Signs of spring for children in the preparatory group. Lesson on the topic: Spring in the preparatory group

Objectives of the lesson. To consolidate children's knowledge about early and late spring. To introduce works of art that reflect spring, to find out with what means of expression composers, artists, and poets convey this time of year. Give an idea of ​​diversity spring looks in music, visual arts, poetry. To consolidate knowledge about the works “March” and “April” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky. Develop figurative speech musical abilities, emotional sphere. To develop musical, artistic and aesthetic taste, interest and love for music, fine arts, poetry.

Material and equipment. Recorded music by S. Rachmaninov (romance “Spring Waters” to poems by F. Tyutchev). Recorded music by P. Tchaikovsky (“March”, “April” from the piano cycle “The Seasons”). Multimedia installation. Presentation on the topic of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson

Children, together with the teacher, enter the hall to the sound of a recording of the romance “Spring Waters” by S. Rachmaninov, they are greeted music director, hereinafter – m.r.

Slides No. 2–4

M. r. Guys, just Sergei Rachmaninov's romance “Spring Waters” was performed with lyrics by Fyodor Tyutchev. ( Reads a fragment of a poem.)

The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

They say all over:

“Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!”...

How accurately the composer conveyed the content of the poetic text, the spring state of nature!

Slide No. 5

Guys, do you like spring? ( Children's answers.) What do you like about this time of year? (Bright sun, warmth, awakening of nature: leaves are blooming on the trees, the first flowers are blooming.)

Educator. Do you know that spring can be early and late? ( Children's answers.)

Slides No. 6, 7

The teacher conducts a short conversation with the children “Signs of early and late spring.”

M. r. Guys, the romance “Spring Waters” was not heard by chance. Today I would like to talk to you about how composers, artists and poets convey spring and the feelings associated with it in their works.

Now we will listen to music you know. ( The play “March” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky is heard in the recording.”) Remember who wrote this music. ( Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.)

Slides No. 9, 10

That's right, the author of the music is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the great Russian composer. What is the name of the work? ( Children's answers.) That's right, the music is called “March. Song of the Lark” - it is from Tchaikovsky’s famous piano album “The Seasons”. What is special about this album? ( Children's answers.)

Slide number 11

Let's talk about the work "March". What kind of music is in it? (The music is gentle, you can hear the singing of a lark hovering over the arable land.) It’s true, the composer depicts cheerful bird trills, paints a picture of the spring Russian landscape. What is spring like here? (Early.)

The image of a lark is used not only in music, but also in poetry.

Slide number 12

Listen to the poem “Lark” by Vasily Zhukovsky.


In the sun the dark forest glowed,
In the valley thin steam whitens,
And he sang an early song
In the azure the lark is ringing.

How can you explain the phrase from the poem: “In the sun, the dark forest glowed…”? Why is the forest dark? (That’s why it was night. The sun came out, illuminated the forest, and it was transformed.) The word “zardel” means “took on a red tint.” You said it right: the sun illuminated the forest. And where did the lark sing his early song? (In azure.) What do you think this word means? (Eat azure color, it looks like blue.) Correct. What can be blue in nature in spring? (The sky. The lark sings from above.) Well done! What does the lark sing about? (That spring has come.)

Slide number 13

What kind of bird is this, a lark? (A small field bird. It sings beautifully.) That's right! The lark also represents the arrival of spring, the awakening of nature after winter. In early spring the birds are returning from the south, and the larks are the first to arrive. Our ancestors had a holiday that was celebrated in early March and was associated with the arrival of birds. On this day, larks were baked from rye dough and distributed to children. They ran out into the street and shouted: “Larks, fly in, take away the cold winter, bring warm spring: we are tired of winter, it has eaten all our bread!”

M. r. Now let's look at the paintings in which artists depicted spring.

Slides No. 14–16

Slides with paintings “March Sun” by K. Yuon, “March” by I. Levitan, “The Rooks have Arrived” by A. Savrasov are shown.

M. r. What spring is depicted in these paintings? (Early.) What indicates this? (There is still snow on the ground, but it is already loose, and in some places it is beginning to melt. In almost all the pictures the sun is bright, the sky is blue. The rooks have arrived.) That’s right! Although the artists do not show the sun, we see that its gentle spring rays illuminate the roofs of houses, the tops of trees... The snow seems to reflect the blueness of the sky, shadows are clearly visible - they are present in all the paintings. What colors did artists use in their paintings? ( Warm colors, yellow, green, but there are also cool colors.)

