Until how many months can you terminate a pregnancy? Think what a sin you are committing by agreeing to an abortion! Immediate re-pregnancy

Abortion is a controversial procedure, but sometimes it is the lesser evil. In the CIS countries there is no ban on artificial termination of pregnancy. But there is a restriction according to which the period for having an abortion at the request of a woman cannot exceed 12 weeks. At a later date, you can terminate the pregnancy, but this requires compelling reasons.


  • pregnancy as a result of rape;
  • death of the child's father during pregnancy;
  • serving a prison sentence while pregnant;
  • deprivation of a pregnant woman parental rights on the children she has.

These grounds provide the opportunity to terminate a pregnancy up to 22 weeks.


  • gross malformations of the fetus;
  • severe deterioration in the mother's health. Serious illnesses, the treatment of which is incompatible with pregnancy;
  • incapacity;
  • severe mental disorders.

Possibility of late abortion medical indications discussed individually, this procedure can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy.

Medical tests required to terminate a pregnancy

  • Gynecologist's report.
  • Clinical blood test.
  • Flora smear.
  • Analysis on human chorionic gonadotropin person to determine exact date gestation. As an addition or alternative it is possible to pass ultrasound examination pelvic organs.
  • Wasserman test (RW).
  • Test for HIV, hepatitis B, C.
  • Analysis for blood group and Rh factor.
  • Hemostasiogram (coagulogram).

Also, the woman may be asked for the results of FLG, ECG, cervical smear, and more.

Until what time is pregnancy terminated? Unsafe (criminal) abortions

Criminal abortions - performed in makeshift conditions by people who do not have proper education and/or permission to this type activities. Or an attempt to get rid of pregnancy by the woman herself with the help folk remedies and ways.

Knitting needles, horsehair, bulbs, aspirin, tansy, hot baths - with the help of all this, women are still trying to get rid of an unwanted child. Criminal abortions are very dangerous. They can be at least ineffective. At most, it could lead to the birth of a disabled child or the death of a woman. 15 percent of pregnancy-related deaths of women occur due to illegal abortions. For comparison: with safe abortion in the early stages, out of a hundred thousand women, only one dies.

Until what time is pregnancy terminated? Types of abortions

Non-surgical abortion

This is what is called a medical abortion. early stages.


  • ectopic pregnancy. Before a medical abortion, it is important to undergo an ultrasound to rule out ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy in the background intrauterine device or after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives;
  • severe form of anemia;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • liver, kidney or adrenal failure;
  • individual intolerance to drugs;
  • Carefully: for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, asthma, high blood pressure. Lactating women should stop feeding their babies for two weeks after taking the pills.

Instrumental abortion

This is the name for abortion using surgical instruments. These are vacuum aspiration, dilatation and curettage, dilatation and extraction, artificial birth.


  • inflammatory and infectious processes of the genitourinary system;
  • individual intolerance to anesthesia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

At what period can you have an abortion? Termination of pregnancy in the first trimester

Medical (pharmacological) abortion

This is an interruption using Mifepristone and prostaglandins. The principle of action is to provoke a miscarriage. Under the influence of medications, the cervix opens, the muscles contract and the embryo is expelled. You can terminate pregnancy with pills up to 43 days after amenorrhea.

You should not delay the gestational age with abortion pills, at which ovum is still poorly attached to the walls of the uterus, and hormonal background women changed insignificantly – 4 weeks.


  • no anesthesia required;
  • the cervix and internal cavity of the uterus are not injured. WHO has recognized pharmaabortion as the gentlest for women;
  • no impact on menstrual cycle.

Possible complications:

  1. Non-termination/incomplete termination of pregnancy. It is extremely rare that an entire fertilized egg may remain in the uterine cavity after a pharmaceutical abortion. This usually happens if a medical abortion was performed, the timing of which exceeded the permissible period. More often, fragments of the fertilized egg remain. In these cases, it is imperative to clean the uterus using vacuum aspiration or curettage.
  2. Bleeding. It is precisely because of the danger of bleeding that you should be under the supervision of doctors for several hours after taking medications.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen. They are provoked by uterine contractions. Buy these painful sensations can antispasmodics.
  4. Allergy. In world practice, cases of death of patients due to the development of severe allergic reaction on drugs used in medical abortions.

Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion)

This is a relatively safe way to terminate an early pregnancy. In this case, the fertilized egg is sucked out using a vacuum aspirator. Can be carried out under local anesthesia, and under general anesthesia. Maximum for vacuum abortion deadlines - up to 7 obstetric weeks. Some doctors believe that a mini-abortion occurs on time with fewer consequences for the body than a pharmaceutical abortion.


  1. The most gentle method of instrumental termination of pregnancy.
  2. No cervical dilatation is required. During a mini-abortion, no metal instruments are inserted into the uterine cavity, only a flexible hose, which reduces the risk of perforation of the uterine wall.
  3. Speed ​​of implementation. The procedure itself lasts several minutes. A couple of hours after the abortion, the patient can already be discharged.
  4. Menstrual function is restored within 40-43 days.

Possible complications:

  1. Incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. 5 days after the mini-abortion, it is necessary to do a control ultrasound to make sure that there are no embryo fragments in the uterine cavity. If an incomplete abortion is confirmed, then it is advisable to clean the uterine cavity using vacuum suction. Curettage is not recommended due to its high morbidity.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual pain.
  3. Mini-abortions used to be dangerous possible development pneumoembolism - a condition in which air was not sucked out of the uterus, but, on the contrary, was supplied into it. And, as a result, I ended up in circulatory system and provoked blockage of large vessels by an air clot and the death of the patient. However, modern equipment now eliminates this danger.


In medical circles, this procedure is called dilatation and curettage, or sharp curettage. The most traumatic and, alas, the most common method of terminating a pregnancy in the CIS countries. Approximately eighty percent of women who terminate their pregnancies resort to curettage. According to WHO, complications after acute curettage occur at least twice as often as after a vacuum abortion.

At the request of the patient, acute curettage is performed during pregnancy up to 12 weeks.

Possible complications:

  1. Incomplete abortion. In this case, the scraping procedure should be repeated.
  2. Damage to the uterus. A sharp curette injures inner surface uterus. The risk of damage increases by 20 percent with each week of pregnancy.
  3. When the cervix dilates, it can rupture, which in the future can lead to the risk of miscarriage and difficulty conceiving.
  4. Heavy bleeding. Therefore, it is advisable to remain in the hospital after the procedure.
  5. Gynecological infections.
  6. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  7. Failure of the menstrual cycle. Curettage is usually carried out in the second half of the first trimester, when the woman’s hormonal system has already been restructured. Termination of pregnancy in this case is especially stressful.

At what period can you have an abortion? Termination of pregnancy in the second trimester and later

Dilatation and evacuation

This is an abortion long term(second trimester). It has a relatively low morbidity, but all late abortions have a much more detrimental effect on a woman’s body than abortions in the first trimester. During dilatation and evacuation, the cervix is ​​opened using a metal bougie, and the fetus is expelled using vacuum suction. If evacuation of the fetus using a vacuum aspirator is unsuccessful or partially successful, then an abortion forceps and curettes are subsequently used.

Benefits: According to WHO, this is the safest way for a woman to terminate a pregnancy in the second trimester.

Possible complications: the same as with vacuum aspiration, dilatation and curettage.

Artificial birth

This is the name for abortion in late pregnancy, a process in which the expulsion of the fetus is carried out by stimulating labor activity in a woman. They have four varieties.

  • Taking prostaglandins.

An outdated, extremely painful method that involves stimulating labor by administering medications of the specified type.

  • Taking Mifepristone and prostaglandins.

A better alternative to the first option. Happens faster. If the pregnancy is more than 5 months, there is a possibility that the fetus will survive after a late abortion, so it is first killed by an injection of sodium chloride solution.

  • Salt abortion.

The so-called “filling”. The most painful way of late abortion for a woman. It consists of pumping out 200 ml from the amniotic sac amniotic fluid, and in its place they pour hypertonic solution sodium chloride at a concentration of 20 percent. The fetus dies within one to two days from dehydration and hypernatremia. Next, labor is stimulated with medication.

  • Minor caesarean section.

