Base oils for essential oils table. What are the base oils? Which base oils are more beneficial?

But it’s simply impossible to do without them. The fact is that the use of essential oils in pure form Absolutely forbidden. For example, they cannot be applied undiluted to the skin, as this can cause allergies and burns. To avoid such reactions, base oils are used. For essential oils, they are a kind of solvent, thanks to which the final product becomes safe for humans.

Explanation of the term

Base oils for essential oils can be called by different names. In addition to the basic ones, you can hear about them as a fixed and herbal product. Such a solvent is also called a carrier oil. The latter option is used, as a rule, in aromatherapy. All other terms occur in cases where base oils for essential oils are intended for the manufacture of various products intended for skin care.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the product in question is not always of plant origin. For example, emu oil is used in the manufacture of some drugs. This product is of animal origin. It is obtained from the fat deposits of emu ostriches. Often used as fixed oils fish fat. Only such products are not used in aromatherapy. The term " base oil» is used exclusively to refer to a substance of plant origin. It is obtained from certain parts of plants rich in fats. As a rule, these are nuts, seeds or seeds.

Different carrier oils have different combinations useful properties and characteristics on which the choice of a particular oil for health purposes ultimately depends.

Application area

Base oils are used with therapeutic purpose. They are not only natural solvents for essential products, but also make it possible to obtain the necessary aromatic compositions, which then find their use in cosmetology and other branches of human activity.

Using a basic plant product, they make natural creams and lotions, bath and body oils, lip balms, as well as other moisturizing and nourishing products intended for skin care. And what ingredients are included in the recipe cosmetics, their properties, aroma, color, as well as shelf life will directly depend.

How important is the use of base oil? This becomes obvious based on simple example. So, applying just 1 or 2 drops of essential oils to the body is unlikely to work. This can only be done if the same volume is dissolved in a larger amount of another product.

The main, but far from the only purpose of using base oil is the production of a base intended for diluting organic esters. The latter are substances with strong odor, and only their insignificant concentration becomes sufficient for the production of cosmetics and perfume compositions with unique and inimitable flavors.

But the scope of application of base oils does not end there. A herbal product with unique properties, sometimes used in cosmetology in its pure form. It is used as a product designed to moisturize and soften the skin, as well as nourish and restore hair.

Types of base oils

This herbal product, based on its chemical composition, is divided into two categories. So, there are:


Fixed oils.

The chemical composition of the first of them is characterized by a predominance. Such active substances make this base oil very thick and not so fluid. Betters tend to be cheaper, but not as useful. The main advantage of such a product is its long shelf life, as well as its resistance to microorganisms.

Among the main characteristics of fatty base oils is their high degree of fluidity. It manifests itself due to the predominance of polyunsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the product composition. These ingredients perfectly penetrate the skin, nourishing its upper layers with beneficial substances. Their only drawback is short period of time storage After all, the peculiarity of the chemical composition allows bacteria to colonize in such oils very quickly. This is what leads to rapid acidification of the product.

Main functions

Base oils are a kind of transport artery that delivers to the right place ethereal volatiles. At the same time, a cosmetic product created using them, when it comes into contact with the skin, saturates it with valuable substances, normalizing the condition of the epidermis, slowing down the aging process of tissues, improving their appearance, etc.

In addition, when applying base oils, the processes of loosening the stratum corneum of the skin begin. This significantly increases the possibility of penetration by those useful substances, which are contained in the medicinal product.

In addition, base oils help normalize the lipid layer of the skin. And this, in turn, increases its protective characteristics. Regular use of cosmetics created using base oils significantly reduces the risk of septic pathologies. At the same time, the regenerative abilities of the epidermis increase.

Properties of base oils

Anyone who believes that the product that is the basis for the manufacture of products with essential components is only a pitiful shadow of expensive substances is mistaken. This is far from true. Base oils themselves have a wide range of beneficial properties. Their value is explained by their rich composition, which contains phytosterols and tocopherols, waxes and polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides and triglycerides, all vitamins from A to D, as well as lipochromes.

