Wedding horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac: Under what stars did your wedding take place. wedding date numerology

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)
Problem time for registration of relations. The union is strong, energetically powerful, but it lacks stability. Much in life together is determined by the initial impulses, mutual betrayals are possible. In such a partnership, there are frequent conflicts, disputes and disagreement of points of view. The strength is ambition, the ability to overcome obstacles together.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac TAURUS (21.04 - 21.05)
The best time for official registration, because this is the time of Venus, the patroness of love and marriage. The Russian proverb about the undesirability of May weddings is exactly the opposite. May marriage is stable and stable, however, a drop wears away a stone. In such an alliance, gifts and mutual support are important. Money, material well-being in general, as well as intimate relationships play a big role.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)
Such a couple is well integrated into society, looks like a contact and mobile one. She is calmly and kindly perceived by others, often serving as a generator of new ideas in her group of friends. Quarrels are shallow, and reconciliations come quickly. Often there are joint trips, trips to visit. Close relatives of partners have a huge influence on the strength of such a marriage.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)
Union of emotionally close souls. With tenderness, family secrets, caresses, here, as a rule, everything is in order. Partners subtly feel each other, are very intuitive. They are united by the idea of ​​a family, a cozy home, the desire to give birth and raise children. It is very good for such a couple to have a piece of land in order to build a house on it according to their own canons and design. Jealousy can be a weak side of a relationship.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Leo (24.07 - 23.08)
The time of Leo is a good period for marriage, as it is ruled by the Sun. The union can turn out to be anything, but not boring. People around you will often perceive you as a bright, beautiful, creative couple. Spouses are likely to have similar hobbies and interests. The birth of children only strengthens such a family. Together, partners can achieve a lot, especially if they have a common cause.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac VIRGO (24.08 - 23.09)
A marriage entered into under the sign of Virgo is stable, for it is well thought out. Partners like to work together, put the house in order and improve their lives. Intellectual analysis of complex problems, a healthy lifestyle, attention to detail unites the spouses. Cleanliness in the house, hygiene issues will play a big role. It is optimal for such a couple to have a summer cottage, to have small animals.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10)
Along with the period of Taurus and Leo, the best time to create a strong and harmonious family. In Rus', from time immemorial, weddings were played on Pokrov, and the point here is not only in the completion of field work. Libra symbolizes marriage and partnership in astrology. Such a couple, at the same time, may have weaknesses, such as the pursuit of social status and excessive dependence on the opinions of others.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)
Deeply emotional, passionate, and in some ways even extreme union. Registering a relationship with the Sun in Scorpio carries certain risks: astrologers believe that in such a marriage the likelihood of widowhood or divorce is increased. In any case, you will find a struggle for leadership, mutual suspicion and jealousy. But in such a marriage, the sexual satisfaction of the spouses increases.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac SAGITTARIUS (23.11 - 21.12)
A harmonious union with a markedly pronounced social orientation. From the outside, partners often look like an exemplary couple with a strong income, a spacious and hospitable home, and educated children. They travel together, they always have common humanitarian interests. Over time, husband and wife develop a common ideology and worldview, similar assessments of events.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01)
It always cools and slows down a little, but this time is the best for a marriage of convenience or for career reasons. The family is stable, partners are predictable, strictly follow the traditions of society. Status rises over the years, incomes tend to grow. In such an alliance, long-term planning of life and a clear understanding of goals are necessary. Marriage is often one and for life.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac AQUARIUS (21.01 - 19.02)
The family created during this period experiences all the pros and cons of the controversial Aquarius. A couple in the eyes of others looks unusual, for example, as a misalliance. This union is characterized by intellectual cooperation, the provision of mutual freedom, originality and innovation in interior design and education of children. A common drawback is the inability to create comfort in the house.

Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac PISCES (20.02 - 20.03)
These days are generally favorable for marriage and the beginning of a relationship, but it will not be easy to prioritize and strategize for the future. A wide range of marriage models: from apathy and indifference to a close spiritual alliance and dissolution in a partner. Husband and wife feel each other's condition, sometimes even read minds. In such a marriage, exaggeration of both joys and difficulties is characteristic.