It is called “small” solely because of the size of the fruit. It can be transvaginal and abdominal; the second option is often used. A small caesarean section is prescribed for late-term abortion for those women who have contraindications to other methods of terminating a pregnancy.


It is extremely important for a modern woman to know what type of abortion is performed until what period, so that in case of unforeseen situations, she can resolve the situation with minimal negative consequences for the body.

Until what period can an abortion be performed without harm to health and at what period is it better to do it? An artificial termination of pregnancy does not go away completely without leaving a trace. Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy at 29-30 weeks, i.e. on recent months pregnancy? But for information about how long you can terminate a pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor. In some cases there may be individual nuances. The main advantage medication interruption pregnancy is the absence of traumatic surgery.

Termination of pregnancy: until what period can you have a medical abortion? How dangerous is medical abortion during the first pregnancy? Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy beyond 12 weeks? Is it possible to take any medication to terminate a pregnancy on your own?
There is no absolutely safe abortion; any method of abortion can lead to complications in the form of bleeding, inflammation, and subsequently cause miscarriage desired pregnancy. Therefore, the decision to have an abortion should be well thought out and weighed from all sides by the couple who decides on this serious step. If circumstances still force you to terminate your pregnancy, then the most gentle method is medical abortion. Especially if this is the first pregnancy.

Many women are interested in the question, Until what time does an abortion take place??

Whatever scientific terms are used to replace simple words, describing the process of abortion - abortion is the killing of an unborn child. In our country, abortion is legally justified only in cases of rape, death of the child's father during pregnancy, deprivation of parental rights, threat to the mother's life and fetal pathology.

An abortion can be performed up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Starting from the eighth week of gestation, the child begins to develop nervous system. On the sixteenth, the baby makes the first more or less conscious movement - he begins to respond to sounds.

Termination of pregnancy performed at a later stage is called premature birth.

Termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks is called early abortion And this procedure performed at the request of the woman.

6 weeks until pregnancy You can have a medical abortion (using pills).

Termination of pregnancy for more later,more than 6 weeks, can only be performed through surgery (so-called curettage).

If the pregnancy is more than 12 weeks, abortion can only be performed if there are serious medical conditions (for example, intrauterine pathology fetus, decompensated diseases of the mother - epilepsy, diabetes) or social indications (rape, death of husband, imprisonment).

Remember, Until what time does an abortion take place?, all women should, because it is very dangerous to perform abortion at a long term.

IN Lately Increasingly, termination of pregnancy (abortion) is performed by medication.

Wherein abortion medication timing has limited.

This manipulation can be performed up to 49 days (up to 6 weeks of pregnancy), if you count from the first day last menstrual period.

It is during this period that the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the uterine cavity, so taking certain medications promotes increased contractility of the uterus and rejection of the fertilized egg.

If done on time medical abortion, do not tighten deadlines, this has some advantages for women:

  • absent mechanical damage uterus
  • no need for anesthesia
  • infection is prevented from entering the uterine cavity.

For young girls who plan to have children in the future, medical termination of pregnancy is the method of choice.

Yes, and psychologically it is much easier to endure termination of pregnancy with the help of a drug than agreeing to surgical termination of pregnancy.

If you have already decided to have a medical abortion, do not delay the deadline, because the slightest delay can reduce the effectiveness this method to zero.

Consult a specialist doctor in time, take care of your women's health!

What problems can arise with a medical abortion?

Firstly, the pregnancy may not be terminated. In this case, it can no longer be saved for medical reasons. A mini-abortion is performed. Secondly, it can be very heavy bleeding. In this case, too, sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Thirdly, it can be very painful, you can feel nauseous, and your blood pressure increases.

The undoubted advantage of this method is the absence surgical intervention, and therefore the possibility of uterine injury and infection.

Mini-abortion or Vacuum abortion (for up to 5-7 weeks, i.e. within 6-14 weeks after the last menstruation)

Mini abortion - vacuum aspiration, termination of pregnancy at an early stage. This surgical abortion is performed at an early stage of pregnancy (termination of pregnancy up to 5-7 weeks).

