Calcite stone magical properties sign of the zodiac. Use in medicine

Calcite (calcium carbonate) is a very common and famous stone. Translated from Greek, "calcite" means "lime". onyx, limestone, stone rose, marble are just some of the names for calcite. The second name is Icelandic spar.

It has been known since ancient times. It is hard to imagine, but the Egyptian pyramids and columns of the Parthenon are made up of calcite.

It is among the leaders in production and use.

Origin story

There are two main pathways for the formation of calcite. The first is hydrothermal. High-temperature aqueous solutions come from magma chambers. They very often contain calcium carbonate in dissolved form, which, in the process of lowering the temperature, precipitates as a solid precipitate. As a result, so-called "calcite veins" are formed.

The second way of formation of this mineral is the result of the vital activity of lower marine organisms, mainly plankton. Their shells and skeleton are composed of calcite, which, after the death of animals, forms on seabed large deposits.


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of calcite in nature. It is part of the organisms of most living beings on Earth. The most common examples are shells and skeletons. Calcite is used in medicine, jewelry, Everyday life. Scientists call this mineral the "stone of life", and it really is.

Physical and chemical properties of calcite

Calcite refers to carbonates, which means that it easily reacts with all acids. The reaction will take place quite rapidly: with the formation of carbon dioxide and foam.

Calcite is quite common in pure form, but may contain a large number of metal impurities: iron, manganese, nickel and others. It is the content or absence of impurities that determines the appearance of the mineral.

In the Mohs hardness table, calcite occupies the third position, which indicates that the stone is quite soft. It is easy to scratch with a regular needle. Scratches reduce the luster of calcite.

It is easy to distinguish a mineral with impurities from a pure one. Without third-party substances, calcite will be transparent, with large crystals. If you look through it at any object, it is noticeable that the object has increased approximately 2 times. From this we can conclude that calcite has a strong birefringence.

The most common forms of calcite are regular figures: octahedrons, prisms, rhomboids, etc.

If calcite contains an admixture of manganese, it will have a pink or reddish tint. Iron will give calcite a yellow-brown tint, and malachite will give it green.

The density of the mineral is 2.7 cm/cm³.

Under physical impact (for example, a blow), the crystal will split into regular polyhedra.

It has a glassy or pearly luster (depending on impurities).

Place of Birth

Calcite is distributed over the entire surface of the earth, so there are a lot of places for its extraction. In Russia, calcite is mined in the Far East, Transbaikalia and the North Caucasus. The largest deposit is located in Iceland. Calcite minerals are mined there, which are distinguished by their large size and excellent optical properties.

crystals yellow color mined in the USA, and blue and blue minerals shipped from African countries.

Varieties and colors of calcite

The mineral has many varieties.

Let's consider some of them:

  1. Argentina. It has a lamellar structure and a silver tint.
  2. Anthraconite. A variety of calcite that has a black tint. It is achieved due to the content of bitumen in the mineral.
  3. Icelandic spar. It has the largest birefringence of all varieties.
  4. Marble. It is a hard variety of calcite.
  5. Travertines are soft varieties. These include chalk, limestone and minerals formed by the fossilized remains of algae.
  6. Pearl.

Calcite comes in many colors. The most common is a translucent stone, but there are blue, pink, reddish, brown, yellow (its various shades), crimson. If the stone is transparent, then it is completely clean. The mineral of each color has its own magical properties.

Calcite: magical properties

Depending on the color, the mineral has a different magical influence per person. Generally speaking, calcite enhances energy flows, develops a sixth sense. It changes the attitude of a person and contributes to the fight against laziness.

Calcite is used in meditation. It is believed that with daily meditation with this mineral, a person will be able to discover expanded knowledge in himself, comprehend the basics of self-knowledge. If there is no desire to reveal extraordinary abilities in yourself, but only to improve your energy, you can do without meditation, you just need to constantly carry a stone with you.

People with extraordinary abilities use calcite in their rituals.

Consider a stone of each color:

  1. Blue. The mineral of this color is used by people who want to protect themselves from negative magical influence. It cleanses the energy and promotes the growth of inspiration.
  2. Honey. This stone is recommended for people who lack courage. He will help his owner to gather courage and forget all grievances.
  3. Stone Pink colour help get rid of nervous tension will increase motivation.

