Tauriel, Galadriel and Arwen. The three most beautiful characters in the world of "Lord of the Rings"


Name Tauriel means "daughter of Mirkwood" or more literary version "daughter of the forest".

Tauriel's parents were killed by orcs in her youth, and apparently since then Thranduil began to look after her. She was a very young Elf, about 600 years old. She is the head of the Elven Guard. She is dangerous in hand-to-hand combat, in equal or even more than Legolas. She is also familiar with healing. Tauriel sees the changes in Middle-earth, recognizes the growing power of evil and the desire to destroy it, and not sit out in the safety of the Elven fortress. Incredibly skilled with a bow and daggers, an extremely capable acrobat and a skilled leader.

Her character was created by Peter Jackson for The Hobbit and played by Evangeline Lily.

Evangeline Lilly on Tauriel: "She doesn't have their wisdom and doesn't carry herself the way these guys [note - Thranduil and Legolas] do; she's more uncompromising in a way. She's more spontaneous and passionate. She's deadly and ruthless." killer."

"She will certainly have love story in the movie," says Lilly. "I can't say much about it. It's not the main storyline, but it's there, and it's very important, it drives Tauriel, influences the plot with her character, her actions"

About "ugly" he got excited.

Galadriel- the elven queen, the character of the epic "The Lord of the Rings" by John R. R. Tolkien. The most powerful of all the elves left in Middle-earth, the Mistress of Lorien.

The youngest and only daughter of Finarfin and Eärwen. Wife of Celeborn, mother of Celebrian. Grandmother of Arwen, Elladan Elrohir.

She was born in Valinor when the Two Trees were still growing there. Galadriel was considered the most beautiful of all the kind of Finwe. She had golden hair and light eyes. For her beautiful appearance, she was nicknamed the "Morning Star of the Elven people."

Galadriel had hair of extraordinary beauty, golden, like that of her father and his mother Indis, but thicker and brighter, for their gold was touched by the starry silver of her mother's hair. A lock of her hair was asked for as many as four times - the first three times Feanor, but was refused, and once Gimli, who received three locks.

Cate Blanchett on the role: "Galadriel is a special character for me, mythical and charming. It was so nice to shoot in the Lord of the Rings. When I put on the elf ears again, I experienced nice feeling deja vu. "

Arwen, also known as Undomiel(Evening Star) - Elda, daughter of Elrond and Celebrian, sister of Elladan Elrohir, wife of Aragorn and mother of Eldarion.

She grew up in Lothlorien. In 2951 of the Third Age, she returned to Rivendell and met with Aragorn, who initially mistook her for Lúthien who appeared to him. Elrond, who learned about his feelings, advised the Dunadan not to bind fate with Arwen, because this would condemn the lord of Imladris to a sad separation from his daughter, because she would have to give up the immortality bestowed on the elves and the opportunity to sail to Valinor to her people.

Twenty-nine years later, Arwen and Aragorn met again in Lorien, where she was invited by Galadriel. Then Arwen and Aragorn swore allegiance to each other. Their union was blessed by Galadriel and accepted silently by Elrond.

Before the start of the War of the Ring, which promised long separation Arwen and Aragorn, Arwen gave him her elven pendant Light of the evening star (Evenstar). Aragorn did not remove it; after the birth of Eldarion, the pendant passed to him.

After the War of the Ring, Arwen married Aragorn and lived happily with him for 120 years, giving birth to the king of Gondor, the son of Eldarion and several daughters. After the death of her husband, she went to the deserted (after sailing across the Sea of ​​​​Elves) Lothlorien and rested on Cerin Amroth, the hill on which she and Aragorn swore to love each other.

The marriage of Arwen and Aragorn was the third and last known family union between the Eldar and the Edain in the history of Middle-earth.

"She looked young, but she was not young. Her dark hair, untouched by gray hair, fell on the shoulders, clean face she glowed with freshness, her eyes, gray as a cloudless night, radiated the brilliance of stars. But in those eyes there was the wisdom of long centuries ... She was the star of her people, "- this is how Tolkien described Arwen, the princess of the elves. It seems that Liv Tyler was standing in front of him at that moment.

The actress herself says about her role: “It is difficult to be an elf all the time. You have to constantly be balanced and mysterious. "Elves are very light and graceful creatures. Compared to them, people look awkward. I needed to understand how they move and convey to the audience the feeling of unreality emanating from elves. I spent a lot of time learning the elvish language and learn to speak with an elvish accent.At first I thought it was impossible.There are a lot of sounds in elvish that I was completely unaccustomed to.It turned out that I always slipped into a normal English accent.I learned the meaning of every elvish word, so I understood everything, what I'm talking about. And I began to succeed. And I was terribly proud of it. I still remember all the lines. There are very few people in the world who know the Elvish language. Maybe some professors at Oxford ... and I . "

