How a child develops in the womb. How does intrauterine development of the fetus occur?

Life naturally is born in the womb. This simple truth known to everyone, if you miss the achievements of science and technology, no matter how innovative it may sound. The prefix “in” in the Latin “novatio” means “in the direction of change.” The very concept of “innovation”, which arose in the 19th century, received a new application at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of research in the field of economic relations.

Whether any changes and innovations are needed in the relationship between a man and a woman at the birth of their child is a widely discussed and increasingly controversial issue. But most main task future parents have always been and remain the creation the best conditions so that the new born person always feels good. Therefore, they, along with everyone who surrounds them, often ask themselves the question - what does a child feel in the womb.

Origin of life

At the beginning of a conversation about this, I would immediately like to note that I don’t really want to use the medical terms “fetus” or “embryo”. Hardly future mommy thinks about the fact that some cells are connecting and growing inside her, she always thinks about her child.

The life of a baby, as is most often believed, begins from the moment he is born. He accepts congratulations on his first birthday in 12 months. But in reality, as they believe, for example, in China, at that moment he had already lived for 21 months. 9 months in the womb is also his life. This opinion is shared by embryologists, gynecologists, psychologists and, of course, the child’s parents. Just look at a mother’s emotions from the baby’s kicks in her belly! She cannot call a cluster of certain cells that tiny creature, which already four weeks after conception is an organism with a small, independently beating heart.

I'm a little person!

Twelve weeks later, the baby in the womb already has tiny hands with touch cells on the tip of each finger, and facial features become individual. From now on, the baby is able to express the entire palette of human feelings on his touching, intelligent face. This can be observed especially well in infants born prematurely (at 25 weeks). They moan and wrinkle their foreheads when examined, but enjoy being on their mother's chest, which is accompanied by their smile. Any contact with the mother’s body is a search for protection. In anxious situations, the baby even leans his head against the crib - this reminds him familiar surroundings in the womb, where he was surrounded by his mother's hip bones.

Note! Touching and stroking the belly of a pregnant woman is very important, including if it comes from the child’s father.

A woman's womb is the protective refuge in which the baby feels the greatest connection with his mother, when he participates in her life, at the same time, not being isolated from the outside world. The baby reacts to what is happening around the mother, feels her mood, hears various noises during the work of all organs of her body - the heart, stomach, intestines, pulsation of blood vessels. It has been noticed that the ultrasound procedure is not very pleasant for the baby in the womb, so it must be carried out according to plan.

Sounds are playing special role in the development of the baby. To understand how he perceives sounds in the womb, we only need to dive headfirst under water. In this muffled form, any sounds are perceived by him. At the 25th week, the baby’s hearing organs are already fully developed.

Note! It is very important to focus on communicating with your child in the form of quiet and emotionally positive conversation. The child perceives fairy tales and lullabies already in the mother’s womb.

Such communication is always exciting and exciting for a woman. Mommy asks herself questions: does the baby hear her, does she understand her worries and anxieties, her fatigue? How can I make him feel comfortable?

The child experiences discomfort with loud music, especially hard rock, which is accompanied by frequent noisy beats. He actively reacts to quarrels between his parents, sudden movements of his mother’s body, and a loud bell. mobile phone, on long work mixer, to the loud bang of the car door, to the tears of the mother. Aggression between parents causes more harm to the unborn baby than alcohol or smoking, and often leads to miscarriage.

Note! The baby loves classical, calm music, more later pregnancy, the mother perceives the low tone of the father’s conversation well.

Personality formation

In the womb, the baby already shows emotions and actively reacts to everything that happens around him, especially to the mother’s mood. Therefore, she should think only about the positive and do only pleasant things, not forgetting about physical exercise. There is an opinion that the future mental development The baby is affected by the mother's nervousness and stress during pregnancy. However, German scientists hastened to reassure everyone by refuting this point of view. The fact is that the baby reacts to events only for short periods of time (instantly), then quickly switches his attention and forgets about the previous one.

Note! Influence at future psyche The child is only affected by the prolonged stress of the pregnant mother. Maternal rejection of an unwanted child leads to the baby’s dislike for himself, which means that the child has difficulty adapting to society.

Want to eat!

