Happy birthday to a young man cadet. Happy birthday greetings to boyfriend

On this page we have selected best congratulations Happy birthday young man in poetry and prose. Beautiful words will be a great addition to a gift. And if you are far from each other, copy the congratulations and send them to the birthday person. On this page you can also send personalized audio congratulations to the birthday person.

What does a macho man want on his birthday?
From lovely women of tenderness
Rolls-Royce and a dacha near Moscow
Go home with the beauty
But before that, take a walk
Meet dawn with friends
Go to a club and restaurant
And drink there to the lovely ladies
We had to wish you
For all this to suddenly come true
"My dreams come true" -
I thought on your birthday

Be strong like Valuev,
Smart like Dibrov!
Boy I want to say
A lot of kind words!
Happy Birthday dear,
Let the soul sing!
And hope in the heart
May he always live!

I wish you the keys to the car,
May you never be sad!
And everything a man wants -
There are always beauties with curves,
More cold beer
Salted fish under it,
So that everything always lasts longer,
Nothing irritated me!

You're a jack of all trades boy,
You can do everything and know everything
And you have time everywhere!
I'm without unnecessary words I'll say:
I value you very much
And I wish you a sweet life -
Prosperity and prosperity!

May good luck and good fortune be with you!
Bold goals and decisions,
Always be the first, in everything,
Multiply all achievements
Hour after hour, day after day!

What can we wish you?
Save a lot of money
And always be happy,
Always live in harmony
Never get angry
Appreciate your beloved,
And always give flowers!

Happy Birthday, our beloved macho,
All your friends have come
Wish you luck
And congratulations from the bottom of my heart:

So that the ancestors do not saw,
So that troubles don’t rule,
So that you always have cash in your pocket
And a friend on the sofa,
There was a Corvette under the window,
And may he live like this for 100 years.

Be lucky and beautiful
Definitely happy!
Money and love to boot,
Dacha with sauna and swimming pool.
And most importantly, live and be loved
And be with fate!
Say hi to everyone!
No one is luckier than you
Let your dreams come true!

The guy is bright and cool,
Very brave, lively,
A toast to your health
I must say: let the growth
Your income makes you happy,
And spend energy
You are all for love,
Let her stir the blood.
Be strong, very happy,
Young, dashing, beautiful.
Let it be different.
Smile, boy. Happy B-day!

What do you wish for your birthday?
How can you measure happiness and love?
I wish I didn’t drink too much
And have great faith in sobriety of spirit!

Happy Birthday man!
Even though you’re not used to drinking,
But today don't be shy -
Give it a good shot.
Drink, dance and sing again -
It's much more fun this way.
Sing, shout and have a blast -
Have fun this holiday.

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Beautiful congratulations to a young man on his birthday

You know how to live brightly, rapidly,
Always be ahead in everything,
You were born to be a winner
Go successfully towards your goals!
Let all possibilities open up
And luck leads you through life,
All dreams and wishes come true
And success will definitely await you!

Happy birthday,
We wish you a beautiful life.
You are still a young man,
Sadness, melancholy, drive away!

Success, happiness and love,
You catch your luck by the tail.
Victories and vivid impressions,
Unforgettable moments.

Always be a man in everything
Just go the right way.
Always confident decisions,
Good ones, strong relationships.

May success be with you
After all, you deserve to win!
You are brave, strong, young,
And there is no time to waste!

Find your ideal in life
And start striving for it!
May everything you have long dreamed of,
It's easy to turn into reality!

May your career soar
Don’t let your health play tricks,
I wish you true love!
Let happiness flow over the edge!

Happy Birthday
Birthday boy now
We wish you inspiration
In a bright moment and in good hour.

Let it not disappear from your face
Your smile of kindness,
You're the best, we all know
Here, take a postcard from us,

Gifts follow
And surprises for you.
Let the hugs be hot
Congratulations everyone, love!

Birds enjoy the heights in the sky
Happy birthday to young man
I'm ready to go through fire and water with you
And I want to share everything on your path with you

If you want adventures in life, let them come
May they bring you many impressions
Give yourself wholeheartedly for pure love
And always keep your love in your soul and heart

May our Almighty God protect us
May your soul never know sadness
I wish that all your dreams come true soon
And may you always have colorful dreams.

Congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you a trailer of luck,
Keep the positive colors
Always be young and beautiful.
Bright days, full of joy, laughter,
And in business you only have success,
And in the soul there is only happiness of lights.
And in everything - only the support of friends.

You are a man no matter what:
Young, energetic,
And also handsome and smart
And charismatic.
I want to wish you
In life, a queen.
Just remember, from her
You can't run to the left.
Another business for your own
I was able to quickly master it
And with family on the islands
Relax by the sea.
Happy birthday dear,
Be happy and cheerful
Never be discouraged.
Remember, the world is a wonderful place.

Happy Birthday,
Happiness in your young life.
Believe in yourself, go to victory,
Stick to your guns.

Be a real man:
Brave, strong, strong-willed.
Be successful in life's work
And we love her as a beauty.

You are young and strong
And there are a lot of plans,
I wish that from life
You boldly took yours.

I wish that for sadness
There was no reason
You can move any mountains
You, young man.

I wish you on your birthday
Good luck to you
So that I can have my own conditions
You dictate fate.

We congratulate you today,
We wish you with all our hearts
Happy days and tender caresses,
Sweet princess from a fairy tale,
An easy victory in the fight -
Let everything go to you!

Handsome and strong
Lucky, brave...
Any (Andryusha),
It's up to you!

On the right, we know
Are you worth the way?
And we wish you further
Go victoriously.

Good luck in your studies,
In the affairs of new forces,
Health and happiness! -
You deserve them.

Short SMS happy birthday greetings to a young man

What can I wish for you? Wealth? Good luck?
Everyone wants their own thing in life...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that there is a little bit, but everything!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Birthday!
I sincerely wish
May you be loved by everyone.
To sink deeply into the soul
My solemn poem.
Congratulations as best I can:
From the heart, from the hands, from the feet!

I wish you health, happiness, prosperity,
Joyful events and pleasure from business,
May all these wishes come true,
And everything in life will be as you wanted!

Be who you are:
For friends - good friend,
At home - loving husband
And a caring father,
Well done at work!

I wish you joy always
And a cheerful mood,
Never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never be discouraged
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile,
How is this birthday!

Reliable friends and family happiness,
Good luck in your career, in the game - the right suit.
And let the birthday add a year.
All life is a holiday, if you know a lot about it!

There is no place for the weak in life now,
Only the strong are lucky in fate.
You are made of tough stuff.
So good luck in everything to you!

On your birthday I wish you
To make you happy
To catch luck by the tail
And he didn’t let it out of his hands.

We wish you peace
Joy and laughter
Mutual love,
Devoted friends
Victories, discoveries,
Leadership, success
And many interesting
Bright days!

Happy Birthday!
I want to wish you:
May your lucky star
Leads you with him!

May it be on your birthday, my friend,
In your pockets, purses
Money is found regularly
And joy runs through your eyes!

I wish you with all my heart,
May you always be cheerful,
Walking happily through life
With a chest full of happiness!

Never give up
Don't be sad, don't bend,
Be good and be faithful.
Let the path be easy.
I sincerely wish you happiness,
Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to a young colleague

Happy birthday, colleague!
May you be lucky in everything
May good luck and success
I've lost count of the years!
Creative thinking
You're killing it!
Brainstorm genius!
Lovely women are ideal!

Colleague, we are allies, friends,
After all, the team is almost a family!
We are close, together every new day,
We miss it when the ballot is issued!
And therefore we wish not to get sick,
Behind festive table- joke and sing!
We wish you to eat deliciously and sleep softly,
Live, love and prosper beautifully!

You are an irreplaceable worker,
Diligent and expensive.
A hundred congratulations today
You will hear again in your address.
I wish you well in your career
Always just progress.
After all, the company really needs you,
Stay with us forever!

Happy birthday, our dear colleague!
We wish you a lot of happiness and luck!
May your life always be like a holiday!
Like today, on this birthday!
So that there is joy and good luck,
And love and close friends!
So that life is like a fairy tale,
And your luck has not left you!

You are such a perky guy
Do you like to make us laugh?
And, of course, on your birthday
I tried to invite everyone!
The table is set, there are candles everywhere,
You created intimacy for us,
We are, of course, colleagues,
We want to celebrate with you!
Pour the glasses quickly,
Let's talk toasts
Be lucky, be happy,
Be loved and love!

Don’t anger fate with sadness,
Hold your head higher
Don't chase fortune
Make the future yourself!
Strength has been given to you in abundance,
We saw you in action
We believe you will install it soon
Monograms on orders!
Let everything come true, colleague!
We are both in favor!
Happiness, joy and luck
Let them look you in the eyes!

Dear colleague! I wish you to always strive for fulfillment cherished desires, never be discouraged over trifles, be a kind and sympathetic friend, enjoy life and smile.

Happy Birthday! Wish good health, a sea of ​​positive emotions, true friends, let comfort and harmony always reign in your home! And also the fulfillment of all dreams, joyful moments, big earnings, and of course career growth and success in all your endeavors!

There is no holiday more fun than a birthday. And therefore, colleague, this day is completely yours. Have a blast today and keep the holiday in your soul until next day birth. Wish good mood all year round, never running out of optimism and energy! Remember what you have faithful friends who will always come to the rescue and support.

Happy birthday, colleague! I wish you to be surrounded only by kind, positive people. Let peace and understanding reign at work, and comfort and family grace in the home. You - a real man, and you have best qualities a true gentleman. Keep these qualities in yourself and always be true to your goals and beliefs!

Dear colleague, accept my very warm congratulations Happy Birthday! I want to wish you to climb career ladder to heaven. May good fortune, luck and success always accompany you in your work! Never give up and move forward, you will succeed!

Happy birthday greetings to a young man in your own words

Congratulations on your birthday and I want to wish you not to suffer from a terrible hangover tomorrow, and today to party to the fullest. May your life be cool and fun. May the answers to any questions be found easily and correctly, may your decisions be made correctly and rationally. May you always have money, and may you never run out of ideas to improve your nature and enjoy your life.

On your birthday I wish you more of the following problems: how to spend a million, which sea to bask in in winter, which convertible to choose - red or white. After all, life without difficulties is so uninteresting. Congratulations!

Congratulations on your birthday, on the day when a loud, peeing and mischievous baby was born, that is, you. I wish you not to sniffle and, holding your head up proudly, go through life with your mind in your head and sincere feelings in my heart, I wish you eternal blossoming of happiness and love, you always float on the waves of luck and prosperity.

You are brave like a lion; strong as a tiger; swift as a leopard; you are as big as a hippopotamus, cute as a panda, clumsy as a kangaroo, fluffy as a rabbit, fast as an elephant, determined as a bull. And since biology called us all animals, then you are the best and most perfect animal of the human race. Be a worthy successor to the species “Homo sapiens” and interbreed only with purebred individuals. Happy birthday, my gentle and affectionate animal!

Spaniards love to wish their friends and relatives on their birthday good health, Great love, beautiful women, and most importantly, longevity in order to have time to enjoy it all. Let us wish the same to our birthday boy today!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On this holiday, I would like to wish you to always and in all circumstances remain a real man, so that your loved ones and friends are proud of you! May you meet in life real love that will last a lifetime! Let material well-being will never leave you!

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, we wish with all our hearts... That the green Mercedes of your life will easily and happily carry you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that the road goes along blooming garden and so that all those you need are nearby. For your well-being and success!

Happy Birthday Buddy! I wish you female love and masculine strength, more Franklins in your pocket, exclusively hot summer holidays, sweet life, salty sea, cool mind, warm hugs, and of course, so that your children have rich and happy parents!

Wish complete harmony in life, namely: a cold, steamy beer - but always in warm company! Girls with beautiful shapes– but don’t let the content let you down! Easier jobs - but so that the stack of salary bills is always heavy!

Congratulations on your birthday and with all my heart I want to wish that in your life all the sorrows will be overgrown with daisies, that you will be able to drive through any problem and trouble in life in a tank, that you will be able to follow in the footsteps of famous and great people, but at the same time achieve more success, power, authority, decent money and real bliss of life.

Congratulations! I wish you joy, good luck, inspiration! Let everything you want come true in your life! Always be the darling of fate, always be able to be in in the right place, V right time. Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one way - it will be just as successful!

I sincerely wish that every new day of your life will be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas and meetings with friends and like-minded people. I wish you health, family happiness and a great mood!

Happy Birthday!
What can you wish for?
You are already beautiful and young,
Intelligence and strength cannot be taken away.

Be healthy and honest in heart.
And don't let your friends down.
If you start a business,
Bring it to the end.

Be diligent in your studies
And in my profession,
All the obstacles in life
You overcome with a smile.

