Makeup for Halloween at home for girls, boys and children - How to make scary makeup with your own hands with the help of easy master classes. Necessary materials for easy Halloween makeup for Scarecrow girls at home

Holidays change our lives. If earlier carnival costumes were used only on New Year holidays Today, another costumed holiday has become very popular - Halloween.

IN festive events In honor of Halloween, children also take part with pleasure. After all, they love to dress up in unusual costumes, depicting zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits.

To make the image complete, you need not only to choose a costume, but also to come up with a make-up appropriate for the character. For example, a vampire costume will not produce the desired effect if the child does not have sharp fangs and deathly pale skin.

How is children's vampire makeup for Halloween different from makeup for adults? First, you should take into account the age of the child. If this is a baby, then makeup should not scare him. Therefore, for a child, we try to make makeup not scary, but rather funny. Secondly, it should be noted that the skin of children is thinner and more sensitive, therefore cosmetical tools, which are planned to be used, must be hypoallergenic and harmless.

Important point! Allergy tests should be done before applying makeup. You need to take a little of the cosmetics that you plan to use and apply to the skin of the baby's hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist or elbow. If after a couple of hours backlash(rash, redness, itching) is not observed, you can start working with makeup.

There are several types of make-up you can use to give your child Halloween vampire makeup.

Read also: Makeup for teenagers

The best option is face painting. This hypoallergenic paints water based. After application, they do not cause discomfort, do not tighten the skin, and hold well. This remedy is sold in dry (in tablets) or already diluted form. The first option is more practical for use at home, since undiluted makeup has a long shelf life, it can be used for several years. And this is an important factor, since face painting is not cheap.

Apply this product with sponges and brushes. To remove makeup, it will be enough just to wash your face.

Theatrical make-up can also be used, as a rule, it does not cause allergic reactions. However, this tool is made on a fatty basis, the skin under a layer of makeup does not breathe. Therefore, this option for young children is better not to use or apply only to small areas of the skin, and not to cover the entire face with makeup. To remove this makeup, you need cosmetic milk or oil.

Another tool with which you can make vampire makeup for Halloween for children is special face crayons. This product is harmless to the skin, easy to apply. However, crayons have a significant drawback - they are quickly erased, so the makeup made with their help will not last long.

In addition to the listed tools, to create an image of a vampire, you will need:

  • cosmetic pencils different color(at least you need to have black and red on hand);
  • eyeliner and mascara;
  • dark blush;
  • a palette of shadows with several shades, it is important that dark tones are present in the palette, preference is burgundy, purple, dark brown, gray, black;
  • concealer.

Of the tools you will need sponges, brushes different sizes and shapes, as well as cotton swabs and discs for correction.

How to do makeup?

First of all, you need to come up with an image that will be supported by a suit, makeup and accessories. To do this, you should look at the photo of children in the role of the selected character. Of course, it is not necessary to copy the image created by someone, you can just get the basic ideas, and then create an exclusive make-up with your own hands.

Consider how to do light makeup vampire, describing the implementation of the work in stages.

First you need to prepare and protect the baby's skin. To do this, apply on the face baby cream. After fifteen minutes, when the cream is absorbed, you can get to work. Our task at this stage is to give the skin a deathly pallor. To do this, you can use white makeup, to which you can add a little blue paint. If there are freckles or pimples on the face, then concealer should be applied to them.

If makeup is not at hand, you can whiten your face with a home remedy that can be prepared from flour, starch and a few drops of glycerin. This composition is applied with a sponge. If you apply it too thickly, then over time it may crack and crumble slightly. However, this will make the image of a vampire even more terrible.

Then you should powder your face with baby powder, brush off excess powder with a powder puff.

Now it's time to apply blush. You can use bronze or other dark shade, blush can be replaced with dark brown or gray shadows. Apply the product with a wide brush on the cheekbones and sides of the forehead and temples.

Outrageous image of a vampire is a win-win option good outfit for Halloween or other costume party. He has long managed to become everyone's favorite "classic of the genre." Pale face, bright makeup and the spectacular appearance of the prince of darkness will not go out of fashion for a long time.

Where can you get such a suit? One option is to order it online. However, you can also make it yourself. How to do it and will be discussed in this article.

Preparing a costume, or the mission is possible

It is difficult to imagine the image of Dracula without the traditional cloak. It can be long or short. You decide.

Usually such a robe falls from the shoulder to the ankles, so 1-2 meters of fabric are needed to sew it. You will need satin, silk, taffeta or velvet (i.e. any lightweight fabric, preferably with a glossy surface). The color of the raincoat must be chosen "vampire": black, blue or red. To make this outfit more sophisticated, you can make its hem rounded.