The morning in the realm of King Thranduil was as bright and fresh as ever. The air rang with the singing of birds and the gentle voices of bells. A light breeze smelled of the forget-me-nots blooming by the terrace.
Gimli rubbed his aching temple and angrily moved his chair back to the window.
“Shparit, damn it,” he explained to Legolas, who arched an eyebrow questioningly. - The sun is yours. Soon, like a pig on the coals, I'll be covered with a crust. Crispy.
The elf sat relaxed in a chair, his legs resting on the armrest. He generally allowed himself many liberties when his crowned father was not around.
- Listen, Legolas, when are we going to visit ME? - the dwarf asked discontentedly, with a puff climbing back. - We have been marinating here for a month, like cucumbers in a tub. And we have more braga there, and meat ... is.
- By the way, here, try these capers in honey sauce, - the elf immediately perked up.
Gimli nearly vomited into his plate when he saw the greyish lumps floating in the amber goo.
- Look, you're my friend and all that. But I'm a gnome. And we gnomes shouldn't eat like rabbits. This is out, it’s useful for your girls to pinch grass. And men should eat meat.
- There are fish.
- Animal meat!
"Gimli, I thought you'd temper your bloodthirstiness a little when you were imbued with the spirit of the forest," Legolas drawled dreamily.
He had already coaxed a bottle of blueberry wine and was in the most excellent mood. Gimli preferred not to drink such strong alcohol, but Legolas was so long that it contained twice as much. Consequently, the hon also started earlier. In addition, there really was nothing to do in the kingdom.
- I'm serious. Let's go to me. You've run enough through the clearings, singing hymns and scattering flowers.
- You were watching me?!
- And what is there to peep! You can be heard for miles. You fake shit.
Legolas turned away in annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest.
- What? What offended, not everyone is given, - shrugged Gimli. - I, for example, do not know how to embroider as well as your mother.
- This is Dad. DAD!
This argument never bothered Gimli. As soon as he got bored, he found Legolas and began to practice wit about his father. For some reason, all of Legolas' snarky replies ended at this point.
- Come on, I forget all the time. A kind of graceful girl in a dressing gown.
- Yeah, and your mother is definitely indistinguishable from your father. Beard, mustache, - caustically threw Legolas.
- Of course you can't tell! Dwarf women are proud of their beards,” Gimli puffed up. - And generally speaking. I have an idea. Do you want to listen?
- Not particularly. I'm still ashamed of what we did in the bathhouse. The inhabitants of Lake City are still out of the water wine bottles caught and handed over to ours.
- Come on, you're already a grown-up boy. It's time to live separately.
- I will not leave my father, he is so sad ...
"He's been dreary for the last couple of thousand years," Gimli waved him off. - Worthy of respect. But, you must admit, why bury yourself here. Yes, I heard him slap you! "Legolas, comb your hair!", "Legolas, why are you wearing this camisole with these boots!", "Legolas, what a scabbard, I'm in shock!"
The elf sighed heavily and removed his legs from the armrest.
“And what do you propose, Gimli son of Glóin?”
- Do you know why women start acting weird and mad? They don't have a husband!
I'm telling you for the last time!
And it also works in reverse. You need to marry your folder! Immediately all the nonsense will disappear from my head.
Legolas chuckled and took a sip from his glass.
- What are you talking about, in the name of the Silmarils, Gimli! Marry my father? Do you even know that elves love once in a lifetime?
- And who is talking about love? Let's find him a good, smart woman who will keep him occupied, and he will stop rustling through the corridors at night, frightening the servants. And on the balcony to stand, which is all in roses. Marriageable girl, as is.
- He admires the moon!
And he sings at the same time! Though not fake, and thanks for that.
The elf and dwarf stared at each other. Gimli, as always, blinked first.
Legolas, I want to help you. You are my friend, - the dwarf innocently confessed.
He stood up, put his hands behind his back and walked around the table. The servants immediately ran up and began to clean up. Looking at the fluttering elves, Gimli considered the options in his mind and laughed loudly.
- There is! I have one candidate! Download! I would marry myself, but she is a strange horror.
- And my father, then suits?
- They will make friends with him, it seems to me. She's so... wow, - outlined the prospects of Gimli. - You'll like it. Let's! Let's send for her. You still need the head of the guard. Your master will not like it, so at least we will arrange a girl for the service.
- What's your girlfriend's name? asked Legolas, giving up.
- Maleficent.
- Maleficent?
- Yeah. And most importantly - tall. Just like your folder. Together they will remove cats from trees.
Legolas, narrowing his eyes, loomed over the dwarf. But he replied with a smile.
- All right, let's send a messenger, - the elf surrendered. But dad doesn't say a word.
'Not a word,' Gimli nodded immediately. - Your mistress of stumps and trees will not recognize ahead of time.
- Gimli!

Thranduil was bored. He had already thoughtfully studied the carving on the throne, counted the guards, emptied a barrel of wine and even managed to ride on the moose. It was boring. Yawning, he moved to the other side of the throne and sighed. It was possible to go to the training field and drive the archers, but it was too lazy. Staring at his fingernails, he fell into thought and missed the moment when Legolas appeared in the hall.
- Father?
- Yes, my son? .. Oh, Morgoth take me, what's on your head? You do not suit triple weaving! Only not with your oval face!
Standing next to the elf, Gimli chuckled softly into his beard as Legolas twitched his eye.
Father, I have good news for you.
- Your guest finally decided to make us happy with his departure? - Thranduil smiled broadly, carefully depicting fun.
- Remember, you said that we need a new head of security? From the western forests, I called a very valuable military strategist, - rattled Legolas. She hasn't lost a single battle. Will arrive any minute.
- Her? Is this an elf? the king frowned.
- Not exactly an elf. She is a fairy, my lord," Gimli interjected, but immediately fell silent, biting his tongue.
- Without my permission?
"If you do not consider her worthy, I will send her away," Legolas bowed his head.
Thranduil sighed sadly and propped his cheek on his fist.
- Give it here, there's nothing else to do anyway.
Turning, Gimli saw the guard at the entrance signaling.
- Arrived!
Legolas hastily jumped to the window and stared at the courtyard area.
- What does your elven eye see? - Gimli got excited, who got the elf only to the waist.
“Third dimension, Gimli son of Glóin.
- Your voice is strange.
Legolas looked down at his friend with wide eyes.
- What did you bring me here? he hissed, gritting his teeth. - She's got horns!
- Beauty same!
- Horns? Who has horns? - Thranduil got excited on the throne. - Horns are good...
- My Lord! Milady Maleficent! - Loudly said the guard, passing the guest.
Legolas stared at his father in horror. Watching his lower jaw drop slowly, he diligently began to remember the shortest route to Rivendell. Lord Elrond will not expel him, he will help to hide from the wrath of his father ...
- Good day to the great lord of these forests,” said the guest, bowing in respect. - I haven't seen such beautiful properties for a long time.
"Hot thing," Gimli panted into his beard. - Look at the folder, at least right now down the aisle.
- It seems that he ... Father? ..
Thranduil blinked and came to his senses.
"Leave us," he commanded sternly.
- Should I pack my things? Legolas asked sagely.
- BUT? What? .. What? .. Get out of here, Legolas, collect what you want. I won't see you until tomorrow.
Waving his son aside, Vladyka nimbly rose from his throne and descended majestically. Standing at the foot of the fairy, not at all stewed, looked around, sparkling with green eyes. Legolas tilted his head slightly, trying hard to see if she had a tail and hooves.
"Let's go," Gimli hinted at him with a kick. - Leave adults alone. They need to talk.
“Good idea, dwarf,” Thranduil supported him, taking his son by the shoulders and turning him around. - Go... take a walk, Legolas. You can take some gold from the treasury. Take a ride with your friend to Laketown.
'I'm so perspicacious,' Gimli praised himself, straining towards the door. - Very sharp eye. And without any of your elven stuff.
- I must admit - you really guessed it, - nodded Legolas. - Well, can we really go to the lake? They have a fair this week. Forty varieties of cider from all over the world.
"That's what I like about you, Legolas," the dwarf rubbed his hands. - You have good ideas. Chur, gold from you.
"You don't like it," Legolas chuckled.
He took one last look at the throne and followed his friend out.

Listen, Gandalf... And that beautiful blonde with a bow, what was her name? - Confused asked his assistant Bard. - Combat such.
- Did you like it?
- Still, such legs.
- I'm afraid to disappoint you, my friend, but this is the son of Lord Thranduil, Legolas.
- Son? Damn it.
- Do not worry. I didn’t believe it myself until we swam in the river together.
- This is he, probably, in daddy. The forest lord is painfully... good-looking.
- Elven magic, friend.
- Listen-at-at-ear, but remind me, what was the name of that pretty little black-haired girl who traveled with the gnomes?
- Um... how should you put it this way... It's Kili.
- Interesting name.
Kili is Thorin's nephew.
- Do not you say!
- Bard, maybe you ... that one?
- What is it?
- Do you like men?
- To me?! What are you! Ha ha ha! Well, I was mistaken, with whom it does not happen!
Yes, everyone says so...
- What?
- Nothing. Forgot. If you want, I can introduce you to a nice woman. Brienne is called. Sweet, smart. And what a battle! And it's indistinguishable from a man.
- O! Meet me!
- It remains only to attach Elrond ...

