Body scrub in the sauna. Prepare your body

Eleonora Brik

The benefits for the sauna have long been noticed by women. The very trip to the hot steam room gives a lot of pleasure, helps to relax and “wash away” the entire burden of everyday worries and worries, and regular use cosmetic formulations on heated skin gives a double healing effect. They say that such procedures help to improve the appearance no worse than expensive salon services. In addition, to prepare masks and scrubs for the sauna with your own hands, a minimum of time, effort and money is spent, and the ingredients are sold at every outlet.

Masks and scrubs used in the sauna contribute to:

Deep penetration of nutrients into open pores;
Active moisturizing of the skin;
slowdown premature aging faces and bodies;
Relieve the body of stress;
cellulite reduction;
Exfoliation of dead keratinized skin cells, vasodilation, “exit” of toxins and toxins;
Relaxation of the body, due to which the susceptibility to care procedures increases;
The use of masks and scrubs increases the healing effect of the whole organism during the stay in the sauna.

Rules for the use of masks and scrubs for the sauna

To make good use of natural masks and scrubs for the sauna and do not harm yourself, you must follow simple rules:

Before use, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components;
Masks and scrubs can not be applied directly in the steam room, it irritates the skin;
You can not get carried away by the time of use: maximum effect achieved after 10-15 minutes of application, it makes no sense to keep it longer.

Before applying, you need to thoroughly wash and steam the body so that the pores open, then take a shower and wash off the sweat, otherwise the beneficial substances will mix with it and not have the desired effect. Only after a shower, after blotting the body with a towel, you can apply a mask or scrub on parts of the body with gentle circular movements;

Popular sauna scrubs

To prepare masks and scrubs for the sauna at home, you need to understand for what purposes they are needed. As a rule, such products are used to cleanse and then nourish or moisturize the skin. First, it is advisable to use a scrub to remove excess skin layers. After that, you can saturate the skin useful substances with the help of cosmetic mixtures.

Sauna cleansing scrubs use products with hard particles for an abrasive effect. Interesting recipes peelings:

Ground coffee is mixed with liquid honey or (you can use a suitable aromatic oil) so as not to scratch the skin. Fresh beans, if necessary, are replaced with coffee grounds that remain after brewing.
Mask of coffee grounds and salt. Coffee grounds should be mixed with fine sea salt, sugar and cinnamon in equal proportions. Add to the resulting mixture cosmetic oil to reduce the traumatic properties of products.
Sugar scrub. Similar to coffee, only coffee is replaced with sugar. Preference is given to cane sugar, but regular sugar is fine too.
Salt and soda peeling is a fairly popular sauna scrub. Useful for cleansing oily skin and also effective on dry and rough areas of the body such as elbows and feet. Liquid honey is added to the mixture of salt and soda to soften and applied to problem areas.
More original version is to use crushed dry orange peels, which are saturated with essential oils, as a cleanser.

Scrubs are best applied after the second entry into the steam room, when the pores of the skin are as open as possible. Having collected the mixture in the palm of your hand, you need to thoroughly rub the body with soft movements, starting with the feet. Intensified massage is done in places where cellulite accumulates, where you need to increase blood flow to remove toxins and excess fluid. This will even out the relief of problem areas, make the skin smooth and toned.

Sauna masks nourishing

After cleansing procedures, nourishing sauna masks should be used so that the skin receives the necessary useful elements. Fermented milk products, glycerin, egg yolk, vegetables and fruits are best suited for cooking.

Here are popular nourishing masks:

Mix equal parts honey, egg yolk and glycerin (sold in pharmacies), apply for 10-15 minutes.
An interesting recipe is obtained by mixing grapefruit pulp and kefir. In the process of applying the mask, the face must be motionless, otherwise the products will “drain”.
Fresh berries give a nourishing effect: raspberries, strawberries, kiwi and sour cream are combined into a homogeneous mass. Such a mask softens the skin well, fills it with vitamins and microelements.
Honey is the main ingredient in most masks. Almost any product that is in the house can be mixed with honey, and you get an excellent nourishing mask for face and body.
Cream, yogurt, fruit pulp can be used as the basis for nutritious peels and come up with many unique recipes.

Moisturizing sauna masks

Along with cleansing and nourishing, do not forget about moisturizing the skin. After all, the lack of moisture leads to a loss of elasticity and firmness. skin they become dull and irritated. In addition, going to the sauna with the use of moisturizers natural remedies will replace an expensive cosmetic service. Here are the options for common moisturizing masks in the sauna:

Masks based on vegetable oils: olive, corn, rose, burdock are suitable. They contain vitamins and fatty acid, thereby smoothing small wrinkles, improve complexion, increase skin elasticity.
Well proven oatmeal mask: mix porridge boiled with milk with honey and apply on face and body.
An excellent moisturizing sauna mask is made from cottage cheese mixed with honey and cream. Carrot juice is added to refresh the complexion.
mask from green apples: Grate fruit and add egg white.
Grated cucumber with cream and lemon juice will moisturize and slightly whiten the skin.
Mash a banana, mix with cream and apply on the face - this mask also creates a nourishing effect.

Hair masks in the sauna

All women, without exception, dream of a well-groomed and healthy hair. Going to the sauna is just the case when, with the help of homemade cosmetics, you can significantly improve the appearance and structure of curls.

Most effective masks for hair in the sauna are:

Masks made up of different oils. You can take burdock, castor, mix with glycerin and shampoo, apply over the entire length for 30 minutes. Create a thermal effect on the head with plastic bag and towels.
Home lamination is in no way inferior to expensive ones salon procedures. For this you need edible gelatin melt on steam bath and mix with shop mask for hair. After applying, wrap the head with cellophane and a towel for 1.5-2 hours. After this procedure, the hair will become like that of actresses from shampoo commercials.
A mixture of eggs and honey will add shine to your hair. mix with egg, honey and glycerin, keep on the head for no more than 20 minutes. It is not advisable to visit the steam room with such a mask.

So, having become acquainted with a number of useful recipes and tips, you should not put new knowledge aside. It is advisable to take the recommendations that are suitable for you and put them into practice tomorrow, because thanks to the gifts of nature and human ingenuity, you can maintain health and beauty, while enjoying it! The main thing is not to be lazy to use such opportunities.

January 28, 2014, 18:02

Masks for the body, face and hair in the sauna. Fundamentals of the use of masks and the specifics of their action in the sauna. Basic recipes for moisturizing nutrition and tidying up the skin of the face and body with the help of masks.

Why are masks used in the sauna?

Today, most women regularly monitor and care for the condition of their skin. Using widely available methods, applying masks from natural ingredients at home, all women are well aware that the effectiveness of such procedures is greatly increased when they are used in the sauna.

Sauna is excellent remedy to relax the body, cleanse it and give it a fresh and healthy look. In addition, it is very convenient to perform procedures home cosmetology, when there is enough warm water at hand, a shower and a pleasant relaxing atmosphere.

When using a sauna, the skin warms up, under the influence of warm steam, the pores of the skin open, and their self-cleaning occurs. This procedure wonderfully prepares the skin for further therapeutic actions above her. It is worth noting that it is necessary to act on prepared (“receptive”) skin only with means that suit you, because the sensitivity of the skin in this state is very high. For this reason, when applying suitable means the effect will be maximum.

How to properly prepare the body for the upcoming masks and scrubs?

First you need to wash yourself thoroughly, then proceed to the steam room and warm up until the pores on the skin open. The latter is evidenced profuse sweating. After the pores of the skin have opened, it is necessary to take a warm shower in order to wash off the sweat. Now you can start cosmetic procedures for the skin.

In the event that the scrub is chosen correctly and is suitable for your skin, its effect will consist in further cleansing the skin of toxins. Often, honey is used as a scrub in the sauna.

Prepare your body for masks and scrubs

A mixture of honey and cinnamon is one of the universal recipes for cleansing the skin of the face and body. The scrub is made by mixing two parts cinnamon and one part honey. The composition is applied to skin light massaging movements, especially carefully in the area of ​​​​the knees, ankles and elbows. Wash off the scrub with warm water. For facial skin, such a scrub must be used with extreme caution so as not to scratch the skin and thereby cause irritation.

As a scrub, you can use powder from crushed dried orange peels. The powder is diluted in warm water until a mushy consistency is obtained and applied to the skin. If your skin is prone to dryness, this scrub must include sour cream or olive oil.

For cleansing dry, flaky skin and its high-quality peeling, a scrub based on coffee grounds is perfect. The mixture is applied to problem areas of the skin with light massaging movements and left for ten minutes. Preparing such a scrub is not difficult. Collected over several days, coffee grounds are mixed with heavy cream or vegetable oil (unrefined).

The scrub created on the basis of soda and salt perfectly exfoliates superficial dead skin cells, while activating regenerative processes in skin tissues. Among other things, this method allows you to remove toxins from the skin, as well as narrow the pores. By adding a little blue clay to the composition, you can achieve softening of the skin and restore its healthy color.

Salt and Baking Soda Scrub to Cleanse Your Skin

In order to cleanse the skin of the face and neck, many women use an oatmeal-based scrub. Flakes are ground in a coffee grinder, then mixed with milk or cream. Scrub is applied in the usual way, washed off under warm running water, followed by cold rinsing.

Hair masks

Not only the skin, but also the hair in the sauna becomes more susceptible to various medical procedures. After washing the hair, dry it a little with a towel so that the mask does not lose its consistency and does not spread.

Moisturizing hair masks based on oils are very popular.

Alternatively, you can mix two teaspoons burdock oil, three tablespoons of castor oil, apple cider vinegar and glycerin. The resulting mixture must be added to the shampoo in a ratio of one to one. Hair with a mask applied along the entire length is covered with polyethylene, a swimming cap is put on top and goes to the steam room. The mask is left on the hair for thirty minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

By mixing honey and burdock oil, a hair strengthening mask is obtained. Two tablespoons of honey are heated in a water bath, mixed with three tablespoons of burdock oil and applied to the hair. Next steps the same as in the last case. The hair mask is washed off under warm running water with shampoo.

Body masks in the sauna. Sauna masks based on honey

Usually face and body masks begin to be performed as the final bath procedure. Different masks, depending on the ingredients included in their composition, react differently to the temperature in the steam room. So, some of them lose their effectiveness and become simply useless. Others, on the contrary, when exposed to steam and heat, enhance their healing effect.

The use of scrubs in the sauna must be approached wisely

A mask of honey and salt causes increased sweating, so it is applied before going to the steam room. In a fifty-fifty ratio, fine salt is added to honey heated to a liquid state, thoroughly mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. Apply the mask to the body with a sponge or cloth soaked in the solution. Then they go to the steam room. As soon as the body has warmed up, it is necessary to rub the mask into the skin, especially carefully in places with rough skin (for example, elbows). At the end, the mask is washed off with warm water.

The mask of radish and honey has the same effect in the direction. It is prepared by mixing black radish juice with natural honey equally. After applying the mask to the skin, they go into the steam room and wait for the effect to occur.

At the end of the bath procedures, after the steam room and shower, an anti-cellulite mask is applied to the body. Five tablespoons of freshly squeezed grape juice mixed with one teaspoon of oatmeal and one teaspoon of honey, the composition is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply the mask to problem areas of the body and keep it for about ten minutes, then rub it over the body with massaging movements and rinse under hot running water.

The effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin has masks, which include fermented milk products, as well as natural (fresh) fruits and vegetables. From dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cream, milk are used to prepare moisturizing and nourishing masks. From fruits and vegetables, cucumbers, bananas, apples and others are most often used to make masks. Such masks are prepared by mixing the milk and fruit (vegetable) components until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Such masks are applied to prepared (cleaned and steamed) skin. The duration of application is about fifteen to twenty minutes.

A mask based on linden honey (200 grams) with the addition of sour cream or cottage cheese improves skin color. The mixture in the form of a cream is applied to the skin and aged for fifteen minutes.

For oily skin, it is good to use masks that include lemon juice or egg white. Skin that is characterized by dryness and peeling responds remarkably to treatment with masks based on essential oils, oatmeal and cream.

Face masks

After you have finished performing body masks, it's time to spend a few therapeutic effects and on the skin of the face, in order to provide it necessary nutrition and moisturize.

A mixture of vegetable oil and brewer's yeast gives the skin of the face elasticity and, thanks to high content in yeast B vitamins, nourishes the skin. It is very easy to prepare such a mask. It is enough to mix one teaspoon of vegetable oil with one tablespoon of yeast, add one yolk to the mixture - and the mask is ready.

Using masks in the sauna

Before entering the sauna, you must take a shower and dry yourself. In this state, you can enter the steam room. In addition, if you use masks to increase perspiration and cleanse the skin, you must apply them to the surface of the skin before entering the steam room.

After the steam room, it is best to plunge into the pool, this will allow you to evenly and simultaneously reduce the body temperature in all parts. In this case, the mask is perceived by the skin better. It is not worth wiping yourself dry, it is enough to blot the body with a towel. The mask is applied with uniform circular motions. After applying the mask, it is best to lie down to wait for the duration of the mask.

Every woman knows that cosmetic products become much more effective in a sauna than at another time and place. Why it happens? The fact is that in the steam room the pores open and cleanse, and therefore they can fully absorb all the useful and valuable substances that we offer them. Therefore, it is in the sauna that cosmetic procedures are most effective. No wonder the steam room is often compared to a spa. Here you can improve the color and structure of the skin, even out its surface, reduce, or even get rid of hated cellulite, clean the surface of black dots, inflammation, redness and other troubles that prevent you from looking 100% attractive and confident.

Masks should not be applied while sitting in the steam room. At elevated temperature and moisture, they are practically not absorbed. In addition, sweating increases in the steam room, the skin gives off excess moisture and does not agree to take an additional load and absorb liquid. When the first drops of sweat appear on the skin, the product will drain along with them. It is best to apply masks in between visits to the steam room. 15-20 minutes that you spend on rest will just be enough for the impact useful components cosmetic product. The skin and the whole body are relaxed, the pores are open and cleansed, and these are just ideal conditions.

You can take care not only of the face and body, but also of the hair, although it is believed that in the sauna the hair must be hidden under a hat and protected in every possible way. This, of course, is true. To protect them from excessive drying out under the influence of hot steam, it is imperative to wear a hat on your head. But after the steam room, it will be useful to apply a moisturizing, nourishing or regenerating mask to your hair.

Top most popular hair mask recipes:

For improvement appearance and quick recovery, you need to rub the following composition into your hair and skin: apple cider vinegar, one egg, one teaspoon of ordinary glycerin and a couple of tablespoons of castor or burdock oil. Hold the product for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Right before our eyes, the hair acquires shine, healthy and beautiful view.

- The same mask, but with the addition of a teaspoon of shampoo will be excellent and cosmetic, and detergent for hair. It must be thoroughly foamed, rubbed into the hair and kept for about 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

honey mask with olive oil and egg - also one of the favorites and effective means for hair care in the sauna. It will help saturate the hair and bulbs with nutrients.

As for the care of the skin of the face and body, it should begin with a thorough cleansing. That is, before applying masks, you must first use scrubs. They will help get rid of dead particles, smooth the skin and prepare it for applying masks. Scrubs and body masks can be prepared according to the following recipes:

- Mix cinnamon and honey in a ratio of 1: 2, apply the composition to the skin and massage with soft circular movements. This scrub mask is especially good for very dry areas of the body - knees, elbows, ankles.

- As a gentle but effective scrub, you can use coffee grounds. 3-5 tablespoons will be enough. The composition must be applied to the body, gently massaging the skin and giving close attention problem areas. If you add a spoonful of honey and a couple of spoons of steamed oatmeal to coffee, then this scrub can be used for dry and sensitive skin. For oily skin, it is also recommended to apply coffee grounds, but add a couple of tablespoons to it. sea ​​salt or black cosmetic clay. This tool will help to deeply cleanse the pores and remove excess sebum.

- A coffee scrub with the addition of a few drops of lemon, orange or grapefruit oil will not only cleanse the skin, but also “feed” it with nutrients, vitamins, and fight cellulite.

- To enhance sweating and stimulate metabolic processes, a creamy salt scrub is perfect: mix 250 grams of cream and sea salt so that the salt does not have time to dissolve. Apply before entering the steam room, massage, hold for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

After such a thorough cleansing, the skin is ready for applying nourishing, moisturizing, anti-cellulite masks. Here are some proven and effective recipes:

- Mix 250 grams of fat sour cream or cream with the same amount of honey and apply to the surface of the skin. Withstand 15-20 minutes. Use this remedy It is possible if there is no allergy to honey.

- To combat " orange peel"Such a composition is suitable: a tablespoon of oatmeal crushed into flour, a teaspoon of honey, freshly squeezed grape juice or a few drops of essential oil grape seeds. After applying the mask, problem areas must be massaged.

- This mask will help improve skin color: mix a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese with 200 grams of liquid honey and a tablespoon

Regular kefir applied to the skin will help it relax and smooth out. An excellent vitamin supplement to such a simple mask will be fruit, berry or vegetable puree, as well as essential oils.

Do not forget about the skin of the face. These masks will help restore and give it a beautiful look:

- Steamed oat flakes mixed with sour cream in a ratio of 1:1.

- Brewer's yeast (1 tablespoon), egg yolk and a teaspoon of vegetable oil will help restore dry skin.

- Whitening and nutrient made from one hundred grams of sour cream and the same amount of fatty cottage cheese.

- Two medium-sized carrots, grated, mixed with sour cream or olive oil, will provide beautiful colour and healthy appearance

On the eyelids, you can apply a mass of grated potatoes, circles of cucumbers, compresses with green tea or decoction of chamomile. These products will help smooth and refresh the skin above and under the eyes, get rid of bags and dark circles.

Everyone knows the huge benefits of a bath on the human body, but not everyone knows that the use of scrubs directly in the bath is an extremely useful addition and general strengthening procedure. Self-prepared peels can replace even the most popular treatments in spas. Next, your attention will be offered recipes for the most effective scrubs for a bath.

Rules for using scrubs in the bath

As a rule, bath scrubs can be used in the bath room, as already in ready-made, which are sold in specialized stores, and made exclusively on their own. Of course, such products are made in accordance with the recipe and the necessary proportions, and also without the addition of any chemical additives and ingredients, while providing the most positive effect.

Important! It should be noted that the use of a bath scrub more than once a week can provoke a violation of the protective layer of the epidermis, acid balance and also cause inflammation.

Exist certain rules and the requirements that must be followed at the time of using peels:

  1. Before entering the steam room, it is strongly recommended to rinse with warm water. Thus, you can exclude penetration harmful substances and salts at the time of expansion of skin pores;
  2. After you go out and the steam room, you also need to take a cool shower, washing away all the toxins;
  3. If your skin is well cleansed and steamed, you can start using the scrub. It is applied directly to damp skin and rubbed all over the body in a circular motion. note that Special attention should be given to problem areas;
  4. After that, the body must be rinsed with warm water.

Peeling based on olive oil

A fairly simple and affordable bath scrub in its preparation, which is made using and olive oil. Note that olive oil perfectly softens your skin, and vitamin E, which is contained in the oil, ensures the activation of natural collagen production. The latter, in turn, is responsible for youth and skin regeneration. This peeling is perfect for sensitive and very dry skin. To receive you need to additional effect, a few drops of essential oil, such as citrus or almond, must be added to the resulting product. It will give your skin pleasant aroma and extra care. Great addition will be the use, which will also include nourishing essential oils.

Coffee scrub for bath

Coffee is a unique ingredient that helps to fight the signs of cellulite and also provides smoothness and incredible beautiful shade your skin. A special anti-cellulite bath scrub is prepared using dried coffee grounds and yogurt - a ratio of 1:3. In addition, you can also make peeling from coffee and sour cream, while adding essential oils. And for dry skin, we offer you the following recipe: coffee, honey, olive oil are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:3.

The resulting mixture of coffee and low-fat sour cream must be applied to the body in the steam room, but not rubbed, because coffee is a much rougher product than salt, respectively, it can damage your skin. You should only stay in the steam room for the amount of time that you can withstand. After that, the scrub is simply washed off with water. Like nutritional product able to perfectly soften the skin, which especially suffers from winter period time.

Bath scrub with honey

There are unique and maximum healthy recipes bath scrubs based on a product such as honey. It will be sufficient to mix honey and salt in the required proportions. Note that in this case it is recommended to use exclusively coarse salt, since small particles do not provide the maximum effect after peeling. The effectiveness of such peeling is manifested in the following:

  1. Salt, which dissolves in the aquatic environment, is able to penetrate into the open pores of the skin and make up for the lack of the most important trace elements: magnesium, potassium. In addition, it instantly recovers salt balance the human body;
  2. Honey perfectly nourishes the epidermis, accelerates its renewal processes, and also ensures the healing of small wounds. The direct combination of these two components helps to achieve the most effective result.

Similar ready mix applied on a steamed body after 2-3 visits to the steam room. Only in this case, your skin will be able to replenish the supply of vitamins, which, in turn, are so rich in honey.

Clay bath scrub

The use of cosmetic clay, which today is quite simple to purchase in any outlets It also hydrates and cleanses your skin. Based on the clay of your choice, you can make several recipes for bath scrubs. So, a glass of milk is taken and 300 grams of clay is stirred (you can use any kind of clay), 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the body for about 30 minutes. After that, the mass must be washed off with warm water.

In addition, we offer you another no less amazing recipe: you need to add a small amount of shampoo, honey, a few drops of any and, of course, a spoonful of clay to the coffee grounds. After using this product, you will immediately be able to evaluate the result: the body will become soft, tender and well hydrated.

The combination of peeling and taking bath procedures is a unique cosmetic procedure, which not only enhances and complements each other, but also helps to achieve the result you expect. Taking care of your health must necessarily be accompanied by pleasant relaxation procedures in the bath.

Today women's magazine JustLady offers readers some simple recipes for bath scrubs, as well as face, body and hair masks that are suitable for sauna or bath.

It is hard to imagine a place that could not be more suitable for all kinds of cleansing and wellness procedures than a bath. After all, everything you need is at hand: water, warmth, fragrant smells and, finally, just a pleasant company and enough time for yourself.

Therefore, we will not stagnate for a long time in the dressing room and begin to act.

Sauna Scrubs

The first step, of course, will be a thorough wash and entry into the steam room. Here you need to warm up well in order to open the pores. Then we rinse again in the shower and proceed to cleansing the body and face with scrubs.

Scrub, as you know, is a special substance that helps to clean not only dirt, but also dead skin particles, and at the same time make it light. Properly selected sauna scrub ingredients will also help remove toxins from the skin that contribute to skin and body aging.

Indispensable means for a bath in this regard is honey. It is useful to add it to tea, and prepare a scrub for a bath or a mask: it will remove toxins and help you sweat better in the steam room.

Sauna scrub with honey and cinnamon

The product is effective and universal, it can be used both for the face and for the whole body.
To prepare it, you need to mix two parts of honey with one part of cinnamon.
We apply the mixture on the body, massaging in a circular motion, with special care we treat the areas on the elbows and knees, the back of the upper arms, ankles.
After the procedure, wash off the scrub with warm water.

When processing the face, you need to be more careful. In order not to stretch the skin, as well as not to scratch it, do not apply too much force.

Bath belongings from orange peels
Grind dry peels in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Then we add water to make a slurry, and we process the skin with this mixture.

If the skin is dry, then the powder can be diluted with sour cream or vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Also good for dry skin natural coffee sauna scrub.
To do this, we collect coffee grounds and add vegetable oil (unrefined) or heavy cream to it.
When the whole body is treated with the mixture, leave it for ten minutes, and only then wash it off.

Scrub for a bath of oatmeal gently cleanses the face and neck. To prepare it, you need to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix it with milk or cream. Gently massage the mixture on the skin of the face and neck, and then rinse first with warm and then cool water.

So, the cleaning process is completed and you are ready to continue. bath procedures. Here comes the time of hair masks in the sauna.

Hair masks in the sauna

The fact is that, unlike masks for the face and body, hair works best in the steam room.
Before applying, you must first wash your hair and lightly dry it with a towel (so that the composition does not spread).
If you're ready, let's get started.

Great for moisturizing hair oil-based sauna hair mask.
We take 3 tbsp. spoons castor oil, mix it with two teaspoons of burdock oil and add 1 tsp each. glycerin, apple cider vinegar and your regular shampoo.
We apply the mask to the hair, wrap it in polyethylene and put on a bath cap. Now we go to the steam room and warm ourselves.
We wash off after 30 minutes, but it is not necessary to sit in the steam room all this time.

For dry hair ends You can also make a mask. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive oil with 3 teaspoons of burdock and carefully process the tips. You can “wear” such a mask for an hour, then it will only be more effective.

Hair mask in the sauna against hair loss prepared on the basis of honey and burdock oil.
We heat the honey so that it becomes more liquid (2 tablespoons) and add oil (3 tablespoons). Mix everything well and apply to the hair before the next entry into the steam room.
We wash off the mask after leaving the steam room with shampoo.

Now that the body is cleansed and the hair is moisturized, you can proceed to body masks in the sauna.
These procedures are done at the very end of the pleasures of the bath, because to go to the steam room, having smeared nutritional composition there is no point - everything will flow together later.

If you're ready to finish vaping, let's move on to this last step.

Body masks in the bath

At the very beginning, you need to clarify that there are masks that you can “put on” in the steam room. These are masks based on honey and/or salt that are applied to the body to increase perspiration.

For example, honey and salt scrub mask.
It is prepared by taking approximately the same amount of ingredients. Honey is heated by the oven and salt is gradually added, making sure that it dissolves well. Then the composition is applied to the body and go to the steam room.

After warming up, the composition on the body is rubbed, carefully treating the coarsened areas, and then washed off.

But the main part of the body masks in the bath, as already mentioned, is applied after all procedures.

So, for example, at the end of a pleasant holiday, you can do cellulite body mask.
To prepare it, we need grapes, or rather freshly squeezed juice.

There may be problems with the delivery of juicers to the bathhouse. But you should not be upset, we will completely manage with improvised means, because we need only 5 tbsp. l. grape juice.
Mix the juice with a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of honey, mix everything and apply to problem areas after the steam room and shower.
Keep the mixture for 10 minutes, and then massage, simultaneously rolling the composition off the skin. Wash off the rest in the shower.

Good for moisturizing and nourishing the skin body masks in the sauna based fermented milk products and fresh fruit.
For this, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cream, bananas, cucumbers, other fruits and vegetables are suitable. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass, dense enough so that it does not spread, and applied to a steamed, cleansed body for 10-20 minutes. Then washed off with water.

For dry skin, it is good to add vegetable and oils (observing the dosage), oatmeal, egg yolk to such mixtures. Oily skin will feel better if the mask contains protein chicken egg, lemon juice.

The same principle applies to the preparation of face masks in the sauna.

Bath face masks

Steamed and scrubbed, the skin simply craves nutrition and hydration, so let's not delay, let's start with face masks in the sauna.

Suitable for nourishing the skin and making it more elastic yeast mask for face.
We prepare it from egg yolk(1 pc.), A teaspoon of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of brewer's yeast. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. Wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Suitable for skin especially prone to acne and pimples honey face mask in the bath.
Let's take a couple of tablespoons natural honey, previously melted and chilled to normal temperature. Add juice from half a lemon and 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran.
The same mixture can be used as a scrub for problem skin.

You can also do whitening face masks in the sauna.

For these purposes, cucumber is suitable - lemon mask, which is prepared from 1 grated cucumber, a few drops lemon juice and a teaspoon of cream.
A mask of algae with cottage cheese has proven itself well. For her, you need to grind dry algae in a coffee grinder and add them to the cottage cheese. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

Also don't forget the masks fresh vegetables and fruits, mixtures with the addition of essential oils.

In general, you can make any mask in a sauna or bath, but its action will be much deeper, and the effect will be more noticeable than under normal conditions.

In conclusion, one important clarification: after all the scrubs and masks in the bath, you do not need to apply any creams to the body and face. This can be done later, and now your skin has already received enough nutrition and hydration, you should not overload it with pleasures.
As they say, everything is good in moderation.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady
