Orthopedic pacifier pacifier. Do you need a pacifier: pros and cons - video

The birth of a new person in the family means pleasant worries, worries, and acquisitions. For mother's discharge from maternity hospital full readiness must be ensured long-awaited meeting. Although a pacifier may seem like a small thing, it should also be ready and waiting for its little owner.

Nature has decreed that from the first day newborns develop sucking reflex. The sucking process helps him instantly attach himself to mother's breast, and in between feedings, a pacifier becomes an indispensable soothing item. All you have to do is choose a pacifier that your little one will like. Due to the fact that the number of offers from pacifier manufacturers is quite large, all mothers are concerned with the question: which pacifier to choose for a newborn.

A child may need a pacifier from the first days of life, so put it aside important purchase not worth it. All that remains is to choose the most suitable option

What size and weight should a pacifier be?

What kind of pacifier a newborn baby needs is an individual question, but mothers should not grab the first one they come across from the counter because of its attractiveness. appearance. Before going to a pharmacy or a specialized store of goods for newborns, you need to familiarize yourself with all the requirements for nipple parameters and only then purchase the one that is optimal for your baby.

You should not focus primarily on the external attractive design of the pacifier - this factor should come in last place. With regard to all functional characteristics, it must be appropriate for the age of the newborn, safe and useful.

Size is the first parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing a pacifier. It should be light. Sizes are graded by age:

  • from 0 to 3 months;
  • from 3 to 6 months;
  • from 6 to 12 months.

The division into months is arbitrary because children develop differently. Parents themselves must control when the pacifier becomes uncomfortable for the baby. There are also pacifiers for tiny babies whose weight does not exceed 1750 g - such pacifiers are miniature in size and lightweight in design.

Manufacturing materials

Manufacturers of pacifiers for infants know that latex and silicone are the most suitable for making pacifiers:

  • Latex is a natural material made from natural rubber. Pediatricians usually recommend latex nipples for weak and premature newborns. For a baby, they resemble mother's breasts. Latex has its disadvantages. It can be allergic because it contains protein, dirt easily sticks to it, and it is difficult to wash off. Also, latex nipples become deformed under sun rays. It is recommended to change them after a month of use.
  • Silicone is a stronger and more durable synthetic material that can last 6 weeks. Regardless of whether the silicone is damaged, it is recommended to change the pacifier after six months. Silicone pacifiers can be washed in hot water, they do not emit odor and are easy to wash. The disadvantage of silicone is that a child can easily chew it with his teeth, so it is better to use them before they appear. The most popular brand of pacifiers for infants is Philips AVENT. The brand is popular because it has no smell or taste; children suck on this product with pleasure. The company has released a new improved model - orthodontic pacifier, to which dirt does not stick, it is also easy to wash and does not deform.

Philips AVENT pacifiers are considered one of the best. They are made of hypoallergenic material and have an orthodontic design.

About pacifier shapes

The old classic rubber pacifier was produced taking into account the structure of the child's oral cavity, so modern pacifiers have a similar shape. They are convenient because they resemble mother's breasts when sucking.

Pediatricians believe that ideal pacifiers for newborns should not put pressure on the jaw and interfere with swallowing - a nipple with flat shape on one side and with a thickening on the opposite side. The most correct form suggests the presence of a notch on the side of the tongue. Some models have an air vent valve, which is necessary to reduce pressure on the palate. The space between the ring and the end of the pacifier should be flat. This shape contributes to the formation of a correct bite, so parents should not pay attention to the attractive spherical nipples.

The correct shape of a pacifier is needed not only to calm the child, but also to provide a preventive effect on the formation of the bite. It’s not for nothing that they are called anatomical - the products take the shape of the structure of the child’s oral cavity (we recommend reading:).

What should the protective disk be like?

The ring at one end of the pacifier acts as a protective disk. It helps prevent the baby from swallowing the pacifier. Disk requirements:

  • it should be wide so that the child cannot grab it with his mouth;
  • it should be light;
  • there should be holes and pimples on its surface so that the plastic does not stick tightly to the skin, but at the same time, when sucking, it fits close to the mouth, otherwise saliva will accumulate under the disc and cause irritation on the skin of the chin and near the mouth;
  • its shape should be monolithic without additional parts, which can fall off at the most inopportune moment.

The protective disc of the pacifier should be large - this way you can ensure that the child will not be able to put the entire pacifier in his mouth and try to swallow it

Rating of the most popular pacifiers

Information on the Internet, photos different models nipple, impressions of mothers who come to a choice by trial and error ideal option, will help parents avoid making mistakes when buying a pacifier for their child. A rating of the most popular pacifiers is offered:

  1. Pigeon– the best pacifier from a Japanese manufacturer, aimed at infants aged 0-4 months. The model was developed in collaboration with orthodontists, has non-standard shape: It is flattened in the center. The shape of the nipple is combined with the dimple in the tongue, which appears during sucking movements. This shape encourages the baby to breathe better through his nose.
  2. Nuk Genius– pacifier made in Germany. When creating it we used Newest technologies. The shape of the sucking part is not only flat, it has a recess that prevents the pacifier from falling out of the mouth. There is an air exhaust channel. The pacifier does not stick together when sucked.
  3. HEVEA– a latex pacifier, considered safe and of high quality, made of natural rubber. The pacifier is popular among mothers because it has a smooth surface and a one-piece design without seams; it is easy to clean. Children with their first teeth manage to chew it, but this in no way harms the body - it is safe and hygienic.
  4. Philips AVENT– a sought-after silicone nipple with a monolithic ring and 6 ventilation holes. It is popular among mothers because it is reliable, comfortable for a newborn, and has a long service life. The shape is drop-shaped and does not put pressure on the child’s palate.
  5. Canpol Babies– orthopedic latex anatomical nipple, produced in Poland. It is made in 2 versions: silicone and latex. The pacifier attracts mothers with its quality, convenience and reasonable cost.

Choosing a pacifier is not an easy task, as it performs several functions at once. An acceptable solution is to purchase several pacifiers from different manufacturers to choose the best option.

(1 rated at 4,00 from 5 )

The pacifier calms the baby, he sleeps better and does not bother his parents. It satisfies the baby's sucking reflex. However, some mothers and doctors claim that pacifiers lead to malocclusion. In addition, it is then difficult to wean a baby from falling asleep and calming down without a pacifier. Is it really necessary for the baby and should I give my child a pacifier? Let's look at the pros and cons.

Benefits of a pacifier

The pacifier reduces sensitivity to pain, dulls painful sensations and, of course, is healthier medicines. Contrary to public opinion The pacifier improves the bite, but only with the correct shape. This is especially important for babies on artificial and mixed feeding. Among such children, underdevelopment of the upper jaw is common.

The sucking reflex distracts from discomfort and eliminate discomfort, which calms the baby and improves sleep. When a child receives a pacifier, he stops being capricious and sleeps better. Interestingly, the pacifier prevents some bad habits. For example, a child will not suck his thumb.

It is important that the pacifier prevents the tongue from retracting, which can block Airways. In addition, it ensures the safety of the baby while sleeping on his back. Sucking will protect your baby from sudden infant death syndrome!

IN Lately everything appears more people who are categorically against dummies. First of all, if the nipple shape is chosen incorrectly, the child’s bite is disrupted. During teething, keeping a pacifier in the mouth for a long time leads to excessive stress on the periodontium. The periodontium is a complex of tissues that are located between the root of the tooth and the dental socket. Subsequently, such a load becomes the cause of malocclusion.

The pacifier remains a source of infections and germs even if hygiene and rules of use are observed. It is quite difficult to ensure the constant sterility of an object. Neurologists often notice that the pacifier actually replaces the mother, as a result of which the baby lacks communication. He is delayed in development and begins to talk later than other children.

Studies have shown that sucking on a pacifier for too long leads to middle ear infections and changes in the structure of the mouth. However, when limiting the time of sucking similar diseases won't touch the baby!

Experts, including the famous television doctor Komarovsky, do not recommend giving a pacifier to fully breastfed babies. Namely, Komarovsky insists on this kind of feeding, because only breast milk contains all the necessary vitamins and useful elements For full development child. Mother's milk has the highest value for the baby. It strengthens the immune system and prevents the development various diseases and pathologies.

Pacifier and breastfeeding

Practice shows that using a pacifier leads to early weaning. Sucking on pacifiers reduces the number of breastfeedings, which worsens lactation. Decreased lactation leads to a decrease in the amount breast milk. Unfortunately, many breastfeeding mothers face a lack of milk. Frequent use pacifiers become one of the causes of this problem. Tips from the article “” will help you improve lactation.

Despite negative factors, doctors, including Komarovsky, do not advise giving up pacifiers completely. If you follow the recommendations for use, choose the right product, and use them rarely and for a short period of time, pacifiers will not cause harm to your baby. If you haven't decided whether your baby needs a pacifier, let's look at the pros and cons, pros and cons.

Behind Against
Prevents tongue retraction during sleep, protects against sudden infant death syndrome Prolonged sucking causes middle ear infection and defects in the oral structure
Improves bite in bottle-fed and mixed-fed children Negatively affects the process of breastfeeding, impairs the stimulation of lactation, which leads to a decrease in the volume of breast milk
At correct selection shape and material eliminates bite defects Choosing the wrong pacifier will lead to bite problems
Dulls pain and distracts from discomfort, replaces medications during illnesses Requires constant sterility, as it is a source of bacteria and infections
Calms and relieves excitability, the child stops crying and being capricious, improves sleep and helps the baby fall asleep faster It is addictive and sometimes it is difficult to wean your baby off the pacifier.
Prevents the appearance bad habit suck your finger Leads to early cessation of breastfeeding