However, 15 years have passed since then. During this time, a lot has changed, including our favorite actors. Next, we offer a look at the actors who played the main roles, as well as find out what happened in their lives over the years.

Elijah Wood - Frodo

The role of Frodo became for him the peak of his acting career. Over the past 13 years, Elijah, although he appeared on the screens, but without a stir. Immediately after the end of the trilogy, he starred in the film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" in a supporting role, then flashed in the successful film "Hooligans" - about football fans from London. A good one, although it didn’t break the budget, was the film “The Light Around” about an American who came to the Ukrainian outback in search of good woman who saved his grandfather from the Germans during the war. Recently, the film "The Last Witch Hunter" was released, where the actor had the second leading role, but the film failed miserably.

Orlando Bloom - Legolas

Orlando was much more fortunate: not only is he Legolas in two trilogies at once, in The Lord of the Rings and in The Hobbit, he is also Will Turner, one of the main characters in Pirates of the Caribbean, only Jack Sparrow is more important than him . With such a track record, he may no longer be afraid for his career. To the list, you can add participation in the successful films "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Troy".

Viggo Mortensen - Aragorn

Viggo is the most interesting actor from the first three. It would seem that he does not flash before his eyes all the time, after Aragorn he did not have characters that would become cult, he does not have as many works as Orlando Bloom or Elijah Wood. At the same time, he can be called a more successful actor, since he has the main roles in films beloved by critics: “Justified Cruelty”, “Vice for Export”, “Road”, “ dangerous method”,“ Two Faces of January ”,“ Prosperous Country ”. Recently, the film "Captain Fantastic" appeared in the Russian box office about a family of reclusive child prodigies and their exit to real world.

Ian McKellen - Gandalf

Sir Ian McKellen, despite his venerable age - 77 years old, continues to be active creative activity. After the landmark role of Gandalf, he managed to star in The Da Vinci Code, get the role of Magneto in X-Men, play in a good mini-series Prisoner, voice a bunch of cartoons and at the same time work in the theater.

Christopher Lee - Saruman

Sir Christopher Lee passed away a year ago at the age of 93. Over the last 12 years of his life, he also managed to play in the Hobbit trilogy, although he had to shoot scenes with his participation in London, his health did not allow him to fly to New Zealand. In 2002 and 2005, he played Count Dooku in Star Wars. Until recent years, he collaborated with Tim Burton. big roles were beyond his strength, but Lee could play a little. For example, in the movie "Dark Shadows" he plays the captain of a fishing boat. In addition, he has done a lot of voice work. And in 2009, he was awarded a knighthood for services to the dramatic arts and charity.

Sean Astin - Sam

Sean's career is not going shaky, not rolls. Of the interesting works, only the main role in the TV movie "The Color of Magic" based on the novel by Terry Pratchett can be distinguished. Sean plays tourist Twoflower with a magic suitcase.

Liv Tyler - Arwen

For the past 13 years, Liv Tyler has mostly starred in melodramas like Jersey Girl and Deserted City. In 2007, she had a role in the horror film Strangers. The actress is currently starring in the HBO series The Leftovers. The series has been renewed for a third season, but release dates are yet to be announced. By the way, for the last two years, Liv has been actively engaged in the birth of children: in 2015 she gave birth to a son, and in July of this year, a daughter.

Dominic Monaghan - Merry

After The Lord of the Rings, Dominic was lucky to get into the big project Lost or Lost. There, he played the role of a drug addicted musician who, throughout the series, is trying to cope with his addiction to white powder. The rest of the films with his participation did not receive any significant response from the public or from critics.

Billy Boyd - Pippin

Billy Boyd continues to act in films, though not as big as The Lord of the Rings. He is also the lead singer and guitarist for the band Beecake.

Sean Bean - Boromir

Since he died Boromir, Sean Bean has died in many films. The most famous death is when he was Eddard Stark on Game of Thrones. Odysseus has been in Troy, Vronsky in Anna Karenina, Christopher DaSilva in Silent Hill, Mitch Henderson, NASA flight director in The Martian. And he has many, many more films, and he is an excellent actor.

Hugo Weaving - Elrond

Hugo, even in between the films of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, managed to work on the image of Agent Smith in the sequels to The Matrix, flashed in the films V for Vendetta, Wolfman, Cloud Atlas.

Cate Blanchett - Galadriel

Cate Blanchett is a megastar. She has many different figurines for her roles in the films Jasmine, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, I'm Not There, The Aviator. Even more films that delighted both the audience and the critics: "Elizabeth", "Babylon", "Carol". What is not there

John Rhys-Davies - Gimli

John Rhys-Davies, despite his 70 years, is actively removed. True, he was no longer invited to films comparable in scale to The Lord of the Rings. All the rest of him significant roles smart professors in the films about "Indiana Jones" and "The Lost World" happened even before working as a gnome

Miranda Otto - Eowyn

The roles of Miranda came across more and more small, inconspicuous. The last interesting work was in the series "Motherland" in 2015. In the fifth season, she perky played the role of the chief of the CIA station in Berlin.

Andy Serkis - Gollum

Since Andy became Gollum, all of his most famous work has been with motion capture. Apparently, he has a special talent for working in a gray skinny suit: "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "King Kong", " star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Daria Tatarkova

Premiered yesterday the last part of the epic adaptation of The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies. Over the past fifteen years, Peter Jackson, along with excellent actors, has created a completely separate image of Middle-earth. No matter how Tolkien's fans imagine the imaginary world of his works and the characters inhabiting it, it cannot be denied that without the films of the New Zealand director, he would have been much poorer. The main characters of the new trilogy are dwarfs and a hobbit, but viewers continue to be lured by more elegant characters: for example, Jackson inserted Legolas into the arrangement of the book, where, in fact, there is no hero. We decided to recall all the elves from the films of Peter Jackson and find out who is the coolest and who is not.


elf, mistress of Lorien

Galadriel is one of the most important characters in the history of Middle-earth. The daughter of kings, she was one of those who led the rebellion of the elves and led them away from Valinor. Tolkien described her as "the greatest elf" and the most powerful and beautiful of those left in Middle-earth at the time of the events of The Lord of the Rings. With a gradual understanding of the true nature of her past, all her actions became a kind of atonement for sins. The help she gave to the Brotherhood beautiful to that illustration. Despite the fact that her pride would never allow the heroine to possess the ring of omnipotence, real strength character she shows by acknowledging it and refusing it. Galadriel can read the minds of other beings and see into their souls. She lived an incredible life. long life, becoming a witness and a feasible participant in Tolkien's imaginary world - at the time of her last mention, the elf was seven thousand years old.


half-elf, daughter of Elrond, queen of Gondor

Evening star Arwen Undomiel was out of sight in the books. Tolkien dignified it with a passing description and vaguely identified it as Aragorn's motivation in his campaign to save Middle-earth. In the film - and I would like to believe that without screenwriters Francis Walsh and Philippa Boyens it could not have done here - Arwen becomes no less courageous than her husband - the future king. Replacing the elf Glorfindel, she herself saves Frodo from the Nazgul, delivering him to his father in Rivendell. Arwen is present in all films, but not as a motivating prize, but as a catalyst for the fate of Aragorn. Without her self-sacrifice and decision to stay, the processes that would then lead the forces of good and Aragorn to victory would not have started. The final decision of the elf to be with her husband is partly saturated with bitterness: she is forever forced to say goodbye to her family and her people, who completely left Middle-earth. In the book, after her husband died and the children grew up, she went to the forests of Lorien and decided not to live anymore, thereby falling into the halls of the dead in Valinor.


