How does a woman feel during conception? Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands

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Each woman learns about the conception that has taken place in her own way, but, nevertheless, we can highlight some general points by which we can assume that the woman is pregnant. Recognizing these signs is very important in order to know how to behave after conception.

Characteristic signs completed fertilization sometimes look like Bad mood, eating disorder, cold. In order not to harm the child, you need to recognize the onset of pregnancy and follow the rules of behavior for the expectant mother.

When they appear

The first signs of pregnancy during careful attention to their health are discovered after conception. Changes in the body begin to occur from the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

This process takes up to 10 days. During this time, there may be minor bleeding, which sometimes confuses the woman.

The count starts from the date of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. A sign of pregnancy is the production of human chorionic gonadotropin human - a hormone that is used to diagnose pregnancy based on a blood test.

Up to 20% of women experience painful postovulatory syndrome after conception. Signs of this syndrome are nagging pain lower abdomen. Pain may indicate inflammation of the appendages, Bladder, appendicitis.

If a woman was planning to conceive, there is no need to rush to take strong medications; pain may be a sign that the egg has been fertilized.

Decreased immunity

From the time of conception, when the embryo has already established itself in the uterus, in the first three days body temperature and basal temperature decrease, and then it begins to increase. At this time, a woman may feel a slight malaise, which may be mistaken for an incipient cold.

At this point, you should not immediately begin active treatment with medications, folk recipes with vodka, sauna, winter swimming. The malaise may be explained by a decrease in immunity caused by the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

A woman’s immune system perceives an embryo, which contains half the genome from the mother, and the other half from the father, as a foreign body, and tries to fight it. IN in rare cases similar bad feeling can last several months, and it is associated with the production of predominantly the hormone progesterone.

In the first two weeks of most women, the conception that has taken place does not show any special signs; it proceeds unnoticed, secretly even with the most close attention to yourself.

Some pregnant women experience changes in food preferences and become intolerant to certain types of food and smells. Vomiting may occur when eating your favorite foods. Dizziness and weakness may occur.

Changes during pregnancy

  • The first sign that almost 100% guarantees the birth of a child in the near future is a delay in menstruation.
  • Breast sensitivity changes. These changes are individual in nature. Breast tenderness may intensify or disappear completely, although it was usually felt before menstruation.
  • A sign of pregnancy can be the release of colostrum early stages.
  • A feeling of heaviness in the pelvis indicates pregnancy; in some cases, women feel that conception has occurred, starting from a very early stage.

What should you be wary of?

Risk for pregnancy development severe pain in the lower abdomen in the first days after conception. The first critical moment when the fate of pregnancy is decided occurs when the embryo is fixed in the wall of the uterus. This usually occurs in the case of fertilization on days 6-8 of ovulation.

The next critical stage, which determines whether pregnancy will take place or not, lasts from 3 weeks to the end of the second month of pregnancy.

What not to do for pregnant women

You cannot smoke or drink alcohol after conception. But don’t worry if pregnancy occurs and the woman unknowingly allows herself to drink alcohol.

The very fact that the pregnancy continues indicates that there is no embryotoxic effect, and the woman can safely carry a child without panicking about the ill-fated glass of alcohol.

It is dangerous for an expectant mother to be nervous. Gloomy thoughts give rise to pessimism and lead to depression. Of course, you shouldn’t drink alcohol, but you shouldn’t indulge in self-torture, panic, and even more so, run for an abortion.

After conception, you should not continue to train with full dedication, dance, or run marathons. From the first days you need to perform relaxation exercises and learn to breathe correctly during pregnancy.

When to go to the doctor

To confirm that fertilization has taken place, you should go to the doctor after 2 weeks of delay. positive test for pregnancy. All doctor's recommendations must be accurately written down and followed exactly throughout your pregnancy. You need to visit a doctor once a month; if there is a threat of pregnancy, visit the doctor more often.

Signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

Female body amazing in its external and internal abilities. It is not only beautiful, but also capable of receiving a man’s seed and bearing a child.

This is how it happened in modern society that pregnancy is perceived as a disease almost from the first days. Since you are prescribed a bunch of examinations and consultations with different medical specialists, you get the impression that the most amazing time in a woman’s life is associated with pain and discomfort.

However, conscious women, as well as those who are planning a pregnancy with their man, can easily feel its first symptoms almost from the first day after fertilization of the egg.

Let's talk about these signs in more detail - how they manifest themselves, how the woman feels, how much her behavior and habits change.

On what day after ovulation can pregnancy occur?

Because the menstrual cycle Each woman has a different duration, so the onset of ovulation is individual in each case.

If you are healthy and your cycle is stable, then it is highly likely that it will fall on the 11-15th day after your period.

The egg reaches the fallopian tube within 12-48 hours for fertilization. Therefore, these days are the most valuable when planning to conceive a baby.

On the other hand, there are possible cases:

  • delayed ovulation
  • non-ripening of the egg

Then, in the first case, the timing is shifted, and in the second, pregnancy is basically impossible.

How and on what day after sexual intercourse does fertilization occur?

The ideal time to conceive a baby is during female ovulation. Then the sperm reach the fallopian tube within 3-6 hours after intercourse, where the mature egg is released.

  • Only 1 sperm penetrates its walls, the rest die.
  • At the moment of fertilization, the woman’s body receives a signal about this, and all pregnancy-protective functions are launched.
  • The zygote lives in the fallopian tube for another week and feeds on the corpus luteum.
  • Then it moves to the uterus. Here it attaches to its walls by dividing cells that connect to the uterus.
  • These cells will later turn into the placenta, children's place and the umbilical cord.

Since the egg can “wait” for the sperm in the fallopian tube for up to 2 days, pregnancy can occur a maximum of 48 hours after intercourse during female ovulation.

What signs of pregnancy can there be in the first days after conception?

In part, these signs are similar to the beginning of menstruation. Let us list everything characteristic of successful fertilization of an egg in the first days after ovulation:

  • pain and spasmodic attacks in the lower abdomen or slightly to the side,
  • soreness and swelling of the breasts, enlargement of the areas and color of the areolas,
  • scant bloody discharge, which is a consequence of the successful docking of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus,
  • digestive disorders, expressed with excessive bloating and gas formation,
  • promotion basal temperature and maintaining its indicators until the end of the 2nd phase of the cycle.

What signs of pregnancy can there be when an egg is fertilized in the first week on days 4, 5, 6, 7 after conception?

The first week of life of a fertilized egg is absolutely imperceptible for a woman. The embryo is very small and for it it is time for cell division to prepare for the journey to the uterus.

So, on days 4-5 after conception, the embryo consists of 20 cells. It begins its movement along the fallopian tube to attach to the walls of the uterus.

By the end of the first week of life, the fertilized egg stops its movement in search of best place for the development of the baby. It becomes overgrown with a number of cells that securely fix it in the uterine cavity.

One of the obvious signs of pregnancy in the first week after fertilization of the egg is increased sensitivity of the nipples and slight swelling of the breasts. Some women even notice discharge clear liquid when pressing on the nipples.

What signs of pregnancy can there be when an egg is fertilized in the second week on days 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 after conception?

During this period, the fertilized egg is already attached to the wall of the uterus, so all the “delights” of the process are felt by the woman. Namely:

  • feeling weak and drowsy
  • discharge similar to menstruation, but more scanty and lighter in color
  • aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples and increased area of ​​the areolas
  • slight increase in basal temperature
  • suspicion of acute respiratory infections - congestion of the throat, nose
  • digestive disorders such as vomiting
  • increasing the number of times you visit the toilet to urinate
  • increased sense of smell, especially for fresh meat products
  • rejection of the usual menu

On what day after fertilization of the egg do obvious signs of a woman’s pregnancy appear in sensations, behavior, and psychological aspects?

Since each of us is individual in the level of sensitivity of our body, then sensations indicating the development of a new life inside us also come to us. different time after pregnancy.

In the early stages, namely in the first month, a woman will notice changes in herself in 2-3 weeks. These include various types of disturbances in the body’s functioning, mood swings like a pendulum, and new sensations and perception of reality around.

What signs of pregnancy can occur when an egg is fertilized in the third week after conception?

Since the 3rd week of pregnancy is a period of time from an obstetric point of view, the signs interesting situation in women they are not yet clearly expressed.

They are similar to those listed for week 2.

When we are talking about the actual 3rd week of pregnancy, which will be the 5th obstetric week, the following symptoms will signal you about successful fertilization:

  • fatigue, dizziness
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system
  • blood pressure surges
  • toxicosis
  • dramatic changes in food intake and choice
  • refinement of sense of smell
  • mood swings for no reason

What signs can be seen at 4 weeks of pregnancy?

The most striking and unambiguous sign of pregnancy, if you planned it and are expecting it, is a delay monthly cycle for 2 week.

Additional symptoms that indicate your interesting situation are:

  • increase in basal temperature
  • changes in the breasts, gastrointestinal tract, mood
  • in rare cases - toxicosis

How do hCG levels change immediately after fertilization?

This figure is starting to rise. However, it is rare for a woman to be diagnosed with it at the beginning of the 2nd week of pregnancy. Most often this happens in the middle of the second week.

In quantitative terms early stage During pregnancy, this indicator ranges from 0 to 5 units.

How does basal temperature change after fertilization?

After successful fertilization, a woman’s basal temperature drops significantly. The reason for this is hormonal changes, the production increased amount progesterone and estrogen.

However, this phenomenon does not last long. From the moment the fertilized egg attaches, the basal temperature rises. Usually a woman who suspects pregnancy records this fact.

Can breasts hurt immediately after fertilization?

Depending on when the sexual intercourse took place women's calendar, the breasts may begin to ache in the first day after fertilization of the egg.

That is, if you are planning a pregnancy during the period of ovulation, your body will signal success with your lungs. painful sensations in the chest.

Cystitis: could it be a sign of pregnancy?

You may partly confuse the symptoms of cystitis with early pregnancy. Especially if you wear jeans that hug your figure.

They can cause discomfort in the pelvic and abdominal areas.

For example, their button will feel like additional element, digging into the skin.

Therefore, be sure to visit a gynecologist and voice all your complaints. And also go through necessary examinations to ensure the diagnosis is clear.

Gastrointestinal upset: could it be a sign of pregnancy?

Surprisingly, it can. Especially if you capture:

  • constipation
  • increased gas formation
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea

The cause of all these symptoms in case of pregnancy is increased production progesterone. It disrupts normal functioning for a while digestive system women.

Therefore, you either save your energy and lie down, or go to the doctor for a consultation and examination.

What sensations can there be in the stomach after fertilization?

Each case is individual. And yet, we note a number of the most common sensations:

  • nagging pain in the pelvic area
  • increased sensitivity of the uterus
  • mild shooting pains in the uterus
  • sensation of the ovary due to aching pain

When do changes in behavior and psychological aspects occur after conception?

increased tearfulness in a girl during pregnancy is a normal sign

Since each of us has a different level of sensitivity, behavioral changes after pregnancy also occur differently.

One of the reasons for the change in mood and behavior of a woman in an interesting position is pain. It is felt both locally, for example, in the lower abdomen, in the chest, and throughout the body as a whole.

Therefore, you and your loved ones are able to notice a sharp change in your behavior from the second day after fertilization of the egg. This is provided that it occurred during the most favorable period - ovulation.

If a little earlier/later, then from 1-2 weeks.

So, we looked at the signs of early pregnancy and identified the pain points in the female body that signal successful fertilization.

Get more rest in the first weeks of a new part of your life! Find beauty and inspiration around you! Enjoy every day and the growing life within you!

Have a harmonious pregnancy!

Video: first signs of pregnancy after fertilization

Any woman planning a pregnancy wants to find out as early as possible whether conception has taken place, because with the advent of this “interesting situation,” the need arises to change the usual rhythm of life. As soon as a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she begins to take more care of her health, changes her taste habits and tries to protect herself from various kinds of situations that threaten her position. Therefore, in this publication we will try to figure out how to understand that conception has occurred?

As much as we didn’t want to, it is not possible to determine with high accuracy the moment when fertilization of the egg occurred. After all, all processes of fusion of male and female reproductive cells occur, although inside the female body, but completely autonomously. Therefore, the first sensations after conception, indicating the development of a new life in the womb, appear only after implantation - the attachment of an already fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. But first things first.


During ovulation, which occurs from 12 to 24 hours, if unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place, the man’s sperm enters the fallopian tubes and only 1, less often 2, of them reaches its “goal” - the egg. At this moment, the fusion of male and female sets of chromosomes occurs, the sex and other characteristics of the child are determined, and active cell division - blastomeres - begins. On at this stage a woman can only feel signs of ovulation occurring. Therefore, it is not possible from a physiological point of view to determine at this stage whether conception has taken place or not, based only on sensations.

When the 3rd day comes after fertilization of the egg, the embryo already consists of 6-8 cells, less often 10, and at the same time its genetic code already fully formed. And it is at this stage that the development of twins begins. At this moment, the synthesis of estrogen in the expectant mother’s body increases, which may be accompanied by a slight causeless increase in body temperature and other symptoms of a mild cold.

4 days after conception, the embryo already has 10-16 cells. It is also worth noting that it is at this time that it enters the fallopian tube directly into the uterine cavity.


Between days 5 and 7, the gestational egg seeks a place to more securely attach to the wall of the uterus. At this time, implantation bleeding is possible, which occurs during the process of attachment ovum to the wall of the uterus, which may be accompanied by bleeding.

You can read more about this in one of our previous articles Embryo implantation: features of the process, signs and precautions for maintaining pregnancy

It is impossible to determine from such secretions that the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus with a 100% guarantee, but taking into account the additional sensations that arise, it can be determined that a new life has already arisen inside the mother’s womb.

A week after conception, if implantation is successful, the laying of the chorion begins - the placental membrane of the embryo. And already on the 8th day, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG - a hormone produced directly by the fetal placenta and which is necessary to ensure the full development of the child and its gestation, begins to increase in the woman’s body.

The concentration of gonadotropin can be determined already on the 10th day after fertilization of the egg, which can be done either using home pregnancy tests or by donating blood for a clinical test. As a rule, at this time a delay in menstruation is already detected. In addition, it is worth noting that in blood hCG appears earlier than in urine, so clinical analysis can be taken after 1-2 days of delay.

How to understand whether conception has occurred?

As mentioned earlier, immediately after fertilization of the egg has occurred, it is not possible to determine the fact of conception. The first signs of an “interesting position” appear only after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. What sensations can one feel? expectant mother, if conception was successful?

Signs of pregnancy: what are they?

After implantation of the gestational egg to the wall of the uterus, it is possible following signs, indicating pregnancy:

  1. Increased body temperature. The readings on the thermometer should not be too high - no more than 37.3-37.5°C. This symptom is caused by an increased level of hormones in the body of the expectant mother, which is provoked by its active restructuring to more intensive work. It’s worth saying a few words here that when pregnancy occurs, basal temperature indicators also increase. Therefore, if a woman keeps an appropriate calendar, then consistently high rates BT – not lower than 37°C – it will be able to determine both the onset of ovulation and conception.
  2. In the first days after implantation, signs of conception may include: physical sensations. For example, change gastronomic preferences, attacks of nausea, vomiting. But if the first sign of the above is associated with hormonal changes, then the last two, as many doctors say, are the body’s reaction to increased level toxic substances in it, to which the fetus reacts very sharply, provoking the notorious toxicosis.
  3. Vaginal discharge. After pregnancy, their number increases significantly. And if they are not accompanied by itching and unpleasant smell, then they are considered the norm. Otherwise, the woman is advised to consult a doctor, because regardless of the position, the discharge should not cause any discomfort.
  4. Tingling in the uterus. This symptom of conception can last for 2 weeks from the moment of embryo implantation.

How else can conception manifest itself?

In addition to the signs of pregnancy described above, indirect symptoms may also occur, indicating that something is happening in the woman’s body. active development new life.

So, some time after the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, changes in the mammary glands can be observed: they begin to increase in size, which is accompanied by an increase in their sensitivity. This symptom is associated with the same hormonal changes, due to which the breasts begin to actively prepare for lactation. New lobes begin to develop in it, and the number of cells responsible for milk production increases.

Speaking about changes in the mammary glands, it is worth noting that the onset of pregnancy can also be accompanied by a change in the isola: it acquires a darker shade.

Another sign of conception can be, oddly enough, cystitis. Changes in blood flow in the uterus and pelvis provoke changes in the woman’s genitourinary system. IN in this case cystitis does not occur against the background of the development of an infectious-inflammatory process, but is a reaction of the urinary system to a change in the composition of urine, which becomes more acidic. In addition, there may be pressure from the uterus on the bladder and pain during urination.

It is not recommended to regard each symptom individually as a sign of conception, but taken together they will indicate the development of pregnancy.

Why do you need to know about the first symptoms?

If a couple is planning a pregnancy, then knowing the fact that it has taken place will help them adjust to a more “safe” rhythm of life as early as possible. What gives early diagnosis pregnancy:

  • a woman can begin to adhere to some special fortified diet earlier:
  • you can promptly refuse complex, exhausting work and switch to easier work;
  • the expectant mother will try to protect herself from any stress and other situations that threaten her health and her pregnancy.

In addition, there is another option why you need to know about the first symptoms of conception. It is impossible to say that any pregnancy is desired, and each of us understands this very well. Some women do not even think about having children at this stage of their lives, which may be due to a number of factors: the banal absence of a permanent partner who would not mind starting a family, the absence financial opportunity, or pursuing other goals, for example, career and so on.

In case of unwanted pregnancy a woman can decide for herself to terminate it. And the sooner she learns about the fact of conception, the lower the risk of developing the consequences of such a procedure. And that is why it is very important to know what the first signs of conception are.

Bottom line

At the end of this publication I would like to summarize:

  1. Regardless of whether the pregnancy is planned or not, knowing the signs of conception will help you make timely decisions.
  2. How do you know if conception has occurred? You can be guided either by signs indicating the onset of pregnancy, or resort to tests, or take an hCG test 1-2 days after a missed period.
  3. It is important to understand that all signs of pregnancy are purely informative and it is not recommended to judge the occurrence of conception based on them, taking into account only one or another symptom. Only in combination can they give more or less reliable results.

What do you think about this? Perhaps you know other symptoms that indicate that conception has occurred in the body? Share with us and our readers interesting information, which may even be very useful for someone! Leave your comments at the end of the post.

Conception is considered serious physiological phenomenon, consisting of several stages. The result is the fertilization of the egg, the creation of an embryo that develops in the uterine area until labor pains. When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception? Pregnancy can be determined by numerous moments– signs of conception often appear a few days after the fertilization process.

During the first stages of pregnancy female body perceives the created embryo as a foreign element, actively entering into a fight with it. In this situation, the process is individual - the first signs of conception are different women also manifest themselves in different ways. How long does it take for them to appear? Some representatives of the fair sex immediately notice symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception, while others, on the contrary, do not observe pronounced changes. Almost all signals of pregnancy can be observed earlier than 6 weeks after the process of fertilization of the egg. Often the first signs of conception resemble a premenstrual state - irritability, fatigue. The female body accepts pregnancy as a viral phenomenon until a certain period of time, until it becomes accustomed to various modifications.

First signals after conception

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

The signal of pregnancy in the first week after conception is slight bleeding, accompanied by painful sensations, spasmodic moments in the lower abdomen.

These symptoms of pregnancy in the first week indicate the attachment of the embryo in the uterine cavity. Signs of conception after ovulation can appear on days 6-7.

But any pain or bleeding should not be taken immediately as symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. It is possible that these moments are a consequence of the use of contraceptives, hormonal substances or the onset of the menstruation process earlier than expected; these signs are also characteristic of ectopic pregnancy. An examination by a specialist will reveal the current state of affairs with the patient’s body, including determining whether these are indeed signs of conception after ovulation.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first week:

  • Fatigue;
  • Tearful mood;
  • Aggressive behavior;
  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Strong emotionality, attacks of pity for one’s condition;
  • Apathetic attitude.

The symptoms arise due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which is required for pregnancy to occur. An increase in basal temperature serves as a signal of conception. Usually it decreases a couple of days before menstruation, but in the situation of fertilization this process does not occur.

In addition, the symptoms of pregnancy in the first week are enlarged mammary glands, nipples become sensitive, with such measures the body gradually prepares for the future process breastfeeding child.

Breasts not only increase in size size range, but also becomes sensitive and even painful, the color of the areola around the nipple changes, it darkens to brown tint. Typically, women notice these signs from 6-7 days of pregnancy. The reason for the manifestation of these moments is hormonal release. During pregnancy, from mammary glands Colostrum is able to form, which the baby needs immediately after birth. Sudden headaches are considered a consequence of changes in the body, a hormonal imbalance. The occurrence of the above symptoms is individual; they directly depend on the hereditary traits inherent in a given female individual. To make sure that there is a conception, you need to contact a specialist, get tested, only then will it be known exact result examinations.

But the reasons for the manifestation of the above symptoms do not always relate to the process of pregnancy. It is also possible that precursor signals various pathologies, for example, the reproductive system, since a healthy representative of the fair sex should not experience a lack of menstruation. Therefore, it is important in this situation to immediately contact a medical specialist to undergo an examination and find out the cause of this negative phenomenon.

Signals of pregnancy similar to those of a cold

For many female representatives, pregnancy signals resemble colds and flu:

  • Dizziness;
  • Darkening in the eyes;
  • Chills;
  • Increase in temperature;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Malaise;
  • Headache;
  • Changes in blood pressure;
  • Cough, runny nose.

A woman can feel these moments a couple of weeks after conception. Processes of restructuring of functioning internal organs, changes in hormonal levels - all this leads to dizziness, possible loss consciousness. Pressure surges and temperature increases are caused by increased work of the pituitary gland, which produces hormones. The above signals require timely consultation with a doctor in order to prevent the occurrence of late toxicosis, and also reduce possible risks for a child.

Pregnancy for the digestive structure

After fertilization of the egg begins big process modifications of the hormonal system. The functioning of many organs may be disrupted; first of all, new phenomena occur in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Heartburn;
  • Flatulence;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Change in taste characteristics;
  • Stomach cramps;
  • Increased appetite;
  • The appearance of unusual taste preferences;
  • Intolerance to certain smells and foods.

You should know that many of the above properties are considered signals food poisoning. But if, for example, nausea does not disappear within several days, then it is necessary to undergo tests to determine pregnancy.

Pregnancy and genitourinary functioning

Also, increased urination serves as a signal of conception, if there is no possibility that this is some kind of kidney pathology or cystitis. Frequent visits to the toilet may appear a couple of weeks after conception.

These signals are not considered reliable - the process of pressure of the uterus on the bladder occurs in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This phenomenon that occurs in the early stages is a restructuring in the functioning of all organs due to pregnancy.

In the process of carrying a baby, the load on all organs increases, especially on the kidneys, which begin to function in an enhanced mode, which, by the way, can cause inflammatory moments. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner, undergo examination, and take the necessary tests.

To reduce the load on the kidneys, they usually limit their fluid intake and avoid spicy and salty foods.

Determination of the onset of fertilization

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception? Specific time it is impossible to name, since each organism of any woman is unique, with its own unique characteristics. Also, do not exclude the moment general condition functioning of the body. Depending on individual properties, signals of pregnancy can be observed by women for 8-10 days after the fertilization process. There are situations when a woman realizes the onset of her pregnancy already 2-3 days after conception. This is usually noted as a result of self-hypnosis, with female representatives who have desire get pregnant.

It is important to determine the onset of pregnancy in a timely manner - the time when a woman finds out that she will soon have a baby directly determines the health and full development her baby. If she is unaware of her new situation, she continues to lead a normal lifestyle, which may often include:

  • Overwork, stress;
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • Use of different medicines, antibiotics;
  • Unhealthy diet;
  • Heavy physical activity.

The above phenomena have an extremely negative impact on the development of the fetus. The sooner the expectant mother finds out about her pregnant situation, the faster she can refuse harmful addictions, adjust your lifestyle, establish proper nutrition. Therefore, it is so important to listen to the work of your body in order to immediately notice the first signals of pregnancy.

Not reliable, but it’s quite interesting to collect small statistics on the most likely and fantastic signs that the body gives expectant mother about upcoming motherhood. To write this article, we, among other things, looked at several topics on forums for expectant mothers. So, what do women feel in the first two weeks, what are the very first signs of pregnancy after conception?

Stomach ache

This is a standard occurrence. Women can feel such pain even before the onset of menstruation, so first discomfort they don't talk about anything. But if the pain remains, and there is still no bleeding, then you should consult a gynecologist. Sometimes such pains signal a threatening spontaneous interruption pregnancy. These spasms have nothing to do with the growth of the uterus, as many believe. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is only egg size, and no “ligaments” are stretching yet either. In general, these first signs of pregnancy after conception should not be a concern if there is no spotting.

Digestive system problems

Here we include the following:

But just keep in mind that the symptoms described above are the first signs of pregnancy after conception only if at least a week has passed since conception. The previously fertilized egg is still in fallopian tube, And hormonal background women remains unchanged. Drastic changes can be noticed only after the implantation of an egg fertilized by a sperm into the wall of the uterus.