A wide hood will add completeness to such a vampire cloak. It is easy to make: a triangle is cut out of the fabric right size, after which its short edge is folded inward and sewn to give shape. Then the hood is tacked onto the cloak - and voila!, the vampire mantle is ready.

Ideally, a vampire cloak or cape should have a red lining. It is better to sew a satin red padding to a black fabric immediately, and then cut a raincoat.

If we are talking about a costume for children, then feel free to proceed with the decor of the attire: decorate it with images of spiders, bats or the moon. They can be cut from any bright fabric, thick paper and even foil. As an option - use gold or silver paint in a spray can and a simple stencil.

Another important point is the choice suitable clothes under the cloak To make this task easier for you, we offer a small list of popular options:

If you have the opportunity to get robes similar to the old costumes of the 18th and 19th centuries, be sure to use it. After all, with their help you can recreate the classic image of the children of the night. You can use the rental of masquerade costumes.

Below we have posted a video of the process of making a cloak for a vampire costume with assemblies.

IN male version instead of a hood, you need to bend the fabric two or three times to get a high collar. For rigidity, you can lay inside with cardboard or stitch with rhombuses.

Spectacular makeup is an indispensable attribute of the image of a vampire

Other distinguishing feature this character- bright, catchy makeup on deathly pale skin. To achieve this effect, follow our tips.

  1. The first step is to prepare the skin of the face by applying a small layer of cream or a base makeup base on it.
  2. A vampire's face shouldn't be shiny, so you'll need matte powder or baby powder. It must be applied over the cream.
  3. Ready? Then we can go directly to make-up in the vampire style. First of all, let's outline the eyes. To do this, you need a black cosmetic pencil or eyeliner. The main strokes should be applied to the inside of the eye, as well as draw lines on the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Next, give the eyes a smoky effect. This can be done by applying gray, purple and brown eyeshadow.
  5. If you want your face to be completely pale, don't use blush.
  6. We pay special attention to the lips. Their shape and color should be expressive, but it is not necessary to paint them perfectly evenly. A little carelessness in creating lip makeup for a vampire is even welcome. classic colors lipsticks - red, brown and black.
  7. Then we will start creating the effect of dried blood streams on the face. To prepare artificial blood, you need to mix any syrup and dye (red and a little blue for realism).

At the link you can see how to make, filmed professional makeup artists and amateur make-up artists. They will help you create an elegant and exciting look. This training will take you 5-10 minutes, after which you can try to apply such makeup yourself.

Women can also get a matching manicure in red or black. If you have short nails, then you can use artificial false tips.

We select accessories

To complete the image of a vampire, take care of other details of the outfit. Their number and options are only limited by your imagination. They will help you either copy the image of vampires from famous movies and TV shows, or create your own interpretation of it.

We offer some of the most common options for accessories:

  • Fangs. They can be purchased at specialty stores or make your own. To make vampire fangs at home, you will need a clean bottle of white plastic. From it you will cut a plate in the shape of teeth with fangs. You can apply the necessary texture and color of blood on them with nail polish. For details on the process of making fangs yourself, see the video above.
  • Wig. Usually the image of a vampire is associated with long hair. Their color can be white, black or bright red. To create an original image, you can buy a wig. Various stores today carnival costumes offer wide choose such products.
  • Hairstyle. You short hair And don't you want to wear a wig? Then you can model your hair using a gel with strong fixation. Hair can be ruffled randomly in the style of vampires from the movie "Twilight" or make a small mohawk, collecting strands in the center.
  • Decorations. The Gothic look of a vampire is unimaginable without all kinds of rings, crosses, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, medallions, brooches and belts. For women, fancy necklaces with bright stones and ornaments or wide black ribbons tied with small bows around the neck and arms are perfect.
  • Hats. Sometimes the image of the prince of the night can be complemented by this accessory. For men, strict black top hats a la Bram Stoker's Dracula are suitable, and for women - small hats with lace. Also, a headdress for vampires can be made in the form of an old veil, decorating it with an imitation of cobwebs, drops of homemade blood or a wreath of artificial flowers in the old style.
  • Cane. Continuing the theme classic images vampires, one cannot help but recall the ancient wands that we so often see in the hands of Hollywood villains. You can make a cane yourself or buy it in an online store.
  • Chains. You can decorate them with both women's and men's suits. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number. Perfect option- hang a small chain with small links on the belt of your pants or on a vest. Women can decorate a corset or dress with such an accessory.
  • Glasses. The most successful option is sunglasses with small round glasses in black. They will go great with a top hat and a black long wig.
  • Lenses. We also recommend purchasing vampire lenses for eyes with a red or vertical pupil. Today, their choice is simply huge, so there should not be any special problems with their purchase.

By the way, if you do not have the time or opportunity to make a costume yourself, you can buy or rent a ready-made version of it in special stores.