If you have to decide on such an important moment in the joint future as the date of the wedding, numerology will come to the rescue. If you're already wearing an engagement ring, her clues will help you figure out how to live happily ever after. Are you just looking for the perfect wedding date? Numerology will give you the opportunity to choose the best one. Good luck!

What does the numerology of the wedding date give?

As a rule, this one of the most important days in life is planned in advance, so the couple has enough time to choose the perfect wedding date. Most often, the bride and groom are guided by family traditions, the presence of a wedding hall, the season, the weather, and the compatibility of personal plans. A smaller number of people decide on a wedding celebration in late autumn, not to mention winter. Often, without five minutes, spouses take into account important events, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and so on.

In addition to the above factors, the future husband and wife should pay attention to the date of the wedding from the standpoint of numerology. After all, this is one of the most important events in life, so care should be taken that everything is perfect. The date of the wedding is very important: it gives the marriage a certain energy, which significantly affects the joint future of the couple. The final number, obtained after certain calculations, answers many questions. What will the marriage be like? Will it live up to your dreams and expectations? Will you live in harmony and harmony or in eternal disputes and quarrels? What is important, the numerology of the wedding day also informs about the possible betrayals of the partner.

Tempting prospects, isn't it? It remains only to process your completed or potential marriage number and find out the necessary information. How to do it? There are several ways to calculate the wedding date using numerology - we will offer two, simpler and more difficult. Which of them is more trustworthy, decide for yourself, or you can check on the example of couples you know well. So let's get started.

Method 1

To get the result, it is enough just to add up all the numbers from the wedding date. Add up until you get a number no greater than 9. For example, the combination of marriage on the day 12/06/2011 is 0+6+1+2+2+0+1+1=13, 1+3 = 4. Your number is 4. It remains to find out what kind of wedding date matters in numerology.

Wedding number 1. Marriage is eternal, like granite

The unit is a sign of beginning, energy and courage. Promises a stable and reliable marriage, which will cause admiration and envy among friends. It is perfectly described by the well-known expression "One for all and all for one." The couple love and support each other.

Contrary to popular belief, such a relationship should not be boring and routine. The energy of the unit, as the wedding numerology says, gives originality, so your marriage will probably be different from the unions you know. And it depends only on you whether these differences will be for the better ...

Wedding number 2. Understanding and acceptance

If after the calculation you get a deuce, that's great. The vibration of this number gives consent, understanding, mutual attraction, development, balance. You and your partner probably have (or eventually will have) common interests, views, and the same goal. This means you can have the marriage of your dreams that feels great and gets things done. There will be quarrels too, but during heated discussions you will work out compromises and further strengthen the relationship. Two unites, not divides - remember this.

Wedding number 3. Not for the jealous

Three as a wedding date promises a harmonious marriage, but on the condition that both parties are tolerant and not very jealous. Because three is two plus one, which means spouses and a third person. Such husbands and wives have problems maintaining fidelity. And yet, even if there is not or will not be agreement on many issues (domestic or professional), it is precisely in matters of marital devotion that spouses have the same views. The house and family are sacred for them, they will not leave for the sake of lovers, but they do not exclude steps “to the left” at all. That's why tolerance is so important.

Wedding number 4. Excitement and passion

Got a four? Expect a marriage full of upheaval, both positive and negative. One time the sun will shine for you, another time it will rain heavily. Moreover, the four will bind you with a strong passion that will not fade away during the entire time of marriage.

However, be careful, as this "flame" will touch what is happening both at home and outside. You can argue about everything and quarrel over everything: the color of the sofa, the brand of the car, the place or the month of vacation. You will flare up and bully your soulmate for the slightest reason, and plates can fly in the air. However, if, among other things, you are united by common sense, caring for each other, caring for children and home, then everything will be fine.

Wedding number 5. Free lovebirds

Five is a number with a vibration corresponding to people who want to be free in marriage, but at the same time feel that they are closely connected with another person. One day they are inseparable and inseparable from each other, like a pair of white swans. And the next - they have no idea where their soulmate is, they don’t think about her at all, and even more so they don’t worry about her absence.

At first glance, it seems that these are hardly compatible spouses with vague prospects for the future. But contrary to this notion, it turns out that five marriages in numerology are examples of a full-fledged married life, perfection and balance. This vibration indicates that people who love freedom have found each other and united, who can always count on the second half. And this is the most important thing.

Wedding number 6. Prudent, reasonable and ... romantic

Six is ​​destiny. It may be that you, having barely met, were already convinced that one day you would get married and be together for the rest of your life. Because you will understand that they turned out to be for each other the embodiment of dreams of marriage. According to numerology, marriage with the resulting six-day gives not only strong feelings, wisdom and harmony, but also a strong and interesting joint future.

Wedding number 7. Wisdom and practicality

Neither you nor your partner are in favor of marriage. You love very much, but you would probably stand in front of the altar just to receive the corresponding official “paper”. For example, for practical reasons, because a document is needed for various government agencies, for a child at school, etc. - in a word, it makes life easier. But more than in the power of seals and stamps, you believe in the power of love, which united you both in joy and in sorrow. She is your amulet, thanks to which harmony, joy, and stability reign in relationships. Together you will overcome all conflicts. Seven is the number of perfect order, health and wisdom. Such a wedding date, according to numerology, will favor your family life.

Wedding number 8. Plans for life

If you have chosen the vibration of the eight to create a family, then you must adhere to a certain plan, the points of which you follow step by step. First, you went through a period of courtship, then you got married, you wanted to have a child ... According to numerology, common plans for life are the basis on which your love and family ties will be based. And you are firmly convinced of one more thing: if both immediately decided that you would be together, then nothing will change this. And if you add support in difficult situations, a pinch of spontaneity and many small joys of life to this carefully designed plan, you will never regret choosing this particular day for your wedding.

Wedding number 9. Unbreakable bonds

The numerological nine may not guarantee you many years of being in a state of romantic and crazy love, but it certainly promises a very strong sense of community, unity. You will do everything together, one will support the other. Together you will safely experience happiness and unhappiness, joy and sadness. Thanks to this, even the most intricately woven intrigue of rivals and ill-wishers will not be able to destroy your relationship. Nine as a numerological wedding day also brings many positive qualities to marriage: mutual kindness, understanding, honesty and decency in actions.

Method 2

As part of this method of calculating the wedding date from a numerological point of view, the main thing is what personal numerological year you and your partner are in. There are numbers that give happiness, and there are those that lead to separation - this is important to know. Adherents of this technique treat with irony such episodes as, for example, a mass trip to the registry office on July 7, 2007 - when four sevens appeared in the date. They believe that from the point of view of the science of numbers, this day had no sacred meaning, since the numerology of the wedding date is calculated completely differently. A common way to calculate the auspicious day of the wedding ceremony, when a date is taken, for example, 09/12/2015 and calculated using the formula 1 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 20 = 2 (this method was described above), they consider wrong.

How then to correctly calculate the numerology of the wedding date? First of all, you need to calculate the personal year. This can be done by adding the day and month of birth to the current year before the first new moon in September, and after the new moon to the year that begins with the New Year. In order not to look for information on the phases of the moon, you can take October 1 as a guide. Thus, starting from October 1, the next year is added to the day and month of birth, that is, if it is 2017, and the celebration is scheduled for the period after October 1, 2017, then 2018 is already considered and added.

For example, a person born on 06/12/90 got married on 09/12/2015. In this case, you need to add the day and month of birth 06/12 = 9 and the year, that is, 2015: 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 17 = 8. Thus Thus, this person on the day of the wedding was in the eighth personal year. The same calculation is used for the spouse.

When is it better not to get married and not get married from a numerological point of view?

