Yorkshire Terrier nicknames for boys are elite. Chose a nickname - what's next

With the advent of a pretty, mischievous puppy in the house yorkshire terrier, you are waiting for bright moments, good mood a life filled joyful events. In addition to acquiring all the necessary attributes for a happy dog life new family member, you need to come up with a beautiful, sonorous nickname for the Yorkshire Terrier. The choice of a name for a pet must be approached with all responsibility. The dog not only has to quickly get used to his nickname. In addition, the dog's name, like the name of a person, leaves a certain imprint on further fate your pet. No wonder they say - "Whatever you call a boat, so it will float." There is a certain connection between the nickname, character, temperament, disposition of the dog. After all, the nickname is exactly the word that your Yorkshire Terrier will hear most often. For this reason, when deciding what to name your dog, think carefully about what kind of Yorkie you want to have next to you as true friend and companion.

What is the name of a Yorkshire Terrier?

For York, as well as for other breeds of dogs, the nickname should be harmonious, easy to pronounce, well remembered for the dog. Small puppies pick up and remember melodic sounds well. Therefore, it is preferable to call the pet short, sonorous names. As a rule, for puppies in the metric (puppy), the first letter is written, with which the pet's name should begin. Therefore, the owners have to rack their brains, choosing a sonorous and beautiful nickname for your beloved pet. A pleasant-sounding nickname attracts the attention of the dog, so the pet will always immediately respond. when you call him to you.

The nickname should not be similar to the name of the household. You should not call a dog human names, hackneyed, overly common nicknames, names that contain similar sounds to basic dog commands. Consider also that your pet is blue royalty, so the standard Sharik, Zhulka, Bobik or nicknames that are more suitable for other breeds of dogs, for example German Shepherds, Rex, Mukhtar, Polkan, Bars, will sound at least ridiculous.

As a rule, nicknames for a Yorkie puppy come to mind unexpectedly, or at the time of purchase of the puppy, the breeders have already named the baby. In the latter version, if you liked the name of the dog, you can not change it, especially since the baby may have gotten used to his name.

To choose a nickname, observe the behavior of your pet - perhaps the mannerisms, habits of the puppy will push you to clever thought, regarding how to name the dog. It is not difficult for Yorkies to choose a beautiful, sonorous nickname. Just watch your pet for a few days, come up with some gentle, sweet-sounding, sincere options.

AT recent times, many breeders, when choosing a nickname for a Yorkie, adhere to fashion trend, naming a dog in honor of mythological goddesses, characters, famous Amazons (Hestia, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Athena, Marpesia, Zeus, Hermes, Apollo), persons royal nobility, cities, volcanoes, monetary currencies (bucks, euro, yen).

Names for girls should be sonorous, melodic, tender. For a York girl, you can choose a nickname from children's cartoons, fairy tales, name in honor fairy tale heroine children's film (Fiona, Tiana, Giselle, Mirabelle, Lady), based on the name of flowers, plants (Jasmine, Buttercup, Gardenia). But male dogs can be named after the great knights, mythical characters. Names for York boys should sound proud, majestic.

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Yorkie is a wonderful breed of dog, which, in addition to its beauty and grace, is also endowed with excellent working qualities.

Caring for a dog and raising a puppy, no matter what breed this puppy is, is always a responsible and very painstaking task, real work.

It is obvious that people thinking about what to call pet must take into account the breed of the dog. Names for York boys must certainly take into account appearance, character and temperament of Yorkshire terriers. There are also general rules, which should not be violated when choosing a nickname. The recommendations of experienced dog breeders collected in the article will help you find suitable name for the baby.

York Boy Names: Law

First of all, you should think about what the puppy is for. If he is supposed to participate in exhibitions, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the RFK when choosing a nickname. having a pedigree should talk about the origin of the dog. In other words, part of the nickname becomes the name of the nursery where the puppy was taken from. The length of the "last name" should not exceed 15 letters.

We must not forget that breeders provide accounting for all pets that are born in their cattery. Including fixed and information about litters, which are recorded using certain letters of the alphabet. Information in without fail transferred to RFK. The names for York boys traditionally begin with the letter that appears in the registration book.

Of course, the above rules should not play a role for people who have Yorkshire terriers for pleasure. The following tips will help you make the right choice.

History of the breed

Names for York boys can remind others of the noble origin of the representatives of this amazing breed. The first Yorkshire Terriers appeared in the north of Great Britain. The ancestors of these dogs are also known - the Yotherside Terriers, whose fame thundered in the 18-19 centuries. Some researchers believe that the charming Yorkies are descended from, however, the outward resemblance of these breeds is not so great.

From the foregoing, it follows that traditional English nicknames are perfect for puppies. It is easy to remember examples of such names: Mickey, Ricky, Willy, Archie. Such nicknames sound noble, at the same time they correspond to the playful and strong-willed disposition that almost all Yorkies have.

Does size matter

It's no secret that Yorkshire Terriers are compact in size. It is this quality of theirs that attracts many people who dream of a small dog. However, this does not mean that majestic nicknames are not suitable for pets. Nicknames for Yorkies should take into account the will to win, which representatives of this breed demonstrate both at dog shows and in everyday life.

An example is the Huddersfilsky Ben - one of the most famous Yorkshire terriers in the world. The life of this amazing dog ended at the age of six as a result of an accident, but by this time he had already won more than 70 awards at prestigious exhibitions. The breeders nicknamed the owner of the pretentious nickname "the father of the breed."

From the foregoing, it follows that you should not reject bright and sonorous options when choosing nicknames for Yorkies. If there is a desire to name the baby Count, Bard, Prince or Amulet, you should not deny yourself this pleasure.

External Data

What is the name of a Yorkie boy? Beautiful name can suggest the appearance of the pet. Often owners of Yorkshire terriers give them names based on shades. hairline that pets have. Representatives of the breed are characterized by a diverse appearance. Coat colors can range from yellow-brown to silver. If desired, you can emphasize the features with the help of the appropriate nickname: Zlotan, Ryzhik, Silver, Sun.

However, do not give the baby a derogatory nickname. Yorkies are small, but proud dogs who will not like nicknames like Bublik, Shaggy or Bantik, even if their appearance causes such associations among the owners.

We take into account the character

The character of the Yorkie will help in choosing a nickname for the pet. Yorkshire Terriers have become famous all over the world as enthusiastic dogs. Representatives of this breed cannot imagine life without adventures, they explore with great pleasure the world. Courage and intelligence are characteristic of puppies and adult pets, for a person they become excellent companions, they easily determine the mood of their owner.

Given the mischievous nature of the animal, you can choose the appropriate nickname for it: Scarecrow, Robbery, Schwartz. Paying tribute to his desperate courage, you can call the Yorkshire Terrier a Hero, a Bold. Also, the nature of the pet allows you to choose a name for it, borrowed from one of the Greek or Roman gods. There are many options: Antaeus, Hermes, Hercules, Zeus.

Remember the result

What is the name of a Yorkie? Every experienced dog breeder knows that the character of a pet largely depends on what nickname was chosen for it by the owner. Each word carries a certain energy into the surrounding world, which should not be forgotten. If the owner of the dog wants to see his ward energetic and strong-willed, he will be suitable for names that include the letter “r”. For example, it can be the following nicknames: Raj, Rocky, Mirage.

If the owner of the Yorkshire Terrier wants the puppy to grow up gentle and playful, he should stop at nicknames, which include hissing sounds. Let's say you can stop at Fluffy, in which case you will have to study the appropriate hairstyles for Yorkies.

Wrong Options

When choosing a nickname for the Yorkshire Terrier, we must not forget that it will constantly have to be pronounced on the street, calling the baby to him. Therefore, it is worth immediately abandoning indecent nicknames, even if they seem funny to the dog owner and members of his family. A bad option is a standard human name, popular in the country of residence of the owner of the dog. This choice may even backlash surrounding.

A Yorkie or Mini-York is unlikely to easily remember a nickname if it turns out to be too long. It is worth refraining from names that are a jumble of vowels and consonants that are difficult for the owner of the dog to pronounce. You should also consider the gender of the puppy. Boys are more suitable for perky and playful options, melodic and gentle nicknames are best left for girls.

The right to choose

We must not forget that a York or mini-York may well help the owner in making a decision. For example, it happens that the owner of a dog likes several nicknames at once. In this case, it is worth voicing the options to your pet and watching his reaction.

By the way, this approach allows you to better understand the nature of the Yorkshire Terrier, since all representatives of this breed have a pronounced individuality. For example, if a puppy likes nicknames dominated by consonant sounds, they are endowed with such qualities as the will to win, perseverance. Therefore, we can safely dwell on the "serious" name: King, Titan, Diesel.

While dogs that prefer vowels are more likely to be playful and tender, they will delight their owners with a constant stay in a great mood. The following nicknames suit them: Ike, Enei, Watson.

Remember the name

Of course, it is necessary not only to choose correct nickname, but also to teach the pet to respond to it. Fortunately, this is easy to achieve, as long as the nickname chosen is not too difficult for the dog. It is necessary to pronounce the name as often as possible when working with a puppy. This is done during feeding, games, training. It is desirable that at the same time the attention of the dog was drawn to the owner. If you notice that the Yorkshire Terrier reacts to his name, be sure to reward his success with a treat. On average, dogs remember their names in about a week.

Of course, the name of the puppy should please not only him, but also the owner. Therefore, when choosing, you can focus on anything, from the hairstyle you like for Yorkies to the character of the pet.

Having brought puppies of small breeds into the house, the owners are wondering: what to name their pet? Names can tell about the character and appearance of the animal, relationships with the owner, and also be beautiful, funny, borrowed from other languages. In the article you will find examples of nicknames for the Yorkshire Terrier.

General recommendations regarding the selection of nicknames for representatives of all breeds are the same. For a dog, it is better to prefer a short, easy-to-remember and euphonious name. It should please both the owner and the pet. For representatives of small breeds, as well as for large dogs, there is a list of popular nicknames: beautiful, humorous, of German origin and with meaning.

Beautiful and funny

Yorkie boys are cute, noble and loyal pets. It is impossible not to fall in love with them at first sight. Therefore, the owner can choose a beautiful nickname for the animal, for example, Bab, Jam, Cosmo, Mickey, Brooke, Paco, Oscar, Beefy, Lucas, Lorrie, Tom, Juan, Maurice, Lance, Neil, Grego.

In an effort to emphasize the external and internal beauty little friend, you can call him Timosha, Gary, Tommy, Lusha, Patrick, Jerry, Diego, Bruno, Poll, Hugo, Barney, Shusan, Charlie, Nacho, Leo, Gris, Glen. Among the beautiful nicknames most often found foreign names people who sound unusual and intelligent.

Most often cool nicknames for dogs of boys of a wonderful breed, the Yorkshire Terrier is selected by owners with a sparkling sense of humor. It is advised to stay on the name Shukher, Charlie, Tiktak, Hippie, Muscat, Pudding, Pegasus, Scotch, Limit, Chaplin, Scout, Scooter, Noah, Hobbit, Shustrik. In these nicknames, the names of your favorite movie and cartoon characters, the names of drinks, etc. are easily guessed.

In order to cheer up their dog boy, themselves and the people around them every day, some prefer to call the pet Ninja, Rembrandt, Peach, Rolex, Tomahawk, Espresso, Fruit, Radar, Limit, Cactus, Casper, Shamn, etc.

German and with meaning

Thoughtful and inclined to philosophical reasoning, the owners prefer nicknames of German and Japanese origin.

Great for Yorkshire Terriers german names Gerd or Geri, Matti or Mete, Fred or Mani, Pete or Petit, Stef or Shte, Bernie or Benno, Klaas or Klas. You can christen your favorite pet Tom, Wolf, Swenny, Rolf or Rolly, Torsty, Hossi, Valli, Verni, Dido or Dimo, Helmi or Helly. Such nicknames are sure to emphasize the inner nobility of a small dog.

If the owner of the animal wants to give the pet one of the serious nicknames, he should turn to the mysterious oriental culture. If you want to emphasize the order in which a pet was born in a litter, it is advised to name him, for example, Jiro - that is, the second son, Shiro - the fourth son, Hachiro - the eighth son, etc.

The Japanese have always believed in the mystical power of nature and attached great importance to its phenomena.

This is evidenced by the names Nari or Nariko - thunder, Ren - lotus, Hinata - sunflower, Hotaru - firefly, Izumi - stream or fountain, Suzume - sparrow, Oki - open sea. And if you name your four-legged friend Honte (leader), Hiro (generous), Daichi (wise), Haruki (radiant) or Naoki (honest), you can emphasize his positive spiritual and external qualities.

For girls

The choice of nicknames for pretty and elegant representatives of one of the best small breeds no less important step. If a beautiful and mischievous girl with a ponytail on top of her head has appeared in your house, it's time to give her one of the euphonious or funny nicknames.

Positively-minded pet owners often opt for nicknames with elements of humor. Most people on the street smile when they hear the owner calling a miniature Alice, Juno, Bella, Totti, Kunya, Butterscotch, Zhulya, Bagheera, Sophie, Umka Sprat, Kitty, Stripe or Chita. It is impossible not to react to the funny little Plush, Gamma, Sabrina, Penelope, Gioconda, Nezhka, Gavka, Fox, Lada, Margo, Lipa, Snezhka or Puma.

German and with meaning

A punctual and intelligent owner seeks to christen his beloved animal somehow nobly. Nicknames borrowed from German language, and consonant with female names. Namely: Nicky, Moni or Momo, Zuzi or Zanne, Stef or Fanny, Eri or Ricky, Barbie or Bebby, Gaby or Ela, Britta or Gigi. You can christen your baby Nicky, Katie, Heike, Lizbeth or Ellie, Hanni, Hella, Elke, Andi or Dea, Karen or Curry, Birgit, Marie.

Won crowds of fans around the world!

fashion on these wonderful dogs introduced by Audrey Hepburn, when got a yorkie and named its somewhat symbolic: Mr. Famous (Mr. Celebrity).

And in fact pet became famous! He starred in films and posed for the covers of fashion magazines.

it name determined Not only the fate of this dog, but for the whole breed, whose representatives are often full of TV screens.

If you succumbed to the charms of these cute dogs and acquired a pet, you need to choose a nickname to match, so that it reflects both the dignity of the breed and the personal qualities of the baby.

How to name a pet?

Since your purebred pet, call it, considering some rules established by the Russian Cynological Federation.

Here are the main provisions:

  • The name must contain the puppy's nickname and the name of the kennel in which he was born.
  • In some cases, the addition also includes the name of the mother (in general, the addition cannot be more than 15 letters).
  • Each litter has its own letter, all puppies of this litter are given nicknames for it (this is done in order to account for all litters).
  • You can come up with a name for this letter yourself.
  • You can also simplify the complex name that appears in the metric into a simpler nickname for Everyday life. But it is desirable not to change the first letter.

So, if you bought your baby in a nursery, then you will definitely have to adhere to these rules. If the Yorkie does not have a metric, then there are no rules in this case, rely on your own taste and reaction of the dog (sometimes they are not averse to choosing a name for themselves).

Nicknames for York boys

If you have a male Yorkie, then it is better to pay attention to funny and playful nicknames for dogs.

The name for Yorkies - boys should reflect the nature of these little tomboys..

Cynologists say that the nickname affects the character and life of the pet.

For example, "snarling" and "hissing" sounds in nickname may cause unnecessary manifestations of aggression. Therefore, consider naming for Yorkshire terrier boys with all responsibility.

So, there are the following options for how to name a York boy:

  • into vowels: Amore (Amur), Orian, Artu, Ozlo, Arius, Ezard, Avalar, Estevian, Arkan, Encanto, Orval, Julius;
  • into consonants: Minion, Jifors, Miko, Biji, Feeriko, Kiltar, Devi, Mobre, Brillo, Zinab, Bossy, Dales, Jagger, Zorg, Karanis, Lefort, Krop, Marfus, Niklus, Salvatore, Fuerte, Toreador, Samir, Frod.

Nicknames for York girls

Yorkshire Terrier - names for girls are better to choose musical, gentle and soft.

We will offer such names for York girls:

  • into vowels: Almadel, Isa, Azra, Elega, Yesha, Affanita, Intella, Fire, Anthony;
  • into consonants: Milina, Guards, Bofari, Thea, Novella, Deolanda, Greene, Runda, Donisha, Tanta, Bernita, Jara, Krasma, Vilena, Lavitsia, Flisa, Merrian, Victoriana, Laira, Celia, Venisha, Numis, Festi, Ralina, Samfira , Chastity, Tarita, Fortina.

And these are not all possible nicknames for Yorkshire Terrier girls. When choosing a nickname for the Yorkshire Terrier you are considering export to exhibitions and competitions, it is better to choose a sonorous, memorable English name.

beautiful sonorous name, are the main draws to participate in the exhibition.

If you are not going to take the dog out, then you can choose a simple name, the main thing is that you and your pet like it.

Can I change my pet's name later?

The owners sometimes have a question: is it possible to change the nickname later? Yes, you certainly may. But the official documents will remain, it’s not scary if you don’t take your dog to the competition.

You can call your dog whatever you like in everyday situations. It is only important to remember that nickname is serious. And every time you want to change it, think about how this may affect the behavior of the Yorkie.

Important! So, in conclusion, let's say that the nickname determines the character of the dog, its behavior and, in a sense, fate, because "Whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail".

In this regard, people often ask if it is possible to name a puppy after a deceased pet. This is purely your own business. Some argue that a pet named by that name will live the life of its predecessor. Others say it's nonsense. It's up to you to decide what to call your favorite four-legged friend.

Useful video

Video on how to properly name your pet:

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular companion dog breeds. Miniature dogs have not only a charming appearance, but also an energetic character, boundless love to the owner and innate curiosity. If you want your pet to accompany you all day long, happily communicating with other people and dogs, sitting calmly in your arms during social events and at the same time running and frolicking with pleasure, you should lower it to the ground, then the Yorkie is the right choice!

So, the puppy is selected and brought home. It's time to come up with a good name for him. If you choose a thoroughbred dog from a kennel, then chances are he will already have the nickname written in the documents. Often, however, these are rather inconvenient and long verbal constructions, for example Alfred the Golden Prince of Kent. Saying it in the dog park when you need to quickly get the attention of a pet is not the most best plan. The name of the dog should be short and sonorous enough so that it is easy for you to pronounce it and perceive the puppy. What to do? There are two options - either shorten the existing nickname in the way that suits you, or give your own given name- and here opens up absolute scope for imagination and creativity.

Whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail. The opposite is also true - often the owners note in the nickname main feature the character or appearance of your pet - Baby, Chernysh, Miner, Bandit, Biter, Ryzhik. Most likely, the dog, named Volchok, will not let you get bored on a walk, and the Count or Baron will sedately sit in your arms, looking at those around you with truly royal dignity.

Yorkies - decorative breed with magical appearance. Smooth fur, graceful paws, charming look. So - a York boy will do beautiful nicknames, for example - Adonis, Ivanhoe, Akela, Diamond, Cupid, Henri, Aren, Archie, Baldr, Barberry, Baron, Leopard, Brandon, Heather, Vincent, Viking, Viscount, William, Harold, Heinrich, Count, Hector, Daimon, Jack , James, Joker, Daniel, Elisha, Pearl, Julian, Zeus, Zephyr, Sigmund, Hoarfrost, Irbis, Eton, Kai, Kaiser, Castiel, Chestnut, Chris, Lime, Leo, Leprechaun, Lord, Buttercup, Luther, Marquis, Marcel , Almond, Morgan, Marilyn, Nigel, Nicholas, Niels, Opal, Orion, Oscar, Pascal, Porthos, Raul, Raphael, Richard, Ruby, Renji, Prince, Samurai, Samuel, Sapphire, North, Silver, Simba, Sirius, Dusk , Tyson, Tamerlane, Tybalt, Tiger, Timur, Thyme, Fog, Ulrich, Fabian, Phantom, Queen, Franz, Frigate, Humphrey, Crystal, Hugo, Halloran, Tsar, Caesar, Charles, Churchill, Sage, Sheriff, Sherkhan, Elf , Emil, Eric, Amber, Yakhont.

If you want to name your dog with meaning, so that the name influences the character and fate of your pet, then you can pick up a Japanese nickname. For example: Aki - born in autumn, Akari - a ray of light, Aniki - a smart older brother, Baisei - a faithful companion, Wakitaru - friendly, Ganken - distinguished by health, Daitan - distinguished by courage, Ichiro - first-born, Kaishin - soul mate, Kichiro is a lucky son, Keigu is a devotee, Mamoru is a protector, Nikko is bright sun, Oarashi is a hurricane, Okami is an emperor, Oji is a prince, Pochi is a little dog, Ransin is a rebel, Riko is quick-witted, Sai is a gift, Tadao is obedient, Takibi is a flame, Tenshi is an angel, Faito is a fighting spirit, Yakei is a watchman .

Popular nicknames will always be such funny names as: Bagel, Boomer, Top, Daring, Jeans, Bug, Critter, Cupcake, Knopik, Korzhik, Krosh, Krutysh, Kus, Likhach, Malets, Merce, Annealing, Pepper, Pie, Snowball, Snickers, Stilyaga, Smarty, Funtik, Tail, Cerberus, Chips, Shket, Plug, Shustrik, Eclair.

Also English is always fashionable. short names associated with the appearance or some characteristic of a pet: Buddy, Bark, Black, Boy, Gold, Gray, Joy, Lucky, Star, Storm, Fan, Force, Fire.