All the micro- and macroelements listed above are quite easily absorbed by the human body and are quickly included in the metabolic processes taking place in it. Thanks to their rich vitamin and mineral composition, these oils, after deep penetration into the tissue, have a beneficial effect on every skin cell, stimulating its metabolism, regeneration and increasing the ability to retain moisture. In addition, the base product has a biostimulating and antioxidant effect. It is able to dissolve dead epidermal cells and rejuvenate the skin by removing dust and dirt from its surface, as well as restoring lymph and blood circulation.

Main types of main product

Before using any essential oil in cosmetology or aromatherapy, it must be diluted with a base oil. This process can be compared to adding seasonings to a dish: just a small pinch of spices (essential oils) that add an unforgettable aroma and taste to an entire pot of food (plant base).

Let's look at the most basic base oils, which are used as the main product in most cases.

  1. Apricot. This oil is odorless, has a rich composition of vitamins, is perfectly absorbed into the skin, moisturizing, softening and nourishing it. The product is obtained from apricot kernels. Used for aging, fading, inflamed, sensitive and dry skin. The oil is hypoallergenic and has a regenerating effect.
  2. Avocado. This base oil is enriched with non-leaching fats. It is characterized by a greenish-yellow color. Oil made from avocado seeds nourishes, restores and moisturizes dry skin. It is able to penetrate deep into the tissues and have a bright positive effect on them.
  3. From grape seeds. This base oil is ideal basis for products intended for skin care. In its composition a large number of vitamins B, C, A, E and PP. Thanks to the action of this product, pores are narrowed, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized, keratinized areas are perfectly exfoliated, and areas of inflammation and redness are eliminated. At the same time, the oil obtained from grape seeds successfully fights cellulite, strengthens hair in the shortest possible time and restores the structure of curls.
  4. Pomegranate. This oil contains a significant amount of vitamin E. Thanks to this, the product is able to work as a powerful antioxidant. The resulting product tightens tissue, reduces wrinkles, nourishes and restores the skin, eliminating its laxity and promoting rejuvenation.
  5. Made from walnut. This oil is obtained from dried fruits. It is quite light and does not foam much. Has remarkable moisturizing and softening properties.
  6. Jojoba. This oil represents liquid wax, able to quickly absorb into the skin. The color of the product can range from golden to light yellow. After penetration into the skin, it moisturizes, soothes it, restores tissue elasticity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, without causing allergies.
  7. From wheat germ. This is a thick and viscous oil with a neutral odor. It contains a lot of vitamins F, D, F, E, D, B. Wheat germ oil is often used as an antioxidant and natural preservative. It is obtained from raw materials rich in protein. This base oil is perfect for products designed to improve the condition of mature, dry, oily and damaged skin. It is simply irreplaceable for eliminating cellulite and birth marks. The product is also used to stimulate hair growth.
  8. From rice germ. This oil has pale yellow and a slight odor. It contains a lot of vitamin E, as well as representatives of group B. The value of the base product lies in the large number of natural antioxidants included in its composition. Using rice germ oil, you can perfectly moisturize, protect the skin, and also retain moisture in it. The product is easily absorbed and hypoallergenic. It is most often used in creams and soaps, sunscreens, as well as in decorative cosmetics.
  9. From ylang-ylang. This base oil is a tonic that gently disinfects the skin, nourishes every cell and stimulates blood circulation. It is great for restoring irritated, thin and damaged dermis. At the same time, the subtle aroma of the product helps a person get out of a depressive state.
  10. Cocoa. This oil has a chocolate aroma. It is extracted from cocoa beans and used to soften the skin and eliminate the processes of aging and fading. Cocoa butter also helps strengthen hair, making it shiny and voluminous. The product is an excellent nourishing agent for eyelashes and eyebrows.
  11. Castor. This oil is also called ricin oil. The product, which looks like a fatty transparent suspension, is extracted from castor beans. Its main properties are due to a large amount of saturated acids. It is thanks to them that the oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and retains liquid in it. It is used to improve the elasticity of the dermis and have a bactericidal effect on it.

