The great power of gratitude. The Law of Gratitude is Magic

We are so accustomed to the daily pursuit of material ghosts that receiving something has ceased to bring a feeling of joy and satisfaction. Dreams have already lost their state of jubilant expectation. We're fed up. We began to perceive that everything is as it should be: someone owes us something, we owe them something. The thin thread is lost, and human relations more and more began to resemble “you give me - I give you.” Life itself has ceased to be a miracle, for every gift for which we feel gratitude.

What is the power of gratitude

Gratitude is very modest qualities who do not shout about themselves and do not attract special attention. But this is her strength, which is capable of working miracles. So, let's consider how this power can manifest itself in our lives.

  • Give less, you'll get more
    The universal laws of life are such that everything that happens to us is aimed at constantly testing our readiness to grow. To get something more, we must give away what we have now. The latter always has less potential, no matter how priceless it may seem. It would seem, what could be the problem? But there is one small detail that determines the whole process - gratitude. To receive something in return, we need to be grateful for what we have at the moment and be able to give it away, again with gratitude.
  • Knowing the true state of affairs
    How often do situations arise in our lives when problems fall on our shoulders in succession, trying to knock us down. Desperate attempts to change something do not bring desired result. It is as if we are plunging into a state of liturgical sleep, and everything that happens reminds us of slow-motion footage from a movie. There is only one way out of this situation - accepting everything that happens with gratitude. This makes it possible to rise one step higher and from its height see the true picture and ways to solve all existing problems.
  • Finding your purpose
    Another thing is that by saying thank you for every test in our life, we learn to understand ourselves and see our path. Gradually, anger and hatred go away. In their place comes wisdom and patience. Gratitude opens us to the creative flow that washes us to its shore in waves. Creativity is freedom of self-expression and its possession brings us true happiness and fulfillment.
  • Gratitude for others
    Gratitude To higher powers for our loved ones: parents, children, relatives, friends - an incredibly effective force. Words of appreciation for someone not only have an impact on the person who says them, but also create a powerful positive charge towards the person to whom they are sincerely directed. A person understands that he is valuable and even his simple presence already brings joy to someone. This creates the preconditions for a feeling of need and a desire to do something not only for one’s own good, but also for the good of others. This is encouragement, inspiration and enthusiasm on which honest and friendly relationships can be built.

How to learn gratitude

To learn gratitude towards others, you need to go through complex training– learn to be grateful to yourself. Many people cannot even imagine that the word “thank you” can be sincerely spoken to oneself. And this is not selfish indulgence, but sincere, loving attitude to yourself. In order to learn to thank yourself, let's do one practical exercise.

Let's take a piece of paper and a pen. Let's write down everything that we have for which we could say thank you. It is necessary to consider all aspects of life: material achievements, character traits, mental and Creative skills, some skills and abilities, feelings and beliefs. After your thoughts have dried up, try to analyze what you wrote. Maybe you will discover something new in yourself that you didn’t even suspect before. You may have new ideas about what needs more close attention for your development. Maybe you will find that some qualities are missing from the list, but which are very necessary for a real person. You will see for yourself that there are many things in you for which you want to be grateful.

Once you have learned what gratitude is towards yourself, it's time to show it towards others. Remember, as far as possible, all the people in your life since childhood to whom you would like to say thank you. Write down in as much detail as possible what you are grateful for to this or that person, try to maintain the inner warmth of gratitude for as long as possible. You can take one person every day and describe situations in which you want to say thank you. This way, your gratitude practice will turn into a constant flow, which will very soon bring favorable changes to your life.

The last thing we need to do to get into the flow is happy life– is to learn to thank life itself. First, it’s easier to learn to be grateful for everything positive that happens in your life. Everyday life. Analyze events over last month that brought you joy and pleasure. Try to take into account all the little things, right down to the gift of a flower to some passerby. Write down your ideas and see how many positive things actually happened in just one month. Now imagine the countless chances for gratitude that every person has in his entire life.

When the power of gratitude leads us to new level, Giving reliable protection from any negative emotions, you need to take the next step and learn gratitude, regardless of the emotional connotation that this or that event carries. Make a list of all the problems that have befallen you over the past 3-6 months. No matter how difficult it may seem, you need to accept and try to thank life for all these trials. When the first words of gratitude enter your heart, you will receive intuitive knowledge of why this problem appeared in your life. This in turn will show the direction for solving it.

Gratitude also gives us consolation to get through the most difficult periods in your life and strength to do the next important step. Without it it is impossible to become a humane person and achieve stable positive results on his way. The word “thank you” not only conveys gratitude for something, but it also assumes that the person uttering it is ready, if necessary, to provide all possible help to another person.

We often complain and are offended by the world because of life circumstances that seem negative to us, because we do not know that there is a fairly effective technique of gratitude to the Universe for improving the quality of life, which is called simoron. Every day, we complain about people, work, weather, etc., etc., although the power of our gratitude really works wonders, as it has long been noticed, and this is evidenced positive reviews users that gratitude itself is an effective technique for improving the quality of life of any person in any country, regardless of culture and traditions.

Remember how many times, walking home on a cold evening, you cursed the rain, the crush on the bus, the low salary... the list goes on and on? How often before going to bed have you asked unknown people questions in the darkness: “Why? Why? What is wrong with me?". Life seemed to you a gray mass of monotonous events in which you felt like an actor playing an incomprehensible role. Sound familiar? Very. No, I won't tell you the name magic pill, from which your life will instantly change better side. But still there is one remedy. And it's real. And you can start trying it now, at this very minute.

Think about how often you give thanks to the world. Thank you for giving. There is such a word. Think about what you have to be grateful for. An effective technique of gratitude to the universe for improving life, simoron, begins to work precisely with these simple thoughts. But the world doesn’t ask anything from you in return. Just remember these benefits. Think about the fact that someone can't run around and laugh like you. Someone, for health reasons, cannot afford to eat a piece of chocolate pie with tea, which you love so much and can afford. Someone doesn't have a job like you, someone has nowhere to live. There can be all sorts of examples and the purpose of this technique is not to feel sorry for strangers in need. It's a matter of awareness.

You have many values ​​that you don't even notice. And you can multiply them if you want. Try it before going to bed or in the morning, or no matter where or how – thank you. The world, the Universe, God, people, parents, yourself (also necessary) for... but, for what? It's up to you to decide. An effective gratitude technique for improving your life, simoron, will begin to work if you have been sincere. But keep in mind that you need to be grateful for everything, for the good and the bad. Every experience in your life has led you to who you are now and leads you further.

Remember that you cannot be born perfect child and living your whole life without mistakes and falls is simply not realistic. So start giving thanks. The power of our gratitude is the most effective technique for improving life around us, which has received positive reviews. You can know, you can remember and not do, but you just need to start. Start and you will see how much you have. Start and you will understand that there are no problems that cannot be solved. Start and you will see that the world is not black and not white, but the way you perceive it within yourself. And you can color it yourself, making it cozier and brighter.

All in your hands. The main thing is not to forget to do this, and in moments of despair, calm down, and remember not about sorrows, but about joys. The gratitude technique, as the forum points out, is triggered only by your positive thoughts, after which you need to enjoy and see what happens then. You can start thinking about how to attract them into your life. What to do, what to change to bring joy and happiness to your inner world became more. Start giving thanks and see new ways to unlock the potential in your life.

Greetings, dear readers! Elena Nikandrova is with you. This time I want to talk to you about the power of gratitude, how you need to thank God, the Universe and why you need to do it.

What is gratitude

The word gratitude contains two roots “good” and “gift”, which means when we sincerely thank someone, we give them a good. The Roman Stoic philosopher and statesman Seneca believed that our gratitude is much more valuable than what we thank for; sincere gratitude is not only a virtue, but also elevates our soul and gives great spiritual development.

But in Christianity, on the contrary, gratitude is considered the duty of everyone, but this approach, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. If the power of our gratitude is considered from this point of view, then we will no longer be able to be sincerely grateful for something, we will no longer be pleased with the good deed itself because we obliged when receiving it, feel gratitude.

Why thank the Universe

Every day we say “thank you” to someone, for example, for a service rendered, for the fact that a person did something useful or good for us, and here everything is clear, but regarding gratitude to the Universe, many people wonder why do it? And this is exactly what I propose to deal with now.

  1. When we thank from the bottom of our hearts, at the behest of our hearts, precisely God or the Universe for everything that we have, then a powerful wave of positivity emanates from us, and you probably know that we receive into our lives what we give to the Universe, this applies to words, thoughts, and feelings. If we thank God and the Universe for everything we have, then there will be more and more of this in our lives.
  2. The strength of our gratitude to the Universe lies in the fact that we begin to notice more good than bad. Comes conscious understanding that there is so much good in our lives that the desire to constantly whine and complain disappears.
  3. The person begins to tune in positive mood, positive energy emanates from him and the same people are attracted to him. And those who are always dissatisfied with everything and like to complain simply disappear from his life.
  4. IN positive attitude people overcome problems and troubles more easily, and these problems become several times smaller, because now a person pays attention to positive events, which he attracts to himself.
  5. When a person thanks the Universe, he learns to see what he had not noticed before and opens up to new changes.

How to properly thank the Universe

If you decide to start thanking the Universe, then first of all I want to warn you: thank from the bottom of your heart without expecting anything in return. When I started doing this practice, I subconsciously did it only to attract more people into my life. Furthermore for which I thanked, that is, my gratitude was not sincere and came from profit. What happened? I got the opposite effect, exactly what I was grateful for became less and less. For example, thank you for good health and after a few days she fell ill, and this happened throughout everything. Therefore, if you decide to do this practice, then do not expect anything in return, just do it for yourself.

It is better to write gratitude with a pen in a notepad, and every evening write down 10 thanks for the day. You can, of course, do this in electronic version, but still many recommend writing by hand.

Perhaps these are all the rules of Thanksgiving, there is, of course, one more point, but it is better to use it when you want. So, you can write down what you want to be grateful for in the future. But in this case you really need to experience sincere gratitude for something that does not exist, but will definitely appear later. So, you kind of make an advance to the Universe, and after that you just have to be patient and wait for what you want to come true.

With respect to you, Nikandrova Elena

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“We always choose how we want to live our lives. By choosing gratitude as a life postulate, we are sure to live a happy, healthy, successful life.”

S. Huffman.

The Power of Gratitude- this is one of the strongest and most powerful feelings, with the help of which we can fully enjoy happiness, prosperity, love and prosperity.

Gratitude can completely change our lives. How? It turns out that everything is very simple. Everything in the universe is energy. And the most powerful law in the Universe is the law of attraction, which regulates all energies, attracting similar energies to each other. All our thoughts and feelings also have a certain energy and frequency.

When you focus on gratitude, talk about it, and most of all, when you feel it, you raise your energy frequency to the level of one of the most powerful frequencies.

When you sincerely thank, you are in the strongest energetic vibrations, vibrations of gratitude, thereby attracting similar energies to yourself, which (according to the law of similarity) bring you even more things to be grateful for. The power of gratitude is powerful. The more gratitude you show, the more abundance will come to you.

According to cosmic law attraction, if a person does not feel gratitude or is dissatisfied with something, he, accordingly, emits low vibrations that negatively affect a person’s success. Jealousy, resentment, irritation, dissatisfaction with anything interfere with achieving what you want. Moreover, in this way similar low vibrations are attracted.

If you want to new apartment or a job, but are not grateful for what you have now, you will mainly emit the frequency of dissatisfaction and will not be able to attract anything better. If you feel grateful for everything you have now, you are actively inviting even better things to come to you.

Focusing your attention on the power of gratitude, you turn your face to all the benefits that are constantly offered to you by the Universe. The Universe is like the Sun. The sun constantly illuminates our lives, pouring its life-giving energy onto us. We feel the action of the Sun when we turn our face to it, but if we turn away, we will not fully feel the Solar energy.

To completely change your life, harness the power of gratitude and be grateful for what you have now. We always have something to thank God (the Universe) for. In order to make your dream come true, to make your life happy and prosperous, you can get yourself a gratitude notebook (book, diary), in which you write down every day everything for which you are grateful in your life. If you write every day, over time you will be surprised at how much there is around you to be grateful for. As used the power of gratitude, the law of attraction will give you even more of what you desire.

Beautiful things will begin to appear in your life and wonderful events will happen. You can also give thanks for all the events that you wish to happen ( excellent health, harmonious relationships, favorite job, material abundance, etc.) even before they come to you.

The power of gratitude will attract everything you want to you, as you radiate into the Universe the impulse that you already have it. The Law of Attraction does not discriminate whether you have imagined it or whether you actually already have it. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart.

You can create a wonderful habit - every morning, feel gratitude for the wonderful coming day and for the wonderful events of the day (as if everything happened the way you want).

I can say from my own experience that when I began to give thanks for all the blessings that I have, my life changed in all areas and manifestations.

Let's fill our hearts with gratitude and “nourish” our Universe. Here and now! Remember, “No greater dignity than a grateful heart” (Seneca).

Greetings, dear readers!
There is not a single person in the world who would not be touched by words of gratitude addressed to him. Everyone is pleased to hear these words, but when we receive them, we sometimes forget to say “Thank you” in response. Receiving is more pleasant than giving. This is how man is made. It is easier to throw words of insult, reproaches, and caustic remarks than to simply remain silent or please your neighbor with an appreciative expression of gratitude. Just because he exists in life.
And we also forget to thank the Lord for every new morning, not even realizing that it was given to us just like that, for no reason, out of high, inexplicable love.
Gratitude has enormous power. The power of gratitude is one of the most powerful in our world.. It is so powerfully capable of changing our lives for the better that it can be called magical. Let's talk about it?

What to be grateful for

We come into this world different. From birth a person receives a lot. The ability to breathe, see, hear, walk, think—a person takes these values ​​for granted. But not everyone has it. There are other people too. Without arms or legs, deaf, blind. They also live, but a different life. They have fewer opportunities, their existence is not so bright and multifaceted. But how many of them are grateful, positive, and kind. For such people, life is a daily struggle, but they are happy and grateful! It is the power of gratitude that gives them the energy to live every day.

Each of us has something to thank the Creator for. Because we live, we have the opportunity to see the sky, people, breathe, move, hear birdsong, beautiful music.

At birth, the Lord rewards everyone with talents and helps to develop them. Of course, not everyone accepts help. The Almighty leaves man the right to choose. But this is a topic for another article.

What should we be grateful for?

Do you have children? Give thanks for this!

Do you have housing? Yes, maybe it's worse than we wanted. But you're not in cardboard box Do you live or at the station? Give thanks for this!

Aren't you starving? Give thanks for this!

Do you have money just for travel? Give thanks for this!

Is everything okay with the children? Give thanks for this! Even if it doesn’t go well, still give thanks!

Rain is coming! Give thanks for this! Trees need it to clean the air for you.

For every little thing - thank you!

There is no place for sadness in a grateful heart. Love lives there!

That's what main strength thanks! loving person enjoys life more and becomes more attractive. He has many friends, his relatives do not forget him, everything is fine with him.

Give thanks for the past. It’s not easy to do this if you carry a load of grievances and negativity from there. But it is gratitude that makes it possible to leave bad memories from past life, forgive everything and let go. Our bitter experience allows us to move on without mistakes and losses.

The ability to give thanks is the ability to forgive yourself first.

The power of gratitude changes lives

Feeling of gratitude - best feeling , which makes us fully appreciate what we have. It can completely change our lives. The power of gratitude calms the mind and allows you to feel joy and happiness.

I'll give an example of a friend of mine. In her life there was difficult period. Endless difficulties closed her space. She saw only trouble and nothing else. It seemed that the whole world, loved ones, friends were against her. She stopped loving people. The more irritated she became with everyone, the more troubles fell on her head. As a result, she stopped walking and her legs gave out. And only then did she see clearly and understand what she had lost! From Great love The Lord stopped her and showed her the difference.

How grateful she was to him for what she still sees, hears, feels!

Every day her day began and ended with words of gratitude for! In the end everything turned out well. The power of gratitude has corrected my life and helped separate the “wheat from the chaff.”

Words of gratitude are part of the energy of the Universe. The most powerful law of energy is to attract like with like. When we express gratitude sincerely, we receive back recognition for our understanding of goodness. Higher intelligence gives us even more than what we say thanks for.

Let's look at the power of gratitude using an example.

Do you have a friend who complains about financial difficulties. Your capabilities allow you to help him and you help. His problems do not end, you give money again. Help from you is taken for granted, without gratitude. As a result, the desire to help him disappears. And now the situation is different. Your friend sincerely and warmly thanks you. He is so happy that you want to help more and more.

That's how the Universe is. The more we give thanks, the more we receive. If you want a new apartment, a car, but do not feel grateful for what you have, you will radiate negativity, dissatisfaction and will not be able to attract the best. Focus on the power of gratitude and see how much good the Universe sends and changes your life for the better.

It is difficult to give thanks for difficulties, sorrows and troubles. But this is the most effective gratitude. With overcoming difficulties, a person becomes stronger, more resilient, and wiser. And if you don’t forget to thank the Almighty for your trials, you will receive much more as a reward than you lost.

Beautiful things will begin to appear in life, miracles will happen.

Give thanks for what you still desire (good health, understanding in the family, a favorite activity, financial well-being) even before everything happens. Powerful force gratitude will attract what you want according to the law of attraction. The main thing is to thank from the bottom of your heart!

How to develop a feeling of gratitude

But how can you give thanks if you have never done this in your life? Don’t understand why to say “thank you”?

The answer to this question is simply simple.

We came into this world just like that, not of our own free will or for anything. It's just God's providence.

The world is beautiful, full of colors, sounds, feelings. We are given the happiness of seeing, feeling, sensing, learning, loving, and learning everything. Is this not enough for gratitude? Let's learn to be grateful for everyday things. Of course, it's not easy. But learn to grow a feeling of gratitude in your heart, daily, hourly.

Find something good in your life in your opinion. There are many reasons for gratitude that we do not pay attention to. Say words of gratitude. Monitor yourself throughout the day. Say “thank you” for every step, breath. Remember the good deeds of your loved ones and friends. Remember your parents. Find a time and way to thank them. How they look forward to this, how much happiness they will bring simple words“Thank you mom and dad!”

In the morning, thank the Lord for sleeping in a warm bed, for the day ahead. In the evening say words of gratitude prayers. You will see how everything will change. The world will be transformed. The power of gratitude will reveal the real you. A grateful person has nothing to be offended by, there is no need to quarrel over trifles, be jealous, envy, etc. Such a person will be welcome everywhere, loved, and have many friends. And this is a reward from the Most High for a grateful heart!


How to thank correctly

There is no ambiguous answer to this question.

Gratitude should be sincere and come from the heart.

A believer gives thanks in prayer, where he always praises the Lord. There is a special prayer of thanks to the Lord, there are prayers to the holy saints and the Queen of Heaven for their help.

Psychologists advise keeping a “Gratitude Diary” where you should write down significant events for which you are grateful.

Write down:

  • Who or what are you grateful for on this day?
  • what happened good, what happened?
  • what have you learned?
  • what were the emotions?
  • How would your life change without the events of the past day?

If you do this daily, then over time you will be surprised how many things are around that are worth being grateful for. It is the power of gratitude that attracts more and more good and desirable things.

And in conclusion, these are the words of the poet:

Say thank you before going to bed for having a home.

For the fact that there is something to eat, for the fact that there is somewhere to sit

Because you have a friend, because your husband is faithful

And if there is no friend or husband, then for the fact that you see the light

To see the light you need eyes and ears to hear voices

The eyes are there, the hearing is there, thank you for not being deaf

Thanks also to the two legs that walk everywhere here and there

There are people who live without them

Well, lucky guy, are you quiet?

I agree that there is a mess, that there is a lot wrong in life

But still, think, weigh, appreciate what you have now and here!

We thank you, dear readers, for reading the article.

We wish you to enjoy every day with gratitude for everything that happens to you. Find the good in small things!