Optimism and good luck,
Happiness and much love!
Bright, bold, fruitful
Live your life.

I wish you strength and vigor,
May all your cherished dreams come true!
Let this date be happy
Hurry up and smile on your birthday!

Let them consist of joyful events
Your whole life and just every moment!
I wish you many discoveries,
So that you achieve everything you want!

I wish you always have a goal in front of you that you should strive for. I wish you to always have an incentive for which you must move forward. I wish you to always have the strength and opportunity to achieve your intended heights. I wish you to always have faithful comrades nearby, with whom it will be fun and easy to overcome any path. Happy birthday!

Today is your birthday
I wish you love with all my heart,
Excellent health, strength,
May you always be happy.
Good spirits, good days,
Reliable, devoted friends.

Oh, how cool you are
Young birthday boy!
Macho, fashionista, ladies' man...
You delight us all.

On your birthday, let me
Wish us from the heart
Happiness to you forever -
For all the years to come.

Well, in a young heart
Save it for later
You are energy, excitement.
And then luck awaits you!

Happy Birthday! You are so young,
All victories are ahead!
The guy is strong and healthy
Full of happiness and love.

May you have good luck in life,
Don't chase your idol.
You create your own team
And don’t be lazy about working.

Build a house, make a career,
Don't forget about your friends.
Let everyone be proud of you,
And honor your relatives.

We wish in this life
You win the jackpot.
So that you never know
Failures, problems, troubles.

To meet you on the way
Only conscientious people.
And so that it is born in my head
Lots of cool ideas.

Take life seriously
This is not a game, you know.
In general, congratulations, guy.
Happy birthday, Hurray!

Congratulations on your birthday!
Today I would like to wish
So that the mood is always great,
Lots of strength to achieve new goals!

I also wish you loyal friends,
May they always stand behind you!
And may you meet great love
And she stayed with you for the rest of her life!

On your birthday I wish
Ups without downs,
To have more in life
Joyful moments.

So that the risk is always justified,
But in love there was luck.
And so many true friends
I was next to you.

Take happiness with a spoonful
And keep your luck by the tail,
Let success knock on the window
With wild joy to boot.

Let everything in life succeed,
Good will be answered with good,
And Fortune will smile
Your path is warming the planet!

Be pumped up, athletic,
Groovy and positive,
Infinitely kind, brave,
So that love boils in you.

Let friends value you like a brother,
Your life will become rich,
Let luck be in full swing
And goodness will fill the house!

Happy Birthday to a young guy are distinguished by positivity in every line. After all, youth is a time of hopes and aspirations. Remind the birthday person of this by using the wishes and congratulations from this section. The birthday of a young guy is the next step, the next step in his life. There are a lot of achievements ahead. The ideal way complementing a holiday gift for a young man means congratulating him kind words and make it clear that you all already treat him as an adult man who is ready for achievements.

Happy birthday,
On this day we wish:
Whatever you want, take it all,
It's all yours - just catch it.
You're young, and that's cool!
Let everything in life be great!
Money, cars and talent.
You are a diamond, you are a diamond!
We give you congratulations
And congratulations again!

happy Birthday
And we wish you on your way.
We are our love and business
A must find.

Anything can happen in life,
Never give up.
Let it light the way
Guiding star.

Let a faithful friend be by your side
On days of luck and personal dramas.
Take care from the prose of life
Your own spiritual light temple.

Happy birthday, boy,
You are young and active,
Always be as brave
Honest, kind, positive,
Develop yourself, be smart
Set goals, achieve them,
Despite all the problems
Never give up!

Happy Birthday!
What can you wish for?
You are already beautiful and young,
Intelligence and strength cannot be taken away.

Be healthy and honest in heart.
And don't let your friends down.
If you start a business,
Bring it to the end.

Be diligent in your studies
And in my profession,
All the obstacles in life
You overcome with a smile.

Optimism and good luck,
Happiness and much love!
Bright, bold, fruitful
Live your life.

May congratulations bring you good luck,
Happy birthday to you, happiness overflowing,
So that the income is so big that it puzzles
How to spend it all, get a lot
From the fate of love, health, and in business - success,
Strength, courage, patience, loyal friends,
That it’s easy for you to solve all your obstacles,
We wish life to become more fun!

Happy birthday, boy,
I want to congratulate you!
You are young and good-looking
How to decorate your life?
I wish you a million money
Not dollars, but euros
A carriage of beautiful girls,
And outside the window it’s only summer,
So that you always go through life
In a great mood,
Success, joy, love
And eternal luck!

You are young and beautiful
Cheerful and lucky
I'm on your birthday
I wish you happiness, guy.
I wish you with a smile
You walked through life
If you fall -
Get up right away
Didn't hide in the bushes
Didn't back away
And I didn’t take you as friends,
To everyone.
I wish that fate
You yourself chose
And the happiest
To become in life.

Handsome, charming, kind and cheerful, happy birthday to you. I wish you many adventures interesting events and cheerful friends. Be surrounded by happiness and good luck. Let the world around you be the way you want it to be. I wish you well-being and success in your business.

You are a representative and a hero
The growing generation.
I hasten to congratulate you, dear,
Happy birthday to you today!

You've become a whole year older!
Winter and summer are hurrying somewhere.
And it comes unnoticed
It's time for achievements and prosperity.

Let the winds blow from the north -
Read these lines with a smile.
Live by the rules of goodness
Don't be selfish and cruel.

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
How nice it is to be young
Know that everything is still ahead
Don't count the days that have passed!

There are many different roads ahead,
There are many joyful meetings ahead,
We wish you could
Yours kind heart save.

To make studying easy,
So that I don’t look for reasons for quarrels,
So that there is both love and work.
To be a real man!

Happy birthday
You, young guy,
And I want you to be happy
You are always your destiny.

To walk through life easily
And I didn’t meet any obstacles,
So that peak after peak
You have conquered in your career.

To achieve your goals,
I walked to Olympus,
So that you are lucky, happy
And I became successful in life.

Every year you become even more mature.
You are already a man, what can I say!
I wish you to be wiser
Learn to distinguish between good and evil.

On your birthday I wish you strength
And mind, so that your spirit is rebellious
Carried away to the starry heights,
But I decided to use my head only.

Happy birthday, daredevil!
May good luck await you
Tenderness of girls' hearts
And move forward!

Be a cheerful daredevil
Let's get naughty!
Congratulations on the occasion,
Happy birthday!

I wish you strength and vigor,
May all your cherished dreams come true!
Let this date be happy
Hurry up and smile on your birthday!

Let them consist of joyful events
Your whole life and just every moment!
I wish you many discoveries,
So that you achieve everything you want!

Oh, how cool you are
Young birthday boy!
Macho, fashionista, ladies' man...
You delight us all.

On your birthday, let me
Wish us from the heart
Happiness to you forever -
For all the years to come.

Well, in a young heart
Save it for later
You are energy, excitement.
And then luck awaits you!

On your birthday I wish
Ups without downs,
To have more in life
Joyful moments.

So that the risk is always justified,
But in love there was luck.
And so many true friends
I was next to you.

My dear, on your birthday, what would you like to wish?
To know only peace in the world, and not know war at all.
To enjoy life, to make everything around you bright,
So that the best faithful friend is next to you.

So that failures and doubts do not sometimes gnaw,
You have always stood up for your love and friendship.
So that girls love and are always affectionate.
And they didn’t spoil the character somewhere in the next year!

So that you find your soulmate, live with her and not grieve.
Everything that God sends as a reward was infinitely treasured.
So that the house is always full and the soul is full,
So that a wave of sweet happiness often covers you!

Today is your birthday,
Receive a sea of ​​compliments and impressions,
May we always be preserved by fate,
Let the mood be great.
May your youth last throughout your life,
May luck always rush towards you,
Always be inspired by love,
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.

You're a cool guy, and with you
We never get bored!
I'll tell you one secret,
About girls, as usual!
They're all crazy about you!
They all really like you!
You will find one of them, I hope,
You are the first beauty!
May your wishes come true
Doubts will disappear forever!
All predictions will come true
On your birthday!

You are young and strong
You're a guy - no matter what!
You are beautiful and smart
Always decisive.
We wish you not to get sick,
And on your birthday
We wish not to grow old,
You, boy, are our hero!

Boy, be happy on your birthday!
We wish you dreams come true,
We wish you heartfelt simple kindness,
It’s also not too lazy to wish you love!
We wish! As soon as you recognize her,
Let her come on this day for you,
And his heart will open, and loving,
You will be happy, so welcome!

How much can you wish for your birthday?
Nothing is a pity for you!
Boy, we wish not to suffer,
And achieve your happiness.
Let the years go by, don’t be sad.
Everything will be fine, you know it yourself.
May you always be lucky
Just believe in miracles, boy!

Let everything that is wished for come true,
The bad thing, let it be forgotten.
You, boy, look more fun
For life, for people, for friends!
Today, on your birthday,
We wish you good luck.
Let all sorrows go away,
And joy and happiness will come!

You are so funny, cool,
You won't find a better guy!
Everyone around them knows perfectly well -
You won't let us down in friendship!
All questions and problems
You can also easily decide
Be happy, be the first in everything,
Never be discouraged!

Cool guy - that's cool!
The cool guy is you!
Your birthday is like a miracle
Fulfills all dreams!
Be thorough in all matters,
Keep loving yourself
So that until old age
Keep a cool image!

Young people love everywhere -
This is a simple truth!
There is a reason to talk about this,
Happy birthday!
I want to see the world
Not from the monitor screen,
And all the facets of this life
Take a look with your own eyes!
Get a lot of money
At work, be the main thing
To want and desire
Relax, create, love!

Hurry up to read as many books as possible,
Hurry to touch the sticky birch leaf,
Hurry to catch the sunrise moment
And hurry to dry the girl’s tears.
Hurry to help if they are waiting for you,
And if they don’t wait, hurry up to come uninvited:
It's better to show up too early
It's too late or never at all.
Hurry to the attack if the hour has struck
And the war trumpets shouted.
Hurry to be courageous, but not rude,
And stripped away what he had hidden in reserve.
Don't give in to evil and don't get angry in vain,
Hurry up to argue if you think differently.
Hurry, but never rush
Be a person, not just an adult.

Young, athletic, humorous,
We always have so much fun with you.
We will congratulate you today -
We'll bring a whole crowd of people to visit.
We wish girls to love
Friends are with you - both in water and in fire.
Let fortune guide you through life,
Taking your wise hand in your hands!

I wish you more positivity
Decent friends, lots of beer!
Let your birthday fly by
Let's have some fun!!!
You are a young, gorgeous guy,
The whole world lies before your feet...
And it’s not easy to conquer him,
But this age is promising,
When you can learn safely
And conquer any business,
And every day is like a weekend
Walk with any beauties!

My dear, on your birthday, what would you like to wish?

To know only peace in the world, and not know war at all.

To enjoy life, to make everything around you bright,

So that the best faithful friend is next to you.

So that failures and doubts do not sometimes gnaw,

You have always stood up for your love and friendship.

So that girls love and are always affectionate.

And they didn’t spoil the character somewhere in the next year!

So that you find your soulmate, live with her and not grieve.

Everything that God sends as a reward was infinitely treasured.

So that the house is always full and the soul is full,

So that a wave of sweet happiness often covers you!

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2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

You are young, handsome and confident,

You will always help with everything,

We wish you good luck in your destiny,

And you can catch happiness too!

And on your birthday everything will be okay

Let the fun come to visit,

Today your house will be full of friends,

Let the smile never leave your face.

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2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

happy Birthday

And we wish you on your way.

We are our love and business

A must find.

Anything can happen in life,

Never give up.

Let it light the way

Guiding star.

Let a faithful friend be by your side

On days of luck and personal dramas.

Take care from the prose of life

Your own spiritual light temple.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

I wish you hot love,

I wish you health and success in your work.

Never let your friends down

And don't forget about family care.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you,

Take everything from life, but carefully.

Don't be discouraged anywhere, ever.

Be sure that you can do anything in life!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

You are young, beautiful and full of strength,

Great, cool guy

On your birthday we want

Congratulations to you soon!

Believe in your dream and strive for it,

Go and don't give up

And if sadness suddenly comes,

Say goodbye to her quickly.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Oh, how cool you are

Young birthday boy!

Macho, fashionista, ladies' man...

You delight us all.

On your birthday, let me

Wish us from the heart

Happiness to you forever -

For all the years to come.

Well, in a young heart

Save it for later

You are energy, excitement.

And then luck awaits you!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

We wish in this life

You win the jackpot.

So that you never know

Failures, problems, troubles.

To meet you on the way

Only conscientious people.

And so that it is born in my head

Lots of cool ideas.

Take life seriously

This is not a game, you know.

In general, congratulations, guy.

Happy birthday, Hurray!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.

How nice it is to be young
