The capsule collection has... How to create a capsule wardrobe

We often hear and read about the basic wardrobe, and on the Internet you can find a lot of lists of things that you simply must have. However, in addition to the base, which undoubtedly everyone should have their own, we also need so-called capsules.

What it is? A capsule is a set of things for certain occasions. For example, a capsule of clothes for work. A capsule of clothes for a holiday at sea. A capsule of clothing for a holiday in the mountains. Capsule for your weekend and so on. There can be as many of them as you wish.

An example of a capsule collection for relaxation.

The point of the capsule is that all the things included in it, including shoes and accessories, can be combined with each other and allow you to create many different looks. So, having bought three business shirts, one pencil skirt, formal trousers, a pair of cardigans, you will get a capsule for work. All you have to do is add it a suitable match shoes, belts, scarves and outfits for the whole working week provided for you. Naturally, you will not go on vacation at sea in black tight skirt and jacket, you will find another, more suitable clothing, and create new set items that combine with each other.

Capsule collection in casual style.

Festive collection for the New Year holidays.

Capsule for summer.

Office-style clothing capsule.

There are no standards for the selection of capsules. All of them are built based on your tastes and your lifestyle. If you do not work in an office, then we advise you to choose a capsule in a business environment. strict style, stupid. You don't need dress pants and white shirts. But jeans, bright scarves, and casual-style jackets can easily replace all the rigor of office style.

Having several capsules is very convenient. This will make it easier for you to create finished bows. After all, in search of the right things, you will not rummage through your entire wardrobe, but pay attention only to those models that were purchased specifically for this occasion. Each capsule can be made in different colors y decisions, and you will always have something to combine with.

In general, the capsule has a lot of advantages.
Since most of us work in an office. Willingly we have to observe the rules of decency in clothing.
Even if the dress code at the company is not strict, you are unlikely to be able to afford to wear regular casual clothes to work. No matter how much I would like this.

Therefore, we simply need a so-called “work” wardrobe.

In order for you to stand in front of your open closet in the morning without bothering yourself for a long time with thoughts about what to wear today, your “work” capsule must be correctly composed.
As I already wrote, you can’t prescribe the right pill for everyone when choosing clothes. I will draw your attention to this now. I write advice that you can use as a guide when creating your wardrobe. But blindly repeating and buying all the things that I list below for the “working” capsule is clearly not worth it.

Take a closer look at the things I suggested. Take a look with a fresh look those that hang on your hangers and already make you dance. Maybe you should buy something more and throw something away, or maybe you already have a ready-made capsule that you didn’t even know about!

So, how do I see a “work” wardrobe for an ordinary private? office employee, not of the highest level and adhering to a dress code that is not entirely strict.

First, we need to have:
- a classic (yes, there’s no point in this) straight or pencil skirt;
— straight trousers (variations are possible: slightly flared, tapered, tapered, cropped, with stitched arrows, etc.);
- business style jacket;
- dress (sheath or sundress or any other style strictly classic style);
- a shirt (strict, without ruffles, large colored or shiny buttons);
— a simple knitted top (since we have a loose dress code, it’s possible without sleeves).

This first layer our wardrobe, so to speak, is the basis of the foundations.

He's boring because everything should be simple deep colors, without patterns or contrasting details. But already on this layer you can easily put more interesting things that will make your everyday looks more diverse.

About color solutions first layer.
Everyone chooses for themselves which color is more pleasant. Some people prefer black, some prefer dark blue, others like camel or gray. In my opinion, gray and beige are more versatile in terms of changing seasons. If beige or gray skirt would be appropriate to watch both in winter and summer, then, say, black in summer looks too burdensome.

Example first layer shown in two versions.
Number one for the winter-autumn period.
Under the number two - summer and warm spring.
Look, there are only six things. And how many ensembles can you create with them? And we haven’t added accessories and shoes yet.
I intentionally kept these looks consistent in color except for the shirts and tops. The less variation in colors you have in the first layer, the easier it will be for you to create the second, and even more so to come up with ready-made solutions from what is.

Let's move on to the second layer.
Things here are more fun - more colors, more interesting styles.
The main goal of the second base layer is to add a touch of modernity and fashion to our classic filling.
This layer is even more dependent on your personal preferences and tastes.
What you should pay attention to when putting together this part of your wardrobe. First of all, the colors. How new color, which you enter at this stage is combined with those that exist, with which it is supported.
Don't forget about the texture of the fabric. Yes, you can wear a velvet jacket to work, which you added on the second layer, but will it be good in combination, for example, with the tweed skirt that you chose on the first? Very often we pay attention to color combinations, but we forget that the fabrics in the sets should also support each other, and not contradict.