What will be your vampire look - ancient noble, modern elegant or simple realistic - you decide. Depending on the type of this character, you will need to choose makeup and accessories to give the image integrity and completeness.

Haven't you forgotten? Follow the link to read the history of the holiday and find out how it is celebrated in different countries.
And if you have not yet decided which role to choose, then how to create the image of a delightfully bright, elegant or fabulous witch.

Don't be afraid to experiment, pay attention to details and rich colors, and your Halloween costume will be second to none!

The Good Fairy or the Insidious Witch, the terrible Jason or the rogue Jack Sparrow, the vampire Count Dracula or the walking dead Zombie? Whatever costume you choose for Halloween, you will definitely need the right makeup for Halloween. Of course, you can turn to a make-up artist for help, and he will quickly and professionally create a real picture on the face of a boy, girl, guy, girl or man. But it is much more interesting and exciting to take a chance and try to draw spectacular makeup for a holiday at home with their own hands. And our simple detailed instructions with a photo of the final result and valuable video tips will help you with this. Study them carefully and realize your most vivid fantasies. After all, Halloween is just perfect for creative experiments and follies.

Light makeup for Halloween at home for girls - how to make the image of Harley Quinn

Appearing at an All Saints Day party as the bright beauty and supervillain Harley Quinn from the Suicide Squad film is not only successful, but also original idea. This image has not yet become commonplace and makes it possible to effectively stand out from the crowd of witches, vampires, zombies and deadly nurses. Creating a costume does not require much effort, but to make light makeup Harley Quinn for Halloween at home, the following master class will help the girls.

Necessary materials for creating easy Harley Quinn Halloween makeup for girls at home

  • thick make-up base
  • face painting set
  • gel eyeliner
  • pomade
  • lip pencil
  • sequins
  • cosmetic brushes

Step-by-step instructions on how a girl can easily make Harley Quinn makeup for Halloween at home

Interesting Halloween makeup at home - the best ideas for girls

In order for the image chosen for the feast of All Saints to turn out to be as bright, spectacular and memorable as possible, it is not enough to prepare only original suit. The outfit must be complemented by an interesting make-up made at home. On Halloween, he will turn the pretty face of the girl into a frightening mask and make the look truly creepy and seductively intimidating.

The best Halloween makeup ideas for girls

The demonic angel is an option for girls who, even on Halloween, want to remain luxurious, sexy and attractive. To create makeup, you need to tint the general background of the place where the drawing will be located with a white base. Then, with a damp brush, take some black make-up paint and paint over the area around one eye, including the eyebrow. Using a gray cosmetic pencil, draw small parts. On the second part of the face, apply the usual version of your evening makeup.

Bloody modest - a very unusual and stylish makeup for brave girls, who are not afraid to appear before their acquaintances in an unexpected and rather creepy form. To recreate the image, you will need to treat the face with cosmetic whitewash, emphasize the contour of the eyes with black arrows, apply smoky gray shadows to the upper eyelids, firmly mark the thin thread of the eyebrows and thickly make up the eyelashes. At the last stage, vampire teeth must be inserted under the upper lip, and the area around the mouth should be liberally lubricated with artificial blood sold in stores. cool gifts. To make the impression of the image as strong as possible, you will have to take a fan in your hands and cover half of your face with it. While conducting a secular conversation with a person, you can accidentally lower the fan and observe the shock that the interlocutor will be in when he sees a sweet girl in front of him, suddenly turned into a monster.

The Bride of Frankenstein is a classic Halloween makeup look. To make it at home, you will need to clean your face and cover it with a dense layer of white and blue tonal foundation. Apply black-gray shadows to the area around the eyes so that the impression of deeply sunken eye sockets is created. With gel eyeliner, outline the contour of the eyes several times and thickly color the eyelashes. Paint over your own eyebrows with gray shadows so that they are not visible. Draw thin black eyebrows a little higher. On one cheek, depict a wound sewn up with coarse threads, and paint the lips with pale pink lipstick. The image will turn out to be very romantic and at the same time creepy and sad.

Halloween makeup video at home - videos with examples of creating scary images for girls

On All Saints Day, a girl can turn into anyone and a video on creating Halloween makeup at home confirms this. They show how to become a beautiful vampire, driving men crazy with her beauty, and then drinking their blood to the last drop.

Or try yourself in the role of the bloody Indian goddess Kali, who subjugates everyone around with one glance.

Or try on the image of the Drowned Woman, who found solace from unhappy love in clear waters magical lake.

On All Saints Day, there is no need to limit your imagination. The courage and desire to experiment will make your Halloween bright, original and unforgettable.

Simple and quick Halloween makeup for kids "Cat" - a master class on how to draw

A step-by-step master class tells how to quickly and easily draw Halloween makeup for children "Cat". This type of makeup is original, but not at all bloodthirsty, which means it is suitable even for kids, and not only for girls, but also for boys. For older children, the image of a cat on the face can be made more pronounced by enhancing the contrasts. To do this, it suffices to replace brown shades on thick black, and instead of gloss, use bright red lipstick, which will help to make a catchy accent on the lips. This version of the picture will look quite grotesque and will suit any festive outfit.

Necessary materials for creating children's makeup "Cat" at home

  • foundation nude shades
  • cosmetic white
  • colored eyeliners
  • sheer glitter eyeshadow
  • natural tone powder
  • black ink
  • lip gloss

Step-by-step instructions on how to make cat makeup for children on Halloween

  1. Cleanse the skin of the child's face with a very gentle sparing agent. Gently apply a thin layer of foundation all over the face natural shade. This step is not mandatory, but with this approach, the makeup will look more vivid and impressive.
  2. Eyeliner chocolate color circle the edge of the nose, and draw a small circle on the tip, imitating the dark nose of a cat.
  3. Just above the lips, draw the outline of the base for the mustache, and paint it inside with cosmetic whitewash. When they dry dark color put a few dots, and on the sides on both sides with light strokes depict mustache stripes. Emphasize each mustache in a bright, white tone. This will give the image volume and naturalness.
  4. Color eyelashes with black mascara.
  5. Apply shimmery eyeshadow to upper eyelids.
  6. Highlight the lower eyelids with brown and white arrows.
  7. Powder natural eyebrows so that they are not visible. Draw eyebrows in the form of wings on top. Circle the contour with a dark pencil, and tint the rest with white.
  8. Draw teardrops in the corners of the eyes.
  9. Lips cover with a transparent light gloss.

Classic and original Halloween Witch makeup for kids

The witch is a traditional character for the celebration of All Saints Day. Both preschool girls and young high school students are happy to try on this role. The easiest way to create Halloween witch makeup for kids requires almost no effort. It is enough just to cover the face with the most light tonal foundation, apply thick gray-black shadows on the upper eyelids and the area under the eyebrows, paint the eyelashes with mascara, apply very dark lipstick, put a classic witch headdress on your head and the festive look is ready.

Necessary materials for the original and scary children's makeup "Witch" for Halloween

  • face painting set
  • multi-colored cosmetic pencils
  • liquid eyeliner
  • dark brown or deep purple lipstick

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a children's scary makeup "Witch"

  1. On exposed parts of the dry, clean face apply swamp-colored aqua paint. Distribute it evenly and bring it as close as possible to the scalp so that there is no visible strip of skin of a natural color.
  2. Using liquid eyeliner, highlight the arrows on the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. Use dark green paint to depict deep wrinkles and warts on the face.
  4. Make up lips with brown or ink lipstick, note dark green paint skin folds above the eyebrows. Complete the look by loosening your hair and wearing a witch's cap with stars on your head.

Children's make-up of a good Witch for a Halloween party

On Halloween, it is not necessary to act as a scary character. Goodies on the day of the holiday are also relevant, as well as evil witches, vampires, zombies and other evil spirits. To create a good witch makeup, you need a light tonal base, an eyeshadow palette warm colors, blush, colored mascara and pink lip gloss.

On the face of a girl who wants to play the role of a good witch at the holiday, you can depict butterflies, flowers or some thin, lacy patterns in bright, saturated colors. It is appropriate to use sequins, rhinestones and shimmering cosmetic preparations(highlighter, pearlescent powder, bronzer, etc.). So gentle feminine image will become a real ray of light, illuminating the society of gothic characters wrapped in black fabrics, gathered for the celebration of Halloween.

Scary Halloween Homemade Makeup for Boys - How to Create Jason Voorhees Look

The legendary character of the cult film "Friday the 13th" is still popular. Most often, this image for the celebration of All Saints Day is chosen by boys who are fond of horror movies and horror comics. You can buy a mask of a creepy killer for such a child in a store or make a Jackson Voorhees makeup for Halloween for a boy at home with your own hands. The process of creating a monster's face is incredibly simple, but its realism is truly frightening and can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes to people who see the famous maniac coming out of their porch on October 31st.

Necessary materials for Jason Voorhees makeup for Halloween for a boy

  • cosmetic white
  • makeup paint red and black
  • black eyeliner
  • cosmetic pencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to make Jason's makeup for a boy at home

  1. On pre-washed dry face liberally apply cosmetic white. Spread them evenly over the chin, forehead, nose and cheekbones. Tightly protonate the lips so that they are not visible. Do not approach the eye area.
  2. When the base dries, emphasize the shape of the eyes with liquid eyeliner, and apply black makeup around to the very eyebrows. As a result, the eyes should resemble deep black funnels, from where shiny pupils look at others.
  3. With scarlet make-up paint, make marks on the cheeks and on the forehead, just above the eyebrows.
  4. Wait until the makeup hardens, and then use a cosmetic pencil to draw a few black circles-holes that Jason had in the movies.