  • Don't give your baby a pacifier on every occasion. Wait until the baby really needs it. For example, with colic, stool problems, fever or other health problems. In addition, there are many ways to relieve a baby from discomfort. How to help a newborn with colic, read. It is important that sucking a pacifier does not become a habit!;
  • Do not use the pacifier frequently or for long periods of time. Komarovsky does not recommend using a pacifier before bed. To make the baby fall asleep, it is better to give the baby the breast and rock the baby in your arms.
  • Do not give your baby a pacifier until you have established breastfeeding;
  • Buy pacifiers in specialized stores and pharmacies, preferably after consulting a pediatrician. Remember that it is important to choose the right shape, size and material of the product. The baby’s bite and well-being depend on the choice;
  • Make sure to keep the pacifier clean. Boil and sterilize the item regularly. Do not lick the pacifier if it has fallen on the floor! This violates hygiene standards and increases the risk of developing infectious disease in a baby;
  • Check pacifiers regularly for integrity. Cracks and holes collect germs! If there are defects, be sure to replace the product with a new one;
  • Avoid immersing your pacifier in sugary foods and drinks, as they may cause allergies and digestive problems. In addition, sweets lead to tooth decay;
  • It is better to wean your baby off the pacifier before one year of age. After a year it is more difficult to do this.

How to choose the right pacifier

It is important that the baby’s age matches the age for which the pacifier is designed. Information is indicated on the product packaging. Carefully examine the pacifier for bubbles or cracks. The presence of defects will quickly render the product unusable; such a product will not withstand even one boiling. Check that the restrictive ring does not rest against the newborn's nose. In addition, the product must contain an air outlet valve at the base.

Special preventive droplet nipples have a beveled top and are suitable for babies with an underdeveloped lower jaw. To grasp such a product, you have to push the lower jaw forward, which improves the bite. For babies who have no problems with the lower jaw, a cherry-shaped pacifier is needed.

Pay great attention to the material from which the product is made. Latex pacifiers are distinguished by elasticity and softness, as natural rubber is used in their manufacture. However, it may cause allergic reaction. In addition, latex does not withstand high temperatures, and the pacifier will not withstand boiling. Latex pacifier is suitable for weak and premature babies, for babies in the first 2-3 months of life. Please note that this pacifier must be changed every month!

Rubber nipples are a thing of the past, because rubber often causes diathesis. However, this is exactly the kind of pacifier that is needed for babies who are starting to develop. As a rule, this happens at 6 months from the date of birth of the baby. However, some children begin to cut teeth as early as 3-4 months.

A silicone pacifier is safer than a latex pacifier. It is resistant to elevated temperatures and boiling, is characterized by firmness and elasticity, absence of odor and color. Does not cause allergies. However, the material is stiffer than latex, which can distort baby teeth. Therefore, it is recommended to use a silicone pacifier before the appearance of the first teeth. The product is changed every 1.5 months.

Thus, in the first months of a child’s life, latex or silicone nipples are used. And after the first teeth erupt, you need a rubber one. But regardless of the material chosen, the product must be made from a single piece! Otherwise, the baby may tear the nipple and choke.

After the baby is born, the newborn’s lower jaw is located a little deeper, as if behind the upper. And this is considered the norm, this is the so-called infantile retrogenia. By about 6-8 months this discrepancy between the jaws will disappear. Self-regulation of the jaws will occur, thanks to active sucking, during which the lower jaw moves forward. This is why it is so important to choose the right pacifier for your baby and wean him off it in time.

Scientists have found that the sucking reflex of newborns appears even before the baby is born. On ultrasound examination a pregnant woman can be seen as a baby in mother's womb sucks his thumb. Nature made sure that by the time of birth the child could “get” his own food and be able to suck on his mother’s breast.

While breastfed, the baby is forced to push the upper jaw forward when feeding. Thus, the development, growth and strengthening of the lower jaw is stimulated, correct formation temporomandibular joint, correct bite.

The sucking reflex of newborns is so pronounced that sometimes you can notice that the child seems to have eaten and is satiated, but still continues to smack his lips, making sucking movements, and only then gradually relaxes and falls asleep. Mothers should not worry about this, suspecting a lack of milk and insufficient feeding - this is a normal sucking reflex of newborns.

· Is a pacifier necessary for newborns?

A pacifier for a baby is an important component of its development. Undoubtedly, you can do without it altogether, and, in general, without any consequences. But nature has endowed the sucking reflex with significance not only for obtaining food; for a child it is also a peculiar depressant. I think any mother knows that when a baby’s pacifier is lost, he begins to cry and be capricious until he gets it back. This is why it is so difficult to wean a baby from a pacifier - often babies react to this as if real tragedy. But, in the end, this is also a matter of habit.

According to the latest recommendations of pediatricians, very beneficial influence Children are provided with feeding on demand. If you put a baby to the breast 10-12 times a day, that is, at his request, then with this feeding the baby, having sucked enough breast milk for him, falls asleep independently and quickly. It is clear that in this case the baby does not need a pacifier, and it is better not to accustom him to it at all.

With mixed or artificial feeding, the baby does not fully realize his own need for sucking. There are also children who go to bed very restlessly after feeding. It can help both of them pacifier for a newborn. However, as soon as it comes deep dream, the pacifier should be removed from the baby's mouth.

· pacifier for a newborn: how to choose the right one?

