Mamut dog fights description of the breed. What varieties exist? English Mastiff - a giant with a good heart

The breeds that are used in combat belong to a category called fighting breeds dogs. There are approximately twenty breeds in the world that take part in these kind of competitions. It should be noted that none of the International Cynological Organizations recognizes the category fighting dogs. For them, this concept defines the profession, but not the breed of the dog.

The category of fighters has a number of common features: big head, well developed jaw, massive body and very formidable barking. A number of Molossians are classified in this category: Alabai, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, Bull Terriers and some varieties of Great Danes.

Alabai. A breed endowed with a complex psyche and a unique character. The use of Alabai as fighting dogs in Turkmenistan is a tribute to centuries-old traditions. The only breed that will never finish off the enemy, but retreat at the first screech. And, along with this, Alabai is surprisingly gentle and caring towards his own and human children. The main job of this devoted creature is to guard the peace of his master in any weather and protect his property.

Takes its roots from the English Bulldog. Dogs with a powerful jaw and an iron grip. Initially, they were used for baiting a bull, and later - in battles against other dogs. Since the qualities of a fighter in dogs of this breed were not enough, they began to cross with various kinds of terriers. As a result of this work, a number of new breeds appeared, but not all of them inherited fighting qualities. And the American Bulldog himself has long forgotten his fighting past.

Due to the negative outpouring of the media towards this breed, the pit bull was called a fiend of evil and an idol among fighting dog breeds, which has become the most dangerous creature in the eyes of the public.

In fact, this is one of the most cheerful, devoted and loving breeds on the planet. It simply contains an indomitable desire to please its owner in everything. This is the only breed in which the feeling of love for a person is so great that she does not even notice the strong smell of alcohol, although almost all breeds simply cannot stand it.

American Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Another, so colorfully painted by the media, the monster of the dog world. We only note that due to painstaking selection, the staff has lost its aggression towards living beings.

There are no dangerous breeds! There are very irresponsible owners. By letting education take its course, without training, you will definitely get a stubborn, unbalanced and naughty dog. Dangerous dog becomes only indifferent owners.

Representatives of the breed

    Akita Inu - business card Countries rising sun. This is the most famous breed in Japan and is considered the oldest in the world. They say that the first dog tamed by man was the Akita Inu.
    20-35 thousand rubles per puppy

    The American Akita is an offshoot of the Akita Inu breed, and the American Akita is descended from the ancient Akita Inu dogs.
    From 700 to 100 US dollars.

    The American Bulldog breed has been known since the 19th century. During the existence this breed called the "Old English Bulldog", "Rural Bulldog", etc., but it is this breed of dog that is the closest in kinship to the English Bulldogs.
    From 350 to 850 US dollars.

    The American Pit Bull Terrier breed has been known for a long time, engravings depicting these dogs date back to the 15th-16th century. Initially, the breed was bred for dog fighting.
    200-400 USD.

    The American Staffordshire Terrier breed has been known for a long time. These dogs appeared as a result of crossing Bull Terriers with Pit Bull Terriers.
    From 150 to 1000 USD

    The English Bulldog belongs to the Great Dane group, their ancestors were fighting dogs. ancient rome. Also, these dogs were used for baiting bulls. In the last century, English Bulldogs have become pets and companion dogs.
    From 500 to 1000 US dollars.

    First Bull Terriers modern type appeared in Great Britain in 1895. Nowadays, these dogs are popular among breeders around the world, they have established themselves as excellent pets, protectors and friends of man.

    This breed is used in the most different types works. They rescue and protect, guard livestock and serve. He acts well as a shepherd, can be an excellent watchman or lifeguard.

    Cane Corso is considered one of the most ancient representatives of the mollus group (great dogs). There is evidence that the ancestors of Cane Corso Italiano were ancient Roman fighting mastiffs, which were used at that time as dogs for trapping.
    15,000 - 20,000 rubles per puppy

    Pit Bull Terrier means combat bull terrier. Pit bull terriers are often referred to as pit bulls for short. But this is not true, as pit bull means fighting bull.

    The breed comes from Germany, from the city of Rottweil, which is located in the South of this country. There is a version that the Rottweilers trace their history back to the times of the Roman Empire, where they were fighting and racing dogs.
    From $300 to $500.

    In the 18th and 19th centuries, French Bulldogs were bred by poor peasants as fighting dogs. light type(small). This breed is descended from the Spanish Bulldogs - Alans (an extinct breed).
    over 15 thousand rubles.

Do not confuse the concepts of "fighting breed" and "aggressive dog".

The fact is that fighting breeds of dogs, whose photos can even scare a little, were carefully selected in order to make them as safe as possible for humans.

Yes, yes, sometimes you should be more afraid of the cute than. From the latter, with proper upbringing, you can safely take away a bone, the dog will not show any signs of discontent.

Whatever it was with security, but at least once in their lives everyone was in awe of the formidable grandeur and strength that the breeds of fighting dogs demonstrate.

The photo and name of these heroes are familiar to many. Here we decided to make a selection of the most, in our opinion, remarkable formidable representatives of the canine world.

Large fighting dogs

With a minimum of 65 cm at the withers, this dog weighs approximately 55 kg.

Genetically, Alabai cannot be friendly to other dogs.

This is easy to fix if early age to socialize the dog, allowing him to play and communicate with his fellows. The strength of this breed requires good discipline.

The dog is very smart, therefore, with proper upbringing, you can grow a good hero who adequately responds to other dogs and people, and menacingly protects his owners from danger.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The next mighty giant is this. With a weight of 70 kg and a height at the withers of 72 cm, the dog makes an indelible impression.

Since ancient times, Caucasians have been fighting ... with wolves, protecting their herds.

Of course, dog fight lovers used the skills acquired by the breed to organize fights both with other breeds and between Caucasian shepherd dogs.

The Caucasian is an inexhaustible energy. In battles, he does not aim to tear the enemy.

Like a cat playing with a mouse, the dog can drag his "opponent" from corner to corner until he is completely exhausted.

It is because of the overflowing energy that the hero needs systemic physical activity and training.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso has an athletic, muscular body.

This breed has a luxurious muscular body, which, with a height of 70 cm and a weight of 50 kg, is hard not to notice among other representatives. best friend person.

First of all, the Cane Corso was bred as a working dog. Deep inside this giant still reveres the man.

Neapolitan Mastiff

This is a surprisingly huge dog - height at the withers is 77 cm, weight is 70 kg. - real fighting dogs, the photo of the dogs does not allow to doubt it.

Their ancestors were engaged in entertaining the people with fights with wild boars, bulls, tigers and other formidable living creatures in the Roman arenas.

With proper upbringing, the dog becomes ideally accommodating towards the owners, while remaining a thunderstorm for their ill-wishers.

Today, the unreal strength of the mastiff inspires, unfortunately, not only lovers of formidable breeds, but also illegal organizers of bloody dog ​​fights.

However, breeders are trying to cultivate in the breed, first of all, protective qualities, such as, for example, y.

And the Neapolitan himself does not mind being more friendly.

With proper upbringing, the dog becomes ideally accommodating towards the owners, while remaining a thunderstorm for their ill-wishers.

If you look at the list of fighting dogs with photos, then this one will somehow not attract much attention.

Akita Inu becomes obedient and devoted friend his master

By the way, Akita Inu is still involved in legal dog fights, adequately resisting opponents not only of his own, but also of other breeds.

Small fighting dogs

bull terrier

Looking through the fighting dog breeds, a list with a photo, you will definitely meet this breed. The size of the dog is small: height up to 45 cm, weight up to 30 kg.

Although the PR that the funds did to him mass media, by and large is an invention of hungry journalists.

However, unlike, for example, from or, the breed was not bred for dog fighting; in its genetics, aggression towards dogs was not cultivated.

Initially, bull terriers were used for baiting wild boars and bulls. And yes, if he clenched his jaws, it would not be possible to free himself without the command of the owner.

The muscular body and lively mind of the dog still require constant stress.

And as for the danger to humans ... in the eyes of the bull terrier, the owner and his friends are gods, which he quite eloquently testifies to by his behavior.

American Staffordshire Terrier

This, like the bull terrier, is a relatively small dog. Its height at the withers reaches a maximum of 50 cm, and its weight is 40 kg.

However, this breed was specially bred to make the dog an ideal fighter - compact, agile, flexible and strong.

Oddly enough, but it was the modest size that helped to deftly cope with larger opponents.

Nowadays, only irresponsible breeders train dog fighting staff.

The dog today has a nobler calling - to be a friend and family protector, stafford puppies- excellent nannies for children.

Pit Bulls were originally bred as fighting dogs, and they intuitively understand how to strike the enemy with a hit to kill. At the same time, the breed is among the ten safest dogs, but only in relation to humans.

There are no less legends about the killing qualities of a dog than about a bull terrier. Dimensions of this dog: height maximum 42 cm with a weight of 28 kg.

Yes, pit bulls were originally bred as fighting dogs, and they intuitively understand how to strike the enemy with a hit to kill.

But not everyone knows that during the cultivation of the breed, a dog could be shot only because it simply growled at a person.

As a result, a pit bull at the genetic level is not capable of harming us unless someone specifically teaches him.

Interestingly, the breed is among the ten safest dogs, but only in relation to humans.

Those unfamiliar with the history of the breed are surprised to learn that the cute buns were originally bred to be formidable fighters.

This breed should not be skipped when listing fighting dogs, photos with names of which are of genuine interest.

The dog is the closest relative.

Naturally, the heroic strength and courage of the dog was also used for dog fights.

Large and not very fighting dogs today want to be friends more than fight.

Although the legacy of past generations makes itself felt, competent education any breed will help to make an ideal protector and companion out of a dog.

Many novice and experienced breeders are interested in which fighting dog breeds have the most successful combination intellectual and physical qualities. When choosing a particular dog, it is important to proceed from the goals and conditions of detention. A description of the most popular representatives with photos and names is given in the article.

It has excellent working qualities, mainly used for protection and protection. These dogs repulse any enemy, have a bold character, but they should not be considered as wolfhounds.

Before the final decision on the acquisition is made, mandatory test trials are carried out - fights between Alabai in accordance with clear safety rules that exclude damage and, even more so, death of the animal.

Attention. Not all representatives have fighting and protective qualities - they are transmitted through the genes.

The list of fighting dogs with a photo should be continued with a description of this particular breed, because many dog ​​breeders put the pit bull in the first place in such ratings. He has excellent fighting qualities, fearless, stubborn character.

However, it should be borne in mind that the dog is not suitable for beginner lovers - its upbringing and training should be carried out only by an experienced breeder.

it guard dog, which was originally bred for gladiator fights between different breeds. Therefore, representatives are distinguished by a very courageous, hardy character and perfectly perform the task of a personal bodyguard.

Raising a pet requires constant attention from the owner, his ability to correctly recognize the behavior of the dog and correct it in time so that the dog always knows a clear hierarchy. Thus, only an experienced dog breeder can acquire a representative of this breed.

It has pronounced qualities of a protector - it protects both the owner and his entire family. Before the danger does not retreat and stands to the end, until the enemy is completely neutralized. The main condition for education is early socialization: the sooner the puppy understands who his family is, the sooner he will show himself as a loving and devoted pet.

This is the largest representative of mastiffs, which for a long time used in bear baiting. The character is rather stubborn, it requires long-term education and socialization from the very first days of the puppy's stay in the house.

The dog has a calm, unflappable character. However, such qualities do not appear immediately, but as a result of professional training and competent education. If you do not take care of the training of the puppy, a rather aggressive and somewhat unpredictable animal will grow up. Preferably for experienced owners

Dogue de Bordeaux

It has a very large, somewhat frightening size. It has the qualities of an almost perfect wrestler, as well as a defender and hunter. Despite his brutal appearance, he has a very calm and friendly character.

Dog is very devoted to the owner, loves the whole family, gets along well with children, as well as with pets. Interestingly, representatives of the breed have a pronounced instinct to protect the weaker ones.

This japanese dog distinguished by courage and nobility at the same time. Very devoted to the owner and, despite its impressive size, suitable for keeping in a city apartment.

He will not retreat in the face of danger, he will never leave his master in trouble, he is distinguished by caring, fearlessness and even self-confidence. He is rather wary of strangers, and often shows an aggressive attitude towards strange dogs.

Attention. If the puppy is raised incorrectly, he will grow up aggressive and almost uncontrollable. Such a dog more suitable for experienced breeders.

Mainly suitable for the protection of the territory, because it has a sharp mind and exceptional loyalty. The dog reacts to a clear threat with merciless cruelty, so provoking it to aggression is extremely dangerous.

Fila can make her own decision in a critical situation, so she can only be stopped before intervention. Quite aggressive towards strangers and even more so for dogs.

Smart, independent and in many ways noble dog. Loyal to both the owner and the whole family, but prefers to dominate and occupy an exclusive position in the house. Suitable for balanced and self-confident people, because otherwise they can claim the role of a leader and not even obey a person in everything.

It treats strangers with distrust, it can show aggression towards other people's animals.

A complete description of the Shar Pei dog breed.

This Japanese dog has a very calm temperament, he will give a voice only in those cases when it is necessary. objective reasons. They need early socialization with other pets, otherwise they can behave very aggressively with them. has a strong will and independent character, great for protecting the territory. Akita Inu does not retreat in the face of danger and stubbornly defends the rights of his family.

Interesting. The dog practically does not smell like a dog and is clean. Therefore, many breeders compare it with a cat.

This is a fairly large guard dog that has long been used as a herding dog. The temperament is balanced, the character is friendly, seasoned. Can live at home, but preferably on the street.

Courageous, resolute, does not trust outsiders and has a great sense of its territory. At the same time, he does not show unreasonable aggression - he can pounce only in critical situations.

Kangal Karabash (Turkish Kangal)

Highly brave dog capable of making decisions independently and responding quickly to changing situations. The behavior is wary, distrustful towards strangers, as well as animals.

In her circle, she is quite liberated, friendly and generally calm. They never back down from danger, they are very obedient and treat their owner with deep respect.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a courageous character and a strong, athletic body. The dog inspires fear by its appearance and size alone. Moreover, the Dogo Argentino is often called even a “killing machine”, the name in mind is a harsh and aggressive character.

In fact, friendly traits predominate, and negative traits can only manifest themselves from a lack of education and improper training. Feels the territory well, alert to dangers, serves as an excellent watchman. Hardy and devoted, but for normal development needs early socialization.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a very calm, balanced temperament. Therefore, the dog is obedient and devoted to its owner. Interestingly, by nature, the pet remains a puppy for a long time, which will never give up the opportunity to play and run.

Along with this, the calm Cane Corso protects the owner and his entire family with great passion. The dog is not aggressive, it is rather difficult to piss him off, but in critical situations he will never retreat in front of a threat until he is completely neutralized.

Features of training in a complete review.

This is a dog with a rather peculiar character, it is suitable for a strong-willed and balanced person. Boerboel is a classic fighter, hardy, strong and brave. Never gives up or retreats in the face of a threat.

It honors only its owner and only if he raised the pet correctly. He does not respect people of a soft nature - he can begin to dominate.

Attention. Constant physical activity- a fundamental requirement for care. If the dog will often stay at home, it may experience bursts of inexplicable aggression.

Read more about in the full article.

When choosing a real fighter, it is very important to evaluate your real opportunities. How much time you are willing to devote to a dog, how well you can bring it up, whether there is a successful training experience, what kind of lifestyle you prefer - these are just some of the questions that need to be answered in order to make the right decision.

Fighting dogs in humans are associated with aggression and courage. And when it comes to such animals, many imagine Stafford or Bull Terrier. However, there are many more varieties of such dogs. And not everyone knows about them. For example, a person may not even suspect that a dog walking next to him belongs to the fighting category. Often dog breeders have questions: what are the most evil breeds dogs, the strongest, and what character traits are characteristic of these animals? The article will tell about all this.

Fighting dogs have been around for centuries. When exactly they appeared is not known exactly. Their ancestors are animals of medium height, with big head, massive body and awesome voice.

These individuals were bred for various purposes. Initially, these formidable creatures were used for defense and protection from ill-wishers. Such animals were always ready to fight with the enemy and prevent danger. They were also actively used for hunting dangerous animals (lions, bears, wild boars, tigers), for military purposes. In ancient times, they served as guards for cattle herds.

Often arranged by people and dog fights, during which they made bets and earned a lot of money. They even existed before special schools who were engaged in the preparation of real combat individuals. Today, such organizations are prohibited. After all, such programs can turn a pet into a real killer. In many countries, dangerous fighting dogs are prohibited from breeding.

Modern breeds of fighting dogs are no longer used for their original purpose. They serve as good guards and watchmen at home. True, some owners are still engaged in illegal organization of fights.

What are the characteristics of dogs?

Despite the fact that today fighting dogs do not participate in battles, at the genetic level they still retained their natural fighting instincts. Such an animal is very courageous, tireless and persistent. Although there are many varieties of such wrestlers, and they look different, there are still some common features in their appearance and character.

The appearance of dogs is characterized by the following parameters:

What varieties exist?

Today in the world there are more than 20 varieties that are related to fighting. These animals are native to different countries. These are English, and Korean, and Japanese, and Russian breeds of dogs with a tough fighting disposition. Having decided to get such a dog, it is worth remembering that it is very dangerous for other animals. It is important to pay a large number of training time so that the pet grows up manageable and does not pose a threat to family members and people around.

The following are the names of the breeds of fighting dogs that are used on this moment very popular among domestic dog breeders:

Is not complete list. The list is actually much longer.

It is worth noting that modern representatives of these breeds, although they look formidable, strong dogs, but at the same time gentle and affectionate pets.

All fighting dog breeds are divided by size into large and medium. The first ones include:

Let's consider each representative in more detail.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The height of the dog reaches 77 centimeters, weight - 70 kilograms. The backbone is strong. The head is massive. The type of constitution is rough. The neck has a voluminous bifurcated dewlap. There is also a dewlap along the bottom of the body. The coat is short. Color black, gray, blue and brindle. The temper is calm. The animal gets along well with children.

Cane Corso

An adult individual has a height at the withers of up to 70 centimeters, a weight of about 50 kilograms. The body is muscular. Rib cage well developed. The head is massive with a convex forehead and a broad skull. Lips are saggy. The character is balanced. Aggression is expressed poorly.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The height at the withers is on average 68 centimeters. Weight varies between 45-70 kilograms. The head is massive. The muzzle is voluminous, tapering towards the nose. The eyes are dark, oval. The abdomen is tucked up. There are long-haired and short-haired individuals. Color gray, red, white and brindle. Considering fighting breeds of dogs, it is worth noting that it is distinguished by inexhaustible energy. In this regard, without systemic physical activity, training is indispensable.


The dog grew about 65 centimeters, weight - 55 kilograms. The animal is proportionately built, massive. Relief muscles. Muscular paws make up half of Alabai's height. The head is rectangular. The wool is thick. Color is different. At good upbringing the pet grows up friendly and disciplined. He's very smart. He reacts appropriately to strangers. But he won't let you offend his master.

Akita Inu

Height at the withers is approximately 70 centimeters. The back is straight. The chest is well developed. Cat paws. head is large, triangular shape. wool soft, middle length. Color piebald, red, brindle, white or fawn. Read about Akita Inu.

But the following belong to small combat representatives:

These breeds of fighting dogs are most often chosen by urban residents. They are preferred by many owners of private houses.

What breed is the most aggressive?

In fact, any dog ​​can be aggressive, not just fighting. And it depends on upbringing. But still, breeders are sure that there are breeds that have a more evil disposition. Consider which varieties of dog breeds are characterized by the greatest aggressiveness.

The first place is occupied by the Gul Dong or Pakistani Mastiff. It is especially aggressive towards other animals. Only an experienced cynologist is capable of raising such a dog. In second place are the Pit Bull Terriers. They often attack humans.
It is quite easy to lose control over the Pit Bull Terrier. It belongs to the dominant type. In many countries of the world there is even a ban on breeding such a breed. The third place belongs to the Brindis Fighting Dog. She is little known. It was bred as a result of selection of the Pit Bull Terrier, Cane Corso and Rottweiler. Usually such dogs are chosen as watchmen of houses. You can find out more about Cane Corso.

Thus, there are many fighting dogs.

Initially, such breeds were used for hunting, military purposes, and for participation in battles.

Of course, today they are not used for their original purpose. However natural instincts yet they make themselves known. But if you properly educate an animal, treat it well, then even the most aggressive breeds dogs will become affectionate and obedient, they will not be dangerous to others at all.

Fighting dog breeds: a list of representatives of the "profession"

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Fighting (or fighting) can be any dog ​​that takes part in fights, regardless of breed. But there are a number of breeds in which fighting qualities are better brought up.

Dog fights have existed since the domestication of the dog, and therefore quite a few breeds were bred specifically as fighting ones.

Many breeds were bred specifically for participation in battles and not only for dogs. Such dogs were poisoned by bears and lions, bulls, rats, badgers, and also used in battles with possums, horses, pigs, monkeys and humans.

International organizations DO NOT RECOGNIZE such a concept as a fighting dog (fighting)

At the moment there are about twenty such breeds. The concept of "fighting dog" means, first of all, not so much the breed as " profession».

fighter dogs have common signs: a large head compared to other parts of the body, a massive body, as well as a very formidable voice.

Fighting breeds primarily include large molossians: Great Danes, Bulldogs and Mastiffs, as well as Bull Terriers. Consider the most famous breeds such dogs.

TOP 8 fighting breeds

1. American Pit Bull Terrier

Photo: American Pit Bull Terrier

AT recent times most famous as a fighting breed (and far from good fame) -. This is a strong-willed, reckless, stubborn dog, which is not recommended for beginners due to strong character which only an experienced dog breeder can handle. It requires constant supervision from the owner.

2 Staffordshire Bull Terrier

English staffordshire bull terrier is already becoming rare breed. It was originally bred from a bulldog crossed with various terriers, and was intended for bull-baiting. It is strong, robust and extremely active, but not very big dog. Can be aggressive towards other dogs as well as cats. Extremely stubborn and irritable, but proper upbringing very kind to people. Recently, when dog fighting has gone out of fashion in Europe, the plastic psyche of the breed has allowed the dogs to be corrected as good family companions who do not like to fight.

3. English Mastiff

- the largest of the mastiffs and Great Danes. Initially, they were used in bear-baiting. Now it is a reliable companion and calm watchman of an impressive appearance. Stubborn and with early childhood socialization is needed.

4. English Bulldog

Also from fighting breeds recently turned into a decorative one. Because of this, the dogs became vulnerable. Initially intended for baiting bulls and bears. The character is calm, solid and a little phlegmatic.

5. Sharpei


It was bred in China as a fighting dog. This is an active and strongly built breed of medium size. It is independent and calm dog distrustful of strangers. It is often aggressive towards representatives of other breeds of dogs, so they need early socialization.

6. Brazilian Fila

Fila brazileiro more used as a guard dog. Very aggressive and hostile to strangers, therefore in many countries it is not allowed to show because of possible aggression for judges and participants. However, in Russia it is widely represented, including at exhibitions.

7. Cane Corso

Photo: Cane Corso

It originates from the ancient Roman fighting dogs of universal purpose. Due to this, their psyche is stable and now this breed is recommended as a strong watchman with good social qualities, a loyal attitude towards people.

8. Tosa Inu

Photo: Tosa Inu

- Japanese breed, sumo wrestler in the world of dogs. Like a sumo wrestler, she fights in the ring - knocks down the enemy and presses him to the floor, but does not bite or tear him. Such dogs are considered the national treasure of Japan and deserve universal respect. Tosa Inu are silent and calm, but stubborn and determined, aggressive towards other dogs and distrustful of strangers, therefore, they need a firm upbringing. At the same time, the campaign in Europe against such breeds is increasingly directing the efforts of breeders to cull vicious dogs, turning unruly fighting dogs into obedient guard dogs.