Video instruction - how to make a boy en Halloween Jason Voorhees makeup

How to do Halloween makeup for guys - draw on the face Skeleton

Making Skeleton Halloween makeup for guys is not at all difficult. To bring this idea to life, only two colors of paint are required. White tone serves as the basis of the drawing, and black is used to work out small and large details.

The process of creating makeup Skeleton for a guy on Halloween

Halloween makeup for guys - how to do zombie makeup at home

Another must-have Halloween character is the scary walking dead Zombie. Even the cutest guys are happy to transform into this monster with a bloody face, cadaveric spots and terrible wounds. Making Halloween Zombie makeup for a guy at home is not difficult. The main thing is to be careful and use paint good quality so that after the party you do not suffer from itching and irritation on the skin.

Necessary materials for makeup Zombie guy for Halloween

  • face painting set
  • cosmetic brushes
  • napkins
  • sponge or sponge
  • red gouache

Step by Step Instructions for Applying Zombie Makeup on a Guy's Face

  1. Cover a clean-shaven, absolutely dry face with a thin layer of white paint and wait for it to dry well.
  2. Mix red gouache with clerical glue and apply on the cheek where the location of the bloody laceration is planned.
  3. Tear paper napkins into small pieces and glue to the place of application of paint. Distribute them evenly over the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, creating a bumpy layer. The paper will absorb the paint on its own and in just a few minutes the cheek will take on a frightening, bloody look.
  4. Take a little dark gray make-up on the sponge and blend around the “wound” with light movements. This will add naturalism and create the feeling of gore.
  5. On upper eyelid apply gray makeup and blend it lightly to the inner corner of the eye, thus creating a tired, exhausted look.
  6. At the end, lightly powder the cheekbones with light gray make-up, giving the face a dead look.

How to draw Zombie makeup - video tutorial

What Halloween makeup is suitable for guys with a beard - interesting ideas for holiday looks

The original Halloween makeup for guys with a beard is not easy to pick up. Of course, you can take a radical approach and appear at an All Saints Day party in the role of Conchita Wurst, but not all men can do such actions. But almost every bearded man can transform into the insidious and sarcastic leader of all pirates, Jack Sparrow. For this, you do not need to apply a large layer of paint on the face. You can limit yourself to eye makeup and decorate your beard in an original way with colored wooden beads.

If the beard is very short and rather resembles a week-long unshaven, you should choose the role of a werewolf for yourself. At lung care make-up to the face, you can quickly give a characteristic shade of the skin of the beast and glue with special glue additional "vegetation" on the forehead, cheeks and between the eyebrows. Such makeup will look good with a solid evening suit, and with the usual jeans and a rough pullover.

The owner of a long beard is perfect for the role of a dwarf from the famous saga "The Lord of the Rings". To embody the image, you will need to shade your face with light makeup, intensively paint over your eyes with dark gray or black shadows and beautifully braid your beard in original pigtails. To enhance the effect, it is appropriate to decorate the cheekbones with symbolic magic signs and drawings. They will add color to the image and attract additional attention.

Halloween makeup ideas for men - stock pictures and photos

Simple options for Halloween makeup for men will help to create relatives, friends and girlfriends at home. Ideal for this fit image Joker with a bloody smile from ear to ear.

Looks no less impressive pale face Count Dracula, accentuated by traditional vampire fangs and drops of blood at the corners of the lips.

Older men will surely like the walking dead makeup. It does not require too much paint and some special specific costume. Dead skin tone and a couple of bloody wounds on the face, complete with any casual wear look creepy and impressive.

Making scary Halloween makeup with your own hands at home - video instructions

Bloody wounds on a boy's cheek, scary stitches on the delicate neck of a girl or girl, burns on the body and exfoliated skin on the children's faces ... All these elements of Halloween makeup can be easily and simply done at home with your own hands. The video clips below with photos, pictures and detailed instructions, will help to correctly draw and realistically recreate creepy special effects. Completed with such colorful accents, children's and adult Halloween makeup will become even more terrible, and the images of zombies, vampires, brides of Frankenstein, witches and other characters will look more realistic.

Halloween is the most terrifying and scary, but no less long-awaited and beloved holiday for children and adults. When else, if not on the eve of All Saints' Day, you can try on the images of villains, fairytale heroes, negative characters of films, monsters and other evil spirits. Moreover, in order to transform into a monster, you do not always need a special outfit or an expensive costume. Good makeup on the face, hand or other part of the body is often more than enough. At the same time, not only girls, but also guys / men or even children can make homemade Halloween makeup with the help of an ordinary cosmetic bag. By the way, for baby makeup on All Saints Day, a special face painting is well suited, which definitely will not cause allergic reaction on the child's skin. However, quality cosmetics also cope with children's Halloween makeup without any problems. In addition, such an economical makeup option allows you to create almost any of the most popular Halloween looks at home. Ordinary shadows, eyeliner, lipstick and powder will help to make a vampire, witch, zombie, cat, skeleton, pirate with a beard or maniac Jason out of every boy or girl. See for yourself on the example of simple and easy workshops with pictures and videos on creating a terrifying Halloween makeup from our today's article.

