Estelle hair dye gray palette. Estel De Luxe: color variety

Picking up a dye for gray hair is pretty difficult task. The fact is that many means only mask it or even turn out to be powerless in front of it. If you use paints containing ammonia, then with their help, of course, you can paint over White hair but they cause curls severe harm, and after using them, the strands have to for a long time treat. However, there is an alternative - it is Estel de Luxe Silver (Estel de Luxe Silver) ammonia-free paint, which guarantees 100% gray hair coverage without harm to curls.

Features of paint Estel de Luxe Silver

Paint Description

You can prepare and apply the paint at home. Its light texture guarantees ease of application and even distribution over the entire length of the hair. She doesn't have any bad smell, so you can carry out the procedure without negative feelings.

The manufacturers of this paint claim that the final shade on the hair will match the tone indicated on the box if the procedure is carried out according to all the rules specified in the instructions. Please note that you should only keep the paint on for the recommended time. Any increase in it can lead to a change in shade, and as a result, the result may not be the one you expected. In addition, a beautiful natural shine, which will add attractiveness to the hair.

Estel de Luxe Silver paint palette

The Estel de Luxe Silver paint palette consists of 61 shades and all of them are able to cope with gray hair. Note that the tone 9/65 is intended only for coloring gray hair, which covers 100% of the hair. Please note that dye cannot drastically change the color of your hair. It can change the shade only tones, or make your natural color richer.

Estel de Luxe Silver: paint without ammonia professional series
  1. 10/0 Light blonde
  2. 10/31 Light blonde golden ash
  3. 10/37 Light blonde golden brown
  4. 10/7 Light blond brown
  5. 4/0 Brown
  6. 4/56 Brown red-violet
  7. 4/6 Brown purple
  8. 4/7 Brown brown
  9. 4/75 Brown-red brown
  10. 4/76 Brown purple
  11. 5/0 Light brown
  12. 5/4 Light brown copper
  13. 5/45 Light brown copper red
  14. 5/5 Light brown red
  15. 5/56 Light brown red-violet
  16. 5/6 Light brown purple
  17. 5/7 Light brown brown
  18. 5/75 Light brown brown-red
  19. 5/76 Light brown brown-violet
  20. 6/0 Dark blond
  21. 6/37 Dark blonde golden brown
  22. 6/4 Dark blonde copper
  23. 6/5 Dark blond red
  24. 6/54 Dark blond red-copper
  25. 6/56 Dark blond red-violet
  26. 6/7 Dark blonde brown
  27. 6/74 dark blond brown-copper
  28. 6/75 Dark blond brown-red
  29. 6/76 Dark blond brown-violet
  30. 7/0 Blonde
  31. 7/37 Light brown golden brown
  32. 7/4 Light brown copper
  33. 7/45 Light brown copper red
  34. 7/47 Light brown copper brown
  35. 7/7 Light brown
  36. 7/43 blond copper-gold
  37. 7/44 light brown copper intense
  38. 7/75 Light brown brown red
  39. 7/76 Light brown purple
  40. 8/0 Light blond
  41. 8/31 Light blond golden ash
  42. 8/37 Light blond golden brown
  43. 8/4 Light blond copper
  44. 8/47 Light blond copper brown
  45. 8/7 Light blond brown
  46. 8/75 light blond brown red
  47. 8/36 light blond golden purple
  48. 8/76 Light blond brown-violet
  49. 9/0 Blond
  50. 9/31 Blond golden ash
  51. 9/34 Blond golden copper
  52. 9/37 Blond golden brown
  53. 9/74 blond brown copper
  54. 9/75 blond brown red
  55. 9/36 blond golden purple
  56. 9/65 Blond purple-red
  57. 9/7 Blond brown
  58. 9/76 Blond brown-violet
  59. 10/76 light blond brown-violet
  60. 10/74 light blond brown copper
  61. 10/36 light blonde golden purple

Estel de Luxe Silver : Color palette

Estel de Luxe Silver paint reviews


Grade: 5 out of 5

User experience: 1 time

Advantages: paints hair well, does not wash off for a long time, gives hair shine

Flaws: No


I have been coloring my hair for a very long time, but almost always I was dissatisfied with the color. If the shade turned out to be necessary, then it was either quickly washed off, or there was no shine, or the hair lost its health. That is why I could not choose any coloring product, but recently I learned about Estel de Luxe Silver paint. The manufacturers indicated that it paints gray hair well. However, I do not have gray hair, I just thought that if she copes with such a difficult task, then she should color her hair evenly. So, in principle, it happened, but I want to tell you about everything in order. The paint is easy to prepare and smells good. I've had enough of these moments. I want to note that my mother always helped me with coloring, but since it was indicated that she could use it on her own, I did not ask for help. I easily applied it to my hair and waited. I noticed exactly as much time as indicated in the instructions. When it came out, I quickly washed off the paint. I didn't have any problems with this. When I saw the resulting color, I was delighted! It was bright, rich, smooth and just the way I dreamed of all my life. In addition, a natural shine appeared and the hair became soft. Some time passed after staining, and I was surprised to note that the color was not washed off. It remained as saturated as immediately after the procedure, even though I often washed my hair. After that, I advised this paint to my grandmother, and with her help she was able to completely paint over her gray hair. Now both I and she use only this coloring agent.


Grade: 4 out of 5

User experience: 3 years

Advantages: covers gray hair almost perfectly

Flaws: quickly rinsed out of the hair


I first met Estel paints in a beauty salon and I was pleased with its quality. She dyed her hair well, and the color was quite persistent. However, after this remedy became publicly available, its quality deteriorated sharply. Now I will tell about everything in detail. I got my first gray hair at about 24 years old. As you can imagine, I was not at all happy about this. I was very, very upset, but I did not allow myself to be sad for a long time, because I realized that I needed to fight this, and not give up. The only way, with which you can cope with this problem - this is, of course, staining. You can, of course, leave it as it is or wear a wig all the time, but neither option suited me. So, I decided to dye my hair and began to look for suitable paint. I immediately thought of Estel, but I didn't know if there were suitable remedy for gray hair. It turned out that there is. This is Estelle de Luxe Silver for gray hair. I bought it without any hesitation. When I was preparing the coloring composition, I noted that it smells good. I quickly applied the paint to the colossi. She lay flat and didn't run. After the allotted time, I washed my hair and waited for my hair to dry. When this happened, I saw that my gray hair was completely painted over, and the color turned out to be saturated and shine appeared. In addition, I did not notice any dry hair. The only negative became that the paint is quickly washed off, and that is why I believe that the quality of the paint has deteriorated. However, in other moments this remedy completely suits me, so for many years I have been using only it. I haven't tried any other options and don't intend to.


Grade: 1 of 5

User experience: 1 time

Advantages: 100% gray coverage

Flaws: harms the hair, does not give the shade that is declared by the manufacturers

Estelle hair dye and her color palette are already known to many women who love a variety of images. This high quality product for carrying out independent and professionally oriented coloring, has firmly established itself in the Russian market of coloring compositions for hair.

Among large selection colors of Estel hair coloring agent there are professional dyes and products for home use. The kits are being developed at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute. Ruler professional tools are the following palettes:

  • "De Lux".
  • Sens de Lux.
  • De Luxe Silver.
  • "Estelle Essex".
  • "Anti-Yellow Effect". The range of this palette is represented by tint balms that remove the yellow effect that appears on curls after unsuccessful staining.

Concerning non-professional paints and Estel coloring agents, this line has 190 options, which are divided into the following palettes:

  • "Celebrity".
  • Love Intensity.
  • Love Nuance.
  • "Only Color".
  • "Only Color Naturals".
  • "Solo Color".
  • "Solo Contrast".
  • "Estelle Color".
  • "Solo Tone". Tinted balm setting the tone for a while. Contains 18 shades.

Estelle professional collection - color palette

Estelle paint (professional color palette) differs from the usual consumer paint line in the absence of one of the oxides. All paints "De Luxe" and "Essex" are designed to work with hair by a professional hairdresser. Only his experience will be able to tell in what proportions it is necessary to mix the ingredients to prepare the coloring composition.

economical, quality paint, giving shine to dyed hair and nourishing them with vitamins, there is an assortment of 89 shades. The Estel De Luxe line is used for conventional staining and for toning individual strands. Almost ninety shade variations provide a choice from blond to black.

Semi-permanent paint that does not contain ammonia and its compounds, but gives an even, bright color after a properly stained procedure (more than 60 shades). The content of panthenol, olive oil and avocado extract allows you to simultaneously nourish the hair with tinting useful substances. The chemicals of the remedy work neatly. The line, in addition to the basic shades, also contains corrective tools and special reddish tones.

The Estel De Luxe Silver color palette was created for the complete repainting of gray hair. Here you will find about fifty shades, when choosing one of which you need to stick to your tone of already dyed hair. If all hair is gray, you can choose any of the tones.

Rich in vitamins, nutrients of the K&Es, Vivant System (“VS”) systems, this palette will give you durability and color saturation. Estelle's paint, the "Princess Essex" palette consists of the main and auxiliary (S-OS "Super-lightening", "Extra-red", "Fashionable", " Color highlighting” or “Lumens” and “Correctors”).

Estelle's non-professional collection - a palette of colors

Estel Celebrity

Twenty shades of paint that does not contain compounds with ammonia and ethanolamine, but contains avocado oil, extracted olive oil and keratin. It differs from ordinary shades in the presence of a glossy effect, due to which the hair structure is strengthened and the scales covering the hair are smoothed.

Thirty bright shades of the line of Estel Love Intensity coloring tint complexes will color your hair without the use of ammonia. The tool, like other copies of a non-professional line, is available in the form of a cream. How additional effect, the intensity of the penetration of coloring pigments provides shading of gray hair.

Temporary color that is washed off after the 8th shampoo. Great for trial painting. Estelle hair dye (Lav Nuance color palette) is seventeen shades, twelve of which are considered basic, five are light and three are for gray hair.

Twenty shades of "Only Color Neycharals", which translated from English means "Only natural colors", are united by this name, due to the presence in the set of "Naturals" balm with cocoa butter for hair shine.

The manufacturer Estel also has an Only Color line, which includes only natural shades. The thirty-two-color palette "Only Color" not only colors the hair, but also takes care of them, thanks to the care products included in the kit.

Twenty-five shades of colors from the Solo Color series add shine and long-lasting bright color to hair. While the extract tea tree increases light reflection and silkiness of the strands.

Estelle hair dye, the Solo Contrast palette will perfectly shade your hairstyle. The six-shade line "Solo Contrast" will give a dazzling color to your hair. Great for myeling.

Estel Color

Estelle Color hair dye is a gel paint with vitamins and a special balm (25 shades).

How to dye your hair with Estelle paint at home?

To properly dye your hair with Estel paint at home, you should follow this algorithm:

  • one of Estelle's color palettes.
  • Purchase required amount packs of paint from the calculation: one tube of paint per hair, average length which is up to fifteen centimeters.
  • If you have chosen a paint from the first to the tenth degree of tone intensity, mix the ingredients in a glass bowl in the following ratio: one volume (one part) of Estelle paint and one volume of oxygen. In this case, it is worth using an oxygen agent:
    - three percent - when stained in your own tone or darker by 1-2 tones;
    - six percent - when lightening by 1 tone along the length and by 2 tones - at the root of the hair;
    - nine percent - when lightening by 2 tones along the entire length of the hair and by 3 tones - at the roots;
    - twelve percent - when carrying out lightening measures along the entire length of the hair by 3 tones or by 4 tones - near the root of the hair.
  • Put on protective disposable gloves.
  • Apply the prepared solution to dirty hair that need coloring, starting from the tips, and distribute throughout the volume.
  • Leave your hair for thirty-five minutes.

When re-staining, it is worth slightly moistening the curls plain water. The duration of the paint can be reduced by five minutes.

Estelle hair dye: price

The cost of Estel coloring kits varies depending on the category of paint chosen and ranges from one hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty - four hundred rubles for each paint.

"I colored mine. long hair at home because she did not trust the salon masters, but in recent times something went wrong: my experiments no longer gave the results I needed. And so I came to the conclusion that the color of my hair became dirty red. The color can be described as something between a shade 6 and 7, while my own color is 7.1, that is, ash blond.

I went to the salon. The roots of my hair decided with the master to make darker. The paint was made on a three percent oxide so that the redhead would not “crawl”, 6.71 was chosen for the roots, and 7.71 for the rest of the hair. Everything went well and there were no problems with Estelle, since the color turned out to be exactly the one that was stated on the package after washing and drying.

Katerina, 40 years old

“I want to tell you about my blonde story. I had a problem that probably many dyed blondes face: yellowness! But that was before I tried the action of Estelle's paint. This manufacturer pleased with a clear match with the color that you see on the package. I bought Estelle Essex paint in a store for 160 rubles. For hair tinting, I chose tone 10.16. Coloring does not cause any problems - the paint from the hair does not drip or drip. In twenty minutes I got an excellent result, and there was nothing left of the yellowness. ”

Marina, 45 years old

(10 votes, average: 4.6 out of 5)website

Don't know what color to dye your hair? All shades and colors seem banal don't they suit you? It is worth taking a closer look at the Estel Deluxe color palette.

Paint color palette

Girls are chasing fashion, using more and more unusual, bright colors to color your hair. Trying to satisfy the desires of modern women in the desire to look beautiful and be like fashion models, Russian company I decided to go for experiments. As a result of this decision, a professional palette was created, designed specifically for coloring and strengthening thin and brittle curls, as well as masking gray hair (Silver line) for ladies who have experienced natural age-related changes.

The "Professional" line is made for professional workers modeling industry, who know how to choose the right shade and color for each girl individually.

Directions "Sens" or "Sense" is made specifically for particularly sensitive and fastidious curls and strands. The most popular is "Sense" in the keys of 77/56 and 77/34.

What is the uniqueness and purpose of "Estel Deluxe"?

The paint is designed for both professional stylists and amateurs.

Unique by chemical composition and easy to use, designed for both professional stylists- hairdressers who create new works of art in the field of fashion and design, and for amateur women who are just starting their acquaintance with the gigantic and unique world of fashion.

In order to know exactly which colors should be used by highly qualified stylists, and which ones by novice fashionistas, the manufacturing company marked its products, indicating that this or that paint belongs to it.

According to this principle, the palette is divided into two areas:

"Professional" for masters of their craft. With due and individual approach to its fashionistas, the “Professional” series will create a real miracle for your hair, because a unique palette can turn a nondescript simpleton into a real screen star, whose photos do not leave the pages fashion magazines. The De Luxe Professional series is very economical. In order to dye medium-length hair, a couple of tens of grams of dye is enough.
"St - Petersburg" for use by beginners and amateurs.

"St - Petersburg" was created for use by beginners and amateurs

Ideal for those who want to try their hand at the field professional care and hair designs. If a young fashionista can do everything necessary rules on the use of paint, then in the process of dyeing such a lady will receive an increase in the effect of the color of her hair to three times and all this without leaving home. Before starting the process, evaluate the condition of your strands, which color will suit them most accurately, and how much the pigment of the previous dye will reflect on the hairstyle. If you decide to get rid of gray hair at home, the Silver line will suit you.
It is pleasant to the touch, it is easily smeared over the surface, which makes it easy to distribute it throughout the hair in equal proportions for a more thorough and intense coloring.

Most effective tool for hair, according to our readers, is the unique Hair MegaSpray spray, world famous trichologists and scientists had a hand in its creation. The natural vitamin formula of the spray allows it to be used for all types of hair. The product is certified. Beware of fakes. The opinion of hairdressers .. »

Indeed, the color range of hair dyes is diverse, and the duration of the paint is long. But it will not do here without minuses - for the possession of such paint you will have to spend a lot of money. As they say in the common people, "the price bites."

The downside is its high price.

It so happened due to the fact that while developing new ways to be beautiful, Unicosmetics scientists did not think about targeting an average girl with an average salary. After all, the company's activities are aimed primarily at professional users. cosmetics for hair. Products are considered expensive relative to their competitors and are aimed primarily at business class people. But for real fashionistas, photo and video models, this is not a hindrance to remain outstanding and attract attention.

The perfect dye to get rid of gray hair

The Silver color scheme is designed to combat gray hair and has more than 77 shades of different tonality in its assortment. Any paint from the brand will not leave a trace of gray curls.

According to statistics, one fifth of all women on the planet have gray hair after their third decade. The hardest problem of gray hair is endured by ladies with dark tones strands, but the manufacturer has tried to do everything possible to create a paint that is ideal for curls of any color.

"Silver" is intended for painting over gray hair

The result of this work was the Silver paint, which masks gray hair from curious and sidelong glances. Regular use of "Silver" will make you forget once and for all about all gray hairs. Shades 77/44 and 77/12 showed themselves to be the best in this matter. The color palette will be most effective if your skin covering will be covered with gray hair by a third or more.

Considered paints are very economical to paint even special long hair just one will be enough small packaging"Silver" or "Sense".

How to prepare composition for painting "Sense"

To prepare the "Sense" composition, it is necessary to use a solution for oxidation of the same direction and series as the one used coloring agent. The oxidizing agent must be mixed with the paint and applied to hairline. The oxidizing agent acts as a catalyst to activate and make it work. coloring pigments, penetrating the structure of the strands and evenly distributed along the entire length of the hairs.

For hair "Sense" (Sense)

To date, a cosmetics company is represented on the market by three different oxidizing agents, which differ in the concentration of the oxidizing agent substance:

- 3% oxidizing agent - is used if it is necessary to dye curls of especially dark tones and colors. Recommended for brunettes.
- A six percent oxidizing agent is used if it is only necessary to slightly update the range and tone of the curls. The applied paint must match the original color.
- 9% oxidizing agent - needed if clarification is necessary dark hair in tone, much lighter.

Any fashionista will not neglect current trends, and the constant change natural color curls can negatively affect their appearance and adversely affect the structure of the hair. However, having a clear idea of ​​what the paint is of high quality and causes minimal damage to curls, you can not worry about the hair, but feel free to continue experimenting with hair color.

To date, cosmetic companies have developed a safe and resistant paint as for permanent coloring, and for intensive hair toning, which includes high-quality components and is used on natural, dyed and gray curls- I'm talking about the paint "Estelle", corresponding highest standards famous for the perfect combination prices and quality. Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of Estel hair dye together, and also analyze its catalog in detail professional palette colors.

Estel Professional for a very a short time won a leading position among the many different dyes for hair. Famous designers and qualified specialists have developed several lines of resistant and having a diverse color palette paint, which not only gives the hair a delightful shine and unique color, but also strengthens the structure of the curls.



  • the glossy effect lasts only about three to five days;
  • curls start to fade at very frequent washing heads.

Overview of rulers and palette series

Estel hair dye is divided into two separate lines, which in turn include different palette series color shades with a wide variety. Each line has its purpose and is suitable for different categories consumers.

  • Estel Professionalprofessional dye for beauty salons.
  • Estel St-Petersburg- amateur dye for independent use.

Estel Professional

"Estel Professional" is a popular line designed for professional use, which includes four series of Estel paint.

Estel De Luxe hair dye palette (Estel Deluxe)

  • presented in the form 127 color shades;
  • has increased durability;
  • provides natural shine and natural softness of curls;
  • rich useful vitamins and nutrients;
  • easily and evenly distributed over the hair;
  • has enough economical consumption;
  • allows mixing various shades lines between each other;
  • designed for weak and thin curls- greatly strengthens them.

Photo palette basic colors paints for Estel hair deluxe ()

Palette of paint for curls Estel Sence De Luxe (Estelle Sens)

  • presented in the form 68 color shades;
  • created for gentle painting and toning of clarified curls;
  • ammonia-free dye, therefore, the dye is harmless to the hair;
  • is ideal option for damaged and weakened strands.

In no case do not use "" if you are the owner of dark or colored several times bright colors hair - after dyeing, the color may not correspond to the declared shade of the palette.

Estel Essex hair color palette (Estel Essex)

  • presented in the form 121 color shades;
  • famous for its high color fastness;
  • fabulous paints over gray strands and perfectly disguises them;
  • gives hair vitality by restoring nutrients;
  • provides careful care and extra protection when painting;
  • allows you to paint even the most damaged curls.

Palette paint for gray hair Estel De Luxe Silver (Estel Deluxe Silver)

  • presented in the form 61 color shades;
  • designed for complete, practically perfect gray hair coverage;
  • contributes to obtaining a persistent and saturated shade for a long time;
  • much strengthens hair;
  • gives the hair an unusual shine;
  • has very pleasant smell.

Even if your hair is completely gray, feel free to choose absolutely any color. If not, be more serious about choosing a shade - it should match the color of already dyed hair as closely as possible.

Estel St-Petersburg

Estel St-Petersburg is a well-known line that has been specially designed for home use. It includes nine series of Estel paint.

  • presented in the form 20 color shades;
  • has an ammonia-free base;
  • contains olive extract and avocado oils;
  • provides healthy look hair.

Estel Celebrity dye is completely unsuitable for women who have more than fifty percent of gray strands.

  • presented in the form 27 color shades;
  • used to cover gray hair;
  • gives the hair a very saturated shade;
  • It has ammonia-free base.

  • presented in the form 32 color shades;
  • a special Bio Balance complex for hair care is additionally attached;
  • provides complete care behind the hair;
  • fights brittleness and split ends;
  • provides hair protection from harmful influences sun rays.

Palette of paint for curls Estel Love Nuance

  • presented in the form 17 color shades;
  • makes hair more obedient.

The dye "Estel Love Nuance" is intended for those who wish to try how this or that shade will look on the curls. The paint does not have increased durability and is completely washed off after six to eight head washing procedures.

Palette of paint for curls Estel Only Color Naturals

  • presented in the form 20 color shades;
  • gives the hair an amazing shine and silkiness;
  • retains color for a long time hair;
  • Naturals Cocoa Butter Balm is also included.

Palette of paint for curls Estel Solo Color

  • presented in the form 25 color shades;
  • curls acquire a healthy appearance;
  • in the dye available oil solution peach and tea tree juice
  • has caring and strengthening properties.

Palette of paint for curls Estel Solo Ton

  • presented in the form 18 color shades;
  • easy to apply and spread over curls;
  • has an ammonia-free base and does not contain peroxide;
  • does not harm hair at all.

The dye "Estel Solo Ton" does not provide curls with a lasting shade and is washed off after seven to nine hair washing procedures.

Estel Solo Contrast tinting hair dye palette (Estel Solo Contrast)

  • presented in the form 6 color shades;
  • used to lighten curls by 4-6 tones or toning;
  • provides rich color for a long time.

Palette of paint for curls Estel Color

  • presented in the form 25 color shades;
  • is an oxidation gel paint;
  • keeps on curls for a long time;
  • Estel Vital balm is additionally attached to keep the color in the hair.

The soft elastic consistency is easy to mix and the process of applying to the hair is simple and does not take much time.
The paint has pleasant aroma, the dye contains a shimmering pigment, giving the dyeing process a special comfort for both the master and the client.

View palette Cream paint for gray hair De Luxe Silver from Estel Professional
Click on the picture to enlarge!

Specify the desired color in the comments to the order!

Color palette Cream paint for gray hair De Luxe Silver from Estel :

4/0 brown
4/56 brown red-violet
4/6 brown purple
4/7 brown brown
4/75 brown brown red
4/76 brown brown purple
5/0 light brown
5/4 light brown copper
5/45 light brown copper red
5/5 light brown red
5/56 light brown red-violet
5/6 light brown purple
5/7 light brown brown
5/75 light brown brown red
5/76 light brown brown-violet
6/0 dark blond
6/37 dark blond golden brown
6/4 dark blond copper
6/5 dark blond red
6/54 dark blond red-copper
6/56 dark blond red-violet
6/7 dark blond brown
6/74 dark blond brown-copper
6/75 dark blond brown red
6/76 dark blond brown-violet
7/0 blond
7/37 blond golden brown
7/4 light brown copper
7/43 blond copper-gold
7/44 light brown copper intense
7/45 light brown copper red
7/47 light brown copper brown
7/7 blond brown
7/75 blond brown-red
7/76 blond brown-violet
8/0 light blond
8/31 light blond golden ash
8/36 light blond golden purple
8/37 light blond golden brown
8/4 light blond copper
8/47 light blond copper brown
8/7 light blond brown
8/75 light blond brown red
8/76 light blonde blond brown purple
9/0 blond
9/31 blonde golden ash
9/34 golden copper blond
9/36 blond golden purple
9/37 blond golden brown
9/65 blond purple-red
9/7 blond brown
9/74 blond brown copper
9/75 blond brown red
9/76 blond brown purple
10/0 light blonde
10/31 light blonde golden ash
10/36 light blonde golden purple
10/37 light blond golden brown
10/7 light blond brown
10/74 light blond brown copper
10/76 light blond brown-violet

Paint De Luxe Silver, from leader to professional cosmetics for Estel Professional hair, allows you to color gray hair as efficiently and evenly as possible. Of course, the hair will acquire a special durability of color and liveliness of shine. The recipe for cream paint is universal, and preparation for coloring is simple.

Application scheme De Luxe Silver
Do not wash your hair first.
Primary coloring:
Apply the mixture to the roots and length of the hair at the same time. Having endured the time necessary for the exposure of the paint, the hair is thoroughly rinsed.

Secondary coloring:
Apply the mixture on regrown hair roots for 45 minutes. Then emulsify the cream paint along the entire length wet hair no more than 3 minutes.
Attention: Overexposure of the dye on the hair may affect the final color of the dyed hair, the shade may be darkened. Rinse cream thoroughly.

Final processing:
Wash your hair with Curex De Luxe Color Shampoo. Treat hair with Curex De Luxe Color Stabilizing Balm.

Attention: It is not recommended to choose cream paint above 2 levels of tone depth from natural color hair due to possible uneven coloring.
Tone 9/65 is intended for coloring only 100% gray hair.