Slide number 16

And this picture is called “The Rooks Have Arrived.” When do rooks arrive from the south? (In early March.) Correct. And the first thing that rooks begin to do in the spring is... (Build nests in trees.)

(You can talk with the children about each picture separately.)

Slide number 17

Guys, what do you call artists who depict nature in their paintings? (These artists are called landscape painters, and their paintings are called landscapes.) That’s right, well done!

Isaac Levitan, Alexey Savrasov, Konstantin Yuon are famous Russian landscape artists, we have now looked at their paintings.

Let's listen to a poem by the Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev. Listen carefully - we will talk about this poem later.

Children(one by one).

No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,
Everything is forcing winter out,
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.

Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise...

The evil witch went crazy
And, capturing the snow,
She let me in, running away,
To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief are not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blusher
Against the enemy.

What images appear before us in this poem? (Winter and Spring. It also talks about the lark.) What is Winter like here? (Angry.) Why is she angry? (Because its time has passed. The poet even calls Winter the witch who threw snow into Spring.) But how tenderly the poet calls Spring: “beautiful child”! But this is not a quiet and submissive creature: Spring fights Winter, drives it away, makes noise, laughs at Winter. It’s not for nothing that people say: spring has come and everything has come.

Educator. And people also say: winter scares spring, but it itself melts. Guys, I suggest you remember other proverbs and sayings about spring!

Proverbs and sayings and spring

☼ Early spring – big flood.

☼ And in March the frost sets in on the nose.

☼ In March, day and night are measured and equal.

☼ Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.

☼ Spring opens the keys and waters.

☼ Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn is thin and tenacious.

☼ Early swallows - for a happy year.

☼ Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.

☼ March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

☼ The sun is rolling down the April hill into summer.

☼ Mother Spring is beautiful to everyone.

M. r. Many wonderful songs have been written about spring. Let's remember one of them!

The sun is spinning in the sky,

The sun in every puddle,

And the spring chime

Sounded from all sides.

What kind of song is this? (“Drops.”)

Children perform the song “Kapel”, music. etc. V. Shestakova//Musical director. – 2015 – No. 2. – P. 52. Singing is accompanied by playing triangles and bells.

M. r. What is the mood of the song? (The song is permeated with a cheerful, joyful mood; you want to dance to it.) That's right. Everyone is happy about the arrival of spring and its sonorous song. You also performed the song very well, well done!

And now I invite you to listen to another piece of music.

The play “April” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky is being recorded.

Slide No. 18

M. r. What is the name of the music? (The music is called “April” - it, like the play “March”, is from the album “Seasons” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.) What feelings does this music evoke in you? (Feeling of excitement and joy.) Correct. The play is built on a waltz-like rhythm, its tempo is agile, and the melody constantly rushes upward. Thanks to these means of expression, the composer was able to convey the feeling of joyful excitement that arises when contemplating the awakening nature of spring.

Slide number 19

The second title of the play is “Snowdrop”. The music is distinguished by amazing trepidation and tenderness, just like this modest spring Flower. Our imagination pictures us of a sunny day, the first thawed patches in the forest - here the first timid flower grows from under the snow. He's so fragile! But he is not afraid of cold and snow. A light breeze sways the thin stem, and the sounds of drops more and more confidently proclaim the triumph of spring.


Merry April smiled,

He sang, shouted, played,

The snowdrop woke up from the noise

And he stood up in a thawed patch.

It smelled, smelled delicious,

The snowdrop was barely audible:

“Thank you April, thank you

For waking me up."

(I. Belyakov)

Slide number 20

M. r. Who will show late spring on the slide?

Children choose from the paintings presented on the slide paintings depicting late spring: this is “Spring. Big Water" by I. Levitan and " Cherry blossoms» P. Petrovicheva.

Slides No. 21, 22

A conversation is held about the content of the paintings.

M. r. And here is how the poet describes late spring.

Slide number 23

The buds have blossomed, the forest has begun to stir,
The bright rays made him all rich.
On its outskirts of fragrant grass
A silver lily of the valley looked out into the sun,
And they opened meekly from the spring caress
Sweet forget-me-not blue eyes.

(S. Drozhzhin)

In Zhukovsky’s poem, which we listened to earlier, the forest began to glow, but here it... (Getting rich.) From what? (From bright sun rays.) Spring has already come into its own, nature has awakened from its winter sleep and blossomed...

How did we know about this? (Grass appeared, lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots bloomed.)

What does the poet compare forget-me-not to? (With blue eyes.)

Let's summarize our lesson. Remember which of the great composers, artists and poets depicted spring using sounds, colors, and words. (Children's answers.) What spring is found in their works? (Early and late.) What words can describe early spring?(Fast, impetuous, murmuring, hasty, sad.) And the late one? (Bright, cheerful, triumphant, blooming.)

At the end of the lesson, children are invited to sing a familiar song about spring.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Ivanisova,

musical director,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 48", Belgorod

Spring has come" (Lesson notes in preparatory group)

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: “Spring has come”

Integration educational areas « Cognitive development" and "Artistically - aesthetic development».

Target: development creativity And cognitive interests preschoolers.

Software tasks:


    Introduce the popular names of the spring months;

    Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

    Learn to draw a flower in an unconventional way- by using cotton swabs and sponges;

    Strengthen the signs of spring.



    Foster respect for nature and neatness;

    Learn to tidy up your workspace.

Demo material:

    Pictures about spring;

    Encoding cards with thawed patches, icicles and grass;

    Preparation of the illustration itself;

    Phonogram "Seasons";

Materials and equipment:

    Cotton swabs and sponges for each child;

    Gouache: green, brown, blue;

    Album sheet.

Progress of the lesson.

    I. Introductory word .

Educator. Guys, look at the board. Look at the pictures. What time of year is shown in these paintings? ( spring) How did you guess? What spring months do you know?

People have been observing nature for a long time. They noticed what was happening at every time of the year, every month and even every day. And the people gave their name to each month. And today I will tell you what people called the spring months.

The first month is March. People began to call it March - “march”. Why do you think? ( thawed patches appeared)

What does thawed patches mean? (This places where the snow melted, formed from the word “melt”»)

Many proverbs about March have appeared. Here is one of them “March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs”

Why? (sometimes warm, sometimes cold)

I will denote the month of March with this picture - encoding. ( thawed patch)

The second month is April. His people began to call him “snowrunner” or “dripper”. Why?

Here is one of the proverbs about April: “April will make everyone drunk.” Why? ( there is a lot of water in April) And I will denote April with this picture - encoding ( icicles)

The third month is May. He was popularly nicknamed "Traven". Why? (last month spring, leaves are blooming). And about May there is such a proverb: “May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.” Why?

And May with this picture - encoding (grass).

II Physical education session “Signs of Spring”

Now let’s rest a little and we’ll play the game. I will name the signs of spring, if you agree, then stomp your feet, and if you don’t agree, then clap your hands. Fine?

    The birds are coming

  • It gets dark early

    Ice forms on rivers

    The buds are swelling on the trees

    Leaf fall

III. Conversation.

What are the first flowers to appear? (picture of a snowdrop)

Today I would like to invite you to draw snowdrops in an unusual way. And how will you find out now? Want to?

Go to the tables.

Look what's on your tables? (cotton swabs, sponge, gouache)

Do you have any brushes? (No)

What are we going to draw with?

Tell me, what can you depict with a sponge? (flowers)

What about using cotton swabs? (stem, thawed patch, leaves)

Where do we start?

    Stem using a cotton swab.

    Dip a sponge into paint and onto a piece of paper.

    Let's draw a thawed patch last. How are we going to draw it?

    IV. Finger gymnastics.

The sun will rise early

To warm our earth. ( fingers connected and hands raised up, palms facing up)

Streams run downhill

All the snow has melted ( wave-like movements with both hands, palms down)

And from under the old grass

The flower is already looking ( flower opens)

Ding - ding rings softly

Ding - ding spring has come. ( swing your hands)

Arrived to us yesterday

Striped bee.

And behind her is a bumblebee

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly.

Like lantern eyes.

They buzzed, they flew,

They fell from fatigue.

They wave their palms.

(For each insect name, bend one

Make circles out of fingers and bring them to

They wave their palms.

They drop their palms on the table)

    V. Getting the job done.

Educator. Guys, is it possible to pick flowers? ( No) The snowdrop is listed in the Red Book and is protected by the State.

What did you like about today's lesson? What did you find difficult?

Thank you. Well done!

Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization kindergarten № 92


speech development classes

Theme: "Spring"

(preparatory group)


Nozdrina O.A.

Sochi, 2016


1. Consolidate ideas about spring.

2. Development logical thinking- learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships, interdependence and sequence of natural phenomena.

3. Formation of related words from the words sun, spring, grass, flowers.

4. Exercise in sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the names of the spring months.

5. Development of time orientation.

Preliminary work:

    Observation with teachers and parents of the celebration of spring in nature.

    Reading the stories of I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring in the Forest”, N. Sladkov “Spring Streams”.

    Repetition of poems about spring by F. I. Tyutchev “Spring”, “Spring Waters”, A. N. Pleshcheyev “Spring”, “Rural Song”, S. Ya. Marshak “Spring Song”, “April”, I. Tokmakova “ Spring".

    Memorization of poems by S. A. Yesenin “Bird cherry”, A. K. Tolstoy “Bells”» (children's choice).


    Landscape paintings: “Early Spring”, “Late Spring”.

    Cards-schemes of sound-letter analysis of the names of the spring months.

    (Each child has one card.)

    Simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson

I. Guessing the riddle about spring by V. I. Miryasova.

II. Remembering the signs of spring in nature.

III. Repetition of the spring months.

1. Exercise« Quickly read the diagram, guess what month it is!” - sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words, writing letters into individual cards-schemes.

2. Game “One-two-three”:

a) at “one time” they raise the card-scheme of the first month of spring and name it;

b) on “two” - the second month;

c) on “three” - the third month.

3. The game “Before-between-before” - consolidating the sequence of months, developing time orientation.

IV. Conversation about spring.

Where does spring begin?

Name the very first signs of spring in nature.

(During the day, the sun began to warm up, a warm wind blew, it became warmer, icicles began to drip on the roofs of houses, the snow darkened, swelled and began to melt, black thawed patches appeared, streams ran and rang.)

Which of these signs is the most important, the most important, the very first? On what sign do all the others depend? Why does snow, ice melt, and streams flow?

What changes in the lives of animals occur in the spring?

How do you understand the expression of the writer N. Sladkov« Birds brought spring"?

Who really brought spring?

Why do they say: rooks have ushered in spring!

Which birds are the last to arrive?

How do you understand the words “in spring nature awakens from winter sleep”?

Compare what kind of spring is in March, what kind of spring is it in May? (Early - late.)

What is the difference between late spring and early spring?

Find these differences in the pictures.

How can you tell by the trees, flowers, earth, birds whether it is early or late spring?

Early spring: Late spring:

Earth: Dark snow, black No snow, green

thawed patches, grass, colorful among

puddles, streams, many different types of grass

here and there white wildflowers.


and blue woods.

Trees: They stand bare, The buds burst,

The buds begin to swell. the leaves have blossomed,

lilac bloomed

and bird cherry.

Birds: Scream loudly first, chirp loudly

returning rooks, swallows, crowing

wagtails appeared. cuckoo singing merrily

starlings, in the morning

and the evenings are flooded


Streams: Small streams run and gurgle in the grass,

streams emerge from under the snow, streams sing merrily.

Remember the verses describing early and late spring.

Early: Late:

F. I. Tyutchev. Spring. S. A. Yesenin. Bird cherry.

A. N. Pleshcheev. Spring. A. N. Pleshcheev. Country song.

I. Tokmakova. Spring. A.K. Tolstoy. Bells.

S. Ya. Marshak. April.

S. Ya. Marshak. Spring song.

(Children recite poems of their choice by heart.)

V. Lexico-grammatical games and exercises.

1. Select signs and actions.

Spring Sun

Friendship is coming, spring is warming

early comes warm shines

late fights (with winter) bright pleases

cheerful wins affectionate shines

ringing pleases

beautiful blooms

warm fragrant

blooming rings

the long-awaited one sings

2. « Form signs” - word formation of relative adjectives according to the model and selection of objects for them.

Sample: spring - spring day,

spring sun,

spring clothes.

March -

April -

May -

3. “Choose related words”

(If there is difficulty, children are asked to identify related words from contexts).

Spring - In spring they fly from warm countries birds. A light spring breeze is blowing. The children are dressed lightly for spring. Some people already have freckles on their noses. For the holiday, the children learned folk dance"Vesnyanka"

Sun - In spring, the sun shines brighter and warms stronger. Sunny bunny, burst through the window and ran along the wall. It was already getting hot in the sun. People covered their eyes sunglasses. Yellow sunflowers turned their heads towards the sun. They will be made from fragrant and healthy sunflower oil.

Grass - “The finches have appeared - green grass has appeared.” Green grass ant! Hare, squirrel, elk are herbivores. A person who knows herbs, knows how to collect medicinal plants and treat people with them is popularly called an herbalist. Tea made from dry medicinal herbs, called herbal.

Flower - “The chiffchaffs have arrived - the flowers in the meadows are full of colors. The bird cherry blossomed and nightingales appeared in the grove.” Along with the thawed patches, primroses peeked out from under the snow: scillas, crocuses, snowdrops. Multi-colored bells are about to bloom in the flower garden in front of the house. The wind brings the smell of blooming lilacs and rustles the pages of V. Kataev’s children’s fairy tale “The Seven-Flower Flower.”

VI. Bottom line. Why do both people and nature rejoice at the arrival of spring?

Reinforcement outside of class

1. Repetition of poems about spring.

2. Game “Remember related words” (grass, flower, spring, sun).

3. Game “Form related words” (wind).

4. Game “Select signs, actions” (stream, grass, flowers).

5. Drawing with “Spring” paints.

6. Drawing up diagrams of words (grass, stream, wind).

7. Completion of the riddle about spring by V. I. Miryasova.

I half a day

1. OO Pozn. development/ OO Speech Development/ OO Social-com. development/ Labor education. Working in a corner of nature: replanting indoor plants. O goal: Show children how to plant plants shoots, explain the purpose of individual actions, teach how to perform feasible labor operations. Activate in speech the names of plants and concepts associated with their structure. To form ideas about the role of work in people’s lives. Involve Nikita S., Kirill L., Christina V. 2. OO Pozn. development/OO Speech development. D/i “When does this happen?”, on the topic “Days”. Goal: To strengthen the ability of children Kostya K., Matvey K., Vika B., Artem B. to navigate time, correctly name the parts of the day, and correlate their daily routine with the time of day. Activate in speech and clarify relevant concepts, learn to use verbs in the present, future and past tense. 3. OO Speech development/ OO Pozn. development/security. Reading the story by S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.” O purpose: Discuss with children, possible reasons the occurrence of a fire, teach to understand and explain the actions of the characters in the work, observe the rules of personal safety, norms of behavior that are safe for yourself and others. Exercise caution and caution in potentially dangerous situations. Attract willing children. 4. Development play activity. Preliminary work for the s/r game “Rescuers”, examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Spill. Spring”, reading the story by B. Zhitkov “On an Ice Floe”, conversation “Safety near water bodies”. Goal: To acquaint children with such phenomena as ice drift, river floods, to teach them to see beauty natural phenomena and them destructive force. Discuss why the hero of the story ended up in dangerous situation, develop the ability to avoid similar situations. To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior near bodies of water. Attract willing children. 5. OO Pozn. development/OO Hud. – est. development/ Music. Listening to excerpts from A. Vivaldi’s musical cycle “The Seasons”, “Spring”. O Goal: Continue to introduce children to works classical music, with the sound of a chamber orchestra. Improve the ability to distinguish the sound of music by timbre. instruments: violin, cello, flute, bassoon, oboe. To expand the ideas of the children of Vasilisa B., Vova K., Serezha L., Nastya O. about the visual properties of music, to enrich their musical impressions. Summon the children positive emotions When listening to beautiful music, learn to enjoy it. Morning walk No. 9

Ind. work: Maxim M., Vanya P., Yulya K., Olya R.

II half a day

1. OO Physical development.

Awakening gymnastics.

2.OO Speech development.

Individual work according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

3. OO Speech development/ OO Posn.development. Reading the story “Spring Cunning” by V. Bianchi. Goal: Continue to introduce children to the changes that occur in nature in the spring, discuss why animals change color in the spring, how this protects them from enemies. Learn to answer questions based on the text, focusing on their structure and content, and maintain interest in reading. Attract willing children, activate Vova K., Alyosha K., Nastya O.