Essential oils

One of the most important human senses is smell. After all, very often people make this or that choice not with their hearts, but with their noses. Aromatherapy, the main component of which is essential oils, helps us fully utilize this feeling. These are fragrant substances that people began to extract from plants as early as 5 thousand years BC. According to the most ancient written sources, already in those days there was a detailed method by which this product was obtained and used. Egyptian priestesses used fragrances in their beauty secrets. The Greeks invented recipes for ointments, which are a mixture of olive oil and ether, etc.

Why did this product get this name? It was called essential for its volatility, and oil for its fat content. In addition, its consistency is similar to real fatty oils. All this led to such a similar name for the two products.

Properties of essential oils

Most of these substances are not soluble in water. However, they are characterized by easy mixing with ether, alcohol, wax and gasoline. And, of course, with fatty oils.

Application area

How to use essential oils to maintain and improve health? This issue is addressed by one of the areas of alternative medicine - aromatherapy. After all, the action of this natural product allows you to improve not only physical, but also mental condition patients.

Why are essential oils healthier than other plant oils? medicines? And the whole point is that they are obtained by distillation. This allows you to preserve special phytomolecules in it.

Various mixtures of essential oils are used in aromatherapy in a wide range, from resorts to hospitals and educational institutions. They allow you to relieve the patient from the following:

Psycho-emotional disorders;

Diseases of the digestive tract;

Various lesions on the skin.

How else to use essential oils? Alternative medicine effectively uses them for the treatment and prevention of fungal, bacterial and viral infections. What essential oils are best suited for these purposes? For example, a product obtained from tea tree. But essential oil from eucalyptus is used against pathogens of dysentery and typhoid bacillus.


Today, people know several thousand types of essential oils. But this does not mean that when conducting aromatherapy sessions you will need to have a full arsenal of these substances on hand.

To effectively get rid of a particular problem, it is enough to have only a few oils that are used most often in such cases. For example, aromatherapists often use:

  1. Wormwood essential oil. Its action allows you to calm your nerves, relieve symptoms of fatigue, and improve your mood. The procedure should be carried out every day for 30 minutes. For this 5 drops essential oil add to warm water (2 tbsp). The resulting mixture is poured into the aroma lamp bowl. Wormwood essential oil can be mixed with other oils. These can be products derived from lavender, tea tree or jasmine.
  2. Juniper essential oil. In concentrated form, it has a sharp pine smell. However, when mixed with water, the aroma of this product becomes very pleasant and fresh. What is the essential oil of this shrub plant made from? The medicinal substance is produced from its berries. How is juniper essential oil used? It is added to aroma lamps, inhalation solutions and bath water. Such procedures are aimed at positive mood, eliminate tension, irritability, unfounded fears, and also relieve stress and apathy. Aromatherapy using juniper essential oil increases focus and performance, and improves attention. To obtain the greatest effect, the product can be mixed with essential oils of orange and bergamot, pine and cedar, lemon and grapefruit.
  3. Fir essential oil. It is used to provide positive influence on immune system and preventing the development of infections. In addition, fir essential oil has a stimulating effect on the body, increasing blood flow to the upper layers of the skin. This helps relieve pain and speed up wound healing. If this essential oil is used during colds and respiratory diseases, then recovery will come much faster. Inhalation with such a substance will speed up the process of mucus discharge from the bronchi, as well as relieve sore throat.
  4. Jasmine essential oil. This medicinal substance eliminates inflammatory diseases female genital area. In addition, having the properties of a natural antidepressant, it is used in the fight against insomnia, the effects of stress, as well as to relieve physical and mental stress. With regular aromatherapy sessions, the patient inhales jasmine phytoncides, which stimulate him brain activity and reveal hidden talents, improve receptivity to mastering information on a general and intuitive level. In addition, the product affects endocrine system a person, which allows him to stabilize his hormonal levels.