  • Marriage should not be 9 personal year, because this is the time to put things in order, to complete old cases. By the way, during this period, numerology advises not only to get married and get married, but also to sign labor contracts, buy apartments, and so on. This is a period of untying old knots, cleansing, and not the beginning of new relationships and projects. The marriage, which will be concluded in the ninth personal year, is practically doomed to failure.
  • Another bad year is 5th personal: there are too many emotions during this period, this is a very energetic time, "twisted", turbulent. Many questions may arise related to the ability to use one's freedom in a way that does not offend others, especially loved ones. Marriage brings, as a rule, the experience of romance on the side, promiscuity, unnecessary love or dependence.
  • As numerology says, choice 7 years means that the members of the couple will live just next to each other, and not with each other. The seventh year is a time to engage in your own inner world, open up to spirituality or science. The 7th personal brings wisdom, intuition, knowledge, curiosity for the world, and on the other hand, it gives a feeling of isolation, alienation, and for married people, a feeling of loneliness. Therefore, it may happen that instead of going through life together, the spouses will simply live side by side, not being too interested in the second half.
  • IN 4th personal people concentrate mainly on work. It can be considered that for the conclusion of this marriage this is a neutral period. It will bring stability, a long stay in a relationship, but on the other hand, there will be few joys and pleasant follies. Thus, if someone is looking for in a relationship, first of all, confidence in them and stability, you can decide on such a wedding date.
  • What is the most auspicious wedding date in numerology?

    • Most Preferred year for marriage - 6 . This is a period aimed at love, responsibility, harmony, custody of children and a partner.
    • Another favorable period of time - personal 3rd, which is responsible for connection, communication, love, mutual understanding. Relationships will be creative, bring happiness and prosperity.
    • Marriage in 8th year also gives a lot of happiness and good luck. Luck for spouses can accompany, in particular, in the field of finance, bring an increase in social status, bestow loyalty and honesty.

    Thus, the best years are 3 and 6, as well as 1, 2 and 8. 5, 7 and 9 should be avoided. Karmic vibrations should also be avoided (13, 14 and 16).

    Month and day help

    When choosing a wedding date, you should pay attention to the fact that the personal day and month are also favorable. How to calculate them? To calculate a personal month, it is enough to add the month of the wedding to the personal year. So, for example, if the wedding took place on September 12, 2015 in the 8th personal year, then month 9 must be added to 8. That is, 8 + 9 = 17 = 8, the personal month is also 8.

    To calculate a personal day, you need to add the wedding day to the personal month. From the above example, it follows that this will be 12, since 8 + 1 + 2 \u003d 11 and \u003d 2. Personal day - 2. For a person born on 06/12/90 who had a wedding on 09/12/2015: personal year - 8, personal month - 8, personal day - 2. Thus, it is clear that this is a favorable vibration and a happy family life awaits such a person.

    The wedding day can be chosen by a person at his own discretion, and this is a big plus. After all, the date is numbers, and they contain a certain energy potential that can be used or, at least, taken into account. So do not be too lazy to sit with a piece of paper and a pen for a few minutes - perhaps the numerology of the wedding date will reveal secrets to you that you did not even know about.

    Are you choosing a date for your wedding? Each chosen number can mean something! Find out right now when is the best time to register your relationship

    Did you know that your wedding date hides many secrets and now you will find out:

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)
    Problem time for registration of relations. The union is strong, energetically powerful, but it lacks stability. Much in life together is determined by the initial impulses, mutual betrayals are possible. In such a partnership, there are frequent conflicts, disputes and disagreement of points of view. The strength is ambition, the ability to overcome obstacles together.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac TAURUS (21.04 - 21.05)
    The best time for official registration, because this is the time of Venus, the patroness of love and marriage. The Russian proverb about the undesirability of May weddings is exactly the opposite. May marriage is stable and stable, however, a drop wears away a stone. In such an alliance, gifts and mutual support are important. Money, material well-being in general, as well as intimate relationships play a big role.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)
    Such a couple is well integrated into society, looks like a contact and mobile one. She is calmly and kindly perceived by others, often serving as a generator of new ideas in her group of friends. Quarrels are shallow, and reconciliations come quickly. Often there are joint trips, trips to visit. Close relatives of partners have a huge influence on the strength of such a marriage.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)
    Union of emotionally close souls. With tenderness, family secrets, caresses, here, as a rule, everything is in order. Partners subtly feel each other, are very intuitive. They are united by the idea of ​​a family, a cozy home, the desire to give birth and raise children. It is very good for such a couple to have a piece of land in order to build a house on it according to their own canons and design. Jealousy can be a weak side of a relationship.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Leo (24.07 - 23.08)
    The time of Leo is a good period for marriage, as it is ruled by the Sun. The union can turn out to be anything, but not boring. People around you will often perceive you as a bright, beautiful, creative couple. Spouses are likely to have similar hobbies and interests. The birth of children only strengthens such a family. Together, partners can achieve a lot, especially if they have a common cause.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac VIRGO (24.08 - 23.09)
    A marriage entered into under the sign of Virgo is stable, for it is well thought out. Partners like to work together, put the house in order and improve their lives. Intellectual analysis of complex problems, a healthy lifestyle, attention to detail unites the spouses. Cleanliness in the house, hygiene issues will play a big role. It is optimal for such a couple to have a summer cottage, to have small animals.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10)
    Along with the period of Taurus and Leo, the best time to create a strong and harmonious family. In Rus', from time immemorial, weddings were played on Pokrov, and the point here is not only in the completion of field work. Libra symbolizes marriage and partnership in astrology. Such a couple, at the same time, may have weaknesses, such as the pursuit of social status and excessive dependence on the opinions of others.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)
    Deeply emotional, passionate, and in some ways even extreme union. Registering a relationship with the Sun in Scorpio carries certain risks: astrologers believe that in such a marriage the likelihood of widowhood or divorce is increased. In any case, you will find a struggle for leadership, mutual suspicion and jealousy. But in such a marriage, the sexual satisfaction of the spouses increases.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac SAGITTARIUS (23.11 - 21.12)
    A harmonious union with a markedly pronounced social orientation. From the outside, partners often look like an exemplary couple with a strong income, a spacious and hospitable home, and educated children. They travel together, they always have common humanitarian interests. Over time, husband and wife develop a common ideology and worldview, similar assessments of events.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01)
    It always cools and slows down a little, but this time is the best for a marriage of convenience or for career reasons. The family is stable, partners are predictable, strictly follow the traditions of society. Status rises over the years, incomes tend to grow. In such an alliance, long-term planning of life and a clear understanding of goals are necessary. Marriage is often one and for life.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac AQUARIUS (21.01 - 19.02)
    The family created during this period experiences all the pros and cons of the controversial Aquarius. A couple in the eyes of others looks unusual, for example, as a misalliance. This union is characterized by intellectual cooperation, the provision of mutual freedom, originality and innovation in interior design and education of children. A common drawback is the inability to create comfort in the house.

    Preparing for the wedding occupies the thoughts of all future couples long before the significant day itself. It is important not only to formalize the relationship of lovers with legal registration, but also to prepare for all stages of the celebration. Buying a wedding dress, choosing a hairstyle, manicure, face make-up are mandatory stages in preparing the newlyweds for the wedding. If you meaningfully choose the year of the future wedding, the day, the month of the celebration, you need to calculate the favorable moments of joint marital happiness for many years to come.

    What does your wedding date mean?

    The secrets of numbers are known thanks to the numerological calculations of specialists, astrologers. The lovers choose the date of the wedding especially carefully, intuitively feeling in the chosen date, month and year the sacred meaning of family happiness, well-being, long life together. This really works, because numerology distinguishes between “favorable”, lucky numbers and those whose magical meaning is not always suitable for taking any special steps, making vital decisions.

    Many couples in love carefully choose the date of birth of their family, taking into account all the nuances of the zodiac horoscopes of both the bride and the groom. The planets have a strong influence on the fate of people, being in the constellations of Taurus, Aries, Gemini. The lunar calendar is also used for predictions, making plans for the future, magical calculations for choosing the date of marriage, guided by the traditional interpretation of the week, month.