4. OO Pozn. development. Computer presentation “Spring in the Forest”. Goal: Continue to introduce children to the inhabitants of the forest, to bring them to an understanding of the relationships between various phenomena nature. Learn to recognize familiar animals, name them correctly, and see the changes that happen to them in the spring. Attract willing children.

5. NGO Sots.-com. development/Labor education. Work assignments: group cleaning. O goal: To form in children conscious attitude to order, learn to maintain it yourself. Strengthen labor skills related to wet cleaning. Encourage the initiative and independence of the children of Dima D., Yana V., Ilya S., and create a work culture.

An evening walk. 1. OO Pozn. development./Speech development. Observation: Smile of spring. Narration of the poem by Yu. Moritz “Spring”.

Goal: To draw children's attention to new signs of spring - thawed patches, puddles, drops, icicles. Offer to listen to a poem, answer the question of who and why is happy about the arrival of spring. Involve all children. 2. OO Phys. development. P/i "Corners". About the goal: Teach children to follow the rules of the game, practice free running, and perform basic movements. Cultivate goodwill, form friendly relationships with peers. Attract willing children. 3. OO Phys. development. Sport exercises “There’s a bull coming...” About the goal:

Teach children to walk and run on an inclined board, maintain balance, belay each other, and follow safety rules. Develop a sense of balance, self-confidence, courage. Attract willing children.

Tsiryatieva Vera Mikhailovna,

teacher speech therapist

Software tasks:

MADOOU TsRR – kindergarten No. 176 of the city of Tyumen

Educational field: “Speech development” Goal: Activation of vocabulary in lexical topic

"Early spring".

  • Correctional educational tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about early spring
  • , signs of spring;
  • consolidate children’s ability to answer a question in a complete sentence, coordinating all parts of speech;

consolidate the skills of word formation and inflection, agreement of nouns with adjectives, nouns with verbs; match adjectives to nouns, verbs to nouns.

  • Correction and development tasks:
  • develop coherent speech through staging a story, composing sentences;
  • develop communication skills, develop fluency and expressiveness of speech; improve phonemic awareness; practice in proper breathing
  • ; develop fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, memory, attention, thinking;

develop auditory attention when perceiving non-speech sounds.

  • Correctional and educational tasks: instill in children a sense of love and careful attitude
  • to nature, sustainable interest in the surrounding world. Form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us.

cultivate artistic taste. Educational area: " Artistic and aesthetic

  • development"

Replenish your literary baggage with a poem or story.

  • Educational field: “Cognitive development” Formation complete picture

world (expansion and clarification of knowledge about spring, its signs)

  • Prevent psychophysical fatigue in children by fulfilling the need for physical activity;
  • create optimal conditions for physical activity.

cultivate artistic taste. Social and communicative Artistic and aesthetic

  • Formation of readiness for independent choice and decision; fostering a culture of relationships.

Preliminary work: observing spring changes in nature on a walk, reading poems about spring, fairy tales about spring, looking at illustrations on the topic, learning the exercise “Sunshine, Sunshine”, preparing a dramatization of E. Shim’s story “Stone, stream, icicle and sun”, excursion to the park.


Pictures depicting signs of spring; envelopes depicting signs of different seasons for each child; subject pictures; puzzles, hats for children: sun, stream, stone, icicle; audio recording of spring sounds; xylophone; house cards: “He”, “She”, “It”, “They”.

GCD move:

We are calm, we are calm

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and leisurely

We will definitely remember everything,

And we'll tell the teachers.

Speech therapist. You will find out what we are going to talk about by solving the puzzle.

Speech therapist. So what are we going to talk about? (about spring). Try to remember the words related to this topic, because you will need to “put” them in our box (piggy bank)

Speech therapist. What is “spring”?

Children. It's that time of year.

Speech therapist. After what time of year does spring come?

Children. After winter.

Speech therapist. And before what time of year does spring occur?

Children. Before summer.

Yes, there is still snow, but spring has already come and brought you riddles. Do you want to guess the mysteries of spring?

Let's divide into 3 groups: You need to solve puzzles: 1st group determines the word by the first sounds of the pictures (April), 2nd group needs to arrange the numbers in order (May), children from the third group need to put the letters in size from large to small (March) .

Speech therapist. Name the words you came up with. What are these words?

Children. These are the names of the months.

Speech therapist. Who is in the first month, pick up a card. Which group has next month? Well, the last one spring month what is the name of?

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Spring has legs.

I. Tokmakova.

Speech therapist. Listen to what happened one day at the edge of the forest. The story is called “Stone, stream, icicle and sun” by E. Shim (children tell by role)

Speech therapist. The sun hid and did not appear again. Do you think spring can start without the sun? So what do you think makes spring?

What happens in nature in spring thanks to the sun?


  • The sun is shining and warming,
  • in the sun the snow begins to melt,
  • thawed patches appeared,
  • the nights have become shorter and the days longer,
  • merry streams ran,
  • We exchanged heavy winter clothes for light spring ones.
  • all nature wakes up from its winter sleep.

Speech therapist. Of course, the most important sign the onset of spring - the sun (picture)

Speech therapist. Game “We know a lot” beautiful words about the sun"(with palms). What are these words called?

Speech therapist. On the tables are envelopes with pictures depicting different seasons; you need to choose pictures that are suitable for spring. Make suggestions based on the pictures.

Which offer did you like best? Outline this proposal.

How many words are there in a sentence? Say the first word, the second. …. Let's remember the rule about supply.

Speech therapist. Show the correct sign at the end of the sentence. Spring has finally arrived! Streams run along the roads. Have the rooks arrived yet?

Physical education minute

Sunshine, sunshine

Shine brighter for us.

Sunshine, sunshine

Spread your rays.

We will collect the rays

Let's take the little gilts

Let's ride, let's play

And we'll give it back to you.

Speech therapist. Listen to the riddle. (The child riddles it)

I'm running like a ladder, jingling over pebbles

From afar you will recognize me by the song.

Speech therapist. And now the cube will tell us the game.

Ball game.

If the cube rolls yellow, then you need to name words - signs, if green - words - actions.

Signs: stream - loud, babbling, fast, cold..., words - actions: stream - running, babbling, ringing...

Speech therapist. Playing with water (depict a stream - blow through a straw into a glass of water)

Speech therapist. Riddles (children make riddles)

  1. It looks like a stream and leads a passerby to the river.
  2. All migratory birds are cleared of worms from the arable land.

Jump back and forth across the arable land, and the bird’s name is... rook.

  1. Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!

The snow is melting, there is water all around,

Can't wear felt boots

In the snow... thawed patches.

Speech therapist. Let's play with these words. What do their sounds have in common?

Children. Sound R

Speech therapist. Who wants to choose a sound scheme and talk about that sound?

Children. This is a consonant, hard, sonorous sound.

Speech therapist. Name the “extra” word, why is it “extra”? (rook)

Speech therapist. Make up a word from syllables (ice drift). What it is? What two words did this word come from?

Children. From the words “ice moves.”

Find the symbol for this word on the cube. Form new words from the two: snow melts - snowmelt, first flowers - primroses. What else Difficult words do you remember? (snowdrop, snowfall)

Speech therapist. We saw spring. Do you want to hear the sounds of spring? Listen.

Speech therapist. What did you hear? (drops). What is "Kapel"?

Name related words to this word (drip, drop, dripping, droplet).

Finger game.

Drip-drip-drip, spring has come (fingers say hello)

Drip-drip-drip, the icicles are melting (fingers say hello)

Streams ran (large and index finger move around the table)

The rooks have flown to us (palms join hands, thumbs intertwined, waving palms)

Speech therapist. We have another surprise left by spring. This is her musical instrument, a xylophone. I'll play a melody. Can you tell me what she reminds you of?

Children. This melody resembles the sound of a drop.

Speech therapist. You can “play” words on the xylophone (tapping out the rhythmic pattern of the words).

I suggest you “perform” the words on the xylophone and place them in the correct house: he, she, it, they. We will play in pairs. One person plays the xylophone, the other places the picture in the desired house. (Children perform a rhythmic pattern based on the pictures of spring signs)

Bottom line

Speech therapist. Our meeting is coming to an end. Think about what you would tell the teachers about our meeting. Share your impressions of what you remember most and liked. Did everything work out for you? Now let’s fill the box with words of what we expect from spring.

The sun gives everyone a smile and the warmth of its rays. And I will give you spring-themed coloring books.


  1. I. Tokmakova “Spring is coming to us...”
  2. E. Shim “Stone, stream, icicle and sun”

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