Unusual causes of hair color changes. Hair color disorder

Did you know that the hair on your head can support the weight of two elephants, or that red is the rarest hair color? We collected for 30 interesting facts about hair you didn't know.


1. Despite the fact that hair is most often used as evidence in crime investigations, it is impossible to identify the gender of its owner from a hair sample. (Photo: Rafe Swan/Getty Images)
2. Based on the structure of the hair, it is possible to determine what substances have ever been in a person’s bloodstream, including drugs. (Photo: AP). 3. On human body There are approximately 5 million hair follicles. (Photo: Mood Board/Rex Features)
4. All hair follicles in the human body are formed during intrauterine development, or rather, when the embryo is about five months old. (Photo: PeopleImages.com).
5. Wet hair can lengthen by as much as 30 percent compared to dry ones. (Photo: whitetag/Getty Images).
6. Black hair color is the most common in the world. Owners blonde hair are only 2 percent of people on our planet. (Photo: Don Mason/Blend Images)
7. Red is the most rare color hair that is found in only one percent of the world's population. If you want to feel exceptional, color your hair this way. rare shade with the help of Matrix Socolor Beauty - a permanent hair dye, reviews of which, among the girls who use it, are only the most positive. (Photo: deinfo/Getty Images).
8. Every time a hair falls out, another one grows in its place. This can be repeated up to 20 times throughout life. (Photo: MachineHeadz/Getty Images).
9. Hair is the second, after bone marrow, fastest growing tissue in the human body. (Photo: Boris Roessler / dpa). 10. Xie Qiuping from China has the longest hair in the world. She began raising them at the age of 13, and according to a measurement on May 8, 2004, they were 5.627 meters long. The girl was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest hair on the planet. (Photo: Top Photo Group / REX).
11. At any given time, 90 percent of your hair is in the growing phase, while the rest is in the resting phase. (Photo: Robert Llewellyn/Corbis).
12. Blonde hair Ancient Greece associated with prostitution. (Photo: Jennifer Okamoto/Getty Images)
13. The ancient Greeks believed that people with red hair turned into vampires after death. (Photo: Jasmina81/Getty Images).
14. The pioneers of depilation (epilation) are the ancient Egyptians, who were the first to remove unwanted hair from the body. (Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS).
15. Trichoptilosis is scientific name split ends. (Photo: Edward Kinsman/Getty Images)
16. The highest percentage of people with red hair - 13 percent - live in Scotland. (Photo: Karan Kapoor/Getty Images)
17. Loss of 40 to 150 hairs per day is considered normal. (Photo: Gary Bryan/Getty Images)
18. Africans' hair grows slower than that of other inhabitants of the planet, and in to a greater extent susceptible to damage. (Photo: Ocean/Corbis).
19. Warm weather stimulates hair growth, while cold inhibits it. (Photo: Philipp Nemenz/Getty Images)
20. Have you ever wondered why we have so much hair? And all because there is no protective layer of fat on the head, and the hair acts as an insulating layer. (Photo: Big Cheese Photo/Getty Images)
21. An adult man spends an average of five months of his life shaving his facial hair. (Photo: OJO Images/REX).
22. Blonde wigs are on average 3 times more expensive than dark wigs. (Photo: heckmannoleg/Getty Images).
23. One hair can support a weight of about 100 grams. The average person has 100,000 hairs, which is enough to support the weight of two elephants. (Photo: Stuart McClymont/Getty Images)
24. It turns out that regularly trimming your hair, as was commonly believed, does not contribute to hair loss at all. fastest growth, but only to remove split ends, which make hair more brittle. (Photo: Juice/REX).
25. On blondes and blonds on the body more hair than people with dark hair. (Photo: OJO Images/Getty Images).
26. The root of the hair, which is located under the skin, is its only living part. (Photo: phasinphoto/Getty Images).
27. The lifespan of one hair is approximately 5 years. (Photo: Mood Board/Rex Features)
28. Goose pimples on the human body appears as a result of muscle spasms around the hair follicles caused by cold or fear. (Photo: Bele Olmez/Getty Images).
29. Not a single person in the world has absolutely straight hair. All hair types tend to curl as they grow, the only difference is that to varying degrees twisting. (Photo: Tetra Images/Getty Images).
30. If a man does not shave his beard throughout his life, it will grow to 9 - 10.5 meters in length. (Photo: Blend Images/Getty Images).

A woman loves to experiment with her appearance. Including the color of your hair. To change color, it is often purchased big row remedies, but there are reasons why hair color can change on its own.

Changes in hair color due to malnutrition

Because specific types of malnutrition are rare in humans, most knowledge about their effects comes from laboratory research and in experiments on animals.

Copper deficiency in cattle causes achromotrichia because copper is a component of tyrosinase. Hair bleaching by this mechanism is observed in people with Menkes syndrome. In cases of protein deficiency, such as kwashiorkor, changes in hair color are important sign. Normally black hair becomes brown or red, and brown hair becomes blond. Periodic protein deficiency leads to the appearance of the “flag” sign of kwashiorkor, when each hair alternates between white (pathological) and dark stripes. Similar changes have been described in severe forms ulcerative colitis and after extensive intestinal reactions.

Lightening of hair from black to brown has been described in severe iron deficiency anemia and may be due to an effect on keratinization rather than melanocyte function.

Color changes caused by drugs and other chemicals

Some drugs used externally change hair color. Dithranol and crisarobin dye blond or gray hair a mahogany color. Resorcinol, previously widely used for various skin diseases, dyes black or white hair, yellow or yellow-brown.

Some drugs taken orally change hair color by interfering with the metabolism of eumelanin or pheomelanin. The mechanism of action of other drugs is unknown. Chloroquine affects the synthesis of pheomelanin, i.e. it only affects people with blond or red hair. After 3-4 months. treatment, the hair becomes silver or white. Changes in hair color are first observed on the temples or eyebrows and are focal in nature. Such changes are completely reversible.

Mephenesin, a glycerol ester used for diseases involving muscle spasms, causes loss of pigment in dark-haired people. Hair color changes may be caused by impaired phagocytosis of melanosomes by primary cortical cells or by an optical effect associated with micropathological changes in the cuticle or cortex. Diazoxide gives the hair a red tint, and minoxidil makes the hair darker, turning vellus hair into long hair.

Hair color and metabolic disorders

In phenylketonuria, a disorder inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, tissues do not metabolize phenylalanine into tyrosine due to a deficiency of phenylalanine oxygenase. Delay mental development, seizures and decreased pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes are combined with eczema and dermographism. Black hair may turn brown, while with later onset the hair may become very light or gray. Treatment with tyrosine leads to recovery normal color hair for 1-2 months.

Hair lightening in homocystinuria is apparently associated with changes in keratinization due to disorders of methionine metabolism.

Light, almost white hair and recurrent swelling are superficial manifestations rare condition- diseases of hop dryer workers. At the same time, the methionine content in the blood increases.

Random changes in hair color

Hair easily binds many inorganic elements and therefore changes in hair color can sometimes be observed after exposure to certain substances.

Exposure to high concentrations of copper in workplaces or swimming pools can cause hair to appear green, especially noticeable on blondes. Workers handling cobalt may develop light blue hair color and dark blue color- when working with indigo. Yellow hair loss often occurs in blond or gray-haired people who abuse smoking, which is associated with the tar released from cigarettes. Yellow tint may also arise from picric acid. People who work with trinitrotoluene sometimes have skin that turns yellow and red-brown color hair.

Women's passion for experimentation gives rise to both hairdressing masterpieces and absurd incidents, after which girls are ready to grab the scissors in despair. It's good if new color gives off a reddish tint or acquires a reddish tint. But horrible dream Most beauties want to leave the salon with defiantly pink or green hair. My first thought is to shave my head. Don't panic! Leave the haircut a la Vin Diesel for your husband, your hair can be restored to its original look.

Why does the color apply differently?

Many masters willingly seat clients in a chair and only during the dyeing process inform them that the color on their hair may differ from beautiful picture on the box. Be that as it may, an experienced hairdresser will never promise you a 100% color match. This is due to the fact that the hair structure is unique to each person.

So, for example, in curly beauties, the hair shaft is thin and porous, “open”, and under high magnification it resembles Christmas tree cone. Such curls quickly absorb paint, but are not able to retain the pigment for a long time. As a rule, curls are very demanding to care for and with the slightest lack of attention they begin to dry out and split. Therefore, dyeing damaged hair can lead to unexpected results.

On the contrary, in women with straight, thick hair, the scales fit tightly to each other and confidently “hold the line”, not allowing foreign substances to pass through. It will take longer to color such hair and the color may be unpredictable.

What to do if hair coloring is unsuccessful?

· The shade turned out lighter

If the hair color turns out to be less saturated than you expected, repeat the procedure. But the second time, leave the dye on your hair for no more than 5 minutes, after which rinse your curls thoroughly with a special fixing shampoo.

· The shade turned out darker

If you overdo it with color, you have two options: accept it and wait until the paint starts to wash out naturally or use special composition for washing. It “opens” the hair scales and removes pigment, leaving the hair empty, after which you can apply re-dyeing, choosing a composition one tone lighter.

It is better to carry out chemical washing in a salon, as this is a quite traumatic procedure for curls and should be performed by a professional. However, you should not do this immediately after dyeing - give your hair a week's rest after experiencing stress.

· Hair has turned yellow

This often happens when very dark hair is bleached. The desire to turn from a burning brunette into a seductive blonde in one day can lead to hair acquiring a not-so-noble yellow tint.

In this case, ash tinting will help you. In addition, purchase a special purple shampoo For platinum blonde– it gradually reduces the yellowness to “no” and prevents the “ash” from being washed out.

· Hair turned green

This outcome is likely if you are trying to change from red to blond. Green hair can “bloom” even after colored hair comes into contact with chlorinated water.

If this happens to your hair, do not panic, but proceed to active actions. In professional stores you can find specialized anti-green shampoos that can solve the problem in a few steps. You can also try to neutralize the greenery with red-tinged paint.

If you don't like salon treatments To restore color, try one of the folk techniques.

We wash off the consequences of unsuccessful painting with folk remedies

In order to neutralize the “enemy” at home, you will need the most familiar and affordable products. Among the favorites home wash kefir, honey, lemon and even mayonnaise.

Washing paint with kefir

Kefir is very useful for digestive system and perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins. However, not many people know that this popular lactic acid product can work wonders for your hair.

Kefir perfectly nourishes and restores hair, deeply moisturizes the hair shaft, and soothes dry scalp. Kefir masks allow you to protect your curls from negative consequences coloring and hot styling. Therefore, kefir remover is 2 in 1: care and getting rid of the hated color.

· Kefir mask with clay

If you have an oily scalp, try the clay option. Mix a glass of kefir room temperature with 50 g pink clay. Distribute the mixture evenly over your hair, cover your head with a plastic cap and wrap it in a towel. Wash off after an hour.

For dry hair, it is better to replace the clay with the same amount of nutritional yeast.

· Kefir mask with vodka and lemon

Mix 100 g of kefir with two chicken eggs, add the juice of half a lemon, 3 tbsp. l. vodka, and 1 tbsp. l. high pH shampoo. Apply the mixture to your hair, avoiding the roots, cover with a cap and insulate with a towel. This mixture needs to be left on your hair for several hours. This wash option is quite aggressive, so it should not be used if the hair is severely damaged.

· Kefir mask with castor oil

The mask will not only help get rid of corrosive paint, but also restore damaged hair. Mix 200 g of fresh kefir with one yolk and 2 tbsp. l. castor oil. Apply the mixture to wet hair, cover your head with a plastic cap and towel. Wash off after 2 hours.

Kefir washing must be carried out daily for 7-10 days. After the expiration of the period, the hair will not only acquire its previous shade, but will also become noticeably healthier.

Removing paint with honey

Honey has excellent taste and is a real healer. Our distant ancestors knew about the miraculous properties of this viscous amber product: it was used to treat colds, heart ailments, and nervous system disorders.

But not everyone knows that when applied to damp hair, honey releases an acid, similar to hydrogen peroxide, which allows you to get rid of an unsuccessful shade.

Before the procedure, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo mixed with a teaspoon sea ​​salt. Blot your curls soft towel, carefully comb with a large comb and apply the mixture along the entire length. Cover your head with a soft scarf natural material. The “sweet life” of hair should last at least 10 hours. This, by the way, is the only drawback of honey wash.

Important! Before the procedure, make sure that honey is not an allergen for you.

How to restore hair after unsuccessful dyeing?

During painting process chemical compounds the hair is severely damaged and loses some of its nutrients. Subsequent salon washes aggravate the problem and lead to thinning and brittleness of the hair shaft. Tired and dehydrated curls need additional external support.

ALERANA ® shampoo for colored hair will help restore it natural strength and elasticity, maintaining rich bright color. The procapil plant complex activates blood microcirculation in the scalp, providing an intense flow of nutrients to the hair follicles. The mild formula of the shampoo deeply moisturizes the hair and gives it healthy shine and prevents from harmful effects UV rays.

It turns out that hair can tell a lot about a person, for example, where he comes from and what he eats. Hair can even tell a story bad habits and predict diseases.

In terms of density per square centimeter, human hair is practically no different from the “clothing” of chimpanzees. “If you take a magnifying glass and look at your body, you will find many subtle pale hairs,” explains the Washington, D.C., dermatologist. Dr. Eric Kamorski, - this is why a visual illusion is created that our skin is clean. Meanwhile, the calculation shows that we are hairy, like primates.”

Concerning visible hair on the head, then blondes and blonds have the greatest density - on average 146 thousand, followed by burning brunettes and brunettes - approximately 110 thousand each, followed by people with brown hair, having on average less than one hundred thousand strands.

However, all these calculations are very approximate, since with the same genetic basis, people can live in different conditions, which in turn affect the rate of hair loss.

The natural color of the strands depends on the melanin (pigment) contained in the hair. It is found in two types - eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is dominant. Thanks to him, people have hair from dark brown to blue black. If there is very little eumelanin, then the curls are light, and their owners are called blond.
Pheomelanin is dominant in red hair and is rare. In conspiracy theory publications, red-haired people are considered a hybrid of humanoids who came to our world from the outside to rule humanity. The authors of such articles refer to the fact that there are very few “redheads” in percentage terms, about 3%, but they occupy key positions in politics and economics.

Coffee with milk

Light hair tone is usually found among the British, Germans, Poles, Russians and Swedes, that is, among representatives of the Caucasian race. And in Africa and in general southern hemisphere It is almost impossible to meet fair-haired people among the aborigines. The exceptions are the natives of New Guinea and the inhabitants of some Pacific islands.
Their curly, straw-colored hair with a reddish tint is associated with a different gene than that of Europeans. More precisely, we are talking about a genetic mutation that affects amino acid patterns. Such people are said to be susceptible to rufos syndrome and are albinos. And their eyes are not blue, but brown.

Gray jewelry

A person turns gray over the years. It is generally accepted that this occurs due to old age or worries. Meanwhile, the main cause of gray hair is the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear of hair follicles and weakening of pigmentation. Red hair tends to become sandy with age, and only then quickly turns white.

Many peoples associated gray hair with life experience. That is why in the Victorian era young English women wore jewelry made from gray hair dead mothers and grandmothers, “in order to protect themselves from stupidity and naivety.”

Hair color from a doctors point of view

It is believed that blondes are perceived by most men as sexually attractive. And there is some truth in this, since fair-haired women have more high levels estrogen than other representatives of the fair sex. At the same time, blondes, compared to redheads or brunettes, are more susceptible to macular degeneration, which leads to vision damage. This is why they often wear glasses.

In turn, red-haired women are less sensitive to painkillers. Thus, studies by English dentists published in the British Medical Journal show that anesthesia for them requires 20% more medications. As for brunettes, they are more prone to a tumor disease - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In addition, their liver metabolizes nicotine more efficiently, making them more likely to be tobacco addicts.

Non-standard application

When an oil spill occurred in San Francisco in 2007, a group of volunteers used nets containing human hair collected from salons and hairdressers to clean up a local beach. The initiator of this idea, Phil McCroru, claims that this is how otters were saved after an environmental disaster in 1989.

It turns out that curls are an excellent oil absorbent. After this incident, environmentalists demanded that the tankers carry huge mats with human hair. However, experts were skeptical about this idea. However, those who professionally grow oyster mushrooms have long been adding human hair to the compost to absorb technical fats. But the most original idea proposed by the Chinese company Hongshuai, which used amino acids derived from human hair to produce its soy sauces, while competitors obtained this product from soy and wheat.

They love blondes, not blondes

Recently a social scandal erupted in the UK. Its basis was laid by the publication of the international business newspaper Financial Times. It turns out that of the 500 managers of the London Stock Exchange, only 5% percent were blond, while in England 25 percent of the population is blond. But the redheads, who are only one percent, were as much as six percent in the management of the exchange. Numerous surveys have shown that just as much as they love blondes, they have a negative attitude towards blondes. The fact is that for some reason fair-haired men are considered feminine, and not everyone likes this in England.

Stylist-makeup artist

Articles written

Fashion strives for naturalness, and even with the help of coloring everything more women and girls strive to achieve the most natural result possible. But it is precisely in natural tones - not too bright and sharp, often attractively soft - that the variety of features and nuances of color is so great that it can be difficult to determine the desired color scheme and indicate its name. However, it is enough to understand the basic classification of suits so as not to make a mistake in the name.

Professionals divide hair coloring into 6 main groups:

  • blond;
  • brunette;
  • brown-haired;
  • ginger;
  • light brown;
  • gray-haired

It is interesting that the natural color of hair is not due to the presence of six pigments, as one might think by looking at this classification. In fact, there are only two of them:

  • pheomelanin, which in its pure form is yellow or red;
  • eumelanin, in a purified state, is black or brown in color.

Mixed in various proportions, these two substances make up the entire variety of hair of representatives of the most different countries, peoples and appearance types. The “suit” also depends on the concentration of pigment and the texture of the hair.

Unfortunately, even professionals cannot repeat the magic natural color, mixed from two pigments - there are too many subtleties that are simply impossible to calculate, you will have to take into account. Therefore, in order to achieve naturalness when dyeing hair, a wide variety of combinations of artificial pigments are added to the dye compositions; their palette is very wide.

In each group, the variety of species is enormous, but they are also easy to classify according to saturation, “temperature” and other criteria.


Blonde categories are the lightest. Blonde is quite rare and is common mainly among northern peoples. However, even among nationalities whose main type is burning blonds, it is very rare that there are blond representatives.

The color palette is divided according to the degree of whiteness, as well as “temperature”. Each manufacturer has its own name for the paint, but the main ones that characterize the palette are as follows:


Linen– almost white, matte or with the slightest warm glow.

Platinum– white, with pronounced cold nuances.


Golden– highly whitened, with golden, straw notes.

Ashen– strongly whitened, with a pronounced gray or silvery sheen.


Wheat– with a rich caramel color.

Beige and neutrals – bright blond and blond, very natural, pale brownish with a possible grayish undertone.

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Stylist-makeup artist

This is a collective definition of tones that can be combined with the word “brown” or “chestnut”. The palette of the category is very rich and varied - from almost natural to almost brunette. In this case, colors can be warm, cold, or neutral. Natural brown-haired women are often distinguished by an unusually complex coloring of their hair, with many tints of color and amazing play different nuances. Often it is the brown ones that are most difficult to achieve by dyeing. In addition, such a color can be difficult to maintain, and it washes out faster than others.

But brown has many advantages:

Light chestnut:

Amber (caramel) – delicate chocolate with pronounced red and copper tints.

Honeysaturated color with sunny amber notes, close in intensity to medium brown, but much brighter and golden.

Walnut– a more muted, neutral version of the same pigment concentration, with a grayish undertone.

Important: soft chestnut, obtained by dyeing, looks natural and beautiful when there are strands of hair of different depths of color in the hair - this color is rarely uniform in nature.


Red tree – rich, with garnet reflections.

Ginger– reddish, with golden undertones.

Cold brown-haired – neutral, thick, with a cold base.


Coffee– deep brown, almost black, with chestnut reflections.

Graphite– rich, deep, with a dark gray undertone, cool or neutral.

Picking up suitable shade, do not forget a simple rule: warm skin colors go with golden, reddish colors, cold skin colors go with cold ones. Combining “cold” with “warm” you risk visually aging your face and highlighting its imperfections.



This suit in in kind is the least common in the world. It is caused not only by a special combination of hair pigment, but also by its special location.

The majority of owners of fiery hair live in Ireland and Scotland, but other nations also occasionally display this color.

All red colors are certainly warm. Slightly more subdued they may have a reddish tint. But, in any case, girls with warm skin Well, unfortunately, it won’t decorate everyone else.

The red color palette is quite diverse:


Strawberry– bright copper with a red tint.

Light copper – bright colors with fresh copper and bronze.

Amber– pronounced golden red with caramel.


Fire red – the “hottest”, with pronounced red notes.

Mahogany– rich hair color with a distinct red.

Bordeaux, eggplant – almost cool red, with a deep burgundy tint.


Ripe plum – reddish-violet tint of dark hair.

Dark copper– deep, with a red tint.

Light brown

Neutral palette, typical for most representatives of northern countries. These soft hair tones look very natural. Their shade is rarely completely uniform, representing a play of delicate tints from soft ash to brownish.

Achieve natural tone pretty hard. Maintaining it is also not easy - the artificial pigments that are used for natural coloring are among the most unstable. However, now the light brown palette is at the height of fashion.

Light brown is almost always neutral or cool. A beige undertone gives it a slightly sunny orientation, and an ashy undertone gives it a cooler tone. The upper, whitened categories at their upper limit intersect with blonde tones, and saturated ones with brown-haired tones.

The most dark hair, which characterize the palette of any manufacturer. It is suitable either for very dark-skinned women, or for those with a contrasting appearance, in which white or pinkish, often cool-toned skin is combined with dark eyebrows and eyelashes, and bright irises.

The brunette palette includes colors from black to deep brown. On such strands the color is visible only as a reflection or tint. But this, nevertheless, allows black-haired people to be both “warm” and “cold” and “neutral”. Depending on whether the hair is shaded reddish/red, bluish/purple, respectively, or ashy.

It is not recommended to paint black for girls whose natural color light: golden, reddish, ashy. It's not just the combination of facial colors and hairstyles, but also the fact that the texture of a natural brunette's mane, thick and shiny, is noticeably different from the thin, delicate hair of natural blondes. On such strands, the “brunette” will look unnatural.

What else is interesting:


Gray hair is practically devoid of pigment. This is a white or white-yellow palette. But most often the undertone is cold - ashen. It looks noble if slightly shaded with bluish or purple, emphasizing the purity of white.

Choosing a suit

When determining what your tone is called, follow this plan:

  1. Determine the main orientation: blond, light brown, brown-haired, red or brunette.
  2. Determine the type of “temperature” you need (remember the rule: warm for warm skin, cold for cold skin).
  3. Select intensity, color saturation (degree of lightening in the case of blonde): light, medium or deep. Remember that sharp, borderline colors, such as bright blond or black, suit few people; they require a good contrast of all the colors of the face.

The most universal for all types of appearance are the brown-haired varieties. The rest need to be approached more carefully.