Product selection

The modern buyer is faced with a large number of fakes. Essential oil is no exception. How to protect yourself from purchasing poor quality product? The first thing you need to pay attention to in this case is the brand. Most well-known manufacturers essential oils are considered:

Swiss company Vivasan;

Karel Hadek - Czech manufacturer;

Austrian company Styx Naturcosmetics;

Russian companies "Iris" and "Aromarti".

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the price of essential oil in the pharmacy. It is worth keeping in mind that the cost of the product cannot be too low, since the methods for its production are insanely expensive.

So, on average, for 10 ml of essential oil the price in a pharmacy should be:

Woody and citrus fruits - 300-900 rubles;

Floral and herbal - 600-3000 rubles;

Exclusive products - 1200 rub. and higher.

Base oils– these are natural products extracted from certain parts of plants that contain the highest concentration of fats. Usually, natural oils extracted from nuts, seeds, and seeds by pressing.

How is base oil different from essential oil?

Basic oils, unlike essential oils, are fattier and heavier. They are often odorless at all, or with a subtle hint of one or another oily plant. Essential oils, that's what will give your natural cosmetics desired aroma. But you need to be careful with essential oils; if used incorrectly, they can have a negative effect. Just so that concentrated essential oils do not harm the skin, base oils are used, which, along with their advantages, will saturate your cosmetics with useful properties.

To describe the process more simply:

Basic oils penetrate deeply into the skin cells, awakening it from the inside, and essential oils, entering with the help of conductors (base oils) inside, through the blood, carry all the benefits, working for the entire body as a whole.

Table of properties of base oils

This plate will help you choose which natural ingredients necessary for your cosmetics. Choose the oil you need and read about its beneficial and vice versa properties.

Properties of base oils:

Apricot oil- oil apricot kernels, odorless, rich in vitamins, perfectly absorbed into the skin, nourishing, softening and moisturizing it. Suitable for fading, aging, dry, sensitive and inflamed skin. Has a regenerating effect. Hypoallergenic.

Avocado oil– Rich, greenish-yellow, enriched with unsaponifiable fats, avocado seed oil will restore, moisturize and nourish dry skin, penetrating deeply into the tissues. Hypoallergenic.

Grapeseed oilAn ideal component for facial skin care products and more. Contains vitamins PP, E, A, C, B. Narrows pores, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, perfectly exfoliates keratinized areas, eliminates inflammation, redness, fights successfully against cellulite, as soon as possible restores hair structure, strengthening it.

Pomegranate oil– pomegranate seed oil contains a large amount of vitamin E and works as a strong antioxidant. The oil helps tighten tissues, reduce wrinkles, nourishes the skin, and restores pH balance. Suitable for aging, aging skin.

Walnut– light oil obtained from dried nuts. Remarkably softens and moisturizes, does not foam much.

Jojoba oil– quickly absorbing liquid wax from golden to light yellow color. It will moisturize, soothe the skin and restore elasticity, prolong the youth of aging skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and can also be used for sensitive and young skin. Hypoallergenic.

Wheat germ oil– viscous, thick, with a neutral odor, rich in vitamins E, A, B, D, F, the oil is a natural preservative and antioxidant. It is obtained from the germ of the wheat grain, which is a protein carrier. Great fit mature skin, nourishes damaged and dry skin, improves condition oily skin, irreplaceable after birth stretch marks and cellulite, used to stimulate hair growth.

Rice germ oil– pale yellow in color, with a slight odor, high in vitamins E, group B, and natural antioxidants. Remarkably moisturizes and protects the skin, retains moisture, is easily absorbed, hypoallergenic. Extensively used in soaps, creams, sunscreens, and decorative cosmetics.

