How to care for your breasts? Rules and recommendations. Staying ahead of the curve

Luxurious breasts– a real magnet for men and a source of envy for women. However, those whom nature has endowed with such a treasure know that the breast big size requires special care and worries.

Lingerie for large breasts

Owners of a large bust need to remember that they should be especially careful when choosing underwear. An incorrectly chosen bra can cause shoulder and back pain, headaches, numbness in the arms, and even dizziness and fainting.

The larger the breast, the wider and more rigid the supporting parts (straps, back, clasps) of the bra should be. Choose models whose fasteners include at least three hooks. It is necessary that the belt under the chest sits tightly. This will free your shoulders from heaviness. IN bottom part The design of the cups must have an elastic band sewn into them. It is better if the cups are closed as much as possible.

You should absolutely not choose bras one size smaller, just to make your breasts appear firmer. Firstly, underwear that compresses the breasts can cause breast cancer. Secondly, elastic bands cutting into the body cause discomfort, and compressed skin is often visible under clothing.

The underwires will secure large breasts securely and firmly. In addition, they will raise it slightly. It is important to have not only an arched bone, but also a side bone sewn into the bodice to hold the bust to the side.

Today there is also such a bra model as a minimizer, which visually reduces the bust by about one size. The flattening effect is eliminated due to the special cut of this product. In this case, the bust volume is adjusted very gently, and, therefore, the woman does not experience discomfort.

If the breast size is unusually large, then a type of underwear such as a corset with vertically sewn bones is suitable. Another option for a very full bust is semi-grace. In such a wide bodice up to the waist, breasts of almost any size will fit perfectly.

Exercises to maintain the shape of a large bust

To big breasts remained elastic and did not lose its shape, you should perform special exercises. Before performing the proposed set of exercises, it is advisable to warm up the muscles. Rotate your shoulders back and forth 15 times, and then do the mill the same number of times with your arms out to the sides.

1. You need to kneel down and rest your hands, for example, on the edge of the sofa, which should be located a meter away from you. Next, try to bend your elbows so that your chest touches the edge of the sofa. You should return to the starting position solely using the strength of your arms. You should not bend at the waist; you should keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Practice daily until you can repeat the exercise 15 times in a row. After this, you can move on to push-ups from the floor or low stand.

2. Bend your elbows, bringing your palms together at bust level. Press your palms as hard as you can against each other. It is important to feel how the chest muscles tighten. This position should be maintained for about 10 seconds. Relax. Do 20 reps. Then bring your palms together above your head, bend your elbows. Do 20 repetitions again.

3. Sit cross-legged so that your back is absolutely straight. Your arms need to be bent at the elbows and pressed to your body. Bring your shoulder blades together and let your fingers touch your shoulders. Smoothly lift your shoulders up, then move them far back, then down, forward. Repeat 4 times. Do the exercise the same number of times, but down, then back, then up, forward. Do 5 reps.

4. Take an elastic band or expander. While standing, square your shoulders and straighten your back. Extend the resistance band in front of you at approximately shoulder level. It is necessary to spread your arms to the sides and take them back as far as possible. At the extreme point, hold for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. You need to do 15 repetitions. It is important that your arms are parallel to the floor.

5. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure your feet are parallel. Then left hand place on your thigh, now make a large circle with your other hand. It is important to ensure that the chest muscles are tense. Do the same with your left hand. Then perform this movement with both hands at a fast pace.

6. Raise your arms and place them behind your head, then spread your elbows to the sides. It is necessary to bend the body forward, backward, and to the sides. It is enough to perform 5 tilts in each direction.

7. Take a load (1 kg) in your hands. Stand straight, arms should be at shoulder level. Lower and then raise your arms very slowly. For the first time, it is enough to perform the exercise 5 times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 16.

8. Get on your knees. You need to take the dumbbell in your left hand, while leaning on right hand. Bend at the knee right leg. Straighten your left leg, stretch it back. Your body from your left foot to your head should be in a straight line. To do this, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hips. Slowly raise your hand up and then lower it at the same pace. Perform the exercise 7 times, then repeat with the weight in the other hand.

9. You need to lie on the floor, let your legs be bent at the knees and your feet firmly on the floor. You should have a dumbbell in each hand. Raise your arms with the weight up, then slowly spread your arms and lower them down. Dumbbells should not fall to the floor. Make sure that the spine does not arch; it should be pressed to the floor.

Breast massage using a shower

An effective remedy for increasing the tone of the chest muscles is water massage. Perform this procedure daily during your morning shower. The stream of water should be directed at the bust, having previously adjusted the pressure. A jet of water that hits too hard can injure your chest.

The massage should be performed in circular movements for two minutes. Experts recommend starting with the left breast.

A contrast shower will improve blood circulation and make blood vessels, as well as the fibers of breast tissue are elastic and elastic.

A contrast compress is also useful for the bust. Take two towels and the same number of vessels with cold and warm water. You need to wet one towel in warm water, the other in cold water. Apply them alternately to your chest. The procedure should be completed with a cold compress.

Beauty care behind big breasts

Stretch marks are perhaps the most terrible enemy of a full bust. Preventive measures are much more effective than trying to eliminate existing stretch marks. It is advisable to use products that increase skin elasticity (bust oil based on chamomile or fennel).

If stretch marks do appear, then you should use creams and gels that contain horsetail extract. Algae-based products can also help in this situation. White clay creams tighten, reduce and tone stretch marks.

Both masks and creams must be applied from bottom to top using massaging movements. Start from the crease under the breasts, then, without touching the nipple area, move towards the neck.

Ozone therapy is considered a radical method of combating stretch marks. Ozone is introduced into the tissue and begins to corrode fat cells that are hypertrophied. Ozone also glues damaged blood vessels together. As a result of the procedure, stretch marks disappear.

With age, large breasts inevitably lose their firmness. Specialists beauty salon can recommend any of the following procedures: lifting (+ vitamin C), bust plastimetry from M-120, Guam seaweed wrap, seaweed-based modeling mask from Le Club des Professionnels or aromaplasty from Decleor.

At home, you can try using Bust-up creams from Biotherm, Liftenseur Buste from Guinot, gel from the Golden Line that supports breast elasticity, Aromessence Tonilastil - oil from Decleor.

Beaute Buste Tonifiant, which is produced by the Phytomer laboratory, perfectly strengthens the mammary glands, and also improves their tone and shape. Gel from Guerlain from the Issima Body Secret series has a tightening effect.

If your breasts have lost their shape, you can use the Cell Shock cellular cream from a Swiss laboratory, on the recommendation of cosmetologists. This tool effectively models the shape of the mammary glands.

Another remedy is aqua-collagen masks, which you can purchase at finished form. Their purpose is to increase skin elasticity, but by increasing tone, the breasts are slightly raised.

Big bust and nutrition

Exhaustive diets are contraindicated for those with large busts. Every time you say goodbye to 1 kg of weight, your breasts lose 20 grams. The appearance of the mammary gland suffers from this. In addition, when the body does not receive enough nutrients, the breast skin becomes less elastic and firm, and, consequently, the breasts sag.

In the arsenal traditional medicine There are also recipes that will make your breasts more attractive. For example, you can make a decoction of hop cones and drink it 3 times a day. The decoction is quite bitter, so it is worth adding honey to it. Regular use of the decoction will restore the skin of the breast, making it more elastic.

Take care of your treasure regularly!

Yulia Petrashova

After childbirth, breast care is simple and does not require special skills - hygiene, massage, proper attachment of the baby to the breast, a comfortable bra - these measures will help you avoid troubles with the breasts during the feeding period. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Attach your baby to the breast correctly

In the first days, a newborn baby does not even really know how to suck ( sucking reflex in the first days it is poorly developed), and even more so, he doesn’t know how to properly take his mother’s breast. Your goal is to help the baby. It’s easier to teach your baby how to latch correctly right away than to re-teach it later. This will help prevent many breast problems. During the first feeding, try to place the nipple into the baby's mouth at an angle from bottom to top so that it reaches the baby's palate. The baby's mouth should also include the areola. In this position soft skin the nipple will not be injured during feeding.

Of course, even with correct application towards the breast, cracks may appear on the nipples, because the skin of the nipples is very delicate. If a woman did not prepare them for future feeding before giving birth, then frequent application will inevitably lead to nipple injuries.

Breast care for cracked nipples

Have cracks appeared on your nipple yet? Don't worry, everything can be fixed.

  • Gently wash your breasts after each feeding with warm water (do not use soap or other detergents), wipe soft towel and lubricate special cream(cream helps a lot) Bepanten). You can wash the cracks with your milk, it has the properties of destroying bacteria.
  • After feeding, do air baths for your breasts. Their benefits are enormous; they allow the skin to rest and “breathe.” The duration of the procedure is 10–20 minutes.
  • Are your nipples severely inflamed and is the pain during feeding difficult to bear? Use special silicone ones. They are soft and the baby suckles without difficulty. It is important to choose the right size. It should match the size of your nipple. Otherwise, the baby will refuse to take the breast with the pad.

Reading about breast problems:

Breast hygiene

After childbirth, women's breasts swell greatly from the flow of milk. They need support. It is important to choose a quality bra. It should be comfortable, elastic, natural fabric, without underwires, with wide straps. Such a bra will help avoid stretch marks, protect the breasts from injury, ensure optimal blood circulation and milk flow, and remove excess stress from the spine. It is advisable to have several bras (at least two) to change them daily. If milk leaks from your breasts, you can put special pads in your bra cups or make them yourself from 8 to 10 layers of sterile bandage.

Daily use and intake will help improve blood circulation in the mammary glands and avoid stretch marks. contrast shower. Massage your breasts with water jets in a clockwise motion with warm and cool water alternately. After taking a shower, wipe your breasts with a towel using movements from the nipple to the armpit. Wear special supportive tops at night.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

To keep your mammary glands in shape, do: special gymnastics to strengthen the chest. Here are some exercises. Repeat each at least 20 times.

  1. Clasp your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other, as if in supplication. Squeeze your palms tightly for a few seconds, then release.
  2. Stand up straight, place your hands on your waist. As you rise onto your toes, move your elbows back as far as possible.
  3. Take an expander or a tight, wide elastic band about 50 cm long. Raise your arms above your head, stretch the elastic band, and hold it taut for ten seconds.
  4. Push-ups (from the floor or a chair) also help strengthen the muscles that support the chest.

What to do if your breasts are very swollen and painful?

On the third or fourth day after birth, milk “comes” to the mammary glands. To avoid sudden milk flows and severe breast swelling, limit drinking and liquid foods during this time. Have you received a lot of milk, are your breasts hard, do they hurt? Feed your baby more often (). The baby will suck extra milk. You can gently knead your breasts with your hands and express excess milk until your breasts are soft. Is it difficult to do it yourself? Ask your husband or relative to help you pump.

big, firm breasts is an exciting lure for men. However, caring for it is often difficult and troublesome. If you neglect it, then after a few years the bust may lose its elasticity, and then instead of sex appeal it will be associated only with complexes.

5 Essential Tips for Caring for Large Breasts

A luxurious bust is a gift from nature that you can be proud of. It is a little surprising that some generously gifted women seem to be ashamed of him and hide their large breasts under baggy sweaters and slouch. Don't make this mistake, push your chest forward proudly and wear tight blouses with a high neckline. But above all, take care of your treasure. Taking care of your breasts should be at the top of your list of beauty-preserving activities.

1. Correct posture

Even the most beautiful breasts No one will be impressed if you walk hunched over. Not to mention that this great way lose its shape forever. Therefore, straighten up, straighten your shoulders, draw in your stomach, and lift your chest proudly. Remember that you need to not only walk, but also sit with your back straight. This will ensure that you look sexy now and in the future because this position prevents your breasts from sagging.

2. Invest in a good bra

Problems with choosing a bra is one of the reasons why caring for big bust can be burdensome. You should forget about buying cheap bras and prepare to spend more on this part of your wardrobe. It is possible that you will not find one for yourself matching bras, except white, black, beige, possibly red. But even this will have to come to terms, because without a well-chosen bra big bust does not produce any effect. Your bra should be strong, the straps should be quite wide (another loss - say goodbye to dresses with harnesses, because while narrow bra straps can somehow be combined with them, then wide ones are no longer possible). The cups must be rigid and additionally reinforced.

One more important issue is the size. Many women do not know what bra size they need and incorrectly estimate it, for example, as 80C, when in fact they are 75E or even F. Avoid buying several 80C bras at once, and spend the money you save on consulting a specialist, who will select your bra professionally. You can try to do this yourself, for example, using lingerie catalogs.

3. Sleep in a special “night” bra

If you leave your breasts out of your bra all night, they will begin to “spread” to the sides, regardless of the position in which you sleep. Therefore, you need to buy 2-3 “night” bras. They may not be selected as carefully as “daytime” ones. It is only important that, unlike the second ones, they are soft and not too small, because otherwise they will flatten the bust.

4. Spray your bust cold water

It doesn't sound very attractive, but that's where you need to start. daily care behind big breasts. This is one of the most effective ways to preserve it beautiful view. To avoid tormenting your entire body with ice-cold water, lean over the bathtub and shower your mammary glands and their surroundings until they turn red. After the procedure, wait about 20 minutes until they warm up again, and then apply the firming lotion (if you do this right away, it will not absorb properly). Give your breasts a gentle exfoliation once a week.

5. Do chest exercises

In principle, these exercises are not so much for the mammary glands themselves, but for the muscles chest who support them. Here are some options for such exercises.

Exercise 1. Lie down on a mat or, if you have one, on a bench inclined at a 45-degree angle. Pick up dumbbells and hold them straight in front of you. Slowly move them apart, bending your elbows slightly, and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps. If you do it without the slightest problem, increase the load.

Exercise 2. Lie down on the mat, hold your hands with dumbbells in front of you. Slowly lower them, keeping them straight, until they rest on the mat behind your head. Then lift back to vertical position. This exercise is done the same number of times - 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Exercise 3. It can be done even while sitting at a not very interesting lecture, at work, or while watching TV. Straighten your back, fold your hands in front of you, as if in prayer, at chest height. Move them slightly away from your body so that your elbows are bent at approximately right angles. Squeeze your palms at the base, as if you want to crush something between them. After a few seconds, relax and repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 4. Well, the most famous and necessary exercise for the chest - these are push-ups. You can do push-ups “like a woman,” from your knees. The main thing is to make sure that the torso is straight, the butt does not fall or rise up. The arms should be spread wide apart; it is in this position that the load on the chest muscles occurs. Do deep push-ups and don’t shirk. As much as you can. The bigger, the better! You can do, for example, 3-4 sets of 15 times.

Plus, as a bonus, we invite you to try a simply bomb exercise, which Milena demonstrates in her video. This exercise is good for large breasts. In essence, it is a modified push-up that puts maximum stress on the chest muscles!

A woman's bust needs careful and regular care no less than the skin of her face. Almost no cleavage sebaceous glands, therefore, the epidermis is prone to dryness, and the aging processes and the effect of gravitational forces are reflected on the chest very early. To maintain youth, elasticity and beauty of the bust, it is important to constantly pay attention to it.

How to properly care for your breasts?

The main problems of the mammary glands are sagging. Persians are susceptible to them at any age, even if the woman is young and has not yet given birth. Prevention of these defects is proper care behind the chest:

  1. Wearing comfortable bra perfect size. High-quality and correctly selected underwear supports the mammary glands and prevents their stretching. For sports, especially running and jumping, it is selected.
  2. Weight control. Too rapid loss or accelerated gain of body weight has a negative impact on appearance breasts.
  3. Use of cosmetics. Creams, oils and masks help preserve the elasticity and beauty of peries. They moisturize the skin well and prevent the formation of stretch marks and wrinkles.
  4. Home and hardware procedures. In beauty parlors and specialized clinics, a whole list of activities aimed at intensive care behind the breasts, improving its shape and condition. Some manipulations can be carried out independently.
  5. Gymnastics. There is a set of exercises that normalize the tone of the muscles of the back and shoulders, correct the position and volume of the mammary glands.

How to care for large breasts?

Owners of a luxurious and seductive bust have to devote maximum time and attention to it. Caring for large breasts is complicated by their impressive weight, which causes the mammary glands to be more exposed to gravity and sag. Women with curvaceous it is necessary to follow all the above recommendations, but it is advisable to wear a tight supportive top even at home.

Breast care products

Cosmetic products are considered effective way improve the condition of the skin on the mammary glands and make it more elastic and resistant to stretching. It is important to use high quality products and apply them regularly or continuously. Breast skin care involves the systematic use of the following cosmetics:

Due to the minimal number of sebaceous glands in the skin of the décolleté area, it quickly dries out, becomes thinner and becomes similar to parchment paper. Cosmetic breast care helps to deeply moisturize the epidermis and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Special ones increase density and make it elastic and soft, preventing the formation of stretch marks and folds. Breast care at home is recommended using the following professional means:

  • Lush Dream Cream;
  • Collistar Crema-Gel Rassodante Seno;
  • Lierac Bust-Lift;
  • Wise Ways Herbals Bosom Balm;
  • Mustela Bust Firming;
  • Green Mama "Delightful Bust";
  • Mama Comfort Skin Care.

Breast oil

Vegetable fats and esters are rich in valuable chemicals that feed skin cells and activate the process of their regeneration. On sale you can find the following oils for bust care:

  • Weleda Stillöl;
  • GalenoPharm Breast Oil;
  • Vedica Bréastone;
  • Almea XLines;
  • Levrana Organic Lavender.

Some women prefer to massage with homemade fat mixtures. The following vegetable oils are used as a base:

  • almond;
  • linen;
  • olive;
  • camphor;
  • cocoa;
  • hops;
  • argan;
  • avocado.

In order to enrich the base and enhance the moisturizing, nourishing and tightening effect, essential oils for the breast are added to the base (1-3 drops per 15-25 ml):

  • rosemary;
  • grapefruit;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • geranium;
  • fennel;
  • orange;
  • carrot;
  • lavender;
  • rose moschetta.

Breast mask

Several times a month (2-4) it is useful to additionally moisturize and nourish the décolleté skin. The set of ways to care for breast skin includes applying special masks. There are home and salon versions of these cosmetic procedures. These products increase the turgor of the epidermis, saturate the cells with essential vitamins and moisture. They prevent stretch marks and sagging, prevent dry skin and the formation of early wrinkles.

The effectiveness of the drugs in question is determined by their composition. The described products are made on the basis of alginic acid, which is found exclusively in brown seaweed. This substance greatly facilitates breast care. It connects a large number of water molecules, forming a gel-like mass. This substance is rich unique minerals, proteins and vitamins. Alginate mask for breast elasticity slows down the aging process, stimulates cell regeneration and has a lifting effect.

  • AlgoMask Bust Firming Peel Off Bodywrap;
  • Elaytis Peel Off Mask Bust Firming;
  • ALG & SPA Bust Firming Peel Off Wrap;
  • OpsiDerm Forming Up Mask Bust Treatment;
  • AltaMarine Algovert Spirulina.

Gelatin breast mask

The presented procedure helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, making it dense and taut. You can purchase ready-made cosmetic products or make it yourself, gelatin for chest will fit in any form, including food pellets or plates. This mask additionally produces a pronounced cleansing effect, especially necessary if there are rashes in the décolleté area.

Recipe for the product


  • gelatin – 30-35 g;
  • honey (if there is no allergy) – 10-20 g;
  • milk – 220 ml.

Preparation and use:

  1. Heat the milk, but do not boil it.
  2. Place the gelatin in a warm liquid, wait for it to dissolve, stirring the mixture occasionally.
  3. Add honey to the composition.
  4. Apply a warm mask to clean mammary glands.
  5. Cover them with cosmetic or cling film.
  6. Lie down, cover yourself with a blanket.
  7. After 20 minutes, wash off the product.

Oatmeal mask for chest

The product in question saturates the epidermal cells with plant proteins and B vitamins. After such manipulation, dry skin on the chest will stop flaking and cracking, and will become elastic and smooth. Cereals or flour help to increase bust tone and cleanse the skin of rashes, irritations and redness. It is advisable to include the described procedure in comprehensive care behind the breasts and repeat it every 2 weeks.

Mask recipe


  • oatmeal – 50-60 g;
  • boiled warm water – 100-120 ml.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour the heated liquid over the raw material and cover with a saucer or lid.
  2. After 30-45 minutes the flakes will swell, you need to mix the mass well.
  3. Apply the paste thickly to the chest. You can also distribute it on the neck and décolleté area.
  4. When the composition is completely dry, take a warm shower.
  5. After rinsing, rinse the mammary glands with cold water.

Specified basis cosmetic product helps restore beauty, smoothness and elasticity to the bust. Natural breast clay is an excellent lifting agent; the minerals it contains activate metabolic processes in the skin and stimulate cells to regenerate. For home manipulations, you can use the product of any color. The use of green, black and blue clay has a particularly good effect on the condition of the epidermis.

Firming mask recipe


  • milk (fat, from 3%) – 70-85 ml;
  • clay – 30-45 g;
  • essential concentrate with lifting effect (orange, lavender) – 1-3 drops.

Preparation and use:

  1. Heat the milk slightly and add the selected oil to it.
  2. Dilute the clay with the resulting solution to form a very thick and plastic substance.
  3. Cover the peppers tightly with this mixture.
  4. After 15-25 minutes, carefully rinse off the product and treat the epidermis with any nutritional composition.

Breast treatments

All manipulations for shape correction, bust position and lifting are classified into home and salon. Professional care behind female breasts involves the following procedures:

  • collagen induction therapy (CIT);
  • Biogenie microcurrents;
  • LPG massage;
  • mesotherapy;
  • Push Up complex;
  • myostimulation;
  • SPA lifting.

Home care for sagging breasts and prevention of negative changes in the mammary glands includes:

  • self-massage;
  • contrasting douches;
  • cold therapy (rubbing with a piece of ice).

Exercises for beautiful breasts

Special gymnastics strengthens the muscles of the arms, back and shoulder girdle, due to which the position and shape of the bust is significantly improved. Regularly performing a set of exercises is an indispensable way to take care of your breasts from your youth. Recommended manipulations (performed standing 10 times):

  1. Place your hands together (as during prayer), spread your elbows to the sides. Press your palms firmly against each other for 10-20 seconds.
  2. Make movements with your hands that are identical to breaststroke swimming - forward and in different directions.

  3. Clench your fists and extend them forward. Make “scissors” with straight arms, crossing them alternately.
  4. Interlace your fingers at the back of your head to form a “lock.” Pull your elbows towards each other and in opposite directions.

  5. Hold a dumbbell or a water bottle in each hand. Straighten them and move them perpendicular to the body. Make circular movements of small amplitude back and forth with each hand.
  6. Push up from the support at chest level.

  7. Extend your arms with clenched fists forward and approach the wall. Press on the surface with maximum force, as if trying to move it.
  8. Keep your arms along your body. At the same time, lift them up, describing a semicircle, and cross them over your head. Return to original position. You can make the exercise more difficult by using dumbbells.

  9. Lean forward, keeping your back straight (angle - 90 degrees). Make intense and wide swings with your arms to the sides and back.
  10. Place your chin on your fist. Press your head firmly on your hand for 10-12 seconds. Change fists.

After all, this is not only beauty, but also girlish dignity. Therefore, today we will talk about how to properly care for your breasts. There are several rules that must be followed to preserve the beauty and health of a woman's dignity.

Rule 1. Choose the right bra for yourself. Too tight restricts movement and prevents blood flow. Too loose - will inevitably lead to stretch marks and a saggy shape. So breast care is, first of all, a properly selected bra.

Rule 2. Watch your posture. If you are constantly hunched over, this will not add beauty to your breasts. Straighten your shoulders, so your chest will appear visually larger. Plus everything is provided.

Rule 3. Avoid hitting straight lines sun rays on the skin of the chest. They speed up the aging process of the skin and can cause cancer. Therefore, it is better to sunbathe in a bra than to sit in line to see a doctor.

Rule 4. Sudden changes in weight have an adverse effect on the chest. If the body begins to lose weight, the fatty tissue from the chest area first disappears, then stretch marks appear. So a properly selected diet is not only careful attitude To digestive system, but also breast care.

Rule 5. Hot baths are harmful to beauty. If you cannot live without them, take such a bath, but no longer than 15 minutes.

It should be noted that there is another significant nuance in a woman’s life - breastfeeding. As soon as the mother stops feeding the baby, the breasts become flabby, lose their shape and stretch marks become noticeable. Therefore, breast reconstruction is important stage. Exists great amount recovery methods, consider the main ones.

You can tighten your breasts with the help of Although this is unpleasant, blood circulation improves, the skin becomes firm and elastic, plus the blood vessels are strengthened. If you still find it difficult to go to cold shower, you can use pieces edible ice- just wipe your chest and décolleté area with them. It's kind of

Skin in this intimate area also needs nutrition. Therefore, it is useful to make masks. For example, a sour cream mask. You will need 40 grams of sour cream, a teaspoon of butter, 5 ml each of apple juice and red currant juice. Mix all this thoroughly and rub into the skin with movements. Leave the mask for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. The effect appears immediately - the skin becomes soft, the feeling of dryness disappears. Taking care of your breasts is just as time-consuming as taking care of your facial skin.

Another simple mask recipe. To prepare, you will need 1 banana and a tablespoon of honey. These products are useful not only as food, but also as a mask. Grind the ingredients into a paste using a fork and apply to the skin of the chest. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. It is enough to rub this mask once a week, after a while you will notice positive result.

Using honey, there is another mask that can restore breasts after feeding. This is kefir + honey (2 Rub in the same way with massaging movements of your fingers and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse.

Massage can also restore old forms, but you should be careful here, since improper massage can damage the mammary glands, and this is quite dangerous, especially after stopping breastfeeding. Therefore, it is better to consult with a specialist, or even better, sign up for a course with an experienced massage therapist who certainly knows how to do it better and more effectively.

So, dear women, no matter whether they are mothers or just potential mothers, take care of your health and the beauty of your breasts, do not be lazy and pay attention to them!