    Many modern couples choose the date of the wedding celebration according to the predictions of the horoscope. An astronomical analysis of the signs of the zodiac of the bride and groom for a year, the month of the upcoming event portends either a favorable time, or reports that you need to wait. Still, it is better to listen to your heart, do as it tells. Despite the opinion about an unsuccessful marriage in a leap year, discarding all superstitions, held young families live happily.

    The stars talk about the short duration of the marriage contract, if it is sealed in May. There is a belief that this month is unfavorable for creating a young family. The healers of ancient Rus' knew that eclipses of the Sun and Moon were harbingers of an unhappy, problematic union, if the wedding date fell on such moments. At present, few people believe in astrological forecasts, but they listen to avoid all sorts of problems in the future. Believe horoscopes or not, you choose.

    The date of the official ceremony often falls on a Friday or Sunday. The planet Venus patronizes the fifth day of the week, so a Friday wedding promises peace, harmony in the relationship of two young people. Sunday is also a great time to register a marriage. This day is ruled by the Sun, which brings joy and good luck. When planning a wedding ceremony, you subconsciously attract good luck to yourself already by the fact that you know about the beneficial effect of the stars on the fate of people.

    Numerological decoding of numbers

    Numerological calculations also help determine a good date for a wedding celebration. Certain combinations of numbers of the dates of birth of the bride and groom, the exact date of the future wedding are considered happy or unhappy for a young couple. To identify a favorable time for marriage, you need to count 3, 6, 4, 10 or 9 months, which follow in order, starting from the month of your birthday, ignoring it.

    By day of the week

    Traditions are passed down from generation to generation, they keep wisdom and knowledge. Our ancestors, when planning an important event on the path of life, believed in special signs, omens, and various superstitions. The preparation of the wedding celebration begins with the fact that the couple intuitively, based on the experience of many generations, chooses the appropriate date, month, even year to start a new life stage. The information below will help young people make the right choice for a great, memorable date.

    1. Monday was considered not bad, but also not very suitable for a wedding ceremony. This day portends a changeable relationship for the newlyweds - violent outbursts of emotions will often replace periods of calm.
    2. Tuesday, according to popular beliefs, is unfavorable for starting a family. At this time, the destinies of people are controlled by militant Mars, so the relationship of partners will be strained, full of misunderstanding and quarrels.
    3. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. If the spouses are quick-tempered, very emotional people, this planet will help direct their energy in the right direction.
    4. Thursday is under the influence of powerful Jupiter. The fourth day of the week is considered unfavorable for laying the foundation for new family relationships. Young people will always fight for leadership among themselves.
    5. Friday will attract harmony, love and understanding for future spouses, since Venus patronizes all lovers, giving them happiness.
    6. Saturday is for smart people. The official wedding ceremony, which falls on Saturday, portends the union of two purposeful partners, whose relationship is not only love, but even business, often based on mutual benefit.
    7. Sunday is patronized by the Sun, the union of the newlyweds, concluded on this day, portends a holiday throughout their life together.

    According to the lunar calendar

    The lunar calendar is another guideline for lovers choosing a wedding date. According to astrologers, the phase of the growing moon is the most favorable time for concluding an alliance. Such lucky people will live together a long, happy life, they will have prosperity and love. Lunar and solar eclipses are not the best moments of affirmation in heaven of your union with your loved one. They say that the eclipse of the Sun portends unforeseen problems in the relationship of partners, and the lunar one provokes the breakdown of marriage.

    According to the lunar calendar, the most favorable numbers for creating a family are: 10, 6, 11, 17, 24, 27, 26 (numbers of the monthly cycle), unfavorable - 4, 5, 9, 8, 12, 9, 14. When calculating the wedding date Consider which zodiac constellation the Moon is in. Good luck, strong family ties, a long life together portends the Moon in the constellations of Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Pisces. The stars and the Moon in the signs of Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius speak of betrayal, an unstable union between spouses. Given the above, you can easily calculate the date of the future wedding.

