Salt abortion. Artificial birth or termination of pregnancy in late stages - methods

Due to various life situations and circumstances may require artificial interruption pregnancy. Saline abortion is only one of the few types of abortion, which is carried out in a clinical setting on later pregnancy.

Abortions are performed both at the request of women and due to various medical or social indicators. Today, there are several options for terminating a pregnancy, depending on its duration.

Medical practice divides any artificial termination of pregnancy into two main groups:

  • early abortions, as a rule, are carried out for short periods - up to a maximum of 12 weeks;
  • late-term abortions - typical for this group is termination of pregnancy in the period from 12 to 28 weeks.

The surgical method is the so-called mini-abortion, or vacuum aspiration. It is carried out over a four- or five-week period.

Medical abortion, which is used most often, involves removing the fetus using special instruments. Simultaneously with curettage of the fetus, the entire uterine cavity is cleaned. It is usually used before the 12-week period. Removal in parts occurs after the cervix opens in required size so that the doctor can remove the fertilized egg with forceps:

  • the fruit is grasped using forceps;
  • the baby's body, torn into pieces, is pulled out of the woman's vagina;
  • during the procedure, the fetal head is crushed so that it can be pulled out through the vaginal canal;
  • With the help of a pump, residual material and the placenta are cleaned.

Sometimes, due to necessity and special medical indications, pregnancy is terminated at long term using a minor caesarean section.

In addition, surgical abortions that are performed in the 2nd or even 3rd trimester of pregnancy include termination using a saline solution. We’ll look at what a salt abortion is a little later.

There are also non-surgical methods to terminate a pregnancy. The main ones:

  1. Homeopathy is an ineffective way to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. A positive result is achieved in approximately 20 cases out of 100.
  2. Acupuncture is a method that came to us from China. Efficiency sometimes reaches 40%, but only in case of short delays in menstruation. The result largely depends on the specialist who performs the abortion.
  3. Magnetic induction is performed using a special cap and only in case of a short delay. It is believed that positive result occurs in 50% of cases.

The most common is medical abortion, which applies if there is a delay of up to 63 days. The essence of this method is to accept “ French tablets" It is believed that the effectiveness this method is approximately 90-95%.

How is saline abortion performed?

Termination of pregnancy after 12 weeks is possible only in two cases:

  1. A social factor that implies the possibility of removing an unwanted pregnancy that occurs after rape.
  2. Medical factor. IN in this case An abortion is allowed if the upcoming birth threatens serious consequences for the life of the pregnant woman (with a fatal outcome) or critical anomalies in the development of the fetus are identified.

Saline abortion in medical practice also called fruit filling. The termination is performed late in pregnancy, approximately 20 to 24 weeks.

The essence of its implementation is that in amniotic sac, which surrounds the baby and protects him, a hypertonic injection is injected with a special needle saline solution.

The worst thing about this procedure is that the child dies long and painfully. He experiences severe convulsions so that the woman feels it before contractions. Death occurs within 24 to 42 hours. After the saline solution, doctors additionally administer a drug that provokes and accelerates the onset of contractions.

Approximately 0.2 liters is removed from a woman’s womb using a special needle. amniotic fluid and a saline solution is poured in instead. As a result of such actions, the fetus is immersed in a toxic liquid and for many hours a process of painful poisoning, dehydration, chemical burns and brain hemorrhage occurs. After death, the unborn child is removed. Under the influence of saline solution it skin become bright red.

Complications of abortion

The consequences of abortions can occur immediately after them or appear after a certain period of time.

To the number early complications The following pathological processes can be attributed:

  • perforation of the uterus (the integrity of its walls is violated) or uterine ruptures;
  • possible bleeding and problems with blood clotting;
  • Various injuries often occur in the cervical area.

Moreover, after abortions, often with new strength begin to appear chronic diseases organs of the reproductive system. Sometimes during termination of pregnancy, infectious bacteria enter, which leads to inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and appendages.

Late Negative consequences Abortions often manifest themselves in the form of disruptions in the hormonal system of women and various inflammations of the genital organs. There is a risk of developing ovarian dysfunction.

As a result of abortions, the number of subsequent ectopic pregnancies. In addition, female infertility may occur.

Before deciding to have an abortion, a woman must realize that at 20-22 weeks the baby is already fully formed. This means that he feels all the pain in the same way as an ordinary adult.

Saline abortion is an abortion performed late in pregnancy using a sodium chloride solution. It is also called salt filling.

Many doctors agree that saline abortion can bring many complications to a woman:

  • unpredictable change hormonal levels in the future, difficult to correct;
  • blockage of the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to disruption of local blood supply;
  • mental health disorder.

A woman should be aware when choosing this method termination of pregnancy. In later stages, the child is a mature personality who is capable of feeling pain, and even more so pain from chemical burn. The child has already formed nervous system, and it is actively functioning.

Indications for abortion

  • maternal malignant tumors;
  • tertiary syphilis;
  • open forms of tuberculosis;
  • peptic ulcer with complications;
  • rubella suffered during pregnancy;
  • mental illness;
  • severe gestosis;
  • fetal malformations detected at a later stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • other conditions that threaten a woman’s life or can cause serious harm to health

There are also social indications for which termination of pregnancy is possible for up to 22 weeks. These include rape, death of husband, stay in the MLS and deprivation of parental rights.


Most often, after an abortion using saline filling, the following consequences are observed:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • hypertonicity of the uterus, causing bleeding;
  • infertility;
  • infections and inflammatory processes genitals.

Preparing for a saline abortion

If medical indications indicate that a pregnant woman needs to induce artificial labor using a saline abortion, then psychologists and psychotherapists should work with her and prepare her for the upcoming procedure.

If there are medical or social indications for termination of pregnancy, a woman must contact antenatal clinic, conduct an ultrasound to clarify exact date pregnancy and undergo all necessary tests.

How is salt filling done?

Saline abortion involves a procedure in which 200 ml is sucked out of the uterus using a special needle and syringe. amniotic fluid. Instead of the pumped out amount of amniotic fluid, the same amount of saline solution is injected. Thus, the environment is replaced with a very caustic solution, in which the fetus dies painfully within a few hours.

Reasons why fetal death occurs:

  • dehydration, that is, dehydration, the child’s body dries out;
  • poisoning;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • chemical burn of the entire surface of the body (the skin of the fetus becomes bright red).

From mother's womb The dead fetus is removed one to two days after the administration of the saline solution. The woman is given intravenous drugs that provoke contractions. With the help of such means, the fetus is rejected, and artificial labor begins. The extracted fruit looks like a candy, since its wrinkled skin is very thin and translucent, all the capillaries are visible through it.

Before performing a saline abortion, a woman should be informed that when a caustic salt solution is administered, the child begins to move actively. These movements are called convulsions, which are associated with the fact that all the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes, respiratory tract and skin.


This type of abortion is being resorted to less and less often. Doctors prefer to terminate pregnancies using more humane methods. This is due to the fact that saline abortion causes great postpartum trauma to the woman’s entire body, and complications often occur.

There are also even more good reason do not use this type abortion. The child may survive as a result of the administration of saline solution. But such children, as a rule, do not live long. Almost immediately after birth (about an hour later) they die. But there were cases when the child survived and did not die after birth. The surviving child looks as if he was plunged headlong into boiling liquid. Mom gets it for life psychological trauma after seeing the body of his child. Not all doctors will be able to help a woman cope with it. This spectacle requires nerves of steel.

Abortion can only be performed for compelling reasons. social reasons and for medical reasons. Saline abortion should be chosen only in very in rare cases when there is no other choice. If there are indications for artificial termination of pregnancy, then you need to choose the most humane way, not forcing a child to die in agony.

Live Fill

The phone rang at half past one in the morning. A girl in a starched, ironed, but already losing its freshness, white robe quickly grabbed the phone:

The pediatrician on duty, intern Vyalkova, listens.

Intern... - on the other end telephone wire thought, as if doubting whether to speak. Then a sigh was clearly heard and a sad female voice continued:

Come to the gynecology department. Our live filling was born.

Intern Vyalkova, simply Lenochka, pursed her lips. Filling? Alive? That is, a woman with a very long-term pregnancy decided to get rid of the child through artificial childbirth. Horrible procedure! There are usually severe medical conditions, such as fetal deformities or maternal illnesses, that threaten her life. Poured into the uterine cavity hypertonic solution, which causes premature birth. The child is born dead. Legalized murder!

Did this one survive?

Lenochka went down two floors and went into the manipulation room. Two plump, confused women in shabby green suits sat at the table and looked thoughtfully at a brown bundle made from a repeatedly sterilized diaper. The bundle was silent.

Well, what do you have here? Where is the fill?

Helen took out a phonendoscope:


The women obediently pulled back the fabric, which hid a very thin and small child - skin and bones.

He had rather long black hair on his head and thick down on his back. The child himself was silent, and the color was blue, especially the tips of his fingers, lips and nose. Breathing and heartbeat were not audible.

The girl straightened up and, looking away, whispered:

He died.

What are you talking about, doctor! We thought so too. Everything was as usual. The woman suffered enough, we sent her to the ward, from where she immediately went home, and the little rat (that’s what we call these unfortunates), as we usually do in winter, was placed between the frames of the window. It’s scary to run to the morgue at night - we take it in the morning. We sat down to fill out the documentation and heard: the child was crying. We got scared and went to look. And this is him, squeaking between the windows, so loudly! We pulled him out, wrapped him in a diaper, and put him in his crib. We arrive half an hour later - he’s not breathing. We take him out the window again. Fifteen minutes later it beeps again. You got a call. What should I do?

This has never happened before.

Well, put it in the window, while I read the medical history.

It followed from the document that Zoya Pavlovna was fifty years old. She had a husband and five children. I came for this operation by social indications, saying that he would not be able to feed his sixth child. My husband's salary is barely enough for seven.

Doctor! Come here! He beeped again.

Helen went to the window. Surprisingly, the child acquired a pinkish-bluish color, screamed loudly and stretched out his thin little arms to the world. From somewhere came the knowledge that premature babies There is brown fat that provides them with energy. And that this same fat is activated at low temperatures environment. Looking at in shock small miracle, intern Vyalkova dialed the number of the chief pediatrician.

After listening necessary instructions, she quickly took the child in her arms, and, having performed the necessary manipulations, put him in the crib, directing a stream of moistened oxygen to his nose. Then she smiled at the nurses:

If he holds out until the morning, he will live!

In the morning it turned out that the child weighs eight hundred grams and is thirty-five centimeters tall. He turned pink and shouted demandingly, clearly asking for food.

He was included in the list of live births and sent to the children's department for feeding.

A couple of months later, when Mishka Zalivkin could be picked up without fear, he became everyone’s favorite. And in the spring, when the daffodils bloomed in the flower beds, Zoya Pavlovna ran into the department:

Where, where is my son? I couldn’t find a place for myself for what I did. I had bad dreams. Why can’t I feed the sixth if I can manage five? And then rumors reached...

She opened the door to the room and froze in admiration:

Lord, the spitting image of a husband! The most beautiful! Son!

After short formalities, the child was solemnly handed over to his mother. The whole family was waiting outside, barely able to contain their impatience. The appearance of the mother was greeted with enthusiastic exclamations.

Employees children's department wiped away their tears and looked after them for a long time

And Lenochka filled out another medical history and thought that fate, it turns out, can be merciful and gives the opportunity to correct seemingly irreparable mistakes. Although, perhaps, only to those who sincerely repented...

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 3 minutes


In late pregnancy there are known following methods interrupts:

The first 2 methods are used officially only in the case medical indications woman or fetus.

As for criminal abortion, a woman goes for it if strong desire terminate the pregnancy and there are no legal medical indications for termination.

Let's take a closer look at how saline abortion is performed and how it is performed. surgical abortion by dilation of the uterus and removal of the fetus in late pregnancy.

Saline abortion

In the later stages, both surgical abortion and saline abortion (saline filling) are used. Saline abortion, posing a huge risk to a woman’s life, is still used, although somewhat less frequently.

It is carried out by pumping out the amniotic fluid and replacing it with a saline solution. A child, caught in a caustic solution, dies painfully within a few hours from a cerebral hemorrhage, chemical burns, or poisoning. A day later, sometimes 48 hours after the death of the baby, the doctor removes the body.

In some cases, after salt filling, children survive, remaining disabled.

Surgical abortion

Another method of abortion is used when it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy in the second trimester.

This is a method of expanding and removing the fetus. The cervix is ​​dilated and the baby is removed using forceps and a suction tube.

Remains of embryonic tissue are removed using vacuum aspiration. Bleeding is possible after the procedure.

Stages of surgical abortion

A. The child is grabbed at random using a special clamp
B. The baby’s body is removed from the vagina piece by piece.
C. The remaining parts of the body are pinched and pulled outward.
D. The baby's head is pinched and crushed in order to pass through the vaginal canal.
E. The placenta and remaining parts are sucked out of the uterus.

This medical abortion produced from 20 weeks after the last menstrual period

Criminal abortion

Criminal abortions can be performed as surgically expansion of the uterus and extraction of the fetus in pieces, and using the salt method. There are also other underground and illegal, “folk” methods of late-term abortions, but all of them are very dangerous for a woman’s life and can lead to her death.

No matter how much of a panacea abortion may seem to a woman who does not want to give birth, it should be remembered that artificial termination of pregnancy always leads to health problems. They can manifest themselves not only immediately (for example, bleeding), but also much later, including the formation of malignant tumors.

The only indications for abortion, especially late-term abortion, are irreversible pathology of the fetus and a direct threat to the woman’s life, although there are often cases when a woman, no matter what, decided to give birth, and long-awaited child was born without causing any harm to the mother’s health, and deviations in its development were corrected, and the baby could live full life healthy child.

If you need support and want to know more detailed information, then go to the page - https://www..html

The site administration is against abortion and does not promote it. This article is provided for information only!

Abortion in late pregnancy is called saline abortion. Usually it is done at 20-24 weeks, but increasingly the issue of banning this method is on the agenda in different countries. Let's figure out why.

Why does this method have many opponents?

Most often, such an operation is performed only by women who are medical reasons saline abortion is prescribed. A photo of the fetus, which is removed from the patient’s body as a result of surgery, can be found in various sources, but this spectacle is not for the faint of heart, so think twice before looking at the result of the operation.

At a later stage, the fetal body is almost formed, little man is already able to feel pain, and a salt abortion implies a painful and long death of the child.

How the operation is performed

To perform the operation, 200 ml of surrounding fluid is pumped out of the bladder in which the child is located. This is done using a special medical needle. Instead of liquid, a saline solution is injected into the body. The abortion is not done immediately after the child is immersed in it. The fetus is removed from the patient’s body a day or two after death. In this case, the procedure is carried out so that the woman does not see dead body child, because there is big risk that she will begin to have psychological problems against the backdrop of termination of pregnancy and awareness of her action.

How does the child feel?

On long term pregnancy, the fetus is already almost formed. This means that the child is able to feel pain and even show that he feels it. So, when a saline solution is introduced into the mother’s body, the fetus begins to convulse. The woman feels it.

When the convulsions stop, another drug is introduced into the patient’s body - oxytocin. It artificially induces contractions, resulting in fetal rejection.

Within a few hours after pouring the solution, the fetus slowly dies from a chemical burn and brain hemorrhage. His little body is poisoned and dehydrated, as a result of which a child of a bright red, frightening color is removed from the woman’s body.

Saline abortion: surviving children

One of the reasons why the technique is used very rarely is Great chance postpartum complications in women. But there is another reason to never resort to this method. The fact is that a child can be very resilient. Then he survives and is born disabled. Usually such children die within an hour after birth, but before that they experience incredible agony.

The most shocking story of a child surviving a saline abortion occurred in 1977 in Los Angeles. American girl Janna Jensen decided to undergo such an operation, but her child survived and did not die immediately after birth. The mother decided to abandon her disabled child.

If the child survives, his appearance usually shocks the woman who decided on this method. The body of a living baby looks as if it had been in a fire or dipped in boiling water. The patient then faces the possibility of serious psychological problems, which even professional doctors cannot always cope with.

Saline abortion: reviews from doctors and ordinary people

Reviews from doctors who understand this issue boil down to the fact that a woman exposes herself to danger, which is expressed in the possibility of developing a number of complications:

  • hormonal disasters;
  • various bleedings;
  • possible development of embolism;
  • mental health problems.

Most often, after a saline abortion, the patient cannot cope with thoughts about her action. Therefore, in any case psychological changes, even if small, make themselves felt.

People's reviews about this operation boil down to one thing. They do not consider it humane; some are shocked at the mere mention that such a technique even exists and that it is legal. Few people have even heard of it, which suggests that saline abortion is not a popular operation today.

Medical indications

If a woman is forced to have an abortion for medical reasons, a team of specialists works with her. The doctor must warn her and mentally prepare her for the fact that she will see an unpleasant or even terrible picture immediately after. If possible, preliminary work by a psychotherapist with the patient is desirable. After childbirth, treatment should be continued if necessary.

It is worth noting that even if there are no medical indications, and the woman is confident in her decision and that she will endure the operation without consequences, doctors are still required to conduct a preliminary consultation with her. It is extremely rare for a patient to remain indifferent after seeing a dead fetus.

Safe measures and alternatives

The best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is protection during sexual intercourse. If for some reason contraception methods do not help, then special hormonal drugs, which during the first three days after conception will save you from unwanted pregnancy. To purchase them, just visit your nearest pharmacy.

In addition, it is much more humane than later ones, because the fetus is just beginning to form. It does not feel pain because it has no nerve endings.

During pregnancy, a woman does not feel the presence of a child within herself, it does not move, and the operation is quick and painless.

Thus, saline abortion is extremely undesirable way termination of pregnancy. It's fraught bad consequences for the patient. In addition, he makes a small but already formed person suffer. In some countries, such an operation is allowed only in case of medical indications, in some it can still be done on legally. But each woman makes her own decision whether to do it or not, and sets certain boundaries and restrictions for herself.
