Crocheted shuttlecocks with patterns and knitting needles. Crocheted ruffles: patterns, photo, description

Multilayer voluminous ruffles are quite often used to decorate a variety of types of clothing and textile interior items. They can be seen on blouses, skirts, dresses, cardigans, pillows and bedspreads.

For knitters with crochet skills, this decor is of particular interest. Crochet ruffles, patterns of which can be easily found in specialized literature, are not difficult to knit, although they take a long time.

Varieties of ruffles

Based on the appearance and patterns used in knitting, there are several main types of ruffles:

Summarizing, we can say that ruffles, frills and flounces have a common knitting principle. The difference lies in the number of consecutive elements. Ruffles are several frills or flounces located side by side. The essence of their manufacture is that the length of the last row of the ruffle cloth should be greater than the length of the first.

Importance of materials and tools

Making products that include ruffles is not very difficult; it is enough to master the initial crochet. Ruffles (literally any schemes for their implementation can be suitable) are made of soft, relatively thin yarn. The optimal thread thickness for knitting warm products is from 400 m / 100 grams to 600 m / 100 grams. When knitting summer cotton products, you can use yarn even thinner - about 700 m / 100 grams.

The thinner the yarn, the lighter the fabric will be. For knitting ruffles, the formation of beautiful folds is very important, so it is better to choose an average knitting density. So that crocheted ruffles (the patterns do not matter) do not turn out to be “wooden”, you can use a slightly larger hook than recommended for the selected yarn. Experienced craftswomen recommend this technique for beginners. A large hook prevents the canvas from being tightened.

Crochet short ruffles: patterns, description, application

The photo shows a bag with a ruffle decor.

Their manufacture can be safely called the simplest. Such short crochet ruffles, the schemes of which will be presented below, are imposed on the finished canvas.

As a base, a fillet net is best. Her knitting consists in alternating double crochets (CCH) and two air loops (VP). Thus, uniform square cells are obtained. If you plan to knit a more openwork fabric, you can increase the number of crochets in the columns and, accordingly, the number of VPs between them.

The diagram shows ruffles, consisting of two rows. You can stop at one if the thread is thick enough and the ruffle looks complete, or you can add a third and fourth rows. When increasing the height of the ruffle, it should be remembered that each next row should contain at least 1.5 times more loops than the previous one. Optimal - 2 times.

Knitting openwork ruffles

For the manufacture of lace ruffles, a special scheme should be used. An even openwork pattern will not work, since the ruffle fabric should expand. You can find a ready-made scheme or adapt a circular fragment Quite often, napkins are decorated along the edge with a lace border of several rows. This is the area that should be used. The expansion of the web is already included in the scheme and there is no need to puzzle over the invention of the bicycle.

Most often, crocheted ruffles (both dense and openwork patterns are used) are knitted to decorate skirts.

This item is suitable for children's and adult products. Of course, each model has its own specifics, but there is also a common feature: the method of connecting the fabric of the skirt with ruffles.

The fabric of the skirt is knitted with a sirloin mesh and then crocheted with ruffles (it is better to take openwork patterns for a skirt) at an equal distance from each other. In this case, you should ensure that the last rows of each ruffle overlap the first rows of the next.

The knitting obtained by this method comes out voluminous, at the same time light, mobile and airy.

Cross frills in short rows with simultaneous attachment to the main fabric

This finish can be made in a variety of options. I give a description and diagrams for frills 13 loops long and a rapport height of 12 rows (6 with front stitch - 6 with purl), the number of loops in segments b, c and d, as well as the number of rows (4-4; 6-6; 8- 8) can vary as desired, you can also introduce short rows not only in segment b, but also c (then the flare will be larger). In a particular model, I was interested in almost cylindrical folds, such as musical keys.
The frill can be made separately (then segment a is omitted), at the beginning of work, and loops for the main part are already picked up along its upper edge, but it’s more difficult to get into the desired density-folding, given that under its own weight the finished part somewhat changes the density in height and width relative to the sample. If the frills should be located not only along the bottom-top of the parts, but also at some of their height, then in order to make the same connection with a pigtail, it is better to attach them using open loops.
First you need to knit a frill sample 10 centimeters long (without segment a) and, attaching it to the finished part, determine the drapery coefficient at your discretion, that is, the frequency of attachment points. In the sample, it is 4 loops for 12 rows of rapport or 4 loops for 6 short rows. This is sufficient for straight sections; in curved areas, such as the neck, it is better to increase the fastening frequency to about 3 fastening points per 12 rows. To avoid strong beveling towards the edges of the frill on the shelves, the number of attachment points at the beginning and at the end of the frill should be slightly reduced.


Ruffles are knitted in several ways. The part can be knitted separately and sewn or tied to the product. They can also be a continuation of the product itself. The first method is good, for example, for knitting oblique or transverse frills of a skirt, for finishing a coquette, etc. In the second way, it is better to knit the lower frill of the skirt, the trim of the sleeves and the neck. For knitting a frill that will be sewn to the product, calculate the number of loops. It should exactly match the length of the edge to which you are going to sew the trim.

Knit the first row with purl stitches. In the second row, remove the hem, then knit 2 or 3 from 1 loop, depending on how lush the frill you need. 2 loops from one are knitted using a straight or reverse yarn. To knit a straight yarn over, yarn over to the right needle, insert the needle into the next stitch and pull up the yarn. To knit 3 loops out of one, first insert the right needle into the loop, then yarn over, insert the needle again into the same loop and pull up the thread.

Knit the second row with some purl rows. Work in stocking st a couple more rows, then cast off as usual. If you need a wider frill, before closing, knit 2-4 more rows, respectively, of the front or back loops.

A ruffle is more suitable for processing a sleeve or neck, which is not sewn on, but tied on. Tie the piece to the desired length. On straight lines, finish the purl row. Turn the work over and knit 2 or 3 from each loop, as in the first method. Work next rows in stocking st to desired ruff width. Close the loops.

If you want to update already finished products with ruffles or flounces, unravel the last row of sleeves or necklines. Pass the needle through all the loops and knit a couple of rows in the usual way. Then add loops in the same way as for a separately knitted quill.

It may also happen that the edge of the product cannot be dissolved. For example, if it was knitted from above, and you are going to process the neck. It is possible that the sleeve was knitted from below, and the edge should also not be carefully unraveled. In such cases, it is better to trim the edge carefully. Pull the thread, which will separate, then thread the knitting needle through the loops. Further, the ruffle is knitted in the same way as in all other cases.

If the hem is thin and elastic, the ruffle can be tied. Fasten off at the beginning of the hem (usually the seam), thread the right needle under the first st and pull up the working yarn. Dial the rest of the loops in the same way. Loops dial on the front side. It may be necessary to pull 2 ​​or even 3 loops from each edge loop. This should not confuse you, it all depends on the thickness of the threads and the place that you are going to tie. Make sure the edge is not too tight.

Having cast on the loops to the end of the row, knit a row of purl, then increase the number of loops by knitting a crochet into each loop or knitting 3 from one. Continue and finish quilling in the same way as described in all other cases.

Helpful advice

For children's clothing, ruffles are best made less fluffy. After picking up the loops and knitting 1 row with purl loops, then knit according to the scheme: 1 front, 1 yarn.

For finishing children's clothes, knit ruffles from a slightly finer yarn. For example, if you have fine wool with 4 folds, for frilling, make 1 fold less.


  • knitting ruffles

Sometimes a self-linked product lacks some kind of zest to make it completely unique. This is especially true for children's things, when you really want to dress your baby more beautifully, and so that it is original and unlike others. In this case, quilling comes to the rescue, which is not at all difficult to knit, and you can decorate the necks and sleeves of the product with it, as well as use it as an independent decoration on clothes.

You will need

  • Hook, thread.


Turn the strip vertically again, leaving the end behind, and knit five or six double crochets behind the second double crochet of the previous row.

Turn the strip horizontally again, turning it wrong side towards you, and knit five or six double crochets into the second square.

Turn the strip to a vertical position so that the squares are in front, and knit five or six double crochets behind the third column.


Do not confuse the steps in making a ruffle, carefully watching which side to turn the chain towards you. Otherwise, you risk getting a spiral instead of a ruffle.

Helpful advice

The width of the ruffle largely depends on the thickness of the thread, so try to choose thin and even threads so that the product looks as beautiful as possible.


  • Examples of products decorated with ruffle, knitting pattern, illustrated step-by-step description of ruffle knitting.

The presence of a shuttlecock gives some romance and femininity to any knitted item. It can serve as an element of decoration, as well as an independent detail of a knitted product. It can be a skirt consisting of a frill or several frills connected in tiers. Or details of the product in the form of a collar and cuffs.

You will need

  • Yarn, knitting needles, measuring tape.


Since the shuttlecock is not an independent thing, but only a part of it, you need to decide where the shuttlecock will be located on the finished product and what sizes it should be.

In order to calculate the required number of loops to obtain the desired dimensions of the product (or part of the product), you must first knit a sample. To do this, type on the knitting needles of the loop in the amount of two or three rapports of the pattern and knit one or two lengths of the pattern. Make appropriate measurements on the resulting sample and make according to the required number of loops for the part of the product.

The basic principle of knitting a shuttlecock is either adding symmetrical loops in the rapport of the pattern, or reducing them. It all depends on how you knit the shuttlecock. From the top or from the bottom.

If you knit from the bottom edge, then you must set the required length of the shuttlecock for yourself in advance. With this method of knitting, the number of loops decreases. And at some point, the limit of loop reduction comes and knitting of an already straight fabric of the product begins. The limit of the reduction of the loops of the shuttlecock will be the conditional boundary of the end of the knitting of the shuttlecock.

If you knit a shuttlecock from the top edge, i.e. this knitting completes any already connected detail, then in this case the length of the shuttlecock can be set at your discretion at any stage of knitting. Thus, you can increase or decrease the length of the shuttlecock relative to the original idea.

If the number of loops in the rapport allows, and this does not violate the overall style of the product, then the middle loops of the shuttlecock can be knitted with an openwork pattern. And you can mark the boundaries of the division of the rapport of the shuttlecock pattern by knitting the first and last loops in the rapport with the loop opposite in the pattern (on the front surface).

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The intensity of the addition or reduction of loops affects the splendor of the finished shuttlecock.

Helpful advice

When calculating the length of the shuttlecock, it should be borne in mind that in the process of wearing the product may stretch. Or shrink a little after washing.

Ruffles are a great decoration for the neck or sleeves of a dress, they perfectly decorate vests, swimwear, hats, napkins, serve as an original decoration for children's things. Arm yourself with a hook, thread, a fair amount of patience and get down to business.


Check that the thread you have chosen for knitting ruffles is soft and even. In order for the pattern to look beautiful on the product or as part of it, it is necessary to use threads of medium thickness.

When you finish the second column, turn the knit vertically and make three lifting loops to ensure the height of the row.

After that, turn the strip upside down a second time so that the end is behind. Double crochet 4 or 5 going past the second crochet of the previous row.

Then turn the work again to a horizontal position so that it is sure to be wrong side out to you, and continue to knit 4 or 5 columns, remembering to double crochet. As a result, you will get the second square of the pattern.

Once again turn the work vertically so that the squares remain in front, and again in the same way knit 4 or 5 double crochets for the place of the third column.

Next, you need to repeat this principle, periodically turning the work over. Make sure that the columns fold along one side, so be careful when turning the strip either vertically or horizontally towards you. You can make one or more of these rows of squares, depending on what kind of composition you planned to get in the end.

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  • crochet ruffle

You can decorate both sewn and knitted clothes with flounces, frills and ruffles. On children's clothing, ruffles will be especially appropriate, but they are well suited for finishing women's skirts, dresses, blouses or hats. Ruffles can be crocheted and knitted from yarn of the color in which the main product is made, or a contrasting one.

You will need

  • - medium thickness yarn;
  • - needles corresponding to its thickness;
  • - the product to be decorated.


Use several ways to knit ruffles. Knit the pieces separately, and then sew or tie them to the product, or make them a continuation of it. The first method is best used for finishing the yoke or transverse frills of skirts, the second - for finishing the neck or sleeves. Ruffles sewn to the product, knit with the calculation of the number of loops, which must exactly match the length of the edge where you will sew the trim.

Knit 2nd row in purl. Work the next couple of rows in stocking st, then bind off in the usual way. If you need to make a wide frill, before closing the loops, knit another 2-4 rows with knit or purl.

To work the sleeves and neck, tie a large frill that is tied on, not sewn on. Knit the desired length of the detail, finish the purl row on straight knitting needles. Turn the work, knit 2 or 3 from each loop, as in the first method. Then work rows to desired frill width in stocking st. Close the loops.

If the edge of the product cannot be unraveled, carefully trim the edge, pull out the thread, then separate the thread and thread the knitting needle through the loops. Knit quilling in the same way as in the previous examples.

If the hem is elastic and thin, tie a ruffle. Fasten the thread at the beginning of the edge, where the seam is, thread the right knitting needle under the 1st loop, pull out the working thread. In the same way, dial the remaining loops, preferably on the front side.

ruffles, flounces and frills can be an adornment not only for sewn, but also knitted clothes. Ruffles on children's clothing are extremely appropriate, although they are also often used to decorate women's dresses, skirts, hats and blouses. They are both crocheted and knitting needles. The color of the finish depends on the plan; ruffles can be made from the yarn of the main product or from a contrasting one.

You will need

  • - yarn of medium thickness;
  • - knitting needles according to the thickness of the yarn;
  • - the product to be decorated.


1. ruffles knit in several ways. The part can be tied separately and sewn or tied to the product. They can also be a continuation of the product itself. The 1st method is great, say, for knitting oblique or transverse frills of a skirt, for finishing a coquette, etc. The second method is more excellent to knit the lower frill of the skirt, the trim of the sleeves and the neck. For knitting a ruffle, the one that will be sewn to the product, calculate the number of loops. It should exactly match the length of the edge to which you are going to sew the trim.

2. Knit 1st row with purl stitches. In the second row, remove the hem, then knit 2 or 3 from 1 loop, depending on how lush the ruffle is for you. 2 loops from one are knitted with the help of a direct or reverse yarn. To knit a straight yarn over, throw a working thread on the right knitting needle, insert the knitting needle into the next loop and pull up the thread. In order to knit 3 loops from one, first insert the right knitting needle into the loop, then yarn over, insert the knitting needle into the same loop again and pull up the thread.

3. 2nd row knit with some purl. Knit in stocking st a couple more rows, then close the loops in the usual way. If you need a wider frill, before closing, knit another 2-4 rows, respectively, with front or back loops.

4. A ruffle is more suitable for processing a sleeve or neck, one that is not sewn on, but tied on. Tie the piece to the desired length. On straight needles, complete the purl row. Turn over the work and knit 2 or 3 from the entire loop, as in the first method. Work the following rows in stocking st to desired ruffle width. Close the loops.

5. If you want to update more finished products with the help of ruffles or flounces, dissolve the final row of sleeves or necklines. Pass the needle through all the loops and knit a couple of rows in the usual way. Then add loops in the same way as for a separately knitted frill.

6. It may also happen that the edge of the product cannot be dissolved. Let's say if it was knitted from above, and you are going to process the neck. It is permissible that the sleeve was knitted from below, and the edge should also not be neatly unraveled. In such cases, it is better to trim the edge neatly. Pull the thread, which will separate, then thread the knitting needle through the loops. Further, the ruffle is knitted in the same way as in all other cases.

7. If the edge is thin and flexible, the ruffle can be tied. Fasten off at the beginning of the hem (traditionally this is the seam), thread the right needle under the first loop and pull up the working thread. Dial the remaining loops correctly in the same way. Loops dial on the front side. Maybe from each loop of the edge you will need to pull out 2, or even 3 loops. This should not confuse you, it all depends on the thickness of the threads and the place that you are going to tie. Make sure the edge is not too tight.

8. Having typed loops to the end of the row, knit a row of purl ones, then increase the number of loops by knitting a yarn over into each loop or knitting 3 from one. Continue and complete the quilling in the same way as described in all other cases.

A frill is a strip of woven or knitted fabric, which is pulled together along the upper edge of the product. As a result, beautiful wavy folds are formed. This is an easy method to decorate the edges of skirts, dresses, curtains, bedspreads and other prophetic. allowed to tie frill as a combined part of a one-piece skirt. It is allowed to perform magnificent decorations both with knitting needles and crocheting.

You will need

  • - threads;
  • - hook;
  • - knitting needles straight or circular;
  • - additional knitting needle.


1. Try knitting ruffles on knitting needles. To do this, dial twice as many loops as required by the edge of the future product. In the process of gathering the fabric, your knitting will decrease by about half.

2. Knit in straight and reverse rows or on circular needles a knitted strip of the desired height. In the last row, perform successive decreases of loops - knit each pair of thread bows collectively according to the pattern of the fabric.

3. Close the loops of the last row, attach the finished decorative border to the main product and crochet the edges of the parts. Make a row of single crochets, while the core of the working tool should be inserted at the same time into the loops of the bottom of the clothes and the top of the frill.

4. If the frill is a combined part of a cut part, say a skirt, put the loops of the first finished border on an additional knitting needle and sew a new part. Its height should be half that of the first frill.

5. When you start decreasing stitches for the 2nd frill, join the edges of the 2 decorative pieces. Lay a small border on a huge one. Now it is necessary to reduce the canvas according to the example of step No. 2, and at the same time connect the edges of the frills with this.

6. Insert the right needle into two loops of the upper part, then into one loop of the lower frill and knit all three thread arches collectively. If necessary, continue to knit and connect other frills to one another until the skirt is quite fluffy.

7. Practice crochet ruffles. Usually wavy relief patterns are knitted against the background of vertical columns. Knit a small example of the fabric, stepwise alternating double crochets and air loops.

8. Proceed to the "frill" relief. Insert the hook shaft under the vertical double crochet and perform two of the same double crochets. After that, knit a new pair of double crochets into an air loop located between the loops horizontally.

9. Thus, perform regular crochet transitions from vertical lines of the canvas to horizontal ones. As a result, the product will have a beautiful curved strip - a frill.

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Helpful advice
Any finished frill (made both with knitting needles and crocheted) can be tied around the edge with single crochets, using a thread of a different tone.

When knitting knitting needles the main thing is to learn to positively close the loops of the last row. The appearance of the finished product depends on the accuracy of the knitter and the method of doing the work. Your task is to make the final row of loops of identical size so that the edge of the thing is unconditionally straight and even. On the contrary, the details of the cut will be of unequal size, which looks extremely handicraft. If desired, the edge on row it is allowed to decorate with a simple embossed pattern or crocheting from single crochets.

You will need

  • - two knitting needles of the same number or with a difference of one size;
  • - hook;
  • - yarn.


1. Close the loops in the last row only on the front side of the product. To conclude the work, the first (edge) loop row slip on the right needle, leaving it unknitted. The loop following it must be knitted according to the main pattern of the canvas.

2. Pick up with the tip of a non-working (left) knitting needle a loop removed untied. Slightly pull its bow in height and pull a loop through it from the working (right) knitting needle. You can do the same by grabbing the thread bow with a hook - this is exclusively recommended for beginner needlewomen so that the loops do not fly off during work.

3. Continue knitting the final row knitting needles pulling one loop through another. You should get a smooth edge of the product. So that it does not narrow (in comparison with the main knitted fabric), do not tighten the final loops too tightly. In order for the bows to turn out to be identical in size, it is allowed not to pull out the threads, but to use one knitting needle half the size or a larger size for work (say, take knitting needles No. 3 and No. 3.5 or 4).

4. Cut off the working thread at the end of work, leaving a free end of about 4-5 cm. Tighten the “tail” tightly (however, do not tighten the corner of the fabric!) And gently pull it with the help of a hook up along the edge line of the wrong side of the product.

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Helpful advice
If the final row of work becomes a neck or cuff, then it is allowed to precede it with several rows of garter stitch - in the front and back rows, perform only front loops. Such an unsophisticated (and at the same time luxurious) convex pattern is extremely functional - it beautifully holds the shape of the edge, not allowing it to fold inaccurately. After closing the final loops, it is allowed to tie the edges of the thing with a crochet, with single crochets - in straight and reverse rows. This technique also coolly captures the edges of the product and gives it completeness. Use yarn of the same thickness as when doing core work; if desired, it is allowed to prefer threads of a different suitable color.

Despite the abundance of children's clothing in stores, handmade items will always be appreciated. It is not so difficult to sew or knit a nice little thing for your child. The main thing is desire and a little perseverance. For example, a knitted skirt for a daughter will never be superfluous. Try tying it yourself.

You will need

  • - knitting needles and threads.


1. First, select the threads from which you will knit a skirt. For winter, it is better to knit from wool or unnatural fibers, and for summer, cotton threads are suitable.

2. Before you pick up rows and start knitting, knit a small canvas as a test. Such an example will need to be washed and dried thoroughly. Type twenty loops on the knitting needles and knit twenty rows, after which close them. After washing and drying the knitted fabric, proceed to measurements and calculations.

3. Measure the width of the example, the one that was tied. Let's say that twenty loops cast on are approximately 10 cm. The waist circumference of girls 4-6 years old is about 50 cm. Therefore, for 50 cm of the canvas, you need to dial one hundred loops.

4. If you want to knit a skirt with wedges (six-blade), then cast on 96 loops on circular needles - for such a skirt, the number of loops should be a multiple of six. Use stockinette stitch for the first row. At the end of the loop close in a circle.

5. Depending on the width of the elastic you want to get, knit in a circle from 6 to 8 rows.

6. Now knit a row: two front loops together and one yarn over. When this row is completed, knit 6 or 8 rows again in stockinette stitch. This method will make an attractive elastic band with teeth on the belt.

7. After that, 96 loops are divided into six wedges (parts). You get sixteen loops each, which you designate with a method that is comfortable for you (say, with colored threads). Knit six times according to the scheme: 14 stitches in stockinette stitch, yarn over, 2 purl stitches, yarn over.

8. The next 6 rows are knitted according to the scheme only with purl and facial loops, but without a crochet. You will get 16 front loops and two wrong ones. Now repeat knitting with crochets. You should end up with a six-wedge skirt, the wedges of which are separated from each other by grooves.

9. For a hefty flared skirt, it is necessary to add nikida through every four rows.

10. At the waist, make a hem in the places of the teeth. Sew on and insert elastic. You can decorate the skirt with embroidery or appliqué.

A do-it-yourself knitted skirt will warm you on cold winter days, and if you knit a skirt from fine cotton yarn, it will become necessary in the heat. In any case, all your efforts will not be in vain.

You will need

  • - 300 - 600 g of yarn;
  • - circular needles.


1. For knitting a warm skirt, pick up yarn with a huge acrylic content, because it is less prone to deformation than everyone else, and for summer models, cotton yarn, such as Iris, is more suitable than everyone else.

2. The skeins usually indicate which number of knitting needles is suitable for knitting, however, keep in mind that if you knit thin yarn on thick knitting needles, the fabric will turn out to be more loose. This method is suitable for openwork knitting. If you knit thick yarn with thin knitting needles, the fabric will turn out dense. This method is suitable for knitting warm skirts with a straight contour.

3. The consumption of yarn is usually indicated in the technical presentation of the model, however, you should pay attention to the thickness of the yarn and the length of the thread in the skein, because the yarn you choose may differ slightly from the one used to knit the model.

4. Before you start knitting a skirt, rigorously make an example. To do this, cast on 20 stitches and knit approximately 20 rows. Next, measure its length and width. Divide the width by the number of stitches and the length by the number of rows. This way you will get the number of loops and rows in one centimeter. Check your calculations against the model statement.

5. Skirts are usually knitted in the round without seams. It is allowed to start knitting, both from the bottom edge of the product, and from the belt.

6. Start knitting a skirt with a straight contour from below. Measure the girth of your hips and calculate the number of loops for the first set of rows, for this, multiply the measurement by the number of loops in one centimeter.

7. Dial the required number of loops on two knitting needles, as you knit the first row, distribute them on four knitting needles and close the knitting in a circle. You can also knit on circular needles. Then knit with the main pattern to the line of the hips. After this, make the necessary reductions, periodically trying on a skirt. Knit a belt with an elastic band 1x1 more dense viscous. To do this, change the knitting needles to thinner ones.

8. Flared skirts are cooler to start knitting from the waist. In addition, you should make a paper pattern of the product, which will allow you to make the necessary increases. Such models are also knitted in the round or they are made two-seam, and the fabric is knitted on 2 knitting needles.

It is allowed to decorate both sewn and knitted clothes with flounces, frills and ruffles. Ruffles will be extremely appropriate on children's clothing, but they are well suited for finishing women's skirts, dresses, blouses or hats. Ruffles can be crocheted and knitted from yarn of the color in which the main product is made, or a contrasting one.

You will need

  • - medium thickness yarn;
  • – spokes corresponding to its thickness;
  • - a product that needs to be decorated.


1. Use several methods for knitting ruffles. Knit the details separately, and then sew or tie them to the product, or make them a continuation of it. Use the 1st method cooler to finish the yoke or transverse frills of skirts, the 2nd - to finish the neck or sleeves. Ruffles sewn to the product, knit with the calculation of the number of loops, which must correctly correspond to the length of the edge where you will sew the trim.

2. Knit 1st row with purl stitches. Remove the edging in the 2nd row, then using a direct or reverse yarn from 1 loop, make 2 or 3, depending on how fluffy the ruffle is for you.

3. Knit 2nd row in purl. Knit the next couple of rows in stocking stitch, then close the loops using the usual method. If you need to make a wide frill, before closing the loops, knit 2-4 more rows with knit or purl.

4. In order to process the sleeves and the neck, tie a large ruffle, the one that is tied up, not sewn on. Knit the required length of the detail, complete the purl row on straight knitting needles. Turn the work, knit from any loop 2 or 3, as in the first method. Then work rows to desired ruff width in stocking st. Close the loops.

5. If the edge of the product cannot be unraveled, carefully cut the edge, pull out the thread, then separate the thread and thread the knitting needle through the loops. Knit quilling in the same way as in the previous examples.

6. If the hem is flexible and thin, tie a ruffle. Fasten the thread at the beginning of the edge, where the seam is, thread the right knitting needle under the 1st loop, pull out the working thread. In the same way, cast on the remaining loops, better on the front side.

7. It is acceptable that in the edge of the entire loop you will need to pull out 2 or 3 loops, it depends on the thickness of the yarn and the place where you plan to tie the decoration. Make sure that the edge of the product is not tightly tightened.

Products with a round yoke are very cute and can decorate any wardrobe. If you like experiments, try knitting a round coquette knitting needles. in order to knit coquette with a pattern, you will need a diagram, and for a primitive coquette you can get by with primitive calculations.

You will need

  • - threads;
  • - knitting needles;
  • - scheme of the coquette;
  • - tape measure.


1. Before knitting, make a coquette pattern. Measure the required distances with a centimeter tape, knit an example and determine the density of knitting. After that, calculate how many loops you need to reduce and how many parts you can divide coquette .

2. If you need a pattern, consider its proportions when drawing up a diagram. Reductions can be made at an equal distance (say, any four rows) or taking into account the pattern. In the second case, place a larger pattern on the chest tier, then make a steep cut (ornament - stripes or small elements), after that, place a small pattern on the shoulder tier and draw the cut again in the collar area.

3. In order to knit coquette with a jacquard pattern, use the finished scheme. More often than not, each scheme for a coquette is depicted in the form of a pyramid - divide your knitting into the indicated number of parts (say, with a colored thread) and repeat the pattern on each part. Decrease and increase also do symmetrically on any part. So that the threads of different colors do not get mixed up with each other, stab them in plastic bags.

4. in order to knit coquette knitting from the bottom up, first prepare the sleeves, shelf and back. When these parts are ready, collect them on long circular needles. In order to get an armhole, proceed as follows: knit the front loops, transfer 10-12 loops to an additional knitting needle or pin.

5. Add sleeve loops, back loops. Send the next 10-12 loops to an additional pin or knitting needle. Then attach the loops of the second sleeve and knit the shelf (if it consists of 2 parts).

6. Knit the pattern according to the scheme. Decrease by knitting two loops together. After completing the knitting of the coquette and collar, combine the loops collected on additional knitting needles with a knitted stitch.

7. True is also allowed to knit coquette knitting needles from top to bottom. To do this, after knitting in a circle of the gate, gradually expand the knitting, adding loops according to the pattern. As soon as you knit to the armpits, divide the knitting into three pipes, adding 10-12 loops at the bottom of the armholes on each side. Then knit the parts separately.

Helpful advice
For children's clothing, ruffle is better to make it less lush. After picking up the loops and knitting 1 row with purl loops, then knit according to the scheme: 1 front, 1 yarn. For finishing children's clothes, knit ruffles from a little more fine yarn. Let's say if you have fine wool in 4 additions, for frilling, make 1 addition less.