Ylang-ylang– tonic oil, gently disinfects the skin, nourishes every cell, stimulates blood circulation. Ideal for oily, damaged, irritation-prone skin. And the sensual aroma saves you from depression. Hypoallergenic.

Chocolate flavored oil extracted from cocoa beans softens the skin and has healing properties. Suitable for aging, aging skin, along with problem skin, as well as oily and normal skin. Hair also gratefully accepts cocoa butter, responding in return with strengthened, shiny hair. Excellent nutritional supplement for eyebrows and eyelashes.

Castor oil (Ricin)– a transparent fatty suspension extracted from castor beans, containing saturated acids. Excellent moisturizing fatty oil, retains liquid, is used for deterioration of skin elasticity, has bactericidal properties, and is used as a foaming agent. Hypoallergenic.

solid oil, obtained from dried coconut pulp with soft foam. Ideal for sensitive, irritated, dull, dry skin. It has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect, unique for hair care products. It is recommended to use in combination with other oils for foam stability and elimination of drying properties. Pure soap with coconut oil Foams in very hard water, even sea water.

Sesame oil– penetrates deeply into the skin, nourishing and cleansing it from the inside, eliminating dirt and dead cells. Natural antioxidant that prevents premature aging skin. Absorbs UV radiation, so it is used in sunscreens. Works healing, moisturizing, soothing for all problem areas of the skin. An excellent antibacterial product not only for skin, but also for nails.

Macadamia oil
contains up to 80% unsaturated fatty acids, which allows it to be used for aging skin, providing it with nutrition and protection from external influences negative factors. The oil perfectly restores the hair structure, penetrating inside each hair. Restores blood microcirculation, which means heals burns, scars and scars. Hypoallergenic.

Almond oil– colorless transparent or yellowish liquid without strong smell. Used for irritation-prone, sensitive, aging skin, when skin elasticity decreases, to treat burns from sun rays, suitable for all ages. Stimulates growth and strengthens hair. Hypoallergenic.

Mango butter
– mango seed oil is solid, rich in vitamins A, P, C, B, contains sugar, minerals, antioxidants and plant enzymes. The oil provides hydration to the skin, retains moisture, increases the elasticity of the skin, making it velvety and soft. It has restorative properties, heals cracks, and removes peeling. Fights wrinkles age spots. Used in soap as a component that neutralizes the drying effect on the skin. The oil is endowed with sun protection properties. Applicable for hair cosmetics. Suitable for children's cosmetics. Hypoallergenic.

Olive oil– one of the best. It has regenerating and restorative properties, the main component of Castile soap, perfectly moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, gives the foam a silky feel. Hypoallergenic.

Palm oil, unrefined
rich in fatty acids, oil made from the pulp of the oil palm fruit, when added, will color the soap in bright yellow color Oil is a source of beta-carotene. Excellent latherability solid soap, will slowly dissolve in water.

Refined palm oil (white)– has the same properties as unrefined, except for coloring.

Peach— peach seed oil, rich in vitamins, without fragrance, nourishes, moisturizes, saturates the skin. Makes skin beautiful, smooth, healthy.

Sunflowerlight oil, for thin, aging, dry skin. It doesn't lather well, it's better to combine it with other oils.

Rapeseed oil
– close in composition to olive oil. An excellently balanced oil in terms of fatty acids, vitamins, mineral salts and tannins. Works as a component of regenerating creams for the care of aging, loose skin, used in creams, masks, hair conditioners and soaps.

Sweet almond– an oil that perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin, is used as a base for massage mixtures, and lathers well.

Pumpkin oil– dark fatty oil with persistent odor pumpkin seeds obtained from them. Rich in minerals and vitamins. Will color your soap from green to brown.

