Asymmetrical bob. Stylish cascading bob haircut options.

Hair, of course, is an adornment of every woman. Pretty haircut attracts the eyes of men and causes envy in women. How do you want one of the feminine virtues, which is on a par with the figure in importance, healthy skin and smile, was not only beautiful, but also in line with fashion trends. Therefore, in this article we will pay attention to hairstyles and find out what the fashionable elongated square of 2017 will be like, attention to the photo:

One of the rather popular haircuts for many years is an elongated caret. In 2017, the average hair length remains in fashion. It allows stylists to create gentle, romantic, and most importantly - natural images that do not require much time and effort to maintain them in Everyday life. And at the same time, the average hair length is perfect for creating evening bows.

At the peak of popularity in 2017 there will be a fashionable elongated square, you will see a photo in our article. 2017, however, represents a new vision of the hairstyle we are used to.

Particular attention to this type of haircut should be paid to corpulent women and ladies who have round shape faces. Due to the lengthening of the front strands, the face seems more elongated, which gives it more prettiness. In this case, the length of the strands should not be below the shoulder.

A feature of the elongated caret in next season will be combined with other techniques hairdressing. Such as thinning, asymmetry and graduation. Let's take a closer look at each technique.

Thinning is a process in which the stylist artificially removes excess volume by thinning the strands. Proper use of this technique in conjunction with an elongated caret will make image easy, delicate and feminine. With deep thinning, the effect will be diametrically opposite. The image will turn out bold, but very attractive.

The asymmetrical bob went into fashion for a long time after it was made and demonstrated to the public. Victoria Beckham. Stylish hairstyle helped make the sophisticated Victoria a role model for young girls and sighs for young men.

The technique of this haircut comes down to the fact that the hair is cut asymmetrically. In most cases long strands are on the right. Asymmetry can be deep, when the difference in the length of the strands is significant, and not very deep. In such cases, the difference is barely perceptible. It all depends on the preference of the client.

Asymmetric bob is suitable for any age and any type of face. In 2017, the asymmetry technique is also recommended to be applied to an elongated square. This will make the image elegant and unique.

Such a haircut is not recommended for women with naturally curly hair, as expectations, as a rule, do not justify hopes. For creating unique image you have to constantly straighten your hair, which greatly complicates life.

No less demanded in 2017 to create trendy look there will be a tendency to combine an elongated caret with a graduation technique. Unlike asymmetry, where they have different lengths side strands, graduation implies fairly long hair in the front and short cut in the back. At the same time, strands are carefully thinned out to give a slight mess, making the image of a woman a little careless and natural.

For such a haircut, the structure of the hair does not matter. Both straight and curly hair your hair will look great. Stylists strongly recommend paying attention to such a haircut for girls with a face. triangular shape. It will visually smooth out sharp corners, making facial features smoother.

In 2017, the elongated bob with bangs will also not lose its popularity. It can be long, oblique, straight. A competent specialist will easily help you decide on the choice of a bang that suits your face shape. Hairstyle will emphasize your beauty and personality.

Undoubtedly, the most important of the advantages of an elongated square is that it suits almost all women. It is not affected by either the type of face, or the structure of the hair, or their volume. Any of these problems can be solved if the hairstyle is done by a competent stylist.

It is important that in everyday life it is quite easy to care for this haircut. It is enough to wash your hair and put it with a hairdryer. And to add romance, you can make curls by turning everyday look in the evening.

The article demonstrates the main trends of the coming season, which relate to the fashionable elongated caret. This hairstyle has been popular for more than a year and, according to stylists, is not going to give up its positions. She has already been appreciated by many celebrities who set the bar high in the fashion community, such as: Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelica Alba, Jennifer Aniston and many others.

Pay attention to this hairstyle when creating your own unique image.

Video on the topic of the article

The relevance of fashionable haircuts in 2017 is only gaining momentum.

The stylists found perfect combination the iconic silhouette and the latest fashion trends, while presenting many variations of this popular hairstyle. This hairstyle surprisingly accurately meets the expectations of real fashionistas. She fits perfectly into elegant images in the most different styles, easy to style, and most importantly - very expressive. It is this quality in every separate case especially valuable.

