea

Sea beach - the best place where you can get a beautiful chocolate tan. Water reflects sunlight well, so sunbathing at the water's edge or swimming in the sea, the intensity of sunburn increases several times. Want to dark color skin - do not wipe the skin after bathing, but allow the droplets to evaporate in the sun.

Chocolate Tanning Products

In cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, liver, oily fish contained a large number of vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, which also contribute to the production of melanin, as well as the restoration of damaged skin cells.

The production of melanin is activated by eating brown (unpolished) rice, bananas, dates, beans, almonds, peanuts.

A large amount of beta-carotene, which makes the skin darker, is found in carrots, peaches and apricots, watermelons and melons.

Cosmetics for chocolate tanning

Obtaining an even, beautiful and, very importantly, a healthy chocolate tan is facilitated by natural cosmetic oils. Therefore, after accepting sunbathing apply lavender, olive oils, as well as shea, cocoa, wheat germ oils to the skin, which help strengthen the protective barrier of the skin, restore moisture balance and prevent flaking of the epidermis.

In no case should we forget about special sunscreens that retain moisture and therefore prevent premature aging skin, as well as provide protection from ultraviolet rays.

With extreme caution during this period, you need to use various cosmetics. For example, you should stop using alcohol-containing lotions and tonics that dehydrate the skin. It is also not recommended to use anti-aging cosmetics that stimulates the renewal of skin cells. Negative influence have a tan various means with a whitening effect, which include extracts of cucumber, licorice, lactic acid.

2804 03/17/2019 6 min.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, in the upper strata of society, tanning was considered a sign of the lower classes, although in 1903 Niels Finsen, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, proved that the sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the exchange of not only phosphorus, but also calcium in the blood. A lack of this vitamin can cause osteomalacia. Especially the bones of the pelvis, spine. Seasonal depression also often comes from a lack of vitamin D. So, by sunbathing, we improve our health. In addition, many believe that a tan is beautiful. Especially dark chocolate.

How a tan is formed on the skin

In the lower layers skin there are cells that synthesize a mixture of various compounds called melanin. It is he who neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body. The reaction mechanism is simple. How longer man holds under sunbeams the more, obeying alarm signal brain about danger, this natural pigment is produced in the skin. As a protector, it protects the body from harmful carcinogenic factors. And chocolate tan is formed precisely because this pigment is produced in large quantities. The more melanin, the more intense the tan.

You may also be interested in face creams with spf 50, which are described.

Skin types that can get a chocolate tan

Why does it happen that some skin color after sunbathing is even, beautiful, golden, light brown or even chocolate, while others after a day on the beach at night, the temperature rises, the skin is red. After a few days, blisters appear on it, and that place is desperately itchy. And no longer to the sea and sunburn. But you really want to live every day of this for yourself long-awaited vacation. It's not just about non-compliance simple rules exposure to direct sunlight, but also the type of skin that nature has awarded us:

  • Celtic. This type of skin is predominantly in people with blond or red hair. Freckles can be seen on the skin. It's pretty hard for these people to get beautiful tan and very often they suffer from sunburn. Melanin in the skin is almost not produced. Therefore, you can sunbathe for 5-10 minutes daily. Must use sun protection for the face with SPF 40-60 and 20-40 for the body.

Sun cream for people with this type of skin is contraindicated. Only sunscreens with level 30 and above.

But all other types of skin, with proper observance of the rules of exposure to the sun and the use of appropriate products that promote tanning, can please their owner with a beautiful chocolate tan:

  • Dark European. The skin has a natural little dark color. Mostly there are no freckles, but acne may appear on the face or body. But the tan always turns out even and beautiful. You can stay under the sun for up to thirty minutes;
  • Mediterranean. Dark brown or black hair, dark skin tone. The tan lies evenly, and the skin turns out to be a beautiful slightly bronze hue. Light up instantly. You can stay in direct sunlight for up to forty minutes.
  • African American, Indonesian. Nature itself has long taken care of people living in a hot climate. She endowed them with the initially desired dark pigmentation. Can be under the sun for a long time without suffering from burns.

To get an even and beautiful tan, you need to determine your skin type.

Where is the best place to sunbathe to get a chocolate color

To obtain beautiful colour sunbathing, you need to decide on a place of rest. After all, you can sunbathe not only near the river, sea or ocean, but also in mountainous areas. There, the tan is more intense and the process is much faster. But it must be remembered that in the mountains the air is rarefied, its pressure is lower. Not every organism is able to tolerate adaptation well. Therefore, the desire to go to the sea, and not to the mountains in the summer, is quite natural.

Protection from ultraviolet rays in the mountains is less than at sea level. It affects the relative and absolute height of the territory. Therefore, girls with a light skin phototype are not recommended to take a tan in such an area.

At the same time, depending on the geographical location of the water area, different salinity of the water, the height of the sun and the transparency of the atmosphere, you can get a different tan. The most popular holiday destinations:

  • Mediterranean (Tunisia, Egypt, Italy, Malta and others). Sunbathe and get beautiful skin golden hue can be used by people of almost all skin types.
  • Black Sea and Aegean (Russia, Georgia, Ukraine and others). Holidays in these regions will delight people with Mediterranean skin phototype with a bronze-colored tan.
  • The Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, closer to the equatorial part of Africa, will give you a tan chocolate shades people with Mediterranean, Indonesian and dark European skin phototype. But you need to be prepared for the fact that without using sunscreens with powerful filters, you can quickly “burn out”. A beautiful dark coffee shade can be obtained while relaxing in the Maldives.

Rules for tanning in the sun

You can burn rather than tan on any southern coast, if you do not follow very simple rules:

  • on the first day, do not expose your body to direct sunlight for a long time. Twenty minutes is enough. Let the skin adapt a little during this time;
  • sunbathing is recommended until 10-11 o'clock (depending on the climate zone). Make a break till 16 17 o'clock, and then it is possible to lie down on the sun again.

You can tan in the shade, and not just under direct rays.

  • for an even tan, you should turn after the sun;
  • balance the water regime. At this time, fluid intake should be more than about a liter per day;
  • before going to bed after a shower, apply a nourishing cream to the skin;
  • to protect your skin pernicious influence direct sunlight, as well as to form a beautiful and even tan use special cosmetics.

Girls with fair skin, in case they feel that they are a little burnt, it is necessary to apply cosmetics with panthenol (Pantoderm, Bepanten, etc.). The drugs will not only help relieve the pain a little, but also fix the already acquired tan.

And, of course, uniform tan contribute to outdoor games and frequent, well, at least not swims, but simply staying in sea water.

Tanning Products

Each person has a different level of melanin. It is this pigment that protects our skin from sunburn and gives it a slightly dark shade. Therefore, before relaxing at sea, it is desirable to increase its amount in the body. Some products “push” the production of melanin:

  1. Carrot. A glass of freshly squeezed juice every day before going to the beach will saturate the body with vitamin A and give the skin a golden hue.
  2. Apricots. Extremely healthy orange fruit. And the heart will be strengthened and the skin will be helped to gain velvety and elasticity.

A beautiful chocolate tan has been considered an element of sexuality and attractiveness for many years. The desire to look darker than their girlfriends makes girls spend hours, or even days, “frying” their bodies under the scorching sun. As you understand, such scorching sunbathing can seriously affect a woman's health. Most often, excessive exposure to the sun threatens girls with burns and peeling of the skin. How to avoid such unattractive consequences? How to achieve a beautiful and even tan that does not wash off for many months?

1. Do not try to achieve the desired brown tan on the first day. It still won't work. You need to sunbathe gradually, starting from 5-7 minutes, ending with hours of lying under the sun. If, contrary to our advice, you decide to immediately spend several hours under the sun, then most likely you will spend the evening under sour cream masks and wet compresses for the body.

2. As for the most favorable time for sunbathing, it is better to go out under the sun before 10 am and after 4 pm. Do not think that the gentle morning or evening sun will bypass you, your tan will look hundreds of times more attractive than a tan obtained in the daytime.

After-sun cream - why is it needed?