    If the wedding day turns out to be at the turn of the Sun's transition from one sign to another, it means that your relationship will acquire the character of duality, and will carry both traits.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)
    Problem time for registration of relations. The union is strong, energetically powerful, but it lacks stability. Much in life together is determined by the initial impulses, mutual betrayals are possible. In such a partnership, there are frequent conflicts, disputes and disagreement of points of view. The strength is ambition, the ability to overcome obstacles together.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac TAURUS (21.04 - 21.05)
    The best time for official registration, because this is the time of Venus, the patroness of love and marriage. The Russian proverb about the undesirability of May weddings is exactly the opposite. May marriage is stable and stable, however, a drop wears away a stone. In such an alliance, gifts and mutual support are important. Money, material well-being in general, as well as intimate relationships play a big role.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)
    Such a couple is well integrated into society, looks like a contact and mobile one. She is calmly and kindly perceived by others, often serving as a generator of new ideas in her group of friends. Quarrels are shallow, and reconciliations come quickly. Often there are joint trips, trips to visit. Close relatives of partners have a huge influence on the strength of such a marriage.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)
    Union of emotionally close souls. With tenderness, family secrets, caresses, here, as a rule, everything is in order. Partners subtly feel each other, are very intuitive. They are united by the idea of ​​a family, a cozy home, the desire to give birth and raise children. It is very good for such a couple to have a piece of land in order to build a house on it according to their own canons and design. Jealousy can be a weak side of a relationship.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac Leo (24.07 - 23.08)
    The time of Leo is a good period for marriage, as it is ruled by the Sun. The union can turn out to be anything, but not boring. People around you will often perceive you as a bright, beautiful, creative couple. Spouses are likely to have similar hobbies and interests. The birth of children only strengthens such a family. Together, partners can achieve a lot, especially if they have a common cause.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac VIRGO (24.08 - 23.09)
    A marriage entered into under the sign of Virgo is stable, for it is well thought out. Partners like to work together, put the house in order and improve their lives. Intellectual analysis of complex problems, a healthy lifestyle, attention to detail unites the spouses. Cleanliness in the house, hygiene issues will play a big role. It is optimal for such a couple to have a summer cottage, to have small animals.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10)
    Along with the period of Taurus and Leo, the best time to create a strong and harmonious family. In Rus', from time immemorial, weddings were played on Pokrov, and the point here is not only in the completion of field work. Libra symbolizes marriage and partnership in astrology. Such a couple, at the same time, may have weaknesses, such as the pursuit of social status and excessive dependence on the opinions of others.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)
    Deeply emotional, passionate, and in some ways even extreme union. Registering a relationship with the Sun in Scorpio carries certain risks: astrologers believe that in such a marriage the likelihood of widowhood or divorce is increased. In any case, you will find a struggle for leadership, mutual suspicion and jealousy. But in such a marriage, the sexual satisfaction of the spouses increases.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac SAGITTARIUS (23.11 - 21.12)
    A harmonious union with a markedly pronounced social orientation. From the outside, partners often look like an exemplary couple with a strong income, a spacious and hospitable home, and educated children. They travel together, they always have common humanitarian interests. Over time, husband and wife develop a common ideology and worldview, similar assessments of events.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01)
    It always cools and slows down a little, but this time is the best for a marriage of convenience or for career reasons. The family is stable, partners are predictable, strictly follow the traditions of society. Status rises over the years, incomes tend to grow. In such an alliance, long-term planning of life and a clear understanding of goals are necessary. Marriage is often one and for life.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac AQUARIUS (21.01 - 19.02)
    The family created during this period experiences all the pros and cons of the controversial Aquarius. A couple in the eyes of others looks unusual, for example, as a misalliance. This union is characterized by intellectual cooperation, the provision of mutual freedom, originality and innovation in interior design and education of children. A common drawback is the inability to create comfort in the house.

    Wedding under the sign of the Zodiac PISCES (20.02 - 20.03)
    These days are generally favorable for marriage and the beginning of a relationship, but it will not be easy to prioritize and strategize for the future. A wide range of marriage models: from apathy and indifference to a close spiritual alliance and dissolution in a partner. Husband and wife feel each other's condition, sometimes even read minds. In such a marriage, exaggeration of both joys and difficulties is characteristic.