Haircuts for women: bob with and without bangs
This season the most fashionable variety of options this unique hairstyle. Short and long, with and without bangs - the choice of a silhouette solution depends only on your own taste and appearance. In any case, the hairstyle perfectly emphasizes the individuality, and its strict and graphic silhouette becomes the perfect frame for the face.

picking up own version, it is worth considering that it suits almost everyone. It is only important to accurately select its length and pattern. The most relevant this season frankly short options, opening and emphasizing the line of the neck in combination with a very long - covering the eyebrows - bangs.

A clear and slightly pointed cut of the bob haircut at the level of the cheekbones perfectly models the oval of the face, giving it sophistication. Such a hairstyle pattern will smooth and soften an elongated and slightly elongated face towards the chin. But it is contraindicated for owners of rounded and "square" faces.

For them, today's trends have their own options. Namely, elongated - to the shoulders - hairstyles with a wide variety of bangs. Bangs are something to think about! Bob haircuts in 2017 are presented in combination with a variety of their options. You only need to choose what is right for you.

At the peak of fashion - a classic hairstyle combined with a very short bangs. It creates a flawless accent on the eyes and brow line and perfectly balances facial features.

It looks bold, fashionable and slightly defiant. Stylists call this version of the hairstyle "French" and recommend it to girls with soft and sophisticated facial features.

But in fashion and a lot alternative options bangs. They look very advantageous, especially on thick and naturally straight hair, long straight bangs. Avant-garde and always very stylish - asymmetrical, smoothly merging with one of the side strands. fashion idea simple - use bangs to create the perfect frame for the face.
See how diverse fashionable bob haircuts are in these photos:

Stylish bob haircuts for any type of hair.

This hairstyle is not as easy as it seems. Her precise pattern and elegant silhouette are entirely in the hands of your master hairdresser. You should not trust its implementation to a beginner, it is best to trust an experienced and proven master.

Women's bob haircuts reveal all their advantages only in skillful hands ....
The hairstyle will look great on any type of hair. But when choosing the length and personal silhouette, it is worth considering their texture and density. Today in fashion - a lot of options for the design of the lower cut of the hair.

Straight and absolutely even, it will ideally emphasize the density and natural smoothness of the hair. And grading the tips or their multi-layered design will give the curls volume and ideal shapes.

Graduation is a technique that is worth a closer look. In addition to volume and giving desired shape is one of the hottest hairdressing techniques that gives a classic silhouette a fashionable ease.

See how spectacularly trendy bob haircuts look in 2017 in the photo below:

The calibration is quite simple. The ends of the hair are trimmed with special scissors or razor under acute angle. This achieves a very plastic, light and elegant silhouette of the hairstyle itself. And, in addition, in this way it is possible to pacify too rigid or Wavy hair and give them the desired shape.

Deeply thinned strands look very stylish in hairstyles for hair. middle length. It is this combination of silhouette and performance technique that is the most fashionable today.

Stylish bob haircuts are very easy to style, but like any hairstyle with a clear and balanced silhouette, they require regular updates. To support perfect lines, schedule a trip to the salon at least once every two months.

Fashion haircuts caret 2017 and their photos.

In search of new ideas, stylists experiment not only with bangs. One of the most actual styles bob haircuts for women bob - on the leg. The strict and clear line of the lower cut in this case is complemented by an elegantly trimmed toe at the back of the head - it is he who is called the “leg”. This option looks great with all styles of symmetrical bangs and is great for those who do not want to completely open their neck.

But the real variety of styles and styles is achieved with the help of very fashion technology, which combines different ways styling the ends of the hair. Contrast is achieved in many ways.

Neatly, as if on a ruler, trimmed strands at the back of the head are effectively combined with thinned curls at the crown area. In such options, very long and deeply thinned bangs look great. Any other combination in one hairstyle is no less relevant. various techniques execution.

Look at the photo - bob haircuts in 2017 amaze with a variety of styles:

This is how hairstyles are created for the hair itself different texture. But it must be taken into account that fashion accent is the contrast of lengths. Shoulder-length curls will look very stylish in combination with very short bangs, and short side strands - literally up to the earlobe - with bangs long to the eyebrows.

Most fashion options women's bob haircuts in the photo - here:

These hairstyles look great on both wavy and straight hair. The only thing that can damage the ideal contour is small and elastic curls, however, their tips can be effectively thinned out, giving them not only fashion silhouette, but also a manageable volume.