The sun's rays contribute production of melanin in the subcutaneous layers, which rises up and is distributed over the entire surface of the skin. Due to melanin, the skin acquires the desired bronze or chocolate color. But along with a beautiful tan, the skin suffers significant damage, regardless of whether you used sunscreen or not. In addition, the skin at the same time significantly loses moisture and elasticity, becomes rougher and acquires signs of aging.

To restore skin health and provide a beautiful appearance required after each sunbathing enjoy special tool after sunburn. It can be a cream, milk or lotion designed specifically for tanned skin. Such funds have a number of positive properties:

  • effectively restore water balance skin
  • restore skin elasticity and firmness
  • help to cope with the discomfort that has arisen after a long stay in the sun
  • promote the regeneration of damaged tissues
  • provide a more even and beautiful tan for a long time

Special after-sun cosmetics provide multi-level skin protection and cannot be replaced with regular ones. daily remedy for skin care, which has slightly different properties. Moreover, the composition of some funds for daily care may contain ingredients highly undesirable for sun-damaged skin.

Conclusion: for a beautiful and healthy tan it is necessary to follow the well-known rules, know the measure of exposure to the sun and use quality means protection and restoration of the skin.

Be always beautiful!

If you prefer chocolate Tan then you just need to know important rules, then the tan will lie down evenly, and the sun will not dry your delicate skin. First of all, it should be noted that sunbathing should be done after cleansing the skin of the face from decorative cosmetics. If you can't do without it even on the beach, use it minimum set cosmetics- for example, Laura Mercier foundation and waterproof mascara. Add a little bit of blush, but leave the shadows and eyeliner for the evening, on the beach they will be extremely inappropriate. Yes, and most importantly, do not forget about SPF protection.

How to achieve an even chocolate tan

Do peeling!

Peeling is a procedure that cleanses the skin of dead cells, so the tan will last longer on the body and lie evenly. However, it is important to remember that peeling must be done at least 3-5 days before the holiday, because along with dead cells, it is also removed. protective layer skin, which prevents ultraviolet radiation from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin.

Preparing for a tan

For peeling, you can use any scrub that suits your skin type, or you can make it yourself based on coffee ( coffee scrub, by the way, are actively used to combat cellulite), salt, sugar. Chocolate lovers can cook.

How to achieve a beautiful chocolate tan

Control the time!

It is better to start with 10 minutes of being in the sun. Gradually increase this time by 3-5 minutes. Don't forget to apply sunscreen on the nose, forehead, shoulders, décolleté, skin under the knees and lower legs.
In general, sunbathing is better in the shade of trees. It is clear that such a tan is taken more slowly, but it will last much longer, and it is unlikely to get burned.

How to achieve a healthy chocolate tan

Protect your skin!

It is better to take two creams with you: high level protection - at the beginning of the vacation and an average level - for the last days.
Girls with blond or red hair and fair skin it is better to get a cream with maximum protection SPF60 and UVA16. For girls of this type of skin, it is not recommended to reduce the sun protection factor.
If your hair is blond or red and your eyes are brown or gray- use a cream with the same filters, and if a tan appears, you can switch to a cream with SPF20.
Brown-eyed girls with chestnut or dark blond hair You can first use a cream with SPF 30 and then replace it with SPF15.
Swarthy brunettes with dark eyes may not be afraid of sunburn, but using a cream with SPF 10 protection at the beginning of the holiday will not be superfluous.

How to get an even tan

Choose your time

Try not to sunbathe at all when the sun is at its most active! This time is from 11:00 to 15:00. It is better to sunbathe in the morning from 8:00 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00.

Skin care after sun

Moisturize your skin!
It is better not to use peelings and scrubs during the sunbathing period. A thermal water, moisturizer and olive oil should be yours best friends. The more moisture in the cells, the longer the melanin cells will live, and therefore the tan will be beautiful and even longer.
Before leaving for the sea, do not forget to put moisturizing milk or after-sun cream in your cosmetic bag. Use moisturizing cleansers.
Olive oil perfectly soothes the skin, you need to apply it on clean skin until completely absorbed. After swimming in the sea, do not forget to rinse your skin with fresh water to wash off sea ​​salt which dries out the skin.

How to achieve a beautiful and even chocolate tan - especially for