In order for the mineral to begin its action, it must be constantly carried with you.

Experts note that the stone is strongly attached to the owner, and therefore the loss of the stone can lead to long-term blocking or even loss of abilities. Therefore, the mineral is not recommended as a gift, unless you are going to pass it on by inheritance. However, there is a nuance here: this stone should be inherited through a generation, and only through the female line.

When choosing a stone, you should pay attention to your own inner feelings. If, upon first contact with calcite, you experience pleasant emotions, then the stone will certainly be very useful to you. If, upon contact with the mineral, you feel some kind of rejection or confusion, then it is better to make a choice in favor of another stone.

Medicinal properties

Calcite is widely used in medicine.

Each color has a specific healing effect:

  1. A red stone relieves diseases of the hip joint.
  2. Pink - improves heart function.
  3. Black calcite is used after injuries.
  4. Blue pebble will help normalize pressure and eliminate pain.
  5. A stone with a golden hue has a beneficial effect on brain function.
  6. Green stone will help the body fight infections.
  7. Colorless calcite has antiseptic properties.

If beads are made of calcite and placed in a silver frame, then such jewelry will help get rid of colds.

To achieve desired result, you need to constantly contact with calcite: hold it in your hands as often as possible, apply it to a sore spot and wear it closer to the body, for example, on a chain.

What zodiac signs are you compatible with?

It should be noted that calcite is quite unpretentious. Most of all, it suits representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. People born under a different sign will not be harmed by calcite either.

Only Scorpios should be wary of calcite. It is believed that those born under the sign of Scorpio are most prone to practicing black magic. People involved in witchcraft should also stay away from calcite, as this stone conflicts with black energy.

If we talk about the compatibility of calcite with certain names, then most of all calcite will suit Svetlana, Vladimir, Lyudmila and Makar.

Talismans and amulets

As an amulet, calcite should be considered by doctors, drivers, lawyers, economists and entrepreneurs. The stone will help representatives of these areas to avoid professional mistakes and achieve success. Calcite protects drivers from serious accidents and makes the journey easy.


Calcite, despite its abundance, is rarely used to create jewelry. It's all about his fragility. To create jewelry from this mineral, a great skill in working with such materials is required. But still, there are masters who manage to place calcite in a beautiful frame. Most often, calcite jewelry is earrings, rings and pendants, but bracelets are extremely rare.

Therefore, if you want calcite jewelry to serve you for a long time, you will have to handle it very carefully.

Application of calcite

Calcite is a useful and very common mineral, so it is used in many areas. From such varieties of calcite as limestone and marble, they make various decorations for the interior. In metallurgy, this mineral is used for the production of varnishes, paints and paper bases. Previously, calcite was used to build optical instruments.

Although calcite is not well suited for jewelry industry, it is used for the manufacture of crafts and souvenirs, which are very popular.

The mineral is practically not processed. It is only cleaned and, if necessary, polished.

Cost and care

Due to its prevalence and availability, calcite has a low price. It depends on the material of the setting in which the stone is inserted. Jewelry using calcite will not be expensive. The cost can start from 350 rubles. But, despite this, it will not be very easy to purchase jewelry made of calcite, since few people undertake to manufacture jewelry from this mineral.

In order for calcite to serve its owner for a long time, you need to take good care of it. It is not enough to simply protect the mineral from mechanical damage, you need to maintain his energy. It is not difficult to do this - just hold the stone in running water and leave it to “charge” in the sun for a while.

If you live in a city, then you should take your stone to nature, to the sea, to the forest, because it is harder for a stone to work in the tense energy of the city. natural energy help calcite regain its strength.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Most reliable way check calcite for authenticity - use any acid. One drop will be enough to start a violent chemical reaction.

Upon impact, the mineral will crumble into small crystals of the correct shape.

Of course, the buyer will not verify the authenticity of the calcite in the ways above. He will have to pay attention to the weight, external data of the stone and rely on his own feelings.

Combination with other stones

Calcite is a wonderful mineral for those who do not like to limit themselves to small things. It is perfectly combined with other precious and semi-precious stones. The main thing is that the colors of the stones and their setting look harmoniously together.

  1. The Australian Great Barrier Reef is composed of calcite.
  2. There are more than 700 varieties of this mineral in the world. He is a real record holder in this indicator.
  3. The earth's crust contains 4% of this mineral. In terms of area, this corresponds to 40%.
  4. The name of this mineral was given by the famous Austrian geologist Wilhelm von Haidinger in 1845.
  5. At high blood pressure or high temperature (470 ºC) calcite turns into aragonite. Upon further heating, it decomposes, forming carbon dioxide and lime.
  6. Coral reefs are made up of calcite. Another property of calcite is its insolubility in warm water. That is why reefs are not found in cold seas.
  7. Calcite is readily soluble in groundwater. Because of this, “icicles” are formed in the caves - stalactites and stalagmites.
  8. In one of the mercury deposits, a "white mushroom" was discovered - a natural formation consisting of calcite and weighing 15 kilograms!

The name of this mineral comes from the Greek word, which means "lime". There are other names for this stone and its varieties, such as stone rose, stone Flower, stalactite, paper spar, sky stone, stalagmite, anthraconite and papierspar.

Calcite is most often yellow, white, greenish or pink in color. The stone can be either transparent (Icelandic spar), cloudy, or completely opaque. The luster of the mineral is found matte and glassy.

The crystals that form the structure of calcite can have the most diverse appearance: lamellar, scalenohedral, columnar, prismatic or rhombohedral.

In nature, various intergrowths and druses of calcite can be found. Dense granular layers of this mineral compose a large number of hydrothermal veins and strata of marbles. Calcite is the most abundant mineral in biogenic carbonate sediments and is also found in the hard parts of coral reefs. The mineral often forms stalagmites, stalactites, helectites and other similar bushy formations in caves.

The healing properties of calcite

Lithotherapists believe that the healing properties of calcite can alleviate the course of diseases of the digestive organs. The effect of a mineral on a diseased organ depends on its color. For example, stone orange color can improve digestion and help with anomalies of the spleen.

Red calcite relieves pain in intestinal tract. The yellow mineral relieves pain in the kidneys. Calcite beads set in silver will help with various colds. Folk healers believe that pendants and rings with this stone help with heart diseases.

The magical properties of calcite

The magical properties of calcite allow a person to reveal psychic abilities: to become clairvoyant, clairaudience and clairaudience. To do this, you need to meditate with a stone every day from five minutes to twelve hours. It is believed that even the ordinary wearing of calcite contributes to the expansion of a person’s consciousness and gives him the potential to predict the consequences of his undertakings, acquaintances, and also allows him to comprehend the true attitude of strangers towards the owner of the stone.

The mineral is strongly attached to its owner, and if the latter loses or donates it, then it blocks its magical properties for a long time and refuses to patronize the new owner. Calcite can only be passed on by inheritance, while the testator should prepare the mineral for future changes: he should introduce the future owner to him through a simple ceremony.

The decoration with calcite is put into the hand of the heir, and the following words are pronounced three times: “With gratitude for the service, I pass you (name). Serve him faithfully as I do."

Most astrologers claim that the stone can be worn by people born under any sign, with the exception of Scorpio. He will refuse to serve them, because Scorpios are naturally prone to occupations. black magic, while calcite is a light magical stone.

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Calcite is a mineral whose varieties are huge, from Icelandic spar crystals to marble and ordinary limestone. The morphology of calcite is extensive, and the history of its origin is diverse. The basis of any of the types of this stone is calcium, from which the name was obtained. Calcites different shades are used in magic and lithotherapy, and marble with limestone is actively used in construction and decoration of buildings.

Calcite has many names, each of which reflects a particular quality. Here are some of them:

  • Stone Flower. This is the name of minerals that resemble flowers in shape due to the characteristic petal processes.
  • Stone rose. The name is almost the same as the first one, and the stone looks like this beautiful flower.
  • Paper spat. These are the thinnest calcite plates, as a rule, they are transparent.
  • Stalactites and stalagmites. One of the most common calcareous forms found in many caves. Stalactites and stalagmites owe their origin to water, which gradually leaches lime.
  • Heavenly Stone. A brilliant variety of calcite minerals. One of the most famous - sun stone or Icelandic spar, its unique crystal structure results in the polarization of light.

The name itself is translated from Latin as lime. Calcite has been known to mankind for a very long time, it was from limestone blocks that the Egyptian pyramids, the Greek Parthenon, etc. were built. Many marble statues have come down to our times since antiquity.

There is also a unique natural monument - the Great Australian Barrier Reef, its length is amazing - 2000 km, the formation consists entirely of limestone. Another well-known natural formation, entirely composed of calcite, is a large white fungus weighing 15 kg, it is interesting that it was discovered in a mercury deposit.

Physical properties

Calcite has a number of properties that distinguish it from related rocks. The origin of calcite is varied. There are rocks formed by igneous or metamorphic way. In the caves, instances of bushy forms are often formed, these are crystals. In addition, calcites are found in the form of thin plates, spheres and pyramids.

The mineral consists of carbon dioxide and calcium, the formula of calcite is simple - CaCO3. The cleavage of the mineral is very strong, the surface has a glass or mother-of-pearl luster. Lime begins to boil upon contact with acetic or hydrochloric acid. At strong blow the calcite will break up into fragments or pieces. Crystalline forms, such as Icelandic spar, will break into octahedrons.

The chemical formula of the mineral, unfortunately, is the key to its low resistance to high temperatures. Exists special group aragonite calcite, these minerals are obtained by heating up to 470 degrees. With more high temperatures the stone breaks down into lime, releasing carbon dioxide.

A fairly common morphological form of the mineral is the crystals of the most different forms- octahedrons, rhomboids, prisms, etc.

Siliconized calcite is a natural water filter, so it has long been used. Nowadays, stone chips are used in treatment facilities and appliances. Siliconized calcite purifies water from metal impurities.

Video on the topic: Various calcite mineral

Where is it mined

Deposits of calcite, especially limestone and marble, are found all over the Earth. In Russia, there is a lot of calcite in the Urals and in the Baikal region. There are also large mining sites in the USA, Italy, Greece, and Mexico.


Calcite is a stone that has several varieties, here are some of them:

  • Icelandic spar. Colorless transparent crystals that refract sunlight into two streams, as a result, the image behind them seems to be double.
  • Anthraconite. special kind black mineral, contains bitumen.
  • Simbircite. It got its name from the meta of the first find, simbircites were first discovered in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). The most common yellow and red mineral of this type.
  • Argentina. In nature, it exists in the form of plates and differs from other calcite minerals in a silvery sheen.
  • Manganocalcite. The mineral interspersed with manganese, as a result has a beautiful pinkish tint.

However, the most famous calcites are, of course, marble and limestone. There are also marble onyx and manganocalcite.

Color spectrum

The shades of calcites are quite diverse. It is not only colorless and white, but due to various impurities, the color of the mineral can vary significantly. If the stone contains cinnabar, it will be bright red. Copper carbonates will give various shades blue or green. There are also yellow and brown calcites due to iron impurities, less often you can find raspberry or purple stones.

Healing and magical properties

The healing properties of calcite largely depend on its shade, since inclusions of other minerals also affect the sphere of influence of the stone. The main healing and magical properties of calcite:

  1. Red calcite. Good for those who are constantly afraid of something, this mineral will give confidence and strength. The properties of the stone help to cope with suspiciousness and nervous experiences. Red is a very active color; in lithotherapy, calcite of this color is used to treat diseases of the blood and heart.
  2. yellow calcite. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also strengthens the kidneys, helping to cope with various diseases. Stones of this shade help in meditation, and also increase the vigilance of a person. Yellow calcite crystals also help dispel sad thoughts, they bring joy and harmony to life.
  3. orange calcite. Like yellow, it has a good effect on digestion, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the spleen. orange stones also strengthen the health of the reproductive organs. This mineral will help in the treatment of diseases mental properties, especially phobias and the effects of stress. In witchcraft orange calcites used for recuperation.
  4. honey calcite beautiful golden hue can be either transparent or translucent. It gives self-confidence, helps to deal with past grievances and negative emotions makes it easier to experience change.
  5. pink calcite. Strengthens energy, allows you to cope with nightmares, improves sleep.
  6. Green calcite. It will help in the treatment of chronic wounds and diseases, both physical and mental. Will help all-round development.
  7. Blue calcite. Relieves pain and has the ability to lower blood pressure. Strengthens nervous system, soothes, helps to cope with irritability. Also blue stones stimulate the imagination, making them an invaluable gift for creative people. In addition, calcite stone and its properties are enhanced on the road if blue crystals are specially selected.

Amulets and talismans

The magical characteristics of calcite make it great helper for all who wish to develop their magical and psychic abilities, it also enhances clairvoyance. Of course, this does not mean that reading books and learning can be ignored, however, with calcite, the process of comprehending the magical arts is noticeably easier.

Calcite or druse crystals help fight laziness, so if you often find yourself wanting to lie on the couch instead of doing business, this is the stone for you. The mineral gently, but persistently, changes the attitude of a person. In addition to a charge of vivacity and inspiration for new things, calcite will give the ability to foresee situations, which will make it easier to find a way out of life's troubles or to avoid them altogether.

For happiness in love, you can purchase manganocalcite, a beautiful pinkish stone. He will make relationships more harmonious, and help lonely people to finally meet their happiness. Also, manganocalcite will help insecure people, raising self-esteem.

If you actively use calcite to expand your own magical abilities, do not lose it and do not give it to anyone - this leads to the loss of all properties of the crystal. The only safe way to transmit calcite is through inheritance.

Zodiacal correspondences

Calcites do not have a clear reference to specific planets and signs. The only one who should refrain from acquiring a stone is Scorpions. The fact is that the mineral is still a conductor of high vibrations and light forces, while Scorpions are most prone to practicing black magic.

How not to buy a fake

Artificial stones look very similar to their natural counterparts, but they do not retain magical and medicinal properties original. Natural calcite can be easily identified with ordinary vinegar. When the liquid interacts with the surface of the stone, a violent chemical reaction will occur, the calcite will begin to dissolve.

So, calcite is an extensive group of minerals with its own special properties. The crystalline forms of this stone are used for magical purposes and healing, while limestone and marble have long been known as building materials.

Calcite or calcium carbonate is a hard rock, translated from Latin means "lime". The mineral is distributed all over the world and has many names: heavenly stone, marble, spar, stone rose, limestone, stalactite and others. This gem represents one of the most numerous groups of stones on Earth. It can be found everywhere in the mountains, on the sea coast, forests, tundra.


Calcite is mined all over the world. So the USA has large limestone deposits. In Namibia, specimens with inclusions are found. Cobalt deposits were discovered by the Moroccan Republic and the Congo. Iceland is famous for the largest deposits of spar crystals, reaching 6 meters in length. Russia mines marble in Transbaikalia, Primorye, and the Urals. Ukrainian deposits of this mineral are found in the form of Cretaceous deposits mainly in the Donbass.

Most of the continental rocks are composed of dense-grained layers of calcite. Calcite deposits are presented in the form of numerous intergrowths and druses. calcium carbonate is base element most hard sedimentary rocks. In addition, stalagmites, stalactites, helectites and other cave aggregates are composed of this material.

Areas of use

The mineral calcite is widely used in construction. Lime and cement are made from it. Marble tiles adorn the facades of buildings, structures, and cultural monuments are also made from marble. The metallurgical industry cannot do without this mineral, for example, as a flux. Calcium carbonate is also added in the production of caustic soda. As inserts in precious items not used, as its soft porous structure is not suitable for jewelry purposes. Such varieties of the mineral as manganocalcite and satin spar are used in the manufacture of crafts.

Specialists especially appreciate translucent samples of pastel colors: cream, white, pink, yellowish. Jewelry with them is framed with cupronickel or silver.

Various souvenirs and crafts are made from multi-colored and transparent calcites. Copies are sold in which there is no calcite processing, they are only polished without violating the natural unique properties.

Physical properties of calcite

The rock calcite is various kinds: columnar, lamellar, scalenohedral, prismatic, rhombohedral. Additionally, the composition may contain manganese, strontium, iron and others.

Calcite mineral properties:

Calcite stone boils when interacting with dilute hydrochloric acid. Upon impact, the mineral breaks up into separate rhombohedral cleavage particles. High pressure and heating (not exceeding 470 degrees) turn the mineral into. At temperatures above 470 degrees, the rock breaks down into carbon dioxide and lime.

Types and colors of calcite

All varieties of the gem, despite their diversity, have an identical composition, differing from each other only in appearance and the presence of foreign matter.

The color palette of this mineral is diverse. Most of the cases are colorless translucent specimens. But there are also brightly saturated samples. They are: crimson, purple, blue, green, yellow, honey, brown. In every colorful stone laid down certain natural unique properties.

Calcite for medicinal purposes

First of all, the mineral has proven itself in the treatment of the digestive system. For each organ of the gastrointestinal tract there is a certain color of the stone. Orange gem improves digestion, heals the spleen. For intestinal disorders, red specimens are more effective. At kidney failure use yellow calcite.

The pink gem helps to overcome fears, depression, and balances one's own emotional background.

Blue Gem is a good pain reliever that also lowers blood pressure.

Orange calcite is also used to stimulate sexual function.

Products with calcite improve blood flow, normalize heartbeat. For colds, SARS, it is recommended to wear calcite beads in silver vestments.

In addition, the miracle stone can increase endurance in a person, helps to cope with physical exertion.

For getting desired effect, you need to get in touch with the stone: hold it, warm it with your hands, meditate with it, attach it to the sore spot.

Calcite in the world of magic

Calcite nugget has extraordinary magical properties.

The magical properties of calcite are found only in real natural gems.

Calcite in the horoscope

Calcite is a friendly gem, representative of light higher powers, it is not tied to any particular zodiac sign. Regardless of the date of birth, the miracle stone helps all people. The only exception is the zodiac of black magic - Scorpio, with which the gem cannot fully make friends. Capricorns are well patronized by green stone talismans. Rakam - from the blue mineral.

Talismans and amulets

Calcite mineral serves as a protective talisman good helper people working in medicine, business, economics, law. He warns people of these professions against working mistakes, makes their actions far-sighted.

Thrill-seekers, motorists are advised to purchase calcite amulets in without fail. Most professional drivers are familiar with the gem firsthand. He saves them from accidents, accidents on the road, travel, makes a long journey pleasant and easy.

How to identify natural calcite

In order not to get confused in the stones, their imitations must have certain knowledge. Artificial imitations are very similar to natural specimens, but if such gems are suitable for jewelry, then in the treatment of diseases or for magical purposes, such a stone will not be of any use.

A natural gem can be determined with acid, you need to drop it a little on the mineral and observe. A real rock will show itself stormy chemical reaction, the mineral will begin to dissolve instantly. A large number of various fakes are sold in stores, which do not go unnoticed by specialists.

Stone and what it is scientific point vision.

What is calcite?

Scientists call mineral calcite lime. The name is understandable when looking at the formula of the hero: - CaCO 3. This is a carbonate, from which and is complex.

The latter is a rock, that is, it consists of other minerals. This , , . However, calcite in limestone is more than 90%. Therefore, the rock is called monomineral, but, nevertheless, it goes beyond the limits of the CaCO 3 formula.

Pictured are calcite crystals.

Calcite is a stone pure composition. True, the same formula is characteristic, for example, of aragonite. However, the structure of crystal lattices, and they themselves are different.

Spatial calcite formula“poured out” into scalenohedral aggregates. They resemble rhombuses, but with a refracted central axis. More rarely, calcite forms lamellar, branch-like, or acicular.

Properties of calcite

Properties the hero of the article has many faces, like the crystals he forms. Thus, lamellar calcite is called paper calcite because of its resemblance to writing sheets. Prismatic crystals are called fang.

There is also calcite, as well as a wing. These are the definitions of the mineral depending on the shape of the aggregates. Dozens more calcites differ in color scheme. So, samples are called anthraconite.

Simbircite is a reddish mineral. caveman is blue calcite. Argentine has a silver tone. There is also cast calcite.

Calcite depends on the presence of impurities. gives the stone and tone. makes the mineral brownish, or. C and calcite, bluish. Sometimes, interspersed with,.

Not without the classification of calcites according to the nature of light refraction. In Icelandic spar, for example, it is double. Each of the rays entering the crystal is split into two components.

As a result, putting calcite, for example, on the inscription, you see it in duplicate. By the way, the effect of birefringence was discovered just on the example of Icelandic spar. He is transparent. Otherwise, birefringence would not take place. Noticed the effect of Rasmus Bartholin. This is a Danish mineralogist who lived in the 17th century.

So far, mineralogists have counted 700 varieties of calcite. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most common in nature, ranking third after feldspar and quartz. The latter refers to oxides. Spar is silicate. Calcite class- carbonates. This is indicated in the formula of the stone by the CO 3 group.

In respect of hardness calcite can't be called multifaceted. All samples are given 3 points for . This is only a point more than that of, and 2 points more than the softest mineral.

That's why, calcite crystal easily scratched by almost any material. From the henchmen you can take. Scratches reduce calcite. It is glass stone.

Calcite is distinguished by perfect cleavage. large forms stones easily break up into their component parts, often lamellar or diamond-shaped. The split planes remain perfectly smooth.

Therefore, cleavage is called perfect. The structure of the mineral changes when heated to 400 degrees Celsius. At this point, the hero of the article is transformed into aragonite. The latter, like calcite, is "afraid". If you drop it on, a rapid release of carbon dioxide will begin.

Mining and deposits of calcite

The hero of the article makes up most of the sedimentary rocks. Calcite- a frequenter of hydrothermal veins. These are holes in the rocks through which mineral flows pass.

Elements from them, the same calcium, are deposited on stones, forming granular masses, crystals. Similar processes take place in caves. Drops of water falling from the ceiling leave behind a mineral composition.

This is how stalactites and stalagmites are “born” - stone columns of dungeons. Calcite is also present in the "columns" human body, that is, . In addition, the mineral is embedded in corals, sea sponges.

The scale of the distribution of calcite can be understood by looking at the Alps and the Cordillera. These mountain ranges are completely composed of the hero of the article. For giant crystals go to Iceland.

There are aggregates of 5-6 meters in length. In cryptocrystalline form, calcite appears in the form of marbles. They are in abundance in Russia, for example, in the Ural Mountains and the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Leningrad and Belgorod regions.

The deposits in Evenkia are also being developed. Icelandic spar is rich in the lands of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Not without calcite in Adygea, Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula.

Application of calcite

Calcite Application found, first of all, as a finishing and building material. The stone is quite fragile in thin plates, cuts. But, massive blocks are durable.

The thickness of the stones makes them durable. Modern buildings are the hero of the article, mostly just finishing. In past eras, part of the buildings were built from calcite. From it are built, for example, the Tower of Babel and the Parthenon.

The first object was not preserved. The ruins of the Parthenon are accessible to tourists. The remains of the temple are majestic, survived thousands of years, which proves the viability of calcite as a building material.

Pictured is a calcite ball

Gypsum, calcite, limestone, . This is a series of similar in composition and used in construction and decoration. From the listed rocks and minerals, slabs for walls, floors, decor items are made.

However, in jewelry they use only calcite. Photo stones in , , appear mainly in American magazines and catalogs.

In the USA, the hero of the article is one of the favorite jewelry stones, despite the delicacy of socks associated with low hardness. In the States, the orange-yellow variety of calcite is held in high esteem. Valued for its decorative qualities.

In Europe they prefer beauty blue calcite. In Russia, as a rule, marble is inserted into jewelry. This is a motley variety of the mineral. The colors are in layers.

In the photo, figurines made of calcite

Recognize in, in the same way. This variety of calcite is found only in the Ulyanovsk region, that is, it is a domestic curiosity. The name of the stone was in honor of the ancient name of the city of Ulyanovsk. In its center, by the way, there is a monument to simbircite. Outwardly, it resembles, or.

The slight hardness of the hero of the article is a minus when wearing products, but a plus when creating them. The mineral is easy to cut. Some jewelers carve roses, leaves, musical notes from calcite. The stone is plastic, like clay, and in the matter of decorating jewelry, this is important.

Calcite price

Buy Calcite possible in the form building materials, , or collection samples. The real stone is "read" in the latter case. So, Icelandic spar is estimated at about 250-300 rubles for a piece 2 centimeters long and about one and a half wide.

For a splice of crystals about 15 by 8 centimeters in size, they ask for 4,000-11,000. The exact price tag depends on the shape of the aggregates, the purity and transparency of the stone, its color scheme.

In the photo, beads made of calcite

Now let's go through the small souvenirs. A 7-centimeter piece made of blue calcite is offered for about 2,500 rubles. the same diameter on a stand is estimated at 7,000-8,000 rubles.

This is in the case of using blue calcite. A whitish mineral ball costs 2,000-3,000 less. A souvenir made of striped stone costs about the same.

A bear figurine made of calcite costs about 3,000 rubles, and is unlikely to grow in price. The prevalence of the hero of the article "holds" the cost at the same level. There is no shortage, and there are no prerequisites for an increase in prices.