How to choose the right pacifier for a newborn, and what is the actual difference between them? First, you need to choose the right pacifier size - it should vary depending on age. Manufacturers produce pacifiers for children from 0 to 6 months of age, for babies from 6 months and older. Experienced moms claim that you will need 2-3 pacifiers for a child for each of the indicated age periods. In this case, of course, it is necessary to take into account individual physiological characteristics baby - if your baby is smaller than her peers, you should not stuff her big pacifier only because the age is appropriate.

Today in any pharmacy you will find a whole assortment of nipples, from different materials, various forms. A modern baby pacifier can be made of latex or silicone. How to choose the right pacifier for your child in this abundance? Of course, considering individual characteristics baby!

Latex is rubber, that is, a natural material. Compared to silicone, it is softer, but also less durable. If the baby’s jaws are strongly developed, or teething started early, then you won’t be able to get enough latex nipples for him. A latex pacifier is more suitable for a newborn in the very first months of life. This pacifier is also recommended for weakened and premature babies- A harder nipple can cause them discomfort and interfere with normal jaw development. Being natural material, latex contains protein molecules, and therefore in some cases may not be suitable for the baby and cause an allergic reaction in the child.

Silicone is a completely synthetic material. This is probably why no cases of allergies to silicone nipples have been observed. A silicone pacifier is resilient, elastic and definitely lasts longer than a latex pacifier. That is why, for a full-term baby with a well-developed sucking reflex, silicone pacifiers are preferable.

In addition to sizes and materials of manufacture, pacifiers differ in the shape of the papilla. Can choose anatomical nipple(with a flattened elliptical or elongated papilla) or orthodontic pacifier(with beveled papilla). It is generally accepted that it is more conveniently located in the oral cavity and in order to grasp it, the baby needs to move the upper jaw forward in the same way as when grasping the mother’s breast. Anatomical pacifier distributes pressure evenly on the palate.

In addition, there is also special shape pacifier nipple, the so-called “cherry”, designed specifically for “heroes”, for children with a big palate. You can choose a “heart” for forming a bite, or a “butterfly” for sucking while lying on your tummy.

To choose the right pacifier, you need to take into account not only the state of the baby’s physical health, the type or method of feeding, but also the desire of the child himself. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase several nipples of different shapes so that the baby can determine which nipple is best for him. It is also worth noting that a modern baby pacifier may have a special ventilation system that allows air to circulate freely. Wherein inner side The nipples are embossed and have a protective disc that does not allow drool to accumulate and prevents the palate from getting wet under the pacifier.

· pacifier for a baby: when to wean it?

Ideally, it is better to completely abandon the pacifier by 8 months of the baby’s life, but no later than 1 year. Of course, this will not be easy, but it is necessary. Try to switch the baby’s attention to the teethers (they are much more important and useful for him now), let them be varied in shape, image, and color. At this age, the baby is teething, and he puts literally everything in his mouth, his gums itch, and this is also one of the reasons why it is so difficult to wean a child off the pacifier.

If a pacifier continues to be an indispensable attribute of your child’s mouth, you should know that after a year the bite will certainly suffer from this. Some parents justify the need for a pacifier by fear of cold air entering the respiratory tract during walks, and give the child a pacifier every time they go outside. But this is fundamentally wrong, because in the absence of a runny nose infant, always breathes through his nose. Therefore, there is simply no point in covering the baby’s mouth with a pacifier. And if the baby is sick, then the pacifier will not help him.

· A baby's pacifier must be safe!

And lastly, do not forget about observing basic sanitary hygiene rules- the pacifier must be safe for the baby’s health. A silicone pacifier should be changed once every month and a half, and a latex pacifier every 3 months. The pacifier must be disinfected by boiling at least once a day. As for storage, these should be clean, sealed cases.

Yana Lagidna, especially for the site

And a little more about pacifiers for newborns, video:

The history of modern pacifier designs dates back to 1900. The inventor of the first pacifier, made of rubber and equipped with a plastic holder, was Christian Meinecke. Debates about the pros and cons of using pacifiers are ongoing among specialists and mothers. In the article we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of using pacifiers, their classification, popular models pacifier

Is a pacifier necessary for a newborn - the advantages and disadvantages of using pacifiers

The use of pacifiers often causes controversy related to quality care for the baby. This issue must be approached wisely and not go to extremes. If the baby gladly takes the pacifier in his mouth, do not deprive him of a kind of “relaxation,” but if he resists sucking the pacifier, do not force the child.


Advantages of using a pacifier:

  1. Satisfying the sucking reflex. The first reflex that appears in a baby is sucking. This reflex must be fully satisfied. When the baby sucks on his mother's breast on demand and has no shortage of feeding, he can ignore the pacifier, since his needs are satisfied.
  2. By sucking a pacifier, the baby feels a certain security which is accompanied by calmness, good mood, the baby sleeps much better.
  3. Doctors noted that when a baby uses a pacifier while sleeping, by 30% the risk of the syndrome is reduced sudden death(CBC) . To this day, this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery and is the biggest nightmare for parents.
  4. Using a pacifier helps strengthen muscles oral cavity in a baby . The sucking reflex especially needs to be developed in premature babies, because it has been proven that by sucking a pacifier they gain weight faster.
  5. A pacifier is “less evil” than a baby’s finger. In the end, you can throw out the pacifier and the child will get used to the idea that the pacifier is no longer there, and if the baby resembles his finger - that’s where he’s hiding real problem, since it is more difficult to wean such children from this process.

Disadvantages of using pacifiers:

  • Do not give a newborn a pacifier at least 1 month of age, otherwise it is possible to completely disrupt the GW. Also, you should hold off on using a pacifier if the baby does not feel the difference between the nipple and the breast. He must understand that the breast is a source of nutrition and energy, and the pacifier is only to satisfy the sucking reflex. You should first and then apply the nipples.
  • Children are addicted to pacifiers. In most cases, they get used to the pacifier, and this often leads to parents waking up in the middle of the night from the loud crying of the baby, who dropped the pacifier from his mouth and felt discomfort.
  • Pacifiers are dangerous if parents do not practice proper hygiene. Due to a microbial, unboiled pacifier, a child may develop dysbacteriosis or an infection may enter his body. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor what kind of pacifier you give him and boil it regularly.
  • If a mother chooses the wrong pacifier for her baby or the pacifier is simply not the right size for him, this may cause early.
  • A child’s bite is formed long before the first teeth appear. A The pacifier interferes with the formation of teeth and proper bite.

Each parent decides whether to give their child a pacifier or not. But if you decide to use a pacifier, do not delay this process, because the baby only needs a pacifier in the first year of life. After a year, using a pacifier is not harmless for the baby.

Which pacifiers are better: types of pacifiers by shape, material, size

If you decide to purchase a pacifier, then you need to approach the purchase of this product with knowledge, since pacifiers differ in shape, size and material. The tables below provide a classification of pacifiers to help parents determine the right pacifier model.

Varieties of pacifiers by shape

Types of pacifiers by shape pros Minuses
Classic– resemble old-style pacifiers with a rounded nipple.

You can give your baby the pacifier in any convenient direction.

It is convenient for the baby to suck, as the shape resembles the mother's nipple.

With constant use, your baby may develop an incorrect bite.
Anatomical– have an oblong, flattened nipple.

Have different size, you can choose the appropriate option based on the baby’s weight.

The shape corresponds to the structure of the baby's gums, so it is convenient for him to use it.

This pacifier evenly distributes pressure on the baby's palate.

Develops correct bite and prevents swallowing excess air.

Only the child’s personal dislike for the shape of the anatomical nipple.
Orthodontic There are several types:

Cherry– for children with big skies.

Butterfly– for babies who like to sleep on their tummy.

heart– to form the correct bite.

Cherry pacifiers are the most popular, as their drop-shaped shape is most organic for a child’s mouth. The baby latch onto the pacifier like a mother's breast, so he is calmer for a long time. The heart pacifier reduces the risk of tooth deformation. Some children do not accept this type of pacifier, but in very rare cases.
Pacifiers with protective disk . Designed to protect against swallowing of the pacifier.

The protective disc protects the baby from improper sucking of the pacifier. The disc may be heavy and fall out of the baby's mouth. Sometimes the plastic sticks to the mouth. In this case, it is better to buy monolithic discs with a pimpled “breathable” structure so that the baby does not experience irritation and does not accumulate drool.

Types of nipples depending on the material

Types of pacifiers by type of material Features/pros/cons
Latex A latex pacifier is made from rubber, which is why it is so elastic and flexible. Well suited for newborns, and also indicated for premature or weak babies. Latex is short-lived, cannot be boiled, darkens in the sun, and increases in size with constant use. Sometimes latex causes allergies due to the protein molecules it contains. You need to change a pacifier made of this material every month.
Rubber This material is slowly becoming a thing of the past. It is short-lived and can cause diathesis on the cheeks of babies. But when teething, rubber pacifiers will come in very handy.
Silicone Silicone pacifiers are made from synthetic material. They are more temperature resistant (boilable) than latex. They are odorless and have transparent color, anti-allergenic. However, silicone is more rigid in structure, so when teeth appear, you need to change the silicone pacifier to latex or rubber to avoid deformation of baby teeth. The pacifier needs to be changed every 5-6 weeks.
Pacifier categories by size Features/pros/cons
Category A (from 0 to 6 months) Designed for newborns and has a small shape. The downside is that you won’t be able to use such pacifiers for a long time, since as the baby’s weight increases, you need to use a different size product. There is also a category A for premature babies. Some manufacturers produce a line of these pacifiers with a weight rating of less than 1,750 kg.
Category B (from 6 to 18 months) Usually, the manufacturer always indicates what age the pacifier is intended for, but children develop differently and you may not be able to guess the size.
Category C (over 18 months) This category is not so in demand, as parents try to wean their children at this age. The downside is that if a mother needs a nipple of this size, it is harder to find it on store shelves.

Review of the best pacifiers for children

Popular pacifiers: price, features, pros, cons

Pacifier manufacturer price, rub. Peculiarities Advantages and disadvantages
Nuk Genios

280 A German brand for the production of physiologically shaped pacifiers. Patented product. Orthodontic pacifier, soft and elastic. Safe for children's bodies.

150 Japanese brand of natural nipples for babies. Inexpensive brand orthodontic pacifiers. Beautiful design and hypoallergenic material are the main advantages of pacifiers from this manufacturer. Of the minuses: recommended only for children up to 4 months.
Phillips Avent

260 English manufacturer of quality pacifiers for babies. Pacifiers have ventilation holes near the mouthpiece, which prevents irritation around the mouth. It has anatomical shape for the baby's mouth.

390 High quality rubber and latex pacifiers. Pros: a large assortment. There are beveled, round, and orthodontic forms of pacifiers. There are ventilation holes. Cons: expensive.

290 Silicone pacifiers. High-quality pacifiers for little ones. Minus: some children are allergic to the silicone composition. Expensive and small holes for ventilation.
Canpol babies

120 Polish brand of inexpensive pacifiers. The manufacturer produces pacifiers of different sizes and materials. You can choose the desired option. The presence of an air valve, affordable price, quality material– the advantages of pacifiers of this brand.
Baby land

150 Silicone pacifiers of different sizes. The brand is famous for its cheapness and quality. The only negative is the material, which is not suitable for every baby.

270 Soft, anatomical, comfortable pacifiers. Pros: functional pacifiers, 98% suitable for the child (not rejected by him), high-quality pacifier, reliable design. Disadvantage: ordinary, unpretentious design, latex will not last long.
  1. To choose a good and high-quality pacifier, it is not enough to pay attention only to the brand and price. Focus on your baby's preferences and needs. Pay attention to the position in which your baby sleeps. For example, it is better to purchase a butterfly pacifier if your baby sleeps on his stomach. And if your baby has a big mouth, then without a doubt, buy the “cherry”.
  2. Focus on the age and weight of the baby , then it will be easier to choose the right pacifier.
  3. Give preference to hypoallergenic nipples , especially when choosing a product for a newborn.
  4. Try purchasing several pacifier options for your baby. Let it be a budget brand, but you can find it with less losses suitable model, and then, if desired, buy a famous brand with a bright and colorful design of pacifiers.

Expert opinions: whether to give a pacifier

Doctor Komarovsky:

Very interesting thing, allowing the child to satisfy his sucking reflex and not disturb the mother. It’s an interesting thing, but not at all necessary - he doesn’t want to, and he doesn’t need to, you could even say this: he doesn’t want to, but that’s very good. For any problems with quantity mother's milk The use of a pacifier is not advisable.

If you don’t make a cult out of a pacifier, then you can accustom your baby to it, because some children want to satisfy their sucking instinct, even after a hearty lunch, when they are absolutely full. Children follow their instinct, so saving them from this process is not good.

Consultant's opinion breastfeeding G. Eltonskaya:

Some people are able to live with a pacifier, others are not. And many more mothers fail! When using a pacifier, attachment definitely suffers. Those. quality of sucking. For some this results in serious breast problems, for others - nothing. In addition, there may be problems with the baby’s health - hind milk contains immunoglobulins, and the baby does not receive enough of them if sucking is poor. In addition, he does not receive enough enzymes necessary for digestion, with all the ensuing problems.

Using a pacifier often leads to psychological problems: it may interfere with the establishment of deep emotional connection between a baby and his mother. Wrote about this classic of psychoanalysis Donald Woods Winnicott :

Part of the love, affection, and gratitude intended for the mother is automatically transferred to the object that replaces her breast - a bottle or pacifier. If they provide a feeling of security when falling asleep, they comfort you Hard time, help to survive fear and discomfort, then the mother is perceived as very consumerist - exclusively as a food supplier, and not as an object of deep and trusting relationships. By offering a pacifier in response to a request to attach to the breast, the mother herself refuses the tenderness that she wants to give her long-awaited baby, thereby moving him further and further away from himself.

Yu. Palchevskaya, breastfeeding consultant:

The use of a pacifier is justified only sometimes, during the absence of the mother and in the absence of another opportunity to soothe the child. Besides psychological moments, a pacifier almost always provokes an incorrect latch on the breast. Sucking on a pacifier, even an orthodontic one, can cause the formation of a malocclusion and, subsequently, speech defects.

W. and M. Serz in their book “Your Child” write:

Pacifier or finger: which is better?

We vote for the finger. It’s easy to find in the middle of the night, it doesn’t fall on the floor, it tastes better when the baby wants to suck, he has something to eat. Nipples get lost, get dirty, and constantly fall on the floor. Opponents of thumb sucking may say that when weaning a baby off a pacifier, it is easier to lose it than a finger. Indeed, intensive thumb sucking over a period of three to four years can lead to improper growth teeth. Parents of tiny finger flukes, do not rush to find an orthodontist for them. All children suck their thumb for some time. Most will successfully pass this stage, and if the sucking instinct has been satisfied in infancy, the habit of thumb sucking is forgotten. (...)

Our advice: in the first weeks, the baby should only have his mother’s nipple in his mouth. If your baby really needs a pacifier, use it, but don't overuse it, and try to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Most babies under one year old know what a pacifier is, but why are there constant discussions about the benefits and harms of this accessory? Up to a certain age, the pacifier often helps parents and the baby out, but as the child grows older, it often becomes a problem.

How to choose the “right” pacifier? How to wean a child off a pacifier? Which pacifiers are best for newborns? Let's figure it out.

Why do babies need a pacifier?

The sucking reflex manifests itself in the baby even in the womb. The need for active sucking is noticeable in the baby in the first 4–5 months of life. Sucking movements slow down motor activity, calm, suppress negative emotions. The baby enjoys milk from the mother's breast, but the child cannot be fed constantly.

How to satisfy the sucking instinct? How to prevent excessive arousal due to muscle hypertonicity in the first weeks of life? The child quickly finds a way out of the situation: the baby sucks his finger. But this is harmful: in addition to hygienic aspects, the bite is often disturbed.

In such a situation, baby pacifiers come to the rescue. A pacifier made of non-toxic, fairly dense material is an excellent substitute for a finger.

Note! A pacifier is only useful for early stage life, when without the mother’s breast/pacifier the baby cannot calm down, fall asleep or satisfy the need for sucking. After 6 months, it’s time to wean the baby off the useful accessory, otherwise an abnormal bite will appear and develop psychological dependence from the pacifier.

How to accustom a child to a pacifier

How to teach a child to use a pacifier? Most pediatricians believe that if the mother has enough milk It is not advisable to specifically offer a pacifier. The baby feeds on demand, the need for sucking is fully satisfied. The baby should get used to his mother's nipple, and not to a latex or silicone substitute.

If you had to transfer your newborn to formula milk or lactation was disrupted from the first days, you most likely cannot do without a pacifier. Often the baby does not calm down well after feeding and cannot fall asleep.

A properly selected pacifier will prolong the effect, as with long-term feeding chest. Some “artificial babies” sleep well and do without a pacifier. In this case, it is not advisable to specifically accustom the baby to a new accessory.

Don't worry about pacifier training. If the baby needs it, the baby will quickly figure out what it is useful device. It is harmful to force, forcefully push even the newest orthopedic pacifier into a tiny mouth.

How to choose the right accessory

Pacifiers come in different shapes, sizes and colors. When choosing a device, consider several nuances. An incorrectly selected accessory creates an abnormal bite, disturbs the baby, causes irritation and crying.


Choose from a pharmacy or children's store matching accessory taking into account the age of the baby:

  • up to 3 months;
  • up to six months;
  • from 6 months to one and a half years.

Advice! If your baby is large, consider a pacifier bigger size. Buy two or three accessories and see which one suits your baby.


Before purchasing, read what types of pacifiers there are:

  • classic shape. A regular nipple has a traditional, round shape. The product looks like a mother's breast and is suitable for all babies. Material – latex;
  • orthodontic pacifiers. The products have a “cherry” or “droplet” shape. The volume of rubber is less than in the usual version. Advantages of the orthodontic form: minimal impact on the gums, the risk of allowance defects is reduced several times;
  • anatomical pacifier. Manufacturers offer options for smaller/larger children. Advantages: the nipple is slightly flattened or elongated; when sucking, the pressure is evenly distributed on the roof of the mouth. The maximum length of the nipple is 1.5 cm. Some children do not use the anatomical nipple quite correctly: the concave part is adjacent to the tongue. Don't worry, there will be no harm from using it this way.


In the packaging, all the nipples appear to be the same, but this is not true. Not all young parents know that manufacturers use materials of different quality to make pacifiers. It is important to choose a product that is age appropriate.


  • latex pacifier. Non-toxic material, soft, more suitable for newborns and children up to six months. With prolonged use, the surface hardens and swells, and this accessory cannot be used. Latex products require more frequent replacement;
  • silicone pacifier. Strong, durable material, the surface is difficult to bite through. Stiffer products are not suitable for the first weeks of life. Silicone pacifiers are recommended after 6 months.

Protective disk

Few parents know how important this detail is. When choosing a pacifier, adults are often guided by the principle “if only it is beautiful and original.” It turns out that the incorrect shape/size of the protective plate negatively affects the condition of the baby’s skin and interferes with the sucking process.

When purchasing a pacifier, pay attention to the following points:

  • The protective disk should not be too large or heavy. If the plate covers the baby's nose, it is more difficult for the baby to breathe and it is uncomfortable to make sucking movements;
  • the shield should be wide enough so that the baby does not swallow the papilla;
  • look at whether the disc consists of several parts or whether a monolithic casting is used. Choose a solid plate so that the pieces do not break off or accidentally fall into the baby’s mouth;
  • check whether the ring by which parents hold the product is securely fastened. If there is a silicone chain attached to the ring, inspect this part as well;
  • holes for ventilation - required condition. Quality nipples from famous manufacturers it is no coincidence that they have original look with holes different shapes. A flat surface without holes fits too tightly to the chin, saliva accumulates under it, and irritation occurs.

