How to make edible supplies for school? How to make edible school supplies: recipes and subtleties.

With the help of this video master class, you will learn how to make very beautiful and unique things for school from the most ordinary and cheap school supplies.

1. Fluffy panda, rabbit, bat and Pikachu bookmarks can be made from small pompoms, cocktail straws, cardboard or felt and glue. (In almost all crafts, the hot glue used in the video can be replaced super glue. Except for the very last 10th craft.)

2. Glitter pen. For this you will need the sequins themselves, cheap ball pen with a transparent base, PVA glue and water. Mixing ratio: 1 teaspoon of glue to 3 teaspoons of water.

3. Decoration for a pencil in the form of a lollipop. For this craft, you can use play-do or any polymer clay. Only dry or bake it should be strictly according to the instructions on the package. The main thing to keep in mind is that a piece of white clay is about 4 times larger than a colored piece.

4. Smelling pencils, pens, erasers, notes. Making smelly school supplies is pretty easy. You will need Plastic container with a lid, a container in which you can put whatever you want to flavor, scented oil with your favorite scent. Put a few drops of scented oil into the container, place the container with school supplies inside, close the lid and leave overnight. Just in case, it's best to experiment with one cheap item first to see if you like using smelly things.

5. Ruler in the form of a pencil. Wooden ruler can be turned into an unusual ruler original form. Just be sure to ask adults for help and do not use sharp objects without permission and without parental supervision. The author in the video uses watercolors.

6. Handle decorated with multi-colored sprinkles. Actually multi-colored beaded beads. It's simple, take small beads different color, it is desirable to avoid dark colors, string on long thread and gradually glue the thread to the most ordinary handle.

7. Notebooks with an abstract pattern. The video shows the process of decorating ordinary spiral notebooks. With the same method, you can replace the cover on any spiral notebook. You can draw your own cover or print your favorite picture.

8. Pencil case in the form of an envelope made of felt. For crafts, you will need a piece of felt 19 by 19 centimeters and glue, Velcro and a little colored felt to decorate the details. An envelope made of white felt looks logical, but in reality school life a little impractical, as the pencil case will be heavily rubbed and dirty. So keep this in mind when choosing a color.

9. Bookmark with an arrow pointer. You will need thin beautiful gum and colored cardboard.

10. Pen decorated with slime. Here in this craft you can’t do without glue gun, as well as bright yellow and bright green varnish.

The time of modern youth brings new hobbies and new jokes. Now, ahead of school time, becomes topical issue acquisition of stationery and other supplies necessary for study. But to surprise classmates and teachers, some resort to the option of using edible school supplies.

What it is?

These are analogues of ordinary stationery, most often capable of performing their original functions (drawing, gluing, washing), but they can be eaten. It sounds strange, but for children this is a great way to have fun and have fun.

There are shops that sell such goods in ready-made, but most likely children will prefer to make edible school supplies with their own hands, because the process itself is fun game where, in addition to accuracy and accuracy, you can show your imagination and individuality.

How to make edible school supplies?

It all depends on what kind of stationery item will be made. It is immediately worth considering that the production of multi-colored pencils and markers will require more effort and financial costs, because it will be necessary to purchase or manufacture raw materials and materials for them. And items such as an eraser, glue, a simple pencil, plasticine, are less expensive to manufacture.

What might be needed? Any products that are at home, or for which there is enough imagination: banana, cheese, crab sticks, straws, sausages, chocolate bars, chewing gums, marshmallow, marmalade, food colorings, food pencils, marzipan, sugar mastic. In addition, various empty boxes and details of ordinary stationery, ice cube trays or confectionery, board, ruler, knife.

How to make edible school supplies with your own hands: simple recipes

Simple options for making school stationery:

  1. Eraser. It can be made by simply cutting it out from different products (cheese, crab stick, dense filling chocolate candy). The shape of the eraser can be anything: from an ordinary rectangle or a beveled parallelogram to a voluminous fruit. It is much more interesting to prepare an eraser from mastic and marzipan. Here you can show your imagination and add different bright colors subject. To do this, the finished mastic of two colors (usually blue and red) and marzipan (white) is rolled out (the thickness of the marzipan is 2 mm, and the thickness of the mastic is about 5-7 mm) and interconnected with a "sandwich" so that the mastic is in the middle. An eraser is cut out of this blank. Ready product will be exactly like the original. You can also make an eraser from gelatin, sugar and dye (food). To do this, dissolve 2 teaspoons of gelatin in hot water, add 1 tsp. sugar and a few drops / grains of food paint of any color, mix the mixture, pour it into ice molds or just into a deep plate and refrigerate. After solidification, the mass is taken out and the eraser of the desired shape is cut out.
  2. Glue. How to make edible school supplies that will be absolutely similar to the original? Edible PVA glue is prepared very simply: you need to take marshmallow marshmallows, a little milk, mix them in a deep saucepan or Turk and warm over low heat, stirring. After the mass becomes homogeneous, it is left to cool. In the meantime, you need to prepare a container for edible glue. To do this, thoroughly wash the empty PVA bottle with running water, then rinse with a solution of soda and rinse well, let the bottle dry. New glue can be poured into the vial. Him appearance- a white and viscous mass, and if you pour it on bread or cookies and combine, they will stick together. Another option for glue is to use chewing gums as raw materials. They also need to be heated so that they melt, and then pour into a vial. Such filling for glue can be not only white color that will amuse those around you.
  3. Pens. To make them, there are several options. The first is to attach a lollipop to a regular pen (if it is thin) or to its rod or attach sweets / marmalades / lollipops / chewing gums on reverse side handles so that only the edge is edible. The second is to insert the pen rod into any edible product. It can be a sausage, a chocolate bar, a pack of Frutella or Mentos sweets (for this you have to drill a hole in them with a drill and a thin drill), a crab stick. You can wrap the handle shaft with multi-colored strips of mastic, as a result you get a big candy.

Complex options

These options include the manufacture of sets of markers and pencils. Since more ingredients are used here, the procedure is considered complex. How to make edible school supplies, and in particular - colored pencils?

To create the base, you need to prepare: marshmallows, seeds and puffed rice. For dyes (in dry form) such products:

  • yellow - corn, banana, bee pollen, pineapple, peanuts;
  • orange - apricot, carrot, soybeans, peach;
  • red - raspberries, strawberries, dereza;
  • cream - apples, rice, sesame seeds, macadamia nuts, coconut flakes;
  • green - kiwi, green beans, pistachios and pumpkin seeds;
  • blue - blueberries, peas;
  • purple - blueberries, dereza, prunes;
  • black - almonds, prunes, wild sesame, brazil nuts.

One product can be selected for each individual dye. The prepared ingredients are ground into powder (separately for each color). Heat the marshmallow ball so that it melts, pour seeds and puffed rice into this mass, and then colored powder made from previously processed products to give color to the pencil. Mix, put in a mold or give the plastic mass the shape of an object with your hands. Leave to dry. Do this procedure for the product of each color. After that, you can use the pencils like this, or you can wrap them in a label from wrapping paper to give them a store-bought look.

How to make edible school supplies was described above. The main thing is to observe safety rules in the process of work and further consumption of such items.

Even if the child makes "novelties" in his school bag independently, parental supervision should be carried out. In order for an edible item not to harm health (poisoning, intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea, allergies, etc.), when preparing inedible parts, they must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.

It is also worth storing such accessories separately, preferably in a food container. The shelf life of edible items depends on the material from which they are made, but it is advisable to eat them no later than three days from the date of manufacture.

Every child loves to surprise his buddies. In particular, many children will like the idea of ​​bringing edible accessories for school, which can be eaten in front of classmates and teachers. These amazing items can be easily made by hand, and our step-by-step instructions will help you with this.

How can you make edible school supplies?

One of the easiest recipes for making edible supplies for school will help you make felt-tip pens, the contents of which can be eaten. You can make them from ordinary non-toxic washable markers and In the future, you can draw with such felt-tip pens on any food, for example, cookies, and safely send it to your mouth.

To create edible felt-tip pens, use our step-by-step instructions:

  1. Remove the old ink from each marker first. To do this, use pliers to pull out the back cover.
  2. Place parts of one felt-tip pen in a jar, fill it clean water and shake well.

  3. Wait a few hours then drain dirty water and leave it like that for a while. repeat this procedure As much as needs. After that, dry the clean parts of the felt-tip pens.

  4. Prepare food coloring in different colors.

  5. Using a pipette, pour a few drops of paint into the empty body of the felt-tip pen.

  6. Wait until the rod is completely saturated with dye.

  7. When doing this, make sure that the paint does not start to drip from the other end.

  8. Replace the cartridge and, if necessary, remove ink drops.

  9. The marker is ready.

  10. Similarly, make the desired number of felt-tip pens of different colors.

  11. With such felt-tip pens, you can paint cookies and safely eat them.

With the help of the following master class, you can make pencils that you can eat. This is a very difficult task and, moreover, for the manufacture of each of them requires great amount ingredients. Nevertheless, the result is worth it - colored pencils are unusually bright and tasty.

You can figure out how to make these edible school supplies with your own hands using the following instructions:

  1. Prepare puffed rice and sunflower seeds. These ingredients will be required for all pencils. Also, pick dried corn, banana, and pineapple for yellow, as well as peanuts and bee pollen.

  2. For black - almonds, Brazil nuts, wild sesame and dried prunes.

    For red - dried strawberries, raspberries and dereza. For orange - dried carrots, peach, apricot and soybeans.

    For green - pumpkin seeds, pistachios, dried kiwi and green beans. For blue - dried blueberries and peas. For purple - dereza and dried blueberries. Finally, for cream - dried apples, sesame seeds, rice, macadamia nuts, as well as potato and coconut flakes.

  3. To prepare one pencil, grind all the necessary ingredients.

  4. Mix them thoroughly.

  5. Melt the marshmallows on the stove with a little water and pour the mixture into it. You should get a homogeneous mass, similar in consistency to clay.

  6. Tamp the prepared mass into a mold.

  7. When the pencils are dry, carefully pull them out.

  8. Place wrapping paper on each pencil.

  9. You will get wonderful edible pencils with which you can draw.

Modern technologies also make it possible to produce natural ingredients and other edible supplies for the school - glue, tape, erasers, notebooks, and so on. Since no special skills are required to create them, even schoolchildren can cope with this task.
