How to overcome a personal financial crisis: a step by step guide. Recommendations for successfully overcoming the crisis

1. The organizational service of the PR should develop a clear and precise position regarding what is happening. A flexible response to developments must be combined with clear guidelines on fundamental issues.

2. The involvement of top management in resolving the situation must be visible to the public. The public must be convinced that top management is working decisively and effectively to resolve the crisis.

3. Increased support for a third party authoritative for the public contributes to the resolution crisis situation.

4. Ensuring that the company's top management is present at the scene demonstrates to the public the company's concern. Thus, the chairman of the board of directors of Union Carbide flew to the Indian city of Bhopal in 1984, when the explosion of the company's plant killed thousands of people (Seitel, p. 453). His trip at least showed attention to the event. In 1989, an Exxon tanker capsized in an Alaskan port and spilled 1,300 square miles of oil. The chairman of Exxon Rawl said he had more important things to do than fly to the spill port. With this, he lost the PR battle.

5. Communications must be centralized. In any crisis, you should establish a point of communication - a responsible person and create a team to support him. This person and only he should be authorized to state the position of the company.

6. It is necessary to cooperate with the mass media. In crisis situations, journalists are intrusive - they rush through all doors to get a story. This should not be taken personally, they should be treated as friendly adversaries and explain your vision of the crisis. Turning journalists into enemies will only add to the tension.

7. You can not ignore the busy. Keeping employees informed helps keep the company running as smoothly as possible. The employed are the closest ally of management in a crisis, so they cannot be kept in the dark.

8. The crisis should be managed as a process, to see it in perspective. Often management under-reacts early in a crisis and over-reacts as the crisis escalates.

9. Positioning of the organization - the restoration of a positive reputation should be actively begun by the time the tension of the crisis situation is reduced. From the very beginning of a crisis, it is important to focus on highlighting the steps taken by the organization to resolve the crisis. Guilt should be acknowledged, if any. But then you need to quickly focus on what the organization is doing now, not on what went wrong. Visits of key figures from audiences significant to the organization, presentations with media coverage help to show the public that the organization has learned the lessons and is in control.

10. Consistently monitor and evaluate the process with surveys, for example. It is necessary to measure the pulse of employees, consumers, suppliers, distributors, investors and the general public. Determine if your messages reach the audience. Constantly check which aspects of the program are working and which are not, and make adjustments accordingly.

11. Directed communications with employees, and especially periodic releases of video and radio news, should reflect the development of the crisis and the work of the organization to overcome it. Concentrated campaigns to implement the changes caused by the crisis help to restore the confidence of the employed in management. This has a positive effect on restoring trust in the consumer organization.

The crisis of self-determination can happen at any age and with different conditions, and whatever the circumstances, the crisis is given to a person hard. To overcome this condition, you need to figure out who you are, and then get rid of the thoughts that confuse you and learn something new that will make your personality more whole.


Understand who you are

  1. Briefly describe yourself. Imagine that you are meeting someone and you need to describe yourself in a few phrases. Describe yourself using the words and expressions you would use in that situation.

    • If you find it difficult to put your thoughts into words, remember how to last time your friend or acquaintance introduced you to someone new. Think about how others perceive you based on your behavior in relation to the world.
  2. Ask yourself if you are trying to define yourself using external connections. Go back to the description you gave yourself earlier and choose a definition that is used in connection with another person, job, or something else outside of your personality.

    • If you consider yourself the wife or husband of such and such a person, the daughter or son of such and such a person, the mother or father of such and such a person, you define yourself through another person.
    • Describing yourself as an employee of a company or a person of any profession, you define yourself through work.
    • Through objects, people define themselves much less often, but this is also possible, especially with the help of non-verbal signs. For example, if you show off an expensive car, you define yourself by being connected to that car. If you only wear expensive branded items and bags, you define yourself through your clothes and accessories.
  3. Understand the difference between temporary and permanent characteristics. Permanent qualities are those properties that stay with you no matter what happens around you. Temporary qualities are things that can change without your participation, and changes can be both expected and unexpected.

    • Permanent qualities are the personal deep properties of a person that characterize you as a person. For example, if you consider yourself an innovator, smart and loyal person, all these qualities are permanent. Even if something changes slightly, they stay with you for the rest of your life.
    • Temporary qualities can come and go, and they are usually external. If you define yourself by position, you will lose that quality when you change jobs. If you consider yourself physically handsome man, this quality will disappear as a result of injury or aging.
  4. Re-characterize yourself using only the permanent qualities. Again, imagine that you are meeting a new person, and describe yourself in a couple of phrases. Try to replace external characteristics with internal ones.

    Get rid of the thoughts that confuse you

    1. Decide what you don't want. Don't get hung up on what you want out of life. Think about what you not want to. You can use general and specific examples.

      • Even if you don't know what you want to work with, you can say something like this: "I don't want to do a job that I hate." You can specify: "I do not want sedentary work or "I don't want a job where you have to deal with clients in person." Narrowing down the list options, you will probably find the profession that can give you what you need.
    2. Get rid of expectations. Plans help to see the direction of movement, but life most often does not go according to plan. If you had certain expectations that were not met, accept that they may never be met, and do not count on the fact that everything will come true.

      • Of course, you should strive to achieve your goals. Danger comes when you define yourself in terms of something that hasn't happened yet.
      • A person who wants to start a family may try to date and have relationships, but he may not succeed even if he does everything right. Don't define yourself by such expectations.
    3. Stop looking around. If you think too much about what others are doing and how their lives are going, you can forget about your own life. Stop comparing your life with the lives of friends, relatives and colleagues close to you in age and set of circumstances.

      • If you are young, you may look at old school friends and realize that everyone has a career or family life. You may start to panic because you don't have it yet, which will make you feel lost and difficult to control your emotions.
      • As you get older and reflect on life, you will notice that neighbors, colleagues, and siblings have bigger houses, more expensive cars, and vacations in exotic countries. You will try to understand what went wrong in your life and why it is different, but most likely everything in your life went like this - just in a different way.
    4. Let go of frustration. When you don't get what you really want, you get frustrated, and that's okay. But if you start picking up those frustrations and accumulating them, you won't be able to move forward.

      • If you have just completed long term relationship, you may mourn the future that you envisioned for yourself that didn't come. If you only think about who you would be if the relationship continued, you will not be able to understand who you are now.
      • This also applies if you lose your job or don't get the position you want. Work doesn't define who you are, so losing doesn't make you less of a whole person.
    5. Act according to the circumstances. The circumstances in which you find yourself may not meet your expectations, but you will have to build on what you have. Don't wait until life gets better by itself - start changing it under these conditions.

      • Perhaps you've always wanted to live in big city but forced to live in the village. Don't define yourself in terms of a dream, because that will prevent you from developing your current self.

    Refine your personality

    1. Take care of what you've always been putting off. If you ever gave up on a hobby because of a busy schedule, return to this activity.

      • For example, you once liked to cook and bake sweets, but you no longer find time for this. Set aside a couple of hours each week for this activity. If you have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or other musical instrument, rent it and sign up for classes.
    2. Take up a new sport or take up a new hobby. Start doing something you've never done before. You can discover new facets of yourself.

      • This does not mean that you should do what you definitely hate. If you have never liked needlework, you should not learn to knit.
      • Try to do something that you never thought about or about which you did not have a definite opinion. Perhaps you have never thought about swordsmanship or ballroom dancing, but if you really want to learn, you should try.
    3. Spend more time with similar people. Maintain relationships with people of a similar age, faith, profession, or with people with similar family circumstances. These people will understand better than others what is happening to you.

      • Consider joining a club or community, especially if it resonates with your hobbies or life circumstances. Readers can visit the book club. A newly married person may want to communicate with newlyweds and new parents. If you are a supporter of a particular faith, join a religious group.
      • Discussing difficulties with comrades can help, but even if you never dare to tell others, you can draw certain conclusions just by watching others.