Following the idea of ​​fashionable contrast in one hairstyle, you can combine several textures at once. For example, straightening part of the curls of the side strands and bangs. Beautiful smooth strands, forming a clear contour around the face - an indispensable part of a fashionable image.

A characteristic detail of a stylish bob haircut - clear line lower cut. This season, this line has become softer and more democratic, thanks to the fashion for thinning the tips.

It should be created, not looking back at fashionable standards, but choosing individually for your own facial features. Long side strands perfectly “stretch” the oval of the face, giving it refinement, and short ones “crush”, making the visually elongated face more harmonious.

The additional volumes on the crown and occipital zones remained unchanged in the trends of this year, which create women's haircuts square 2017. They also perfectly allow you to improve own appearance and the image as a whole.

They are created thanks to a layered haircut with overlay strands, this technique works great on thin and sparse hair, giving it splendor and structure.

Haircuts and hair coloring.

Hairstyles with a strict and graphic contour look perfect in combination with a plain and bright hair color. This is how their silhouette solution and lines of the drawing are best revealed.

Moreover, the color itself should be as natural as possible - this is the trend! At the peak of fashion - natural and saturated colors. Plan along with a haircut and hair coloring, which will add brightness and saturation to your own color.

A bob haircut for blondes will sparkle with new colors in combination with golden honey or wheat tones. Radical "blond" is not in fashion today, in addition, it looks quite rough in combination with clear and strict lines this hairstyle.

In order to enhance the effect, you can additionally highlight a few strands on the crown area and bangs. But you should not get carried away with sharp contrasts: literally a tone or two lighter than the main shade. Highlighting looks great in this case.

A bob haircut on brunettes looks no less stylish. When choosing such a hairstyle, it is worth slightly “strengthening” your own hair color, giving it additional depth and saturation.

But, as in the case of blonde hair do not get carried away with radical solutions, but take advantage of the fashionable this year colors. All tones of chocolate, caramel, cappuccino with a slight golden undertone are trend favorites. All of them, by the way, perfectly refresh the complexion.

The graceful pattern and elegant silhouette look flawless in monochrome hair coloring, but are completely lost on groomed or long-dyed hair.

Haircut styling.

Good styling, as you know pledge professional work hairdresser. Fashionable bob haircuts are literally adapted for those who love simple and spectacular images. You won’t have to waste time, and especially in the morning, on styling such a hairstyle. Light and natural form can be given with conventional hair dryer and a minimum of styling - if you want to emphasize and highlight the tips of the side strands and bangs.

At the same time, the hairstyle allows you to create creative styling for special occasions. To do this, you need to style your hair as usual, and curl a few curls on the crown area. How to do this - with curlers or curling irons - is up to you. But the perm should not be combed, but only slightly spread with your fingers and ruffled.

Most fashion styling women's haircuts kare - 2017 in the photo reflect the style of the season:

Among all the existing variety of haircuts, the bob has always stood out in popularity. And new season 2017 brings this haircut back to the top.

For those to whom the bob has always seemed too simple and unpretentious haircut, there was an opportunity to see the opposite.

A variety of shapes and lengths, as well as original styling variations allow you to create bright, stylish and unique images. One haircut and many looks - this is the choice of women and girls who prefer to change and amaze others.

But for now, these are all words. To clearly demonstrate why in the coming 2017, the square will be one of the favorites among trendy hairstyles, we invite you to get to know how leading hairdressers and designers see this haircut.

Fashion variations and styling caret 2017

For creating perfect image it is important to choose the right car model. A hair stylist will certainly help with this. We offer haircuts and styling that will be fashionable in the 2017 season.

  1. Graduated caret 2017. This option successfully combines the stepwise layered haircuts and the classic bevel square. That is, we are presented with a slightly raised back of the head and strands lengthening in front with the design of "teeth". In this case, the length of the hairstyle may vary, and it is possible to fit best option depending on the type of face and just personal preferences. Such a haircut gives the image a certain dynamism and lightness, but also for gala evening styling will help to become stylish and elegant.
  2. fashionable classic caret 2017. Classics are always in fashion. But before ordering a classic bob from a stylist, make sure you understand how it looks right. Classic variant- this is a square "on a leg", having high nape and a clear bevel to the front strands. What a haircut looks strictly and very elegant. It shouldn't be a mess. Hair to hair is her motto. This is what allows you to create a unique, sensual and even in a sense futuristic image.
  3. Kare with bangs 2017. It would seem that the presence of a bang in a square is taken for granted and does not raise questions. But stylists have identified the most fashionable types of bangs in 2017 - these are oblique, oval straight lines. The basis of choice, of course, is the shape of the face. Straight bangs fit girls with high forehead, oval - smooth out angular features. Oblique bangs will be very important to slightly curl and lay in a wave.
  4. Wave styling. The main novelty and "highlight" of the caret in 2017 is styling in waves. It is enough to curl the strands and let them casually develop to look natural and stylish at the same time. Naturalness and naturalness have been in trend for several seasons and this hairstyle will emphasize natural beauty. Even naturally thin hair will look lush and voluminous without special efforts with such a setup.

Features and benefits of a caret

As you know, the craving for change and improvement is characteristic of most women. Perhaps this was the impetus for the emergence of the very concept of "fashion". The desire for change in the end was not limited to clothing. What is the simplest and fast way to change yourself? It's a hair change!

And here the square is very interesting and actual option for almost everyone beautiful ladies, regardless of the length of their hair. For owners of long or medium hair who really want to experiment with their appearance, but who have some inner fear before cardinal changes and the transition to a short haircut, the choice of a caret will become ideal option. It can be an elongated bob, classic bob or bob - it all depends on created image. For girls with an ultra-short bob haircut, it can become convenient option transition to longer hair.

The advantage of the square can be called easier care for hair and less time for styling. Often a problem long hair split ends become, and then the question arises, how to fix it and at the same time look fashionable and stylish? fashion season 2017 offers a bob as such a practical tool - feel free to choose this haircut, and it will be the first step towards updating tired hair.

thin hair the square will give more volume, and naturally thick hair will be even more expressive and spectacular. Haircut is suitable for both young girls and women. Even in this it is universal. Moreover, there is an opinion that a haircut, opening the face and neck line, makes women younger. At the same time, with the help of various options styling can give the image the desired notes - from efficiency and rigor to lightness and playfulness. In the first case, flawless styling of straight hair, and the second result will help to achieve stacking waves. Choose what you like best today and act!

Kare haircut 2017: Photo

Hairstyle with lengthening is very popular today. It is worn by both young girls and adult women. However, it should be remembered that the elongated caret has its own characteristics.

Who suits an elongated caret?

A bob hairstyle with lengthening is great for girls with thin hair. Thin hair does not hold its shape well, which means that model styling is simply made for them. Thin hair allows you to see a clear cut line, they look more stylish and beautiful!

How to lay a caret with an extension?

A bob hairstyle with elongated strands is easy to style at home. Wash your hair and dry with a towel. Apply foam or hair spray to wet hair and spread over the entire length of the hair.

It is important to take into account the structure of the hair, so that the styling is organic. For example, for thin hair you should choose light styling products, for example, Studio Line Enduring Mousse Hair Volume from L'Oreal Paris.
This is a universal mousse that does not stick hair together. stab upper part hair with a fixative. Dry with a hair dryer or diffuser lower part hair.
Great for styling round comb. While drying, pull the strands towards the face, inward. In order to make the hairstyle more voluminous, you can create a little bouffant at the roots.

Fashionable hairstyles for a bob with lengthening

Despite the fact that a bob haircut suggests short hair, on the basis of it you can create a wide variety of styling. Pay attention to light curls, this hairstyle is in trend today.

The original hairstyle of this year was a carelessly styled bob. Many stylists recommend drawing inspiration from grunge hairstyles that look amazing.

Pigtail hairstyles can also be assembled on the basis of a bob haircut with elongated front strands.
To do this, stylists recommend collecting side strands, thereby creating pigtails on the bangs. It is fashionable to collect a pigtail in the middle of the head, especially since the bob hairstyle allows you to do this. The front strands can simply be collected at the back, at the crown, forming a Malvinka hairstyle.

Corrugated hairstyles are also in vogue this year. Do not miss fashion trend season!
Hair extension styling is quite simple, but remember that the end result always depends on the concept of the hairstyle.
So, for example, if you add to the styling fashion accessory, the hairstyle will immediately become more original and interesting.

A bob hairstyle with lengthening looks great paired with headbands and hoops. They can be metal, leather or fabric.

You can lay "Kare" in different ways. This is one of those haircuts that allows you to perform many various hairstyles. Hair length also plays big role in hair styling.

Divide wet hair into a side part, blow dry and lift the back of the head with a comb to get a more rounded head shape. When drying, you can use a little foam or gel, but in the end, the styling does not need to be fixed. On the street, the hair itself will fall as it should.

The short bob is back in fashion, as you can see in celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes.

This simple youth haircut looks feminine and sexy. Since the hair is short at the same time, many believe that the bob cannot be diversified. But this statement is far from the truth: if you style it correctly, you can make the most different hairstyles, remaining stylish every day and under any circumstances.

Simple and smooth.

With simple installation short bob will keep his classic style. This elegant hairstyle Suitable for every day or for business events. For this styling, part your hair into a central parting with a comb.

Blow-dry your hair at medium heat, using a round brush to comb the ends of your hair inward. For additional volume put your head down and flip your hair forward while you dry it. Apply hair shine serum to your hair to make your hair look especially smooth. The caret should reach the chin line and keep neat and fresh look front. To do this, every couple of months you need to update the haircut.

A short bob can be turned into a funny one very quickly. sexy hairstyle for a date or something special occasion. To achieve the “just out of bed” effect, curl your hair with a tongs with a nozzle with a diameter of 2-3 cm. To make your hairstyle look tousled, curl randomly selected strands. Tousle your hair lightly with your fingers.

Spray your hair with a light hold hairspray to keep your style. For additional effect pin a strand of hair with a rhinestone invisible hairpin, or gather and pin back the front of the hair, leaving a few strands loose in front.

Hollywood curls.

Marilyn Monroe, the epitome of 50s beauty, was known for her neat, voluminous bob. To repeat this hairstyle, wind your hair on thermal electric curlers. Leave them in your hair specified time. Then remove the curlers.

Curls should be smooth, elastic and voluminous. If you have bangs, curl them to the side. Apply a softening serum to your hair to keep hair soft and manageable.

A bob will take on a fun and flirty look if you style your hair so that the ends curl outward. To do this, you will need a hair straightener. Separate a strand of hair 3 cm wide and straighten it with an iron.

When you reach the ends of your hair, turn the flat iron so that the ends curl outwards. This styling is great for cutting in layers. Apply a shine serum to smooth out stray strands.

One of the many victories in the quest for equality with men was the emergence of many variations of short haircuts. Personifying independence and inner freedom, they are still associated with the desire for radical changes in life and even rebellion. Girls, far from stereotypes, love them for their ease of styling and originality.

Women's short haircuts 2017

It makes no sense to argue with what is fashionable short haircuts 2017 looks attractive, but they are not for everyone. Among other things, the minimum length requires more attention, because you have to visit the master more often to look well-groomed. How to make the right choice?

  1. Oval face. Almost all types of short haircuts are suitable for owners of a face of this shape. When choosing, you should be guided only by your own taste and preferences.
  2. Round face . Optimal solution in this case- a voluminous crown that balances the features, and elongated side strands that visually stretch the face.
  3. Square face . Side swept bangs serve as a distraction from the heavy lower part of the face, and torn long side strands help to accentuate the eyes.
  4. triangular face . A sharp chin and a wide forehead are visually smoothed out by volume at the temples and a smooth crown.

Doubts and uncertainty in choosing a hairstyle is a reason to turn to a master whose work results are satisfactory. A professional will not only help you decide on a haircut, but also give advice on styling it, which will save valuable time every day.

Bob haircut 2017

Hair design is experiencing an era of dynamic, voluminous and light hairstyles that do not require hours of styling. The fashionable bob haircuts of 2017 offered by stylists fit perfectly into actual images. They are characterized by accuracy, which is not spoiled by either deliberate negligence or stylish disheveledness:

  1. Elongation. If traditional option goes owners oval face, then the elongated caret softens the sharp chin and wide cheekbones. A caret with long side strands stretches the silhouette, so it is also suitable for full girls.
  2. graduation. Cutting out careless feathers on the temporal zones and shortened hair at the back of the head look original, while smoothing out the angularity of a triangular face.
  3. double caret . Spent on styling two layers of hair different lengths time will pay off with interest, because the double-car, relevant in 2017, looks amazing!
  4. clear outline. Filigree cut along the bottom edge and even thick bangs go to a business lady and a party girl with regular features faces.
  5. Softness. curly or curled hair are no longer a contraindication for caret. Delicate curls and curls framing the face look very feminine.

Such options as a bob with a shaved nape, a bob "on a leg" and all kinds of experiments with the length, shape and density of the bangs remain relevant. Application modern technicians coloring is an excellent way to emphasize.

Bob haircut 2017

A chic effect is produced by bob haircuts of 2017, presented in short, medium, classic and creative options. Image makers play with strands, combining their length with a variety of coloring techniques. In the trend and sharp, and smooth transition from an elongated temporal to a shortened occipital zone, but bangs are an optional element that has the ability to model the shape of the face if necessary. Highlighting, bronding, coloring and, performed within the natural range, are welcome.

Pixie haircut 2017

Thanks to the charming pixie, it will never lose its relevance. Daring, playful, flirtatious, seductive and perky - this is how a girl looks with intricately tousled or smoothly styled ultra-short hair. Considering beautiful haircuts 2017, it is difficult to find differences that characterize the trends of the new season. The same conciseness, the same styling methods, but the color has changed! To replace the cold blonde and strict black came natural shades, not burdened with styling.

Asymmetrical haircuts 2017

Without losing outrageous, women's asymmetrical haircuts 2017 again surprise with a variety of forms. They are ideal for creating simple yet expressive looks that are in line with global beauty trends. Asymmetry, far from the canons of the classics, fits into the practicality of minimalism and the sophistication of casual. Interpretations of bob and bob haircuts have given way to experiments with pixies and the same option, which has forever been assigned the name “under the boy”, and the bangs are the main object for the masters.

Very short women's haircuts 2017

An extreme “hedgehog” will not succeed in leading the fashionable haircuts of 2017 for short hair, but the owner of such a hairstyle will definitely not be left without attention! For girls who prefer romantic images, it will not work, but with competent work on creating a unique image, success is guaranteed. And let someone dare to challenge the seductive appeal of ultra-short hairstyles! They are no less sexy than boring curls.

Stylish short haircuts 2017

Along with the popular bob and bob variations, it is worth highlighting the short haircuts of 2017, which are a kind of comeback from the past. We are talking about a "pot" or bowl, characterized by short-shaven temporal zones and a smoothly laid elongated crown. Great solution for thin obedient hair! There are no standards regarding transition angle and length. They are selected by the master individually, taking into account the preferences of the client.

Women's short haircuts 2017 for blondes

Criteria that distinguish hairstyles by hair color do not exist and cannot exist, but some fashionable short women's haircuts in 2017 are more suitable for owners light hair. This applies to styling, suggesting a clear separation of the strands at the crown. Blondes in this case manage to avoid the contrast between the color of the scalp and hair. The pattern is this: the darker and thicker the hair, the longer the haircut should be, and vice versa.

Stylish short haircuts for brunettes 2017

The maximum naturalness of the image is one of the most important trends of the coming year, and women's haircuts for short hair in 2017, made in natural color palette, fully correspond to it. Intense blacks and chestnut shades look favorably both in the haircuts that are relevant this season, and in the retro hairstyles popularized by Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn and. By the way, short-haired brunettes, despite the prevailing stereotype, attract men more than blondes.

Fashionable haircuts for short hair 2017 - trend

Summarizing the changes that have been stylish haircuts for short hair in 2017, there are several trends proposed by image makers. Along with the XXL length, hairstyles made on hair of a minimum length are of incredible interest. The main world trends of the coming year in the field of hair-styling are as follows:

  • various variations on a theme;
  • return to fashion bangs;
  • clear contours;
  • elongated side strands;
  • asymmetry;

    fashion world changeable and mysterious. Pick up evening dresses 2017 in the framework of fresh trends is not at all easy. Everything speaks about the popularity of color and fabric combinations in new collections. Playing with tones and materials has become a favorite feature of trendsetters.