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. IN medical centers they use anesthesia, which leaves no consequences in the form of long-term headaches, nausea, etc. That is, for you it will look like this: you lay down on a chair, put a catheter in a vein, fell asleep, woke up no longer pregnant. During abortion surgery, the doctor inserts a special tube connected to a device into the uterus. After turning on the device, negative pressure is created in the tube, due to which the fertilized egg is removed from the uterus.

Before surgery, the cervical muscles are stretched with metal dilators until the opening is wide enough to allow the abortifacient instruments to pass into the uterus. The doctor attaches a special syringe to the tube (it is inserted into the uterus) and intrauterine child is sucked out.

In fact, during a vacuum abortion, the doctor opens the cervix with metal dilators or laminaria (thin sticks that are inserted hours before the procedure itself); inserts a tube into the uterus and attaches it to the pump. The pump grinds the baby's body into pieces and sucks them out of the uterus. If the fetus cannot be completely removed, subsequent curettage is performed. In this case, the doctor may use a curette (a rounded knife) to scrape the baby's body parts out of the uterus.

Immediately after the abortion, there may be minor pain in the lower abdomen associated with contraction of the uterus, then for several days you will have small discharge according to the type of menstruation. Sometimes the doctor prescribes antibiotics after an abortion. Physical inconvenience is minimal, but in this case much depends on the skill of the doctor. Therefore, choose a doctor you trust. This method is more reliable regarding the chances that the pregnancy will definitely be terminated. Cases where, after a mini-abortion, pregnancy continued to develop are extremely rare. To increase reliability during an abortion, ultrasound is used. But since there is intervention, there is also the possibility of injury. If the smear before the abortion was bad and treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, infection is possible.

Despite the fact that a mini-abortion is performed at an earlier stage than a regular abortion, a mini-abortion is a means of killing a conceived child - human life.

Physical, moral and emotional consequences Mini abortions are no less complex and dangerous than complications of surgical abortion. From the very moment of conception there is a living thing inside you, little man, with its own individual set of DNA. Since already a certain color eyes, hair and gender of your child. Don't be fooled by the idea that there is a clump of cells inside you. It is not true.

Medical abortion (6 to 12 weeks or 13 to 24 weeks after your last period).

This surgical abortion is performed during the second trimester of pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks, you can have a regular or surgical abortion. It will feel the same as a mini-abortion, but instead of a tube, a special instrument is inserted into the uterus, which is used to remove the fertilized egg. The same rule applies very clearly here - what longer term, the more difficult the operation, the more complications there may be.

Because the developing child doubles in size between the 11th and 12th weeks of pregnancy, its body is too large to be crushed by suction and pass through the tube. In this case, the cervix should be open wider than during a 1st trimester abortion. Therefore, kelp is administered a day or two before the abortion itself. After the cervix is ​​open, the doctor removes the baby's body parts with forceps. In order to easily remove the child’s skull, it is first crushed with forceps.

Only these three methods of terminating a pregnancy are permissible and are not considered a “criminal abortion” in our country, with the exception of termination of pregnancy according to a doctor’s testimony in the later stages.

Late term abortion

After 12 weeks, abortion on request is prohibited in our country. They do it only for medical reasons social indications: judgment on restriction of parental rights, pregnancy as a result of rape; death of a husband during a woman's pregnancy. Pregnancy is terminated in the later stages, either by artificially inducing labor or by performing a minor caesarean section. That is, there will be childbirth, but there will be no child. So, you know, it’s better not to let it come to this.

This medical abortion produce:

From 20 weeks after the last menstrual cycle. The procedure to terminate a late pregnancy takes 3 days. During the first two days, the cervix is ​​dilated and the woman is given antispasmodic drugs. On the third day, the woman takes a medication that induces labor. After labor has begun, the doctor does an ultrasound to determine the location of the baby's legs. Grabbing the legs with forceps, the doctor pulls the child out, leaving only the head inside. In this case, parts of the child’s body can be torn off from the body itself and pulled out through the vaginal canal. The rest of the body is pinched and pulled outward. The baby's head is pinched and crushed in order to pass through the vaginal canal. The placenta and remaining parts are sucked out of the uterus.

Previously used saline abortion or salt filling, but this method turned out to be insufficiently effective, like Homeopathy (effectiveness no more than 20%), Acupuncture (effect up to 40% with a short delay and depends on the qualifications of the specialist), Magnetic induction ("magnetic cap" in the absence of contraindications is effective in 50% of cases with a delay of no more than 3-5 days)

Medical termination of pregnancy is also called non-surgical or pill abortion. This is modern medical procedure which allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy early stages. Surgical intervention does not apply in this case.

Intervention in the functioning of the body is carried out using special drugs with an antigestagenic effect.

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages can be called relatively safe method.

The drug stimulates the process of exfoliation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. With abortive effects, the embryo independently separates from the uterine mucosa and comes out. This is a so-called artificial miscarriage.

The effectiveness of the technique is approximately 95-98 percent.

Until when can you do it?

If a medical termination of pregnancy is planned, the timing is strictly defined. The procedure can be carried out only in the early stages, no later than 5-6 weeks (up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last menstruation).

When asking how long it is possible to perform a medical termination of pregnancy, it should be taken into account that the term in this case is set only based on the results of an ultrasound examination using the transvaginal method.


To carry out the procedure, doctors use the following drugs:

  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mifolian (China).

All tablets have a similar principle of action. Active substances block the production of progesterone in a woman’s body. It is this process that is involved in the development of pregnancy. Taking the drug provokes peeling of the membranes of the embryo from the walls of the uterus and its exit from the body.

When wondering how many weeks a medical termination of pregnancy lasts, you should keep in mind that the above-mentioned drugs are not freely available in pharmacies.

How is the procedure performed?

Carrying out a pharmaceutical abortion requires the doctor to have a number of permitting documents.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy and. A regular ultrasound and an ultrasound using a transvaginal probe are performed. The embryo must be excluded.
  2. Signing by the patient of documents consenting to the procedure.
  3. If there are no contraindications, the woman is given the drug to take in the doctor's office. Here she spends at least 2-3 hours under medical supervision. This is necessary so that in case of complications, the patient is provided with emergency assistance.
  4. Later required time the woman can go home. During your stay in the doctor's office, the uterus usually contracts and bleeding begins.
  5. Three days after medical abortion you need to visit the doctor again and undergo the procedure. This is mandatory and necessary in order to exclude the presence of remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

The question of whether the procedure is painful is a frequently asked question. As for the pain, it is more intense than during normal periods. After taking the drug procedure, a woman may feel pulsation in the lower abdomen, as well as cramping pain. You can consult a doctor and take pain medication.


There are a number of contraindications for medical interruption. The absolute ones, when the procedure is prohibited, include the following:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy period is more than 9 obstetric weeks;
  • presence of scars on the uterus;
  • allergic reactions to the drugs used;
  • the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and liver.

There are also relative contraindications to pharmabort, in the presence of which the patient may be denied the procedure (the issue is decided by the doctor):

  • age less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • poor blood test (low hemoglobin, clotting problems);
  • smoking within the last five years;
  • epilepsy;
  • long-term use of drugs with antithrombotic effects.

Consequences and complications

Normally, after a medical termination of pregnancy, a woman feels almost the same as with spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

After the procedure you may experience:

  • spasms, pain in the lower abdomen and painful uterine contractions;
  • vomiting and nausea, dizziness as a result of hormonal balance in the body;
  • bleeding, which can last up to several weeks.

Hormonal imbalance after pharmacotherapy can cause consequences in the form of the development of a number of gynecological diseases, such as inflammatory processes, cervical erosion, endometritis, endometriosis. All this can cause infertility in the future.

To exclude such consequences, it is necessary to undergo the prescribed examination before and after interruption, compliance hygiene rules and all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

The following complications are also possible as a result of the procedure:

  • Bleeding. Most common complication after artificial interruption. Fine bloody issues should be. But their abundance, intensity and too long duration lead to serious blood loss, anemia and death as a result. Alarming symptom, when a woman has to use more than two pads (5 drops) in one hour.
  • Incomplete abortion. It means partial release of the uterus from the fertilized egg. Danger in development purulent complications and sepsis. For this reason, an ultrasound examination after the procedure is mandatory. If there are residues, the uterus is cleaned or vacuum aspiration is performed.
  • Hematometra. This is the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which subsequently leads to purulent processes and sepsis. Alarming symptom: increasing pain in the lower abdomen after taking the pills and lack of bleeding.