Terms of use

The pacifier will last a long time if several conditions are met:

  • Boil the product before first use. 2–3 minutes are enough for all harmful bacteria to die;
  • store useful accessory in a special container with a lid to protect it from dust and dirt;
  • Keep latex or silicone products away from central heating radiators and sunlight. Dried material is more likely to crack, and with low quality products, it even melts;
  • If a useful item falls into the dirt, do not disinfect it: some compounds easily irritate delicate mucous membranes. Without regret, throw away the pacifier and replace it with another one;
  • check whether the latex or silicone is intact. Cracks, tears, sticky surface (or when squeezed inner part sticks on both sides), deformation of the soft part is a reason to replace the pacifier;
  • buy silicone products once every three months, latex products every two weeks;
  • for sleep, choose a device without a chain or ring so that the baby does not accidentally pull out a useful accessory from his mouth.

Review of popular manufacturers

What are the best pacifiers for babies? Listen to the opinions of parents and pediatric dentists.


Features of Avent pacifiers:

  • excellent quality, non-toxic silicone;
  • the Philips Avent brand has received many positive reviews;
  • wide range for of different ages, design for every taste;
  • day/night options;
  • Includes a protective cap;
  • There is no excessive pressure on the palate, but the product has an imperfect shape. Sometimes moisture gets in through the vents.


Features of Nuk pacifiers:

  • orthopedic model, made in Germany;
  • comfortable shape with a recess and slightly flattened papilla;
  • minimal pressure on the gums;
  • the natural shape resembles the nipple of the mammary gland;
  • due to the presence of a small depression, the product fits well in the mouth;
  • prevents malocclusions;
  • minus – quite high price.

Find out about the rules for taking laxatives for constipation in infants.



  • variety of models, nice design;
  • colors: from delicate, light to bright, original;
  • parents can easily select silicone or latex for children of a certain age;
  • holes for ventilation, soft edges of the protective disk;
  • night/day options;
  • models of classical, anatomical and orthodontic shape.



  • high-quality pacifier, made in Poland;
  • anatomical shape, two types of materials: silicone/latex;
  • original design, wide choose models;
  • convenient air valve;
  • acceptable cost.



  • with such a pacifier your child will certainly attract attention;
  • original design, interesting models;
  • on the surface there are bright inscriptions that attract attention;
  • strong, durable two-component silicone;
  • papilla - “cherry” is suitable even for large babies; if desired, it is easy to find the right size;
  • There are 2 options on sale. For the day, choose a traditional product, for the night - a luminous option;
  • There are no holes for ventilation, the models are quite expensive.


Features of Chicco pacifiers:

  • orthodontic form;
  • suitable for children with early age, material – latex;
  • soft, comfortable papillae are positioned correctly in the mouth;
  • good durability, but be sure to replace the accessory after two to three weeks.

How and when to wean off the pacifier

How to wean a child off a pacifier? Psychologists advise thinking about this issue in six months. Optimal time to forget about the pacifier - between six months and a year. During this period, the sucking reflex gradually fades away, and the child quite easily refuses the useful device.

Unfortunately, many parents skip this period and take the pacifier away after 12 months. By this time, the grown-up baby gets used to the pacifier and often does not want to part with it. Weaning off the pacifier turns into a real war.

What to do? Psychologists recommend explaining to the child more often that he is already big, and only babies use a pacifier. Offer to give an accessory to a bear or bunny, and buy your son or daughter a beautiful, bright cup (“like an adult”) as a reward for giving up the pacifier. If the baby doesn’t have a desire yet, try again anyway.

Helpful Tips:

  • act gently, carefully, do not think that the child will wean himself off his favorite pacifier in a day;
  • remove the pacifier from your eyes, make sure that your baby cannot reach the useful accessory on his own;
  • keep your child occupied so that he gets tired during the day and falls asleep quickly;
  • make life as interesting as possible, constantly emphasize successes and achievements. Sincere attention, love and care will help wean your baby off his favorite pacifier. Trust is one of the important conditions;
  • create a calm, friendly environment. Then the child will be less upset and capricious, and the mother will not have to stop the “performance” with the help of a saving pacifier.

What not to do:

  • smear silicone or latex with hot sauce, pepper or mustard: possible poisoning, burn of the esophagus and stomach;
  • cut the surface to make the sucking process uncomfortable. Pieces often break off and easily enter the esophagus or even the respiratory tract, which is life-threatening;
  • laugh at the child, tease, shame at home or in public. You cannot spank children or shout or expose them to funny, for which he is “like little.” The child may withdraw into himself and suffer psychological trauma;
  • scare with Baba Yaga, an evil uncle or a woman who will take away the pacifier or the baby if he is disobedient. Fear, anxiety, and childhood neuroses are difficult to treat;
  • Do not deceive older children, explain that their teeth will become crooked if the baby walks with a pacifier for a long time. On the street, playground, in the park the child will see that older children do not use the pacifier, and he himself will refuse it.

Now you know how to choose a good pacifier. Offer a useful accessory in time, if the child has trouble falling asleep without it, “catch” the moment when it’s time to wean the child off the pacifier. Take advice from psychologists, pediatricians and experienced parents.

More useful tips optional pacifiers - pacifiers in the following video:
