How to develop a child up to one year: tips and recommendations. Developing sense organs

All parents want their children to be successful in life. The results of numerous psychological research show that a person considers himself successful when he becomes a professional, has strong family and friends you can rely on.

And accordingly, many parents wonder what needs to be done to raise a successful child.

Here are a few useful tips that will help you in this difficult matter.

1. The sooner the better

From birth to 5 years of age, a child learns very easily and quickly new information. Therefore, it is important to start training with him as early as possible. At the same time, they should not be difficult and tiring, arouse sincere interest in the child and be built on the principle of from simple to complex.

It is on these rules that the famous program learning using Kumon notebooks. They appeared in Russia only the year before last and immediately won the recognition of their parents. Today, 4 million children in 47 countries study using them.

Classes are based on repeated performance of the same type of tasks, which, gradually becoming more complex, allow the child to easily learn new skills. By taking small steps forward, your child will undoubtedly achieve success. He will be able not only to acquire certain skills, but will become more attentive, more independent, and gain confidence in his abilities. And the classes themselves will bring him a lot of pleasure.

2. Learn by playing

Boredom - main enemy successful learning. When working with your child, always try to interest him. Let all activities contain play elements. It is by playing that a child remembers information best. In fact, through the game you can talk about anything and teach a variety of skills. Today there are many manuals that help you understand how to turn the learning process into a game. Classes using the Kumon method are built on this principle. For example, by cutting out fun appliqué puzzles, a child develops fine motor skills and spatial thinking.

3. Treat children's negative emotions calmly

Some parents make the mistake of trying to ignore negative feelings their children in the hope that they will pass on their own. This rarely happens with emotions.

If your child is not doing well and is angry and sad about it, don't ignore his feelings. It’s better to frankly discuss the problem and try to find a way out together. Psychologist John Gottman, in his book The Emotional Intelligence of Children, states: “If you tell children over and over again that their feelings are inappropriate or unreasonable, they will grow up believing that there is something wrong with them.” Their self-esteem will be low, they will experience more difficulties in learning and managing their emotions, and will have difficulty overcoming problems. Compared to other children, they will have more difficulty concentrating, learning, and finding mutual language with peers.

To avoid this, try to respect even your child's most difficult emotions.

4. Give your child choices.

Parents must understand that earlier child learn to express your preferences and do right choice, all the better.

By giving a child the opportunity to make choices, we not only instill in him a sense of responsibility, but also help increase his self-esteem. A child whose parents constantly limit his choices receives the message: “Not only are you small, but your wishes don’t really matter.” Such a child may grow up to be obedient and cooperative, but his sense of self will remain undeveloped.

If the child's wishes are fulfilled, he receives the message: “My wishes matter, what I feel plays a role.” Over time, these thoughts can become the building blocks of the right choice.

5. Make time for activities together

Research shows that parental involvement in a child's learning process is very important. But, unfortunately, in many families, homework falls entirely on the child’s shoulders. This attitude should not become the norm, because the more you work with your child, the more effective the learning process will be.

This is especially important in mastering complex disciplines such as mathematics. Today there are special manuals that help parents fill gaps in knowledge themselves and help their children master the subject. These include the book “How to Explain Math to a Child.” It clearly explains the basic concepts of arithmetic, and also understands initial themes geometry, trigonometry, algebra, statistics and probability theory. Thanks to visual diagrams and illustrations, you and your child will easily be able to solve problems that cause difficulties for him.

7. Prohibit less

Remember that your child will not become successful if you do not pay attention to his desires and feelings from childhood. Here, to some extent, we need “healthy” freedom in understanding the world around us. There is no need to ban everything all the time. If your child wants to touch the keyboard or wants to study the TV remote control, then by all means spend time on this.

And to prevent a situation of permissiveness from arising, simply establish rules that will explain what is possible and what is not.

8. Develop your child’s imagination and creativity

Albert Einstein said: “ Successful man- always a stunning artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, but imagination is unlimited.”

Success in our lives depends on how well we cope with difficulties. How more options We come up with solutions to problems, the more effectively we cope with obstacles.

WITH early years develop your child’s creative abilities: draw, play music and dance, come up with poems, stories and your own ending famous fairy tales, find new uses for everyday objects. Encourage curiosity and curiosity in your child. Learn to set a goal and achieve it.

9. Develop a sense of purpose

Many people don't achieve success because they simply don't know what exactly they want. Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to teach the child to be aware of his desires, to put specific goal and achieve results.

It is very important to give your child a taste of victory. Be sure to praise your child when he deserves it. Note what exactly you praise for.

Many educational books provide special tabs with certificates or a point system. For example, in Kumon notebooks there is a special certificate that can be given to the child after completing all the tasks. Such small rewards not only increase a child's motivation, but also improve his self-esteem.

To ensure your child is successful in adult life, you'll have to try. But the reward for this will be his happy future.

Time flies very quickly in the first year of a baby's life. By the age of one year, a child, as a rule, already confidently walks on his own legs and can take small items, understands mom and dad’s speech well, plays with pleasure and, of course, watches the world around him with great curiosity. The main task of parents during this period is to guide his development in the right direction. How to do it right, the center’s specialists tell you early development"Karkusha."

Intellectual development

Since the child is still content with the role of observer, games should be aimed at actively receiving visual, auditory and tactile impressions, understanding them, remembering and applying them.

  • Make thematic albums “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Animals”, “Clothes” and others by pasting corresponding pictures into ordinary drawing pads. Let's look at it for the baby, naming what is depicted.
  • It is also useful for a child to look Family album, which contains high-quality photographs of the closest relatives whom he knows well.
  • If it's a sunny day, show your child that objects and people cast shadows, play with a mirror, try to step on it or catch a sunbeam.
  • Play music for your child different directions, learn how different ones sound musical instruments, this contributes to the development of auditory perception.
  • Games with sorter and geometric shapes will form a child's understanding of different sizes and shapes.
  • Build your child's first library of books with thick cardboard pages and colorful drawings. Of course, he will not learn to read right away, but he will love to study with a book, this is the first step to reading.
  • Encourage your child to socialize with other children and adults.
  • When playing with your baby, give him freedom of action, even if from your point of view he is doing something wrong.
  • Buy a Lego-type construction set with large parts, cubes, toys without musical and other entertainment elements. Playing with them forces you to use your imagination and come up with a scenario on your own.
  • Gradually teach your child to be independent, allow him to help you by giving feasible instructions.

Limit TV viewing and tablet activities. Because of “ready-made” entertainment, the child becomes a passive observer rather than an active participant. gameplay, it should be.

Speech development

Normal active dictionary one year old child consists of 10-12 one-syllable or two-syllable words. One word often means a complete phrase; in addition, the baby complements the words with gestures and facial expressions. This age is characterized by the formation and improvement of speech skills, but they will not appear on their own. Speech development requires maximum parental attention. So what should you do?

  • Constantly talk to your baby and make sure your speech is correct, because you are almost the only example. One-year-old children understand well what their parents tell them.
  • When looking at illustrations in books, describe them out loud and ask your child simple questions, for example, “where is the cat’s tail?”
  • Read aloud short tales, poems, nursery rhymes. Play nursery rhymes while your child is awake.
  • Sing vowel sounds and syllables with your baby, gradually complicating the “song.”
  • Tell your baby about the world around him, about everything you see while walking or at home: what it’s called, why it’s needed, what it does, etc. Speak out your actions, describe objects.
  • Discuss story pictures, explain to your child how to build a logical chain. Of course, you will do most of the talking, but the child will listen to you and remember the speech pattern.

Be sure to do exercises to develop articulation so that the muscles involved in pronouncing sounds become accustomed to new movements. Don't neglect finger gymnastics and massage. Brain centers associated with nerve endings in the palm and pads and responsible for gross and fine motor skills are located next to the speech centers, logical thinking, memory.

Fine motor skills

The importance of developed fine motor skills is obvious. Teachers at the Karkusha Early Development Center recommend performing the following games and exercises:

  • Modeling from salt dough, plasticine, clay. Start with a ball, then flatten it into a flat cake and roll it into a sausage, etc.
  • Drawing with regular or finger paints, pencils. First, you will have to help your baby, support his hand, show him how to make strokes and draw lines.
  • Creating compositions from plasticine, sticks, pebbles, buttons, shells, etc.
  • Lacing, winding bright wool threads into a ball.
  • Busy board. You can buy it in a store or make it at home: screw a switch, a latch, an abacus made of large beads, a socket with an attached plug, patches with Velcro, buttons, etc. onto a sheet of plywood.
  • Games with insert frames and sorter.
  • Get a sensory box to put things in different color, shape, size, weight, surface.
  • Games with colored rice, beans, pasta: pouring, laying out patterns, “drawing” pictures.

Various experiments with sand and water give excellent results. They have a constant effect on the receptors and give the child a rich tactile experience. Be sure to take him to the sandbox, play while swimming in the bathtub and children's pool, buy him floating toys, molds, a sieve, bucket, scoop or ladle so that he can play with water and sand.

Developmental activities with a one-year-old baby should be based on the following principles:

    • Regularity. Exercise daily, preferably at the same time. Only in this case the exercises will be effective.
    • Diversity. Alternate exercises aimed at physical,

cognitive, sensory, motor, speech, mental development.

  • A gaming form, since play is the leading activity of a small child.
  • Short duration. A day is enough to spend 10-15 minutes on each exercise.
  • Help. You will have to constantly help your baby, because he will have to perform many actions for the first time.
  • Comfort. Practice in a warm, ventilated room, make sure that the child is wearing a clean diaper, feels well, is not hungry or thirsty, and has slept well.

If the child is capricious, then it is better to postpone the lesson. If you cannot regularly tutor your child yourself, sign up for classes at an early development center. Studying in a mini-group under the guidance experienced teacher, the child quickly socializes and masters the necessary skills.

In fact, the concept of “early development” is very arbitrary. A child develops from the very first days of life, and in the first year he masters as much as in any other period of time - he learns to look, hear, pronounces the first word, begins to crawl, sits up, stands on his feet and walks. Can you imagine what a colossal amount of work this is and in just 12 months? In fact, the most main way Developing a baby means simply helping him do this work. Talk to him, sing songs and read poems, smile in response to his smiles, show him everything that might be interesting to him, in general, make his life complete even at a time when he cannot yet comprehend what is happening. Classes can be adjusted to the rhythm of the child’s life - nothing bad will happen from this, because parents intuitively feel what their baby needs at one time or another. But still, most mothers and fathers prefer to adhere to some developmental methodology. Firstly, it’s easier, because you won’t need to rack your brains to come up with the next “developer”, and secondly, practice shows that modern techniques development give excellent result.

Choosing a technique

It has been scientifically proven that in the first years of life, the number of neural connections in a child’s brain is twice as large as the number of connections in an adult. If these connections are not used in the first three years, then they simply disappear. Therefore, the basis of any developmental methodology is activation brain activity child. But nevertheless, each development method has its own nuances. Let's talk about them.

Montessori method

Main principle: “Help the child do this on his own!”
From what age is it used: from 8 months with the participation of mother and teacher, from 3 years with a teacher and independently.

What's the point? Children learn and explore the world at their own pace and individually with the help of special materials developed by the author of the methodology. There are no uniform programs, the main thing is that the child develops harmoniously and is interested in moving forward.

Glen Doman Method

Main principle: intelligence determines being
From what age is it used: from 3 months
What is the point: everything is subordinated intellectual development child – from working with special cards to special complexes physical exercise. The sooner a child begins to train memory and attentiveness, the easier it will be for him to learn in the future and the more he will be able to master.

Professor Lazarev's technique

Main principle: not a day without a surprise
At what age is it used: from birth
What's the point: modern method, developed by Professor Mikhail Lazarev, Doctor of Medical Sciences and musician. Lazarev proved that if you correctly combine education and music, the child will master any information much faster. In order for classes using the Lazarev method to be enjoyed not only by mothers and fathers, but also by children, a series of special developmental Bimbasket sets was developed.

The Bimbasket educational set is a box with cute toys and educational materials, as well as special cards so that parents can independently study with their baby. A special advantage is that all sets are compiled individually, depending on the age of the child. Any parent can order such a set and develop their child independently, without wasting time and money on trips to early development centers. The duration of one lesson is no more than 30 minutes a day, so the little one simply won’t have time to get bored or, especially, tired. When one set is completely mastered, you can order the next one.

The child is one year old, and this changes a lot: he becomes more independent and curious. Now, for him to be in a good mood, it is not enough just to be well-fed and dry, little man actively begins to explore the world. For changing simple actions, such as learning to drink, eat, walk, more complex ones come: learning to speak, think, analyze.

A 1-year-old baby is actively exploring the world

How to develop the abilities of a one-year-old child so that it brings him not only benefit, but also pleasure?

Basic moments

The baby's brain is hyperactive and capable of absorbing a large amount of information. Scientists more than 100 years ago established that in the period up to 3 years the foundation of intelligence in the future is laid. Today there are many early development methods. Which one should you prefer? There is not and will not be a common opinion, because we are all different, and so are our children. Some people prefer to raise a child “the old fashioned way,” others adhere to a certain author, and some mothers make a “mix” of all sorts of recommendations, and this suits them quite well.

The most important thing is that classes should bring joy to the child, so knowledge at such a tender age is taught through play.

Developmental center for the little ones

If a mother decides to attend developmental centers with her child, which are so fashionable these days, then you should clarify in what form the classes are conducted. Sitting at a desk will not be productive for your baby. Young children cannot be forced to acquire knowledge. The child learns and does only what interests him and brings him pleasure.

Play is the main element in the development of a child from one to seven years of age. Play with your child little by little (you can add this to), but every day; choose a time when you and he are at good mood and full of strength.

Development of fine motor skills in children per year

  • Children enjoy simple finger exercises with a counting rhyme and develop their motor abilities.

Sensory boxes were invented by Maria Montessori
  • Embroidered pillows will appeal to almost all kids. Sew buttons on the pillowcase different sizes or fill the pillows with cereals, dry herbs, etc.
  • From 12 to 18 months, the child tries to pick up a pencil and scratch something on the surface with it. Support him in his first attempts at creativity.
  • Rustling books, tactile books, as well as protective bubble wrap, influence the development of fine motor skills in a one-year-old child.

Playing with cereals develops motor skills

Mom can build a tactile book herself, the pages of which will be covered with materials of various sensations: wool, jeans, silk, etc. Denim rough, silk delicate - all this sharpens sensitivity and stimulates the development of children's fingers.

  • Don't forget about sorting through the cereals. It is worth giving preference to safer, smaller grains: semolina, buckwheat, etc. You can hide an object in the cereal that the child must find.
  • Games with pasta are a flight of fancy: pasta appliqués, beads made from pasta, or simply sorting them out.

Games with dough - development of motor skills

How to stimulate speech development in a one-year-old baby

Remember: talking more with your baby means talking non-stop. Speech therapists say that it is useful for children to arrange moments of silence. Let the child learn to listen to sounds other than his mother's voice.

Games for the development of intellectual and logical thinking of children per year

How to choose a book for your baby?

One-year-old children are usually not interested in fairy tales; they are closer to poetry and nursery rhymes. The mother herself should like the book, because the baby needs to read it emotionally and with pleasure.

Now you can buy amazing educational books

Games for the psychomotor development of a child aged 1 year

  • The young explorer will be interested in toys on wheels that can be pulled and pushed. They allow you to study the movement of objects. The child is happy to put them into action.

  • There is nothing wrong with your child developing a passion for taking apart toys. At this age, the composition of things is much more interesting than the game.
  • The well-known pyramids and cubes develop better than expensive toys on batteries. How simpler toy, the more interested they are one-year-old toddler, because he still has room for creativity.
  • A homemade educational simulator can be an entertaining toy: a board with a door handle, lock, latch, push-button doorbell, bells, etc. attached to it.

Games with water - all children love

All children, without exception, like games with water: catching objects from the water; pouring water from one container to another; absorbing water with a sponge, squeezing it out and much more.

  • The long-loved “Ladushki” are very good for a one-year-old child, let him imitate flying birds and clap his hands as best he can. Encourage your baby to take action.

Fun physical education for your baby

Teach your baby gestures and words of greeting and farewell: “bye-bye,” “hello,” etc.

Development of creative abilities per year

  • IN early age Children are very natural in all manifestations, so they have no equal in dancing. Play music and dance with your child more often.
  • One-year-old babies like simple and rhythmic melodies.
  • Sing to your child. Kids listen attentively to singing, they try to imitate adults, reproducing sounds, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • Choose musical toys with a calm sound and as simply as possible, because a lot of sounds will not give the child the opportunity to concentrate.

The first musical toys

Development of social skills in one-year-old children

  1. In every child's life great importance has communication with peers. He learns to play with other children, use common toys, and share them. This is how the ability to social communication. Loneliness is not good for children. At one year of age, it is recommended to communicate not only with peers, but also with children a year or two older. From them the baby can learn many household skills.
  2. At such an early age as 1 year, cooperative games Children are not as interested in communication as they are in communication itself. The toddlers do not yet know how to organize a game, parents should help with this: show what to do with a scoop, molds; teach how to roll a car, etc.
  3. Children from one to three years old love everything related to animals. They imitate the barking of a dog, the meowing of a cat. At one year old, communication with animals should be especially careful; the baby may be frightened by the crowing of a rooster or the loud neighing of a horse.
  4. Contact with nature is very important for the development of children. It’s as if the child is just discovering that there are leaves on the trees, and for the first time he is looking meaningfully at the snow and rain. Tell your child about natural phenomena.

Even the little ones need company

Every mother who thinks about the question: “How to develop the abilities of a one-year-old child?” must remember that the most important thing is to help the baby grow up to be a full-fledged, self-confident person, both intellectually and physically.

Knowledge of the world - the main task child at 1 year

The development of a child per year is impossible without motor activity. Arrange funny Games in nature, explore the world together. Don't neglect your child's needs because you want to raise a genius. Remember that any early development method is just a model, and it is up to you and your baby to decide to what extent to adhere to it. A person who is one year old already has his own opinion, which is worth taking into account.

  1. Tip one: don’t expect kindergarten or your child to become a child prodigy, work with him yourself. Nowadays there are many different developmental aids and pedagogical books for parents on sale, written in accessible, popular language. In them you can gain the necessary knowledge and learn different methods early and subsequent age development.

  2. Tip two: be attentive to the child’s health. Everyone knows that in healthy body lives healthy mind, so try to solve all problems with your baby’s health right away. Pass on time necessary examinations, after all bad memory And absentmindedness the child may be a consequence of neurological and other problems of the body. If your child pronounces some sounds poorly or incorrectly by the age of 5, consult a speech therapist in a timely manner. This will help avoid problems with dysgraphia in.

  3. Tip three: encourage your child's creative endeavors, even if they add extra cleaning to you. Now there are many wonderful creativity kits on sale that make it easy to develop a child and teach him both simple and complex skills.

  4. Tip four: develop in your child not only mental and creative abilities, but also hard work and perseverance, teach him to complete every task he starts. Without these important qualities knowledge will not bring any benefit; moreover, the child will not be able to master the necessary skills.

  5. Tip five: read books, they develop curiosity and intelligence. But it’s better to limit TV and computer use. Neurologists generally strongly advise against showing cartoons and films to children under 3 years of age. Optometrists also ask parents to limit their child's screen time to 30 to 20 minutes a day.

  6. Tip six: choose toys for your baby. There shouldn't be too many of them. Among them should be educational and functional for role-playing games.

  7. Tip seven: the most important condition full development a child is the unconditional, tender and attentive love of parents. Therefore, do not skimp on praise, signs of attention and do not spare time and effort for your baby, all this will come back to you a hundredfold.

Video on the topic

It often happens that after birth child there is little time left for its development. In such cases, parents often believe that the baby will gradually learn everything on his own, and reduce attempts to deal with him in any way to a minimum. To avoid a similar fate, child It is necessary to introduce people to the world around them and knowledge, starting from a very early age.


Are questions pouring in from your child in a continuous stream, and you don’t have time to answer them? If you want to achieve positive result, then in no case let the questions pass by, be sure to answer all his questions without anger and irritation.

Remember that by doing tasks together, you help him form complete picture peace. And if you can’t answer the question, then it’s best to stock up on dictionaries and encyclopedias.

The range of goods provided by stores offers us a large number of educational books and games. But try not to get too carried away with them. The child needs a break from so much incoming information. By following these tips, you can not only develop mental ability your child, but also teach him various skills.

Start working within theme week Possible with a one and a half year old child. It will be difficult before. But when the baby has grown up, the work goes well, and everyone is having fun and interesting.

Where to begin? The easiest way to start is by determining the theme of your classes for the week. To start classes, it is better to choose generalized, subject-specific questions. The topics should be ones that the kids are familiar with. This could be: fruits and vegetables, technology and transport, nature ( the world), people, dishes and furniture, and others.

After the topic has been chosen, it is necessary to think through tasks and activities that can introduce the child to something new in a visual, informative, and most importantly, fun way. Tasks must be thought out so that development is comprehensive. Attention, thinking, sensory and fine motor skills, speech and articulation, creativity, musical and physical development- this is the main thing that is worth paying attention to.

It’s convenient to work by making a plan for every day. This will make it possible to come up with different thematic tasks and cover all areas. You can read books, look at thematic cards, find posters on the topic. Paints, pencils, appliqués, plasticine mats, and modeling dough are suitable for creativity. Anything you can imagine. Be sure to listen to music and do physical exercises. Kids love sensory boxes, everything loose, all kinds small items, which can be transferred from container to container.

The child will enjoy reading a book about a bear with his mother (this week “animals”), then looking at the pictures, walking with his father like a bear, making an applique of a bear with a barrel, having learned it right away Brown color, and maybe even eat delicious, sweet honey. The main thing is not to force the baby to do what he does not want. Perhaps a little time will pass, and he will do with interest everything that he ran away from in tears two days ago.

Tip 9: How to develop a child’s creativity at 2 years old

Development creativity very important for a harmonious little personality. Pay attention special classes with a child, especially at the age of 2 years, when many skills and thinking are being formed.

For the development of creative abilities at 2 years old it will be useful special dough for modeling or soft plasticine. Let the baby learn to roll out the material, pinch off small pieces from it, and connect several parts into one whole. Show how you can create applications from plasticine and cut out various figures from dough using special molds. In addition, be sure to let your child just play around with the plasticine, knead it and mix colors.

Create with your baby various applications. Start with simple options, for example, from paintings made exclusively of circles. In addition to paper, for such activities you can take cotton wool, dry leaves, various cereals and many other available materials. Pay attention to the ready-made purchase kits for the first applications. They already have cut out figures on an adhesive base. You won't need glue or scissors, and your child will see the basic principle of this type of creativity.

Games with constructors can also be classified as activities for developing creative abilities. They help develop the baby's imagination. IN two years of age material can act as special sets, and just cubes. The main thing is to avoid too much small parts.

So, you are an attentive and responsible parent who develops your baby in accordance with accepted standards. At two or three years old you send your baby to kindergarten, at the age of 6-7 you go to school, and then - according to plan. This chain of education and training has been going on for many years and has become a habit for many parents. We will not look for problems in the education system here. And we will try to identify another, namely, the problem of early child development.

In one famous book called “After Three It’s Too Late,” the author Masaru Ibuka describes simple examples successful education of infants under three years of age. The author is trying to tell parents that they greatly underestimate their children. In addition, children quickly understand things with which for a long time An adult will figure it out. Remember the simple example from Everyday life. Have you ever given your child mobile phone? You were probably amazed by the speed of his thinking and the speed of his reaction when you saw how the little one easily mastered this device. Now remember your parents, who will need more than one hour, and maybe even a day, to study the same device.

The early development of a child does not force you and your child to spend all day trying to learn the alphabet or learn to count at the age of two. Things are a little different. To make it easier for your baby to adapt to the world around him, you must teach him to think rationally. And this can only be achieved through long and hard training. Very often, children under the age of three are mainly with their mothers. Just think about this figure - 3 years. Yes, this is a colossal period of time during which you can pass on at least a small share of your knowledge to your offspring.

Teach your child to think. You shouldn’t brush your child off every time he tries to learn something. Rest assured that at an early age your child will learn much more easily that school will take a lot of effort. For example, English. Surely you have at least basic skills foreign language, so share them with your baby. What is not at all difficult is to say one or two words in English language while playing with a child. Play out this situation. Let your child want to repeat it again.

Introduce your baby to good music. These don't necessarily have to be children's songs. Play a classic piece, let the child listen and make his own choice. Just don't force your child to do what you want. Everything that is imposed by force is very quickly forgotten or not absorbed at all. Be attentive to your children and start developing them from infancy. Believe me, both you and the baby will benefit from this.

If it is difficult for you to develop your baby on your own or you feel the need for professional help, contact one of the development schools that is located near your home. After just a couple of lessons, you will see how much you underestimated your baby. Hurry to develop your children, because time cannot be turned back.

Tip 11: How to develop fine motor skills of a child’s hands with the help of cereals

Fine motor skills need to be developed from the first days of a child’s life. At first, the baby looks at his hands with interest, then he tries to grab various objects and toys with them, and then he develops the ability to hold a pencil, take a spoon, etc.

Scientists have proven that fine motor skills are closely related to speech development. And to make your baby’s hands dexterous, you don’t have to buy expensive toys; you can use improvised means, for example, cereals.

What cereals are useful for developing fine motor skills?

There are absolutely no restrictions here. For classes, you can use semolina, buckwheat, rice, millet, peas, seeds, beans, lentils and pasta.

Thanks to regular games with cereals, children's stiffness in the movements of their hands and fingers disappears, flexibility and dexterity appear. It is also important that classes with bulk materials exempt from negative emotions and stress, develop perseverance, cognitive interest, imagination and mindfulness.

Games with cereals for children of all ages

In fact, you can come up with a lot of games and crafts with cereals. You don’t need to limit yourself to just oversleeping, because every activity can be turned into an interesting fairy tale with the plot.

Game "Pasta Factory"

For this game you will need several pieces of spaghetti, pasta that can be put on the spaghetti, and plasticine. Made from plasticine big ball and insert spaghetti into it, it is better to make several such structures at once. The baby's task is to put on the pasta so that the chopsticks are not visible.

If it is still difficult for a child to cope with such a task, and the spaghetti constantly breaks, they can be replaced with wooden skewers.

Magic sandbox and hide and seek

You can also make a home sandbox from cereals, which will develop not only fine motor skills, but also tactile sensations. Pour any cereal into a large container or basin, from semolina to pasta, mix everything well and play.

There are many options for activities. For example, hide and seek. The child closes his eyes, and the adult hides toys in the sandbox. The baby's task is to find everything.

Pictures with cereals

This is very exciting activity for both adults and children. The template can be printed or drawn. First, lay out and glue the contours from one grain, and then fill them with rice, beans, millet, etc.