Again I made two different types the second layer, based on the first bases. One for winter-autumn. The second is for summer-warm spring.
In the second winter-autumn layer we include:
- blouse with long sleeve;
- blouse with short sleeve;
- an intricate skirt;
- a brighter dress compared to the first layer;
— two knitted cardigans;
— knitted jumper;
- dark blue classic jeans(for Friday or sudden business trips);
- a couple of boats;
- a pair of ballet shoes;
— three belts of different colors$
- two bags;
- two scarves;
- watch;
— a pair of earrings of a classic design;
- several chains and pendants.

Below is the entire database listed above - first and second.

Lower possible variations combinations of things. I made only six examples, but objects can be twisted and turned as much as you like, coming up with new options.

Now let's move on to summer second layer.
The principle of its formation is identical. The set of things that can be easily changed is slightly different. For example, I don’t have jeans here, although I could have them. Some juicy color.

What I included:
— blouse with long sleeves;
— blouse with short sleeves;
- funny plaid shirt;
— knitted cardigan;
- white jacket;
- another skirt;
- a dress with an interesting drapery;
- two bags of different colors;
- two scarves of different colors;
- three pairs of shoes;
— belts of all colors in the wardrobe;
- bracelets;
- necklaces.

This is what happened to me this time.

Combination options.

How do you form your wardrobe, do you adhere to any strict rules? Do you follow the dress code or do you have the opportunity to ignore it?;)

We often hear and read about the basic wardrobe, and on the Internet you can find a lot of lists of things that you simply must have.However, in addition to the base, which undoubtedly everyone should have their own, we also need so-called capsules.

What it is? A capsule is a set of things for certain occasions. For example, a capsule of clothes for work. A capsule of clothes for a holiday at sea. A capsule of clothing for a holiday in the mountains. Capsule for your weekend and so on. There can be as many of them as you wish.

An example of a capsule collection for relaxation.

The point of the capsule is that all the things included in it, including shoes and accessories, can be combined with each other and allow you to create many different looks. So, by purchasing three business shirts, one pencil skirt, formal trousers, and a pair of cardigans, you will receive a capsule for work. All you have to do is add the right pair of shoes, belts, scarves, and you're guaranteed outfits for the entire work week. Naturally, you won’t go on vacation at the seaside in a black tight skirt and jacket; you will find other, more suitable clothes and create a new set of matching items.

Capsule collection in casual style.

Festive collection for the New Year holidays.

Capsule for summer.

Office-style clothing capsule.

There are no standards for the selection of capsules. All of them are built based on your tastes and your lifestyle. If you do not work in an office, then it is stupid to advise you to choose a capsule in a strict business style. You don't need dress pants and white shirts. But jeans, bright scarves, and casual-style jackets can easily replace all the rigor of office style.

Having several capsules is very convenient. This will make it easier for you to create finished bows. After all, in search of the right things, you will not rummage through your entire wardrobe, but pay attention only to those models that were purchased specifically for this occasion.Each capsule can be made in different colors, and you will always have something to combine with it.

In general, the capsule has a lot of advantages.
Since most of us work in an office.Willingly we have to observe the rules of decency in clothing.
Even if the dress code at the company is not strict, you are unlikely to be able to afford to wear regular casual clothes to work. No matter how much I would like this.

Therefore, we simply need the so-called “work” wardrobe.

In order for you to stand in front of your open closet in the morning without bothering yourself for a long time with thoughts about what to wear today, your “work” capsule must be correctly composed.
As I already wrote, you can’t prescribe the right pill for everyone when choosing clothes. I will draw your attention to this now. I write advice that you can use as a guide when creating your wardrobe. But blindly repeating and buying all the things that I indicate below for the “working” capsule is clearly not worth it.

Take a closer look at the things I suggested. Take a fresh look at the ones hanging on your hangers and start dancing. Maybe you should buy something more and throw something away, or maybe you already have a ready-made capsule that you didn’t even know about!

So, how do I see a “work” wardrobe for an ordinary ordinary office employee who is not a senior executive and does not adhere to a very strict dress code.

First, we need to have:
- a classic (yes, this doesn’t help) straight or pencil skirt;
- straight trousers (variations are possible: slightly flared, tapered, tapered, cropped, with stitched arrows, etc.);
- business style jacket;
- dress (sheath or sundress or any other style of strictly classical style);
- a shirt (strict, without ruffles, large colored or shiny buttons);
- a simple knitted top (since we have a loose dress code, it’s possible without sleeves).

This first layer our wardrobe, so to speak, is the basis of the foundations.

It is boring because everything should be in simple deep colors, without patterns or contrasting details. But already on this layer you can easily put more interesting things that will make your everyday looks more diverse.

Regarding the color schemes of the first layer.

Everyone chooses for themselves which color is more pleasant. Some people prefer black, some prefer dark blue, others like camel or gray. In my opinion, gray and beige are more versatile in terms of changing seasons. If a beige or gray skirt looks appropriate in both winter and summer, then, say, a black one in summer looks too burdensome.

Example first layer shown in two versions.
Number one for the winter-autumn period.
Under the number two - summer and warm spring.
Look, there are only six things. And how many ensembles can you create with them? And we haven’t added accessories and shoes yet.
I intentionally kept these looks consistent in color except for the shirts and tops. The less variation in colors you have in the first layer, the easier it will be for you to create the second, and even more so to come up with ready-made solutions from what you have.

Let's move on to the second layer.
Things here are more fun - more colors, more interesting styles.
The main goal of the second base layer is to add a touch of modernity and fashion to our classic filling.
This layer is even more dependent on your personal preferences and tastes.

What you should pay attention to when putting together this part of your wardrobe. First of all, the colors. How the new color you introduce at this stage is combined with those that exist, what it is supported by.
Don't forget about the texture of the fabric. Yes, you can wear a velvet jacket to work, which you added on the second layer, but will it be good in combination, for example, with the tweed skirt that you chose on the first? Very often we pay attention to color combinations, but we forget that the fabrics in the sets should also support each other, and not contradict.

Again, I made two different types of the second layer, based on the first bases. One for winter-autumn. The second is for summer-warm spring.
In the second winter-autumn layer we include:
- a blouse with long sleeves;
- blouse with short sleeves;
- an intricate skirt;
- a brighter dress compared to the first layer;
- two knitted cardigans;
- knitted jumper;
- dark blue classic jeans (for Friday or sudden business trips);
- a couple of boats;
- a pair of ballet shoes;
- three belts of different colors$
- two bags;
- two scarves;
- watch;
- a pair of earrings of classic design;
- several chains and pendants.

Below is the entire database listed above - first and second.

Below are possible variations of the combination of things. I made only six examples, but objects can be twisted and turned as much as you like, coming up with new options.

Now let's move on to the summer second layer.
The principle of its formation is identical. The set of things that can be easily changed is slightly different. For example, I don’t have jeans here, although I could have them. Some juicy color.

What I included:
- blouse with long sleeves;
- blouse with short sleeves;
- funny plaid shirt;
- knitted cardigan;
- white jacket;
- another skirt;
- a dress with interesting drapery;
- two bags of different colors;
- two scarves of different colors;
- three pairs of shoes;
- belts of all colors in the wardrobe;
- bracelets;
- necklaces.

This is what happened to me this time.

Combination options.

How do you form your wardrobe, do you adhere to any strict rules? Do you follow the dress code or do you have the opportunity to ignore it?;)

The capsule wardrobe was first coined by Susie Faux, who owned the London boutique Wardrobe in the 1970s. She believed that capsule collection should consist of basic pieces of clothing that do not go out of style, such as skirts, trousers and jackets, which can then be complemented with fashionable seasonal items.

According to Susie Fo, a woman's capsule collection should contain, at least, two pairs of trousers, a dress or skirt, a jacket, a coat, knitwear, two pairs of shoes and two bags.

The idea was popularized by American designer Donna Karan, who in 1985 released an impressive capsule collection of seven interchangeable office wear pieces called 7 Easy Pieces. During the collection's show, eight models were shown wearing only tight bodysuits and black tights. Then models began to be added additional elements clothes such as skirts, trousers and dresses to show the interchangeability of things.

Today the term " capsule wardrobe" is widely used in the British and American press and has been the subject of several popular television series. For example, in the fashion sections of the British newspapers The Independent and The Telegraph, sections with recommendations for creating a capsule wardrobe recently appeared. There are similar sections in world-famous glossy fashion and style magazines, including the British Elle and Marie Claire.

What is a capsule collection?

A capsule collection is when all items of clothing are intended for one particular area of ​​life (work, leisure, beach, evening out in the light, etc.) combine well with each other in style, purpose, color and texture of the fabric. At any moment, any of these items can be replaced with another, “without looking.” You can take any top or bottom at random and complement it with shoes and accessories from the compiled capsule. At the same time, the image always remains harmonious and elegant.

There is no need to confuse capsule and basic wardrobes. The purpose of the capsule is to cover only one side of life, be it a capsule for the office, for a banquet or for a trip out of town. While the basic wardrobe is designed to be the basis for many occasions thanks to the neutrality of the items that are complemented bright accessories, designed in one style or another, depending on the situation and the image being created.

And yet, capsule and basic wardrobes have a lot in common. Stylists recommend taking multifunctional classic items from good materials, timeless and fashionable. They will last more than one year. They can easily be combined with a large number of other clothes.

By adding trendy seasonal twists to your basics, your capsule wardrobe will always feel fresh and on-trend. In addition to trendy clothes, the capsule collection may also contain some individual additions that you personally like. These could be family jewels, vintage accessories that make you stand out from total mass and emphasizing individual style.

In total, a capsule can contain from 5 to 12 products, including shoes and accessories.

What style of clothing do you prefer?

I prefer business style in clothes

How do you dress?


I prefer to dress casually

How do you dress?


I prefer sport style in clothes

How do you dress?


I prefer romantic style in clothes

How do you dress?



I prefer Boho style in clothes

How do you dress?


I love looking modern and chic!

How do you dress?


How to create a capsule wardrobe

Decide on your color type and appearance. You can do this by passing our test to determine the color type of appearance. In addition, you can do this yourself by reading articles from the “Color analysis of appearance” section on our website. Once you know exactly your color type and appearance, you can determine the basic neutral colors, which will form the basis of your capsule collection.

Having determined for your capsule base color(for summer it might be light shade, darker for winter), now you can think about two other shades that will be a little brighter than the base. These shades should harmonize well with each other. They can be used for capsule wardrobe items such as tops, dresses, scarves and accessories. How to know that the shades harmonize well with each other and with the base if you do not naturally have developed sense color harmony? It’s very simple: there are programs on the Internet that help you choose harmonious shades for a given color. This link is one of them, which you can download to your computer and use it constantly. In this program, first you select the desired base shade(by moving the sliders), after which the program offers six colors that the best way harmonize with the given color. It is from these six shades that we recommend choosing additional accent colors. For more advanced users, we recommend the online program (in English). The principle is the same - you choose a base color, the program selects harmonious shades for it, based on different approaches to the selection of harmonious color combinations.

Decide on your body type. To do this, use our test to determine your body type.

Now, already having an idea about suitable styles And the right shades, you just have to decide for yourself how many items your capsule collection will consist of and what kind of things they will be. This question is not straightforward and depends entirely on the purpose of the capsule and your imagination. However, in order not to force you to think again, we have prepared for you examples of capsule collections from the world's leading fashion designers. Based on the image and likeness of the clothing items in these capsules, you can pick up something similar in the store. Choose from them the one that you like the most. One caveat: also pay attention to the physique of the model who represents the capsule. The closer the model’s figure is to yours, the greater the chances of creating a successful and harmonious capsule collection.

Modern terms from the world of fashion and the fashion industry are heard by literally everyone. All kinds of collaborations, cruise and capsule collections, ready-to-wear and filled advertising posters, magazine pages and store signs. So, capsule collections are very popular today, they are created famous designers for certain brands or celebrities for fashion houses. But what does a capsule collection mean and what is hidden behind this name?

History of the term

He came to us from in English, they call it Capsule collection. This is a line of things or accessories, limited to 10-15 items, sometimes a different quantity. All items are made in the same style and are combined with each other. As a rule, capsules are created by guest designers or show business stars in addition to the main seasonal collection of the brand.

The London boutique Wardrobe first released such a capsule in the 70s of the last century. Its owner Susie Fo came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a small collection that would fit perfectly together and be complemented by trendy items from the main designer collections. Around the same time, designer Emmanuel Kahn created something similar - a small author's collection for the La Redoute clothing catalog.

This idea was also picked up by the fashion designer. In 1985, her first capsule collection for the office was presented. There were only 7 items of clothing in it: skirts, trousers, dresses. Models, at first parading only in bodysuits and tights, gradually showed the entire collection, changing the same items in different combinations and demonstrating their interchangeability.

This idea appealed to both designers and their clients, and soon almost everyone fashion house had his own capsule collections.

What is a capsule collection of clothing in the modern sense?

If initially the capsule was more like an attempt to offer a specific case, today the concept is used more widely. These are several items of clothing united by one theme or idea. The capsule collection is created to attract new customers, advertise and promote the brand.

To do this, brands, for example, invite pop artists or actors who bring their own vision to the collection. Often brands from the mass market segment attract famous luxury designers to create a capsule. This allows members of the middle class to get something that is usually inaccessible from a famous designer. Or a fashion house targeting a specific customer with conservative tastes invites a young, up-and-coming designer to create a youthful and edgy collection that will ultimately attract new customers who are loyal to the brand. Sometimes several creative people come together to create a capsule, then this is most often called collaboration.

Often the reason for creating a capsule collection can be a special event or important date. They determine the general mood of the entire line.

Vivid examples in the fashion world

Among all the capsule collection options listed above, we can highlight especially famous and popular ones, namely those that have become legends, and items from them are sold out in an instant.

If we talk about collaborations between cult designers and affordable brands, we can’t help but recall shoe designer Jimmy Choo, who created the super-popular capsule collection of sheepskin boots with stones and rhinestones for Ugg brand of Australia. H&M stores that produce goods in the mass market category regularly present capsules from designers high fashion: Versace, Karl Lagerfeld, Lanvan.

Stars also often become guest designers and create their own capsules under the auspices of fashion brand or fashion houses. Thus, singer Rihanna often appears as a designer. Her latest works include capsules for sports brand Puma and collaboration with the shoe brand Manolo Blahnik. The collaboration between Kate Moss and Topshop has been long and fruitful. She not only advertises the brand’s clothing, but also creates collections for it.

If we recall capsules dedicated to anniversaries, then the “April Rain” collection, dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the Burberry fashion house, was undoubtedly successful. In these things bright colors added a twist to the brand's familiar design. Marc Jacobs also came up with an interesting capsule for the 10th anniversary of his brand. It included best models, created by the designer over the course of 10 years.

Let's also note unusual capsules, for example, most recently the Moschino brand released a collection designed for Barbie dolls! And collaborations sometimes surprise us with their unexpected encounters, for example: a clothing collection from the Danish brand Wood Wood and Disney or the lingerie brand Tezenis and Coca-Cola. It seems that in modern world Nothing is impossible in fashion.

Capsule collections in Russian fashion

Keep up with global trends and Russian designers and brands. Thus, Ulyana Sergienko periodically releases, in addition to her main collections, seasonal capsules in order to diversify the selection of looks and present something unusual that goes beyond the scope of her main line of clothing.

Famous Russian designers, just like their foreign colleagues, create affordable capsule collections for budget brands. Among the most interesting are the projects of Igor Chapurin for Incity, capsules for “Yours”, the “Empire” and “Bird of Happiness” collections by Alena Akhmadullina for Faberlic and the capsule collection of Evelina Khromchenko for “Econika”.

The domestic mass market and pop stars also make excellent collaborations. Among the latter are the collection of Vera Brezhneva for the PE brand, the capsule of Keti Topuria and Ksenia Borodina.

How to use a capsule in your wardrobe

Items from the capsule collection will fit perfectly into your look if you remember the rules of creation perfect wardrobe. Take only those things that really suit you, don’t chase fashion and trends. If the model from the capsule is trendy, take a closer look at the clothes from the main collection of the same brand - usually there you can pick up basic items that will perfectly complement the fashion detail. And if you bought an item from a capsule of a famous designer, and this basic subject wardrobe good quality, don’t rush to throw it away after a season. Fashion is cyclical, and this model can be combined with items from other collections.

This is the most, most, most common question people ask me.

And now, it seems to me, there is an excellent opportunity not just to tell, but to illustrate the entire path of creating one small collection - the COSMOS capsule.

First, let me clarify the terms:

Collection- This is enough a large number of products related to the same theme, style and season: from 50 to 300 items, consisting of approximately 30-150 looks.

Capsule(or “capsule collection”) is a limited set of items related by theme, style and season (from 7 to 35), also folded into a large number of sets.

Collection theme- a story that allows you to immediately understand the designer’s intention and can be read without words. For example, everyone can easily understand and recognize a naval theme, a military one, or a reference to a historical period.

Collection style- answers the question “for whom”, because each theme can be presented in grunge style, and in sport-chic style, and in ladylike style. The style of a collection determines what shapes, volumes and silhouettes are possible in a given collection.

Season- this, of course, is the period in which this collection will be relevant within fashion trends this season. For example, if the collection is autumn-winter 17/18, then it must correspond to at least one of the macrotrends of this season and, accordingly, can be easily combined with the products of other brands working within the same trend - shoes, jewelry, bags, clothing.

So, we will present the new capsule collection COSMOS for the fall 2017 season

Why did I decide to make a capsule? There are several reasons. Firstly, this is a concise and quick project - in in this case 6 items (3 sweatshirts, top, skirt and trousers). Secondly, this is what you need for the off-season: it’s not summer anymore, it’s not autumn yet. Thirdly, the stars aligned!


Every summer I spend a lot of time outside the city and every evening I admire starry sky- it is low, dense, with bright stars, comets and constellations. And every time it reminds me of the evenings in the pioneer camp, when we read science fiction and, looking at the stars, they imagined how it was there, in complete silence and emptiness.

One day in June I was admiring the stars and corresponding with a potential partner - an embroidery production company. They sent me a link to works that have already been completed or those that the production is developing for its own needs. And I found a link to the work of textile designer Olga Nikich - I’ve been following her for a long time, Olga has amazing scarves that she sells all over the world. And on Olga’s website I saw a scarf with planets! And then something clicked! Subject!

Within 2 days, the three of us met - me, Olga and Anna (the head of the embroidery production) - and discussed the idea of ​​embroidery with appliqués based on Olga’s sketches on items from our brand. The themes - SPACE and PARADE OF THE PLANETS - were on the tip of our tongue, and we began to translate them into style and range. But before developing an assortment and style, it is always important to imagine who will wear this collection, who is the heroine? And here, too, I didn’t have to look for long - the heroine of this capsule is romantic and decisive, she easily goes into new worlds and reaches heights in them.


In fact, this is every customer of Victoria Irbaieva brand clothing, but here we also found the “face of the capsule” - Irina Nizovtseva, a real Space girl! On the one hand, Ira is a professional scientist: a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, regularly wins prestigious grants and scholarships not only from Russian but also from foreign foundations. She has over 40 publications in scientific journals. On the other hand, Ira is seriously passionate about parachuting and is preparing to make her 200th jump this coming weekend! On the third hand, she is the mother of two beautiful kids (Ostap, 6 years old, and Miya, 10 months old) and manages everything! Why not Space girl?

So we decided on the name of the capsule - COSMOS, and on the style and assortment - these should be comfortable and effective things that are appropriate in any situation in Irina’s life, which is so rich and so interesting.


As a result, I proposed fabrics with the effect of twinkling stars and velvet in the color of the night sky. Olga, Anna, and I agreed on the embroidery design, added applique elements to it, and our laboratory prepared samples. It is important that at this stage all participants in the project were identified: who creates the design, who develops patterns and designs, who is responsible for the decor, who will provide excellent embroidery and high-quality sewing - for excellent result not only is it required good design and a successful brand. Probably 80% of success depends on execution: how the clothes will be sewn, how the decor will be done, whether everything will happen on time, whether we will get the product we came up with.

In the meantime, Irina continued to train 1000 km from Moscow at the Menzelinsk drop zone together with a team of paratroopers, and we shot the lookbook of our capsule (you can see it at the link)... I hope our team managed to convey the atmosphere of dreams and flights into space!

We conducted the conversation-interview in a car from airport to airport: she was flying from Menzelinsk to Greece, to a scientific conference on physics. Ira is a nursing mother, and she is inseparable from her little daughter Mia, so for shooting we had 2 “windows” of 5 minutes each - such is the intensity of Irina’s life, and we admire her!

Simply space

Irina, tell me what came first: science or parachutes? How are there two like this? different activities can they combine into one fragile girl?

Irina: In a certain sense, both science and sports have always been in my life, thanks to my parents. I received the upbringing of a good girl, born in the USSR and raised in the “dashing”, where in mandatory included both participation in school Olympiads in physics and mathematics, and School of Music and ten years of ballroom dancing.

The active stage of studying science coincided with the beginning of motherhood, after defending my PhD thesis. Some people start knitting dream catchers, others bake cakes to order. For me, the need for creation and creativity found a way out in the development of mathematical models to describe various physical processes and phenomena (phase transitions - solidification/melting of ice and metals). The song “The Ice Is Melting Between Us” has become my professional anthem! (Laughs.)

And the story with parachutes began when I was 4 years old. We went on vacation as a family to fabulous Bulgaria. Fabulous - because everything was there: a cherry tree, a slide into the pool and a parachute behind the boat on which I flew... mine elder sister. My long braids were carefully cut by their parents on the eve of their vacation, so “uncle the boat driver” said: “Grow up first, boy, and then you’ll fly!” Having barely recovered from the shock, literally twenty years later, I jumped my first tandem. To spite the driver!

One day summer evening At my friends' dacha, after talking with a parachutist friend, I accidentally found out that an AN-28 had flown to the nearest drop zone, which gives an altitude of 4 km, which is almost a minute free fall before the opening of the dome! The very next day I was registered for takeoff. A month later, the second tandem jumped... Then another... And it became clear that I was lost - in in the best sense of this word, “fell ill with the sky,” fell in love. More precisely, the feelings were always there, but only then did it become clear how strong and mutual they were. Jumping fills me with pure happiness.

How many jumps have you done so far?

Irina: By parachuting standards, I'm still just a baby. If heaven wishes, literally next weekend I will celebrate the 200th anniversary jump. After the 200th jump, by the way, permission to jump with a camera and in a wingsuit is on the horizon.

I have been to drop zones in Russia, the UAE, Germany and the USA. I plan to jump a lot, with high quality, safely and with pleasure, and this means constant work on myself - both independently and with a coach, with a team, as well as raids in the wind tunnel. The trumpet is a separate fun and thrill. This is also a flight, but it is also suitable for those who for some reason cannot or do not want to fly under a canopy.

How do people feel about your, shall we say, “not quite traditional” hobbies?

Irina: Honestly, when strangers When people ask me what I do, I often introduce myself as a fashion designer. Because even “I am a mathematician” can often cause surprise and sometimes distrust, and at first I am completely silent about jumping, because so many questions immediately arise from the interlocutor that a small talk is indispensable. And my friends know that I work in the modeling business (laughs), it’s just that my “models” are mathematical!

Many readers have most likely never jumped - tell us how the jump goes?

Irina: Different drop zones have their own rituals, for example, you can see a group of parachutists who, while the plane is taking off along the runway, clap their hands and wave their arms, “helping” the plane take off.

At the same time, each parachutist has his own pre-agreed task for the jump: someone with his colleagues in the air department will assemble a certain figure in the air, someone will “sit” or “stand on his head”, someone will immediately open the parachute and practice control dome Jumping is, first of all, pleasure; its originality is limited only by safety requirements and the imagination of the athletes, and this, in turn, has practically no boundaries and horizons. All actions are necessarily practiced on the ground, so that during a jump and, in particular, in the event of an emergency situation, a failure, in addition to the head, the muscle memory of the body would clearly work out, ensuring the athlete’s safe return to the planet. Regarding the feeling of fear, I can say that initial stage The most ticklish sensations I had was at the moment of opening the door before the start of the ejection. Imagine, you are sitting on an airplane and the door opens! But the next second you are already getting up, performing another check of the equipment and preparing to complete the jump task, which ends not at the moment you touch the ground, but when the athlete brings the parachute for stowage and is ready to sign up for a new takeoff. Many people do this. My personal record is 12 jumps in a day!

What's the most important thing in the air?

Irina: No matter how trivial it may be, relax and have fun! It sounds simple, but in reality it is not easy for beginners. A tense body loses control in the air and is more difficult to stabilize. At the initial stage of learning to jump independently, your actions are controlled by the instructor. You need to get off the plane, lie on your stomach and take the so-called “banana pose”, arching your back. As soon as a beginner copes with this, it’s already a success! Next is having fun and developing jumping skills, and you can do this endlessly!

Irina, we understand about the air, the main thing is to relax. What do you think is the most important thing in life?

Irina: Minimum Required: freedom, happiness, love, lightness, respect, excitement and... smile! I would also add to this list some kind of “continuous dreaming”. This helps you push off the ground and fly forward, upward - contrary to the laws of gravity! If someone had told me 5 years ago that I would jump, I would not have believed it. But this is so close to realizing my childhood dream of “becoming an astronaut”! That's why I dream continuously and without limits. The sky is far away - the sky is near!