Elf, son of Thranduil, Prince of Mirkwood

Legolas became something of a Middle-earth rock star thanks to the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Jackson, along with Bloom, came up with new levels of swagger for him, about which there could be no talk in the book. For example, on a shield, like on a surf, he slides down the stairs and at the same time fires a burst of arrows - there is no need to even explain anything. Despite the fact that the original spirit of the book character in the films was preserved in full, the impudence inherent in youth (by elven standards) and Jacksonian humor provided this incarnation of the Prince of Mirkwood with an army of devoted fans almost instantly. At the same time, Legolas inherited from his father a dislike for gnomes and a family temper.

His presence in the new part looks, of course, somehow quite awkward. Bloom looks more like the beefier uncle of the boy who was in the 2000s, and computer rejuvenation completely turns him into a wax figure. One gets the feeling that he is out of place there, like an escaped exhibit of Madame Tussauds, who unexpectedly got on the set. Nevertheless, we are proud of Legolas for the fact that he was able to outgrow his father's influence and, despite centuries of hostility, his best friend is a dwarf, whom, according to Tolkien, he even took with him to Valinor.


half-elf, lord of Rivendell

Elrond was not exactly an elf, if you look strictly. Both his parents, Eärendil and Elwing, came from the unions of elves and men, so Elrond was given the choice between the fate of an elf and a man. Unlike his twin brother Elros, who settled on the second option and eventually founded the human kingdom of Numenor, Elrond decided to become an elf. In Jackson's films, the role of Elrond went to Hugo Weaving, and if at first the audience poked a finger at him and shouted - “this is Agent Smith”, by the end of the 2000s, any associations with The Matrix evaporated.

As in the books, Elrond appears as one of the wisest elves in Middle-earth, who really cares about the fate of the rest of the inhabitants of his world. He lived for several thousand years, having managed to take part in the war against Sauron long before the events of The Lord of the Rings. In addition, Elrond had the gift of foresight and elven telepathy, which in the film even vast distances turned out to be no problem. On top of all that has been said, Elrond was entrusted with the most powerful of the elven rings Vilya - so, frankly, there is practically no one to compete with him.


elf from Mirkwood

This elf was invented specifically for the films, and if you think that the story of the relationship between Arwen and Aragorn was complicated, then what can we say about Tauriel, who fell in love with a dwarf. Tolkien did not allow himself such liberties: for him, the union of elves and people was something incredibly tragic, and there were only three of them in the entire history of Middle-earth. In the screen "The Hobbit", the difference, even external, let's be frank, between elves and dwarves (according to at least this) is not so cardinal, and the chosen one of Tauriel Kili could well pass for an elf, provided the ears and the absence of stubble. To top it all, Tauriel rebelled against her king and, contrary to orders, went to help the dwarves fight off the orcs. As a captain of the guard, she knows how to fight no worse than any man, and besides, she guarded the lands of Mirkwood, feeling, unlike the rest, that the dark forces are thickening, no matter what Thranduil says.


elf, captain of the guards of Lorien

One of the chiefs of the guards of Lorien, Haldir in the book was the guide of the Fellowship through Lorien when they reached the domain of Galadriel. Jackson decided to give the elf a much more significant role, thereby turning him from a casual acquaintance into a tragic figure. important point relationship between humans and elves. In The Two Towers, Haldir is shown as the captain of the squad that the elves sent to help in the defense of Helm's Deep. An unexpected decision not leaving people in trouble, even though, most likely, they are sent to their death, helped to strengthen the belief that peoples will still be able to rally their forces in the fight against a common evil. The relationship between Haldir and Aragorn is shown as more of a friendship, with a hint that the two may have known each other before. Haldir is killed in battle by an orc sword.


elf, lord of Lorien

Celeborn is a uniquely positive character, and the most boring of all. Little is known about him, and he became famous for being the husband of Galadriel. Despite the status of one of the wisest elves in Middle-earth, Celeborn always remains somewhere on the sidelines and has no direct relation to what is happening - accordingly, he appears very little in films. In the books, unlike the last film in the first trilogy, he was the last elf to leave Middle-earth, and with him the last living memory of them.


elf king of Mirkwood

Thranduil, King of the Wood Elves, is an incredibly proud character whose arrogance has played tricks on him more than once. Unlike the rest, he appears in The Hobbit, which makes him one of the first elves of Tolkien who once saw the light, then, however, without a name. In the film version, quite a lot of attention is paid to the forest king, simply because it would be impossible to resist and not use such a character. For his grand entrance, Thranduil, played by Lee Pace, chose a huge deer with branching antlers - such an exit in a split second tells us quite a lot about a character who loves to show off.

Thranduil himself brought his relationship with the dwarves to an alarming strain because of his complexes about wealth and gems, which he was always short of. In the film, the aggressiveness and greed of the king put him on a par with villains rather than allies. With all the sins of Thranduil, nevertheless, he will side with the people and the dwarves in the Battle of the Five Armies against the orcs. In the future, his son Legolas, whom he will send to Rivendell during the events of The Lord of the Rings, drew attention to himself.


Elf of Rivendell

Figwit is the most stupid, but perhaps the funniest character in the entire list of screen adaptations of elves. Judge for yourself: his name is actually an abbreviation of the phrase "Frodo is grea... who is THAT?!?" So the hero of the third plan of the Jackson ring trilogy was called, of course, not by the director himself, but by a trio of Wellington documentary filmmakers who later shot the film of the same name about the Figwit phenomenon. A stupid name is better than none - so you can at least somehow identify it, after all, “elf from the retinue” does not mean anything at all. One could forget about him, like about any other nameless elf, if not for the actor who played him. Bret McKenzie is one half of Flight of the Conchords, the comedy duo Brett and Jamaine, who made their HBO series about them conquering New York. Despite the fact that Mackenzie is not recognizable at first glance, vigilant fans still managed to make out him.

In the first film, Figwit sat on the board, but after the hilarious buzz surrounding the character, Jackson decided to give him a whole line in the third film. He says only one phrase: “Lady Arwen, we cannot delay! My lady!" (seriously, just that), which did not stop him from earning his fan base and becoming a regular fanfiction hero of all sorts. In The Hobbit, Mackenzie played another elf from Rivendell - Lindir, right hand Elrond himself.

I will try to highlight the most important and likable characters from the well-known story of the Ring.

Frodo Baggins

Name options: Mr Podholmes

Maura: Labings

Title: Ring-bearer

Race: hobbit

Floor: Male

Habitat: Eriador (Shir)

Weapon: Sword Sting

Frodo Baggins (translation options: Baggins, Sumkins, Sumniks, Bebbins) - a hobbit, main character The Lord of the Rings trilogy by John R. R. Tolkien.