Shi (Karite)
– fatty oil white with a creamy tint, obtained from the seeds of the bassia fruit (African tallow tree). Butter melts at the slightest touch warm hands. This oil will make the soap silky and delicately moisturize the skin, ideal for fading, aging skin; it is quickly absorbed, leaving a pleasant soothing feeling. Helps with joint pain and sprains. Creates a protective UV filter on the skin surface. Suitable for children's skin. Hypoallergenic.

Base oils (carrier oils, base oils, base oils, transport, carrier oils) are vegetable oils that are used in aromatherapy to dissolve essential oils, as well as for independent use.

Since essential oils cannot be used in their pure form, base oils are used to create aromatic oil mixtures for facial and body skin care, hair care and massage. By dissolving essential oils, vegetable oils transport them through the skin.

Base oils are not a shadow of essential oils, but a completely independent product with its own characteristics, properties and purpose. With their help, you can care for the skin of the face, neck, chest, use it as day and night creams, as a makeup remover, as a base for face or hair masks, and strengthen nails.

Base oils owe their value to their composition: valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides, waxes, phosphatides, lipochromes, tocopherols and the entire spectrum of vitamins “from A to U”. Thanks to such components, these oils strengthen the biological membranes of skin cells, stimulate metabolism and regeneration, and have an antioxidant effect. Vegetable oils increase the skin's ability to retain moisture. Paradoxically, base oils dissolve deposited secretions sweat glands, remove dirt, dust, and cosmetics from the surface of the skin.

Typically, base oils are cold-pressed from nuts, seeds, fruit seeds and grains. There is an exception - Manna de Tahiti oil - it is obtained by enfleurage of flowers in coconut oil.

Naturally, the quality of base oils must be high and you can buy them only from trusted companies that do not use various chemical or other additives to reduce cost.

Some vegetable oils that can be used as the base of the mixture can be purchased at the grocery store. But you need to look at the label carefully: the oil must be cold pressed (preferably extra virgin) and without additives. Refined and deodorized oils as a result of processing high temperature they lose a large amount of useful substances, so it is better to refrain from consuming them. The main thing is not to use it for aromatherapy purposes. mineral oil. It does not contain components beneficial to the skin and can be a source of allergies.

Base oils should be stored in a cool, dark place. It is advisable not to leave open for a long time, because when exposed to air, oils oxidize and become unusable.

Base oils are a complex mixture of fatty acids, saponifiable and unsaponifiable fractions.

Fatty acids are divided into saturated and unsaturated. If fatty acids predominate in the oil, then it room temperature will be hard. The more unsaturated acids an oil contains, the softer it is. When unsaturated acids begin to predominate, the oil will be thin. Particular attention should be paid to the content of oleic acid (it belongs to the so-called monounsaturated fatty acids). With its dominance, the oil is well absorbed into the skin and the penetration of other active components (for example, essential oils) into it is enhanced. Special attention unsaturated fatty acids deserve: linoleic, linolenic and gamma-linolenic acid, as well as their derivatives. The fact is that they are not produced in the human body, so they are called essential unsaturated acids. Linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid are called omega-6 acids. Oils with high content These acids are recommended for dry skin with impaired barrier properties. Vegetable oils that contain linolenic acid and its derivatives are recommended for people who suffer from various skin diseases due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Some linolenic acid derivatives are bulky and long titles, which are difficult to pronounce and for simplicity are called omega-3 acids.

The saponified fraction is fatty acids that are combined with glycerol. This fraction is responsible for the appearance and properties of the oil. If you add alkali to the saponified fraction, you can get soap.

The unsaponifiable fraction is responsible for regenerating properties, which is beneficial for aging skin. It usually contains carotenoids, vitamin E, phytosterols and other biologically active substances. It happens that in the production of cosmetics only the unsaponifiable fraction of oil is used (the unsaponifiable fraction of olive oil is especially popular). When combined with alkali, this fraction does not form soap.