Light makeup for Halloween at home for girls "Scarecrow" - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Let's start with a very light makeup a popular fairy tale character for Halloween for girls - a scarecrow. In order to embody the image of the famous Scarecrow from The Wizard of the Emerald City at home, you will need quite standard set cosmetics. And to complete the image of this character at home, in addition to light Halloween makeup for the Scarecrow girls from the master class below, you will need a straw hat.

Necessary materials for easy Halloween makeup for Scarecrow girls at home

  • black eyeliner
  • liquid lipstick or coral gloss
  • false eyelashes
  • white eyeliner
  • light eye shadow
  • liquid eyeliner
  • Foundation

Step-by-step instructions for Halloween makeup for Scarecrow girls at home

Grim "Cat" at home for Halloween for children and adults - a lesson with pictures, step by step

The next cat makeup at home for Halloween with pictures is suitable for both adults and children. To create it, you need a minimum of cosmetics and a hoop with cat ears. You will find all the details of creating cat makeup for Halloween for children and adults at home in the lesson with pictures below.

Necessary materials for Halloween cat makeup at home for children and adults

  • Foundation
  • bronzer or dark color corrector
  • black eyeliner
  • black liquid eyeliner
  • shades of light beige and dark shades

Step-by-step instructions for makeup "Cat" at home on Halloween for children and adults

Quick and easy make-up for girls "Elsa" for Halloween - a master class at home

Not every little girl wants to be a witch or a zombie on Halloween. A quick and easy make-up for girls "Elsa" for Halloween from the master class at home below is suitable for those little ones who prefer the images of princesses. To create this quick and very easy make-up for the fairy-tale princess Elsa at home, you will definitely need face painting and a special stencil.

Necessary materials for quick Elsa makeup for girls on Halloween at home

  • face painting in white, blue and blue
  • brush and sponge
  • stencil with snowflakes
  • sequins, rhinestones and glue

Instructions for creating a light make-up for girls on Halloween "Elsa" at home

Light makeup for Halloween for children "Witch" - a master class with pictures, step by step

Halloween witch makeup for children from the master class with pictures below can also be called quite easy to perform. To perform it, you will need a children's face painting and a little artistic talent. All the details creating a lung makeup for Halloween "Witch" for children in the next master class with pictures.

Necessary Materials for Halloween Witch Makeup for Kids

  • makeup green, purple, black colors
  • thin brush
  • pointed hat

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on light makeup on Halloween for children "Witch"

Do-it-yourself scary Skeleton makeup for a boy for a boy - a step-by-step master class

As a rule, Halloween boys prefer scary makeup with their own hands, for example, creating an image of a skeleton. By the way, drawing such makeup at home is as easy as shelling pears. At the same time, the image with a scary Halloween skeleton makeup for a boy with his own hands is always relevant and in demand.

Necessary materials for a scary make-up "Skeleton" for Halloween for a boy with your own hands

  • black and white makeup
  • thin brush
  • flat foundation brush

Step-by-step instructions for a scary Halloween skeleton makeup for a boy with your own hands

Simple Halloween makeup for boys and men "Vampire" - a master class at home, photo

Next option simple make-up halloween vampire at home suitable conditions both boys and men. To create it, you need makeup and a little time. Read more about how to make a simple Halloween vampire makeup for a boy or a man at home in the next master class with a photo.

Necessary materials for a simple Halloween makeup for boys, men "Vampire"

  • white and black makeup
  • Red lipstick
  • black eyeliner

Homemade How To Make Simple Vampire Makeup For Men And Boys For Halloween

How to draw Halloween Zombie makeup for guys - a master class step by step with a photo

To create a truly frightening Halloween look, all you have to do is draw a zombie makeup that is perfect for a guy. Option halloween makeup from the next master class at home is easy to repeat even without special devices and materials. Read more on how to draw a Halloween zombie makeup for guys below.

Materials needed to paint a zombie guy makeup for Halloween

  • long-lasting make-up base
  • Foundation
  • black pencil
  • thin paper
  • PVA glue or medical glue
  • theatrical make-up
  • sculptural makeup

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw zombie makeup for Halloween guys

Hand makeup for Halloween at home for children and adults - a step-by-step master class with pictures

The original and scary Halloween makeup at home for children and adults can be done not only on the face, but also on the hands. Particularly popular are different kind scars, jagged cuts and punctures. In the next master class, we invite you to master Halloween hand makeup at home for children and adults, which in itself can be a holistic image for the holiday.

Necessary materials for Halloween hand makeup at home for children and adults

  • sculptural makeup
  • silicone gel
  • cotton swabs for ears
  • tassel
  • baby powder
  • scalpel
  • theatrical make-up
  • pen
  • fake blood

Step-by-step instructions for Halloween hand makeup at home for children and adults

Scary Jason Face Makeup for Boys for Halloween - Step by Step Video Tutorial

If you want to excite everyone on Halloween, then be sure to make a scary make-up on the face (for boys) of the image of a maniac Jason. Of course, to create this makeup will require certain skills and special materials. But in the end, the scary “Jason” Halloween makeup for the boys from the video below is really scary.

Original Halloween makeup for guys with a beard "Werewolf" - a master class with video

The next original Halloween makeup "Werewolf" is a real find for guys with a beard. The video tutorial below shows the entire process of transforming into a terrible wolfman at home in an accessible and detailed way. Therefore, everyone can repeat the original Halloween werewolf makeup for guys with a beard.

Quick Last Minute Halloween Makeup - Step by Step Video Tutorial

When there's not much time left before the holiday Halloween party, a quick last-minute make-up option comes to the rescue. In the video below you will find some original and simple ideas for creating scary images in 5 minutes. This quick last minute Halloween makeup is perfect for adults and kids alike.

Scary Halloween makeup for adults and kids on the face, arm, or other part of the body can be quick and easy to do. To do this, simply use one of our master classes with pictures and videos on creating awesome images: a skeleton, a zombie, a werewolf, a witch, a vampire, Jason. And for those who prefer to transform into good children's heroes on Halloween, Elsa's or a cat's make-up lessons are suitable. We are sure that not only boys and girls, but also adults (girls, boys and even men with a beard) will be able to find suitable option make-up, which is easily implemented at home.

IN last years and in our country Halloween is celebrated on a large scale, of course, American holiday traditions, like "begging" for sweets, but schoolchildren and adults are happy to take part in costumed parades and parties, so on the eve of the holiday they are worried about several points - and Halloween makeup which must be unique. With your own hands, you can create a unique image, complementing it with eccentric accessories and jewelry.

Women want to be beautiful every day, so every day they perform natural makeup, hiding small flaws in the skin of the face, but there is only one day when the rule applies - the scarier the better, and this happens on the eve of All Saints' Day. For those who do not want to spend money on going to a professional, a simple Halloween makeup at home. Proper makeup must complement your outfit, so the first thing to do is tailor a costume or buy it in a store that has a wide selection of different characters. You can transform into any terrible monster - become a zombie, a vampire, Dracula, a skeleton.

Halloween makeup

Even those women who know how to perform beautiful everyday makeup, may encounter certain difficulties when they decide to make themselves Halloween makeup at home conditions. If you have never applied special makeup to your face before, then it is advisable to first test the reaction of the skin, otherwise, instead of a terrifying makeup, you can get a terrible allergy, and your whole face will be covered with red spots and itchy. A small amount of cosmetics must first be applied to the wrist, and after an hour to look at the reaction, if the skin remains unchanged, then you can begin to perform festive makeup.

DIY Halloween makeup you should start doing it only when you are already wearing a suit, especially if your dress has a narrow neck, otherwise you can then wipe off some of the makeup with the material and you have to start all over again, but already in conditions of time pressure.

First, the face must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. The next step is to attach those objects to the face that should change its shape, you can attach warts or make a false nose, recently false scars have been a particularly popular technique.

Next, the entire face must be covered with base paint, the color of which must be chosen depending on your character. Usually the face is made pale, for the image of a skeleton or a vampire, so they cover it with white paint. If you will dead bride– apply Blue colour, and if the devil - red.

When applying foundation, use a sponge, but a brush will help you add texture to makeup in the right places. To highlight the eyes, you need to take dark shadows, you can buy the most inexpensive dark shadows in the store, and they will do the job. You will also use dark shadows if you need to highlight some areas on the face, for example, sunken cheekbones or eyes. You can apply shadows with a thin brush or a special sponge.

The eyeliner will help you draw thematic drawings, such as a web on the cheek or a spider.

When you apply paint on your face, you need to apply the final layer - baby powder, for its application we will use big brush for blush. Thanks to the powder, the paint will not be smeared.

Halloween makeup at home

We have covered the main points how to do makeup for halloween, however, each stage has its own characteristics, which should not be forgotten that the make-up turned out not only bright and thematic, but also durable and lasted throughout the party. Applying each layer, the next one should be started only after the paint has completely dried. To speed up this process, you can use a hair dryer by setting it to " cold air».