Frodo's appearance is described by Gandalf in the instructions to the innkeeper from Bree. The wizard's letter says that Frodo is a tall, fair-haired hobbit, with ruddy cheeks and sparkling eyes.

"A stout little fellow with red cheeks, This one is taller than some and fairer than most, and he has a cleft in his chin: perky chap with a bright eye."

Fellowship of the Ring: Chapter 10 Strider

In film "Lord of the Rings" played the role of Frodo Elijah Wood, whose appearance was somewhat different from that described in the book.


Frodo was born on September 22, 2968 in Hobbiton, Shire. An orphan since childhood, his parents - Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandyback - died by drowning in Brandywine. Frodo was raised by his uncle, Bilbo, in Bag End.

After Bilbo left for Rivendell, Frodo inherited the manor and magic Ring owned by his uncle. The magician Gandalf warned Frodo that the Ring belongs to the dark lord Sauron, who needs it for rebirth. The servants of Sauron are looking for the Ring, so Frodo must leave the Shire. Frodo sells the manor distant relatives Sackwell-Baggins and, together with the servant Sam and friends Peregrine and Merry, set off on a journey to the kingdom of the elves of Rivendell. In Bree they meet a man named Aragorn, a friend of Gandalf who is assigned to see them off.

Prior to the arrival of Aragorn, Frodo was the de facto leader of the group. It was he who saved his friends from the Dead, cutting off that paw, and at the Windfall, he rushed at the Ghost King, the leader of the Nazgûl, with a dagger. At the same time, Frodo was badly wounded by the cursed blade, the poison and spell of which almost killed him. Elf Glorfindel brought Frodo to Rivendell, where the hobbit was healed by the efforts of Elrond, the Elven Lord. There he met Bilbo and received from him an incredibly strong chain mail made of mithril as a gift.

At the council in Rivendell, which was attended by representatives of different peoples, it was decided to destroy the Ring by throwing it into Orodruin. Frodo personally volunteered to carry the Ring. With him went three hobbits, Aragorn, Gandalf, the dwarf Gimli, the elf Legolas, and the warlord of Gondor Boromir, forming the Fellowship of the Ring. Through the dungeons of Moria and Lothlorien, the Fellowship headed south. In Moria, the heroes, including Frodo, had to fight the orcs, and only chain mail saved the hobbit from serious wounds. In Lorien, Frodo offered to take the Ring from Queen Galadriel, but she refused, realizing how she would change her. black magic Rings.

Boromir, on whom the spell of the Ring had a stronger effect, persistently urged Frodo to take the Ring to Gondor, so as not to destroy it, but to use its power against the enemy. Frodo began to fear Boromir, who in his madness tried to take the Ring from him. Seeing how the spell of the Ring destroys his friends, the hobbit decided to get to Orodruin alone. Sam followed the owner, despite his objections.

On the way to Mordor, Frodo and Sam were attacked by Gollum - a creature that once owned the Ring and fell under complete dependence on it. The hobbits forced Gollum to become their guide, hoping to re-educate him. Gollum pretended to be loyal, hoping to take possession of the Ring. The trio of travelers fell into the hands of Prince Faramir, brother of Boromir, but he let them go, seeing the importance of their mission.

During his travels, Frodo dwindled under the influence of the evil magic of the Ring, often experiencing and struggling to overcome the urge to wear it. Frodo began to sympathize with Gollum, understanding his torment and pitying him, and even defended the freak from Sam's attacks.

Gollum led the hobbits into a trap: into the cave of the spider Shelob. Frodo was poisoned by her poison and fell lifeless. Sam, believing that his friend was dead, wounded the spider, forcing her to return to the lair, took the Ring and continued on his way.

However, Frodo was still alive. He, motionless, was captured by the orcs, the servants of Sauron. A quarrel broke out between the jailers when dividing the booty, namely mithral chain mail, which helped Sam free the owner. Together they reached the mouth of Orodruin, where the weakened Frodo fell under the spell of the Ring and suddenly refused to destroy it. But at that moment Gollum attacked him, biting off his finger with the Ring. Then Gollum fell into the crater, thus destroying the Ring.

Frodo and his friends were declared heroes and honored in Gondor. Upon his return to Hobbitania, Frodo took part in the uprising of the hobbits against the robbers who had seized the country. After that, the hobbit settled in the newly redeemed Bag End and wrote the Red Book, a chronicle of the War of the Ring. In subsequent years, Frodo was often ill, and was eventually taken with Bilbo to the immortal lands of Valinor, across the sea.


Name options: Elfinite, Wanderer (Strider, Kolobrod, Rod), Elessar, Enviniatar, Estelle, Dunadan, Heir of Isildur, Thorongil, Telkontar

Title: Chieftain of the Dunedain, King of the reunited kingdom of Gondor and Arnor, Lord of the Western Lands, King of the West, King of the White Tree

Race: Human

Floor: Male

Habitat: Rivendell, United Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor

Weapon Sword: Anduril / Narsil

Aragorn (sind. Aragorn) - one of the main characters "Lord of the Rings" J. R. R. Tolkien.

Aragorn II, 39th descendant of Isildur in a straight line, leader of the Dunedain of the North, after the War of the Ring - king of the reunited kingdom of Arnor and Gondor. Husband of Arwen, daughter of Elrond, father of Eldarion and several daughters.


Aragorn means "Kingly Valor" in Sindarin.

Strider / Strider / Strider - a nickname given to Aragorn by the inhabitants of the North of Middle-earth (for example, in Bree), when he was the leader of the rangers.

Dúnadan is the nickname of Aragorn. That's what they called him in Rivendell. The Dunedans (sind. Dunedain, translated from Elvish - "Man from the West") are the descendants of the Numenoreans.

Telcontar is the name Aragorn Elessar gave to his ruling house after the reunification of the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. This name is an analogue of the nickname "Strider", which means "walker" in Quenya.

Thorongil is the name used by Aragorn in 2957-2980. T. E., when he fought incognito in the armies of Rohan and Gondor. The name means Star Eagle.

Elessar is a middle name, meaning Elf Stone. This name was given to him in Lorien by the mistress of Galadriel, when she gave him a magic stone of the same name. Later, the Gondorians, who did not know the name of Aragorn, called him in the same way, Elessar.

Envinyatar is the nickname adopted by Aragorn after his coronation. Means Renovator.

Estelle - The name given by Elrond in childhood. So Aragorn was called until the age of twenty, when he learned his real name. Translated as hope. The name refers to Aragorn's role in the fate of Middle-earth.


Aragorn is the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen. Since 2933, T. E. has been the 16th (and last) leader of the Dúnedain. He lost his father early. He was brought up in Razdol by elves. At the age of 20, he learned about his origin from his tutor Elrond, who handed Aragorn the Ring of Barahir and the fragments of Narsil. In the same year, Aragorn met Arwen and fell in love with her. Elrond set him a condition: marriage is possible only if Aragorn becomes king of Arnor and Gondor. After the conversation, Aragorn left Rivendell for thirty years and went on a journey, fighting with the servants of Sauron. During these years he became friends with Gandalf and became his friend. In 2957-2980. T. E. he fought on the side of Rohan and Gondor under the name of Thorongil. At the age of 49, with the blessing of Galadriel, he became engaged to Arwen in Lothlórien. There, during the stay of the Fellowship of the Ring visiting the elves, Aragorn received a new name - Elessar. After 3000, at the request of Gandalf, he guards the Shire with the rangers. From 3001 he helped Gandalf in his unsuccessful attempt to find Gollum. However, he succeeded later, in 3017, which helped to clarify the history of the Ring. In 3018-3019 Aragorn participated in the War of the Ring. In 3018 he became a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, after the death of Gandalf he led the detachment. Participated in the battle for Helm's Deep in Rohan and the liberation of the southern lands of Gondor from pirates. A surprise attack in the battle with the armies of Sauron on the Pelennor Fields decided the outcome of the battle. Led a campaign against Mordor. Since May 1, 3019, T. E. is the king of the reunited kingdom of Arnor and Gondor, Aragorn II Elessar. He married Arwen and lived with her for 120 years. Usop in 120 CE, his body rests in Minas Anor (former Minas Tirith). Aragorn was succeeded by his son Eldarion.


Name options: Undomiel (Evening Star)

Title: Queen of the united kingdom of Gondor and Arnor

Race: Elfinite, first chose the fate of the elves, then - the people

Floor: Female

Habitat: Rifth, then Gondor

Years of life: 241 T.E. - 121 C.E.

Weapon: Hadhafang sword

Arwen Undómiel (born Arwen Undómiel) is an elven princess, a character in the epic "The Lord of the Rings" by John R. R. Tolkien.

Arwen means "princess" in Sindarin. According to another version, the name is given on ancient language Quenya means "Noble". Arwen was so beautiful that many considered her the incarnation of Luthien Tinuviel; that is why she was nicknamed the "Evening Star of the Elven people" by analogy with the "Morning Star" - Galadriel.

Arwen is the daughter of Elrond and Celebrian, the sister of Elladan and Elrohir. On the paternal side, Arwen is the granddaughter of the navigator Earendil, the son of Tuor from one of the ancient houses of people - the house of Hador, and Elwing is the daughter of Dior, the son of Beren and Lúthien, the daughter of Thingol and Melian. On the mother's side, she is the granddaughter of Celeborn and Galadriel, the daughter of Finarfin, t .e. refers to the descendants of the house of Finwe. She also has to distant relative Aragorn - 39th descendant of Isildur, son of Elendil, descendant of Elros, first king of Numenor and brother of Elrond, i.e. Uncle Arwen.

She grew up in Lorien. In 2951 T.E. returned to Doln and met with Aragorn, who initially mistook her for Luthien who appeared to him. Elrond, who learned about his feelings, advised the Dunadan not to bind fate with Arwen, because this would doom the lord of Imladris to a bitter separation from his daughter. Twenty-nine years later, Arwen and Aragorn met again in Lorien, where the elfinite was invited by Galadriel. Then Arwen gave her chosen one an oath of allegiance, thereby refusing elven immortality. Their union was blessed by Galadriel and accepted silently by Elrond. After the War of the Ring, Arwen married Aragorn and lived happily with him for 120 years, giving birth to the son of Eldarion and several daughters to the king of Gondor. She died in Kerin Amroth, unable to bear the separation from her dead husband.

The marriage of Arwen and Aragorn was the third and last union of an elf and a man in the history of Middle-earth.


Name options: Gandalf the Grey, Olorin, Mithrandir, Tarkun, Incanus, the White Rider

Title: Istari (mage)

Race: Maiar

Floor: Male

Years of life: Immortal

Weapon: Glamdring sword and staff

Gandalf is a wizard, one of the central characters in John R. R. Tolkien's fantasy books, in particular The Hobbit, or There and Back Again and The Lord of the Rings.

History of creation and possible prototypes

Gandalf - archetypal wise wizard, a traditional figure in J. R. R. Tolkien's familiar Scandinavian and British mythology. Among similar mythological characters and possible prototypes, the Celtic Merlin and the Scandinavian Odin are noted. The name "Gandalf", or rather "Gandalf" is borrowed from the Elder Edda, where it belongs to one of the "lower alves".

The prototype for the appearance of Gandalf was the Swiss post card titled "Mountain Spirit", which depicts an old bearded man in a wide-brimmed hat, hand-feeding a deer. The character's original name was Bloodorthyn, while Gandalf's name was the dwarf king, known in the final version as Thorin Oakenshield. Later, the author gave the name Gandalf to the wizard, as the former seemed too frivolous. The decoding of the name also played a role: gandr - a magic staff, alfr - alf.

In turn, the image of Gandalf changed the archetype and influenced the images of later characters. Gandalf-influenced characters include Elminster in the Forgotten Realms, Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series, and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the classic Star Wars trilogy.


Gandalf, real name Olorin, is one of the Maiar, the lesser spirits of Arda. Among the five Istari sages, he was chosen by the council of the Valar to be sent to Middle-earth to help elves and men and to oppose Sauron, lord of dark forces. Olorin initially refused the difficult task, but yielded to the will of his mentor Manwë. He was known in Middle-earth by many names, including Gandalf the Grey. Guardian of Narya, one of the Three Elven Rings, entrusted to him by Cirdan the Shipwright upon his arrival in Middle-earth.

Quote from The Silmarillion:

The wisest of the Maiar was Olorin, who was later called Mithrandir and Gandalf. He also dwelt in Lórien, but his ways often led Olorin to Nienna's house, and from her he learned compassion and patience.

Much is said about Melian in the Quenta Silmarillon, but this story does not speak of Olorin, because although he loved the Elves, he was among them invisibly or took on the same form as theirs. And the Elves did not know where the beautiful visions came from or the wise promptings that he put into their hearts. In later days he was a friend of all the children of Ilúvatar and sympathized with their sorrows. And those who listened to his words left despair and gloomy thoughts.

Gandalf became most famous by wandering through Middle-earth and making acquaintance with different nations helping them with advice. In different parts of the world, he received many different nicknames that replaced his name.

I have many names in different countries. Mithrandir among the elves, Tarkun among the dwarves; in my youth I was Olorin in the long forgotten West, Incanus in the south, Gandalf in the north, and I do not go to the east.

Known among the Hobbits for giving Old Man Took magic diamond cufflinks that fasten themselves, but only unfasten when ordered to. He is also known for his miraculous fireworks, which he put on on Midsummer's Eve at Old Man Took's party.

Gandalf was one of the organizers of the campaign of a detachment of dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield, which, at his insistence, was joined by Bilbo Baggins to Mount Erebor, described in the story "The Hobbit". He took part in the beginning of the campaign and fought in the Battle of the Five Armies against goblins and wargs. Shortly before this, on the instructions of Saruman, he secretly entered the castle of Dol Guldur, where he saw the captive, dying king of the Dwarves Thrain. Recognizing in the "Necromancer", the owner of the castle, resurgent Sauron, he insisted on the White Council for an immediate offensive, and took part in the expulsion of Sauron from Dol Guldur.

In the ring of power found by Bilbo, Gandalf suspected the Ring of Omnipotence. He forced Bilbo to part with the ring and give it to Frodo's nephew. Finding characteristic writings in the Black Speech on the ring and consulting the descriptions in the archives of Gondor, Gandalf convinced Frodo to take the ring to Rivendell, the abode of the elves. He himself went to meet with Saruman. At a meeting between the Istari, a conflict broke out: Saruman himself wanted to take possession of the Ring and use it to achieve power. He also urged Gandalf to make peace with Sauron. When an outraged Gandalf refused to reveal the location of the Ring to Saruman, Saruman imprisoned him atop the tower of Orthanc. From there, Gandalf was rescued by giant eagles sent by his friend, the third Istari, Radagast Karim.

Arriving at the council in Rivendell, Gandalf told about the betrayal of Saruman and agreed to lead the Fellowship of the Ring, a detachment that should take the Ring to the mouth of the Orodruin volcano and destroy it. Gandalf led his companions through the dungeons of Moria, where the party encountered the demon Balrog. In battle with him, the wizard fell into the abyss, and the companions continued on their way without him, deciding that Gandalf was dead.

However, the magician survived, and even defeated the Balrog at the cost of severe wounds and burns. On the verge of death, insight and new strength came to him. He was given the right to take the place of the fallen Saruman at the head of the order, and henceforth be called Gandalf the White. He joined the liberation struggle of the people of Rohan against the Uruk-hai of Saruman and brought reinforcements to key moment in the Battle of Helm's Deep. After that, having met with Saruman in Isengard, he deprived him of his magical powers and broke his staff.

Going to Gondor, the fortress of Minas Tirith, Gandalf helped organize the defense of the city to Lord Denethor. After the fall and suicide of Denethor, Gandalf actually led the defense of the city. The arrival of reinforcements from Rohan and the army of perjurers brought by Aragorn, the heir of Isildur, as well as the death of the leader of the enemy army, the main Nazgul, made it possible to win the battle near the walls of the city. Realizing that the main thing is the destruction of the ring, Gandalf, along with Aragorn, moved to the walls of Mordor to divert attention. After Frodo and Sam destroyed the Ring, and Sauron disappeared, he participated in the coronation of Aragorn as King of Arnor and Gondor. Having finished his labors in Middle-earth. Gandalf departed back across the sea to Valinor. Quote from The Silmarillion:

So peace came again, and new spring came to earth.<...>

All this was achieved largely through the advice and vigilance of Mithrandir, and in the last few days he has shown himself to be a leader worthy of the greatest reverence.

Clad in white, Mithrandir rode his horse into battle, but until the time came for him to leave the country, no one knew that he had long kept a red ring of fire.

At first, this ring was entrusted to Cirdan, but he gave it to Mithrandir, knowing where he came from and where he would return.

Take this ring, - said Cirdan, - as your labors and worries will be heavy, and it will keep you from fatigue in everything. For this is the Ring of Fire, and with it, perhaps you can kindle hearts with ancient prowess in this world that has become so cold. As for me, my heart is given to the sea, and I will live on the gray shores, guarding the harbors, until the time comes for the last ship to sail. Then I'll be waiting for you!


Race: Dwarf

Floor: Male

Habitat: Blue Mountains, Glittering Caves of Aglarond

Years of life: 2879 T.E. - not earlier than 120 C.E.

Weapon: double sided ax

Gimli (2879 TE - 120 CE or later) Gimli is a dwarf in the Lord of the Rings epic by John R. R. Tolkien, a member of the Fellowship of the Ring.

Gimli son of Glóin. He spent his childhood in the Blue Mountains. In TE 3018, she and her father went to Razdol. At the council of Elrond, he was chosen as one of the nine Guardians. Gimli was the first Dwarf to enter Lorien since the First Age. On the way he became friends with the elf Legolas. Fought bravely against the orcs in the Glittering Caverns of Aglarond. He followed Aragorn along the Path of the Dead and took part in the Battle of the Pelennor Plain. With his exploits, courage and nobility, he achieved the fact that they began to call him the Friend of the elves. After the War of the Ring, Gimli returned to the caverns of Aglarond with the Dwarves of Erebor and became their ruler. In 120 C.E., after the death of the sovereign Elessar, he probably sailed to the West with Legolas. Gimli was also called the Keeper of the Lock, because he constantly carried a lock of Galadriel's hair with him. Galadriel gave this lock to Gimli as a sign of "friendship between the Forest and the Mountains until the end of days."


Name options: Green leaf

Title: Prince of the Forest Kingdom

Race: Elf

Floor: Male

Habitat: Mirkwood

Years of life: Immortal

Weapon: Bow, arrows and long knives

Legolas - literary character acting in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

About the character

Legolas is an elf, son of Thranduil, king of the elves of Northern Mirkwood. In the year 3018 of the Third Age according to the human calendar, he arrived in Rivendell, where he took part in the Council of the Wise. He later joined the Fellowship of the Ring, where he was the sole representative of the elves. During the journey, he became especially friends with the dwarf Gimli, and this friendship lasted until the end of their days, and throughout the entire campaign they had a competition “who will kill more”. Legolas' sharp eye and skill with the bow and arrow was an invaluable aid to the Brotherhood. After the death of Boromir and the dissolution of the Fellowship, Legolas and Gimli followed Aragorn and accompanied him until the end of the War of the Ring. Together with him, they set off in pursuit of the orcs who had kidnapped Merry and Pippin. Traveling through Fangorn, they met Gandalf in white robes, who persuaded them to accompany him to Edoras. There they joined the army of Rohan for the duration of the war with Saruman. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli fought alongside the Rohirrim at the Battle of Helm's Deep. After the battle, they accompanied King Theoden to Isengard, and there Legolas was among those who negotiated with Saruman.

Shortly thereafter, Legolas and Gimli, following Aragorn, passed the Road of the Dead to the Stone of Erech in order to lead the army of perjurers to Pelargir and sail to the Principality of Gondor from the sea shores, thereby fulfilling an ancient prophecy. Legolas and Gimli were there when the Battle of the Pelennor Fields broke out. In Gondor, Legolas first saw the sea, and since then the desire to sail to the West, to Valinor, did not let him go, as Galadriel predicted to him.

After the death of Aragorn, Legolas fulfilled his dream by taking Gimli with him.


Legolas, although his name belongs to the wood elves, is not a wood elf by origin, but a Sind, like his father. Thranduil's son was born when he was already in Mirkwood, and thus received the name of the wood elves.

Legolas is a late-born hero (he appears only in the penultimate edition of The Lord of the Rings), and Tolkien paid little attention to him. Only the name of his father Thranduil is known, but neither his mother nor his siblings (whom he theoretically could have) are mentioned anywhere.