It was already in a children's fairy tale: Goodwin, the Great and Terrible, performed cherished desires heroes who came to him along the yellow brick road. So why worry now, if it is known that history has happy end? The "great" and "terrible" crisis is just a decoration. The most important thing you get on the way of knowing yourself.

An experiment was conducted in the late 1980s. Lab mice were created ideal conditions: plenty of space, food, water, optimum temperature. Live - food from pleasure.

So at first it was, and after four and a half years the whole family died out without any pathologies - the mice simply stopped multiplying. Scientists explained: the animals lost their motivation to live - and allegorically called the phenomenon "spiritual dying." What happens? Does the struggle for a place in the sun move life forward?

To the bottom and then...

The economic crisis, like any other, opens abscesses. unproductive schemes, inefficient methods, unsustainable projects, overestimated expectations, overestimated opportunities and underestimated risks - everything burns in a fever of change. At a turning point, the economy is cleansed of mistakes, like a sick organism is cleansed of toxins. However, the prognosis is favorable: the temperature drops and the recovery process is accompanied not only by natural weakness, but also by excellent appetite - new prospects.

From the point of view of classical psychology, the economic crisis is not personal. By himself, he is only external factor, which provokes a person to use one or another model of behavior. Psychologists generally warn against blurring the boundaries of the concept. AT mass consciousness crisis - almost any negative: from bad mood before the economic upheaval. And here is the first trap: the perception of the crisis as external influence events that happen independently of us. But in the understanding of psychology, a crisis is only a situation that affects the sphere of a person's ideas about himself, requires him to rethink the picture of the world and change habitual patterns of behavior.

In a certain sense, the crisis in human life, as well as in the economy, is also a natural self-regulation, accompanied by the release of ballast, which we acquire as our desires grow and needs flourish. Economic and personal crises are not synonyms, but they often accompany each other as a cause and effect. Suddenly it turns out that the "luggage", which for us also served as proof that "life is good", is as out of place as a Porsche Cayenne in the narrow streets of Spanish Tarragona. What happens next? In changing circumstances, standard schemes cease to work. Performing habitual actions, a person no longer receives a predictable kind of result. As a result - confusion, excitement, and then - in increasing order: fear and panic, doubts and disappointment in oneself. Understandable, in general, the reaction.

At this point, one could move on to advice on how to survive a crisis and cheerfully recommend anti-crisis "detour routes". The catch is that the advice itself is information, nothing more. It becomes a guide to action only when it coincides with the “coordinate system” of the person to whom it is addressed; corresponds - well, or close - to his perception of the situation. This is because we act within the framework of our habits and react to the crisis-irritant in the same way: by launching our own unique mechanism of interaction with difficulties. Someone habitually begins to look for constructive, and someone - a reason for panic.

And here is the stop sign. Psychologists warn that a mistake that leads to a loss of effectiveness in difficult circumstances is the attitude to the crisis as a potential excuse for one's failures, and often just inaction. "I have difficult period I don’t want to and I can’t do anything!” - this is a dedicated lane to nowhere. The correct perspective is to consider the crisis as an indicator of the need for change: perhaps behavior, or perhaps ideas about oneself or the world around.

Where do wings grow from?

The second component of successfully overcoming the crisis is an active life position. Why did he run? Nobody knows. But the morning run turned into a massive marathon. So it is now: many people just start doing something - “run”, and who knows if the idea of ​​“smiley face” is born along the way.

In the crisis year of 2009, people were looking for ways to inspire themselves. Managers could not increase the salaries of employees, but sought to motivate them through team building events and personal growth programs. There are other statistics: during a crisis, they go to theaters more often, they read more fiction. It's a paradox - doesn't it seem that with the north wind of change, it makes more sense to study (at least in theory) the rules for growing potatoes, and not the theatrical repertoire? Not at all, because a constructive struggle with a personal crisis pushes a person not into the depths of problems, but towards the light: to rethink one's experience, values, oneself and, as a result, to search for new ways of self-actualization.

And experts still advise, faced with a crisis situation, to analyze the development of events. Here, with a pen on paper, point by point, list everything that is supposedly waiting if you stay within familiar boundaries habitual reactions and circumstances. And on another piece of paper write a list of possibilities: what could be done in the changed conditions, even if you step over “I don’t want”, “tired” and “there is no perfection in the world”. Further, in fact, it is necessary to do conscious choice, and it is often small: slide into apathy and depression, or start moving towards new goals.

What would Confucius say to this, warning his descendants to live in an era of change? However, we do not know for sure whether such a phrase actually existed. But it is reliably known that in Chinese the word "crisis" is denoted by two hieroglyphs: "opportunity" and "danger". The point is which one to put on.

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The crisis is raging in the world like a tsunami. The Internet, television, print media are full of information about dire consequences ruin, lack of money, unemployment and impoverishment of the population. Modern sociologists and political scientists say that consumer psychology has been formed in the market and in the community, which has been very effective in developing the provision of goods and services. This, in turn, led to the successful development of various fields business, industry and the economy as a whole. After a long, long period of scarcity and scarcity, the post-Soviet citizen of Russia was carefully getting used to the abundance of goods and services, as well as to their the best quality. And now, it would seem, we have already calmed down and stopped worrying, as the global economic crisis broke out. Again we are being told to tighten our belts and be frugal. Again, many suffer losses, and fear and uncertainty settle in their souls.

However, not everyone despaired, and many, having heeded the proposals of anti-crisis programs and measures, are trying to maintain self-control, faith in success and, oddly enough, a stable income. How do they do it, how do they differ from the bulk of people?

Psychologists say that today's crisis is not only in the financial and economic sphere, but in the minds and souls of people. The psychology of the consumer is dangerous for a person because it leaves him in a serene state of the recipient of benefits, satiety, as in childhood. The child is born and for a long time is supported by the parents. His quality of life, and life itself, depend on how he is taken care of: what he is fed, what he is given, how he is loved. If parents take care of their child too much, overfeed, give so much that the child has nothing to desire, then the person forms an active dependent position on living conditions, on the existing reality, on the environment and financial resources. On the other hand, children who were brought up in families with limited resources of love, attention, verbal and physical strokes, support, and decent, not feigned praise, spend the rest of their lives looking for this missing for normal development resource. They desperately seek to make up for this through success and recognition in social environment: from partners, loved ones, bosses, authorities, etc. On the contrary, they have a deficiency syndrome, eternal hunger and lack. No matter how many achievements and praise they receive, everything is not enough for them, they want more and more. There is a certain greed for everything that surrounds them. They always consider themselves not good enough and worthy of these benefits.

Both categories of people are terrified of any losses, even the smallest and most insignificant. Their anxiety grows even when everything seems to be fine and safe, and anxiety makes them work feverishly all the time, leaving no time for family members, or for favorite things, or for good rest and dream. Internal and external tension is so great and is growing every day that, as the people say, "nerves can not stand it." This is where the danger of a nervous and physical breakdown lies in wait. There are symptoms of various diseases, which are based on stress - strokes, heart attacks, gastrointestinal disorders, vegetative-vascular diseases, endocrine disorders.

In addition, pain physical sensations accompanied mental disorders- irritability, insomnia, panic, depression, both sluggish and all-consuming. And all these reasons form events in life: quarrels in the family, failures at work and in business, losses financial well-being, problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling. They are like snowball, pile on a person. What quality of life are we talking about here? Often, those who have enough money cannot be called happy and rich.