The baby in the womb silently communicates that it is hungry, with various movements and pushes. Its nutrition occurs through the placenta, which receives nutrients from the foods consumed by the mother. Amniotic fluid becomes bitter from strong tea, nicotine from cigarettes, hot food seasonings and spices. Therefore, it is extremely important what a pregnant woman eats. If mommy is excited or scared, a clamp occurs in her body, which means the placenta does not receive enough necessary nutrition and oxygen.

Love and security, satiety and peace - these are the components of success little man. Let's wish him Bon appetit to the delight of everyone.


Find out how a baby's intrauterine development occurs:

Lift the veil on this secret, and you can trace the amazing development of your baby over 9 months, from a tiny cell to a small person.

First week of baby's development

On the first day after fertilization, the egg, which is now called a “zygote,” freezes. In the next 24 hours it will not move from its place, but metabolic processes within it are already activated, and at the end of the first day after conception the first division will occur.

After another 12 hours, 2 daughter cells will turn into 12. On the fourth day, the zygote, moving along the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, already consists of 32 or 64 cells. This cellular complex, about 0.1 mm in size, as mentioned above, resembles a tiny mulberry or raspberry, which is why it is called by the Latin word “morula”.

Once in the uterus, for several days the morula moves freely in its cavity and actively divides in order to attach to the mucous membrane at the end of the first - beginning of the second week of its life.

Already at this time, the cells of the future fetus receive clear differentiation, which will give them the opportunity to later become the basis for the development of various organs and systems!

The fertilized egg is now called a blastocyst and looks like a hollow vesicle. Approaching the wall of the uterus, it seems to spread out some of the cells of its mucous membrane and plunge into it. This process usually occurs on the 6-7th day after conception and is called “implantation”.

Second week of child development

By the 12th day, the egg is already securely attached to the wall of the uterus, and inside it, in the center of the morula, a germinal disc called a blastomere is formed. It is made up of two germ layers - two layers of cells, next to which two vesicles are formed. These cells will develop into an embryo after some time.

One of the vesicles forms the amniotic cavity surrounding the embryo and filled with fluid, and the second vesicle, turning into yolk sac, will perform nutritional and blood-forming functions for some time, after which it will atrophy.

Research shows that at this time the father's genes work more actively than the mother's, ensuring the creation of conditions for the baby's survival.

Cells on the outside ovum, are transformed into chorion - villi, which initially cover the entire egg. After some time, they will remain only in the place where the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus.


This organ is considered unique, since it is formed in a woman’s body only during pregnancy and belongs to two organisms at once.

When the embryo implants into the mucous membrane of the uterine wall, a lacuna is formed, which is filled with a certain amount of maternal blood. Gradually, through each villus, the membranes around the embryo begin to sprout blood vessels. Thus, on initial stage formation of the placenta, conditions are created for exchange between blood expectant mother and her baby. The baby's umbilical cord will be attached to the fetal surface of this organ.

At this time, the size of the unborn baby does not exceed 1 mm, but in the second week of development he already has a heart.

Third week of child development

In the third week of pregnancy, the third germ layer is formed. All three layers of cells will develop into different directions, forming new cells from which they will form various fabrics and organs. The inner layer - the endodermis - will give rise to the development of the respiratory and digestive organs. From the outer layer - ectoderm - sensory organs are formed and nervous system the future person, as well as skin, hair, nails, parts of glands and teeth. And the skeleton, muscles, blood vessels, blood, lymph and many internal organs will be formed from the mesoderm - the middle leaf.

In it time is running laying of the main organs and formation begins neural tube, brain and digestive system. The chorionic villi continue to grow into the wall of the uterus, forming a space filled with blood - the placenta attaches. A small protrusion forms on the body of the embryo, which will soon be filled with blood vessels - future umbilical cord. Vessels (two arteries and two veins) gradually form in the umbilical cord, one of which will soon cease to function. The arteries carry the fetal blood to the placenta, and the veins carry it back to the fetus.

Fourth week of child development

In the fourth week there is a transition from embryogenesis - to the formation of organs - organogenesis. During these seven days future baby takes its final form.

Now it looks like a bean, about 5 mm in size, on which four outgrowths are visible in the places where limbs will soon begin to develop. The most noticeable part of the embryo is already the head, and on the opposite part of the body the cauda, ​​a small atavistic tail, is still visible. The baby also has one more atavism - the rudiments of gill slits.

The embryo is already inside amniotic sac and swims in amniotic fluid, it is connected to the growing placenta by the developing umbilical cord. The right umbilical vein has disappeared, only the left remains.

His tiny heart is already formed.

At the same time, the rudiments of the eyes begin to form, which look like rudimentary tubercles.

In the fifth week, the face of the unborn child begins to take shape and its limbs develop. True, there are no fingers yet - tiny legs and arms have only split at the ends and resemble fins, but there are only a few days left before their appearance.

The head end of the embryo develops more intensively than the pelvic end. The formation of the larynx and inner ear begins.

Weeks 5-12 of baby development

At the sixth week, the embryo’s heart already has four cavities - like those of an adult. The rudiments of teeth begin to form and the jaws take shape. The inner ear is almost formed, the trachea and esophagus are developing. The sternum and small intestine begin to form.

At this time, the main hematopoietic organ of the future baby, the liver, comes into play, and the formation of the cortical part of the adrenal glands (one of the endocrine glands) begins.

Fluid appears in the cavities of the embryo's brain, and a spine begins to form, which will house the spinal cord. All functions of the nervous system, which looks like a tube with centers at both ends, are now controlled by the spinal cord.

Until the 23rd day, the rudimentary rudiments of the embryo's ears develop.

The growth of the embryo is about 1.5 cm.

In the seventh or eighth week, the embryo transforms into a fetus. His body straightens a little and his head rises, his chest and stomach are clearly visible.

Facial features continue to take shape, appearing first on the sides of the head and gradually moving towards the center. First formed oral cavity and a slit of the nose, and at the eighth week the baby already has the tip of the nose and nostrils, a mouth with a small tongue has appeared, and the rudiments of the gill slits have disappeared. In place of the eyes he has two small slits, in the place where the ears will appear a little later there are two grooves, although the formation of the ears has already begun.

By the 44th day of development (the beginning of the seventh week) of the embryo, its facial features are already symmetrical, but the cavity of the palate will close only after a week.

By approximately the 65th day of development (the beginning of the tenth week), the baby’s chin has already formed, and its profile has a characteristic appearance for a person.

Unique organ

The unborn baby is connected to the growing placenta by the umbilical cord. By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the placenta is almost completely formed, but over the following months its structure will change depending on the needs of the baby. The exchange between mother and child will be fully established by the beginning of the 4th month of pregnancy.

Your blood, carrying nutrients and oxygen, will flow to the placenta through uterine arteries. All substances necessary for the fetus and, unfortunately, some substances harmful to it pass through the placental filter and enter its blood. The umbilical vein helps deliver enriched blood to the baby. Through the arteries, the baby’s blood enters the smallest vessels, gets rid of carbon dioxide and waste products, which enter the mother’s blood through the placental barrier and are removed from her body through the lungs and kidneys.

Remember that the placenta is not a universal filter. The placental barrier is easily overcome by nicotine, alcohol and drugs, as well as many medications and viruses!

Important changes

At this time, boys develop gonads that produce testosterone. Its action stimulates the development of the genital organs. Those cells are formed that will subsequently be responsible for the production of sperm.

The nerves, muscles and bone marrow of the unborn child develop. The mesencephalon, the midbrain, a more highly developed structure than the spinal cord, begins to function.

On next week The brain will also come into play.

Small fingers, still connected by membranes, appear on the hands and feet, and after that all segments of the limbs are formed. The fetus is already actively moving its arms and legs, but these movements are still chaotic, and you cannot feel them.

At this time, its height is 3-4 cm, and its weight is 2-3 g.

Weeks 12-16 of baby development

By this time, the baby already has a fairly developed liver and kidneys. Until this moment, as excretory system the baby's placenta emerged.

The head is already quite proportionate to the body and the face is well formed, the tail disappeared a few weeks ago. The eyes are covered with eyelids and eyelashes, and the lips are outlined very clearly. Eyebrows appear on the face, and hair appears on the head.

His skeleton, in general terms, has already been formed, and his arms and legs will now only increase in size, but their structure will not change.

During ultrasound examination you can already observe your baby's movements.

At the same time, both hemispheres of the brain are already formed. Ossification of the skull bones begins.

With a successful combination of circumstances, at this time, when performing an echography, you can already see the genitals of the unborn baby - by the end of the 14th week of development they are already completely differentiated. At the same time, ultrasound can measure the baby's head, which helps doctors more accurately determine his age and due date.

During the 14-15th week, the sense of touch develops - by this time all skin sensitivity receptors are already present on the fetal fingers. The baby develops taste sensitivity and tastes the amniotic fluid.

Volume amniotic fluid is constantly increasing, and is updated every few hours.

Gradually, all his organs begin to perform the same functions as the organs of an adult, for example, the liver is no longer involved in hematopoiesis.

The endocrine glands are actively developing, and the structure of the adrenal glands is improving.

At this time, your baby's height is about 14-15 cm and weight 120-130 g.

Weeks 16-20 of baby's development

During this period, it is formed the immune system, his body begins to produce immunoglobulin and interferon - protective proteins.

The functioning of all endocrine glands in the baby’s body began.

The structure of the brain becomes more complex, reproduction nerve cells ends, and now the brain weight will increase by 90 g every month. The vestibular apparatus begins to work.

The hair on the baby's head becomes thicker, and his body is covered with fine vellus hairs. His skin has become thicker, but it is still wrinkled and completely transparent.

The bones of the skeleton have not yet ossified completely, but the muscles are already developed enough for the baby to make movements noticeable to the mother.

The development of sense organs is improved - by touching the umbilical cord with your hand, the fetus moves away from it.

The baby's digestive system is developing: he can already absorb most of the amniotic fluid he swallows.

The weight of the placenta will increase until the 34th -36th week of pregnancy. Your baby is 20-25 cm tall and weighs about 250-300 g.

Weeks 20-24 of baby development

During this period, your baby's movements become more and more active - not only you, but also his father can easily feel them. You may notice that he has certain periods of vigorous activity and rest. As a rule, at this time most babies sleep 18-20 hours a day. The fetus’s own biological rhythms may not coincide with yours: most pregnant women note that the baby’s desire to frolic appears precisely when they themselves want to lie down and fall asleep.

You may be surprised by the baby's weak, rhythmic movements, like winces, that are repeated over a period of time. Don't worry: the baby is just hiccupping. Yes, yes, he can not only swallow, but also hiccup and even cough. He tries to take breaths, drawing amniotic fluid into his lungs instead of air - now for him this is a kind of breathing exercises.

The fetus can already hear and respond to sounds.

His face is very mobile - he frowns, squints his eyes and puffs out his cheeks. By the way his movements have changed, you can tell if he likes the music you listen to.

His bright pink skin is covered with vernix, in the form of a film of white or yellowish color, which protects it from excessive contact with liquid. Lines appeared on the tips of the fingers, the pattern of which is unique, and nails were formed.

Now he doesn't move away from what he touched. So, for example, touching his finger to his lips, he puts it in his mouth and begins to suck.

Your baby is 30cm tall and now weighs about 600-650g.

Weeks 24-28 of baby development

Your baby can now see: his little eyes have opened and he reacts to bright light. The characteristic movements of the eyeballs under the baby's eyelids give researchers reason to believe that already at this time he is dreaming. He hears voices and picks out the mother’s voice among them - with its sounds, the heartbeat of the unborn baby quickens.

From the 26th week yours unborn child can already feel pain and can react to it in the same way as a newborn baby.

There are more taste buds on his tongue now than there will be after he is born, and this helps him distinguish the subtlest flavors.

Studies have shown that most children, even in the womb, prefer sweets.

His facial features become thinner, his nose becomes clearer, the size of his ears increases, and his neck becomes noticeable.

During this period, your baby's lungs are already noticeably developed - a surfactant substance begins to be produced, which will help them expand when the baby takes his first breath. However, they will not be prepared for independent breathing until the eighth month of pregnancy.

Now his entire body begins to prepare for life outside the mother’s body. For example, connections between centers in the brain that are responsible for the work endocrine system and adrenal glands become more clear.

Namely, these organs ensure the vitality of the body and its adaptation to environmental changes.

The body length of the future baby is now 37 cm, and its weight reaches 1 kg. He now occupies all the space inside the uterus, but his movements are still quite free. He may already take a head-down position, but if he has not yet done so, he still has such an opportunity.

Weeks 28-32 of baby development

The baby continues to grow and gain weight, his muscle tone improves, sucking, breathing and swallowing movements become more perfect. A layer of fat begins to form under the baby's skin. His rapid growth promotes a special hormone that is produced by his pituitary gland.

His womb is already a bit cramped, and perhaps sometimes you can see the outline of his body emerging through the skin of your abdomen. Most likely, it is no longer moving as actively as in previous months. During an external examination, by feeling your abdomen, the doctor can already determine where the fetal head is located.

His stomach and intestines function normally, but the baby only releases urine into the amniotic fluid - the first bowel movement should take place after birth.

He clearly distinguishes sounds and reacts to them, being frightened by loud and sudden ones and calming down by the sounds of pleasant music or parental voices.

After waking up, he stretches, turns, straightens his legs and arms.

The baby's head has grown noticeably - now its size is approximately 60% of the size of an adult's head.

Small fingernails do not yet reach their tips.

His height is now 40-42 cm, and his weight is about 1.5 kg. Babies born at this stage are now being nursed quite successfully.

Weeks 32-36 of baby development

As a rule, at this time, most children occupy the final position before birth, which is called presentation.

More than 90% of all children before birth are in a cephalic presentation - with the head towards the exit of the uterus, but there are also those who take a forward position with their legs or buttocks.

At this time, the size of the baby noticeably increases, and its nervous, immune and endocrine systems improve. Hole between right and left parts small heart still remains open.

The baby's height at the end of this period reaches 47 cm, and his weight is 2.5 kg.

Weeks 36-38 of baby's development

IN last weeks The baby is preparing to meet his mother. He grows up and gains weight, it is difficult for him to move inside the uterus, and very soon he will leave it. And although he still receives oxygen and nutrition through the placenta, which is no longer growing, his organs are ready to work independently.

Its head descends into the pelvic area of ​​the expectant mother. The skull is not yet completely ossified - between its bones there are open sutures and two pulsating spaces called fontanelles. This structure helps the bones of the skull move as the baby passes through birth canal mother, which makes his birth easier.

His skin becomes smoother, and lubricant may separate from it in places and float in the amniotic fluid. The delicate primary lanugo fluff that covered his entire body also disappears, remaining only on his arms and shoulders.

Your baby already has a large number of reflexes that will help him adapt to the outside world.

The thickness of the umbilical cord is about 1.3 cm.

Now he is very cramped in the uterus: his knees are pressed to his chin, so his movements are not as active as before. However, he still makes a certain number of movements a day.

Be attentive to this, and if you notice any changes - a prolonged period of rest or, on the contrary, increased activity - consult a doctor immediately!

By the time of birth, the child’s weight is often about 50 cm, and the weight is 3 - 3.5 kg, although the size of the baby is largely determined by the heredity and constitution of his parents.

In this article:

How does a child develop in the womb and is it necessary to take part in it at certain stages of this process? What periods is pregnancy divided into and how long does it last? More on all this below.

The beginning of pregnancy - the beginning of life

The average gestation period for a baby is 38-40 weeks, which is necessary for it to form in the womb. This time is quite enough for the child to be ready to be born healthy and fully developed. To understand what is happening with the baby and at what stages, expectant mothers should monitor changes, adjusting their lifestyle and habits to the new situation.

So, pregnancy is usually divided into three main periods, which doctors call trimesters. Each such period is three months. The most important one is first trimester. During this period, the formation of the internal systems of the baby’s body begins. It is at this time that the expectant mother especially acutely feels changes in her body, associated primarily with changes hormonal levels. Almost all body systems are in the process of restructuring, including the genitals of the expectant mother.

A new life inside a woman’s womb is born from one small cell, which after the required 9 months will grow into a full-fledged human body, completely dependent on the mother until the moment of birth.

As a rule, the fertilization process occurs in the middle of the cycle. As a result of combining active
male sperm and egg form one large cell with full set chromosomes - 46 pieces from the mother and father of the unborn child. It is from this moment that the process of fetal development inside the womb can be considered open.

A woman’s body is designed in such a way that after the fusion of an egg with a sperm, active cell division begins, even before it enters the uterus. Already at this stage, hundreds of cells are formed, each of which will be responsible for certain functions.

Path along fallopian tube lasts about a week after conception. The egg then enters the uterus and is securely implanted in it. The length of the embryo at this point is about 0.15 mm, that is, approximately the size of a large grain of sand or a pinhead.

First trimester: how it all happens

As soon as the cell is attached to the uterine wall, the division process begins to accelerate. The cells are partially transformed into the yolk sac, chorion and membranes. The rest is the beginning of the life of a new human organism.

Around the 5th week of pregnancy, you can observe serious progress in the development of the baby in the womb. His heart appears and begins to beat.
In parallel with this, the nervous system and a number of organs responsible for hematopoiesis are formed.

A week later, the embryo’s brain begins to form, which for now visually resembles an expansion of the neural tube. At the same stage, limb rudiments and optic vesicles with pigment discs are formed. By this time, the baby’s weight is up to 1.3 grams, and the length increases to 5 mm.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers are especially grateful to doctors for the opportunity to listen to the baby’s heart beat. High-quality ultrasound machines allow you to hear the rhythmic beating of a small heart at this stage.

And even though the internal organs of the baby are practically invisible when ultrasound examination, but they already exist:
digestive and the cardiovascular system, the process of formation of bronchi begins.

In the first trimester, not only the embryo itself is actively developing, but also the placenta, which will take over the functions of life support for the fetus in the womb. It is she who will be responsible for maintaining normal hormonal levels, the gas exchange process and the baby’s nutrition.

At the 11th week of development, the embryo can already be called a fetus, primarily because it begins to become more and more similar to a person. His nervous system is already
knows how to conduct impulses, although they do not yet affect internal organs.

During this period, a pregnant woman feels nausea, suffers from constipation, her heart rate increases and even heartburn appears. All these are symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy, which disappear in most women by the second period.

This is why expectant mothers are so looking forward to the onset of the second trimester - in order to feel better and finally calm down, remembering that the likelihood of pregnancy failure by this time is significantly reduced.

What happens in the second trimester?

Starting from the 12th week, the development of the child in the womb occurs at an accelerated pace. It is at this time that the baby’s skeleton and organs are formed abdominal cavity, the formation of the digestive system ends, o
which indicates that the intestines are full of meconium.

The baby’s brain develops as actively as the skeleton and internal organs; grooves and convolutions appear on it. During this period, it is very important for the expectant mother to spend more time on fresh air so that the baby’s brain receives enough oxygen.

Future mothers especially fondly and with trepidation remember the fifth month of pregnancy, during which they had their first physical contact with the baby. Around the 18th week, the baby pleases the future parents with movements, the nature of which the mother can determine by their frequency and strength.

The child reacts to the mother’s emotions, which is indicated by active movements in the womb. For a pregnant woman, kicks are the best proof that the baby is developing normally. If the movements stop and do not appear for a long time, you should urgently be examined by a doctor.

In the second trimester, the formation of the baby’s endocrine system begins, and by the middle of this period the fetus is already working:

  • adrenal glands;
  • thyroid gland;
  • pancreas;
  • pituitary;
  • gonads.

Around the end of the 24th week, the baby is already trying to imitate breathing movements, although there is still fluid in his lungs and air is not entering them. Breathing rehearsal helps the baby take his first breath after birth and reward his mother with a piercing cry, indicating the beginning of a new life.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother should try to be less nervous, walk more, rest and maintain a sleep schedule, since the slightest stress can negatively affect the mental and physical development baby.

At the end of the second trimester, the baby’s weight is almost 700 grams, and its length reaches 35 cm. In ultrasound images you can see how the baby sucks his finger.

The final stage of the formation of a new life - the third trimester

At the last stage, the development of a child in the womb consists mainly of an increase in the size of the baby. The expectant mother's belly becomes noticeably larger: the formation of the fetus is coming to an end. By this time the cerebral cortex is already almost formed, and the baby
able to distinguish sounds from the outside world. He listens to the voice of mom and dad, reacts to stroking his tummy, freezes or, conversely, begins to move actively at the sound of music.

In the womb, the baby hears the beating of her heart throughout the entire period of formation, which instills in him a feeling of complete security. That is why, after birth, the baby is first applied to the mother’s breast so that he feels: dear heart still close and the connection with my mother is as strong as it was.

Within three last months During pregnancy, most of the time the baby is preparing for birth. The baby's eyes open, the blinking reflex is honed, he is actively gaining weight due to an increase in the layer of fatty tissue, which will then protect him from hypothermia during
outside world.

In the middle of the last trimester, the baby's length is about 40 cm and the weight is close to 2 kg. It becomes cramped inside his mother, so the intensity and duration of movements by this moment noticeably decreases. Around the 35th week, the development of the child in the womb enters the stage of immediate preparation for childbirth. Baby accepts correct position(head down) and patiently waits for the crucial moment.

In the last, ninth, month of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is already approaching 3 kg, and every week it adds 200 g and by the time it is born it can weigh more than 4 kg. The vital systems and organs are fully formed, the baby's skin is smoothed, the lungs are preparing for the first breath. Expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy need to be especially careful not to cause premature birth.

Is it necessary to develop a baby in the womb?

You now know how a child develops in the womb - all that remains is to talk about how to behave with an unborn child, whether you need to communicate with him, accustom him to music, and what all this will do for his development.

Not all expectant mothers know that the baby in the womb begins not only to hear, but also to feel the mother, to experience her own emotions with her. That is why doctors insist that during pregnancy expectant mothers pay Special attention communicating with the baby, trying to surround yourself with exclusively positive emotions.

It has been proven that a child in the womb listens to external sounds, among which the most important for him is his mother’s voice. When the baby is especially active, only mom or dad can calm him down with simple strokes on the tummy and gentle phrases.

In order for you to be aware of mental abilities baby, below are data on his development by week.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother, without even realizing it, begins to talk more with the baby, often discovering new things. Creative skills, musical preferences change. All this happens because it is important for the baby to use as many brain cells as possible in order to prevent their loss.

Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, you can try to teach your baby some words that he will associate with sensations. For example, you can teach the child understands the words “dark” or “light” by turning the lights on and off. By the end of the third trimester, words known to the baby can be grouped into simple phrases, in addition, it’s time to start introducing the baby to the world of music, including lullabies, classical music or children’s songs.

Do not forget also that the baby has last trimester During pregnancy, all senses are developed, so he can react to cold and hot, if you touch the abdomen with these objects, to voices, to bright light, to touch, and even to the taste of amniotic fluid, which changes depending on what the mother ate. Realizing all this, you can engage in the development of the baby in the womb in order to establish contact with him and further strengthen the emotional connection.

It is absolutely obvious that the result of the harmonious creation of a man and a woman, the creation, its development and incarnation into a person is a real miracle! From a microscopic cell, a living, intelligent person develops and is born. Here we will talk about the changes taking place in female body and reveal the secrets of a baby’s life in the womb
First month (1st – 4th week of pregnancy): Beginning

For parents this is the culmination of the night, for the child it is the beginning of existence: from the fusion of sperm and egg, a new life. At this very first moment, the size of the fertilized embryo is 0.12 mm. However, hereditary information is already embedded in his genes: whether he will be a boy or a girl, with his mother’s brown eyes, with straight or curly hair.

After four hours, the fertilized cell in the mother’s body begins to divide into two identical halves. And so on, cells divide constantly.

After five days, a small round cluster of cells begins to move down the fallopian tube into the uterus, then nests in the lining of the uterus. Now the embryo is the size of a pinhead. A few days later, a pregnancy test can confirm that a baby is developing in the belly.

Doctors adhere to a different chronology: they believe that the baby is already four weeks old, although fertilization occurred 14 days ago. For them, the starting point is the last day of menstruation.

Second month (5 – 8 weeks): Heart beats

Meanwhile, the baby’s developing blood vessels “connect” to the mother’s blood circulation. Gradually you begin to feel what is growing inside you little man. In the fifth week, the baby’s heart begins to beat, arms and legs appear - like small kidneys on his body. A few days later, the embryo can turn its head.

At the end of the second month, all organs and organ systems are “laid down”. Your baby is now moving quite clearly: his rib cage rises and falls rhythmically, as if he were breathing. He can stretch and stretch.

Gradually you begin to feel that a little person is growing inside you.

For the development of the embryo it is very important role plays movement. The sensory impressions that he stores are necessary for the development of the brain.

At the end of the second month, your baby is two centimeters long and weighs about ten grams.

Third month (9 – 12 weeks): First strong sensations

Starting from the tenth week, your baby may experience skin irritation. His liver begins to produce bile. At the end of the third month, he already drinks amniotic fluid and secretes it again. With these swallowing movements, he trains his lungs and kidneys.

He feels excited, happy, stressed

Also, the cerebral cortex begins to grow. It later becomes the area of ​​the brain that researchers believe determines a person's personality.

The child takes part in your life. He feels excitement, happiness, stress. When you experience a feeling of fear, the hormone adrenaline is released into the blood, which causes the baby's heart to beat in the stomach.

At the end of the third month, the embryo reaches 7 cm in length and weighs 50 grams.

Fourth month (13 – 16 weeks): Agile somersaults

Now there is a vibrant life in your belly. The nerve pathways are developed to such an extent that the baby can spin, float in amniotic fluid oh and even somersault. He still has enough space and only slightly touches the walls of the uterus, making escapades. Despite this, some mothers feel these slight movements as early as 15 weeks. Move slowly and eyeballs child - still under tightly closed eyelids.

By the end fourth month The baby is 16 cm tall and weighs 250 grams.

Fifth month (17 – 20 weeks): Little gourmet

Now your baby must grow and train his organs for future life outside. For example, its sense organs: the first sense that develops in the embryo is the sense of taste. At 20 weeks, the baby has ten times more taste buds in his mouth than will remain after birth. He likes everything sweet. Researchers have noticed that the baby in the belly drinks amniotic fluid much more enthusiastically if it is enriched with a sugary solution.

The baby also perked up his ears: however, at the beginning he only hears the beating of your heart, rustling sounds in digestive system and your voice.

By the end of the fifth month, the child’s height is 25 cm and weight is 400 grams.

Sixth month (21 – 24 weeks): First hiccups

If you are lucky, then at an important ultrasound examination at 20 weeks you will be able to watch the baby in your stomach sucking its thumb. Perhaps he is playing with the umbilical cord - because now he has developed a grasping reflex. The child is interested in his body, strokes his face with his hands, feels his arms and legs. His movements become faster.

... strokes his face with his hands, feels his arms and legs.

The baby may experience pain if he chokes on amniotic fluid, he will begin to hiccup, and you may feel soft pushes in the abdominal wall.

By the end of the sixth month, your baby is 30 cm tall and weighs from 600 to 700 grams.

Seventh month (25 – 28 weeks): Baby shows curiosity

Gradually, the baby directs its “antennas” outward, towards the outside world. Now he perceives everything that happens around him: traffic noise, people's voices, music. He has his own preferences - for example, to classical music.

The baby looks curiously towards the light source

Now the embryo's eyes are connected by nerve pathways to the corresponding areas of the brain. At 26 weeks, the baby opens his eyes for the first time. Although only one percent of daylight reaches it, it is very sensitive to light. And he curiously directs his gaze towards the light source - for example, if a flashlight is pointed at your stomach.

He becomes more and more sophisticated in sensual pleasures. Using ultrasound, doctors were able to notice that when boys suck their thumb, their penis becomes harder - out of pleasure.

By the end of the seventh month, the child’s height is 35-37 cm, he weighs approximately 1000 - 1200 grams.

Eighth month (29 – 30 weeks): Tender feelings

A comforting thought: if your child were born now, then with medical care he would have managed to survive. However, an early start in life is a rather problematic situation. The maturation and development of the lungs must be supported with medications; the child would be too susceptible to infections and would have to be connected artificial nutrition.

Now the baby’s body is covered with a thin shell (downy hairs), which, together with the so-called “cheese rind,” ensures that the skin does not get wet in the amniotic fluid.

The child becomes more and more alert and responds to external touches. He feels when you gently place your hand on his stomach or when future dad lightly presses on the stomach with a finger. The baby can “respond” with pushes, or presses against the place where his own hand lies.

By the end of the eighth month, the child’s height is: 40 – 42 cm; weight: 1700 – 2000 grams.

Ninth month (33 – 36 weeks): Last training before the start

The countdown continues as the child prepares for “real” life. His stomach feels tight, so he can barely move.

Now he drinks up to three liters of amniotic fluid daily and thus trains his stomach, intestines and bladder. He often sucks his thumb, jerks his legs and arms, while his skin is massaged against the walls of the uterus. And he opens his eyes more and more often.

By the end of the ninth month, the child’s height is about 46 cm, he weighs from 2500 to 3000 grams.

Tenth month (37 – 40 weeks): Hello, world!

To withstand sudden temperature fluctuations after childbirth, the baby needs a decent layer of fat. He accumulates fat reserves in recent months.

Memory already functions in the mother's belly

All organs are in a state of readiness, as is the brain. More than a hundred billion brain cells crave “food.” “Saturation” occurs through the experiences and impressions that the baby does and receives after birth. Memory already functions in the mother's belly. Researchers have found that at 37 weeks, the baby in the belly can remember at least a 24-hour sequence of sounds.

After the 40th week, the child leaves his native environment. Now everything that he studied and trained will be useful to him: he enjoys your voice, so dear, drinks milk and rejoices, feeling safe in your arms
