How to make a valentine with your own hands from paper. Materials for an original paper Valentine card with paper hearts

After the New Year, everyone is waiting for the approaching day of everyone who is in love and happy. On this day, it is customary to give Valentines to loved ones - beautiful postcards in the shape of hearts or appropriately decorated souvenirs. Making a postcard is not difficult, and you do not need to have any special skills or knowledge, but the result can be impressive.

Paper Valentines

This is the first and simplest thing that comes to mind. if you have colored paper or whatman paper, watercolor paints or simple felt-tip pens, you can make wonderful Valentines with your own hands from paper, decorating them with what you can find at home - buttons, straps, threads, bugles and sequins.

A simple version of Valentine's card

What may be useful:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a piece of old wallpaper;
  • burgundy colored paper;
  • white cardboard.


Valentine's Day cards can be made even easier.

Envelope with heart

What you can't do without:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


  1. Make a small envelope from colored paper.
  2. Put a message in it. Cut out a heart from paper of a different color and stick it on top of the envelope.
  3. The craft is ready for the holiday.

Volumetric Valentines

There are many types of postcards. Here is a master class on making a Valentine card with your own hands, for which you need:

  • colored paper in shades of red;
  • cardboard or mat as a base;
  • glue.


  1. To receive a Valentine card with your own hands from multicolored paper you should cut a lot of hearts different shapes, size and shades.
  2. Cut out a large heart base from cardboard.
  3. Glue hearts in random order to cover the base.

Volumetric cards, as already mentioned, can be decorated with various improvised means, here is an example:

Original options for Valentine's cards

Cards for Valentine's Day will turn out unique if you turn on your imagination and use original options and different decor. Cardboard gifts using the quilling technique are popular.

Candy Valentines

To make a Valentine's card from sweets, you can buy a box of chocolates and decorate its outside as you wish, for example, like this:
Well, for those who are not looking for easy ways, we offer Valentine’s master class, for which you will need:

  • candies. It is better to take round ones, wrapped in golden foil;
  • a heart-shaped sponge, which can be bought in florist departments. Or it can be made from foam rubber, the thickness of which is 1 cm;
  • burgundy corrugated paper;
  • mesh fabric for decoration;
  • tape with double-sided sticky side;
  • beads or any other decor;
  • satin ribbon, 3 cm wide;
  • glue;
  • scissors.


  1. Place the sponge on wrapping paper and circle. Duplicate. On each side of the workpiece, retreat 1 cm and cut. This will result in two pieces of wrapping paper.
  2. Both hearts with wrong side coat with glue and fix on a floral sponge. The sides of the paper should be adjacent to the side parts of the foam rubber, and to do this it can be cut in several places and fixed with glue.
  3. Glue double-sided tape around the perimeter of the heart. Corrugated paper, which is covered on top, will help to hide it from view. satin ribbon. When fixing it, you need to leave it loose ends 15-20 cm long. A bow will be tied from them.
  4. Using glue, fix the candies on the surface of the heart, decorating them special fabric for decoration.

Hi all! With the beginning of February, we have preparations for two holidays. One of them falls on February 14, the other on February 23.

In this regard, we have the worries and troubles of congratulating our relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones on these significant events.

Although St. Valentine's Day came to our country from abroad, it successfully took root and became a favorite holiday. Everyone is happy to congratulate friends, acquaintances and relatives either with a paper “Valentine” or.

Many people strive to buy some kind of gift, from plush toy or a magnet, to various accessories related to the work or hobby of a loved one.

Store-bought gifts are, of course, good, but on Valentine’s Day it’s nice to receive something self made. Of course, this handmade gift should have a decent appearance and be pleasing to the eye.

On this day it is customary to give valentines.

And a Valentine craft decorated with a small quatrain will warm your soul and speak about the sincerity of your feelings. Still, you tried, and spent time and effort on this, and invested a piece of yourself into the gift. Although, of course, it depends on who you want.

It is best to make homemade hearts together with children. Gluing, embroidering, decorating is a wonderful way to involve your child in needlework.

You can make a Valentine card not only from paper, but also from fabric, such as felt.

We take the material and cut out two identical heart shapes from it. We sew along the edge with thread or braid. Leaving a small gap side seam, fill the heart with cotton wool, padding polyester or whatever you have on hand. After this we stitch to the end. The heart is ready. Now it can be used for any decoration. You can put it on a stick and put it in a vase, you can make a tree out of several of these hearts.

You can draw a cute face and place such a craft on the table during a festive dinner.

Felt can be used to make not only volumetric hearts. If you take a strip of fabric and sew it, bending it in the shape of a heart, as in the picture,

then after this, cutting the felt into strips, we will get this nice product:

You can make garlands from these hearts and attach them under the ceiling or on a window.

Tree of hearts. Look at this photo, what a wonderful craft. You can decorate a real small tree in your yard with hearts.

First, you need to make a template out of paper, drawing the desired composition on it, and then, in the form of an applique, make the craft itself.

An original gift would be a heart-shaped oven mitt for the kitchen.

The main thing is that such a gift will remain for a long time.

Paper Valentines

Paper crafts are called origami. Creating origami is very exciting activity, which will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Making a simple heart like this is not at all difficult:

By bending the craft correctly according to the diagram below, we get a wonderful paper heart. It doesn’t take long to make and is perfect if you forgot to congratulate someone, but you need to do it quickly.

You can also make a heart as a bookmark for a book.

Below is a diagram of how to make such a bookmark from plain paper. According to this scheme, taking any color, preferably pink, you can make a pretty original gift lover of reading books.

And another original gift made of paper – a heart-box. I hope everyone can figure out for themselves how to use such a gift.

Making such a craft is also easy. Having created a blank according to the principle paper cube, put it into a box.

Take it into service.

Master class on making valentines step by step

There are a lot of different options for valentines. It all depends on creative approach. Almost every craftsman creates his own original masterpiece.

Valentine boat

For example, a very interesting idea for such a valentine-boat. Everything is very simple here. Let's remember our childhood and make a boat out of paper.

That's all, the gift is ready.

Volumetric postcard

If you want to make a Valentine card with a wish or recognition, use this option.

Take red cardboard for the base and several sheets of paper different color for hearts. Fold the red cardboard in half. Cut out regular hearts from colored cardboard. To make them varied, you can openly cut each one along the edges. You can use a hole punch or special scissors. Remember how you did it on New Year snowflakes.

The cut out hearts must be folded in half and glued along the fold to each other. After that, glue them to the red base of the card.

All that remains is to write a congratulation on a small piece of paper and stick it next to the heart. The postcard is ready, you can go congratulate.

Patterns for fabric valentines

For those who like to sew with their own hands, here are some interesting patterns.

Valentine Bear:

And this is a pattern for another little animal – a mouse:

If you want to sew a Valentine's card in the form of a pillow, this pattern will help you. One half of it is shown here. But, as you might guess, the second is completely similar.

And another wonderful template for a family valentine. True, all the signatures are not made in Russian, but I think everything is clear even without them.

Making DIY valentines with children

Making any crafts with children, not just valentines, is a good activity. We work with our beloved children and teach them to be creative.

If your child is old enough and able to handle a needle, then you can make crafts from fabric with him. With younger children it is better to use paper.

A good option is applique. You can use various available materials. For example, cardboard, glue and cotton pads. As a result, we get a heart like this.

You can do something like this with a small child a wonderful postcard, where the baby’s palm is imprinted.

Or this seemingly simple postcard, but made by a child, it will not leave anyone indifferent to whom it is presented.

Well, this is such a wonderful craft. I would recommend doing it for your child too.

In general, give your child an idea, I’m sure he’ll do the rest himself and handle it perfectly.

Video on how to make a beautiful valentine for Valentine's Day (card for February 14)

This video shows how to make a 3D postcard with your own hands.

Simple and affordable!

Templates for making DIY valentines at school

In general, this is the same for working with children. Here are some interesting ideas. You can download them for yourself and print them.

Valentine ladybug

Heart in an envelope

3D postcard template

And a few more options for valentines with stencils for cutting them out.

The diagrams show dimensions and possible designs. In principle, having learned how to cut correctly, you can even draw your own pattern.

So get creative, invent and surprise. Good luck!


One of the favorite youth holidays is approaching - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Having recently appeared in the vastness of our Motherland, it very quickly spread throughout cities and towns and now this holiday is celebrated by most of the country's population.

In Catholic Europe many are produced annually greeting cards, named after the saint, Valentines. A variety of materials are used for their manufacture, but traditionally the most widespread are paper or cardboard valentines in the form of postcards, the shape of which is a heart.
More and more different valentines can be found in almost any store and pavilion. The choice is very large, but, you see, it’s more pleasant to receive a Valentine’s card made by the hands of a loved one as a sign that you are very dear to him and he is happy to spend his time not on sleeping and eating, but on making you at least a little bit happier.

So, it's decided! We make a valentine card with our own hands from paper.
This matter is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Even if papermaking experience is limited, everyone can find perfect option a spectacular valentine that even a child can make.

The simplest valentines

To make an exclusive Valentine card we will need:

  • a sheet of double-sided colored cardboard, which can replace colored paper with a red tint (pink, crimson, ruby ​​or pure red).
  • paper for “scrapbooking” with a small patterned pattern, and in its absence - any light paper in one of the pastel colors. It is desirable that it be monochromatic,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • double sided tape,
  • short length beautiful braid or lace ribbon.

Making a simple card with a heart

We fold a sheet of cardboard in half and get the base of the future postcard. We put a pre-prepared stencil in the shape of a heart from any paper on the first, front page of the postcard and trace it with light strokes with a pencil.

Now let’s try to carefully cut out the heart without creasing our card. This is not difficult to do: just fold it in the middle, pinch the fold with your fingers or a small paper clip just at the level of the heart

and carefully cut it out.

From colored sheet or patterned paper, cut off a piece equal to the size of the folded card and carefully glue it from the inside so that the pattern falls in place of the previously cut heart.

The inside of the glued sheet will be plain.

Using double-sided tape, attach the selected lace or beautiful braid to the postcard. The result is the first exclusive Valentine card!

Do you want to give big valentine? No problem! Glue pre-cut pink and red hearts onto a cardboard base.

To make this valentine more presentable, you can decorate it with a frame, and free space write sincere words congratulations.

Small hearts can become their own Valentine if they are cut out of colored paper and lightly decorated. Even a cute button can go from simple things paper heart make a valentine. We make a dedicatory inscription on the back and the valentine is ready.

You can also make real paintings from small postcards.

Volumetric paper hearts

Volumetric hearts made of non-uniformly colored paper look unusual. When using plain colored paper, the effect produced finished product will be lower.

For their manufacture square sheet We fold the paper in half, with the faded side inward, and bend it in half again to make a small square. Expand it and get the main guide lines.

Now we take the left vertical side of the square from the side and bend it twice inward, towards the middle, and the right side we also bend twice outward. We bend the upper and lower sides of the resulting rectangle inward to obtain the following guide lines and unbend it again.

Traces of three folds appeared on the rectangle. Now we bend the top side of the rectangle in half to the topmost fold, do the same with the bottom side - bend it in half to the nearest bottom fold, straighten it.

Using scissors, make two vertical cuts from the edge to the new fold closest to it.

We bend each of the resulting four ends - corners inwards.

It turned out to be something like a fence made of two pointed boards.

Now we fold each of the four sharp tips in half, bending them towards themselves.

Fold the resulting sheet in half again, with the tips bent inward.

We bend the right and left lower corners and hide them inside. It turned out to be a heart!

We carefully iron it and give it as a gift, or by stringing it on a cord or ribbon, we decorate the room with something covered for the evening. romantic dinner table

Bright, fiery valentines made of thin corrugated paper

You can quickly and easily make spectacular hearts from thin corrugated paper.
To work on them we will need:

  • cardboard, preferably red,
  • red corrugated paper (it can be replaced with red napkins),
  • moderately pointed wooden or plastic handle paint brushes or toothpick,
  • PVA glue.

First, cut out a heart of the required size from cardboard - this will be the basis unusual valentine. On one side of the heart we write words of love, and on the other we will work.

Apply a layer of PVA glue to the base. We cut squares of corrugated paper with a side equal to 2 cm.

Place the end of a toothpick in the middle of the square and wrap it slightly.

Press the tip firmly against the edge of the base with glue and remove the toothpick.

We do the same with the second square, gluing it next to the first along the edge of the heart. We glue all subsequent squares tightly to each other, covering the entire surface of the heart.

The impression will be spoiled if a base of a different color is visible between the folded, sparsely glued squares. We prevent such mistakes by filling the entire surface of the heart with corrugated paper.
It turns out very beautiful effect flames or fluffiness.

Using the same principle, you can make a three-dimensional structure. In this case, foam is used as a basis, and instead of a toothpick, an old pen rod is used.

Valentine's card decorated with a pattern

For such a gift you don’t need to be an artist; it’s enough to be able to hold a pen, markers, colored pencils or a brush.

Even children can please their loved ones with such valentines.

To do this, on a base of light or white paper, with a fountain pen, we draw everything we want on the holiday theme: hearts, curls, funny loving animals, and so on.

Dear friends! Valentine's Day is coming soon, and valentines are an integral part of it. exchange them at school, lovers send them to each other to say about their tender feelings. I suggest you approach this romantic moment creatively and not buy already ready-made cards, and make other available materials. Little cute heart cards can be a gift not only for Valentine's Day, but also for any other holiday or even not for a holiday.

My son, at the age of 5-6 years, when he learned to cut out hearts, would give them to me every day, and inside it would always be written: “Mom, I love you!” Is there a more valuable gift for mom? Why don't we give each other such sweet reminders of our love more than once a year? It's so nice! Do DIY paper valentines just see for yourself. Arm yourself with scissors, glue, paper, cardboard, various small things for decoration, call your kids and get creative! Everyone will be happy!

DIY Valentines made from paper and more – ideas for creativity with children

We have already done different ones and shared our experience with you. How to make valentines with your own hands? Yes, very simple. There are a lot of options.

1. The simplest option is to cut out a heart from a sheet of cardboard folded in half, decorate the colored side, and write a message inside. Here everything depends on the author’s imagination and available materials.

You can decorate with paper, lace, cord, sequins, various designs, stones, anything!

2. A very cute valentine is made by gluing small hearts made of accordion-folded paper inside the heart.

3. Can be done traditional postcard rectangular shape from cardboard and decorate it with hearts of various sizes from different materials. Cute valentines are made using the quilling technique.

For example, this Valentine card with cats just touches me! Everything was so well thought out!

4. Valentine cards with clasps, ties, and ribbons look beautiful. So romantic, the message is hidden from prying eyes.

5. There can be many different colored hearts on a postcard, or there can be just one, it’s a matter of taste.

6. Small DIY paper valentinescan be made by cutting out heart-shaped windows and attaching fabric of different colors to the bottom.

7. A wonderful valentine is created if you attach a voluminous heart inside the card.

To make it, you need to cut out a blank for the postcard itself, measuring approximately 15 X 18 cm, and bend it in the middle. Cut out a heart according to the template, make folds where indicated by the dash-dotted line. Big heart should have an outward fold, and a small inward fold. Now you need to glue it to the inside of the postcard, and the side parts and front side arrange, arbitrarily with available materials.

8. This version of Valentine’s card will be very impressive.

You need to carefully cut out the hearts along the contour using stationery knife from paper white, and where shown by the arrow, do not make cuts. Glue the main part onto paper contrasting color, for example, red. There is no need to glue the cut out parts; they must be fastened along the cuts shown on the template. When opening such a valentine, the hearts form a three-dimensional composition. It turns out very beautiful.

9. A wonderful valentine is made with birds. It’s easy to do; the stencil for the birds can be downloaded below. Decorate the card with available materials. A very romantic option!

10. Beautiful woven valentine leaves also look original.

To make them, you need to cut out two identical blanks from paper of two colors. Variants of such blanks can be printed, the template is located below. Make cuts as shown on the template and carefully weave the strips in a checkerboard pattern. The finished heart can be glued onto paper or cardboard, with reverse side write a congratulation.

But here is a slightly simpler option.

11. Volumetric valentines- This is a full-length gift.

To make such a three-dimensional valentine you will need cardboard, you can take foil for the heart itself, scissors, thread or fishing line. Cut out blanks from cardboard, as shown in the figure, make cuts, and fasten them together. Hang a heart made of foil or cardboard on a thread or fishing line. That's all! The Valentine card can be folded, it will be flat, you can unfold it and place it on the table. Such a gift can be made together with the child for grandparents.

12. Valentine cards with buttons look very creative. Such bright cards it's quite simple to do. Surely, many people have stocks of torn buttons. Now you can apply them by decorating a card for Valentine's Day.

13. It will be interesting for children to make animal figures from hearts. For example, mice in love. They are easy to make, all you need is red or Pink colour, scissors, glue, a small pompom for the nose and thick threads or fishing line for the antennae. We cut out the hearts, glue them, decorate, everything is ready. In a similar way you can make an elephant, an owl, ladybug. Makes a cute gift.

Since 1800, when mass production of valentines began, there has, of course, been no need to do so. On the eve of Valentine's Day, the shelves of many stores are filled with them. But it’s always nicer to receive a sincere love letter, written on a heart made with your own hands with all your heart. Lots of options! All you have to do is choose what is closest to you.

I hope you found in this article suitable option and make it to your loved ones, family and friends DIY paper valentines, cardboard or other materials!

On topic handmade gifts We'll definitely be back for Valentine's Day! Have a creative day and creative inspiration!

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Everyone good day! The holiday is coming, and therefore we all want to prepare for it as best as possible. Housewives are thinking over the menu romantic dinner, and their husbands are looking for creative gifts. And I’m ready to help with creativity. Today we will be making crafts. Our goal is to make the holiday unusual, so that it will be pleasantly remembered by us and our loved ones for a long time.

I announce the program of our meeting today! We'll look at it together various options cards and crafts. Let's talk about how to make a real surprise. And, of course, I prepared my master class! I'll try to do everything step by step tell and even show.

The most daring and beautiful options for Valentine's cards

I don't know about you, but I love something like this do it yourself. After all, I not only make things, but also invent things that I should like. to a certain person. I think about it, imagine how I will present my product, what I will say. These moments fill me with satisfaction and courage, and therefore I want to use as much as possible more ideas! But today the highlight of the program is paper. She is the main material. But the paper can be different, which makes it possible to diversify valentines.

I'm ready to show some of these ideas and tell us what and how they are made from.

TOP 5 DIY from around the Internet

  • A made of corrugated paper you can make a whole picture! To do this, cut small squares, screw them onto the paste from the handle and glue them to the base in the shape of a heart.

  • You can make it from plain paper origami. I will give examples of the simplest to implement, but the most effective.
  • Another unusual idea
  • Well, the most interesting option- “anti-stress” valentines, in which something is sure to move. Great ideas from Afinki:
  • From color cardboard can be made small box, where a small thing is placed. 2 rows of 4 squares and a row of two are cut according to the pattern. All squares are bent and glued together. And on top of the box you get a lid with halves of a heart; when joined, they form one heart.

All these crafts will create the mood and decorate the holiday. But how to make a real surprise?

Surprise gift. What is he like?

I realized a long time ago that I only love unexpected gifts. That’s why I rejoice every time, like a child, when my husband and son hand over to me what they secretly worked on for so long, observing highest level secrecy!

What should be the surprise? What is this? And how is it presented? The most important thing is to take into account the taste and wishes of the person for whom it is being made. It can be beautiful crafts, cards or grown with my own hands flowers. And the whole point is that such gifts should appear out of nowhere, unexpectedly. How to do This:

  • Craft while your spouse is not looking: busy, at work.
  • Do everything in advance, don’t leave it until the last moment so that your bustle doesn’t attract attention.
  • Hide it securely.
  • And in right moment– oops! Take it out and hand it over! But don't forget that

But it’s time to talk about your achievements in the art of designing valentines! I will do this with photos, details and step by step.

My master class as a gift to friends


  1. I draw a heart. To make it come out nice and even, I outline round shape. On top of the sheet I make 2 semicircles that are connected to each other internal parties. I draw the outer sides like this - I draw smooth arc-shaped lines down so that they connect. The heart is ready!

  1. I paint it in red and color it. Can be done initially from colored paper. But I was born original idea with the design of the outside of the postcard. So I color with a pencil on a piece of paper. I do this so that the pencil extends beyond the heart. And on the second sheet these rays were formed:

  1. Inside the picture I draw more hearts smaller size. They are all connected to each other.

I cut along the lines. It turns out to be a spiral of valentines.

  1. Before gluing the spirals inside, I finish the design of the postcard picture.

I already have this radiant heart ready. Inside I insert a butterfly. We recently learned to draw it with our son. And I sign.

  1. Inside I glue only the largest hearts to one side and the other. I connect the smallest ones with each other.

Now, when you open the card, the spiral stretches and you get this pattern.

Valentine stand

  1. First I cut out the round parts, templates. I will need 6 of them. I fold each of them 2 times.

In addition to the fact that it is beautiful, because you can make it multi-colored, or variegated, with hearts of different colors, it is also an excellent stand for a small sweet gift! You can put candy in the center.

I can only wish for myself better day, sincere smiles and good luck in your work! I say goodbye! But before that, I remind you to subscribe. Design it for yourself and take care of your friends so that they too receive new articles.

Bye-bye, see you again!