Difficult psychological state

First of all, it consists in frequent change moods. Of course, women in general are not permanent creatures, but expectant mothers, for the most part, become even more capricious. There is no need to judge them for this. Hormonal levels play a role here. A woman’s body signals what it lacks, which is why expectant fathers sometimes have to run to the store at night. And self-pity is caused by the instinct of self-preservation of oneself and the child. Changes in mood can begin simultaneously with the appearance of the main first signs of pregnancy after conception. It has been noticed that first-time mothers always worry more, the reason for this is inexperience or internal unpreparedness to become a mother.

Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands

Probably 90% of women have these first signs of pregnancy after conception. For some they are more pronounced, while others do not pay attention to them due to existing mastopathy (with which these sensations are similar). Some women with zero or first breast size notice that literally a couple of weeks after conception, their breasts began to take on more seductive, rounded shapes. This is due to the preparation of the breast for subsequent feeding of the child.

In some cases, women even notice discharge from the nipples - this is colostrum. Liquid that replaces the baby breast milk in the first days of his life. But more often this sign appears in the second half of pregnancy.

Increased frequency of urination

If we talk about this first sign of pregnancy after conception, then its main cause is an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood, which somewhat relaxes the bladder sphincter. I start to want to go to the toilet more often. And with increasing gestational age, this symptom, as a rule, becomes more pronounced. From the second half of pregnancy, the heavy uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which again increases the frequency of urination. There is probably no expectant mother who doesn’t get up at night to go to the toilet.

It is very important not to miss the onset of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, which occurs in many expectant mothers. In principle, if a woman is registered with a gynecologist, she regularly undergoes urine tests, and based on their results, a recurrence of cystitis can be determined. Its main symptoms are very frequent and painful urination, lower abdominal pain . In more severe cases The body temperature rises and severe weakness is observed.

Increased rectal and body temperature

Regarding basal temperature, this is one of the main evidence of an interesting situation, but only after the onset of a delay in menstruation. We can say that the first signs of pregnancy after conception, but not too reliable for the time being. The fact is that an increase in basal temperature in the second half of the cycle is an ordinary phenomenon and only indicates that ovulation has occurred and that the woman in this cycle is capable of conception, respectively. The thermometer begins to show a little more than 37 degrees due to the fact that after ovulation the body begins to intensively produce progesterone, which provokes elevated temperature. If conception has taken place, and the readings on the thermometer show below 37 degrees, then the doctor may suspect a lack of progesterone, and this is one of the common causes of spontaneous miscarriages.

Remember that the temperature values a huge impact provides taking various medications, drinking alcohol, having sexual intercourse several hours before the morning, various diseases etc.

By the way, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are a rise in not only the basal, but also general temperature bodies. This is often perceived as the beginning of a cold, but there are no other symptoms possible illness don't appear.

Chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of a woman

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that begins to be produced by the chorion - future placenta. The presence of this hormone can be determined in three ways: in simple ways: do homework, donate blood for analysis, donate urine for analysis. Last method was very popular for many years until convenient test strips came along. Now there is no need to bring urine for analysis. A pregnancy test with high sensitivity (look at the package, the number should be written no more than 20) can show an accurate result 2-3 days before the delay occurs. While ordinary, not too sensitive test It is recommended to use strips only after the start of the delay.

A blood test can be done even earlier, literally from the 10th day after conception, approximately a week before the start of the delay. And if ovulation occurred in the middle of the cycle, then by this time everything will be clear. The results of a blood test for hCG are the most reliable, the only exact first signs of pregnancy after conception before the onset of delayed menstruation.

Mystical sign - dreams

Many mothers know that the very first symptom of new life has nothing to do with medicine and health. These are our dreams. Most women claim that during that menstrual cycle, when fertilization of the egg occurred, they saw a fish in their dreams... Yes, an ordinary, live fish swimming in a pond or hanging on a fishing rod hook. Believe it or not is up to you.

Why do you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception?

We have considered the main probable and relatively reliable symptoms. But is there any point in rushing to diagnose so much, especially since errors at very early stages are not uncommon? Yes, there is a certain meaning in this. As you know, in the early stages it is very dangerous to take certain medicines, which means you need to ask the doctor to adjust the treatment if it is being carried out. Expectant mothers should not have X-rays done in the early stages; it is not advisable to catch a cold, and even more so, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections must be completely eliminated. There are diseases that are asymptomatic and during the planning period it is advisable to undergo full examination to both partners.

This is why you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception, and in order not to worry, the child must be planned and not accidental.

Have a healthy and happy pregnancy!