Where is the exit? And he, as a rule, is not far, very close. He is inside you. You just need to dig it out there, highlight it, figure out what's wrong with me. It is difficult to do it yourself, because a person in a state of stress and depression has the ability to tunnel vision or a state of affect, according to scientific. This means that a person is limited in his emotional and energy resources. It looks like this: “Everything is bad”, “some kind of catastrophe”, “all bastards and traitors”, “you can’t trust anyone”, “I knew it”, “it won’t work out”, “I don’t have the strength for this” etc. The person is in the tunnel of these beliefs. Hence, the inability to cope with the situation on their own. There is fatigue and a desire to forget, escape from reality, plunge, even if into a temporary, artificial state of illusory well-being and pleasure: obsessive sex, betrayal, overeating, computer addiction, alcohol abuse and others chemicals(drugs, drugs - antidepressants, analgesics, dream books, etc.). These "pleasures" take away the last finances from a person and create money problems.

Turning to a psychologist has become a habit quite recently and has come into our lives, like many other things, from developed communities and countries. There, they say, this is the norm of life, an important need and a necessity in a crisis situation. Everyone knows that when surgical operation the intervention of an experienced surgeon is necessary, and in case of toothache, a good dentist. But in Russia, for our inhabitants, there is an opinion that human psychology is something universal that does not require support and attention, and the psyche is not an organ, but rather, an addition to physical body. From here, the opinions of the masses of people follow: “It will pass by itself”, “it will resolve itself”, “somehow, on my own”, “I can do it myself and I don’t need anyone.”

Won't pass!! The psyche and psychology, that is, the human soul (“psyche” means “soul” in Greek), is a very delicate and vulnerable mechanism. No wonder people who have gone mad, mentally ill are called mentally ill. And yet folk wisdom says that "if God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his mind." Chronic stress and experience of failures, losses leads to oncological diseases. Scientists have found a direct relationship between cancer and long-term experiences negative feelings: fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, guilt, resentment, etc. Everyone knows that these diseases are incurable and fatal. These are the consequences of an internal crisis and conflicts with oneself. Therefore, before going to the doctors, it is necessary to take the help and advice of a psychologist. Often the doctors themselves say to the patient: "You need to visit a psychologist!". This practice has now become the norm everywhere, and the psychological culture of people is growing more and more rapidly.

Psychological help has become available to people, especially in recent times. The quality of specialists - psychologists has increased, and many independent private offices and centers have appeared psychological help. This creates competitiveness, which qualitatively affects the professional development of psychologists and their psychological services. Private psychologists are more mobile, have more freedom in choosing training and education, are more qualified, and invest more in their development. They manifest themselves in life more independently and are able to cope with the difficulties of the free market. This is proof that such professionals are especially effective for their clients because they have dealt with the emotional hooks and crises of their identity and life. This means that they will also teach their client, help alleviate the condition and achieve a stable way out of the crisis of the soul. Therefore, they will help to change the reality of the client not only with theoretical knowledge, psychological exercises, but also by their own success, freedom, faith and good example. By the way, such a psychologist himself undergoes many trainings, hours of personal, individual counseling and supervision. These are international requirements for such a class of specialists. Yes, and in reality, how can a person help with his inability to cope with situations of reality and crises? Nothing, except to plant your "cockroaches" in the psyche of another. Therefore, before choosing a psychological mentor for yourself, study all the nuances and criteria of a good specialist.

By the way, a psychologist is different from a psychiatrist. Psychologist provides help normal people who are in a difficult life situation which is difficult for them to deal with. They, just like a specialist, are responsible for improvements, test reality, are able to make a decision and make right choice. The psychiatrist deals only with pathological, obsessive (chronic and recurrent illness) deviations of the human psyche. Therefore, going to a psychologist is not fraught with registration in a psychoneurological dispensary, it is not publicized, it is confidential. Do not delay the visit to a psychologist so that you are not taken to a psychiatrist!

At the end of our conversation, I want to wish you good mental health, attentive attitude to your thoughts, feelings and actions, a successful exit from the crisis, if it touched you. Take care of your main organ of life - the psyche. Do not accumulate negative states and feelings, they can damage it, which in turn can be an irreversible process. There will be no mental health - there will be no conscious happiness, success, prosperity, wealth.