Effectiveness of medical abortion, likelihood negative consequences and complications depend on a number of factors:

  • doctor's professionalism;
  • woman's responsibility;
  • following recommendations after the procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications after interruption, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Only have the procedure performed by a qualified physician. Self-conducting artificial interruption is dangerous.
  • Refuse medical abortion if there are contraindications and choose another method.
  • IN recovery period strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and monitor your well-being. It is not recommended to use tampons; it is better to use pads.
  • Refrain from sexual activity for two to three weeks after the procedure. This can cause bleeding and inflammation.
  • Heavy lifting is prohibited for two weeks physical exercise, physical activity, drinking alcoholic beverages, thermal procedures (bath, sauna, etc.).
  • It is recommended to take hormonal hormones for at least 6 months after pharmaabortion. contraception. This will help restore hormonal balance in the body and prevent subsequent unwanted pregnancies.
  • At feeling unwell After the procedure, the appearance of discharge with an odor, or an increase in body temperature, you should immediately visit a doctor.

No type of abortion can be called completely safe. Each of them can lead to serious complications. Despite the ease of performing a medical abortion procedure, it cannot be used as a method of emergency contraception.

Pharmaboration is a necessary measure, and if it cannot be avoided, it is better that it be a one-time thing in a woman’s life.

In the video about the interruption

Abortion is any interruption developing pregnancy, which occurs before 28 weeks. If the interruption occurs later than this period, it is called artificial birth, since the resulting fetus is already capable. An abortion can be spontaneous, when it is called a miscarriage, or artificial, when it is carried out at the request of the woman. In this article we will talk about methods of terminating a pregnancy and the time frame within which such manipulation can be carried out.

Induced abortions have been popular since ancient times, and even then this operation caused a very controversial reaction. A significant proportion of people are categorically against this intervention; they ardently defend the right of the fetus to life, while others say that every woman has the right to independently decide whether to become a mother or not.

Types of abortions

Most in a safe way induced abortion is considered, it is also called pharmacological. This manipulation is carried out at the most minimum terms pregnancy - until the sixth, maximum until the ninth week. For the operation to be as effective as possible, it should be performed as early as possible, within four weeks. Under the influence of the drugs that a woman takes, the fertilized egg will die, which will lead to a miscarriage. Moreover, the weaker the egg is attached to the walls of the uterus, the easier the abortion will be. Doctors recommend carrying out this procedure from the day of conception to one month. If a medical abortion is performed at a later date, the result may not be as positive. So the fertilized egg may not come out completely, which will require curettage of the uterus. The same process will reduce all the advantages of this type of abortion to zero, since the cervix will be injured by surgical assortments, and in addition, anesthesia will have to be used.

In the event that after pharmacological abortion severe weakness is observed, the temperature rises, very heavy bleeding and pain in the abdominal area occurs, this is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

During pregnancy up to six weeks, it is also carried out, it is also called a mini-abortion. It is performed under local anesthesia and is considered a good option for termination. During this procedure, a vacuum aspirator is inserted into the uterine cavity, which is connected to special equipment. Rarefaction conditions are created in the uterus, which leads to the fertilized egg being torn away from the walls. This type of abortion does not always have the desired effect; if necessary, curettage is performed.

At the same stage of pregnancy, abortion can be performed using a special magnetic cap. It is placed on the cervix, and under the influence of a magnetic field, the fetus stops developing, which leads to a miscarriage. This method, however, is used very rarely, since it increases the likelihood of complications for the woman, which are expressed in inflammation of the internal organs.

During the period from the sixth to the twelfth week, the pregnancy can be terminated using surgical abortion. This is an operation that is usually performed under general anesthesia. In a good clinic, the curettage process is controlled using ultrasonic sensors. Surgical abortion may lead to various complications, the most severe of which is perforation of the uterine wall, which causes internal bleeding, peritonitis, and also injures internal organs. In order to save a woman's life, the uterus must be completely removed.

After the twelfth week of pregnancy, it is not possible to terminate it at the request of the patient. Late-term abortion requires more serious indications, such as social or medical reasons.

The first include special circumstances that happened in a woman’s life, such as too young age- up to fifteen years, or, conversely, maturity - more than forty-five years, death of the husband, which occurred during pregnancy, as well as the presence of at least five children.

Under medical reasons understand various pathologies in the development of the fetus, in which it simply cannot be born healthy. They also include a threat to the health or life of the mother, in which she simply cannot carry the pregnancy to term.

The worst period for an abortion is the second and especially the third trimester of pregnancy. In this case, a complex operation is performed, which can lead to serious complications.

There are several methods of artificial termination for periods longer than twelve weeks. One of them is saline abortion, which is also called pouring. With him in amniotic sac introduce special saline solution, and then they take out the already dead fetus.

The second method is artificial childbirth, in which contractions are induced by taking certain drugs. This method is very painful and causes migraines and severe nausea. In some cases, they resort to surgery caesarean section. After the twentieth week, the baby is sometimes born alive.

After an abortion, a woman needs long-term medical supervision and hormonal correction. In addition, she is recommended to seek psychological help.

You will never be able to determine your due date with 100% accuracy. Perhaps you will calculate the MDA as accurately as possible, or the day of birth will simply coincide with the date you calculated, but for sure no one will say when you will give birth. After all, it depends on many factors. And even if you are one of the small number of women who know exactly the day of conception or the date of ovulation, you still cannot predict how fast the sperm will be, how many days this particular egg will move along fallopian tubes, when exactly it is implanted, how long it will take for the fetus to fully develop in the womb and when the baby is ready to show himself to this world. In each individual case, these processes may take different quantities time. Nevertheless, which can be guided by.

Scientists have calculated that in most cases (70-80%) 266 days or 38 weeks pass from the moment of fertilization to the onset of birth. However, the difficulty in calculating the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth in each individual case is that women, as a rule, do not know this very day of conception or ovulation. But almost everyone remembers the date of the last menstruation, so it is this date (the day it began) that is taken as the basis for the calculation: 40 weeks or 280 days pass from the first day of the last menstruation to the birth, say gynecologists. But since real pregnancy on the first day of menstruation does not yet exist, the period calculated in this way is called menstrual (or gestational), but in fact the fetus is approximately 2 weeks less (this period is called ovulation or fertilization).

On average, ovulation occurs 14 days after the end of menstruation. And if we take this date as the starting point, then it turns out that pregnancy lasts 280-14 = 266 days. But again, it’s an individual matter, sometimes ovulation occurs a little earlier, for some it may be late, so in obstetrics a normal full-term pregnancy is considered to be one that lasts on average 266-294 days, that is, 280 days plus or minus 14 or 38 -42 weeks (although this corridor has recently been expanded to 37-).

If you count, you will see that 280 days or is almost 9 months, as people are used to saying. In obstetrics they say that pregnancy lasts 10 months - we are talking about the so-called lunar months, consisting of 28 days. This is how long the average woman's cycle lasts. So if your periods are irregular or your cycle is more/less than 28 days, you need to take into account the errors in the calculations described. The 280-day (40-week) gestation principle assumes that a woman has a 28-day menstrual cycle with ovulation on day 14.

Undoubtedly, the duration of pregnancy will be influenced by your health status, intrauterine development and the condition of the fetus, heredity and even psychological mood: there are cases when women gave birth on a day set for themselves (on a holiday or upon the return of their husband from a long business trip).

So all calculations are quite arbitrary. As you can see, plus or minus can be allowed for at least two weeks, and together this is already whole month! So if you decide to conceive a child on such a day, to give birth to him under New Year, then you can really miss the deadlines.

If you are tormented by doubts about whether you gave birth on time or, perhaps, whether you are carrying the pregnancy too far, then here you need to focus on your own well-being, on the behavior of the fetus, on sensations and, of course, on medical indicators and a medical opinion.

No matter how long and how your pregnancy progresses, this period is truly unforgettable. Enjoy it because it doesn't last forever. May the birth be easy and safe, and may the baby be born strong and healthy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak
