When is Ivan Kupala's Day celebrated? Fortune telling by wreath

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is one of the most magical, mysterious and vibrant national holidays. This is the day of Fire, Water and Love. According to the new calendar, Ivan Kupala is celebrated on July 7th. He is included in the series of Old Slavonic summer holidays, including Green Christmastide, Mermaid Weeks and Solstice. Ivan Kupala Day in 2016, according to the new Gregorian calendar, can be celebrated on July 7, but in reality the date of this holiday falls on June 21-22 during summer solstice. Due to changing calendars and confusion with them, there was a shift in this important holiday. The night of Ivan Kupala was considered magical. Ivan Kupala Day has its own long-standing traditions associated with fire and water. Conspiracies on Ivan Kupala have special power.

In the old days, the holiday was celebrated cheerfully. The day before, the family was cleaning up the house and yard. The owner went to the field and cut off several ears of corn with prayer. The wife stayed at home and cooked dinner. Peter's Fast lasts until July 12 - so they fried mushrooms and fish, made dumplings with vegetable and fruit fillings, baked honey shortcakes, whistling bagels and cherry pies.
Young people went to the river or lake and planted a Kupala tree on the shore - Kupala.
Not a single holiday of Ivan Kupala was complete without a cleansing fire. In the evening the Kupala bonfire was built. For this, cherry branches consecrated in the church were used, as well as nettles, which, according to legend, drove away evil spirits. At the festival, people girded themselves with bandages of flowers, put wreaths of herbs on their heads, formed and led round dances, sang songs, and the old people made live fire from trees and lit bonfires from sacrificial herbs. A pole with a burning wheel attached to it, a symbol of the sun, was placed in the middle of the fire.

Guys and girls joined hands and in pairs ran and jumped through the flames. Whoever is more successful and taller will be happier. If the couple did not separate their hands, it was a sign that they would soon get married. Children were not allowed to jump over the fire. Boys and girls put wreaths on their heads and jumped over heaps of nettles or thistles. Mothers burned the shirts of sick children over bonfires, believing that this would make the illness go away. It was customary to throw spoken things into a magical fire. For example, they took a handkerchief, brought it to their lips to touch it with their breath, and whispered three times those illnesses, troubles or character traits that they wanted to burn in the fire of the Kupala night. After that, they jumped over the fire and immediately threw themselves into the water.

It was impossible to extinguish the Kupala bonfires; they had to burn out on their own.

The most beautiful and mysterious ritual of the Kupala night is considered to be fortune telling. girlish wreaths. The girls attached lighted candles to wreaths and launched them into the water.

If the wreath immediately sank, the darling fell out of love, and you won’t be able to marry him.

Swam without any hindrance to the middle of the river - to getting married soon, and if he immediately washed ashore - to a long single life.

Lonely girls, unhappy in love, in order to bewitch their chosen one, at midnight on Ivan Kupala had to run around a rye field three times. Preferably naked. It was believed that while the naked beauty was describing circles, the lover would see her in a dream, and in the morning he would understand that she was the one and only whom he had been looking for all his life.

In the old days it was believed that on the day of the birth of John the Baptist, water acquired a special magical power, How human soul after the sacrament of baptism. Therefore, after fortune-telling, the young people went for a swim. On the night of Ivan Kupala devilry rushes to the Sabbath to Saturn and leaves the water on Earth. Therefore, it is on the night of July 6-7 that water acquires miraculous healing properties (living water).

Rituals carried out from midnight until three o'clock in the morning are supported only by bright and good forces. Therefore, the ritual of washing with river water “charges” the human body with energy and health. whole year. This ritual can also be performed in your own bath. For the first three minutes, relax in the water. Then spend 6 minutes saying to yourself what worries you. In the last three minutes, you give the water this unnecessary stuff and the water will absorb the energetic “garbage”. Then rinse the bathtub. Now the rest of the family can repeat this procedure. Those who have already purified themselves put on clean clothes, should drink some water, imagining that energy and health have been absorbed into the body with it.

With faith in miraculous power Nature is also associated with the custom of bathing in dew. Before sunrise, women and girls dragged a clean canvas across the meadow grass, twisted the collected moisture into buckets and washed, after which they tied a belt of aromatic herbs, which was supposed to protect their beauty from fading. Sometimes Kupala dew was used in the house - it was sprayed on walls and furniture so that diseases would not enter the house and there would be no bugs. Kupala dew It was also used for eye diseases. It was only necessary for the person suffering from eyes to wash himself with it. In addition to dew, all water is healing on this day - river, well, spring and even from the tap. And also oil that was collected from anthills. If you wash your face morning dew on Ivan Kupala, there will be no trace of acne and pimples on the face and body.

Our ancestors considered Ivan Kupala Day to be the best day for preparing amulets for all occasions. Medicinal herbs, collected at dawn, were called ivanki, they were consecrated in the church and kept behind the icons. A series was stocked up to treat scrofula, bear's ear helped against abscesses, chamomile was given to children, wormwood helped with stomach diseases, and yarrow for appetite.

The girls collected love herbs. They hid the stems under a shirt and said: “Tirlich, tirlich, call the guys!”

The sun on this day acts with special life-giving power. Ethnographers have recorded many beliefs that on the day of Ivan Kupala “the sun plays at sunrise, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, jumps, plunges into the water and appears again.” Observations of the “playing” sun continued until Peter’s Day - July 12, which was considered as the day of farewell to the sun, which gradually waned after the summer solstice. There was a custom of “watching the sun.” In the evening, having grabbed food, the youth went to the hill, where they walked all night, lit fires and waited for the sunrise to see the play of the sun.

The most famous belief on Ivan Kupala is the fern flower, which blooms once a year on the night of Ivan Kupala. According to legend, around midnight a bud appears on the wide leaves of the fern, which rises high, and at 12 o’clock at night it bursts with a crash and a fiery bright flower appears. If it is not torn off at this moment, it will immediately be taken over by an evil spirit, invisibly present nearby. The one who gets this magic flower, will be able to possess everything impossible - he will find out where treasures lie in the ground, he will be able to open any locks without a key or evoke a feeling of love in everyone around him.

Also on the day of Ivan Kupala, they monitored the weather to find out what the harvest would be like. For example, it was believed that if there were thunderstorms on July 7, the nuts would be empty. If the weather is sunny, the garden will delight you with a bountiful harvest.
A Ivan da Marya flower, picked on Midsummer night, placed in the corners of the house will not allow a thief into the house.

July 7th may be cherished wish. To do this you need to climb over twelve fences.

According to legend, those born on Ivan Kupala are extremely amorous and spend their entire lives looking for their ideal.

IN pre-revolutionary Russia Ivan Kupala was one of the most revered and important holidays per year, and tradition required active participation every person in all rituals and mandatory compliance with a number of rules, prohibitions and customs.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Ivan Kupala Day is one of the main holidays in the Slavic calendar. We'll tell you what date the Ivan Kupala holiday is celebrated in 2016, recall the history and some folk traditions celebrations.

When to celebrate Ivan Kupala Day in 2016

Ivan Kupala Day is not religious holiday, it is not tied to the date of Easter and Christmas. And although the holiday coincides in date with the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist, they should not be confused. The Nativity of John the Baptist is a church holiday, and Ivan Kupala Day is a pagan holiday. But, nevertheless, they are celebrated on the same day, every year. Accordingly, in 2016, Ivan Kupala Day is celebrated on July 7. Or rather, on the night of July 6-7, it is no coincidence that this holiday is also called the Night of Ivan Kupala or the Night on the Eve of Ivan Kupala.

Within folk calendar Ivan Kupala formed a single holiday cycle together with the days of Agrafena Kupala, which is celebrated on July 6, and the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, otherwise called Peter's Day (July 12).

Ivan Kupala holiday: why it is not celebrated on June 24

Since ancient times, Ivan Kupala Day has been one of the brightest and most revered Eastern Slavs. The significance of the holiday was determined by the fact that it was celebrated at the turn of two periods of the solar annual cycle. This was the time of the highest solar activity with a subsequent change in the movement of the sun across the sky, which, as the Slavs in Rus' believed, turned or “shifted” towards winter. In the subsequent months of the year, the sun gradually “faded”: the days became shorter and the nights longer. Ivan Kupala Day was considered the longest of the year, and Kupala Night was considered the shortest.

Initially it was dedicated to the pagan god Kupala. After the adoption of Christianity, Ivan Kupala began to be celebrated on the birthday of John the Baptist, which fell on June 24 according to the old style. The match was almost 100 percent. Kupala was already associated with baptism, which, as is known, was performed by immersion in water or washing.

Then there was a transition to a new style, thanks to which the date of the holiday moved to July 7. As a result, it turned out that Midsummer Day lost its astronomical connection with the solstice.

With the arrival of summer, many are looking forward to a rich 2016 and are wondering what date the celebration will take place. Answering the question from our readers about the most beautiful and spectacular holiday of the summer, we publish information about when is the night of Ivan Kupala in 2016 .

What date is Ivan Kupala holiday 2016

The day when Ivan Kupala is celebrated is one of the most popular, large-scale, but at the same time mystical holidays among the Slavs. Previously, the night of Ivan Kupala was considered a holiday when you can strengthen your abilities through unity with nature, so everyone was waiting for this unusual day. In the current conditions, when the Ivan Kupala holiday arrives in 2016, people will have a wonderful opportunity to have a fun summer night with friends and in nature, to recharge positive emotions for the whole year.

When Ivan Kupala is celebrated in 2016

A holiday of great significance is always celebrated on the same day. When the night of Ivan Kupala comes in 2016, everyone will be able to jump over the fire. When Ivan Kupala Day comes in 2016, usually in cities near rivers or lakes there are bright events, where you can participate or just have fun, feeling the holiday atmosphere. It was believed that on this day even the fire was filled magical properties, so entire cities and villages lit bonfires and young people jumped over the blazing fire near bodies of water. It was believed that if you jump over the fire on the day of Ivan Kupala, luck and happiness will follow you all year.

Date of Ivan Kupala holiday in 2016

So, Ivan Kupala night 2016 date: July 6. On the night of Ivan Kupala, it is customary to tell mystical and magical stories related to nature. First of all, this concerned blooming fern, having found which, you can find great wealth, buried treasures, be healed, gain power, and so on. Ivan Kupala Day 2016 date - July 7. Interesting fact: before Ivan Kupala, housewives laid nettles on the threshold in order to escape from evil spirits and witches. This tradition is still preserved in the villages.

We wish you unforgettable holiday! We hope that the celebration of Ivan Kupala in 2016 will give you indescribable emotions! Follow our upcoming materials and you will find out how and where you can spend a holiday in Kyiv.

Ivan Kupala 2016 folk festivals are not a red day on the calendar. They weren't like that either Soviet times. After the adoption of Christianity, the church for a long time prohibited rituals on Ivan Kupala. But despite the bans, these festivities remained the most favorite rituals of the youth of Belarus and Ukraine. The celebration takes place on the night of July 6th to 7th - the shortest night of the year.

Myths and legends

This holiday exudes mysticism. After dusk falls on July 6, it begins - the Kupala night, covered in legends.

The most common legend and the main activity on Kupala night is the search for a fern flower. According to legend, fire flower blooms at exactly midnight, and the flowering lasts only a moment. Evil forces protect this flower from daredevils. Only the bravest and strong-willed can find it after going through many tests. The one who finds the flower will see a treasure hidden in the ground, which burns with a blue flame.

Night of mysticism, witches, sorcerers. It is this night that all the evil spirits become active, and the witches organize a Sabbath on Bald Mountain. They get there riding a broom.

Mermaids. What would it be like without them this night? It is believed that they come ashore in the form beautiful girls and seduce guys. It is on Kupala night that mermaids can bewitch any man they like and drag him into the pool. The mermaids' spells stop working at the end of Midsummer.

How to celebrate Ivan Kupala 2016? Three symbols: fire, water, herbs

Fun and joy are the main thing in this holiday, beloved and revered by the people. At night on Ivan Kupala, purification with fire and water takes place. Bonfires, songs, swimming at dawn, round dances are its components.

  1. Bonfires are lit in meadows, near ponds. The Kupala fire has cleansing powers. They jump over the fires, holding hands three times. The flames burn away the accumulated negativity. The happiest person will be the one who jumps the highest over the fire.

  1. Purification by water plays the same role as purification by fire. Both the soul is cleansed from sins and the body is rejuvenated. For complete cleansing you need to swim in the pond at dawn. You can only swim in a shirt and not dry yourself with a towel, so that the life-giving power of Kupala water saturates your body. The morning dew that fell on July 7 is considered healing. To preserve youth and beauty, girls wash their faces with it.

  1. Herbs, flowers, roots collected on Ivan Kupala have not only medicinal, but also mystical properties. Special meaning has weaving wreaths of wildflowers collected in the meadow. Girls decorate their heads with them, and at dawn they set them adrift in the pond. Each girl, releasing her wreath, makes a wish for love.

A little joke

Why do you think the women of Polesie are considered witches? To answer this question, let us remember what was done to women suspected of witchcraft. They were purified with water, that is, they were drowned in a nearby reservoir by the entire village. Those who were not witches sank, the witches floated out. They were beaten, then married, they gave birth to children, including daughters. Daughters with to a large extent they were probably suspected of being witches. The procedure was repeated.

Thanks to Kuprin and his story “Olesya,” we know about the extraordinary abilities of a girl from Polesie. Or maybe this work has real roots? Re-read the story, watch the films: “Olesya” with Lyudmila Chursina, “The Witch” with Marina Vladi.

Ivan Kupala 2016 – kind and fun party. Even if you do not believe in devilry with witches and mermaids, and are not going to wander through the forest in search of a fern flower, you will take part in cleansing and healing rituals with fire and water. You will take with you Nice memories about Kupala magical night. The only drawback is that in 2016 it is night from Wednesday to Thursday. In the morning a working day awaits.

The day when Ivan Kupala is celebrated is one of the most popular and mystical holidays among the Slavs. This is the night of unity with nature, unusual traditions, interesting rituals. Nowadays, young people especially love it for the opportunity to spend a summer night in a fun and interesting way.

Although the holiday of Ivan Kupala is Orthodox, for ordinary people this day, when you can swim to your heart’s content and recharge with positive emotions, is also of great importance.

When is Ivan Kupala celebrated in 2016?

With the onset of summer, almost every girl who does not want to miss the magical Kupala night, the question begins to interest - when is Ivan Kupala celebrated? Great Orthodox holiday is always celebrated on the same day and in 2016 to celebrate Ivan Kupala, and also experience a lot of good impressions from the noisy and extremely fun event can be on the night of July 6-7.

This time should be spent with family and friends by the pond, splashing in the water, playing the guitar and making fires. You just need to take into account that this is the night from Wednesday to Thursday, and in the morning many people have to work and study.

History of the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Initially, this day was pagan in nature. Since ancient times, Ivan Kupala Day has been dedicated to the Slavic deity Kupala and the Sun. Previously, even before the adoption of Christianity, this holiday was celebrated in Rus' on the day of the summer solstice, June 22. With the advent of Christianity, they dedicated it to the birthday of the glorious and honest prophet and Forerunner, John the Baptist, and began to celebrate June 24th. And in many villages and villages the holiday of Ivan Kupala was called Midsummer's Day.

Time passes unnoticed... and with the transition to Gregorian calendar from the Julian, the day on which Ivan Kupala is celebrated moved even further and, from then until now, the holiday falls on July 7.

We can conclude that the holiday of Ivan Kupala has lost its original meaning, because it is no longer celebrated on the day of the summer solstice. However, in some European countries this day is still celebrated from June 20 to June 24.

Traditions of the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Midsummer's Day is rich in traditions, rituals and rituals. Despite the specificity of some customs, many traditions have survived to this day. On this day Special attention was given to nature. The symbol of the holiday was the Sun. According to the peasants, on this day the activity of the Sun reached its maximum, after which things slowly moved towards winter.

From the very early morning of Ivan Kupala, all the people from the settlements could be found on rivers and lakes. It was believed that bathing in water on this holiday cleanses both the body and the soul. Those who did not have bodies of water nearby went to the bathhouse. However, not everyone was in a hurry to take a dip in the reservoir on this day - some people believed that on the day of Ivan Kupala, rivers, lakes and stakes are filled with evil spirits that could destroy them.

On this day, even fire was filled with magical properties, therefore, entire villages lit bonfires and young people jumped over the blazing fire near ponds. It was believed that if you jump over the fire on the day of Ivan Kupala, you will be blessed with luck and happiness all year long. This tradition is still preserved in some villages.

After bathing, all women - from young girl to an elderly, experienced old woman - they went into the forest in search of herbs. Some collected them for fortune telling, others for rituals, so that they could then be treated with these herbs themselves or treat loved ones. It is considered especially valuable to encounter a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala, which blooms for only a few minutes and then disappears.

While fair half collected healing herbs, the men needed to cut down a small tree one and a half to two human heights. The felled tree was installed at the site of the celebration, and the girls then decorated it with flowers and ribbons. Popularly, such a tree was called “kupala” or “madder”.

On the day of Ivan Kupala, it was customary to tell stories and stories that described the magic associated with nature and plants. It was believed that thanks to plants (the same fern flower) one could find untold riches, buried treasures, and so on. You can also heal with the help of some plants that have miraculous properties.

Lush celebrations were held around the fire with a game of burners, many rituals and a luxurious feast. However, with the arrival Orthodox Church, All pagan rituals were severely condemned. Despite this, some people still continue to follow them. Subsequently, everything got mixed up - both religion and popular beliefs.

Rituals on Ivan Kupala

The wonderful holiday begins early in the morning on July 6th. When the sun rises, it is advisable to wash your face with fresh morning dew or swim in the river. This procedure gets rid of wrinkles and acne, allows a girl’s beauty to reveal itself in full force, and promises guys a strong body and a healthy mind. If you sprinkle dew on the walls, floor and ceiling of the house, then pests such as cockroaches, midges, moths and ants will leave it.

Ivan Kupala marks its heyday natural forces. Therefore, herbs on this day have special medicinal properties. Herbalists and herbalists try to replenish their supplies on this day. It was believed that if you pick a rich flower, put it under your pillow and the flower will bloom in a couple of hours, the girl will soon meet her fate! If the rich woman’s flower withers, you don’t have to think about marriage this year.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, unmarried girls wove wreaths of herbs and flowers and threw them into the water. The wreath had to be woven using a special technology that included 12 types of plants. They determined their future female happiness by how the wreath behaved on the water. If the wreath drowns, the girl will not be asked to marry in the next year. If the wreath has not even sailed from the shore, the betrothed one is somewhere very close. If the wreath floated far enough, then love will come from afar.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, from July 6 to 7, it is not customary to sleep. All night long, young people must drive out evil forces through noisy celebrations, songs and dances. They always burned a ritual fire, over which they jumped in pairs and singly. If a couple of young people, after jumping over a fire-breathing “obstacle”, do not open their arms, they will live long and happy family life. If the hands open, the future of the couple is extremely vague. You can also jump alone. This ritual attracts good luck and gives a life full of success and health.