Using vegetable oil In cosmetics, oil absorption and spreadability are important characteristics. If the oil is poorly absorbed by the skin, it will create a greasy feeling on the skin. But, if the oil is absorbed quickly, it may turn out to be comedonogenic. If the oil does not spread well, it will not spread well on the skin. Therefore, mixtures of several oils are usually used, which provide the optimal ratio of these two parameters.

Esters are almost never used in their pure form, but are mixed with a base - base oil. Carrier oils or so-called carrier oils have amazing property– dissolve esters and promote their penetration into the upper layers of the skin.

Base oil for regular use essential oils are simply irreplaceable; moreover, it has a number of its own beneficial properties, which should not be forgotten when making a choice.

What are the benefits of carrier oils?

Base oils, unlike esters, can be used in their pure form, which is why it is an independent cosmetic product with its own characteristics and methods of use. This herbal product is used for daily special care not only for the skin of the face, but also for the décolleté area, curls and nails.

By choosing the best base oils, you can get a bottle of valuable liquid. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, a complex of vitamins and minerals, phosphatides and waxes. Rich chemical composition explains the use of base oils in cosmetology.

This herbal product ensures the elasticity of cell membranes, allows the restoration of skin cells, accelerates metabolism, and has an antioxidant effect.

A carrier oil, such as olive, retains moisture in the epidermis and can be used as natural remedy for makeup remover.

Composition, beneficial properties

The main components of such a plant product are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. A large percentage of saturated acids ensures the hardening of this plant product at room temperature. If prevail polyunsaturated acids– the oil remains liquid even at room temperature.

Oleic acid is a valuable component of the herbal product, because it promotes better transportation of other components, so the oily liquid quickly penetrates the skin.

Base oil for essential oils is an excellent addition, because it is rich in essential acids - linoleic acid and its derivatives. It is this component that provides comprehensive care for dry, hypersensitive skin, as it fills it with moisture. Besides, essential acids perfectly relieves inflammation of the skin due to skin diseases, promotes rapid healing.

The human body constantly needs fatty acids, since the lack of such substances causes peeling, a feeling of tightness, itching, and slight redness.

Where to buy base oil, which one is better?

This valuable herbal remedy is obtained from plant seeds, fruit seeds, as well as grains and nuts using cold pressing methods. Also, other methods (for example, the extraction method) can be used for its production.

Using the best base oils High Quality will allow you to prepare an excellent essential oil composition that is suitable for both skin care and hair care. That is why you should purchase base oils for essential oils only in those stores and pharmacies that sell products from trusted suppliers that do not contain synthetic impurities.

Which base oil to choose in the supermarket? You should only pay attention to a high-quality product without artificial additives. For home use unrefined base oil is suitable - extra virgin will be ideal option. It has a rich greenish tint and a characteristic olive aroma; its refined counterpart does not have such qualities.

How are base oils used in cosmetology?

Every woman wants to look attractive and young, so quite often the fair sex resorts to using expensive body care products. But it is not always possible to feel the effectiveness of such cosmetics, due to the complex composition with synthetic additives that are harmful to the skin.

Base oils are successfully used in cosmetology, so they have 100% natural composition. Thanks to wide range With such herbal remedies, you can choose exactly what suits you. It is not difficult to select a base oil for essential oils, taking into account your skin type.

We select base oils for skin (according to type):

1. Oily skin.

For this type of skin, it is advisable to choose products that have a drying effect. This will narrow the pores and regulate the production of subcutaneous fat and eliminate unpleasant shine.

2. Dry skin.

In this case, moisturizers will come in handy. Unlike fatty type skin, dry skin needs constant nourishment. It is best to apply the herbal remedy to your face immediately after applying the hydrosol. A dense oily layer will allow you to save moisture on the surface of the skin and quickly penetrate the epidermis along with the nutritional components of the cosmetic product.

3. Normal skin.

It is common to meet a woman with normal type leather is rare. You can choose base oils for this type of face at your discretion. It is considered a universal care product.

4. Combination skin

To care for this type of skin, you will need a number of oils, since each area of ​​the face will require its own oil. Forehead, nose and chin - herbal remedies are suitable for oily skin types; the area around the eyes, cheeks, temples - products for dry skin.

5. Aging skin.

This type of skin needs special, careful care. Hormonal imbalance immediately affects the face - dryness, sagging and flaking of the skin.

For elasticity and firmness of the skin, oils that have an antioxidant effect are best suited: borage, avocado, and jojoba.

Basic oils are an excellent hair care product, as they quickly penetrate the hair shaft and the hair follicle, feeding it with vitamins, macroelements and nutrients. Basic oils for hair are selected in almost the same way as for skin - according to type.

For oily hair, the following oils are perfect: almond, calendula flowers, pumpkin seeds, as well as St. John's wort.

For mild flaking and dandruff, it is worth using: argan, burdock or castor oil.

Ideal for dry hair: corn oil, peach kernel oil or sea buckthorn oil.

For damaged, colored strands, use: macadamia oil, hemp oil, jojoba oil or corn oil.

Almond, coconut, and also olive oil will help solve the problem of split ends.

Thanks to the correct selection and use of basic plant compositions, every girl and woman will look young and attractive. Select natural product for care skin and curls - this is the key to beauty appearance regardless of age.

Helpful – options for different types hair and problems.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

When using essential oils for daily care It is not advisable to use essential oils in their pure form (undiluted) for the skin and during massage. They can be diluted with oil, which will form the base.

Carrier oils spread easily and evenly over the skin and help healing essential oils to be absorbed faster. A number of oils that are especially suitable for mixing with essential oils also have properties that are beneficial to humans (for example, containing vitamins A, D, E), especially if they are extracted by cold pressing. Cold pressing is a method of extracting oils without the use of heat or chemicals. Although oils obtained this way may be more expensive, they retain more nutrients than oils obtained by other methods.

In addition, these carrier oils can help balance and stabilize the essential oil. Vitamin E in wheat germ oil, for example, acts as an antidote and enhances the restorative effect massage oil, if the extract is mixed with other vegetable oil.

The best carrier oils are almond, grapeseed, soybean, wheatgrass, peach and apricot kernels, avocado, corn, sunflower seeds, calendula and castor. They are quite often used in .

The oil should be able to easily penetrate the skin. Some people like to use aromatic oils, such as coconut, sesame or olive, others prefer to use oil with a slight scent of its own. You have a lot of choice.

For example, almond oil obtained from sweet almonds. It has nourishing and renewing properties and is useful for dry, wrinkled hands, eczema and skin irritations. This is one of the best universal carriers and can even be used when massaging babies.

Castor oil- more viscous, it can be mixed with other oils for better absorption into the skin, it also has a beneficial effect on eczema and very dry skin.

Grapeseed oil It has the consistency of water and is therefore easily absorbed. It has an astringent effect, which is useful for acne.

Soybean oil It is easily absorbed and is known to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Wheat germ oil especially useful for skin diseases due to high content vitamin E, it is usually added to another main oil (literally 1-2 drops), since it is very rich and heavy.

Avocado oil is also rich in vitamin E and heavy.

Calendula oil helps relieve inflammation, it can be used for problems in the circulatory, digestive, muscular and nervous systems, in case of violations menstrual cycle, as well as for skin diseases. It is often mixed with other carrier oils as it is quite expensive.

Apricot, peach oil improve tissue regeneration.

When using essential oils for daily skin care as a base, you can also use jojoba oil or almond(50 ml).

For aging and very dry skin, add 10% wheat germ oil, for unclean, inflamed skin - 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Add 15-20 drops of your chosen essential oil to the prepared base and shake well. For children, 5 drops are enough, for infants - one.