Legolas is a Sindarin name, a dialect of the Wood Elves. In pure Sindarin his name would be Laegolas. According to the rules of phonetics of the Elvish languages, the stress falls on the third syllable from the end. The name "Legolas" consists of two parts: "leg" - "green" (a dialectal form, correctly "laeg") and "golas / olas" - "foliage". The form "olas" is used to avoid repeating "g". Hence the name means "green leaves" or "green leaves". In the form "golas/olas", the "las" part (Sindarin) is a Quenya derivative of "lasse" and "laeg" is a derivative of "laikva". Thus, in Quenya, his name would be Laikwalasse. As Tolkien himself said, it is very suitable name for the wood elf.


Chapter "Elrond's Counsel" it is said that Legolas wore the attire of wood elves (green and brown colors). This matches the descriptions of the Mirkwood elves in The Hobbit. In fact, these are the only words that describe his appearance, except for "shining eyes". There is controversy over the color of his hair, but he is most likely blond, as his father is described as "the golden-haired king of the elves."


Tolkien does not mention the date of his birth anywhere. But Legolas at the time of The Lord of the Rings cannot be older than three thousand years, since he did not participate in the Battle of the Last Alliance. Also, in the forest of Fangorn, he says: "Since then, the leaves in my forest have flown five hundred times, but for us elves, this is nothing." That is, we can conclude that he is more than five hundred years old. If we rely on the "Laws and Customs of the Eldar", which says that for the birth of a child, both parents must really want him, want to bring new life on earth, then in Mirkwood elves should have ceased to be born somewhere from the year 1200 of the Third Age (it was then that Erin Galen covered the Shadow of Sauron, and he became known as Taur e-Ndaedelos). Thus, he should be about the same age as Arwen, who is 2778 years old. According to some sources, he is 2931 years old.


Name options: Alatariel, Altariel, Artanis, Nerwen

Title: Queen of Lorien

Race: Elf

Floor: Female

Habitat: Lorien (Doriath, Valinor)

Years of life: Immortal

Galadriel (eng. Galadriel) is an elven queen, a character in the epic "The Lord of the Rings" by John R. R. Tolkien. The most powerful of all the elves left in Middle-earth, the Mistress of Lorien.

The youngest and only daughter of Finarfin and Eärwen, sister of Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod and Aegnor. Mother Celebrian.

She was born in Valinor when the Two Trees were still growing there. Galadriel was considered the most beautiful of all the kind of Finwe. She had golden hair and light eyes. For her beautiful appearance, she was nicknamed the "Morning Star of the Elven people."


Alatariel is the old Teleri form of the name Galadriel.

Altariel is the Quenya form of the two previous names.

Galadriel is translated from Sindarin as the Virgin, adorned with a shining crown. This refers to her beautiful golden hair. given name was given to an elven princess by her husband Celeborn.

Nerven. At the birth of his daughter, Finarfin gave her the name Artanis (noble). According to elven customs, later the mother gave her daughter a different name - Nerven (male-virgin), which reflected the strength and stateliness of Galadriel.

Before the beginning of the First Age, Galadriel lived in Valinor.

The enemy of the lords of Valinor, Morgoth, stole the Silmarilli from the Noldor and fled to Middle-earth, and many princes of the Noldor decided to pursue him. Galadriel wished to leave Valinor with them. Unlike Feanor and his sons, she did not take a terrible oath. She wanted to have her own possessions in Middle-earth and rule there of her own free will. She followed Fingolfin and with him led her people's perilous march into Middle-earth through the northern lands and ice of the Helcaraxe. According to another version, recorded in Tolkien's drafts, Galadriel did not leave Valinor with the rest of the Noldor, she crossed the Great Sea on her own.

First Age

Galadriel came to Middle-earth at the age of 1 and settled in Beleriand with her brothers. There she often visited the halls of Thingol her kinsman in Doriath, where she met Celeborn and fell in love with him. When Finrod built Nargothrond and went there to live with his people, Galadriel stayed in Doriath and learned a lot about Middle-earth from Melian.

At the end Great War and the fall of Angband in 583, when Beleriand sank and the outlines of Middle-earth changed, many of the Noldor returned to Valinor, but Galadriel and her husband remained in Middle-earth.

Second Age

According to the later writings of John R. R. Tolkien, Galadriel moved with her husband to Lindon, where she ruled over a small group of elves. She may have been under the command of Gil-galad. Then she moved east - to Eregion. Then she came into contact with the settlement of the Nandor in the valley of the Anduin - the future Lothlórien. Then Celebrimbor ruled Eregion.

During the Second Age, Celebrimbor forged the Rings of Middle-earth. In 1590, Galadriel received Nenya, one of the Three Rings hidden from Sauron.

Third Age

In 1981 T.E. the lord of Lorien Amroth disappeared, and Galadriel began to own his lands. She lived there with her husband until the end of the Third Age. Galadriel became queen of the Wood Elves.

Galadriel was a member of the Council of the Wise of Middle-earth and was the first to convene it.

According to The Lord of the Rings, in February 3019, Galadriel gave shelter to the members of the Fellowship of the Ring after they passed through Moria and presented them with rich and useful gifts. She tested the members of the Brotherhood by mentally inviting them to make a choice between their difficult path and their hidden desires, which can turn off the path. She also allowed Frodo and Sam to look into the Mirror. She refused to accept the Ring of Omnipotence from Frodo, realizing that she would become a "great and terrible" mistress.

Galadriel left Middle-earth and sailed with Elrond, Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo to the West on September 29, 3021, leaving Celeborn in Lorien. At that time, she was over 7,000 years old. She was the only survivor of the Noldor who left Valinor in their time.

Samwise Gamgee

Name options: Sam, Banazir Galbasi

Race: hobbit

Floor: Male

Habitat: Eriador (Shir)

Weapon: Short sword (Barrow-blade)

Samwise Gamgee is a hobbit character in The Lord of the Rings epic by John R. R. Tolkien. Initially a poorly educated hobbit, he worked as a gardener in Bag-on-the-Krouch (eng. Bag-End). He went with Frodo Baggins on a journey to Mount Orodruin in order to destroy the Ring of Omnipotence. Faithful companion of Frodo Baggins, member of the Fellowship of the Ring. hosted Active participation in the restoration of the Shire. Wife - Rose, daughter - Elanor.


Title: Lady of Rohan, Lady of the Shield, White Lady of Rohan

Race: Human

Floor: Female

Habitat: Edoras

Years of life: 2995 T.E. - date of death unknown

Weapon: Sword

Eowyn (Eng. Éowyn) - one of the main characters of "The Lord of the Rings" by J. R. R. Tolkien. Granddaughter of King Tengel of Rohan, sister of Eomer Eadig. Faramir's wife. Possibly Elboron's mother.

Most likely, the name consists of two Old English roots éo "horse" and wyn "joy".


She lived with her uncle Theoden in the capital of Rohan - Edoras. Participated in the Battle of the Pelennor, posing as the Rohirrim Dernhelm. She killed the leader of the Nazgûl and was badly wounded. In the hospital of Minas Tirith she met Faramir and soon became his wife and princess of Ithilien.

Most of the information is from the Free Encyclopedia. The images are from Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