The most popular version of the image for the holiday is a vampire, it is chosen by both girls and guys. In order for the image to be complete, do makeup for halloween at home, and for this you should properly whiten your face.

Apply white paint large areas can be applied with a sponge, while narrow areas can be treated with a thin brush. You can get by with improvised means to create a white mass, for this, mix flour with starch in equal amounts and add a little water. Stir the mixture until it becomes a paste. IN ready mix add three drops of glycerin and mix again. If your cream turned out to be very thick and dense, you can add a couple more drops.

To choose Halloween makeup, photo you can look on the Internet, but first you need to decide on a costume, and only then choose the appropriate makeup. If your appearance is intimidating, then your face should also be sinister, but there are also cute, good-natured characters that you can dress up on the eve of All Saints Day, for example, if you chose an angel or fairy costume, then the makeup should be natural, made in pastel colors. Such images are especially suitable for schoolchildren. Various fantastic characters with a bright, catchy face are also popular, for example, elves. But the Witch always white face and black, as if drowned, eyes.

Halloween makeup: photo

Not only girls are puzzled, how to do makeup for halloween at home, but also guys, because they also want to stand out on holiday party. Of course, guys are unlikely to cope even with the simplest make-up on their own, and they will definitely ask their friends for help. Male makeup should be very simple so they can handle it on their own. Most often, men stop at simple characters with a white face and dark eyes. You can also easily complete the image of the Joker, but for this you need to carefully draw a sinister smile.

We agree that not everyone has the opportunity to buy a special make-up kit, which creates Halloween makeup video there are a lot of master classes with various options on the Internet, for example, you can perform.

Blush and foundation can be made independently from improvised products, for example, to make a bronzer, cornstarch is used, which is mixed with cocoa and ground cinnamon. Add additional ingredients little by little and mix thoroughly, the amount of ingredients is at your discretion until the desired shade is achieved. You need to add a couple of drops of essential base oil to the mixture, you can add a couple of drops of vodka, thanks to these additives, the bronzer will hold on better.

Dark shadows can be created using activated charcoal, the powder is easily applied to the eyelids with a damp brush. You can also make your own eyeliner: mix equal amounts of coconut and cocoa butter and add half a spoonful of activated charcoal powder.

light makeup for halloween

Children can do light makeup for halloween, for example, schoolchildren will love the image of a zombie, which is very easy to make. It is necessary to apply concealer around the eyes, also apply it around the lips, which will create the effect of pallor. The upper and lower eyelids should be covered with matte dark shadows, and they should also be applied with a large brush on the cheekbones.

Using a soft black pencil, draw vertical lines on the lips that would resemble seams. Girls can turn into a bright cat: their eyes should be decorated with luminous shadows or multi-colored pencils, and a small circle should be drawn on the tip of the nose with a black pencil. Moving from the nose, you need to draw a mustache on both sides. The tips of the antennae should be decorated with sparkles, it is convenient to apply them with the help of cotton swab.

You can create with the whole family, even preschoolers can do a light make-up, because they will watch the whole process with great interest and also want to become part of this colorful holiday.

The image of a vampire is simple Halloween makeup for a girl and for a guy, so you can come with your couple in similar themed costumes, like the main characters of the popular movie "Twilight".

First, with a black pencil, you need to draw two lines that will go from the outer corner of the eye. Then you need to fill in the space between the lines: apply on the face white base to remove shine from the face and whiten it. To create pale painful appearance, you can make a mixture of gray, brown and pink shadows and apply it on the chin, cheekbones, circle around the eyes and nose. An ominous look can be given to the appearance if you draw eyebrows with a black pencil.

Complete the image with artificial fangs, from which there will be a bloody smudge in the corner of the mouth.

When preparing for the party, be sure to prepare souvenirs for your friends, for example, a stylish present will be with an ominous poem inside.

Halloween face makeup

great importance in your festive manner acquire individual elements and accessories, even a boring costume can be complemented by making a bright face makeup for halloween. For example, a simple bright dress can be complemented with “candy sponges”, for the creation of which you will need colorful sprinkles for Easter. First you need to apply a foundation to the sponges, and then sprinkle with multi-colored crumbs.

Eyes in this image can be made up with bright shadows: make a transition from raspberry to yellow.

When the makeup is thought out and the elements for its creation are prepared, you should think about home decor or additional accessories to your image. To keep the hairstyle from looking boring, you can wear a bright wig or dye the strands with a tonic that will wash off immediately after the party.

Can complement your hat, it can be attached to the hoop using additional elements decor, make bows out of satin ribbons or a base of bright tulle. A simple hat can be made from cardboard, and then decorated with material of any color.

Remember that after the party, after returning home, you need to wash your face thoroughly, washing off the paint will help you common remedy for washing off cosmetics. Make sure that cosmetics do not get into your eyes, so you need to wash it off from separate areas using a cotton pad.
