Girls in Russian police uniforms. Policewomen in Russia

In the closet of her office there is a wardrobe for all occasions - a police uniform, "civilian" blouses, a dress for ceremonial receptions, warm trousers for street events in the off-season cold weather ... This is all because Lyudmila TROPINA is at work much more often than Houses.

We agreed on the MEETING for several months. It seemed that the interview was about to take place, but the official affairs of the deputy. the head of the Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region and the head of the division for juvenile affairs, police lieutenant colonel L. Tropina, ruined our plans. Either Tropina was urgently sent on a business trip, then another ministerial check broke out, then she had to write a report, then go to the duty unit ... But finally a wonderful moment came. She told me on the phone: "Do you want to play football? Come, we'll talk there." On Sunday, on duty, Lyudmila Tropina was going by train to Ramenskoye near Moscow, where the Dynamo-Saturn match was to be played. Together with your regional subordinates, watch out for violent underage fans.

- Why did you choose such a hectic job for yourself?

I've been dreaming about her since high school. At the age of 15 I read Medynsky's book "Honor" - about the work of the police with troubled teenagers. And she went to the local branch to offer her help. At first, the inspector for juvenile affairs strongly escorted me out of there. But I didn't give up.

- Your wards were almost the same age as you, well, a little younger. How did you deal with them?

I tried to look more impressive and behave stricter. When I was 18-20 years old, I specially wore glasses with simple glasses. To be perceived not as a girl, but as a police officer. Of course, anything happened: the guys could insult and laugh. But in general mutual language I found with teenagers.

Did the boys fall in love with you?

No, I deliberately portrayed a little "commissioner in a skirt", so to speak, I did not give a reason. My colleagues are only now admitting how they were in love with me. One confessed after 26 years. At the time, I didn't even know how to say it. The other male colleagues treated me patronizingly. This is not how young people are treated today. And some civilian young people, when they found out that I was from the police, even found something original in this.

- Police work is full of risk. Do you love risk?

Yes, sure. But it never occurred to me to risk thoughtlessly. One way or another, the risk is always present. I remember I was 8 months pregnant, still working, and a friend of mine asked for help. Her son was in a den. I completely forgot that I was pregnant and rushed to save him. Everything worked out, the main thing is not to show that you are afraid. Although now, it seems to me, I am not afraid of anything in this life. The worst thing is meanness... and when they don't understand you.

- Did you have detective situations at work?

When I was 20 years old, I was asked to help in the capture of a maniac who terrified the residents of the Moscow Region. By that time, there were already seven victims on his account. He killed women - he came up from behind and beat them on the head with a sledgehammer, and then raped them. I was to become a "decoy" on which he was supposed to peck. I agreed without hesitation. (Now I would really think about it.) And so I walked late in the evening and at night along the darkest alleys, went into the entrances ... Of course, they insured me: I had a walkie-talkie with me, a hat on my head, put on a helmet, employees were watching me militia. But it still didn't feel right. Especially when I walked under the bridge - it was dark, deserted. Every night the police detained the men who reacted inadequately to me to check. But I didn't meet that maniac. He was arrested while attacking another woman. When we went to the scene, he cynically said about me: "I wish I had caught her not here..." And then he escaped from the paddy wagon. For security reasons, they hid me until he was caught.

- After this, it became easier to work with teenagers? Still, not with maniacs ...

There were different things. After all, maniacs "come from childhood." Employees of our service go to brothels, attics, basements. Communicate with drug addicts. Once I had a guy on the site from a very dysfunctional family. Imagine the story of his birth. When his mother was pregnant, she found her drug addict husband at home with his mistress. And they beat her up badly. After that, the boy was born with cerebral palsy. Further his fate is not better. He ended up in jail as a teenager. In the temporary detention facility, he tried to mutilate himself - he hammered a nail into his stomach. And at the trial, where I vouched for him, his mother - a drug addict and a recidivist - shone her fist right in my eye.

Of course, childhood is very great importance. You know, I began to have a completely different attitude, for example, to Boris Moiseev. With sympathy. After being on a TV show, he talked about his childhood. What grew up in poor family that at the age of eight he was seduced by a 20-year-old guy ...

- Do you have children?

Son. He worked as an investigator, now an adjunct of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

- How to raise children so that they do not have to communicate with the police?

First of all, you need to be a friend to the child. Know how he lives. For example, when my son was still at school, despite my busyness, the fact that I hardly do housework (my husband and mother mostly do this), I was the chairman parent committee and with her son's class she went and went everywhere.

- How does your husband tolerate your work? Isn't he a police officer?

No, he's a choreographer. To help me, he became the director of the Adolescent Help Center. Always treated with understanding. He even took parental leave when his son was sick. But in Lately he got tired of my employment. In general, both my relatives and friends say that I should leave work faster and stop torturing myself.

- And what are you? Now the police are difficult conditions work. And the salaries are small, and there is a lot of work. Why You Need It? Do you have nowhere to go?

On the contrary, I receive very profitable offers in terms of money. But I have no right to leave. And I ask the veterans of the service not to leave. Now is such a period that a little more - and the police will be filled with completely random people. This cannot be allowed. Until the state turns its face to the police, experienced lawyers will not join it. Now, even in the investigation, people often work without a legal education. It's terrible. Of course, in life you need to change something sometimes, but I will never leave the problem of minors. I would like to share my experience with someone. I have several candidates. But lately, unfortunately, there are a lot of "dandelions" working in the police. It is because of them that the attitude towards the female officer worsened.

- "Dandelions" - who is this?

Who, although they wear a uniform, do not know what real police work is. Which, it took a little - "I can't, I'm a woman." When they tell me that I am a woman, I answer: "I am not a woman, I am an officer." I have been convinced of this for over 25 years. By the way, when I first came to work, we had such PMGs - patrol and police groups: from evening to five in the morning we drove around the city, toured brothels, collected teenagers. Even at the age of 20, it never occurred to me to take an accompanying person. Women from my service and now any district police officer or opera themselves will accompany.

- Do you have a masculine character?

Still, I wouldn't say that. Although I can be a very tough and uncomfortable person when it comes to the role of my unit. As a leader, I must defend the interests of my service and my subordinates. In addition, I believe that there are no bad subordinates, but there are bad bosses who set the task incorrectly. For me, it is not so important who my opponent is by position. As you know, "ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived." A smart and intelligent leader will always try to understand the situation and will not puff out his cheeks. But in the police, the desire to change something for the better, ignoring subordination, for some reason is considered "overestimation of self-esteem."

I am very grateful to the Governor of the Moscow region B. Gromov. He turned out to be subtle and wise: he helped raise the prestige of the juvenile service. Thanks to him, a “technical revolution” took place in the service (computers and so on appeared). And the heads of local administrations take an example from the governor.

- How are the problems of minors solved abroad?

For 10 years, pseudoscientists in the field of social prevention have been intensively studying Foreign experience. And foreigners, on the contrary, listen to our specialists and implement our experience! I was in Sweden, Germany, Spain and other countries. Few practitioners are so lucky. But only a practical worker can evaluate the foreign approach to the problems of neglect and juvenile delinquency and determine what is acceptable in Russian life. I did not learn anything new for myself there: their new is our old, well buried by amateurs, which needs to be urgently revived.

Trouble recent years- the scammers pushed aside the specialists, groped for a "vein" - human grief - and are exploiting it. As a result, what do we have? Homeless children, drug addiction and... international adoption.

The state itself creates the conditions for juvenile delinquency. All this is a lie that there is no money in the country for special vocational schools, shelters, rehabilitation centers. More money goes to empty actions and conferences, to the creation of funds and empty structures. I propose to leave (including the deputies) from warm offices and take a walk through Russian railway stations, landfills, attics, basements where homeless children live. Then it will immediately become clear what laws need to be adopted. And not only police officers will have a headache, what to do with a hungry, lousy, raped child. The impoverished and outraged militia, as in the post-revolutionary years, extends a helping hand to the destitute and so far remains alone (!) Responsible for what our children are doing.

- If you became the Minister of the Interior, what would you do first?

I would have identified her as the leader of our service - on juvenile affairs. And all efforts would be thrown at the prevention of juvenile delinquency and family troubles. Today, unfortunately, priority is given to solving crimes. But you need to understand: the better the prevention of crime, the less work for operas and district police officers.

- How to position yourself so that men treat a female colleague with respect?

Don't ask for favors. All the hardships of the police profession to experience on an equal footing with men. Know your subject in depth. However, discrimination against women in the police is difficult to overcome. There are still many stupid and flawed men in our system who stand in the way of smart and purposeful women. Because of this, many talented women leave. Unfortunately, I cannot be completely frank in my story about the situation in the police and what I myself had to go through, because I still work in it. When I retire, I'll write my memoirs.

Is it easy for a woman to get into the police?

In modern realities, if a girl meets the requirements for a candidate for a police officer, that is, she is from 18 to 35 years old, she speaks the state (Russian) language and is able to perform official duties due to her personal qualities, physical fitness and health status, she has a chance the same as a man. The only exceptions are some divisions. But women work there, and very successfully.

What education do you need to get a job? Do I need a special university or can I come with a civilian specialty?

In our country there are two dozen educational organizations systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, operating in many cities of Russia. In addition to physical training, the applicant must have an excellent knowledge of the Russian language, history and social studies.

But even after a civilian university, the door to the police is not closed. Upon entering the service, any young employee undergoes training at the Training Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (in our department it is the Training Center for the Training Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the North Caucasus Federal District), the so-called young fighter course, where he will be taught the basics of the profession of a policeman. The course includes fire training and hand-to-hand combat, legal and professional psychological training, the style of drafting procedural documents, forensics, the basics of computer science, special equipment, and first aid.

Do not forget that the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs a variety of specialists: chemists, programmers, psychologists, veterinarians. For example, I am a journalist by education, I graduated from the journalism department of Rostov state university(currently SFU). I work in the press office.

Most of the civilian specialists who work for us go to higher educational establishments Ministry of Internal Affairs and study in absentia.

Are there any restrictions on hiring women?

In no case. Just when hiring, the head of the department is guided common sense. The main thing that future employee able to successfully complete assigned tasks. I do not want to offend anyone, but there are areas in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in which it is very difficult for even a trained man to work - both physically and mentally. These are special forces, operational services, and, of course, senior positions. Believe me, great responsibility exhausts people much more than training in the gym.

In what areas do women work?

Most women are employed in such areas as investigation and inquiry, work with minors, cynology, expert forensics, work in headquarters, analytical, information, and rear divisions. In a word, there is practically no service in the modern police that would do without women.

What skills and knowledge do you need to have to be successful in your job?

Each of us has job descriptions work areas are different. To summarize, you need to have stress resistance, be prepared for emergency situations, love your job and people. And, of course, it is important to be a specialist in the narrow field in which you work. Without this, everything else is meaningless.

What is the ratio of men to women at work?

Due to the low wages in the 90s, firstly, there was an outflow of professional personnel from the police, and secondly, men left the police. Twenty years have passed since then. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is recovering, licking its wounds after the information harassment, the guys after the army can go to the service and feed their families, as they receive a pretty decent salary. The time of men in the police has come, and it pleases.

At the same time, the “girls” of the nineties set grew up, including me. In departments, the weaker sex sometimes even prevails, since this work is office, analytical. There are more men "on the ground", where it is physically and psychologically more difficult. But this is my opinion. I don't have any gender statistics.

Are there any prejudices on the part of male colleagues? Neglect or - on the contrary - care?

I was lucky, I always felt support from my colleagues, I have friendly relations with my colleagues. Friends are recognized in trouble, and when trouble happened to my husband on duty (he is an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), fellow police officers donated blood, called, everyone was interested in how they could help. As a rule, in most cases, female police officers are treated with care and attention, they are given a strong shoulder. At the same time, do not flatter yourself: “freebie” will not work! When a young lady comes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first thing she hears is parting words: “You are not a woman, you are an employee!” This phrase will not just haunt her all working life in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this postulate will become the norm, a given, it will cease to bother. There is no sexism, no prejudice in the teams of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everyone is tuned in to the result in their work, they do a common thing together. But if you come to the police just to show that you better than men then you don't belong here.

Tell us about the pros and cons of the profession

A person who decides to devote himself to service in any law enforcement agency must be aware that from now on he does not belong to himself. Serving in the police is associated with a number of restrictions and prohibitions that will have to be reckoned with. For some girls, both adherence to a strict dress code and the inability to show themselves in social networks in a swimsuit will be unpleasant. A female police officer will not be able to connect her life with a person who has a criminal record, she does not have the right to obtain a second citizenship. The Federal Law "On the Police" clearly spells out all the restrictions, if you don't like it, leave.

Everyone knows the advantages of serving in the police - this is a full social package, a stable salary, and most importantly, the joy of understanding that you serve the state and people.

Tell me about any difficult situation at work and how you managed to cope with it.

There were many difficult situations, both funny and tragic. As a rule, a person feels and experiences everything more acutely in his youth, and therefore remembers those years better. Once a comical incident happened to me during a business trip, when I was afraid to jump from the train, and I had to pull the stopcock. I remember the case because I could not overcome myself and was very worried. This happened in the 2000s in Argun, I was riding on a "foundling" together with sappers of the transport OMON, who were supposed to clear mines from the territory adjacent to the railway bridges of Chechnya. We had to jump off at the checkpoint where the fighters of the combined police detachment were guarding the railway bridge across the Argun River. The engineering department had bulky equipment with them, so when the train slowed down, the sappers were the first to jump, passing boxes to each other in turn. When it was my turn, the "foundling" began to pick up speed, and I was frightened. Luckily, I had an officer from the local police with me, he pulled the stopcock. In the evening, when the guys told the commander about this incident, I immediately honestly admitted that I did not have the courage. You know, not a single person laughed at me. Nobody. It is in such cases that male support is manifested for us.

What does your typical work day look like?

Ideally, every day of a press officer in the police should not be similar to one another, but there are duties that need to be performed daily. The morning begins with getting acquainted with the operational summary for the past day, monitoring the media and the Internet, working with the official website of the Office, with the documentation received. During the day, depending on the planned (and, which usually happens, unplanned) events, we go to the transport facilities of the operational service area (it includes the entire North Caucasus and part of the south of the country). This is done to collect information, take photos and videos. Often the captured footage remains in the archive for internal use.

Sometimes we meet with representatives of the media, public organizations members of the public council. Returning to the office, we start processing the collected information, write texts, mount videos, and process photos.

In addition, press service employees, like all other employees, are required to own weapons. Therefore, we attend shooting, pass tests, take up duty orders. The working day for senior officers is irregular, when it will end, it is impossible to say in advance. In addition, you may also have to get up in the middle of the night. In order to prepare a press release, go on a video shoot, participate in a training field trip.

Which career possible in the profession for a woman?

I want to say to the girls who decide to serve in the police: stop and think carefully. And if you have not changed your mind, go to the intended goal, you will achieve everything! Today, it is quite possible for a woman to end her career as a department head with the rank of police colonel, and this is not the ceiling. But I emphasize - for a woman who is able to sacrifice a lot for the sake of service.

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November 10 is celebrated as a big holiday "Militia Day" or as it is now customary to call it the day of police officers. It is generally accepted that the profession of a police officer is suitable only for men, for the most part this is true. However, at the moment there are so many women in law enforcement that they make up almost 20 percent of the total. For more than a century of police service, women have not worse than men mastered all the intricacies of the police profession. Women plan and direct police operations. They patrol the streets of our cities. Along with male colleagues, they pursue and detain armed criminals, escort those arrested, monitor security traffic. The theme of a woman - a policewoman, unraveling exciting crime stories, inspired not a single director. Many poems and songs are devoted to women in the police service.

Historical aspects of the recruitment of women into the police force

Recruitment of women into police organizations in most countries began with their appointment as guards in places where women and minors are detained. So, back in 1845, in two prisons in New York, two women were hired as guards. In the Russian Empire, in 1887, the positions of caretakers of women's departments and prison guards were introduced in prisons to supervise female prisoners.

The first woman to be recruited into the police force was Maria Owens, who received a position as a police officer with the Chicago Police Department in 1893. This position became for her a kind of compensation in connection with the loss of the breadwinner - her deceased policeman husband. Pensions to the families of those killed in the line of duty call of duty cops weren't paid then, and so the Chicago Police Department at the time tried to support the families of the victims. Maria Owens became the first female police officer in history and served in the Chicago Police Department for thirty years.

Women's militia in revolutionary Russia

In the Russian Empire, the admission of women to the police service was allowed in 1916 by a decree of the Council of Ministers “On strengthening the police in 50 provinces of the empire and on improving the service and financial situation police officials." Women began to be hired for work not related to access to secret documents and for positions no higher than the eighth grade of the Table of Ranks. However, the autocracy was soon overthrown, and the Provisional Government liquidated the Police Department, transferring police functions to the military.

After October revolution the new authorities, realizing the importance of maintaining public order in the country, created a new Soviet militia. And since universal equality was proclaimed the victorious revolution, the admission of women to the service of law enforcement agencies was theoretically not limited by anything. In practice, things were somewhat different. Women were accepted into the police service only when the states could not be staffed with men. Reception was carried out on a general basis, and those accepted were sent mainly to factories and factories to inspect women leaving work in order to combat the increasing cases of theft of socialist property.

After numerous mobilizations at the front of the civil war, by the beginning of 1919, the number of the Petrograd militia was reduced by almost 80%, and its duties increased many times over, because. the police were also entrusted with the protection of all vital objects of the city. In Petrograd itself, there was an acute shortage of workers, which was reflected in the staffing of the police. There was simply no one to replace the militiamen leaving for the front. In this regard, in May 1919, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs decided to organize a women's militia in Petrograd. It was decided to accept literate women of proletarian origin, fit for health reasons, into the police. Reception was carried out only on the recommendations of the trade union or labor collectives. All women entering the militia were required to undergo a three-week course of special training.

The recruitment of women into the militia was widely announced through the local press. The recruitment was very active. "Krasnaya Gazeta" in the issue of May 29, 1919 wrote on this occasion: "Yesterday the day of recording women in the police was unusual: the influx of workers who wanted to enroll in the city police was extremely large. The number of those who appeared yesterday was twice as high as all previous days."

During June - July 1919, the women's militia of Petrograd was created and staffed with 700 women - policemen, some of whom were sent to the district police departments, and some replenished the consolidated combat detachment of the City Police Department. 40 best graduates courses were appointed by senior police officers, who in those years served as district inspectors. Women - policemen carried patrol and guard duty, guarded industrial facilities, worked in the criminal investigation department, fought against child homelessness, and participated in special operations.

Life has shown that the experience of creating a women's militia has fully justified itself. In total, during 1919, the courses produced several issues, which made it possible to replace about 1,500 policemen with women - men who had gone to the front. However, with the end of the civil war, the women's militia of Petrograd was abolished.

A distinctive feature of the creation of a women's militia in Russia from other countries was that here the circumstances themselves forced the authorities to resort to the help of women in protecting public order and combating crime, while in other countries women had to long and hard to seek recognition from the authorities of their right on an equal basis with men to work in law enforcement.

First soviet woman- police chief

She joined the militia in 1928 at the direction of the county party committee, and was first appointed police chief of the Kingisenp district, and from 1929 - head of the 11th police department in Leningrad.

Paulina Onushonok was born in Latvia, which was then part of the Russian Empire, in the family of a poor peasant - a laborer. In 1905 she joined the revolutionary movement, and in 1917 she joined the Bolshevik Party. Participated in the storming of the Winter Palace. Since 1918 she served in the Cheka.

After the appointment of Paulina Onushonok to the position of the Kingisenpa militia, the unit she led in short term became one of the best. This predetermined her transfer to Leningrad.

The 11th police department, which was headed by a female policeman, served the area of ​​​​the famous Ligovka. The Ligovka of those years were famous thugs, as if specially gathered from all districts of the city, having permanent bases in numerous overnight houses and dens, where even armed policemen were afraid to go alone. The Lig bandits kept the whole city in fear, and respectable citizens tried to bypass this area.

Some time after the appointment of Paulina Onushonok to the post of head of the 11th police department, the Lig bandits were finished. Who ended up behind bars, who was killed in a shootout with policemen, and who went on the run, realizing that there was nothing more to do in Ligovka. And the woman - the militiaman has won Ligovskih thugs. During the day, she drove her subordinates, and in the evenings she disappeared somewhere. But in the brothels and doss houses of Ligovka, a homeless woman appeared, who easily gained confidence in the bandits. Having thus carried out reconnaissance, having found out everything necessary about the League authorities, and their habits, Paulina Onushonok, having picked up convenient time, inflicted a powerful and decisive blow to the underworld, from which the criminals could not recover. In our time, this would be called a brilliant special operation.


Policewoman has long ceased to be news in modern society. IN this moment the number of girls in the police is steadily increasing. Police officers have long occupied not only "cabinet" positions, but also work on an equal footing with men.

The main goal of girls who want to connect their lives with the police is an interest in this species activities, as well as the desire to show others their strength and independence, to prove to the world some aspects of gender equality.

For more masculine women, police work is an excellent outpouring of their qualities, for more feminine and fragile women it is an opportunity to smooth out their femininity, strengthen their character and gain experience in dealing with more experienced and determined people.

Police work is very difficult. Both physically and mentally. It would seem that this work is simply created for men. But there are also female police officers who successfully cope with this position. What is their job? Who are policewomen? The answers to these questions are in the article.

Historical reference

Policewomen appeared for the first time in the territory Russian Empire in 1916. By this time, the fair sex met in the ranks of the military, but they were allowed to occupy positions that did not involve access to secret documents.

After the October Revolution, the situation changed somewhat. Theoretically, between male and female parts From now on, the population was equal, which was officially proclaimed by the new government. In practice, female police officers appeared in the ranks of public guardians of the law only in cases where there was a shortage of men. As a rule, the fairer sex was sent to work in factories and plants. Their duties included screening workers in order to identify cases of theft. state property. Changes occurred in the mid-forties, after the end of the Second World War. At that time there were about twenty thousand women in the ranks. Of these, almost a quarter was involved in the criminal investigation.

What does a woman need to be to become a successful police officer?

Today, the Russian Federation accepts women into its ranks. There are no restrictions on gender. The condition for employment is the presence of higher education, good health and excellent reputation. Biographical information about the applicant is also taken into account. Refusal to work may even be due to the fact that a relative of a potential police officer was serving a sentence in prison. A plus when choosing a new employee from several is military service, although it is optional for women. But even if all these qualities of the applicant meet the requirements, the police of the Russian Federation does not guarantee one hundred percent employment. Followed by medical board, which, as a rule, not everyone passes.

Positions held by female police officers

Most often, women are found in services such as passport control and the migration department. Many female police officers successfully prove themselves in the role of juvenile inspectors. Paperwork is also in the hands of women. Women in the police often sit at the headquarters or are engaged in personnel records management. However, the fair sex today is less and less willing to sit in a warm room. They can be found in positions such as an interrogator and even an escort. And the colonies are also always waiting for new employees to join their ranks. Often, female police officers of Russia give themselves to a career in the justice system.

Difficulties facing women in the service

The biggest challenge for female police officers is high level psychological stress at work. Also, when working in the police, the fair sex is faced with an irregular work schedule, the need for strict obedience to the charter. In view of these circumstances, they have to face problems of misunderstanding in the family. In Russia, not every man is ready to accept the fact that his wife is not always at home. In this regard, many women leave the service, as they still prefer the family.

But, despite this fact, women, oddly enough, are increasingly striving to enter the service. In the ranks of the police Russian Federation there are more and more of them every year. Those women who take root in the profession command respect and admiration from male colleagues.

Women who have distinguished themselves in the service

The fair sex is now found in absolutely every police station. They are in power, investigating crimes and saving people's lives. A few names to know are listed below:

  1. The first woman in the Soviet police - Paulina Onushok. Head of the eleventh police department. She started with service in the Cheka. All units entrusted to her work have always become the best and most demonstrative.
  2. Antonina Panteleeva - senior lieutenant of justice. Saved the life of a man injured on the subway rails.
  3. Leysan Mirgalieva is the best investigator of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  4. Kirillova Olga Evgenievna - police colonel. Leads all the General Directorate for Migration.
  5. Romashova Nadezhda Nikolaevna - lieutenant general of the internal service. Successfully manages the Department of Financial and Economic Policy.
  6. Natalya Gritsenko is a senior police lieutenant. Promotes knowledge and observance of the rules of behavior on the road to the younger generation.
  7. Oksana Istrashkina is a police captain. Successfully solves crimes and skillfully finds unknown intruders.
